New ChessX release

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

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New ChessX release

Post by whp »

On 1st of July ChessX 0.6 has been released. Download ChessX and give developers feedback. It is open source and free software so if you're interested in making it better yourself just code away.

I've written about ChessX earlier on this forum. (earlier means like almost 2 years ago) As you can imply from release frequency ChessX needs badly developers and users. It is a shame, because its goal is very ambitious - to be the next SCID, and the start is very promising.

Go, try it out and help creating ChessX - new free chess databse!
Posts: 1766
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:14 am

Re: New ChessX release

Post by yanquis1972 »

i always love trying new things, & this seems nice (i really like the dynamic way the windows shift when you move them, for one thing), but i cant get rybka to load! what could i be doing wrong? it shows up in the list of engines to choose from (its the only one so far) but nothing happens when i click analyze.
Dann Corbit
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Re: New ChessX release

Post by Dann Corbit »

It took 54 minutes to read my PGN file, suffering 58 million page faults during this time.

The I/O was 13 GB, twice the size of the PGN file.

Double clicking on a game in the "Game List" seems to have no effect that I can discern. What is the purpose of this pane?

The Opening Tree has move 2 as:
Move Count Score Rating Year
2:[end] 2310100: 29.6% 54.8% 2422 126

I am not sure what it is supposed to mean, but I guess it is totally wrong.
For instance, I don't have 2 million incomplete games in the database, and considering that the other 20 first moves are accounted for, I can think of no logical explanation.

What does File/Save do?

Not ready for prime time. If you want to replace SCID, it should be almost as good as SCID for starters. It's not even in the same ballpark.

I do like the chess font you have chosen for the chess board.
Posts: 1766
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:14 am

Re: New ChessX release

Post by yanquis1972 »

well imo, skid's look & interface is unworkable. this is potentially a -major- improvement, if the kinks can be worked out.

i got analysis running, btw, but the analysis pane only displays one line at a time, at refreshing each iteration, thats not too good. needs a lot of work but i love the interface.