Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

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Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by fastgm »

Stockfish 8 64-bit - 2 threads - 1024 MB Hash - Initial position

Code: Select all

depth    time ms     DD:hh:mm:ss           nodes        bf    cp      nps    hashfull 
10              74   00:00:00:00              51.528   1.00   57     696.324     0
11             133   00:00:00:00             130.364   2.53   45     980.180     0
12             223   00:00:00:00             237.768   1.82   37   1.066.224     0
13             395   00:00:00:00             420.385   1.77   37   1.064.265     0
14             567   00:00:00:01             670.315   1.59   23   1.182.213     0
15             641   00:00:00:01             792.198   1.18   27   1.235.878     0
16             757   00:00:00:01           1.000.824   1.26   28   1.322.092     0
17           1.258   00:00:00:01           2.008.118   2.01   33   1.596.278     0
18           2.088   00:00:00:02           3.796.769   1.89   22   1.818.375    26
19           2.477   00:00:00:02           4.650.768   1.22   23   1.877.580    33
20           3.144   00:00:00:03           6.088.651   1.31   24   1.936.593    45
21           4.400   00:00:00:04           8.712.840   1.43   25   1.980.190    63
22           6.835   00:00:00:07          13.692.099   1.57   18   2.003.233   111
23           8.222   00:00:00:08          16.587.332   1.21   22   2.017.432   135
24          11.896   00:00:00:12          24.156.377   1.46   30   2.030.630   190
25          30.097   00:00:00:30          62.541.019   2.59   11   2.077.981   447
26          40.478   00:00:00:40          84.174.283   1.35   15   2.079.506   574
27          85.665   00:00:01:26         177.569.530   2.11   34   2.072.836   871
28         116.782   00:00:01:57         242.138.941   1.36   14   2.073.426   960
29         150.693   00:00:02:31         312.227.485   1.29   29   2.071.944   983
30         187.329   00:00:03:07         388.143.752   1.24   20   2.071.989   995
31         218.670   00:00:03:39         452.338.189   1.17   23   2.068.588   999
32         334.460   00:00:05:34         693.385.589   1.53   16   2.073.149   999
33         688.439   00:00:11:28       1.423.614.284   2.05   10   2.067.887   999
34         959.169   00:00:15:59       1.972.368.171   1.39   13   2.056.330   999
35       1.311.060   00:00:21:51       2.684.876.152   1.36   12   2.047.866   999
36       1.747.187   00:00:29:07       3.574.271.147   1.33   22   2.045.729   999
37       2.168.666   00:00:36:09       4.430.198.564   1.24   16   2.042.821   999
38       2.301.245   00:00:38:21       4.700.693.476   1.06   11   2.042.674   999
39       2.669.441   00:00:44:29       5.456.169.298   1.16   14   2.043.937   999
40       4.305.309   00:01:11:45       8.796.341.753   1.61   23   2.043.138   999
41       5.043.251   00:01:24:03      10.304.394.400   1.17   15   2.043.204   999
42       6.163.077   00:01:42:43      12.607.111.680   1.22   12   2.045.587   999
43      11.704.666   00:03:15:05      23.922.036.460   1.90   23   2.043.803   999
44      16.937.122   00:04:42:17      34.605.395.789   1.45   16   2.043.168   999
45      25.293.010   00:07:01:33      51.793.868.024   1.50   15   2.047.754   999
46      58.861.833   00:16:21:02     120.869.146.385   2.33   16   2.053.438   999
47      60.983.741   00:16:56:24   1.04   20   2.053.941   999
48      80.467.251   00:22:21:07   1.32   14   2.054.004   999
49     137.606.460   01:14:13:26     284.498.079.385   1.72   19   2.067.476   999
50     152.838.143   01:18:27:18     316.243.494.695   1.11   15   2.069.139   999
51     313.825.718   03:15:10:26     651.498.351.913   2.06    9   2.075.987   999
52     457.131.224   05:06:58:51     952.467.175.009   1.46   18   2.083.574   999
53     787.841.129   09:02:50:41   1.644.777.406.595   1.73    8   2.087.701   999
54     864.170.379   10:00:02:50   1.803.437.732.983   1.10   14   2.086.900   999
55     884.350.926   10:05:39:11   1.845.641.519.551   1.02   15   2.087.001   999
56   1.238.638.856   14:08:03:59   2.598.073.792.501   1.41   10   2.097.523   999
57   23:14:10:17   4.319.371.134.134   1.66   16   2.119.190   999
58   2.142.544.248   24:19:09:04   4.544.357.728.522   1.05   14   2.121.009   999
59   2.569.364.930   29:17:42:45   5.449.646.140.528   1.20   13   2.121.009   999

Code: Select all

info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 90 nodes 38 nps 9500 tbhits 0 time 4 pv e2e4
info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 31 nodes 170 nps 34000 tbhits 0 time 5 pv e2e4 d7d6
info depth 3 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 119 nodes 368 nps 73600 tbhits 0 time 5 pv d2d4 d7d6 e2e4
info depth 4 seldepth 4 multipv 1 score cp 9 nodes 1010 nps 126250 tbhits 0 time 8 pv b1c3 d7d5 e2e4 c7c6
info depth 5 seldepth 5 multipv 1 score cp 43 nodes 2004 nps 182181 tbhits 0 time 11 pv e2e4 d7d5 e4e5 d5d4 d2d3
info depth 6 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 3867 nps 227470 tbhits 0 time 17 pv e2e4 e7e5 d2d4 g8f6 f2f3 d7d6
info depth 7 seldepth 7 multipv 1 score cp 29 nodes 8633 nps 308321 tbhits 0 time 28 pv e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 d8d5 b1c3 d5d4 d1f3 d4e5 f3e2
info depth 8 seldepth 10 multipv 1 score cp 27 nodes 14547 nps 404083 tbhits 0 time 36 pv e2e4 b8c6 g1f3 d7d5 e4d5 d8d5 b1c3 d5e6 d1e2
info depth 9 seldepth 14 multipv 1 score cp 21 nodes 25603 nps 483075 tbhits 0 time 53 pv e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 d8d5 b1c3 d5e6 d1e2 b8c6 g1f3 e6e2 f1e2
info depth 10 seldepth 16 multipv 1 score cp 57 nodes 51528 nps 696324 tbhits 0 time 74 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 d7d5 f3e5 g8f6 e4d5 d8d5 d1e2 c7c6
info depth 11 seldepth 17 multipv 1 score cp 45 nodes 130364 nps 980180 tbhits 0 time 133 pv e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 g8f6 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 e6d5 d1e2 d8e7 c3d5 f6d5 c4d5
info depth 12 seldepth 18 multipv 1 score cp 37 nodes 237768 nps 1066224 tbhits 0 time 223 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 e5d4 f3d4 d7d5 f1b5 c8d7 e4d5 c6d4 b5d7 d8d7 d1d4 d7e7 c1e3 g8f6 d4a4 f6d7
info depth 13 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 37 nodes 420385 nps 1064265 tbhits 0 time 395 pv d2d4 g8f6 e2e3 e7e6 g1f3 b8c6 f1d3 d7d5 e1g1 f8e7 a2a3 f6e4 c2c4 e8g8 c1d2
info depth 14 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 23 nodes 670315 nps 1182213 tbhits 0 time 567 pv d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 e7e6 e2e3 d7d5 c2c4 f8e7 f1e2 e8g8 b1c3 c7c5 d4c5 e7c5 e1g1 d5c4
info depth 15 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 27 nodes 792198 nps 1235878 tbhits 0 time 641 pv d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 e7e6 e2e3 d7d5 c2c4 f8e7 f1e2 e8g8 b1c3 c7c5 d4c5 e7c5 e1g1 d5c4 a2a3 b8c6 e2c4
info depth 16 seldepth 24 multipv 1 score cp 28 nodes 1000824 nps 1322092 tbhits 0 time 757 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 e5d4 f3d4 g8f6 d4c6 b7c6 e4e5 d8e7 d1e2 f6d5 c2c4 d5b6 b1c3d7d5 c4d5 c6d5 c1f4
info depth 17 seldepth 27 multipv 1 score cp 33 nodes 2008118 nps 1596278 hashfull 16 tbhits 0 time 1258 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5c6 d7c6 h2h3 f8c5 e1g1 d8e7 d2d3 g8f6 b1c3 e8g8 c1e3 c5e3 f2e3
info depth 18 seldepth 27 multipv 1 score cp 22 nodes 3796769 nps 1818375 hashfull 26 tbhits 0 time 2088 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5a4 g8f6 e1g1 f8e7 d2d4 e5d4 e4e5 f6e4 f1e1 e4c5 a4c6 d7c6 f3d4 e8g8 c2c3
info depth 19 seldepth 27 multipv 1 score cp 23 nodes 4650768 nps 1877580 hashfull 33 tbhits 0 time 2477 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5a4 g8f6 e1g1 f8e7 a4c6 d7c6 b1c3 c8g4 h2h3 g4f3 d1f3 e8g8 f3g3 e7c5 d2d3 d8e7 c1d2 g7g6 a1e1
info depth 20 seldepth 30 multipv 1 score cp 24 nodes 6088651 nps 1936593 hashfull 45 tbhits 0 time 3144 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5a4 g8f6 e1g1 f8e7 a4c6 d7c6 b1c3 c8g4 h2h3 g4f3 d1f3 e7c5 d2d3 d8e7 a2a3 c5d4 c1g5 e8c8 g5f6 g7f6 f3g4 c8b8
info depth 21 seldepth 32 multipv 1 score cp 25 nodes 8712840 nps 1980190 hashfull 63 tbhits 0 time 4400 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5c6 d7c6 e1g1 f8d6 c2c3 g8e7 d2d4 e7g6 d4e5 g6e5 f3e5 d6e5 d1d8 e8d8 c1e3 e5d6 b1d2 c8e6 f2f4 f7f6 g2g3 d8e7
info depth 22 seldepth 34 multipv 1 score cp 18 nodes 13692099 nps 2003233 hashfull 111 tbhits 0 time 6835 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 d2d4 e5d4 f1e1 f7f5 b1d2 f8e7 d2e4 f5e4 b5c6 b7c6 d1d4 d7d5 d4g7 e7f6 g7h6 c8f5 c1g5 f5g6 a1d1
info depth 23 seldepth 34 multipv 1 score cp 22 nodes 16587332 nps 2017432 hashfull 135 tbhits 0 time 8222 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 g8f6 e1g1 f6e4 d2d4 e5d4 f1e1 f7f5 b1d2 f8e7 d2e4 f5e4 b5c6 b7c6 d1d4 d7d5 d4g7 e7f6 g7h6 c8f5 c1g5
info depth 24 seldepth 34 multipv 1 score cp 30 nodes 24156377 nps 2030630 hashfull 190 tbhits 0 time 11896 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5c6 d7c6 e1g1 f8d6 c2c3 g8e7 d2d4 e7g6 d4e5 g6e5 f3e5 d6e5 d1e2 e8g8 c1e3 e5d6 f2f4 d8e7 b1d2 f7f6
info depth 25 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 11 nodes 62541019 nps 2077981 hashfull 447 tbhits 0 time 30097 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1d3 f8d6 d1e2 d6e7 e1g1 e8g8 f1e1 b8c6 c1g5 h7h6 g5f6 e7f6 c2c3 c8e6 b1d2 f8e8 d3c2 a7a6 f3e5 c6e5 d4e5 f6h4 d2f3
info depth 26 seldepth 38 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 84174283 nps 2079506 hashfull 574 tbhits 0 time 40478 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 e4d5 e6d5 f1d3 g8f6 g1f3 f8d6 e1g1 e8g8 f1e1 c8e6 c2c3 b8d7 b1a3 c7c6 f3g5 f8e8 h2h3 d6a3 b2a3 h7h6 g5e6 e8e6 c1f4 e6e1 d1e1 c6c5
info depth 27 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 34 nodes 177569530 nps 2072836 hashfull 871 tbhits 0 time 85665 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8b4 c1g5 e8g8 e2e3 c7c5 c4d5 e6d5 f1e2 c5c4 e1g1 c8e6 f3e5 h7h6 g5f6 d8f6 e3e4 d5e4 d1c2 b4c3 b2c3 f6f4 e5c4 b8c6 c4e3
info depth 28 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 14 nodes 242138941 nps 2073426 hashfull 960 tbhits 0 time 116782 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8b4 c1g5 e8g8 e2e3 c7c5 c4d5 e6d5 f1e2 c5c4 e1g1 c8e6 f3e5 b8c6 d1a4 d8b6 g5f6 g7f6 e5c6 b7c6 a4c2 f8b8 b2b3 b4d6
info depth 29 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 29 nodes 312227485 nps 2071944 hashfull 983 tbhits 0 time 150693 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8e7 c1f4 e8g8 e2e3 b8d7 c4d5 f6d5 c3d5 e6d5 f1d3 c7c5 e1g1 c5c4 d3c2 d7f6 f3e5 e7d6 a1c1 c8e6 b2b3 a7a6 f4g5 b7b5 g1h1 c4b3
info depth 30 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 20 nodes 388143752 nps 2071989 hashfull 995 tbhits 0 time 187329 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 b8d7 c4d5 e6d5 c1f4 f8b4 e2e3 c7c5 f1d3 c5c4 d3c2 e8g8 e1g1 b4c3 b2c3 f8e8 a1b1 d8a5 a2a4 f6e4 b1b5 a5d8 d1a1 d7f6 f4e5 b7b6 e5f6 e4f6 a4a5 c8b7
info depth 31 seldepth 41 multipv 1 score cp 23 nodes 452338189 nps 2068588 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 218670 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8e7 c1f4 e8g8 e2e3 b8d7 c4c5 f6h5 f1d3 h5f4 e3f4 c7c6 e1g1 b7b6 b2b4 a7a5 a2a3 a5b4 a3b4 a8a1 d1a1 d8c7 g2g3 c8b7 a1b2 f8a8 f1a1 a8a1 b2a1 e7f6 a1b2 b6c5
info depth 32 seldepth 46 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 693385589 nps 2073149 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 334460 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c4 f8b4 c1d2 b4d2 d1d2 g8f6 g1f3 d7d5 e2e3 e8g8 f1d3 b7b6 e1g1 c7c5 f1d1 b8d7 c4d5 e6d5 b1c3 c8b7 a1c1 d8e7 d2c2 f8e8 d3f5 g7g6 f5h3 e7d6 b2b3 a8d8 c3b5 d6b8 h3d7 f6d7
info depth 33 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp 10 nodes 1423614284 nps 2067887 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 688439 pv d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 f8b4 g1f3 e8g8 e2e3 c7c5 c1d2 c5d4 e3d4 b8c6 a2a3 b4c3 d2c3 d7d5 f1d3 d5c4 d3c4 b7b6 e1g1 c8b7 f1e1 f6d5 c4d3 d8d6 d1c2 h7h6 b2b4 d5c3 c2c3 a8c8
info depth 34 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp 13 nodes 1972368171 nps 2056330 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 959169 pv d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 e7e6 c1f4 d7d5 e2e3 f8d6 f4g5 e8g8 c2c4 d6e7 b1c3 h7h6 g5f4 b8d7 f1e2 d5c4 e2c4 a7a6 f3e5 d7e5 d4e5 f6d5 c4d5 e6d5 c3d5 c8e6 d5e7 d8e7 e1g1 e6c4 f1e1 c4e6 f4g3 c7c6 d1c2 f8d8 a2a3
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp 12 nodes 2684876152 nps 2047866 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 1311060 pv d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 e7e6 c1f4 b7b6 e2e3 c8b7 f1e2 d7d5 c2c4 f8d6 f4d6 d8d6 c4d5 e6d5 b1c3 e8g8 e1g1 h7h6 d1c2 a7a6 a1c1 b8d7 f3h4 c7c5 h4f5 d6e6 h2h4 f6e4 g2g4 f8c8 a2a3 d7f6 c3e4 f6e4
info depth 36 seldepth 49 multipv 1 score cp 22 nodes 3574271147 nps 2045729 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 1747187 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 g8f6 e4d5 e6d5 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 e8g8 d4f5 f8e8 c2c3 d8d7 b3d4 a8c8 f5e7 e8e7 c1f4 c8e8 f2f3 e4d6 d1c2 h7h6 h2h3 d7d8 b2b3 f6h5 f4h2 a7a6
info depth 37 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 4430198564 nps 2042821 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 2168666 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 g8f6 e4d5 e6d5 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 e8g8 d4f5 f8e8 c2c3 a8c8 c1e3 e7f8 b3d4 d8d7 e3f4 e4c5 h2h3 c5e6 f4e3 e6d4 f5d4 f6e4 f1e1 f8d6 d4f3 d6c5 f3d4 c5d4 e3d4
info depth 38 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 11 nodes 4700693476 nps 2042674 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 2301245 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 g8f6 e4d5 e6d5 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 e8g8 d4f5 f8e8 c2c3 a8c8 f1e1 e7f8 c1f4 d8d7 f5e3 g7g5 f4g3 b7b6 b3d4 h7h5 f2f3 h5h4 g3f2 e4f2 g1f2 h4h3 g2g3 f8c5
info depth 39 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 14 nodes 5456169298 nps 2043937 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 2669441 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 c2c3 e8g8 d2b3 c5e4 c1f4 f8e8 f3d4 e7d6 d1c1 h7h6 f1e1 d8c7 f4d6 e4d6 c1f4 e8e7 a2a4 a8e8 e1e7 e8e7 h2h3 e7e8 a4a5 a7a6
info depth 40 seldepth 57 multipv 1 score cp 23 nodes 8796341753 nps 2043138 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 4305309 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 c2c3 e8g8 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 f8e8 d4f5 a8c8 f1e1 e7f8 h2h3 e4d6 e1e8 d8e8 f5d6 f8d6 b3d4 h7h6 c1e3 a7a6 d1d3 e8e4 d3e4 d5e4 a1d1 c8e8
info depth 41 seldepth 57 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 10304394400 nps 2043204 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 5043251 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 c2c3 e8g8 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 f8e8 d4f5 a8c8 f5e7 d8e7 c1f4 e4c5 b3c5 c8c5 f4e3 c5c6 f1e1 b7b6 h2h3 h7h6 d1d3 c6e6 a1d1 e6e5 d3c2 f6e4 f2f3 e4c5
info depth 42 seldepth 57 multipv 1 score cp 12 nodes 12607111680 nps 2045587 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 6163077 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 c2c3 e8g8 d2b3 c5e4 f3d4 f8e8 d4f5 a8c8 f5e7 d8e7 c1f4 e4c5 f4g5 c8c6 b3d4 c6b6 g5f6 e7f6 d1d2 c5e6 f1e1 e8d8 d4e6 f7e6 d2e2 e6e5 e2e5 f6e5 e1e5 b6b2 e5e7 g7g6 a1e1
info depth 43 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp 23 nodes 23922036460 nps 2043803 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 11704666 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 b8c6 b1c3 d7d6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 e7e5 d4f3 f8e7 f1c4 c6a5 c4d5 g8f6 e1g1 c8e6 d1d3 e6d5 c3d5 f6d5 d3d5 d8c7 f1d1 e8g8 b2b3 b7b6 c1a3 a5b7 c2c3 a8c8 g2g3 g7g6 a1c1 g8g7 c3c4 b7c5 g1g2 f7f5 e4f5 g6f5 h2h3 f5f4
info depth 44 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 34605395789 nps 2043168 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 16937122 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 b8c6 f1b5 e7e6 e1g1 g8e7 b5a4 g7g6 c2c3 f8g7 d2d4 c5d4 c3d4 d7d5 e4e5 h7h6 b1c3 e8g8 f1e1 c8d7 a4c2 f7f6 c1e3 c6b4 e5f6 f8f6 a1c1 b4c2 c1c2 e7c6 f3e5 g6g5 e5d7 d8d7 c2c1 a8f8 f2f3 f8c8 d1d2 f6f8 e3f2 d7f7 b2b3 a7a6 c3e2 f7f6
info depth 45 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 51793868024 nps 2047754 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 25293010 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 a7a6 c1e3 e7e5 d4b3 c8e6 f1e2 f8e7 e1g1 e8g8 d1d3 b8c6 a1d1 a8c8 a2a3 c6a5 b3a5 d8a5 f1e1 a5c7 e2f3 f8d8 d1c1 h7h6 h2h3 e6d7 d3d2 b7b5 c1b1 c7b7 b1d1 d7c6 d2d3 c6d7 d1d2 d7e6 e1d1 e6c4
info depth 46 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 120869146385 nps 2053438 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 58861833 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 a7a6 c1e3 e7e6 d1f3 b8d7 a2a4 d8c7 a4a5 d7e5 f3g3 h7h5 h2h4 c8d7 d4b3 e5c4 e3c1 a8c8 f1e2 f8e7 e1g1 e8g8 e2c4 c7c4 f2f3 f8e8 c1h6 g7g6 f1d1 e6e5 h6g5 c4c7 g3f2 g8g7 b3c1 d7e6 c1d3 f6d7 g1h1 e7g5 h4g5
info depth 47 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 20 nodes 125257049772 nps 2053941 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 60983741 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 a7a6 c1e3 e7e6 a2a3 f8e7 f2f3 e8g8 d1d2 d6d5 e4e5 f6d7 f3f4 b8c6 f1d3 d7c5 d3e2 d8c7 e1g1 b7b5 d4c6 c7c6 e3d4 c8b7 d2e3 c5d7 f1f3 e7c5 a1d1 c5d4 e3d4 c6c5 f3g3 c5d4 d1d4 b7c6 g1f2 f8c8 h2h4 a8b8 h4h5 h7h6
info depth 48 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 14 nodes 165280120063 nps 2054004 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 80467251 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 d8d5 g1f3 c5d4 f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 b7b5 c4d3 c8b7 f1d1 f8d6 d4b3 b7d5 b3a5 g8f6 c2c4 b5c4 a5c4 d6c7 b2b3 e8g8 c1b2 f6g4 h2h3 d5c4 d3c4 c7e5 a1b1 e5b2 b1b2 g4e5 c4e2 a6a5 a2a3 a8d8
info depth 49 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 19 nodes 284498079385 nps 2067476 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 137606460 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 a7a6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 c1e3 e7e5 d4b3 f8e7 f1e2 c8e6 e1g1 e8g8 f1e1 b8d7 a2a4 a8c8 e2f3 d7b6 b3d2 b6c4 d2c4 c8c4 a4a5 d8d7 h2h3 f8c8 d1d2 c8c6 e1d1 d7c8 d2e1 c4c3 b2c3 c6c3 d1d3 c3c2 a1c1 h7h6 c1c2 c8c2 d3c3 c2a4 e3b6 a4b4 e1d2 b4a4 d2c1 e6d7 c3c7 f6e4 c7b7
info depth 50 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 316243494695 nps 2069139 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 152838143 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 a7a6 g2g3 g8f6 f1g2 b8c6 e1g1 g7g6 d2d3 f8g7 f1e1 c8g4 h2h3 g4f3 g2f3 a8b8 f3g2 e8g8 f2f4 f6d7 c3e2 b7b5 e1f1 b5b4 f4f5 c6d4 e2d4 g7d4 g1h2 a6a5 a1b1 a5a4 c1h6 d4g7 h6e3 e7e6 d1d2 d8e7 e3g5 g7f6 g5h6 f8e8 f5g6 h7g6 a2a3 b4a3 b2a3 d7e5 b1b8
info depth 51 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 9 nodes 651498351913 nps 2075987 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 313825718 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 a7a6 h2h3 e7e5 d4e2 b7b5 g2g4 c8b7 f1g2 h7h6 e1g1 b8d7 c1e3 a8c8 e2g3 d8c7 a2a3 g7g6 d1f3 f8e7 f1d1 d7b6 g2f1 b6c4 f1c4 b5c4 f3g2 c8d8 d1d2 d8b8 g2f1 b7c8 a1b1 c8e6 f2f3 h6h5 g4g5 f6d7 h3h4 e8g8 g1g2 b8b7 f1f2 b7b8 c3d5 e6d5 d2d5
info depth 52 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 18 nodes 952467175009 nps 2083574 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 457131224 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 c2c4 e7e5 e1g1 f8e7 d2d3 g8f6 c1d2 e8g8 h2h3 a7a6 b5a4 d7b8 b1c3 b8c6 a2a3 c8e6 c3d5 a8b8 b2b4 b7b5 a4b3 c5b4 c4b5 b8b5 d5e7 d8e7 b3a4 b4b3 a4b5 a6b5 f1e1 f8a8 d2c3 f6h5 f3e5 c6e5 d1h5 e5d3 e1d1 e6c4 h5g4 g7g6 g4f3 d3c5 f3e3 f7f6 e3d4 g8f7 a3a4 a8a4 a1a4 c5a4 c3b4
info depth 53 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 1644777406595 nps 2087701 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 787841129 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 e1g1 a7a6 b5d3 g8f6 c2c3 e7e6 a2a4 f8e7 d3c2 b7b6 d2d3 c8b7 f1e1 e8g8 h2h3 b6b5 c1f4 d8c7 b1d2 f8c8 d2f1 d7e5 f4g3 e5f3 d1f3 b7c6 f3e2 g7g6 g3f4 c7b7 f4g5 f6h5 g5h6 d6d5 f1d2 b5b4 d2f3 e7d6 h6g5 a6a5 e4e5 d6e7 g5e7 b7e7 d3d4 c5c4 e2d2 c8d8 c2d1 b4c3
info depth 54 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 14 nodes 1803437732983 nps 2086900 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 864170379 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 e1g1 a7a6 b5d7 c8d7 d2d4 c5d4 d1d4 g8f6 b1c3 e7e5 d4d3 h7h6 a2a4 d8b6 h2h3 f8e7 f3d2 d7e6 d2c4 b6c5 c4e3 e8g8 f1d1 a8c8 a4a5 f8e8 c1d2 c5d4 d2e1 d4d3 d1d3 f6h5 f2f3 g7g6 c3d5 e6d5 d3d5 e7g5 e1f2 g5e3 f2e3 c8c2 e3h6 e8d8 d5d2 c2d2 h6d2 d6d5 e4d5 d8d5 a1d1 d5d3 g1f2 h5f4
info depth 55 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 1845641519551 nps 2087001 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 884350926 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 e1g1 a7a6 b5d7 c8d7 d2d4 c5d4 d1d4 g8f6 b1c3 e7e6 f1d1 f8e7 e4e5 d6e5 f3e5 d7b5 d4d8 e7d8 a2a4 b5c6 e5c6 b7c6 c1f4 f6d5 f4g3 e8g8 g3d6 f8e8 a1b1 d5f6 d6c5 d8c7 b2b4 e8d8 g2g3 c7e5 c3e2 f6e4 c5e3 e4c3 e2c3 e5c3 d1d8 a8d8 b1b3 c3f6 g1g2 d8d1 b4b5 c6b5 a4b5 a6b5 b3b5 g8f8 b5b7 f8e8 b7a7 d1a1 a7a1 f6a1
info depth 56 seldepth 82 multipv 1 score cp 10 nodes 2598073792501 nps 2097523 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 1238638856 pv e2e4 c7c5 b1c3 d7d6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 d8d7 g1e2 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 d1d4 b8c6 d4d3 c6b4 d3d2 e7e6 a2a3 b4c6 d2g5 h7h6 g5g3 e8c8 c1e3 d6d5 e1c1 f8d6 f2f4 f6e4 c3e4 d5e4 e2c3 d7e7 c3e4 d6a3 g3g7 h8g8 d1d8 g8d8 h1d1 d8d1 c1d1 e7b4 g7h8 c6d8 h8d4 b4b2 d4b2 a3b2 e3a7 c8c7 a7c5 c7c6 c5e7 f7f5 e4d2 c6d7 e7c5 d7c6 c5e3 c6d5 c2c4 d5d6 d2f3 b2f6 e3d4 f6d4 f3d4
info depth 57 seldepth 91 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 4319371134134 nps 2119190 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 2038217463 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 b5d3 d7c5 b1c3 g7g6 f2f3 f8g7 c1e3 e8g8 d3e2 c8d7 e1g1 a7a6 d4b3 c5b3 a2b3 d8c7 d1d2 d7c6 c3d5 f6d5 e4d5 c6d7 c2c3 a8e8 e3f2 e7e6 e2c4 d7c8 f1d1 e6e5 c4d3 f7f5 d1e1 b7b5 b3b4 c8b7 a1a5 e8c8 d3c2 c7c4 d2d3 c4d3 c2d3 f8f7 e1a1 g7f6 a1d1 f6g5 d3c2
info depth 58 seldepth 91 multipv 1 score cp 14 nodes 4544357728522 nps 2121009 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 2142544248 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 b5d3 d7c5 b1c3 g7g6 f2f3 f8g7 c1e3 e8g8 d3e2 d8c7 e1g1 a7a6 d1d2 f8d8 c3d5 f6d5 e4d5 c8d7 c2c3 d8e8 f1e1 e7e6 d5e6 c5e6 e3f2 e6d4 f2d4 a8d8 d4g7 g8g7 d2d4 g7g8 e2d3 c7c5 d3e4 b7b5 g1f2 d7e6 e1d1 d8b8 e4d5 e8e7 d1e1 b8e8 d5e6 c5d4 c3d4 e7e6 e1e6 e8e6 a1d1 e6e8
info depth 59 seldepth 91 multipv 1 score cp 13 nodes 5449646140528 nps 0 tbhits 0 time -1731567787 pv e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 f1b5 b8d7 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 b5d3 d7c5 b1c3 g7g6 f2f3 f8g7 c1e3 e8g8 d3e2 d8c7 e1g1 a7a6 d1d2 f8d8 c3d5 f6d5 e4d5 c8d7 c2c3 d8e8 f1e1 e7e6 d5e6 c5e6 d4b3 a8d8 e2f1 d7a4 d2f2 c7c6 b3d4 e6d4 e3d4 g7d4 f2d4 c6c5 g1f2 c5d4 c3d4 d8c8 f1d3 a4b5 e1e8 c8e8 d3e4 f7f5 e4d5 g8g7 a2a4 e8e2 f2g3 b5d7 d5b7 g6g5 g3h3 e2b2 b7a6 f5f4 g2g4 d7c6
Dann Corbit
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Dann Corbit »

SF loves the Sicilian.

Code: Select all

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "B51"]
[Variation "Sicilian"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nf6 6. Bd3 Nc5 7. Nc3
g6 8. f3 Bg7 9. Be3 O-O 10. Be2 Qc7 11. O-O a6 12. Qd2 Rd8 13. Nd5 Nxd5
14. exd5 Bd7 15. c3 Re8 16. Rfe1 e6 17. dxe6 Nxe6 18. Nb3 Rad8 19. Bf1
Ba4 20. Qf2 Qc6 21. Nd4 Nxd4 22. Bxd4 Bxd4 23. Qxd4 Qc5 24. Kf2 Qxd4+
25. cxd4 Rc8 26. Bd3 Bb5 27. Rxe8+ Rxe8 28. Be4 f5 29. Bd5+ Kg7 30. a4
Re2+ 31. Kg3 Bd7 32. Bxb7 g5 33. Kh3 Rxb2 34. Bxa6 f4+ 35. g4 Bc6 *
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Dann Corbit
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Dann Corbit »

as EPD:

[d]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - acd 59; acs 2569364; acn 5449646M; ce 13; bm e4; pv e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Nd7 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Bd3 Nc5 Nc3 g6 f3 Bg7 Be3 O-O Be2 Qc7 O-O a6 Qd2 Rd8 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Bd7 c3 Re8 Rfe1 e6 dxe6 Nxe6 Nb3 Rad8 Bf1 Ba4 Qf2 Qc6 Nd4 Nxd4 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Qc5 Kf2 Qxd4+ cxd4 Rc8 Bd3 Bb5 Rxe8+ Rxe8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kg7 a4 Re2+ Kg3 Bd7 Bxb7 g5 Kh3 Rxb2 Bxa6 f4+ g4 Bc6 ;

Code: Select all

rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - acd 59; acs 2569364; acn 5449646M; ce 13; bm e4; pv  e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Nd7 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Bd3 Nc5 Nc3 g6 f3 Bg7 Be3 O-O Be2 Qc7 O-O a6 Qd2 Rd8 Nd5 Nxd5 exd5 Bd7 c3 Re8 Rfe1 e6 dxe6 Nxe6 Nb3 Rad8 Bf1 Ba4 Qf2 Qc6 Nd4 Nxd4 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Qc5 Kf2 Qxd4+ cxd4 Rc8 Bd3 Bb5 Rxe8+ Rxe8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kg7 a4 Re2+ Kg3 Bd7 Bxb7 g5 Kh3 Rxb2 Bxa6 f4+ g4 Bc6 ;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Jouni »


[D]8/6kp/B1bp4/6p1/P2P1pP1/5P1K/1r5P/R7 w - - 0 36

is 0-1 ! So startposition is black win 8-) .
Dann Corbit
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Dann Corbit »

After 29. Bd5+, the rest is quiescence.
That is ply 59
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Graham Banks
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Graham Banks »

[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "B51"]
[Variation "Sicilian"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Nd7 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nf6 6. Bd3 Nc5 7. Nc3
g6 8. f3 Bg7 9. Be3 O-O 10. Be2 Qc7 11. O-O a6 12. Qd2 Rd8 13. Nd5 Nxd5
14. exd5 Bd7 15. c3 Re8 16. Rfe1 e6 17. dxe6 Nxe6 18. Nb3 Rad8 19. Bf1
Ba4 20. Qf2 Qc6 21. Nd4 Nxd4 22. Bxd4 Bxd4 23. Qxd4 Qc5 24. Kf2 Qxd4+
25. cxd4 Rc8 26. Bd3 Bb5 27. Rxe8+ Rxe8 28. Be4 f5 29. Bd5+ Kg7 30. a4
Re2+ 31. Kg3 Bd7 32. Bxb7 g5 33. Kh3 Rxb2 34. Bxa6 f4+ 35. g4 Bc6[/pgn]
gbanksnz at
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by jd1 »

Dann Corbit wrote:After 29. Bd5+, the rest is quiescence.
That is ply 59
I guess there are probably a few check extensions and/or singular extensions along the way though, besides quiescence couldn't generate a quiet move like 30. a4.
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by elpapa »

Dann Corbit wrote:After 29. Bd5+, the rest is quiescence.
That is ply 59
Nitpick: The 59th halfmove is actually 30. a4
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by zullil »

fastgm wrote:Stockfish 8 64-bit - 2 threads - 1024 MB Hash - Initial position
A multithreaded search is non-deterministic. Do you get the same line when you search again? :twisted:
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Re: Stockfish 8 - Initial position until depth 59

Post by Ovyron »

zullil wrote:A multithreaded search is non-deterministic. Do you get the same line when you search again? :twisted:
Hmm, you can gamble it:

Put Stockfish 1 Thread to analyze on 1.e4 and another Stockfish 1 Thread to analyze on 1...c5.

If the first one still likes 1...c5 at depth 57 then you have achieved deterministic relative depth 60 at the root (you pruned all the alternatives to 1.e4 and all the alternatives to 1...c5 to gain depth faster, because Stockfish was going to pick them anyway).

If 1...c5 is dropped, or at depth 60 the original would have dropped 1.e4, this gamble is lost.