Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

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Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

Post by fastgm »

Houdini 6 Pro x64-popc - Dual Intel Xeon X5675 @ 3.06 GHz - 12 threads - 8192 MB Hash - Initial position

sd = seldepth, bf = branching factor, cp = centipawns, nps = nodes per second, hf = hashfull

Code: Select all

depth  sd     time ms     DD:hh:mm:ss          nodes          bf    cp      nps        hf
  20   41         4.906   00:00:00:05           96.292.125   1.37   22   19.627.000     78
  21   41         8.790   00:00:00:09          172.392.993   1.79   29   19.612.000    125
  22   43        13.947   00:00:00:14          274.228.931   1.59   30   19.662.000    194
  23   44        24.890   00:00:00:25          488.598.329   1.78   10   19.630.000    332
  24   44        30.161   00:00:00:30          590.869.964   1.21   21   19.590.000    386
  25   48        42.467   00:00:00:42          831.148.974   1.41   13   19.571.000    510
  26   48        90.364   00:00:01:30        1.751.508.405   2.11   14   19.382.000    859
  27   52       156.966   00:00:02:37        3.022.432.712   1.73   19   19.255.000    982
  28   52       175.654   00:00:02:56        3.376.224.128   1.12   16   19.220.000    991
  29   52       242.023   00:00:04:02        4.631.921.355   1.37   11   19.138.000   1000
  30   58       463.268   00:00:07:43        8.805.961.339   1.90   23   19.008.000   1000
  31   58       729.454   00:00:12:09       13.817.457.788   1.57   20   18.942.000   1000
  32   60     1.057.979   00:00:17:38       20.027.402.548   1.45   18   18.929.000   1000
  33   60     1.273.650   00:00:21:14   1.20   12   18.915.000   1000
  34   60     2.458.875   00:00:40:59       46.450.321.221   1.93   27   18.890.000   1000
  35   61     3.478.069   00:00:57:58       65.619.099.296   1.41   14   18.866.000   1000
  36   65     5.514.651   00:01:31:55      104.047.367.052   1.59   16   18.867.000   1000
  37   65     6.904.100   00:01:55:04      130.187.880.354   1.25   15   18.856.000   1000
  38   65    11.093.222   00:03:04:53      209.485.856.010   1.61   22   18.884.000   1000
  39   67    14.021.831   00:03:53:42      265.317.961.769   1.27   15   18.921.000   1000
  40   72    24.867.234   00:06:54:27      471.505.764.745   1.78   25   18.960.000   1000
  41   72    27.689.828   00:07:41:30      525.622.908.117   1.11   23   18.982.000   1000
  42   72    39.458.431   00:10:57:38      751.211.422.520   1.43   13   19.038.000   1000
  43   73    54.237.357   00:15:03:57   1.38   18   19.083.000   1000
  44   79    75.979.921   00:21:06:20    1.452.888.958.121   1.40   19   19.122.000   1000
  45   79    80.509.297   00:22:21:49    1.540.924.125.315   1.06   18   19.139.000   1000
  46   80   109.087.644   01:06:18:08    2.095.726.659.742   1.36   16   19.211.000   1000
  47   85   210.421.416   02:10:27:01   1.94   12   19.328.000   1000
  48   86   440.307.393   05:02:18:27    8.559.292.180.276   2.10   12   19.439.000   1000
  49   86   560.731.869   06:11:45:32   10.917.086.577.733   1.28   15   19.469.000   1000
  50   86   634.657.379   07:08:17:37   12.363.161.589.250   1.13   23   19.480.000   1000
Console output:

Code: Select all

info multipv 1 depth 20 seldepth 41 score cp 22 time 4906 nodes 96292125 nps 19627000 tbhits 0 hashfull 78 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 g8f6 g1f3 c7c6 b1c3 d5c4 e2e4 b7b5 f1e2 b5b4 c3a4 f6e4 e2c4 c8f5 f3e5 e7e6 e1g1 f8d6 f2f3 e4f6 a4c5 d8e7 c1e3 f6d5 e3f2
info multipv 1 depth 21 seldepth 41 score cp 29 time 8790 nodes 172392993 nps 19612000 tbhits 0 hashfull 125 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 c5d4 e4d5 e6d5 f1d3 d8e7 d3e2 d4d3 c2d3 b8c6 e1g1 g8f6 f1e1 e7c7 d3d4 f8e7 e2d3
info multipv 1 depth 22 seldepth 43 score cp 30 time 13947 nodes 274228931 nps 19662000 tbhits 0 hashfull 194 pv d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 b1c3 d5c4 e2e4 b7b5 f1e2 b5b4 c3b1 f6e4 b1d2 e4d6 d2c4 c8e6 c4d6 e7d6 c1d2 f8e7 e1g1 b8d7 d2b4 e8g8 b2b3
info multipv 1 depth 23 seldepth 44 score cp 10 time 24890 nodes 488598329 nps 19630000 tbhits 0 hashfull 332 pv d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 e7e6 g1f3 d7d5 c1g5 d5c4 b1c3 c7c6 e2e3 b7b5 a2a4 f8b4 f1e2 b8d7 e1g1 e8g8 g5f6 d7f6 f3e5 d8b6 e2f3
info multipv 1 depth 24 seldepth 44 score cp 21 time 30161 nodes 590869964 nps 19590000 tbhits 0 hashfull 386 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 c5d4 e4d5 e6d5 f1d3 d8e7 d1e2 e7e2 e1e2 b8c6 h1e1 f8d6 d2b3 g8e7 b3d4 c6d4 f3d4 e8g8 c1e3 c8d7 g2g3 e7c6 d4b5 d6e5 c2c3
info multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 48 score cp 13 time 42467 nodes 831148974 nps 19571000 tbhits 0 hashfull 510 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 c5d4 e4d5 e6d5 f1d3 d8e7 d1e2 e7e2 d3e2 g8f6 f3d4 b8c6 d2f3 c6d4 f3d4 f8d6 c1e3 e8g8 h2h3 c8d7 a1d1 f8e8 e1g1
info multipv 1 depth 26 seldepth 48 score cp 14 time 90364 nodes 1751508405 nps 19382000 tbhits 0 hashfull 859 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 c5d4 e4d5 d8d5 f1c4 d5d6 e1g1 g8f6 d2b3 b8c6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 c8d7 c1e3 d6d4 e3d4 a8c8 f3e5 a7a6 f1e1 f8d6 c4d3 d7b5 d3b5
info multipv 1 depth 27 seldepth 52 score cp 19 time 156966 nodes 3022432712 nps 19255000 tbhits 0 hashfull 982 pv g1f3 c7c5 e2e4 e7e6 b1c3 b8c6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 f1e2 d7d5 e1g1 f8c5 e2b5 c5d4 b5c6 b7c6 d1d4 d8b6 c1e3 e8g8 f1e1 b6d4 e3d4 f6e4 c3e4 d5e4 e1e4 f8d8 d4e3
info multipv 1 depth 28 seldepth 52 score cp 16 time 175654 nodes 3376224128 nps 19220000 tbhits 0 hashfull 991 pv g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 f8b4 c1g5 e8g8 e2e3 b8d7 d1b3 c7c5 c4d5 e6d5 d4c5 d8a5 g5f6 d7f6 f1d3 c8e6 f3d4 b4c5 e1g1 a5b6 b3b6 c5b6 h2h3 g7g6 a1c1 f8c8 g2g4 a7a6 f2f4
info multipv 1 depth 29 seldepth 52 score cp 11 time 242023 nodes 4631921355 nps 19138000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 c7c5 c4d5 e6d5 g1f3 b8c6 d4c5 f8c5 d1d5 d8b6 e2e3 g8f6 d5b3 b6b3 a2b3 e8g8 f1c4 a7a6 e1g1 c8f5 f1e1 b7b5 e3e4 b5c4 e4f5 c4b3 c1g5 c5b4 a1c1
info multipv 1 depth 30 seldepth 58 score cp 23 time 463268 nodes 8805961339 nps 19008000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 g8f6 g1f3 c7c6 e2e3 c8f5 b1c3 e7e6 f3h4 f8e7 h4f5 e6f5 f1d3 g7g6 e1g1 e8g8 b2b3 b8d7 c1b2 e7d6 c4c5 d6c7 b3b4 f6e4 g2g3 d7f6 b4b5 f8e8 a1c1
info multipv 1 depth 31 seldepth 58 score cp 20 time 729454 nodes 13817457788 nps 18942000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 g1f3 c7c5 b1c3 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 e2e4 b8c6 f1e2 d7d5 e1g1 d5e4 d4c6 d8d1 f1d1 b7c6 d1d4 f8c5 d4a4 c5b6 c3e4 f6e4 a4e4 e8g8 c1e3 f8d8 e2f3 c8b7 e4c4 a8c8 c4a4 c8a8 a4b4 c6c5 f3b7 c5b4 b7a8
info multipv 1 depth 32 seldepth 60 score cp 18 time 1057979 nodes 20027402548 nps 18929000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 e2e4 d7d5 b1c3 g8f6 e4e5 f6d7 f2f4 c7c5 g1f3 b8c6 c1e3 f8e7 d1d2 e8g8 d4c5 d7c5 e1c1 b7b6 c1b1 c8b7 d2e1 d8c7 c3b5 c7d7 a2a3 a8c8 e3f2 a7a6 b5c3 b6b5 b2b4 c5a4 c3a4
info multipv 1 depth 33 seldepth 60 score cp 12 time 1273650 nodes 24092084369 nps 18915000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 b1c3 d7d5 e2e4 g8f6 e4e5 f6d7 f2f4 c7c5 g1f3 b8c6 c1e3 c5d4 f3d4 f8c5 d1d2 e8g8 f1e2 d7e5 d4c6 c5e3 c6d8 e3d2 e1d2 e5g6 d8f7 f8f7 g2g3 e6e5 f4e5 c8e6 h1f1 d5d4 c3b5 f7d7 e2d3 g6e5 f1f4 e5d3 c2d3 a7a6
info multipv 1 depth 34 seldepth 60 score cp 27 time 2458875 nodes 46450321221 nps 18890000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c4 g8f6 g1f3 f8b4 c1d2 b4d2 d1d2 e8g8 g2g3 d7d5 f1g2 c7c6 e1g1 b8d7 d2c2 b7b6 f1d1 c8a6 b1d2 a8c8 b2b4 c6c5 d4c5 b6c5 b4b5 a6b7 a2a4 d5d4 a4a5 d8c7 f3g5 b7g2 g1g2 h7h6 g5f3 c7b7 g2g1 f8d8 e2e3
info multipv 1 depth 35 seldepth 61 score cp 14 time 3478069 nodes 65619099296 nps 18866000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 c7c6 b1c3 d7d5 c4d5 c6d5 c1f4 a7a6 e2e3 c8f5 d1b3 a8a7 g1f3 e7e6 f3h4 f5e4 f1e2 h7h6 e1g1 e4h7 h4f3 f8e7 a1c1 b8c6 h2h3 e8g8 f4g3 e7d6 g3d6 d8d6 c3a4 f8c8 a4c5
info multipv 1 depth 36 seldepth 65 score cp 16 time 5514651 nodes 104047367052 nps 18867000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv g1f3 e7e6 c2c4 g8f6 d2d4 d7d5 b1c3 a7a6 c4d5 e6d5 c1g5 c7c6 e2e3 c8f5 f1d3 f5d3 g5f6 d8f6 d1d3 f6g6 d3g6 h7g6 e1g1 b8d7 a1e1 f8e7 h2h4 d7f6 e3e4 d5e4 c3e4 e8g8 g2g3 a8d8 e1e3 f6g4 e3b3 d8d7 f1e1 f8d8 e4c5 e7c5 d4c5 g8f8 f3g5
info multipv 1 depth 37 seldepth 65 score cp 15 time 6904100 nodes 130187880354 nps 18856000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 e7e6 g2g3 f8b4 c1d2 b4e7 f1g2 e8g8 e1g1 b8d7 d1c2 c7c6 d2f4 b7b6 c4d5 c6d5 f1c1 c8b7 c2d1 h7h6 h2h4 a8c8 b1d2 c8c1 a1c1 d8a8 e2e3 f8c8 g2f1 a7a5 f3e5 d7e5 f4e5 f6d7 d2f3 c8c1 d1c1 b7a6 f1a6
info multipv 1 depth 38 seldepth 65 score cp 22 time 11093222 nodes 209485856010 nps 18884000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 c7c6 e2e3 c8g4 b1c3 e7e6 h2h3 g4f3 g2f3 b8d7 c4d5 f6d5 c1d2 f8e7 d1b3 d8b6 c3d5 b6b3 a2b3 e6d5 h3h4 a7a6 h4h5 e8c8 f1d3 c8b8 e1e2 d7f6 a1e1 g7g6 h5g6 f7g6 d2a5 d8e8 f3f4 e7d6 f4f5
info multipv 1 depth 39 seldepth 67 score cp 15 time 14021831 nodes 265317961769 nps 18921000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 c7c6 e2e3 e7e6 f1d3 f8d6 b1c3 e8g8 e1g1 b8d7 b2b3 b7b6 c1b2 c8b7 f1e1 f8e8 e3e4 d5e4 d3e4 f6e4 c3e4 d6b4 e1e3 d7f6 e4f6 d8f6 f3e5 f6e7 e5d3 b4d6 c4c5 d6c7 g2g3 a8d8 a1c1 e7g5 d3e5 c7e5 e3e5
info multipv 1 depth 40 seldepth 72 score cp 25 time 24867234 nodes 471505764745 nps 18960000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 d5c4 e2e3 a7a6 f1c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 c7c5 d4c5 d8d1 f1d1 f8c5 c4e2 e8g8 b2b3 b7b5 a2a4 b5a4 a1a4 b8d7 c1b2 c8b7 b1d2 f8b8 d1c1 b7d5 a4a6 a8a6 e2a6 d5b3 d2b3 b8b3 b2a1 f6e4 a6c4 b3a3 c4b5 d7b6 b5c6
info multipv 1 depth 41 seldepth 72 score cp 23 time 27689828 nodes 525622908117 nps 18982000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 d5c4 e2e3 a7a6 f1c4 e7e6 g1f3 c7c5 e1g1 b7b5 c4e2 c8b7 d4c5 d8d1 f1d1 f8c5 a2a4 b5b4 b1d2 b8d7 d2c4 g8f6 f3d2 b7d5 b2b3 e8g8 c1b2 a8c8 a1c1 f8d8 c4a5 c5b6 c1c8 d8c8 a5c4 b6c7 f2f3 c8d8 g1f2 d5b7 g2g3 d7c5 f2g2
info multipv 1 depth 42 seldepth 72 score cp 13 time 39458431 nodes 751211422520 nps 19038000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 d5c4 e2e3 a7a6 f1c4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 c7c5 d4c5 d8d1 f1d1 f8c5 c4e2 e8g8 b1d2 f8d8 f3e5 b7b5 a2a4 b5a4 e2f3 a8a7 d2c4 d8d1 f3d1 c8b7 a1a4 b8d7 c1d2 d7e5 c4e5 c5d6 d2c3 a7a8 e5c4 d6c7 c4a5 b7d5 f2f3 c7b6 g1f2 f6d7 a4g4 f7f6 a5c4
info multipv 1 depth 43 seldepth 73 score cp 18 time 54237357 nodes 1035061931960 nps 19083000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 g8f6 c4d5 e6d5 c1g5 c7c6 e2e3 h7h6 g5h4 f8e7 f1d3 e8g8 d1c2 f8e8 g1e2 b8d7 e1g1 d7b6 h4g3 e7d6 g3d6 d8d6 h2h3 c8d7 e2g3 d6e7 a1d1 a8d8 f1e1 g8h8 c2d2 d7e6 c3e2 e6d7 a2a3 h8g8 e2c3 d7e6 d2c2 e6d7 c2e2 g8h8 e2d2 h8g8 e3e4 d5e4 c3e4
info multipv 1 depth 44 seldepth 79 score cp 19 time 75979921 nodes 1452888958121 nps 19122000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 g8f6 c4d5 e6d5 c1g5 c7c6 e2e3 h7h6 g5h4 c8f5 d1f3 f5h7 h4f6 d8f6 f3f6 g7f6 g2g3 b8d7 g1e2 f8d6 e2f4 e8c8 f1e2 c8b8 a1c1 h8g8 f4h5 a7a6 e1g1 d8e8 g1g2 h7g6 a2a3 e8e7 f1e1 f6f5 e2f3 g6h5 f3h5 d7f6 h5f3 f6e4 c3e4 f5e4 f3h5 g8g7 b2b4 d6c7 h2h4
info multipv 1 depth 45 seldepth 79 score cp 18 time 80509297 nodes 1540924125315 nps 19139000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 g8f6 c4d5 e6d5 c1g5 c7c6 e2e3 h7h6 g5h4 c8f5 d1f3 f5g6 h4f6 d8f6 f3f6 g7f6 a1c1 b8d7 g2g3 e8c8 g1e2 f8d6 e2f4 c8b8 f1e2 d8e8 f4h5 h8g8 e1g1 f6f5 f1e1 g6h5 e2h5 e8e7 g1g2 a7a6 h5e2 d7f6 e2f3 f6e4 c3e2 d6c7 e2f4 e7e8 f4d3
info multipv 1 depth 46 seldepth 80 score cp 16 time 109087644 nodes 2095726659742 nps 19211000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 g8f6 c4d5 e6d5 c1g5 c7c6 e2e3 h7h6 g5h4 c8f5 d1f3 f5g6 h4f6 d8f6 f3f6 g7f6 g1f3 b8d7 g2g3 d7b6 f1e2 e8c8 e1g1 b6c4 b2b3 c4d6 a2a3 c8b8 f1c1 f8e7 f3h4 h8g8 h4g6 f7g6 b3b4 d6c4 g1g2 f6f5 a1a2 h6h5 b4b5 c6b5 c3b5 d8c8 b5c3 c4b6 h2h4 a7a6 e2d3
info multipv 1 depth 47 seldepth 85 score cp 12 time 210421416 nodes 4067148392409 nps 19328000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 e7e6 b1c3 g8f6 c1g5 f8e7 g1f3 e8g8 e2e3 b8d7 c4d5 f6d5 g5e7 d8e7 f1d3 d5c3 b2c3 b7b6 e1g1 c8b7 a2a4 h7h6 f1e1 c7c5 a4a5 e7d8 e3e4 b6a5 d1a4 d8c7 a4a5 f8c8 h2h4 c7a5 a1a5 c5d4 c3d4 c8c3 d3a6 b7a6 a5a6 c3c2 g2g3 c2b2 a6a5 b2c2 d4d5 c2c5 e1a1 c5a5 a1a5 d7f6 d5d6
info multipv 1 depth 48 seldepth 86 score cp 12 time 440307393 nodes 8559292180276 nps 19439000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c4 g8f6 g2g3 d7d5 g1f3 f8b4 c1d2 b4e7 f1g2 e8g8 e1g1 b8d7 d1c2 c7c6 f1d1 b7b6 d2c3 c8b7 b1d2 c6c5 d4c5 b6c5 e2e3 d8c7 f3e1 e7d6 a1c1 a8c8 e1d3 f8d8 b2b3 f6g4 h2h3 g4e5 d3f4 d7f6 f4e2 e5d7 f2f4 a7a6 g2f3 h7h6 c4d5 e6d5 e3e4 d8e8 e4d5 f6d5 f3d5 b7d5 d2c4 c7c6
info multipv 1 depth 49 seldepth 86 score cp 15 time 560731869 nodes 10917086577733 nps 19469000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c4 g8f6 g2g3 f8e7 g1f3 e8g8 f1g2 d7d5 e1g1 d5c4 d1c2 a7a6 c2c4 b7b5 c4c2 c8b7 c1d2 h7h6 a2a3 a8a7 f1d1 b8d7 d2a5 e7d6 f3e5 b7g2 e5d7 d8d7 g1g2 c7c5 d4c5 d7c6 f2f3 c6c5 c2c5 d6c5 b1c3 f8c8 d1d3 a7d7 a1d1 d7d3 d1d3 f6e8 c3e4 c5f8 a5c3 f7f5 e4f2 e8f6 e2e4 g8f7 e4f5 e6f5 d3d2 g7g5 f2d3
info multipv 1 depth 50 seldepth 86 score cp 23 time 634657379 nodes 12363161589250 nps 19480000 tbhits 0 hashfull 1000 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c4 g8f6 g2g3 f8b4 b1d2 e8g8 f1g2 d7d5 g1f3 b7b6 e1g1 c8b7 f3e5 b8c6 e5c6 b7c6 d1c2 d8e8 f1d1 h7h6 b2b3 a7a5 a2a3 b4d2 c1d2 d5c4 c2c4 c6g2 g1g2 a8c8 a1c1 c7c5 a3a4 e8d7 d2c3 d7b7 g2g1 f8d8 c3b2 b7e4 c4d3 e4d3 d1d3 c5d4 c1c8 d8c8 b2d4 f6d5 d3d2 c8c6 f2f3 d5b4 f3f4 b4c2 d4b2 f7f6 e2e4
[pgn][Event "Houdini 6 Pro x64-popc - Initial position depth 50"]
[Site "TalkChess"]
[Date "2018.04.13"]
[White "Houdini 6 Pro x64-popc"]
[Black "Houdini 6 Pro x64-popc"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "E16"]
[Opening "Queen's Indian"]
[Variation "Capablanca, 6.Nbd2 O-O 7.O-O d5"]
[PlyCount "59"]

1. d4 e6 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 Bb4+ 4. Nd2 O-O 5. Bg2 d5 6. Nf3 b6 7. O-O Bb7 8. Ne5 Nc6 9. Nxc6 Bxc6 10. Qc2 Qe8 11. Rd1 h6 12. b3 a5 13. a3 Bxd2 14. Bxd2 dxc4 15. Qxc4 Bxg2 16. Kxg2 Rc8 17. Rac1 c5 18. a4 Qd7 19. Bc3 Qb7+ 20. Kg1 Rfd8 21. Bb2 Qe4 22. Qd3 Qxd3 23. Rxd3 cxd4 24. Rxc8 Rxc8 25. Bxd4 Nd5 26. Rd2 Rc6 27. f3 Nb4 28. f4 Nc2 29. Bb2 f6 30. e4 *[/pgn]
main line
Posts: 60
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:15 pm

Re: Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

Post by main line »

But this is draw line!? Something is wrong. I think white must win
Posts: 626
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:07 pm
Location: the Netherlands
Full name: Jef Kaan

Re: Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

Post by jefk »

[quote="main line"]But this is draw line!? Something is wrong. I think white must win[/quote]

*must* ?
Dann Corbit
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Re: Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

Post by Dann Corbit »

main line wrote:But this is draw line!? Something is wrong. I think white must win
The 50 ply search goes to here:
[d]2r3k1/5pp1/1p2p2p/p2n4/P2B4/1P1R2P1/4PP1P/6K1 w - -

The rest is just quiescence.
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Lyudmil Tsvetkov
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Re: Houdini 6 - Initial position until depth 50

Post by Lyudmil Tsvetkov »

Some encouraging news:
- SF sees occasionally 1. c4 as the best move, while simultaneously doing kingside fianchetto in that line, and
- Houdini sees kingside fianchetto, g3, Bg2, as the best development option

I am happy I was able to predict 1. c4 and kingside fianchetto are best options before these engines started occasionally seeing them.

Of course, most of SF and Houdini lines are still BS, very far from optimal play.
I guess top engines will switch back and forth to c4, e4 and d4 for at least a decade or so, before they finally stick to a firm choice and improve their main lines.
The low white edge the engines now give is also very very suspicious to me.
9, 15, 18 cps is certainly too to assess the real white advantage.
Maybe 15cps on average for the whole range of available first moves, but 15cps for the best one?

Should be at least 30.

Again, from what I have seen in briefly glancing at SF development, SF is continuing to improve mainly due to small corrections, tunings, what concerns evaluation, while still missing the big general heavy terms that would completely change its type of play.

As only Daniel would be able to suppose, currently engines are stuck in their routine implementations to break free towards a deeper approach and understanding.