Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 56

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Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 56

Post by fastgm »

Hardware: Intel i5-750 @ 3.5 GHz
Stockfish 9 64 POPCNT, 3 threads, 2 GB Hash, 5-men Syzygy tablebases, Contempt = 0, fixed depth = 56

Console output:

setoption name Hash value 2048
setoption name SyzygyPath value C:\Schach\sbases
info string Found 145 tablebases
setoption name Threads value 3
setoption name Ponder value false
position startpos
go depth 56

Code: Select all

info depth 56 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 12 nodes 1042945004321 nps 3560240 hashfull 999 tbhits 2585 time 292942282 pv c2c4 e7e6 g2g3 d7d5 f1g2 d5d4 g1f3 b8c6 d2d3 f8c5 e1g1 g8f6 b1a3 e6e5 a3c2 e8g8 b2b4 c6b4 c2b4 c5b4 f3e5 f8e8 e5f3 a7a5 a2a3 b4c5 f1e1 c8g4 c1f4 h7h6 a1b1 a8a7 e2e3 g4f3 g2f3 b7b6 e3e4 c5a3 e4e5 f6d7 f3d5 c7c6 d5c6 a3b4 e1e2 g7g5 f4d2 e8e5 d2b4 a5b4 b1b4 e5e2 d1e2 a7a1 g1g2 d7c5 c6d5 d8f6 e2f3 f6f3 g2f3 a1a2 b4b6 c5d3 b6h6
info depth 56 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 727618986173 nps 3527586 hashfull 999 tbhits 2332 time 206265377 pv c7c5 g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 b1c3 e7e6 d4c6 b7c6 e2e3 d7d5 f1e2 f8d6 e1g1 e8g8 b2b3 d8e7 c1b2 c8b7 a1c1 a8c8 e2f3 b7a6 c3a4 d5c4 b3c4 f8d8 d1c2 c6c5 f1d1 e7c7 g2g3 a6b7 f3b7 c7b7 b2f6 g7f6 e3e4 b7c6 c1b1 d6e5 a4c3 d8d1 b1d1 e5d4 c3b5 c8d8 b5c3 a7a6 c3e2 g8f8 d1b1 f8e7 b1d1 e7f8
info depth 56 seldepth 78 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 621230183152 nps 3545819 hashfull 954 tbhits 4532 time 175200727 pv b1c3 g7g6 g1f3 b8c6 e2e3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 e3d4 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 d1b3 e7e6 c3d5 d8d5 f1c4 d5a5 c1d2 f8b4 d2b4 a5b4 b3b4 c6b4 a1c1 e8g8 e1g1 f8d8 f1d1 b4c6 d4d5 e6d5 c4d5 c8g4 g1f1 g4f3 d5f3 d8d1 c1d1 a8d8 d1d8 c6d8 f1e2 f7f5 b2b4 g8f7 e2d3 f7e6 d3d4 g6g5 f3d5 e6d6 b4b5 g5g4 a2a4 a7a6 b5a6 b7a6 d5g8 d8e6 g8e6 d6e6 d4e3 e6e5
info depth 56 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 616156921944 nps 3651308 hashfull 974 tbhits 8981 time 168749629 pv b8c6 g1f3 g7g6 e2e3 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 e3d4 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 d1b3 e7e6 f1b5 f8g7 c1g5 d8c7 c3d5 e6d5 e1g1 e8g8 b3d5 c7b6 b5c6 b7c6 d5b3 c8e6 b3c3 c6c5 d4c5 g7c3 c5b6 c3g7 b6b7 a8b8 a1c1 b8b7 b2b3 a7a5 g5e3 a5a4 b3a4 f8a8 f3d4 g7d4 e3d4 a8a4 f1d1 a4a2 c1a1 a2a1 d1a1 b7b8 f2f3 b8c8 h2h3 c8c2 a1a8 c2c8 a8a4 c8c2 a4a1 e6d5 a1a7 c2e2
info depth 56 seldepth 81 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 1208831892362 nps 3579626 hashfull 992 tbhits 15214 time 337697776 pv g2g3 g7g6 f1g2 f8g7 a1b1 a7a6 d2d3 a8b8 e2e3 d7d6 g1e2 e7e6 e1g1 g8e7 a2a4 e8g8 b2b3 e6e5 c1a3 c6b4 h2h3 c8d7 d1d2 b7b6 f2f4 a6a5 b1d1 e5f4 f1f4 e7f5 d1f1 d8e7 a3b4 a5b4 c3d5 e7d8 g2e4 f5h6 e4g2 d7e6 f4f2 h6f5 d5f4 e6d7 f4d5 d7e6
info depth 56 seldepth 80 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 918263538843 nps 3624082 hashfull 976 tbhits 8169 time 253378224 pv g7g6 f1g2 f8g7 a1b1 b7b6 g1f3 a8b8 e1g1 g8h6 e2e3 h6f5 a2a3 e8g8 b2b4 c8b7 d1b3 d7d6 c3e2 d8d7 d2d3 e7e6 c1d2 c6e5 f3e5 g7e5 g2b7 d7b7 d2c3 e5c3 e2c3 g8g7 c3e4 b7e7 b3c3 f7f6 b4c5 d6c5 a3a4 f8d8 a4a5 f5d6 e4d6 d8d6 a5b6 b8b6 d3d4 d6d8 b1b6 a7b6 f1b1 c5d4 e3d4 e7d7 b1b6 d7d4 c3d4 d8d4
info depth 56 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 7 nodes 166145440844 nps 3591218 hashfull 873 tbhits 375 time 46264361 pv f1g2 f8g7 a1b1 e7e6 a2a3 d7d6 b2b4 g8e7 g1f3 b7b6 e1g1 e8g8 e2e3 c8b7 d1b3 d8e8 c1b2 c6e5 f3e5 b7g2 g1g2 d6e5 g2g1 a8b8 d2d3 f7f5 b4c5 b6c5 b3c2 e8c6 a3a4 e7c8 e3e4 c8b6 g1g2 b6d7 a4a5 f8d8 f2f3 b8b7 b2a3 d8b8 b1b7 c6b7 f1b1 b7c7 b1b8 c7b8 c3a4 b8d6 c2d2 g7f6 a3b2 d6c6 a4c3 c6b7 c3e2 b7b3 e2c3 a7a6 c3e2 g8f7
info depth 56 seldepth 67 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 362634563007 nps 3570121 hashfull 952 tbhits 3366 time 101574865 pv f8g7 a1b1 e7e6 a2a3 d7d6 d2d3 g8e7 h2h4 h7h6 c1d2 b7b6 b2b4 a8b8 g1f3 e8g8 d1c1 g8h7 f3g5 h7g8 g5f3
info depth 56 seldepth 50 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 106599205136 nps 3614210 hashfull 935 tbhits 858 time 29494464 pv a1b1 e7e6 a2a3 d7d6 b2b4 g8e7 g1f3 b7b6 e1g1 e8g8 e2e3 c8b7 d1b3 d8e8 c1b2 c6e5 f3e5 b7g2 g1g2 d6e5 b4c5 e8c6 g2g1 b6c5 b3a4 f8d8 a4c6 e7c6 c3e4 c6a5 f1c1 a8b8 e4c5 b8c8 c5e4 a5c4 c1c2 f7f5 b1c1 f5e4 c2c4 c8c4 c1c4 d8d2 c4c8 g8f7 c8c7 f7g8 c7c8
info depth 56 seldepth 80 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 1522677522716 nps 3633104 hashfull 991 tbhits 95266 time 419111928 pv a7a6 d2d3 a8b8 e2e3 d7d6 g1e2 e7e6 b2b3 g8e7 e1g1 b7b5 c1b2 e8g8 c3e4 e6e5 d1d2 f7f5 e4c3 c8b7 f1d1 c6b4 g2b7 b8b7 d3d4 c5d4 e3d4 b4c6 d4e5 c6e5 d2d6 d8d6 d1d6 b5c4 b2a3 c4b3 b1b3 b7b3 a2b3 e7c6 f2f4 e5f3 g1g2 c6d4 e2d4 f3d4 d6a6 f8e8 a6b6 e8c8 c3d5 c8c2 g2f1 c2a2 b6b8 g8f7 b8b7 f7e6 d5c7 e6f7 c7d5
info depth 56 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 12 nodes 774257623474 nps 3648402 hashfull 991 tbhits 29959 time 212218255 pv a2a3 a8b8 d2d3 b7b5 c1f4 e7e5 f4e3 c6d4 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 g8e7 e3g5 e8g8 g1f3 d4e6 g5e7 d8e7 c3d5 e7d8 f3d2 d7d6 e1g1 f7f5 e2e3 c8b7 d2b3 d8d7 b1c1 b5c4 d3c4 d7f7 c4c5 d6c5 b3c5 f8d8 c5b7 b8b7 d1b3 e5e4 f2f3 e4f3 g2f3 b7d7 f3g2 e6c7 e3e4 c7d5 e4d5 d7d6 g1h1 d6b6 c1c5 g7f8 b3c4 f8c5 b4c5 b6b5 c5c6 d8d5 g2d5
info depth 56 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 137021671171 nps 3695807 hashfull 780 tbhits 5662 time 37074897 pv a8b8 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 c8f5 c1f4 f5b1 f4b8 d8b8 d1b1 e7e6 b1d3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 f1b1 f8c8 d3b5 b8b5 c3b5 c8b8 b5c3 b8b4 b1b4 c6b4 f3e5 f6e8 c3b5 g8f8 e2e3 f8e7 f2f4 e8f6 b5c3 f6d7 e5d7 e7d7 g1f1 b4c6 f1e2 g7f8 e2d3 f8e7 e3e4 c6b4 d3d2 d5e4 c3e4 f7f5 e4g5 e7g5 f4g5 b4d5 d2d3 d7d6 d3e2 d5c3 e2e3 c3d5 e3e2
info depth 56 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 496341557596 nps 3674179 hashfull 966 tbhits 16145 time 135089091 pv d2d3 d7d6 c1d2 c8d7 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c1a3 c8a8 a3c1 a8c8
info depth 56 seldepth 75 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 406196849793 nps 3655471 hashfull 980 tbhits 19029 time 111120221 pv d7d6 d1d2 e7e5 g1f3 g8e7 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c1a3 e8g8 e1g1 c8g4 f1c1 h7h6 c3d5 b5c4 d3c4 e5e4 d5e7 d8e7 f3e1 c6d4 g2f1 e4e3 f2e3 d4f5 h2h3 e7g5 h3g4 g5g4 e1f3 g4g3 f1g2 f8e8 b1b3 h6h5 d2e1 g3g4 e1f2 h5h4 f3h2 g4g5 h2f3 g5g4
info depth 56 seldepth 37 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 171554178313 nps 3705722 hashfull 926 tbhits 24954 time 46294398 pv c1d2 c8d7 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 f8b8 d2e3 a7a2 f3d4 f6g4 b1a1 a2b2 c1b1 b2c3 b1c1 c3b2
info depth 56 seldepth 22 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 31107770351 nps 3725043 hashfull 803 tbhits 8675 time 8350982 pv c8d7 g1f3 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 e7e5 c3e4 d7g4 h2h3 g4f5 b1c1 g8e7 g3g4 f5e6 e4g5 e6d7 g5e4 d7e6
info depth 56 seldepth 35 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 33080404553 nps 3796852 hashfull 888 tbhits 4012 time 8712587 pv b2b4 c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 f8b8 d2e3 a7a2 f3d4 f6g4 b1a1 a2b2 c1b1 b2c3 b1c1 c3b2
info depth 56 seldepth 20 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 64776396517 nps 3822993 hashfull 981 tbhits 50533 time 16943895 pv c5b4 a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 g1f3 e7e5 c3e4 d7g4 h2h3 g4f5 b1c1 g8e7 g3g4 f5e6 e4g5 e6d7 g5e4 d7e6
info depth 56 seldepth 33 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 9792274096 nps 3845939 hashfull 924 tbhits 5159 time 2546133 pv a3b4 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 f8b8 d2e3 a7a2 f3d4 f6g4 b1a1 a2b2 c1b1 b2c3 b1c1 c3b2
info depth 56 seldepth 18 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 7771277224 nps 3849060 hashfull 827 tbhits 14813 time 2019006 pv b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 g1f3 e7e5 c3e4 d7g4 h2h3 g4f5 b1c1 g8e7 g3g4 f5e6 e4g5 e6d7 g5e4 d7e6
info depth 56 seldepth 31 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 15706758407 nps 3841749 hashfull 981 tbhits 7007 time 4088439 pv c4b5 a6b5 d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 f8b8 d2e3 a7a2 f3d4 f6g4 b1a1 a2b2 c1b1 b2c3 b1c1 c3b2
info depth 56 seldepth 16 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 14592072653 nps 3846709 hashfull 976 tbhits 27522 time 3793391 pv a6b5 g1f3 e7e5 c3e4 d7g4 h2h3 g4f5 b1c1 g8e7 g3g4 f5e6 e4g5 e6d7 g5e4 d7e6
info depth 56 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 25187333353 nps 3930769 hashfull 977 tbhits 15031 time 6407736 pv d1c1 b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6b4 c1a3 d7b5 a3b4 b5c6 f1c1 d8d7 b4h4 c6d5 h4b4 c8c1 b1c1 f8c8 c1c8 d7c8 f3g5 h7h6 g2d5 f6d5 b4b3 h6g5 b3d5 g5g4 d2g5 c8c2 g5e7 c2e2 e7d6 g7d4 d5d4 e2d1 g1g2 d1f3 g2g1 f3d1
info depth 56 seldepth 10 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 47935608780 nps 3841489 hashfull 988 tbhits 9830 time 12478391 pv b8c8 g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c1a3 c8a8 a3c1 a8c8
info depth 56 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 21062974324 nps 3989331 hashfull 965 tbhits 39090 time 5279825 pv g1f3 g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6b4 c1a3 d7b5 a3b4 b5c6 f1c1 d8d7 b4h4 c6d5 h4b4 c8c1 b1c1 f8c8 c1c8 d7c8 f3g5 h7h6 g2d5 f6d5 b4b3 h6g5 b3d5 g5g4 d2g5 c8c2 g5e7 c2e2 e7d6 g7d4 d5d4 e2d1 g1g2 d1f3 g2g1 f3d1
info depth 56 seldepth 8 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 25378561150 nps 3905166 hashfull 960 tbhits 10665 time 6498714 pv g8f6 e1g1 e8g8 c1a3 c8a8 a3c1 a8c8
info depth 56 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 30793746403 nps 4018479 hashfull 983 tbhits 73046 time 7663035 pv e1g1 e8g8 c3b5 c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 f8b8 e2e3 e7e5 b4b5 a7a2 d2c3 f6d5 c3e1 g7h6 b1a1 a2e2 c1d1 e2c2 d1c1 c2e2
info depth 56 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 8963502286 nps 3986853 hashfull 917 tbhits 16125 time 2248265 pv e8g8 c1a3 c8a8 a3c1 a8c8
info depth 56 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 30052964108 nps 4078011 hashfull 965 tbhits 150873 time 7369514 pv c3b5 c6b4 c1a3 d7b5 b1b4 b5d7 f1c1 c8c1 a3c1 e7e5 f3g5 d8c8 g5e4 c8c1 d2c1 f6e4 g2e4 f8c8 c1e3 d7e6 b4b5 g7f6 f2f3 g8f8 g1f2 f8e7 f3f4 e5f4 b5b7 e7f8 e3f4 f6d4 f2g2 d6d5 e4f3 f8g7 g3g4 h7h6 b7b4 d4f6 h2h3 c8c2 f4e3 f6c3 b4b5 c3f6 g2f2 c2b2 b5b2 f6b2 e3f4 b2c3 f2e3 f7f5 g4f5 d5d4 e3f2 e6f5 f3d5 f5h3
info depth 56 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 29981689226 nps 4139272 hashfull 988 tbhits 61321 time 7243227 pv c6a7 b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8a8 b1a1 a8e8 a1a6 h7h6 a7c6 d7c6 a6c6 e8b8 f3d4 f6g4 d4f3 g4f6
info depth 56 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 35595890593 nps 4112691 hashfull 967 tbhits 202203 time 8655132 pv b5a7 c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6g4 d3d4 e7e5 h2h3 g4f2 g1f2 e5e4 a1b1 b2a2 b1a1 a2b2
info depth 56 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 80993948807 nps 4157367 hashfull 991 tbhits 209634 time 19482027 pv c8c1 f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c2 f8b8 b4b5 h7h5 f3e1 f6d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6g2 e5d7
info depth 56 seldepth 42 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 12197535782 nps 4294569 hashfull 929 tbhits 152473 time 2840223 pv f1c1 d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6d5 d3d4 e7e5 d4e5 d6e5 a1b1 b2a2 f3g5 d5f4 e3f4 a2d2 g5f3 d2a2 f3e5 g7e5 f4e5 f8d8 b4b5 d8d2 b5b6 d2f2 g2d5 a2d5 g1f2 d5d4 f2f3 d4d3 f3f4 d3d4 f4f3
info depth 56 seldepth 85 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 59691271287 nps 4202234 hashfull 971 tbhits 354558 time 14204651 pv d8b8 a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 b4b5 a7a2 c6c1 f6d7 d3d4 g7d4 f3d4 a2d2 c1d1 d2a2 b5b6 f8b8 b6b7 d7c5 b1a1 a2b2 a1a8 b8f8 a8a1 f8b8
info depth 56 seldepth 60 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 4122733646 nps 4240897 hashfull 919 tbhits 25754 time 972137 pv a7c6 d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6g4 a1b1 b2a2 d3d4 e7e5 h2h3 g4f2 g1f2 e5e4 b1a1 a2b2 a1b1 b2a2
info depth 56 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 16034804867 nps 4199796 hashfull 927 tbhits 84077 time 3817996 pv d7c6 c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6g4 h2h3 g4e5 f3e5 b2d2 c1d1 d2e2 g2f3 e2c2 a1c1 c2a4 e5c6 e7e6 d3d4 f7f5 c1a1 a4b5 a1a5 b5c4 b4b5 c4b3 g1g2 g6g5 d1a1 f5f4 e3f4 g5f4 g3g4 g7f6 a1a3 b3b2 a3a2 b2b1 a2a1 b1b2 a1a2
info depth 56 seldepth 21 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 2890945952 nps 4251478 hashfull 950 tbhits 11246 time 679986 pv c1c6 b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6g4 a1b1 b2a2 d3d4 e7e5 h2h3 g4f2 g1f2 e5e4 b1a1 a2b2 a1b1 b2a2
info depth 56 seldepth 43 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 3174688191 nps 4314625 hashfull 867 tbhits 32308 time 735797 pv b8a7 c6c1 a7a2 b1a1 a2b2 e2e3 f6g4 h2h3 g4e5 f3e5 b2d2 c1d1 d2e2 g2f3 e2c2 a1c1 c2a4 e5c6 e7e6 d3d4 f7f5 c1a1 a4b5 a1a5 b5c4 b4b5 c4b3 g1g2 g6g5 d1a1 f5f4 e3f4 g5f4 g3g4 g7f6 a1a3 b3b2 a3a2 b2b1 a2a1 b1b2 a1a2
info depth 56 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 18956300472 nps 4273081 hashfull 991 tbhits 118738 time 4436213 pv c6c2 f8b8 b4b5 f6d7 d2e3 a7a4 c2c4 a4a2 f3d2 h7h6 h2h3 e7e6 c4c6 d6d5 c6a6 a2c2 a6c6 c2a4 c6a6 a4c2
info depth 56 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 14700595870 nps 4230927 hashfull 982 tbhits 121051 time 3474556 pv f8b8 b4b5 h7h5 f3e1 f6d7 g2c6 d7e5 d2e3 a7a4 b1c1 g8h7 g1g2 g7h6 f2f4 e5c6 b5c6 b8c8 e1f3 c8c7 e3b6 c7c8 c6c7 e7e5 f3g5 h6g5 f4g5 a4b5 c2c6 e5e4 c6d6 e4d3 c1f1 d3d2 f1f7 h7g8 f7f6 b5e2 g2h3 d2d1q f6g6 g8h7 g6h6 h7g7 h6g6 g7h8 g6h6 h8g8 h6g6
info depth 56 seldepth 19 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 6740013048 nps 4277863 hashfull 921 tbhits 82198 time 1575556 pv b4b5 f6d7 d2e3 a7a4 c2c4 a4a2 f3d2 h7h6 h2h3 e7e6 c4c6 d6d5 c6a6 a2c2 a6c6 c2a4 c6a6 a4c2
info depth 56 seldepth 54 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 16477414475 nps 4235027 hashfull 973 tbhits 282693 time 3890746 pv h7h5 f3e1 f6d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6d5 e5g4 e2e3 h5h4 g3h4 g4e5 d3d4 e7e6 b5b6 b8b6 c2c8 g8h7 c8a8 a7c7 d2a5 b6b1 a5c7 b1e1 g1g2 e6d5 d4e5 d6e5 a8d8 e1c1 d8d7 h7g8 d7d8 g8h7
info depth 56 seldepth 7 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 19523226205 nps 4335499 hashfull 980 tbhits 1376391 time 4503109 pv f3e1 f6d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6g2 e5d7
info depth 56 seldepth 33 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 8712088379 nps 4195303 hashfull 940 tbhits 515837 time 2076629 pv f6d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6d5 e5g4 e2e3 h5h4 g3h4 g4e5 d3d4 e7e6 b5b6 b8b6 c2c8 g8h7 c8a8 a7c7 d2a5 b6b1 a5c7 b1e1 g1g2 e6d5 d4e5 d6e5 a8a7 e1b1 c7d6 h7g8 a7a8 g8h7 a8a7
info depth 56 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 2919746243 nps 3986230 hashfull 857 tbhits 19389 time 732458 pv g2c6 d7e5 c6g2 e5d7 g2c6
info depth 56 seldepth 31 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 7326823900 nps 4338908 hashfull 965 tbhits 493317 time 1688633 pv d7e5 c6d5 e5g4 e2e3 h5h4 g3h4 g4e5 d3d4 e7e6 b5b6 b8b6 c2c8 g8h7 c8a8 a7c7 d2a5 b6b1 a5c7 b1e1 g1g2 e6d5 d4e5 d6e5 a8a7 e1b1 c7d6 h7g8 a7a8 g8h7 a8a7
info depth 56 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 6090800368 nps 4346985 hashfull 989 tbhits 245380 time 1401155 pv c6g2 e5d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6g2
info depth 56 seldepth 33 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 1822333434 nps 4318202 hashfull 912 tbhits 33199 time 422012 pv e5d7 g2c6 d7e5 c6d5 e5g4 e2e3 h5h4 g3h4 g4e5 d3d4 e7e6 b5b6 b8b6 c2c8 g8h7 c8a8 a7c7 d2a5 b6b1 a5c7 b1e1 g1g2 e6d5 d4e5 d6e5 a8a7 e1b1 c7d6 h7g8 a7a8 g8h7 a8a7
info depth 56 seldepth 5 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 4252789169 nps 4200841 hashfull 953 tbhits 36774 time 1012366 pv g2c6 d7e5 c6g2 e5d7
info depth 56 seldepth 31 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 936153734 nps 4345875 hashfull 942 tbhits 36208 time 215412 pv d7e5 c6d5 e5g4 e2e3 h5h4 g3h4 g4e5 d3d4 e7e6 b5b6 b8b6 c2c8 g8h7 c8a8 a7c7 d2a5 b6b1 a5c7 b1e1 g1g2 e6d5 d4e5 d6e5 a8a7 e1b1 c7d6 h7g8 a7a8 g8h7 a8a7
info depth 56 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 1776696621 nps 4268329 hashfull 922 tbhits 102544 time 416251 pv c6g2 e5d7
info depth 56 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 127180682 nps 4342860 hashfull 412 tbhits 259 time 29285 pv e5d7
[pgn] [Event "Stockfish 9 64 POPCNT - fixed depth 56"] [Site "TalkChess"] [Date "2018.07.06"] [White "Stockfish 9 64"] [Black "Stockfish 9 64"] [Round "1"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A36"] [Opening "English"] [Variation "ultra-Symmetrical Variation"] [PlyCount "52"] 1. c4 {+0.12/56 292942s} c5 {0.00/56 206265s} 2. Nc3 {+0.08/56 175201s} Nc6 {-0.08/56 168750s} 3. g3 {0.00/56 337698s} g6 {-0.08/56 253378s} 4. Bg2 {+0.07/56 46264s} Bg7 {0.00/56 101575s} 5. Rb1 {0.00/56 29494s} a6 {0.00/56 419112s} 6. a3 {+0.12/56 212218s} Rb8 {0.00/56 37075s} 7. d3 {0.00/56 135089s} d6 {0.00/56 111120s} 8. Bd2 {0.00/56 46294s} Bd7 {0.00/56 8351s} 9. b4 {0.00/56 8713s} cxb4 {0.00/56 16944s} 10. axb4 {0.00/56 2546s} b5 {0.00/56 2019s} 11. cxb5 {0.00/56 4088s} axb5 {0.00/56 3793s} 12. Qc1 {0.00/56 6408s} Rc8 {0.00/56 12478s} 13. Nf3 {0.00/56 5280s} Nf6 {0.00/56 6499s} 14. O-O {0.00/56 7663s} O-O {0.00/56 2248s} 15. Nxb5 {+0.08/56 7370s} Na7 {0.00/56 7243s} 16. Nxa7 {0.00/56 8655s} Rxc1 {0.00/56 19482s} 17. Rfxc1 {0.00/56 2840s} Qb8 {0.00/56 14205s} 18. Nc6 {0.00/56 972s} Bxc6 {0.00/56 3818s} 19. Rxc6 {0.00/56 680s} Qa7 {0.00/56 736s} 20. Rc2 {0.00/56 4436s} Rb8 {0.00/56 3475s} 21. b5 {0.00/56 1576s} h5 {0.00/56 3891s} 22. Ne1 {0.00/56 4503s} Nd7 {0.00/56 2077s} 23. Bc6 {0.00/56 732s} Ne5 {0.00/56 1689s} 24. Bg2 {0.00/56 1401s} Nd7 {0.00/56 422s} 25. Bc6 {0.00/56 1012s} Ne5 {0.00/56 215s} 26. Bg2 {0.00/56 416s} Nd7 {0.00/56 29s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2 [/pgn]

sd = selective search depth, cp = centipawns, nps = nodes per second, hf = hashfull

Code: Select all

  move     depth  sd     time ms     d:hh:mm:ss         nodes         cp       nps        tbhits    hf
1. c4        56   79   292.942.282   3:09:22:22   1.042.945.004.321   12   3.560.240       2.585   999
1... c5      56   72   206.265.377   2:09:17:45     727.618.986.173    0   3.527.586       2.332   999
2. Nc3       56   78   175.200.727   2:00:40:01     621.230.183.152    8   3.545.819       4.532   954
2... Nc6     56   77   168.749.629   1:22:52:30     616.156.921.944   -8   3.651.308       8.981   974
3. g3        56   81   337.697.776   3:21:48:18   1.208.831.892.362    0   3.579.626      15.214   992
3... g6      56   80   253.378.224   2:22:22:58     918.263.538.843   -8   3.624.082       8.169   976
4. Bg2       56   72    46.264.361   0:12:51:04     166.145.440.844    7   3.591.218         375   873
4... Bg7     56   67   101.574.865   1:04:12:55     362.634.563.007    0   3.570.121       3.366   952
5. Rb1       56   50    29.494.464   0:08:11:34     106.599.205.136    0   3.614.210         858   935
5... a6      56   80   419.111.928   4:20:25:12   1.522.677.522.716    0   3.633.104      95.266   991
6. a3        56   79   212.218.255   2:10:56:58     774.257.623.474   12   3.648.402      29.959   991
6... Rb8     56   79    37.074.897   0:10:17:55     137.021.671.171    0   3.695.807       5.662   780
7. d3        56   74   135.089.091   1:13:31:29     496.341.557.596    0   3.674.179      16.145   966
7... d6      56   75   111.120.221   1:06:52:00     406.196.849.793    0   3.655.471      19.029   980
8. Bd2       56   37    46.294.398   0:12:51:34     171.554.178.313    0   3.705.722      24.954   926
8... Bd7     56   22     8.350.982   0:02:19:11      31.107.770.351    0   3.725.043       8.675   803
9. b4        56   35     8.712.587   0:02:25:13      33.080.404.553    0   3.796.852       4.012   888
9... cxb4    56   20    16.943.895   0:04:42:24      64.776.396.517    0   3.822.993      50.533   981
10. axb4     56   33     2.546.133   0:00:42:26       9.792.274.096    0   3.845.939       5.159   924
10... b5     56   18     2.019.006   0:00:33:39       7.771.277.224    0   3.849.060      14.813   827
11. cxb5     56   31     4.088.439   0:01:08:08      15.706.758.407    0   3.841.749       7.007   981
11... axb5   56   16     3.793.391   0:01:03:13      14.592.072.653    0   3.846.709      27.522   976
12. Qc1      56   73     6.407.736   0:01:46:48      25.187.333.353    0   3.930.769      15.031   977
12... Rc8    56   10    12.478.391   0:03:27:58      47.935.608.780    0   3.841.489       9.830   988
13. Nf3      56   66     5.279.825   0:01:28:00      21.062.974.324    0   3.989.331      39.090   965
13... Nf6    56    8     6.498.714   0:01:48:19      25.378.561.150    0   3.905.166      10.665   960
14. O-O      56   77     7.663.035   0:02:07:43      30.793.746.403    0   4.018.479      73.046   983
14... O-O    56    6     2.248.265   0:00:37:28       8.963.502.286    0   3.986.853      16.125   917
15. Nxb5     56   64     7.369.514   0:02:02:50      30.052.964.108    8   4.078.011     150.873   965
15... Na7    56   56     7.243.227   0:02:00:43      29.981.689.226    0   4.139.272      61.321   988
16. Nxa7     56   77     8.655.132   0:02:24:15      35.595.890.593    0   4.112.691     202.203   967
16... Rxc1   56   76    19.482.027   0:05:24:42      80.993.948.807    0   4.157.367     209.634   991
17. Rfxc1    56   42     2.840.223   0:00:47:20      12.197.535.782    0   4.294.569     152.473   929
17... Qb8    56   85    14.204.651   0:03:56:45      59.691.271.287    0   4.202.234     354.558   971
18. Nc6      56   60       972.137   0:00:16:12       4.122.733.646    0   4.240.897      25.754   919
18... Bxc6   56   45     3.817.996   0:01:03:38      16.034.804.867    0   4.199.796      84.077   927
19. Rxc6     56   21       679.986   0:00:11:20       2.890.945.952    0   4.251.478      11.246   950
19... Qa7    56   43       735.797   0:00:12:16       3.174.688.191    0   4.314.625      32.308   867
20. Rc2      56   77     4.436.213   0:01:13:56      18.956.300.472    0   4.273.081     118.738   991
20... Rb8    56   77     3.474.556   0:00:57:55      14.700.595.870    0   4.230.927     121.051   982
21. b5       56   19     1.575.556   0:00:26:16       6.740.013.048    0   4.277.863      82.198   921
21... h5     56   54     3.890.746   0:01:04:51      16.477.414.475    0   4.235.027     282.693   973
22. Ne1      56    7     4.503.109   0:01:15:03      19.523.226.205    0   4.335.499   1.376.391   980
22... Nd7    56   33     2.076.629   0:00:34:37       8.712.088.379    0   4.195.303     515.837   940
23. Bc6      56    6       732.458   0:00:12:12       2.919.746.243    0   3.986.230      19.389   857
23... Ne5    56   31     1.688.633   0:00:28:09       7.326.823.900    0   4.338.908     493.317   965
24. Bg2      56    6     1.401.155   0:00:23:21       6.090.800.368    0   4.346.985     245.380   989
24... Nd7    56   33       422.012   0:00:07:02       1.822.333.434    0   4.318.202      33.199   912
25. Bc6      56    5     1.012.366   0:00:16:52       4.252.789.169    0   4.200.841      36.774   953
25... Ne5    56   31       215.412   0:00:03:35         936.153.734    0   4.345.875      36.208   942
26. Bg2      56    3       416.251   0:00:06:56       1.776.696.621    0   4.268.329     102.544   922
26... Nd7    56    2        29.285   0:00:00:29         127.180.682    0   4.342.860         259   412