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Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 58

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:46 pm
by fastgm
Hardware: Intel i5-750 @ 3.5 GHz
Stockfish 9 64 POPCNT, 3 threads, 2 GB Hash, 5-men Syzygy tablebases, Contempt = 0, fixed depth = 58

Console output:

setoption name Hash value 2048
setoption name SyzygyPath value C:\Schach\sbases
info string Found 145 tablebases
setoption name Threads value 3
setoption name Ponder value false
position startpos
go depth 58

Code: Select all

info depth 58 seldepth 78 multipv 1 score cp 17 nodes 2765993869966 nps 3576491 hashfull 999 tbhits 8045 time 773381971 pv e2e4 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 f8e7 g1f3 g8f6 f1d3 c7c5 e4e5 f6d7 c2c3 b8c6 e1g1 a7a5 a2a4 e8g8 f1e1 b7b6 d3b5 d8c7 b2b3 h7h6 d1e2 c5d4 c3d4 c6a7 b5d3 a7c6 c1b2 c8b7 d2f1 f8c8 f1e3 c6b4 d3b5 b7c6 b2a3 c6b5 a4b5 c7d8 e1c1 a8a7 e2d2 a7c7 h2h3 d7f8 c1c7 c8c7 a1c1 c7c1 d2c1 f8g6 g2g3 d8d7 a3b4 e7b4 c1c6 d7d8 c6c2 g6e7 g1g2 d8d7
info depth 58 seldepth 77 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 1693311332476 nps 3629118 hashfull 999 tbhits 11277 time 466590229 pv e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 e4d5 e6d5 f1d3 c7c6 g1f3 f8d6 e1g1 g8e7 f1e1 e8g8 b2b3 c8f5 c2c4 f5d3 d1d3 e7g6 b1c3 b8a6 c1d2 a6b4 d3b1 b4a6 h2h3 d6b4 g2g3 b4c3 d2c3 d8d7 g1g2 a6c7 a2a4 f8e8 b1d3 e8e1 a1e1 b7b6 c3d2 d5c4 b3c4 a8e8 e1e3 c7e6 g2h2 e8d8 d2c3 e6c5 d3c2 c5b7 c4c5 h7h6 c3b4 d7d5 h3h4 b6c5 b4c5 b7c5 c2c5 d5c5 d4c5 d8d5
info depth 58 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp 22 nodes 591887389652 nps 3644982 hashfull 908 tbhits 6032 time 162384165 pv d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 f3d4 g7g6 d2f3 e8g8 c1e3 f6g4 e3f4 g4f6 h2h3 d8b6 d4b3 f8e8 f4e3 b6c7 e3c5 e7c5 b3c5 c7c5 c2c3 f6e4 d1d4 a8d8 a1d1 c5b5 d1b1 b5c5 f1e1 c5d4 f3d4 e4c5 g1f1 g8g7 e1e8 d8e8 b1d1 e8d8 d4e2 g7f6 f2f3 f6e5 f1f2 c5e6 a2a3 e5d6 f2g3
info depth 58 seldepth 75 multipv 1 score cp -19 nodes 477286675602 nps 3727404 hashfull 936 tbhits 19480 time 128047997 pv d7d5 b1d2 c7c5 g1f3 c5d4 e4d5 d8d5 f1c4 d5d6 e1g1 g8f6 d2b3 b8c6 b3d4 c6d4 f3d4 f8e7 c4b3 e8g8 c2c3 d6c7 d1f3 e7d6 h2h3 c8d7 c1g5 d6e5 f3e2 e5f4 g5f4 c7f4 f1e1 a7a5 a1d1 f4c7 b3c2 d7c6 e2e5 c7e5 e1e5 c6d5 a2a3 f8d8 e5e1 g7g6 f2f3 f6d7 g1f2 g8g7 a3a4 b7b6 d4b5 d7c5 b5c7 a8c8 c7d5 e6d5 g2g3 g7f6 g3g4 c5e6
info depth 58 seldepth 85 multipv 1 score cp 17 nodes 583099060892 nps 3772146 hashfull 973 tbhits 33523 time 154580175 pv b1d2 c7c5 e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 a7a6 d4c5 f8c5 f1d3 d8e7 d1e2 b8c6 e2e7 g8e7 d2b3 c5b6 c1e3 b6e3 f2e3 c8f5 b3c5 e8g8 e1c1 f8c8 f3d4 c6e5 d4f5 e7f5 c5d7 e5d3 d1d3 c8c6 h1f1 f5e7 d7e5 c6e6 e5f3 e6g6 g2g3 g6f6 f3d2 f6f1 d2f1 f7f6 f1d2 a8e8 d2b3 e7f5 b3c5 f5e3 c5b7 e8e7 b7c5 a6a5 c2c3 e3f1 d3d5 f1h2 d5d8 g8f7 b2b4 a5b4 c3b4 h2f1 d8d3 e7e2 b4b5 f7g6 b5b6 e2a2
info depth 58 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp -12 nodes 512616958937 nps 3793835 hashfull 976 tbhits 17128 time 135118403 pv c7c5 e4d5 d8d5 g1f3 c5d4 f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c1f4 a8c8 c4e2 f7f6 f4e3 e6e5 d4b3 g8e7 c2c4 e7c6 a1d1 d7e6 b3c5 c6d4 c5e6 d4e2 g1h1 e8f7 e6f8 h8f8 d1d2 e2d4 e3d4 e5d4 d2d4 f8e8 g2g4 e8e2 b2b3 b7b5 c4b5 a6b5 a2a4 b5a4 b3a4 f7g6 h1g2 e2a2 h2h4 c8a8 h4h5 g6h6 f1b1 a2a4 d4a4 a8a4 g2f3 a4a2
info depth 58 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 22 nodes 561157793294 nps 3831052 hashfull 968 tbhits 36130 time 146476125 pv e4d5 e6d5 g1f3 g8f6 f1b5 c8d7 b5d7 b8d7 e1g1 f8e7 d4c5 d7c5 f1e1 e8g8 d2f1 f8e8 c1e3 d8d6 c2c3 a8d8 d1c2 h7h5 e3d4 d6c6 a1d1 c5e4 f1e3 e7c5 h2h3 c6a6 a2a4 g7g6 d1d3 a6d6 e1d1 b7b6 d4c5 e4c5 d3d2 c5e4 d2d4 d6e6 c3c4 e4f2 d1e1 f2h3 g2h3 e6h3 c2f2 e8e3 e1e3 f6g4 f2e1 g4e3 e1e3 d8c8 d4d5 c8c4 g1f2 c4c2 d5d2
info depth 58 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp -12 nodes 232741576161 nps 3822859 hashfull 949 tbhits 11609 time 60881547 pv d8d5 g1f3 c5d4 f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c2c3 g8f6 f1d1 f8c5 c1f4 e8g8 a2a4 f8d8 f4c7 d8c8 c7g3 f6e4 d4b3 d7e8 c4d3 e4g3 b3c5 c8c5 h2g3 e8c6 a4a5 e6e5 c3c4 e5e4 d3e2 c5g5 a1a3 e4e3 a3e3 g5a5 g3g4 a5a2 d1d2 a2a1 g1h2 a1c1 h2g3 a6a5 f2f3 h7h6 g3f4 a5a4 f4g3 g7g6 g3f2 g8g7
info depth 58 seldepth 85 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 688083452605 nps 3867100 hashfull 978 tbhits 203021 time 177932638 pv g1f3 c5d4 f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 g8f6 b3d4 a7a6 a2a4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c4e2 f8c5 d4b3 c5e7 b3a5 b7b5 a4b5 a6b5 f1d1 f6d5 e2f3 e8g8 f3d5 e6d5 d1d5 d7e6 d5b5 e6c4 b5b7 f8d8 c1d2 e7f6 d2b4 c4a6 b7c7 f6b2 a1e1 d8c8 c7c8 a8c8 c2c4 h7h6 c4c5 b2f6 c5c6 a6d3 h2h4 d3b5 g2g3 b5c6 a5c6 c8c6 e1e8 g8h7
info depth 58 seldepth 80 multipv 1 score cp -17 nodes 364221418269 nps 3823568 hashfull 982 tbhits 24197 time 95256948 pv c5d4 f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c4e2 f8d6 f1d1 d6c7 a2a4 g8f6 c2c4 e6e5 d4c2 e8c8 c1d2 d7g4 e2g4 f6g4 h2h3 g4f6 a4a5 d8d7 d2b4 h8e8 c2e3 g7g6 g1f1 d7d1 a1d1 e8d8 f1e2 d8d1 e3d1 f6h5 b4d2 f7f5 b2b4 e5e4 g2g4 h5g7 g4f5 g6f5 d1e3 c7e5 e3d5 c8d7 f2f4 e4f3 e2f3 d7d6 d2f4 g7e6 f4e5 d6e5
info depth 58 seldepth 81 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 206219768824 nps 3933523 hashfull 914 tbhits 64385 time 52426214 pv f1c4 d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c4e2 f8d6 f1d1 d6c7 c2c4 e8c8 d4b3 g8f6 b3c5 d7c6 c1e3 f6d7 c5d7 c6d7 b2b4 c7e5 a1b1 d7a4 d1d8 h8d8 f2f4 e5f6 g1f2 a4c2 b1c1 c2e4 a2a4 f6b2 c1g1 e4c2 a4a5 g7g6 g2g3 c2e4 b4b5 f7f5 e3b6 d8d7 g1d1 e6e5 f4e5 b2e5 d1d7 c8d7 f2e3 e5c3 e2d3 e4d3 e3d3
info depth 58 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 154012496705 nps 3888559 hashfull 963 tbhits 19994 time 39606570 pv d5d7 e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c1e3 g8f6 c4e2 f8c5 c2c4 a8c8 f1d1 e6e5 d4c2 c5e3 c2e3 e8e7 b2b4 h8d8 a2a3 d7e6 c4c5 a6a5 g2g3 d8d1 a1d1 a5b4 a3b4 c8d8 d1d8 e7d8 f2f3 d8c7 g1f2 f6d7 e2d3 g7g6 g3g4 b7b6 c5b6 d7b6 g4g5 b6d7 d3b5 d7b6 f2g3 c7d6 b5d3 b6d7 d3e2 f7f5 f3f4 d6c6 f4e5 d7e5 h2h3 e6d5 e3d5 c6d5
info depth 58 seldepth 84 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 363472093071 nps 3905300 hashfull 982 tbhits 370699 time 93071485 pv e1g1 b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 g8f6 c1f4 b7b5 d4c6 d7c6 c4d3 c8b7 c2c4 b5c4 d3c2 c6d7 f3e5 d7d1 f1d1 f8e7 c2a4 e8f8 e5c4 f6d5 f4e5 f7f6 e5g3 a8c8 c4a5 d5b6 a4d7 b6d7 a5b7 d7b6 b7d6 c8c2 a1c1 c2c1 d1c1 e7d6 g3d6 f8f7 c1c7 f7g6 c7c6 h8c8 c6c8 b6c8 d6c5 g6f7 b2b4 c8e7 c5e7 f7e7 g1f1 e7d6 f1e2 d6d5 e2d3 g7g5 g2g4 f6f5 f2f3 f5g4 f3g4 e6e5 a2a4 h7h6 b4b5 a6b5 a4b5 d5c5 d3e4
info depth 58 seldepth 78 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 153232941388 nps 3954967 hashfull 968 tbhits 55495 time 38744429 pv b8c6 d2b3 a7a6 b3d4 c6d4 d1d4 d7d4 f3d4 c8d7 c1e3 g8f6 c4e2 f8c5 c2c4 a8c8 a1c1 e6e5 d4f3 c5e3 f2e3 d7g4 b2b4 e8e7 c1c2 h8d8 f3e5 g4e2 c2e2 e7e6 e5f3 c8c4 f3g5 e6e7 e3e4 e7f8 e4e5 d8e8 e2e1 c4g4 e5f6 g4g5 f6g7 g5g7 e1e8 f8e8 a2a3 g7g4 f1f6 g4c4 f6b6 c4c1 g1f2 c1c2 f2f1 c2c1 f1e2 c1a1 b6b7 a1a3 b7b6 a3a2 e2f3 a2a3 f3e4 a3a2 g2g3 a2h2 b6a6 h2b2 a6b6 e8e7 b6b7 e7e6 e4d4 b2b3
info depth 58 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 15 nodes 52792727893 nps 3967376 hashfull 836 tbhits 72177 time 13306710 pv d2b3 g8f6 b3d4 a7a6 c4b3 c6d4 f3d4 f8c5 c2c3 b7b6 c1g5 c5d4 c3d4 f6d5 f1e1 c8b7 d1g4 e8g8 b3d5 d7d5 e1e5 f7f5 e5d5 f5g4 d5d6 b7d5 d6b6 a8b8 b6b8 f8b8 b2b3 a6a5 g5f4 b8a8 f4d6 a8c8 d6c5 e6e5 a1d1 e5d4 c5d4 c8c2 d1a1 a5a4 b3a4 c2c4 d4e5 c4a4 a2a3 g8f7 a1d1 a4a5 e5d6 f7e6 d6f8 a5a7 f8c5 a7a6 d1e1 e6f7 e1e5 d5e6 g2g3 a6c6 a3a4 g7g6 c5e3
info depth 58 seldepth 80 multipv 1 score cp -20 nodes 449593305371 nps 4023681 hashfull 990 tbhits 595352 time 111736799 pv g8f6 b3d4 c6d4 f3d4 a7a6 c4b3 f8c5 c2c3 b7b6 c1g5 c8b7 f1e1 c5d4 c3d4 f6d5 d1g4 e8g8 a1c1 a8c8 c1c8 f8c8 g5h6 f7f5 g4g3 d7c7 g3c7 c8c7 h6g5 b7c8 b3d5 e6d5 f2f3 h7h6 g5f4 c7c6 e1e7 g7g5 f4e5 c6c1 g1f2 c1c2 f2e1 f5f4 e7c7 c2c7 e5c7 b6b5 e1d2 g8f7 d2c3 c8f5 c3b4 f5b1 a2a3 b1d3 b4a5 h6h5 a5a6 d3f1 g2g3 f4g3 h2g3 h5h4
info depth 58 seldepth 80 multipv 1 score cp 16 nodes 117846677180 nps 3990012 hashfull 975 tbhits 455716 time 29535413 pv b3d4 a7a6 c4b3 c6d4 f3d4 f8c5 c2c3 b7b6 f1e1 c8b7 c1g5 c5d4 c3d4 f6d5 d1g4 e8g8 b3d5 d7d5 e1e5 f7f5 e5d5 f5g4 d5d6 b7d5 d6b6 f8b8 b6b8 a8b8 b2b3 a6a5 g5f4 b8a8 f4d6 a8c8 d6c5 e6e5 g1f1 e5d4 c5d4 a5a4 b3a4 c8c4 d4e5 c4e4 e5d6 e4a4 a2a3 g8f7 a1c1 f7g6 c1c7 h7h5 d6b4 a4a6 c7d7 d5e6 d7d6 a6d6 b4d6 e6c4 f1g1 c4b5 d6e5
info depth 58 seldepth 78 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 317640749854 nps 4041108 hashfull 957 tbhits 1584484 time 78602379 pv c6d4 f3d4 a7a6 c1g5 b7b5 c4b3 f6e4 g5e3 e4c5 d1h5 c5b3 a2b3 c8b7 c2c4 b5c4 b3c4 f8b4 c4c5 e8g8 f1d1 d7d5 h5d5 b7d5 d4c2 a6a5 d1c1 d5c6 c2b4 a5b4 a1a8 f8a8 h2h4 f7f6 c1c4 a8b8 e3d2 b4b3 c4d4 c6d5 d4a4 b8c8 d2e3 c8a8 a4a8 d5a8 f2f3 e6e5 g1f2 g8f7 f2e2 f7e6 e2d3 a8d5 d3c3 e6d7 c3b4 d7c6 h4h5 d5e6 g2g3 f6f5 h5h6 g7g6 b4c3 e5e4
info depth 58 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 275781143497 nps 4033823 hashfull 982 tbhits 824391 time 68367187 pv f3d4 a7a6 c1g5 d7c7 d1e2 f8e7 c4b3 e8g8 c2c3 b7b5 f1e1 e7d8 a2a4 b5a4 a1a4 c8d7 a4c4 c7d6 b3c2 a6a5 g5h4 d6b6 b2b3 f6d5 e2h5 h7h6 d4f3 d8h4 h5h4 f7f5 h4d4 f8c8 c4c8 a8c8 d4b6 d5b6 c3c4 a5a4 f3e5 a4b3 c2b3 d7a4 b3a4 b6a4 e1b1 c8d8 h2h4 g7g5 h4g5 h6g5 b1b7 d8d1 g1h2 a4c5 b7e7 g8f8 e5g6 f8g8 e7c7 c5d3 f2f3 d1c1 h2h3 d3f4 g6f4 g5f4
info depth 58 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 218341642337 nps 4049363 hashfull 964 tbhits 597682 time 53919987 pv a7a6 f1e1 f8c5 c2c3 b7b5 c4f1 c5d4 d1d4 d7d4 c3d4 e8g8 c1e3 c8b7 f2f3 f6d5 g1f2 d5e3 f2e3 f7f5 a2a4 b5a4 f1c4 b7d5 c4d5 e6d5 a1a4 a8e8 e3f2 e8e1 f2e1 f8f6 b2b4 f5f4 a4a5 f6g6 e1f1 g6b6 a5d5 b6b4 h2h4 g8f7 f1e2 b4b2 e2d3 b2g2 d5f5 f7e7 f5e5 e7f7 e5a5 g2h2 a5a6 h2h4 d3e4 h4h5 d4d5 g7g6 a6e6 g6g5 e4d4 h7h6 d4c5 h5h1
info depth 58 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 334455803092 nps 4025126 hashfull 988 tbhits 667667 time 83091997 pv c1g5 d7c7 d1e2 f8e7 c2c3 e8g8 c4b3 c7c5 e2e3 h7h6 g5h4 c8d7 f1e1 f8e8 b3c2 a8d8 a2a4 d7c6 e3d3 c5d5 d3f1 d5c5 a1d1 d8d7 d4c6 c5c6 d1d7 f6d7 h4g3 e7d6 g3d6 c6d6 e1d1 d6c7 f1d3 d7f6 d3d4 a6a5 g2g3 g8f8 h2h4 f8e7 c2e4 b7b6 e4g2 c7d7 d4d7 f6d7 g2c6 e8d8 c6b5 g7g5 h4g5 h6g5 g1f1 d7f6 d1d8 e7d8 f1e2 d8e7 e2d3 f6g4 f2f4 g5f4 g3f4 e7d6
info depth 58 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp -8 nodes 193738601160 nps 4139546 hashfull 962 tbhits 1902983 time 46801888 pv b7b5 c4b3 c8b7 c2c3 h7h6 g5h4 f8e7 f1e1 a8d8 d1d3 e8g8 a1d1 b7d5 d4f5 e6f5 h4f6 e7f6 d3d5 d7d5 b3d5 a6a5 e1e2 g7g6 e2d2 g8g7 g2g3 d8d6 d5f3 d6d2 d1d2 f8d8 d2d8 f6d8 f3c6 b5b4 c3b4 a5b4 a2a4 b4a3 b2a3 g7f6 g1g2 d8e7 a3a4 e7b4 c6d5 g6g5 g2f3 h6h5 f3e2 b4a5 e2d3 a5b6 d3c4 b6f2 a4a5 f6e7 c4b4 f2d4 a5a6 d4g1 b4c4 f5f4 g3f4 g5f4
info depth 58 seldepth 71 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 142611829651 nps 4195509 hashfull 922 tbhits 1836783 time 33991537 pv c4b3 c8b7 c2c3 h7h6 g5h4 f8e7 f1e1 a8d8 d1e2 f6d5 h4e7 d7e7 a2a4 d5f4 e2g4 e7f6 d4e6 f7e6 g2g3 e8g8 g3f4 b7d5 b3d5 d8d5 a4b5 a6b5 g4e6 f6e6 e1e6 f8f4 e6e8 g8h7 e8e2 d5g5 g1h1 b5b4 a1g1 h7g6 g1g5 g6g5 h1g2 b4c3 b2c3 f4c4 e2e3 h6h5 g2f1 c4h4 h2h3 h4a4 e3e5 g5h4 e5c5 g7g5 f1g2 g5g4 h3g4 h4g4 c5b5 a4a2 b5b4 g4g5 c3c4 h5h4 c4c5 a2c2 g2h3 c2c5 f2f4 g5f6
info depth 58 seldepth 47 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 182552754229 nps 4263499 hashfull 952 tbhits 8056517 time 42817589 pv c8b7 c2c3 h7h6 g5f6 g7f6 d1g4 h6h5 g4h4 e8c8 f1d1 d7e7 a2a4 f6f5 h4e7 f8e7 a4b5 a6b5 d4b5 d8g8 g1f1 g8g2 b3d5 b7d5 d1d5 g2h2 a1a8 c8b7 a8h8 e6d5 b5d4 e7h4 h8h5 h2f2 f1e1 h4g3 d4e2 f5f4 e1d1 b7c6 h5f5 c6c5 b2b3 f2f1 d1c2 f1f2 c2d1
info depth 58 seldepth 76 multipv 1 score cp 8 nodes 108742149052 nps 4347392 hashfull 956 tbhits 4905442 time 25013186 pv c2c3 h7h6 g5h4 f8e7 f1e1 a8d8 d1e2 f6d5 h4e7 d7e7 a2a4 d5f4 e2g4 e7f6 d4e6 f7e6 g2g3 e8g8 g3f4 b7d5 b3d5 d8d5 a4b5 a6b5 g4e6 f6e6 e1e6 f8f4 e6e2 d5g5 g1h1 g5f5 a1a8 g8f7 a8a7 f7g6 h1g2 b5b4 a7a6 g6h5 a6a4 f4g4 g2f1 b4c3 a4g4 h5g4 b2c3 g4h3 f1g1 f5g5 g1h1 g5c5 e2e3 h3g4 e3g3 g4f4 g3g7 c5c3 h1g2 h6h5 g7f7 f4g5 f7b7 g5f6 b7b4 c3c2 b4b6 f6f5 g2g3 h5h4 g3h3 c2f2 b6b5 f5f6
info depth 58 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 214816278002 nps 4167344 hashfull 955 tbhits 2669391 time 51547516 pv h7h6 g5h4 f8e7 d1e2 e8g8 a1d1 d7c7 f1e1 f6e4 h4e7 c7e7 b3c2 e4f6 e2e5 e7e8 f2f4 e8b8 e5b8 a8b8 f4f5 e6f5 d4f5 f8d8 d1d8 b8d8 e1d1 d8e8 f5d4 b7e4 c2b3 g7g6 a2a4 b5a4 b3a4 e8b8 a4b3 g8g7 d1e1 b8b7 e1e2 a6a5 b3a4 e4d3 a4c6 b7b8 e2d2 d3e4 d2e2 e4d3
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info depth 58 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 9763830 nps 5130756 hashfull 37 tbhits 2237 time 1903 pv c6d5 c3d3
info depth 58 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 186253126 nps 5157223 hashfull 602 tbhits 82118 time 36115 pv c3d3
[pgn] [Event "Stockfish 9 64 POPCNT - fixed depth 58"] [Site "TalkChess"] [Date "2018.08.08"] [White "Stockfish 9 64"] [Black "Stockfish 9 64"] [Round "1"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C07"] [Opening "French"] [Variation "Tarrasch, Open Variation"] [PlyCount "71"] 1. e4 {+0.17/58 773382s} e6 {-0.08/58 466590s} 2. d4 {+0.22/58 162384s} d5 {-0.19/58 128048s} 3. Nd2 {+0.17/58 154580s} c5 {-0.12/58 135118s} 4. exd5 {+0.22/58 146476s} Qxd5 {-0.12/58 60882s} 5. Ngf3 {+0.08/58 177933s} cxd4 {-0.17/58 95257s} 6. Bc4 {+0.08/58 52426s} Qd7 {-0.08/58 39607s} 7. O-O {+0.08/58 93071s} Nc6 {-0.08/58 38744s} 8. Nb3 {+0.15/58 13307s} Nf6 {-0.20/58 111737s} 9. Nbxd4 {+0.16/58 29535s} Nxd4 {-0.08/58 78602s} 10. Nxd4 {+0.08/58 68367s} a6 {-0.08/58 53920s} 11. Bg5 {+0.08/58 83092s} b5 {-0.08/58 46802s} 12. Bb3 {+0.08/58 33992s} Bb7 {0.00/58 42818s} 13. c3 {+0.08/58 25013s} h6 {0.00/58 51548s} 14. Bh4 {+0.08/58 16961s} Be7 {-0.08/58 29422s} 15. Re1 {+0.08/58 22105s} Rd8 {0.00/58 22551s} 16. Qe2 {0.00/58 38712s} Nd5 {0.00/58 6496s} 17. Bxe7 {0.00/58 10038s} Qxe7 {0.00/58 3171s} 18. a4 {0.00/58 4165s} b4 {0.00/58 8927s} 19. Nf5 {0.00/58 5027s} Qf6 {0.00/58 4103s} 20. Bxd5 {0.00/58 1941s} Rxd5 {0.00/58 4097s} 21. Ne3 {0.00/58 814s} Rg5 {0.00/58 2296s} 22. cxb4 {0.00/58 4386s} O-O {0.00/58 3230s} 23. Rac1 {0.00/58 3173s} Rd8 {0.00/58 7778s} 24. b3 {0.00/58 7204s} Rd4 {0.00/58 1997s} 25. Rc4 {0.00/58 2810s} e5 {0.00/58 5037s} 26. Rxd4 {0.00/58 4345s} exd4 {0.00/58 1259s} 27. Ng4 {0.00/58 394s} Qf5 {0.00/58 2827s} 28. f3 {0.00/58 1342s} d3 {0.00/58 1492s} 29. Qe8+ {0.00/58 7840s} Kh7 {0.00/58 4205s} 30. Qe3 {0.00/58 789s} Qd5 {0.00/58 420s} 31. Rd1 {0.00/58 2445s} Rxg4 {0.00/58 249s} 32. Rxd3 {0.00/58 9.9s} Qc6 {0.00/58 251s} 33. Rc3 {0.00/58 3.1s} Qd5 {0.00/58 6.1s} 34. Rd3 {0.00/58 5.1s} Qc6 {0.00/58 0.89s} 35. Rc3 {0.00/58 2.2s} Qd5 {0.00/58 1.9s} 36. Rd3 {0.00/58 36s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2 [/pgn]

sd = selective search depth, cp = centipawns, nps = nodes per second, hf = hashfull

Code: Select all

  move     depth  sd     time ms     d:hh:mm:ss      nodes     cp       nps       tbhits      hf
1. e4        58   78   773.381.971   8:22:49:42   3.576.491    17   3.560.240        8.045   999
1... e6      58   77   466.590.229   5:09:36:30   3.629.118    -8   3.527.586       11.277   999
2. d4        58   76   162.384.165   1:21:06:24   3.644.982    22   3.545.819        6.032   908
2... d5      58   75   128.047.997   1:11:34:08   3.727.404   -19   3.651.308       19.480   936
3. Nd2       58   85   154.580.175   1:18:56:20   3.772.146    17   3.579.626       33.523   973
3... c5      58   76   135.118.403   1:13:31:58   3.793.835   -12   3.624.082       17.128   976
4. exd5      58   79   146.476.125   1:16:41:16   3.831.052    22   3.591.218       36.130   968
4... Qxd5    58   74    60.881.547   0:16:54:42   3.822.859   -12   3.570.121       11.609   949
5. Ngf3      58   85   177.932.638   2:01:25:33   3.867.100     8   3.614.210      203.021   978
5... cxd4    58   80    95.256.948   1:02:27:37   3.823.568   -17   3.633.104       24.197   982
6. Bc4       58   81    52.426.214   0:14:33:46   3.933.523     8   3.648.402       64.385   914
6... Qd7     58   76    39.606.570   0:11:00:07   3.888.559    -8   3.695.807       19.994   963
7. O-O       58   84    93.071.485   1:01:51:11   3.905.300     8   3.674.179      370.699   982
7... Nc6     58   78    38.744.429   0:10:45:44   3.954.967    -8   3.655.471       55.495   968
8. Nb3       58   73    13.306.710   0:03:41:47   3.967.376    15   3.705.722       72.177   836
8... Nf6     58   80   111.736.799   1:07:02:17   4.023.681   -20   3.725.043      595.352   990
9. Nbxd4     58   80    29.535.413   0:08:12:15   3.990.012    16   3.796.852      455.716   975
9... Nxd4    58   78    78.602.379   0:21:50:02   4.041.108    -8   3.822.993    1.584.484   957
10. Nxd4     58   76    68.367.187   0:18:59:27   4.033.823     8   3.845.939      824.391   982
10... a6     58   66    53.919.987   0:14:58:40   4.049.363    -8   3.849.060      597.682   964
11. Bg5      58   74    83.091.997   0:23:04:52   4.025.126     8   3.841.749      667.667   988
11... b5     58   73    46.801.888   0:13:00:02   4.139.546    -8   3.846.709    1.902.983   962
12. Bb3      58   71    33.991.537   0:09:26:32   4.195.509     8   3.930.769    1.836.783   922
12... Bb7    58   47    42.817.589   0:11:53:38   4.263.499     0   3.841.489    8.056.517   952
13. c3       58   76    25.013.186   0:06:56:53   4.347.392     8   3.989.331    4.905.442   956
13... h6     58   72    51.547.516   0:14:19:08   4.167.344     0   3.905.166    2.669.391   955
14. Bh4      58   70    16.961.347   0:04:42:41   4.331.684     8   4.018.479    6.174.977   933
14... Be7    58   85    29.422.000   0:08:10:22   4.282.829    -8   3.986.853    3.472.009   943
15. Re1      58   85    22.104.532   0:06:08:25   4.389.200     8   4.078.011    7.428.265   965
15... Rd8    58   46    22.550.766   0:06:15:51   4.368.343     0   4.139.272    3.672.035   955
16. Qe2      58   78    38.712.257   0:10:45:12   4.345.901     0   4.112.691    4.438.032   983
16... Nd5    58   44     6.496.060   0:01:48:16   4.464.384     0   4.157.367    2.415.073   880
17. Bxe7     58   34    10.037.709   0:02:47:18   4.468.492     0   4.294.569    3.043.856   900
17... Qxe7   58   42     3.170.628   0:00:52:51   4.532.742     0   4.202.234    1.416.034   918
18. a4       58   32     4.164.509   0:01:09:25   4.461.009     0   4.240.897    1.842.766   905
18... b4     58   40     8.927.394   0:02:28:47   4.526.846     0   4.199.796    5.247.402   988
19. Nf5      58   30     5.027.065   0:01:23:47   4.523.049     0   4.251.478    2.312.499   968
19... Qf6    58   38     4.103.495   0:01:08:23   4.454.016     0   4.314.625    1.464.933   959
20. Bxd5     58   28     1.941.248   0:00:32:21   4.426.336     0   4.273.081      730.757   924
20... Rxd5   58   36     4.096.565   0:01:08:17   4.509.264     0   4.230.927    2.055.378   972
21. Ne3      58   26       813.581   0:00:13:34   4.419.919     0   4.277.863      242.173   925
21... Rg5    58   34     2.295.793   0:00:38:16   4.479.283     0   4.235.027    1.177.055   955
22. cxb4     58   24     4.385.671   0:01:13:06   4.518.176     0   4.335.499    2.926.156   993
22... O-O    58   32     3.229.758   0:00:53:50   4.575.977     0   4.195.303    2.576.694   970
23. Rac1     58   22     3.173.269   0:00:52:53   4.366.553     0   3.986.230      597.281   964
23... Rd8    58   68     7.777.904   0:02:09:38   4.623.106     0   4.338.908    8.306.917   987
24. b3       58   20     7.204.326   0:02:00:04   4.662.184     0   4.346.985    8.697.901   988
24... Rd4    58   38     1.997.195   0:00:33:17   4.758.581     0   4.318.202    3.232.542   905
25. Rc4      58   18     2.809.733   0:00:46:50   4.839.684     0   4.200.841    6.392.185   922
25... e5     58   36     5.036.997   0:01:23:57   4.932.159     0   4.345.875   12.731.964   982
26. Rxd4     58   16     4.345.167   0:01:12:25   4.922.988     0   4.268.329   11.061.511   977
26... exd4   58   34     1.258.555   0:00:20:59   5.102.939     0   4.342.860    3.686.305   892
27. Ng4      58   14       394.023   0:00:06:34   4.824.659     0   4.273.081      523.883   786
27... Qf5    58   32     2.826.804   0:00:47:07   5.043.075     0   4.230.927    9.754.656   978
28. f3       58   12     1.341.700   0:00:22:22   4.953.112     0   4.277.863    4.178.910   981
28... d3     58   30     1.491.779   0:00:24:52   5.239.361     0   4.235.027    6.729.404   942
29. Qe8+     58   68     7.840.281   0:02:10:40   5.041.730     0   4.335.499   31.694.831   995
29... Kh7    58   26     4.204.547   0:01:10:05   5.068.138     0   4.195.303   16.808.075   986
30. Qe3      58   24       788.637   0:00:13:09   5.185.294     0   3.986.230    4.584.537   810
30... Qd5    58   24       419.707   0:00:07:00   5.031.150     0   4.338.908    1.574.509   807
31. Rd1      58    8     2.444.656   0:00:40:45   4.929.418     0   4.346.985    7.007.743   962
31... Rxg4   58    7       249.281   0:00:04:09   5.180.157     0   4.318.202      458.452   921
32. Rxd3     58    6         9.911   0:00:00:10   5.298.283     0   4.200.841       11.624   169
32... Qc6    58    6       250.605   0:00:04:11   5.720.922     0   4.345.875    3.327.583   946
33. Rc3      58    6         3.052   0:00:00:03   5.418.051     0   4.268.329        3.027    63
33... Qd5    58    6         6.084   0:00:00:06   5.255.391     0   4.342.860        3.259   116
34. Rd3      58    6         5.151   0:00:00:05   5.364.268     0   3.986.230        3.884   106
34... Qc6    58    5           892   0:00:00:01   5.241.528     0   4.338.908          217   
35. Rc3      58    4         2.246   0:00:00:02   5.520.759     0   4.346.985          549    42
35... Qd5    58    3         1.903   0:00:00:02   5.130.756     0   4.318.202        2.237    37
36. Rd3      58    2        36.115   0:00:00:36   5.157.223     0   4.200.841       82.118   602

Re: Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 58

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:07 pm
by fastgm
Correction concerning the nodes:

Code: Select all

  move     depth  sd     time ms     d:hh:mm:ss         nodes          cp       nps       tbhits      hf
1. e4        58   78   773.381.971   8:22:49:42   2.765.993.869.966    17   3.560.240        8.045   999
1... e6      58   77   466.590.229   5:09:36:30   1.693.311.332.476    -8   3.527.586       11.277   999
2. d4        58   76   162.384.165   1:21:06:24     591.887.389.652    22   3.545.819        6.032   908
2... d5      58   75   128.047.997   1:11:34:08     477.286.675.602   -19   3.651.308       19.480   936
3. Nd2       58   85   154.580.175   1:18:56:20     583.099.060.892    17   3.579.626       33.523   973
3... c5      58   76   135.118.403   1:13:31:58     512.616.958.937   -12   3.624.082       17.128   976
4. exd5      58   79   146.476.125   1:16:41:16     561.157.793.294    22   3.591.218       36.130   968
4... Qxd5    58   74    60.881.547   0:16:54:42     232.741.576.161   -12   3.570.121       11.609   949
5. Ngf3      58   85   177.932.638   2:01:25:33     688.083.452.605     8   3.614.210      203.021   978
5... cxd4    58   80    95.256.948   1:02:27:37     364.221.418.269   -17   3.633.104       24.197   982
6. Bc4       58   81    52.426.214   0:14:33:46     206.219.768.824     8   3.648.402       64.385   914
6... Qd7     58   76    39.606.570   0:11:00:07     154.012.496.705    -8   3.695.807       19.994   963
7. O-O       58   84    93.071.485   1:01:51:11     363.472.093.071     8   3.674.179      370.699   982
7... Nc6     58   78    38.744.429   0:10:45:44     153.232.941.388    -8   3.655.471       55.495   968
8. Nb3       58   73    13.306.710   0:03:41:47      52.792.727.893    15   3.705.722       72.177   836
8... Nf6     58   80   111.736.799   1:07:02:17     449.593.305.371   -20   3.725.043      595.352   990
9. Nbxd4     58   80    29.535.413   0:08:12:15     117.846.677.180    16   3.796.852      455.716   975
9... Nxd4    58   78    78.602.379   0:21:50:02     317.640.749.854    -8   3.822.993    1.584.484   957
10. Nxd4     58   76    68.367.187   0:18:59:27     275.781.143.497     8   3.845.939      824.391   982
10... a6     58   66    53.919.987   0:14:58:40     218.341.642.337    -8   3.849.060      597.682   964
11. Bg5      58   74    83.091.997   0:23:04:52     334.455.803.092     8   3.841.749      667.667   988
11... b5     58   73    46.801.888   0:13:00:02     193.738.601.160    -8   3.846.709    1.902.983   962
12. Bb3      58   71    33.991.537   0:09:26:32     142.611.829.651     8   3.930.769    1.836.783   922
12... Bb7    58   47    42.817.589   0:11:53:38     182.552.754.229     0   3.841.489    8.056.517   952
13. c3       58   76    25.013.186   0:06:56:53     108.742.149.052     8   3.989.331    4.905.442   956
13... h6     58   72    51.547.516   0:14:19:08     214.816.278.002     0   3.905.166    2.669.391   955
14. Bh4      58   70    16.961.347   0:04:42:41      73.471.206.374     8   4.018.479    6.174.977   933
14... Be7    58   85    29.422.000   0:08:10:22     126.009.421.187    -8   3.986.853    3.472.009   943
15. Re1      58   85    22.104.532   0:06:08:25     8   4.078.011    7.428.265   965
15... Rd8    58   46    22.550.766   0:06:15:51      98.509.484.207     0   4.139.272    3.672.035   955
16. Qe2      58   78    38.712.257   0:10:45:12     168.239.639.104     0   4.112.691    4.438.032   983
16... Nd5    58   44     6.496.060   0:01:48:16      29.000.910.973     0   4.157.367    2.415.073   880
17. Bxe7     58   34    10.037.709   0:02:47:18      44.853.431.082     0   4.294.569    3.043.856   900
17... Qxe7   58   42     3.170.628   0:00:52:51      14.371.640.961     0   4.202.234    1.416.034   918
18. a4       58   32     4.164.509   0:01:09:25      18.577.912.463     0   4.240.897    1.842.766   905
18... b4     58   40     8.927.394   0:02:28:47      40.412.938.951     0   4.199.796    5.247.402   988
19. Nf5      58   30     5.027.065   0:01:23:47      22.737.666.273     0   4.251.478    2.312.499   968
19... Qf6    58   38     4.103.495   0:01:08:23     0   4.314.625    1.464.933   959
20. Bxd5     58   28     1.941.248   0:00:32:21       8.592.617.197     0   4.273.081      730.757   924
20... Rxd5   58   36     4.096.565   0:01:08:17      18.472.494.736     0   4.230.927    2.055.378   972
21. Ne3      58   26       813.581   0:00:13:34       3.595.962.235     0   4.277.863      242.173   925
21... Rg5    58   34     2.295.793   0:00:38:16      10.283.508.182     0   4.235.027    1.177.055   955
22. cxb4     58   24     4.385.671   0:01:13:06      19.815.236.064     0   4.335.499    2.926.156   993
22... O-O    58   32     3.229.758   0:00:53:50      14.779.298.536     0   4.195.303    2.576.694   970
23. Rac1     58   22     3.173.269   0:00:52:53      13.856.248.440     0   3.986.230      597.281   964
23... Rd8    58   68     7.777.904   0:02:09:38      35.958.078.720     0   4.338.908    8.306.917   987
24. b3       58   20     7.204.326   0:02:00:04      33.587.899.719     0   4.346.985    8.697.901   988
24... Rd4    58   38     1.997.195   0:00:33:17       9.503.816.120     0   4.318.202    3.232.542   905
25. Rc4      58   18     2.809.733   0:00:46:50      13.598.220.264     0   4.200.841    6.392.185   922
25... e5     58   36     5.036.997   0:01:23:57      24.843.272.600     0   4.345.875   12.731.964   982
26. Rxd4     58   16     4.345.167   0:01:12:25      21.391.208.362     0   4.268.329   11.061.511   977
26... exd4   58   34     1.258.555   0:00:20:59       6.422.330.436     0   4.342.860    3.686.305   892
27. Ng4      58   14       394.023   0:00:06:34       1.901.026.784     0   4.273.081      523.883   786
27... Qf5    58   32     2.826.804   0:00:47:07      14.255.787.153     0   4.230.927    9.754.656   978
28. f3       58   12     1.341.700   0:00:22:22       6.645.590.460     0   4.277.863    4.178.910   981
28... d3     58   30     1.491.779   0:00:24:52       7.815.969.683     0   4.235.027    6.729.404   942
29. Qe8+     58   68     7.840.281   0:02:10:40      39.528.583.594     0   4.335.499   31.694.831   995
29... Kh7    58   26     4.204.547   0:01:10:05      21.309.226.652     0   4.195.303   16.808.075   986
30. Qe3      58   24       788.637   0:00:13:09       4.089.315.335     0   3.986.230    4.584.537   810
30... Qd5    58   24       419.707   0:00:07:00       2.111.609.010     0   4.338.908    1.574.509   807
31. Rd1      58    8     2.444.656   0:00:40:45      12.050.731.942     0   4.346.985    7.007.743   962
31... Rxg4   58    7       249.281   0:00:04:09       1.291.314.724     0   4.318.202      458.452   921
32. Rxd3     58    6         9.911   0:00:00:10          52.511.285     0   4.200.841       11.624   169
32... Qc6    58    6       250.605   0:00:04:11       1.433.691.755     0   4.345.875    3.327.583   946
33. Rc3      58    6         3.052   0:00:00:03          16.535.894     0   4.268.329        3.027    63
33... Qd5    58    6         6.084   0:00:00:06          31.973.799     0   4.342.860        3.259   116
34. Rd3      58    6         5.151   0:00:00:05          27.631.348     0   3.986.230        3.884   106
34... Qc6    58    5           892   0:00:00:01           4.675.443     0   4.338.908          217   
35. Rc3      58    4         2.246   0:00:00:02          12.399.626     0   4.346.985          549    42
35... Qd5    58    3         1.903   0:00:00:02           9.763.830     0   4.318.202        2.237    37
36. Rd3      58    2        36.115   0:00:00:36         186.253.126     0   4.200.841       82.118   602

Re: Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 58

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:22 am
by MikeGL
Thanks for this SF9 game. Looks like SF9 considers 1...e6 for black (French) as one of the best defence against 1.e4
Though the mid-game phase of SF9 above just transposes into a Sicilian setup.

Re: Stockfish 9 vs Stockfish 9 - Game with fixed depth = 58

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:27 pm
by whereagles
SF playing the french? REGRESSION :D