program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

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Re: program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

Post by JohnS »

Ferdy wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:44 pm
bm c2; ce 845; sm c2; acd 27; acs 15; fmvn 40; hmvc 0; pv c2 Qd3 c1=Q Rxc1 Rxc1; c0 "Navara, David - So, Wesley, Champions Showdown Blitz, Saint Louis USA, 2019.02.23, R1.3"; c1 "Complexity: 0"; c2 "bestscore2: 0"; c3 "Analyzing engine: Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT";

Can you please explain what these abbreviations mean thanks: ce 845; sm c2; acd 27; acs 15; fmvn 40; hmvc 0; c1 "Complexity: 0"; c2 "bestscore2: 0";
Posts: 4833
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Re: program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

Post by Ferdy »

JohnS wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:48 am
Ferdy wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:44 pm
bm c2; ce 845; sm c2; acd 27; acs 15; fmvn 40; hmvc 0; pv c2 Qd3 c1=Q Rxc1 Rxc1; c0 "Navara, David - So, Wesley, Champions Showdown Blitz, Saint Louis USA, 2019.02.23, R1.3"; c1 "Complexity: 0"; c2 "bestscore2: 0"; c3 "Analyzing engine: Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT";

Can you please explain what these abbreviations mean thanks: ce 845; sm c2; acd 27; acs 15; fmvn 40; hmvc 0; c1 "Complexity: 0"; c2 "bestscore2: 0";
ce, sm, acd, acs, fmvn, hmvc, c0, c1, c2 are opcode or operation code.

ce = centipawn evaluation
sm = supplied move
See ... escription
and this ... mplete.htm or its source at ... andard.txt

c0, c1 are opcodes for comments. Comment0, comment1 etc.

c1 "Complexity: 0";
The value of comment 1 is "Complexity: 0"

c2 "bestscore2: 0";
bestscore2:0, means that the engine multipv 2 best score is 0.

Example, from start position, engine searches at multipv 2

Code: Select all

depth 1 score cp 5 multipv 1 pv e2e4 e7e5
depth 1 score cp 0 multipv 2 pv d2d4 d7d5
The ce in the epd is the same as bestscore1, or best score from multipv 1, in the example it is 5 (the 5 is from score cp 5).
The bestscore2 is 0 in the example, also in centipawn.
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Re: program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

Post by Ferdy »

Released v0.4 beta

Code: Select all

Dev log:
    v0.4 beta
    * Added --positional flag, used to generate positions with low score
      difference between bestscore1 and bestscore2
    * Parse the game directly instead of saving it to memory first. This would
      start the analysis early specially for big pgn files.
    * When flag --pin is set and there is pinned piece of the side not to move,
      save it to interesting.epd only if the pinned piece is not a pawn.
      Python-chess currently is not detecting all pinned pawns properly.

Code: Select all


Interesting Chess Position Generator

Read games and analyze positions with engine and save interesting positions
based on user defined criteria via score thresholds against engine bestscore1
and bestscore2 from mulitpv 2 analysis results.

    python 3
    python-chess v0.26.0
    Analysis engine that supports multipv and movetime
Dev log:
    v0.4 beta
    * Added --positional flag, used to generate positions with low score
      difference between bestscore1 and bestscore2
    * Parse the game directly instead of saving it to memory first. This would
      start the analysis early specially for big pgn files.
    * When flag --pin is set and there is pinned piece of the side not to move,
      save it to interesting.epd only if the pinned piece is not a pawn.
      Python-chess currently is not detecting all pinned pawns properly.
    v0.3 beta
    * Added --pin flag to save only interesting positions when a piece of
      not stm is pinned.
    * minscorediffcheck is no longer an option but is calculated as:
      minscorediffcheck = minbest1score3 - maxbest2score3
    v0.2 beta
    * Added --log flag to enable logging
    * Relocate engine initialization to the main() was in analyze_game(), this
      would avoid Lc0 engine from duplicating in memory. Lc0 would not quit
      from uci quit command after analyzing a game.
    * When analyzing engine is Lc0, set SmartPruningFactor to 0, this would
      avoid pruning the analysis time.
    * Added --skipdraw flag to skip games with draw results
    v0.1 beta
    * Parse moves in the game in reverse.
    * Exit search early when stm score is way below minimum score threshold
    * Save interesting positions depending on the engine multipv scores and
      user defined score thresholds


import argparse
import logging
import chess.pgn
import chess.engine

VERSION = 'v0.4 beta'

def interesting_pos(board, bs1, bs2, mib1s1, mib1s2, mib1s3, mab2s1, mab2s2, mab2s3):
    board: board position
    bs1: bestscore1 from multipv 1
    bs2: bestscore2 from multipv 2
    mib1s1: minimum best score1, threshold 1
    mib1s2: minimum score2, threshold 2
    mib1s3: minimum score3, threshold 3
    mib1s1 > mib1s2 > mib1s3
    mab2s1: maximum best score2, threshold 1
    mab2s2: maximum best score2, threshold 2
    mab2s3: maximum best score2, threshold 3
    mab2s1 > mab2s2 > mab2s3
    if bs1 >= mib1s1:
        # mate score
        if bs1 >= 30000 and bs2 <= 2*mab2s1:
            return True
        if bs2 <= mab2s1:
            return True
    elif bs1 >= mib1s2:
        if bs2 <= mab2s2:
            return True
    elif bs1 >= mib1s3:
        if bs2 <= mab2s3:
            return True
    print('Not an interesting pos: {}'.format(board.fen()))
    return False

def positional_pos(board, bs1, bs2, mib1s1, mib1s2, mib1s3, mab2s1, mab2s2, mab2s3):
    * The engine bestscore1 is not winning and bestscore2 is not lossing
    * The score gap between bestscore1 and bestcore2 is small    
    if bs1 >= mib1s1 and bs1 <= mib1s1 + 50:
        if bs2 <= mab2s1 and bs2 >= mab2s1 - 50:
            return True
    if bs1 >= mib1s2 and bs1 <= mib1s1:
        if bs2 <= mab2s2 and bs2 >= mab2s2 - 50:
            return True
    if bs1 >= mib1s3 and bs1 <= mib1s2:
        if bs2 <= mab2s3 and bs2 >= mab2s3 - 50:
            return True
    print('Not positional: {}'.format(board.fen()))
    return False

def abs_pinned(board, color):
    """ Returns true if one or more pieces of color color is pinned """
    for sq in chess.SQUARES:
        if board.is_pinned(color, sq) \
            and board.piece_at(sq) != chess.Piece(chess.PAWN, color):
            return True
    return False   

def analyze_game(game, engine, enginefn, hash_val, thread_val,
                 outepdfn, gcnt, engname, mintime=1.0, maxtime=2.0,
                 minscorediffcheck=25, minbest1score1=2000,
                 minbest1score2=1000, minbest1score3=500,
                 maxbest2score1=300, maxbest2score2=200,
                 maxbest2score3=100, weightsfile=None, skipdraw=True,
                 pin=False, positional=False):
    """ """
    limit = chess.engine.Limit(time=maxtime)
    # Copy orig game header to our epd output
    ev = game.headers['Event']
    si = game.headers['Site']
    da = game.headers['Date']
    ro = game.headers['Round']
    wp = game.headers['White']
    bp = game.headers['Black']
    res = game.headers['Result']
    # If result of this game is a draw and skipdraw is true, we skip it
    if skipdraw and res == '1/2-1/2':
    c0_val = wp + ' - ' + bp + ', ' + ev + ', ' + si + ', ' + da + ', R' + ro 
    poscnt = 0   
    # Parse move in reverse
    game_end = game.end()
    curboard = game_end.board()
    while curboard:
        board = curboard
        fmvn = board.fullmove_number
        stm = board.turn
        if fmvn == 1 and stm == chess.WHITE:
        if fmvn < analysis_start_move_num:
            print('move start limit is reached, exit from this game')
        g_move = board.pop()
        curboard = board
        # Print the fen before g_move is made on the board
        poscnt += 1
        print('game {} / position {}'.format(gcnt, poscnt))
        print('game move: {}\n'.format(curboard.san(g_move)))
        # Skip this position if --pin is set and no one of the not stm piece is pinned
        if pin and not abs_pinned(board, board.turn ^ 1):
            print('Skip this position no one of the pieces of the not stm is pinned')
        # If side to move is in check, skip this position
        if board.is_check(): 
            print('Skip this position, stm is in check\n')
        # Run engine in multipv 2
        print('{} is searching at multipv {}  ...'.format(engname, 2))
        bm1, bm2, depth = None, None, None
        raw_pv = None
        bestmovechanges = 0  # Start comparing bestmove1 at depth 4
        tmpmove, oldtmpmove = None, None
        with engine.analysis(board, limit, multipv=2) as analysis:
            for info in analysis:
                    multipv = info['multipv']
                    depth = info['depth']
                    if info['score'].is_mate():
                        s = info['score'].relative.score(mate_score=32000)
                        s = info['score'].relative.score()
                    pv = info['pv'][0:5]
                    t = info['time']
                    if multipv == 1:
                        bm1 = pv[0]
                        bs1 = s
                        raw_pv = pv
                        # Exit early if score is below half of minbest1score3
                        if t >= mintime and bs1 < minbest1score3/2:
                            print('Exit search early, current best score is only {} and it is still below half of minbest1score3 or {}/2={}'.format(
                                    bs1, minbest1score3, minbest1score3//2))
                        # Record bestmove move changes to determine position complexity
                        if 'depth' in info and 'pv' in info \
                                and 'score' in info \
                                and not 'lowerbound' in info \
                                and not 'upperbound' in info \
                                and depth >= 4:
                            tmpmove = info['pv'][0]
                            if tmpmove is not None and tmpmove != oldtmpmove:
                                assert oldtmpmove is not None, 'oldtmp move is None at depth {}'.format(depth)
                                bestmovechanges += 1
                    elif multipv == 2:
                        bm2 = pv[0]
                        bs2 = s
                    # Save analysis time by exiting it if score difference
                    # between bestscore1 and bestcore2 is way below the
                    # minimum score difference based from user defined
                    # score thresholds
                    if t >= mintime and bs1 - bs2 < minscorediffcheck:
                        print('Exit search early, scorediff of {} is below minscorediff of {}'.format(
                                bs1 - bs2, minscorediffcheck))
                    oldtmpmove = tmpmove
        print('Search is done!!'.format(engname))      
        print('game move       : {}'.format(g_move))
        print('complexity      : {}'.format(bestmovechanges))
        print('best move 1     : {}, best score 1: {}'.format(bm1, bs1))
        print('best move 2     : {}, best score 2: {}'.format(bm2, bs2))
        print('scorediff       : {}'.format(bs1 - bs2))
        # Don't save positions if score is already bad
        if bs1 < minbest1score3:
            print('Skip this position, score {} is below minbest1score3 of {}'.format(bs1, minbest1score3))
        # If complexity is 1 or less and if bestmove1 is a capture, skip this position
        if board.is_capture(bm1) and bestmovechanges <= 1:
            print('Skip this position, bm1 is a capture and position complexity is below 2')
        if bs1 - bs2 < minbest1score3 - maxbest2score3:
            print('Skip this position, actual min score diff of {} is below user defined min score diff of {}'.format(
                    bs1 - bs2, minbest1score3 - maxbest2score3))

        # Save epd if criteria is satisfied
        is_save = False
        if positional:
            if positional_pos(board, bs1, bs2, minbest1score1, minbest1score2,
                               minbest1score3, maxbest2score1, maxbest2score2,
                is_save = True
            if interesting_pos(board, bs1, bs2, minbest1score1, minbest1score2,
                               minbest1score3, maxbest2score1, maxbest2score2,
                is_save = True
        if is_save:                
            print('Save this position!!')
            ae_oper = 'Analyzing engine: ' + engname
            complexity_oper = 'Complexity: ' +  str(bestmovechanges)
            bs2_oper = 'bestscore2: ' + str(bs2)
            new_epd = board.epd(
                    bm = bm1,
                    ce = bs1,
                    sm = g_move,
                    acd = depth,
                    acs = int(t),                        
                    fmvn = board.fullmove_number,
                    hmvc = board.halfmove_clock,
                    pv = raw_pv,                        
                    c0 = c0_val,
                    c1 = complexity_oper,
                    c2 = bs2_oper,
                    c3 = ae_oper)
            with open(outepdfn, 'a') as f:

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Interesting Chess Position Generator {}'.format(VERSION), 
                description='Generates interesting position using engine and ' +
                'some criteria', epilog='%(prog)s')    
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inpgn', help='input pgn file',
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--outepd', help='output epd file, default=interesting.epd',
                        default='interesting.epd', required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--engine', help='engine file or path',
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', help='engine threads (default=1)',
                        default=1, type=int, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--hash', help='engine hash in MB (default=128)',
                        default=128, type=int, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--weight', help='weight file for NN engine',
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--mintime', help='analysis minimum time in sec (default=2.0)',
                        default=2.0, type=float, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('-x', '--maxtime', help='analysis maximum time in sec (default=10.0)',
                        default=10.0, type=float, required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--skipdraw', help='a flag to skip games with draw results',
    parser.add_argument('--log', help='a flag to save logs in a file',
    parser.add_argument('--pin', help='a flag when enabled will only save interesting' +
                        'position if not stm piece is pinned', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--positional', help='a flag to save positional positions',

    args = parser.parse_args()

    pgnfn = args.inpgn
    outepdfn = args.outepd
    thread_val = args.threads
    hash_val = args.hash    
    enginefn = args.engine
    weightsfile = args.weight
    mintime = args.mintime
    maxtime = args.maxtime
    skipdraw = args.skipdraw
    pin =
    positional = args.positional
    start_move = 16  # Stop the analysis when this move no. is reached
    # Adjust score thresholds to save interesting positions

    # (1) Positional score threshold, if flag --positional is set
    if positional:
        minbest1score1 = 100  # cp, stm is winning
        minbest1score2 = 50   # cp, stm has decisive advantage
        minbest1score3 = 0    # cp, stm has moderate
        maxbest2score1 = 50   # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 1
        maxbest2score2 = 0    # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 2
        maxbest2score3 = -50  # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 3
        minscorediffcheck = minbest1score3 - maxbest2score3
        minbest1score1 = 1000  # cp, stm is winning
        minbest1score2 = 600  # cp, stm has decisive advantage
        minbest1score3 = 200  # cp, stm has moderate
        maxbest2score1 = 300  # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 1
        maxbest2score2 = 200  # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 2
        maxbest2score3 = 100   # cp, stm 2nd top move max score threshold 3
        minscorediffcheck = minbest1score3 - maxbest2score3
    print('pgn file: {}\n'.format(pgnfn))
    print('mininum time               : {}s'.format(mintime))
    print('maximum time               : {}s'.format(maxtime))
    print('mininum score diff check   : {}'.format(minscorediffcheck))
    print('mininum best 1 score 1     : {}'.format(minbest1score1))
    print('mininum best 1 score 2     : {}'.format(minbest1score2))
    print('mininum best 1 score 3     : {}'.format(minbest1score3))
    print('maximum best 2 score 1     : {}'.format(maxbest2score1))
    print('maximum best 2 score 2     : {}'.format(maxbest2score2))
    print('maximum best 2 score 3     : {}'.format(maxbest2score3))
    print('stm is not in check        : {}'.format('Yes'))
    print('stop analysis move number  : {}'.format(start_move))
    # Define analyzing engine
    engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(enginefn)
    engname =['name']
    if args.log:
        logfn = '_'.join(engname.split()) + '_icpg_log.txt'
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename=logfn,
                filemode='w', format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
    # Set Lc0 SmartPruningFactor to 0 to avoid analysis time pruning
    if 'lc0' in engname.lower():
            engine.configure({"SmartPruningFactor": 0})
            engine.configure({"Hash": hash_val})
        engine.configure({"Threads": thread_val})
    # For NN engine that uses uci option WeightsFile similar to Lc0
    if weightsfile is not None:
            engine.configure({"WeightsFile": weightsfile})
    # Read pgn file and analyze positions in the game    
    gcnt = 0    
    with open(pgnfn, 'r') as pgn:
        game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)        
        while game:
            gcnt += 1 
            game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample generated positions with --positional

This has complexity of 4. Generally when the game between bestscore1 and bestscore2 is low, the engine would change its mind often. This also requires a higher maximum time. I use 30s for this case.
[d]r5k1/p4ppp/bpp1p3/2PR4/5P2/PN6/1P2PP1P/R5K1 b - - bm cxd5; ce 14; sm exd5; acd 31; acs 30; fmvn 18; hmvc 0; pv cxd5 cxb6 axb6 Nd4 Kf8; c0 "Moroni, Luca Jr - Wei, Yi, Aeroflot Open A 2019, Moscow RUS, 2019.02.20, R1.1"; c1 "Complexity: 4"; c2 "bestscore2: -67"; c3 "Analyzing engine: Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT";

With 0 complexity.
[d]3r2r1/3q1pk1/3p2pp/p1pP3n/1pBbP2P/5Q2/PP2RPPB/3R2K1 w - - bm e5; ce 76; sm Rxd4; acd 26; acs 30; fmvn 29; hmvc 11; pv e5; c0 "Zoler, Dan - Abergel, Thal, TCh-ISR 2019, Israel ISR, 2019.01.04, R1.1"; c1 "Complexity: 0"; c2 "bestscore2: -4"; c3 "Analyzing engine: Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT";

This one looks like tactical. Complexity is 2.
[d]3r4/2q2pk1/1p2n1pp/p2RP3/5P2/P5P1/1P5P/3Q1BK1 w - - bm Rxd8; ce 132; sm Rxd8; acd 29; acs 30; fmvn 38; hmvc 1; pv Rxd8 Nxd8 Qd5 Ne6 Bc4; c0 "Fedoseev, Vladimir3 - Petrosyan, Manuel, Aeroflot Open A 2019, Moscow RUS, 2019.02.20, R1.2"; c1 "Complexity: 2"; c2 "bestscore2: 16"; c3 "Analyzing engine: Stockfish 10 64 POPCNT";
Posts: 215
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:08 am

Re: program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

Post by JohnS »

Thanks for the explanation Ferdy.
Posts: 4833
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:15 pm
Location: Philippines

Re: program to generare epd file of tactical exercises from pgn

Post by Ferdy »

Put to repo at to easier maintain it.

Current change:

Code: Select all

* Convert flag --log to option, now it can have a value of either debug,
      info, warning, error, or critical. If you want to see all the log saved
      to all.log, use --log debug, this includes engine output. If you just
      want to see log of use --log info, with this, info and warning
      logs will be saved. If all.log file reaches 5MB it will be closed and
      renamed to all.log.1 and new logs will be written to all.log. If all.log
      reaches 5MB again it will be closed and then rename all.log.1 to
      all.log.2 and then rename all.log to all.log.1. Basically creating a new
      file all.log.2. It will keep expanding until all.log.5. If all.log is 5MB
      again, contents of all.log.5 will be discarded in favor of the new logs.
      See the RotatingFileHandler in initialize_logger().
    * If flag --positional is set, don't save the position if it is a
      capture or promote move.
    * Added option --minpiecevalue <pc value> to save interesting position if
      piece value on the board is not below pc value, N=B=3, R=5, Q=9, kings
      and pawns are not included. Example if you want a min piece value of
      2 Q's + 4 R's = 9+9+5+5+5+5 = 38 and the board has only 2 Q's and 2 R's
      then the position will not be saved because 2 Q's + 2 R's is only
      9+9+5+5 or 28, and 28 is below 38. The maximum piece value is 62. This is
      the default minpiecevalue. If you will not specify --minpiecevalue then
      all positions will be considered.