Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

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Full name: Brendan J Norman

Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by BrendanJNorman »

Hey guys,

I've spent today digging around some ANCIENT engines and now I've managed to find Comet 2.20, which is highly praised for human-like master level positional play...

...but I cannot get it to work.

I know that some sort of fiddling is required to get it working, but am completely lost as to how to do it. :oops:

Happy to provide a download link if one of our veterans wants to do some tinkering?! :wink:
Gabor Szots
Posts: 1362
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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Gabor Szots »

Here is the Gromit 2.20 readme. I guess it contains all the information you need.

The main things are:
- Gromit is a winboard engine (not UCI)
- It requires cygwin19.dll
Readme for GromitChess 2.20


0. Preface
1. Installation
2. Commandline-options
3. Options
4. XBoard/WinBoard support
4.1 XBoard
4.2 WinBoard
4.3 Fritz 5.32
4.4 TCB and Auto232
5. Information about the program
6. Copyright
7. Changelog

0. Preface

If you already know GromitChess 1.2 (or previous versions) please note
that this version is completely different, because it doesn't offer it's
own userinterface/window, but is designed to cooperate with WinBoard
(or XBoard) using the -xboard or -xboardquiet commandline-option.
It can also be run in a DOS-window (or in a shell) in text-only-mode.

The engine is a successor of the GromitChess 1.2 engine and is faster
and stronger. Another advantage of this version is that it is
portable to Linux- (and other Unix-)platforms. If you want the Linux-
version, have a look at the GromitChess Home Page.

GromitChess 2.20 is still under development. If you encounter any problems
or find bugs please send an email to:

News about the development and all new versions are published on the
GromitChess Home Page:

1. Installation (Win95/98)
Gromit needs the following files in it's directory:

engine.exe - the chessengine
cygwinb19.dll - needed by engine (windows only, see - the openingbook (Gromit 1.2's book is OK, too)
eval.cfg - parameters for evaluation and search
(hashtablesize, piecevalues, ...)

By default all files are named as above and in the same directory.
Instead of the original cygwinb19.dll you should use the most recent version
(cygwin1.dll), renamed to cygwinb19.dll. An easy way to find the DLL
is to use FTPsearch ( and search for

The cygwinb19.dll has a broken memorymanagement which sometimes causes
problems with the allocation of hashtables.
Compiling the source using the B20 compiler failed, because when optimizing,
it generated an engine.exe that produced wrong results. Therefore B19 is
used to compile the source and the B20-dll (cygwin1.dll) should be used
to run it ;-)

After starting Gromit your shell/dos-window should look like this:

> engine

GromitChess 2.20
Type '?' for help.

8 XX r n b q k b n r XX
7 XX p p p p p p p p XX
Your move:

Gromit can also be started with a filename of a saved file as a parameter:
> engine game.chs

2. Commandline options
These options can be given when starting the engine.exe:

-h : show help
-v : verbose
-c configfilename : use configfile instead of default (eval.cfg)
-book bookfilename : use bookfile instead of default (
-tablebasepath directory : search for Edwards-endgametablebases in directory
-fen "position" : use position as initial position (Linux only?)
-testply testsuite ply : search all positions from testsuite to depth ply
-testtime testsuite time : search all positions from testsuite time seconds
-xboard : for XBoard-support
-xboardquiet : for series of XBoard computer-computer-games
(suppresses 'telluser' messageboxes)
-xboarddebug : write debugfile xdebug.tmp in xboard-mode
-wmccc : playing at wmccc?
-cpip : for CPIP-support (partly supported)
-version : print build and version

Examples for a position are
-fen "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"
-fen "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e3 0 1"

To use Gromit with XBoard enter
> xboard -fcp "engine -xboard" [-debug]
> xboard -fcp "engine -xboardquiet" -mg 10
(-mg 10 is an XBoard-option for automated engine vs. engine games)

To use Gromit with WinBoard you can have something like this in
your winboard.ini:

\"engine -tablebasepath d:\\source\\gromit\\endgame -xboard\" /fd=c:\\source\\gromit20\\bin
\"engine -tablebasepath d:\\source\\gromit\\endgame -xboardquiet\" /sd=c:\\source\\gromit20\\bin

Note that Gromit was tested using XBoard 4.0.0 and might not work with
older versions which may be part of (older) Linux-distributions.
You can get the current version of XBoard or WinBoard here: ... chess.html

See part 4 of this readme for more detailed instructions.

Testsuites (for example, ...) use a format (by crafty?) like this:

noop from the Win At Chess (WAC) test:
echo position 001
svfe 2rr3k/pp3pp1/1nnqbN1p/3pN3/2pP4/2P3Q1/PPB4P/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
srch Qg6
echo position 043
svfe r2q3k/p2P3p/1p3p2/3QP1r1/8/B7/P5PP/2R3K1 w - - 0 1
srch Be7 Qxa8

'noop'-lines are ignored.
The line after 'echo' is written to stdout.
'svfe' describes the testposition.
'srch' gives a list of correct moves. Moves can be written as fromto (e2e4)
or short as e4, Be7, c7c8q, e1g1, ...
'avoi' gives a list of moves that should be avoided. Any other move is correct.
Characters for captures ('x') and check ('+') are optional.
Unrecognized commands are ignored.
If you want to test Gromit using testsuites I can send you some.

3. Options
These commands can be entered when prompted by "Your move: ":

help/? : display this message
quit/exit : quit program (and save current game to "gromit.chs")
new : new game
back : take back one halfmove
back n : take back n halfmoves
forward : play one move previously taken back
forward n : play n moves previously taken back
go : let computer move
auto : automatic reply by computer ON/off
pondering : pondering (permanent brain) on/OFF
book : openingbook ON/off
book mode : available modes are random/GOOD/best
tablebase : endgametablebases ON/off
level : level moves minutes fischer[sec]
settime s : set timeleft to s seconds
time sec : set time per move (default: 5sec)
printlevel: print current level and time left
fen ... : set up position (for example: fen 7k/8/8/8/8/8/6P1/7K w - - 0 1)
verbose : verbose output on/OFF
beep : beep after computed move on/OFF
board : print board
printfen : print board as fen
print : print movelist
printpgn : print movelist as pgn
save : save filename. saves game to file
load : load filename. loads game from file
savepgn : savepgn filename. saves movelist to a .pgn-file
saveascii : saveascii filename. saves movelist into file
savetex : savetex filename. saves movelist to a LaTeX-format-file
wmccc : switch wmccc-mode on/off
editbook : edit openingbookscores (very simple and experimental)
patchbook : patchbook file. Change scores in book or add moves to book.
newcfg : reload configfile and use new values in subsequent searches
testplay : testplay oldcfgfile newcfgfile. Plays selfplaygames using
two different configfiles and switching colors after every
game. Scores for both 'configfiles' are computed.
Time must be set with 'time' before starting testplay.

Enter moves like g1f3, Nf3, c7c8q, e1g1, ...
Press return to interrupt search (or pondering).

Illegal moves and unrecognized options are ignored.

Under Linux Gromits "Your move: " prompt acts like a bash-prompt and offers
editing of input, completion of filenames, a history of previous
commands and so on (try tab, cursor up,... See manual of the readline-library
for details).

'go' can be used to choose the color and let the computer play white.
If 'auto' is off moves by black and white are entered by the operator.

So far Gromit has no chessclock and supports a 'time per move' and a
'n moves in m minutes' playing-mode.

The bookpatchfiles use a format similar to the .ci files:

noop modifications for round 5
echo position 001
posn 2rr3k/pp3pp1/1nnqbN1p/3pN3/2pP4/2P3Q1/PPB4P/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
appe Qg6 100
modi 12345 10

'noop'-lines are ignored.
The line after 'echo' is written to stdout.
'posn' describes a position.
'appe' appends the current position with move and score to book
'modi' set new score of position i to s
Scores are positive if favourable for white and 32000/-32000 if
illegal (or deleted).

4. XBoard/WinBoard support

XBoard/WinBoard homepage: ... chess.html

4.1 XBoard

I suggest you use a small shellscript to start XBoard with Gromit as an
engine. If the script is in the engines directory it could look like this:

xboard -size small -fcp "engine -xboard" -debug -tc 2 -xponder -thinking

Since '-debug' is given you will see all communication between the engine
and XBoard.

4.2 WinBoard

A good introduction and a step-to-step installation-guide can be found
and a list of other WinBoard-compatible programs is here: ... grams.html

Here is a brief step-by-step description of how to use Gromit with WinBoard.
If you are already familiar with editing WinBoard.ini you can skip this

a) You need XBoard/WinBoard 4.0.0 (or newer). Make sure you can play games
against GnuChess (which is part of the distribution, I think).
I assume you can also do this:
Choose Winboard Startup Dialog. A dialogwindow called WinBoard Startup
opens. There is an option 'Play against a chess engine or match two engines'.
If you select it you can only choose GNUChess (but now we try to add
engine.exe to the list). There is also a 'Help' button for Help about
b) Find a file 'winboard.ini' in the directory where winboard is installed
(for example using Windows Explorer).
c) Make a backup-copy of winboard.ini (called winboard.old).
d) Open that file with a texteditor (for example notepad).
e) Scroll down to the end of that file. There should be a line like this

'/firstChessProgramNames' is a WinBoard option and the list of programs is
given behind the '="'. GnuChess is part of the WinBoard distribution and
Here is a fragment from my winboard.ini which tells
winboard about possible first and second chessprograms:
\"engine -tablebasepath d:\\source\\gromit\\endgame -xboardquiet\" /fd=c:\\source\\gromit20\\bin
\"chop\" /fd=c:\\spiele\\schach\\lambchop
\"engine -tablebasepath d:\\source\\gromit\\endgame -xboardquiet\" /sd=c:\\source\\gromit20\\bin
\"chop\" /sd=c:\\spiele\\schach\\lambchop
'/fd' is an option that tells WinBoard about the directory where a
'firstChessProgram' is. '/sd' stands for 'secondChessProgramDirectory'.

'-tablebasepath ...' is an option for engine.exe, not for WinBoard. You will
only need it if you have tablebases.

There are two annoying details:
- there is a difference between " and \"
- paths to files have to be given using \\ instead of just \
The reason is, that " and \ are special characters that have to be masked by
a '\'.

f) Now that you have found the /firstChessProgramNames line in winboard.ini
you have to add engine.exe to the list of programs. It is important to
give the correct directory where Gromit is installed. Assume that Gromit
(engine.exe) is in C:\gromit\
Here is the fragment from an adapted winboard.ini:

\"engine -xboardquiet\" /fd=c:\\gromit
Change your winboard.ini accordingly.

g) Now save the new winboard.ini.
Choose Winboard Startup Dialog. The dialogwindow called WinBoard Startup
opens and after selecting 'Play against a chess engine or match two engines'
engine should be on the list of programs. Select engine as the first
chessprogram and push 'ok'. The chessboard-Window opens and it's title
is 'WinBoard: engine'.

h) It should be possible to play a game against GromitChess now.

4.3 Gromit and Fritz 5.32

The (commercial) chessprogram Fritz by Chessbase (see offers an interface to cooperate with engines
that support the WinBoard-protocol. If you want to use Gromit as an engine
get the installable binary from Install it and
replace gromit.exe and eval.cfg in chessbase\engines\gromit\ by the current
versions (engine.exe renamed to gromit.exe and eval.cfg).

Alternatively you can get the Fritz/WinBoard-adapter, copy it to
chessbase\engines\ and rename it to gromit.eng. Create a directory
chessbase\engines\gromit\ and a file gromit.init that looks like this:
CommandLine = -xboardquiet
Author = Frank Schneider
Engine = Gromit 2.20
Debug = False

AnalyzeMode = False
PonderMode = False
In chessbase\engines\gromit\ you need the files
gromit.exe (renamed engine.exe)
gromit.init (see above)
See the documentation at the Chessbase-homepage for further details.

4.4 TCB and Auto232

Auto232 is a simple protocol to let two programs play automated testgames
on two computers that are linked via a cable. It is supported by many
commercial programs and some freeware-engines.
The Crazy Bishop (TCB, see is a strong
freeware chessprogram by Remi Coulom. It offers the unique feature that it
can be used to translate between an Auto232- and a WinBoard-engine.
Therefore it is possible to play automated games between Gromit and a
program that supports Auto232. See the TCB documentation for details -
I have not tested this myself.

5. Information about the program
Here is some information about the program as required on the
9th WCCC entry form.

Language: C++
Nodes searched per second: 20000-50000 on a K6/200
Size of opening book: about 100000 moves
Tablebases: Edwards tablebases (3 man and 4 man tablebases)

GromitChess is a C++-program, developed in a Linux-environment
(Emacs, gcc). It searches about 20000 to 50000 nodes per second
on a K6/200 and tries to be intelligent rather than fast.
Attacktables are the primary datastructure (16 bit for
every square and player; bit n is set if piece n attacks the square).
The search uses iterative deepening, PVS, transpositiontables,
killer- and historyheuristic, nullmove (R=2), about 10 chess-specific
extensions and some pruning heuristics. The quiescence uses a static
exchange evaluator and includes some checks and other threatening moves.
Parts of the evaluation are initialized at the root but most of the work
is done at the leafnodes. You can find more information and executables
in the WWW:

Development history of program:
A first version participated at the 13th WMCCC (1995) and scored 4/11.
Following versions (Gromit 0.7, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) were published in the
WWW and played some private tournaments and the 6th IPCCC in Paderborn
(1997, scoring 3.5/7). In 1998 the the engine was redesigned, separated
from the GUI and made XBoard-compatible. Due to some improvements,
optimizations and bugfixes Gromit 2.x is about 150 Elo stronger and able
to sometimes beat the best commercial programs.

6. Copyright/Warranty
It is planned to release GromitChess under the GNU GPL with full
sourcecode in the future. Until then it is copyrighted by
Frank Schneider
Schlossparkstrasse 26
52072 Aachen

Since this is freeware don't blame me if Gromit
ruins your machine. However, I think and hope it won't.

I want to thank all the people who sent me games, bugreports and
suggestions, especially
Torsten Schoop who manually played many games with Gromit,
Andreas Schwartmann who helped debugging the Fritz/Winboard-adapter
support and most of all
Frank Quisinsky and Kai Skibbe for playing many games and organizing
the WinBoard tournaments.

7. Changelog


* $Log: README.txt,v $
* Revision 1.9 1999/06/10 05:42:17 fs
* This is the 9thWCCC version
* Revision 1.8 1999/06/01 19:32:44 fs
* New: savepgn, printpgn
* Revision 1.7 1999/03/20 17:41:00 fs
* Version 2.12
* Revision 1.6 1999/01/01 13:17:46 fs
* New: description
* Revision 1.5 1998/11/15 17:02:26 fs
* New: part 4 (XBoard/WinBoard support)
* Revision 1.4 1998/10/04 13:49:47 fs
* First release
* Revision 1.3 1998/08/01 14:10:56 fs
* Comments. Last commit before abs-branch was taken
* Revision 1.2 1998/07/12 11:50:25 fs
* some new options
* Revision 1.1 1998/07/03 13:59:37 fs
* first commit
Gabor Szots
CCRL testing group
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Full name: Guenther Simon

Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Guenther »

BrendanJNorman wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:40 am Hey guys,

I've spent today digging around some ANCIENT engines and now I've managed to find Comet 2.20, which is highly praised for human-like master level positional play...

...but I cannot get it to work.

I know that some sort of fiddling is required to get it working, but am completely lost as to how to do it. :oops:

Happy to provide a download link if one of our veterans wants to do some tinkering?! :wink:
Besides the readme provided by Gabor, here is my entry in WB:
Gromit_220 -xboard -tablebasepath *YourPath*

Note that it uses old Edwards tables, which are still available here:

My folder also contains a config file for Gromit, which controls hash and game play settings (eval.cfg)

Code: Select all

; Evaluationparameters for GromitChess

; $Log: eval.cfg,v $
; Revision 1.7  1999/01/01 13:06:03  fs
; Revision 1.6  1998/11/15 21:21:19  fs
; Revision 1.5  1998/09/09 15:56:00  fs
; Some new/changed parameters
; Revision 1.4  1998/08/01 14:10:57  fs
; Comments. Last commit before abs-branch was taken
; Revision 1.3  1998/07/12 11:52:47  fs
; Some new parameters, commit before optimizing (selfplay)
; Revision 1.2  1998/06/14 10:52:38  fs
; Revision  1998/06/12 22:04:10  fs
; Gromit unter Linux importiert

; The size of the transpositiontable where positions are stored
TRANSPOSITIONSIZE         =    24  ; 2^n entries (n==TRANSPOSITIONSIZE)
; NEW: one entry now needs again only 12 byte (to fix a cygwin.dll-problem)

; The size of the pawnhashtable is far less important than the
; size of the transposition-table. Values above 18 (2^18 entries)
; do not make much sense.
PAWNHASHSIZE              =    18  ; 2^n entries (n==PAWHNHASHSIZE)
; one entry needs 8 Byte

; The size of the evaluationhashtable
; currently not used!
EVALHASHSIZE              =    19  ; 2^n entries (n==EVALHASHSIZE)
; one entry needs 8 Byte

; Some evaluation parameters, many more are hardcoded.

; This values have to be identical to the defines in board.hh!
; Do not change without recompiling!
PVALUE                    =   100  ; value pawn - do not change
NVALUE                    =   322  ; value knight
BVALUE                    =   332  ; value bishop
RVALUE                    =   532  ; value rook
QVALUE                    =   987  ; value queen

EXCHANGEBONUS             =   800  ; b = x*diff / (diff+1300)

; multiplicators for constant positional pre-scan-tables
CFAKTORP                  =    22  ; x/32 * posbonustab pawn
CFAKTORN                  =    21  ; x/32 * posbonustab knight
CFAKTORB                  =    21  ; x/32 * posbonustab bishop
CFAKTORR                  =    16  ; x/32 * posbonustab rook
CFAKTORQ                  =    55  ; x/32 * posbonustab queen
CFAKTORK                  =    15  ; x/32 * posbonustab king

; factors for mobilityevaluation
; (not used)
BMOBQUIET                 =     1  ; bonus for # quiet bishopmoves
BMOBCAPTURE               =     2  ; bonus for # capturing bishopmoves
RMOBQUIET                 =     1  ; bonus for # quiet rookmoves
RMOBCAPTURE               =     2  ; bonus for # capturing rookmoves
QMOBQUIET                 =     1  ; bonus for # quiet queenmoves
QMOBCAPTURE               =     2  ; bonus for # capturing queenmoves

; pawnevaluation
DOUBLEDPAWN               =    13  ; penalty doubled pawns
TRIPLEDPAWN               =    15  ; additional penalty tripled pawns
ISOLANI                   =    13  ; penalty isolated pawn
ISOLANIONHALFOPEN         =     9  ; penalty isolated pawn on halfopen file
BACKWARDS                 =     9  ; penalty backward pawn
BACKWARDS2                =    10  ; backward pawn on halfopen file
; passed pawns
PASSEDPAWN                =     7  ; passed pawn
PASSEDPAWNINENDGAME       =    15  ; passed pawn in endgame
PUSHPASSEDPAWN            =     9  ; bonus pushing passed pawn
PUSHPPINENDGAME           =    17  ; pushing passed pawns in the endgame
CONNECTEDPP               =     6  ; pushing connected passed pawns
CONNECTEDPPENDGAME        =    10  ; pushing connected passed pawns in the endgame
PASSEDPAWNREMOTE          =    18  ; bonus distant passed pawn
ONLYONEPASSEDPAWN         =    17  ; only one side has a passed pawn
PASSEDPAWNDEFENDED        =     4  ; passed pawn defended by pawn
PASSEDPAWNBLOCKED         =    13  ; passed pawn blocked
SQUAREIFOPPDEFENDED       =     7  ; square in front of passed pawn is defended
ROOKBEHINDPASSEDPAWN      =     7  ; rook supporting passed pawn
FIRSTPROMOTED             =    110 ; bonus promoting first
PASSEDPAWNTHROUGH         =    60  ; unstoppable passed pawn: bonus for moves made
PPBLOCKSQUARE             =     4  ; penalty for friendly pieces in front of passed pawn
PPBLOCKSQUARE2            =     5  ; bonus for pieces in front of enemy passed pawn
; other parameters for pawns
ALMOSTLOSTPAWN            =    50  ; penalty almost lost pawn
PAWNE2D2                  =    14  ; penalty pawn on e2/d2
PAWNE2D2BLOCKED           =    18  ; penalty pawn on e2/d2 is blocked
PAWNINCENTRE              =     9  ; pawn in centre
KNIGHTDEFENDED            =     8  ; pawn defending good knight
BISHOPDEFENDED            =     5  ; pawn defending good bishop
PAWNMAJORITY              =     9  ; pawn majority
SOONPASSEDPAWN            =     5  ; pawnstructure may lead to passed pawn
PAWNSONBOTHSIDES          =    17  ; malus if one side has more pawns, but all
				   ; pawns are on one side
PAWNED                    =     3  ; pawn on e/d file
PAWNRUN                   =     4  ; bonus pushing pawns (kingattack)
PAWNRUNE                  =     5  ; pushing pawns in endgame
PAWNSRAM                  =     2  ; penalty blocked pawns
PAWNSPACE                 =     7  ; bonus for unblocked pawn on opponentside
RAMSPACE                  =     5  ; bonus if ram on opponentside
PAWNSE5D5                 =     9  ; pawns on e5 and d5
PAWNSE4D4                 =     9  ; pawns on e4 and d4
PAWNSD4C4                 =     4  ; pawns on d4 and c4
GOODPAWNSQUARE            =     6  ; good square for a pawn
UNDEFENDEDPAWNSQUARE      =     4  ; penalty pawnsqare is undefended
; pawns and king
PAWNIFOKING               =    11  ; pawn in front of king
PAWN2IFOKING              =     7  ; pawn 2 squares in front of king
OPAWNIFOKING              =    12  ; penalty enemy pawn in front of king

; kingevaluation
KVERYUNSAFE               =    55  ; penalty very unsafe kingposition
KFEWSQUARES               =    24  ; penalty king has only few squares
QUEENCANCHECK             =    45  ; penalty if a queen can give a save check
                                   ; nearby the king
KONOPENFILE               =     7  ; penalty king on open file
KONHALFOPENFILE           =     3  ; king on halfopen file
OOBONUS                   =    11  ; bonus kingside castle
OOOBONUS                  =     9  ; bonus queenside castle
OOPOSSIBILITY             =    15  ; kingside castle possible
OOOPOSSIBILITY            =     7  ; queenside castle possible
CHECKPENALTY              =     2  ; penalty beeing in check (not used)
EMPTYIFOKING              =     4  ; penalty empty sqare in front of king
EMPTY2IFOKING             =     2  ; penalty empty square 2 squares in front of king
PIECEIFOOK                =    13  ; penalty for enemy pieces in front of own king
KATTACKSPAWN              =    11  ; king attacks undefended pawn in endgame
OPPOSITION                =     4  ; king in opposition in endgame

; queenevaluation
QBEHIND                   =     2  ; bonus queen leaving first rank (not used)
QUEENBLOCK                =     4  ; penalty for blocked queen
GOODQUEENSQUARE           =     7  ; good square for queen
BADQUEENSQUARE            =    12  ; bad square for queen

; rookevaluation
OPEN                      =    17  ; rook on open file
HALFOPENGB                =     8  ; rook on halfopen file with enemy pawn
HALFOPENCP                =     6  ; rook on on halfopen file with friendly pawn
RONSOONOPEN               =     4  ; rook on a soon open file
ROOKQUEEN                 =    10  ; bonus rook and queen on same file
ROOKPINSTOQUEEN           =     7  ; bonus rook pins something to queen
ROOKPINSTOKING            =     7  ; rook pins to king
ROOKKING                  =    10  ; rook and king on open file
ROOKATTACK                =    11  ; 2 rooks attacking king not blocked by friendly pawn
ROOKATTACK2               =    10  ; 2 rooks attacking king blocked by friendly pawn
ROOKATTACKOF              =    10  ; 2 rooks attacking on open file additional bonus
ROOKATTACKBORDER          =    10  ; 2 rooks attacking on h-file additional bonus
ROOKDOUBLED               =     6  ; doubled rooks on a file
ROOKDOUBLEDOF             =    10  ; doubled rooks on an open file extra bonus
ROOKDOUBLEDONLYOF         =    23  ; doubled rooks on only open file extra bonus
ROOKDOUBLED7              =    31  ; 2 rooks on 7th/8th rank
ROOKONKFILE               =     5  ; rook on enemy kings file
BADROOKSQUARE             =     8  ; penalty rook on very bad square

; bishopevaluation
BISHOPPINS                =     8  ; bishop pins something
BTRAPPED                  =     6  ; bishop blocked by friendly pieces
BISHOPBLOCKED             =     5  ; penalty bishop blocked
BISHOPCOLOR               =     3  ; color of bishop
BISHOPPAIR                =    14  ; bishop pair
BADBISHOPSQUARE           =     6  ; bad square for bishop
VERYBADBISHOPSQUARE       =    60  ; very bad square for bishop

; knightevaluation
KNIGHTE5D5                =    14  ; knight on e5/d5
BADKNIGHTSQUARE           =     7  ; penalty bad knight-square
VERYBADKNIGHTSQUARE       =    50  ; penalty very bad knight-square

; other criteria
DADVANTAGE                =     9  ; development advantage
KDISTANCE                 =     1  ; general penalty for distance to kings
ROOKBLOCKSQUARE           =     4  ; penalty for piece blocking rook
SQUAREBLOCK               =     4  ; penalty piece blocking development squares
GOODSQUARE                =     7  ; good square
CENTRECONTROL             =     5  ; penalty central square not controlled
CENTREATTACK              =     2  ; bonus for every attack of a centralsquare
OFFCENTREATTACK           =     1  ; bonus for every attack on c4/c5/f4/f5
VALUABLEDEFENDSCHEAP      =     5  ; penalty for an attacked P/N defended only by R/Q

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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by BrendanJNorman »

Oh my god, it's ALIIIVE!


Thank you so much to both Gabor and Guenther - I've wanted to have a look at this engine for years and only just got around to it.

Now he's alive...and getting destroyed as cannon-fodder for a secret project I'm working on... :twisted:

Thanks again guys.
Gabor Szots
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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Gabor Szots »

BTW, upon your inspiration I installed Gromit 2.20 myself but can't find cygwin19.dll on my machine. Could you attach it here?
Gabor Szots
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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Guenther »

Gabor Szots wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:42 am BTW, upon your inspiration I installed Gromit 2.20 myself but can't find cygwin19.dll on my machine. Could you attach it here?

Code: Select all


File too large: cygwinb19.7z
Too big for the forums' maximum even as 7z. I will post a link later with a nice surprise ;-)

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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by BrendanJNorman »

Gabor Szots wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:42 am BTW, upon your inspiration I installed Gromit 2.20 myself but can't find cygwin19.dll on my machine. Could you attach it here?
Sure. I tried to attach it, but it's an unacceptable file type.

So for you, and other who might wanna give Gromit a try, I've uploaded the entire folder here. ... TBiZa?dl=0

I'll leave it there a few days, so grab it while you can. ;)
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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Gabor Szots »

BrendanJNorman wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:54 am So for you, and other who might wanna give Gromit a try, I've uploaded the entire folder here. ... TBiZa?dl=0

I'll leave it there a few days, so grab it while you can. ;)
Thanks. I was surprised upon gromit.cui, it looks just like tcbxinit.cui for The Crazy Bishop. And I think it contradicts eval.cfg. Is it not for a different version?
Gabor Szots
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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Guenther »

Gromit 2.13 and 2.20 plus necessary files available at RWBC.
Noticed also a wrong link for my new compilations for Sapeli 1.66 - this is corrected now.

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Re: Gromit 2.20 Correct Configuration

Post by Guenther »

Gabor Szots wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:01 pm
BrendanJNorman wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:54 am So for you, and other who might wanna give Gromit a try, I've uploaded the entire folder here. ... TBiZa?dl=0

I'll leave it there a few days, so grab it while you can. ;)
Thanks. I was surprised upon gromit.cui, it looks just like tcbxinit.cui for The Crazy Bishop. And I think it contradicts eval.cfg. Is it not for a different version?
gromit.cui is for Gromit3 versions...

Chessqueen + chessica + AlexChess + Eduard + Sylwy