name for my new engine ?

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Full name: lucasart

name for my new engine ?

Post by lucasart »

Any suggestions ? My previous program was called BibiChess. But this one is a complete rewrite, and more importantly, I realised afterwards that there was already an engine called BBChess, which sounds exactly the same (even though the spelling is different).

My initial idea is to call it DoubleCheck. This is because:
* double checks often lead to wild tactical variations. That's why I always like these moves!
* it has almost zero positional knowledge (for the moment). so it plays just tactically. Its endgame skills are quite poor, but that's the next step.

Here's a game it just played against itself in 1'+1", to give you an idea of its playing "style"

Code: Select all

[White "BibiChess"]
[Black "BibiChess"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "175"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 {book} e6 {book} 2. e4 {book} d5 {book} 3. Nd2 {book} dxe4 {book}
4. Nxe4 {book} Nd7 {book} 5. Nf3 {book} Ngf6 {book} 6. Nxf6+ {book} Nxf6 {book}
7. c3 {book} c5 {book} 8. Ne5 {book} Qd5 {-0.08/7 2.7s} 9. Be3 {+0.08/6 2.7s}
Bd6 {-0.11/7 2.6s} 10. Nc4 {+0.11/6 2.7s} cxd4 {-0.07/6 2.6s}
11. Qxd4 {+0.06/6 2.6s} Be7 {0.00/6 2.6s} 12. O-O-O {+0.03/6 2.6s}
O-O {+0.02/6 2.5s} 13. Rg1 {+0.07/6 2.5s} Rd8 {+0.08/6 2.5s}
14. Rd3 {-0.13/6 2.5s} Bd7 {+0.13/6 2.5s} 15. a3 {-0.13/6 2.5s}
Rdc8 {+0.18/6 2.4s} 16. Ne5 {-0.15/6 2.4s} Bb5 {+0.15/6 2.4s}
17. Rd1 {-0.21/6 2.4s} Bxf1 {+0.22/6 2.3s} 18. Rdxf1 {-0.21/6 2.4s}
Bd6 {+0.21/6 2.3s} 19. Nf3 {-0.20/6 2.3s} e5 {+0.44/6 2.3s}
20. Qa4 {-0.42/6 2.3s} Bc5 {+0.42/6 2.3s} 21. Bxc5 {-0.44/6 2.3s}
Qxc5 {+0.36/6 2.2s} 22. Ng5 {-0.42/7 2.2s} Qb6 {+0.37/7 2.2s}
23. Ne4 {-0.35/7 2.2s} Nd5 {+0.35/6 2.1s} 24. Qd7 {-0.28/6 2.2s}
Rd8 {+0.35/6 2.1s} 25. Qa4 {-1.11/7 2.1s} Qh6+ {+1.11/6 2.1s}
26. Kb1 {-1.20/6 2.1s} Qxh2 {+1.11/7 2.1s} 27. c4 {-1.17/7 2.1s}
Nf4 {+1.12/7 2.0s} 28. Qb5 {-1.18/7 2.0s} Nd3 {+1.18/6 2.0s}
29. Qxb7 {-0.87/7 2.0s} Rab8 {+0.87/6 2.0s} 30. Qxa7 {-0.83/7 2.0s}
Qf4 {+0.83/6 2.0s} 31. f3 {-1.58/7 2.0s} Nxb2 {+1.58/6 1.9s}
32. Ka1 {-1.66/7 1.9s} Nxc4 {+1.66/6 1.9s} 33. Rd1 {-1.71/7 1.9s}
Re8 {+1.71/6 1.9s} 34. Rd3 {-1.69/6 1.9s} Ra8 {+1.72/6 1.9s}
35. Qc5 {-1.66/7 1.9s} Rec8 {+1.66/6 1.9s} 36. Rgd1 {-1.63/7 1.9s}
h6 {+1.63/7 1.8s} 37. Qe7 {-1.63/6 1.8s} Ne3 {+1.67/6 1.8s}
38. Rd8+ {-1.67/6 1.8s} Rxd8 {+1.66/7 1.8s} 39. Rxd8+ {-1.66/7 1.8s}
Rxd8 {+1.63/8 1.8s} 40. Qxd8+ {-1.63/8 1.8s} Kh7 {+1.63/1 0.001s}
41. Qd3 {-1.68/8 1.8s} f5 {+1.78/8 1.8s} 42. Nd6 {-2.00/8 1.7s}
Nxg2 {+1.87/8 1.8s} 43. Nxf5 {-1.82/8 1.7s} Ne1 {+2.10/8 1.7s}
44. Qd7 {-2.03/9 1.7s} Qg5 {+2.03/8 1.7s} 45. Kb2 {-1.85/8 1.7s}
Qf6 {+1.85/7 1.7s} 46. Ka2 {-2.10/8 1.7s} Qg6 {+2.12/8 1.7s}
47. Kb2 {-2.15/8 1.7s} Qg2+ {+2.10/8 1.7s} 48. Kc3 {-2.10/7 1.6s}
Nxf3 {+2.09/8 1.6s} 49. Ne3 {-2.15/8 1.6s} Qg6 {+2.15/8 1.6s}
50. Nc4 {-2.21/8 1.6s} e4 {+2.18/8 1.6s} 51. Qd5 {-2.20/8 1.6s}
Ng5 {+2.18/8 1.6s} 52. Qe5 {-2.18/7 1.6s} Qf7 {+2.18/8 1.6s}
53. Nd2 {-2.21/8 1.6s} Qf2 {+2.28/8 1.6s} 54. Qd5 {-2.28/8 1.6s}
Qf6+ {+2.28/7 1.6s} 55. Kb3 {-2.29/7 1.5s} Qb6+ {+2.31/8 1.5s}
56. Kc3 {-2.31/7 1.5s} Kg6 {+2.33/8 1.5s} 57. Nc4 {-2.31/8 1.5s}
Qf6+ {+2.33/8 1.5s} 58. Kb4 {-2.30/7 1.5s} Qe7+ {+2.35/7 1.5s}
59. Kc3 {-2.30/7 1.5s} Qf6+ {+2.33/8 1.5s} 60. Kb4 {-2.34/8 1.5s}
Qf5 {+2.33/8 1.5s} 61. Ne5+ {-2.25/8 1.5s} Kh7 {+2.25/7 1.5s}
62. Kc4 {-2.22/8 1.4s} Qf1+ {+2.23/8 1.5s} 63. Kc5 {-2.21/6 1.4s}
Qf2+ {+2.25/7 1.4s} 64. Kc6 {-2.23/7 1.4s} Qf6+ {+2.23/7 1.4s}
65. Kc5 {-2.23/7 1.4s} Qe7+ {+2.68/8 1.4s} 66. Qd6 {-2.65/8 1.4s}
Qxd6+ {+2.55/9 1.4s} 67. Kxd6 {-3.32/10 1.4s} e3 {+2.60/11 1.4s}
68. Nd3 {-2.60/11 1.4s} e2 {+2.60/10 1.4s} 69. a4 {-2.63/11 1.4s}
Nh3 {+2.63/10 1.4s} 70. Ne1 {-1.75/11 1.4s} Nf2 {+1.75/10 1.4s}
71. a5 {-1.33/10 1.3s} Ne4+ {+0.93/10 1.4s} 72. Kd5 {-0.93/9 1.3s}
Nc3+ {+0.93/9 1.4s} 73. Kc6 {+5.68/10 1.3s} Na2 {-6.02/10 1.3s}
74. Kc5 {+6.17/11 1.3s} Nc3 {-6.13/10 1.3s} 75. a6 {+6.46/10 1.3s}
Ne4+ {-6.46/9 1.3s} 76. Kc6 {+6.46/8 1.3s} h5 {-7.10/9 1.3s}
77. a7 {+7.29/8 1.3s} h4 {-7.10/8 1.3s} 78. a8=Q {+7.78/8 1.3s}
Ng3 {-7.63/8 1.3s} 79. Nf3 {+7.87/7 1.3s} Nf5 {-7.90/7 1.3s}
80. Qe8 {+8.14/7 1.3s} Kh6 {-8.14/6 1.3s} 81. Qe5 {+10.66/7 1.3s}
Ng3 {-10.66/6 1.3s} 82. Qg5+ {+12.19/7 1.3s} Kh7 {-10.34/1 0s}
83. Qxh4+ {+12.38/7 1.3s} Kg8 {-12.34/6 1.3s} 84. Qxg3 {+12.52/7 1.3s}
Kf7 {-12.52/7 1.3s} 85. Qd6 {+M7/7 0.47s} Kg8 {-M6/6 0.014s}
86. Ng5 {+M5/5 0.011s} g6 {-M4/4 0.001s} 87. Qxg6+ {+M3/3 0.003s}
Kh8 {-M2/2 0.001s} 88. Nf7# {+M1/1 0s, White mates} 1-0
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by hgm »

You could also call it CiCiChess, to honor CCC. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Daniel Shawul
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by Daniel Shawul »

How about LucasChess ? :) Sure it is obvious but still...
NebiyuChess is so named after my future baby's name "Nebiyu".
People should start naming their engine's like that because it is their brain_child_.
Posts: 3236
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Full name: lucasart

Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by lucasart »

Daniel Shawul wrote:How about LucasChess ? :) Sure it is obvious but still...
NebiyuChess is so named after my future baby's name "Nebiyu".
People should start naming their engine's like that because it is their brain_child_.
I thought about that, too. But, unfortunately, LucasChess already exists :(
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by rjgibert »

How about Ariadne?

In Greek mythology, Ariadne helped Theseus find his way out of the minotaurs labyrinth by providing him with a ball of red yarn—Ariadne's Thread. An early example of a tree search algorithm making it an interesting choice for a chess programs name.

For more about the algorithm:

For more about the myth:

PS: The parsing of URLs in this forum is retarded, so you may have to do a copy and paste with the 1st link above.
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Full name: lucasart

Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by lucasart »

rjgibert wrote:How about Ariadne?

In Greek mythology, Ariadne helped Theseus find his way out of the minotaurs labyrinth by providing him with a ball of red yarn—Ariadne's Thread. An early example of a tree search algorithm making it an interesting choice for a chess programs name.

For more about the algorithm:

For more about the myth:

PS: The parsing of URLs in this forum is retarded, so you may have to do a copy and paste with the 1st link above.
Interesting. I new the story of Ariadne, but never thought of a parralel between solving a labyrinth and tree search algorithms... I like it :)
Roger Brown
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by Roger Brown »

hgm wrote:You could also call it CiCiChess, to honor CCC. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hello H.G.,

Sissy Chess?



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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by hgm »

Why, you don't think that good company for Fairy-Max? :shock:
Roger Brown
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by Roger Brown »

lucasart wrote:Any suggestions ? My previous program was called BibiChess. But this one is a complete rewrite, and more importantly, I realised afterwards that there was already an engine called BBChess, which sounds exactly the same (even though the spelling is different).

My initial idea is to call it DoubleCheck. This is because:
* double checks often lead to wild tactical variations. That's why I always like these moves!
* it has almost zero positional knowledge (for the moment). so it plays just tactically. Its endgame skills are quite poor, but that's the next step.

Here's a game it just played against itself in 1'+1", to give you an idea of its playing "style"

Code: Select all

[White "BibiChess"]
[Black "BibiChess"]
[Result "1-0"]
[PlyCount "175"]
[TimeControl "60+1"]

1. d4 {book} e6 {book} 2. e4 {book} d5 {book} 3. Nd2 {book} dxe4 {book}
4. Nxe4 {book} Nd7 {book} 5. Nf3 {book} Ngf6 {book} 6. Nxf6+ {book} Nxf6 {book}
7. c3 {book} c5 {book} 8. Ne5 {book} Qd5 {-0.08/7 2.7s} 9. Be3 {+0.08/6 2.7s}
Bd6 {-0.11/7 2.6s} 10. Nc4 {+0.11/6 2.7s} cxd4 {-0.07/6 2.6s}
11. Qxd4 {+0.06/6 2.6s} Be7 {0.00/6 2.6s} 12. O-O-O {+0.03/6 2.6s}
O-O {+0.02/6 2.5s} 13. Rg1 {+0.07/6 2.5s} Rd8 {+0.08/6 2.5s}
14. Rd3 {-0.13/6 2.5s} Bd7 {+0.13/6 2.5s} 15. a3 {-0.13/6 2.5s}
Rdc8 {+0.18/6 2.4s} 16. Ne5 {-0.15/6 2.4s} Bb5 {+0.15/6 2.4s}
17. Rd1 {-0.21/6 2.4s} Bxf1 {+0.22/6 2.3s} 18. Rdxf1 {-0.21/6 2.4s}
Bd6 {+0.21/6 2.3s} 19. Nf3 {-0.20/6 2.3s} e5 {+0.44/6 2.3s}
20. Qa4 {-0.42/6 2.3s} Bc5 {+0.42/6 2.3s} 21. Bxc5 {-0.44/6 2.3s}
Qxc5 {+0.36/6 2.2s} 22. Ng5 {-0.42/7 2.2s} Qb6 {+0.37/7 2.2s}
23. Ne4 {-0.35/7 2.2s} Nd5 {+0.35/6 2.1s} 24. Qd7 {-0.28/6 2.2s}
Rd8 {+0.35/6 2.1s} 25. Qa4 {-1.11/7 2.1s} Qh6+ {+1.11/6 2.1s}
26. Kb1 {-1.20/6 2.1s} Qxh2 {+1.11/7 2.1s} 27. c4 {-1.17/7 2.1s}
Nf4 {+1.12/7 2.0s} 28. Qb5 {-1.18/7 2.0s} Nd3 {+1.18/6 2.0s}
29. Qxb7 {-0.87/7 2.0s} Rab8 {+0.87/6 2.0s} 30. Qxa7 {-0.83/7 2.0s}
Qf4 {+0.83/6 2.0s} 31. f3 {-1.58/7 2.0s} Nxb2 {+1.58/6 1.9s}
32. Ka1 {-1.66/7 1.9s} Nxc4 {+1.66/6 1.9s} 33. Rd1 {-1.71/7 1.9s}
Re8 {+1.71/6 1.9s} 34. Rd3 {-1.69/6 1.9s} Ra8 {+1.72/6 1.9s}
35. Qc5 {-1.66/7 1.9s} Rec8 {+1.66/6 1.9s} 36. Rgd1 {-1.63/7 1.9s}
h6 {+1.63/7 1.8s} 37. Qe7 {-1.63/6 1.8s} Ne3 {+1.67/6 1.8s}
38. Rd8+ {-1.67/6 1.8s} Rxd8 {+1.66/7 1.8s} 39. Rxd8+ {-1.66/7 1.8s}
Rxd8 {+1.63/8 1.8s} 40. Qxd8+ {-1.63/8 1.8s} Kh7 {+1.63/1 0.001s}
41. Qd3 {-1.68/8 1.8s} f5 {+1.78/8 1.8s} 42. Nd6 {-2.00/8 1.7s}
Nxg2 {+1.87/8 1.8s} 43. Nxf5 {-1.82/8 1.7s} Ne1 {+2.10/8 1.7s}
44. Qd7 {-2.03/9 1.7s} Qg5 {+2.03/8 1.7s} 45. Kb2 {-1.85/8 1.7s}
Qf6 {+1.85/7 1.7s} 46. Ka2 {-2.10/8 1.7s} Qg6 {+2.12/8 1.7s}
47. Kb2 {-2.15/8 1.7s} Qg2+ {+2.10/8 1.7s} 48. Kc3 {-2.10/7 1.6s}
Nxf3 {+2.09/8 1.6s} 49. Ne3 {-2.15/8 1.6s} Qg6 {+2.15/8 1.6s}
50. Nc4 {-2.21/8 1.6s} e4 {+2.18/8 1.6s} 51. Qd5 {-2.20/8 1.6s}
Ng5 {+2.18/8 1.6s} 52. Qe5 {-2.18/7 1.6s} Qf7 {+2.18/8 1.6s}
53. Nd2 {-2.21/8 1.6s} Qf2 {+2.28/8 1.6s} 54. Qd5 {-2.28/8 1.6s}
Qf6+ {+2.28/7 1.6s} 55. Kb3 {-2.29/7 1.5s} Qb6+ {+2.31/8 1.5s}
56. Kc3 {-2.31/7 1.5s} Kg6 {+2.33/8 1.5s} 57. Nc4 {-2.31/8 1.5s}
Qf6+ {+2.33/8 1.5s} 58. Kb4 {-2.30/7 1.5s} Qe7+ {+2.35/7 1.5s}
59. Kc3 {-2.30/7 1.5s} Qf6+ {+2.33/8 1.5s} 60. Kb4 {-2.34/8 1.5s}
Qf5 {+2.33/8 1.5s} 61. Ne5+ {-2.25/8 1.5s} Kh7 {+2.25/7 1.5s}
62. Kc4 {-2.22/8 1.4s} Qf1+ {+2.23/8 1.5s} 63. Kc5 {-2.21/6 1.4s}
Qf2+ {+2.25/7 1.4s} 64. Kc6 {-2.23/7 1.4s} Qf6+ {+2.23/7 1.4s}
65. Kc5 {-2.23/7 1.4s} Qe7+ {+2.68/8 1.4s} 66. Qd6 {-2.65/8 1.4s}
Qxd6+ {+2.55/9 1.4s} 67. Kxd6 {-3.32/10 1.4s} e3 {+2.60/11 1.4s}
68. Nd3 {-2.60/11 1.4s} e2 {+2.60/10 1.4s} 69. a4 {-2.63/11 1.4s}
Nh3 {+2.63/10 1.4s} 70. Ne1 {-1.75/11 1.4s} Nf2 {+1.75/10 1.4s}
71. a5 {-1.33/10 1.3s} Ne4+ {+0.93/10 1.4s} 72. Kd5 {-0.93/9 1.3s}
Nc3+ {+0.93/9 1.4s} 73. Kc6 {+5.68/10 1.3s} Na2 {-6.02/10 1.3s}
74. Kc5 {+6.17/11 1.3s} Nc3 {-6.13/10 1.3s} 75. a6 {+6.46/10 1.3s}
Ne4+ {-6.46/9 1.3s} 76. Kc6 {+6.46/8 1.3s} h5 {-7.10/9 1.3s}
77. a7 {+7.29/8 1.3s} h4 {-7.10/8 1.3s} 78. a8=Q {+7.78/8 1.3s}
Ng3 {-7.63/8 1.3s} 79. Nf3 {+7.87/7 1.3s} Nf5 {-7.90/7 1.3s}
80. Qe8 {+8.14/7 1.3s} Kh6 {-8.14/6 1.3s} 81. Qe5 {+10.66/7 1.3s}
Ng3 {-10.66/6 1.3s} 82. Qg5+ {+12.19/7 1.3s} Kh7 {-10.34/1 0s}
83. Qxh4+ {+12.38/7 1.3s} Kg8 {-12.34/6 1.3s} 84. Qxg3 {+12.52/7 1.3s}
Kf7 {-12.52/7 1.3s} 85. Qd6 {+M7/7 0.47s} Kg8 {-M6/6 0.014s}
86. Ng5 {+M5/5 0.011s} g6 {-M4/4 0.001s} 87. Qxg6+ {+M3/3 0.003s}
Kh8 {-M2/2 0.001s} 88. Nf7# {+M1/1 0s, White mates} 1-0

Hello Lucas,

I am unsure of how you pronounce your last name but perhaps Brash (for its tactical impulses) or Bash might work.

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Aser Huerga
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Re: name for my new engine ?

Post by Aser Huerga »

Maybe simply Braeschess.