Hello everyone, I released a small web tool for debugging the evaluation function.
It's easy to use: set the full path of engine and moving the pieces on the chessboard (or pasting the fen string) automatically the engine's evaluation will be show, I find it useful because it is visual and the result is immediate.
You can set one engine or two to compare their results.
To use your engine you need to add an Evaluation Command for print the eval result (stockfish 8 uses ‘eval’, crafty uses ‘score’ but you can use any string) the tool simply shows thats engine prints.
The tool uses a local python server (python 2 or python 3)
To use it:
1. click on the green button "clone or download" on github page https://github.com/gekomad/chess-engine-eval-debugger
2. start server with 'python server_python2.py' or 'python server_python3.py'
3. open local page
4. set your engine and your Evaluation Command
You can save your setup adding parameters to url, example: ... val2=score
For further information view https://github.com/gekomad/chess-engine-eval-debugger
I hope you will find it useful
Web eval debugger
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:20 am
- Location: Italy
- Full name: Giuseppe Cannella