New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

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New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by thomasahle »

I wrote a new tuning script using Scikit-Optimize, and thought you might find it interesting.
It's very easy to use, requiring only a few python packages to run, but no external tools or "connection scripts".
I used it to tune my new fastText & mcts based chess engine: and gained about 200 ELO (according to a cutechess tournament run afterwards.)

I just wrote it yesterday (and last night), but it already has a great number of features:
  • Smart: Uses Gaussian processes for picking parameters, or any other optimization supported by skopt.
  • Easy: Automatically parses option ranges from uci engines.
  • Fast: Runs many matches in parallel.
  • Resilient: Stores results in a log file. Kill the script and simply rerun script to start from where you left off.
It doesn't do anything complicated chess wise. Just a bridge between skopt and python-chess by Niklas Fiekas.
New versions of the engine are played against the default parameters, or against another engine of you choice.

Below is an example of optimizing four parameters:

Code: Select all

$ py fastchess -nodes 800 -concurrency=8 -book ../cutechess/lines.pgn -games-file tune.pgn -opt MilliCPUCT -opt LegalPolicyTreshold -opt CapturePolicyTreshold -opt CheckPolicyTreshold -n 1000 -log-file data.log

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: sklearn.externals.joblib is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed in 0.23. Please import this functionality directly from joblib, which can be installed with: pip install joblib. If this warning is raised when loading pickled models, you may need to re-serialize those models with scikit-learn 0.21+.
  warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
Loaded book with 173 positions
Loading engines
Parsing options
Reading data.log
Using [2166.0, 7214.0, -6494.0, -2943.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [4923.0, 527.0, 4660.0, 7250.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [2766.0, 8864.0, 2955.0, 6891.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [4429.0, -7236.0, -8824.0, 9966.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [3759.0, 5304.0, 4815.0, -4245.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [402.0, 4140.0, -2505.0, 7399.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [3191.0, 4132.0, -7215.0, 7277.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [9191.0, -5090.0, 2703.0, -6528.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [6606.0, -4668.0, 3898.0, 8736.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [4112.0, -4567.0, -3716.0, -8980.0] => 0.0 from log-file
Using [3728.0, -8675.0, -759.0, 5232.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [111.0, -3209.0, -5932.0, -6504.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [8791.0, -4908.0, -7604.0, 7226.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [5570.0, 1106.0, 9823.0, 4585.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [0.0, 10000.0, -10000.0, -10000.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Using [3100.0, 885.0, -4304.0, 2987.0] => -2.0 from log-file
Starting game 1/984 with {'MilliCPUCT': 1666, 'LegalPolicyTreshold': 2260, 'CapturePolicyTreshold': -7713, 'CheckPolicyTreshold': -8541}
Starting game 2/984 with {'MilliCPUCT': 3571, 'LegalPolicyTreshold': -3567, 'CapturePolicyTreshold': -4507, 'CheckPolicyTreshold': -8864}
Starting game 3/984 with {'MilliCPUCT': 0, 'LegalPolicyTreshold': 10000, 'CapturePolicyTreshold': -10000, 'CheckPolicyTreshold': -8143}
Starting game 818/984 with {'MilliCPUCT': 3641, 'LegalPolicyTreshold': -2983, 'CapturePolicyTreshold': -627, 'CheckPolicyTreshold': -7392}
[4787, -3097, -3065, -6430] => 0
Summarizing best values
Best expectation (κ=0): [ 4299. -3568. -1639. -7074.] = 0.162 ± 0.025 (ELO-diff 56.920 ± 9.071)
I wouldn't take the ELO too seriously. In particular, the standard deviation bounds come from the Gaussian process estimate, which seems to usually be too low.

If this seems like a useful tool for anyone, even just for people who are too lazy to install CLOP or SPSA, it could be given its own repository instead of being part of fastchess.
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by thomasahle »

I should link directly to the script: ... ls/

A fun feature is confidence plots when optimizing a single parameter:

Code: Select all

py tools/ fastchess -nodes 100 -book ../cutechess/lines.pgn -opt MilliCpuct -n 40
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by zenpawn »

Looks interesting. Could you please say something about how to use it? :) Thanks!
Erin Dame
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by thomasahle »

zenpawn wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:51 am Looks interesting. Could you please say something about how to use it? :) Thanks!
Right! Make sure you have an engines.json file, like with cutechess. Then simply run

"python engine-name -opt OptionToBeTuned".

If you don't already have skopt and python-chess you will need to run "pip install skopt python-chess" first.
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by zenpawn »

thomasahle wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:31 am
zenpawn wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:51 am Looks interesting. Could you please say something about how to use it? :) Thanks!
Right! Make sure you have an engines.json file, like with cutechess. Then simply run

"python engine-name -opt OptionToBeTuned".

If you don't already have skopt and python-chess you will need to run "pip install skopt python-chess" first.
I guess it was the OptionToBeTuned that was unclear, but I gather now that you're using the Winboard protocol to set those for your engine? And, for multiple options, it's comma-delimited?
Erin Dame
Author of RookieMonster
Joerg Oster
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by Joerg Oster »

Interesting. Will definitely try it out in the next days.
Thanks for sharing!
Jörg Oster
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by thomasahle »

zenpawn wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:49 pm I guess it was the OptionToBeTuned that was unclear, but I gather now that you're using the Winboard protocol to set those for your engine? And, for multiple options, it's comma-delimited?
It should work with both the xboard/winboard and uci protocols, though I've mostly tested it with the later.
You just add one `-opt OptionToBeTuned` for each option to tune. (See e.g. my first example.) You can also add a custom range, like `-opt OptionToBeTuned lower upper`. For categorical options you can do `-c-opt OptionToBeTuned` or give the values you are interested in `-c-opt OptionToBeTuned value1 value2 value3`.
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by thomasahle »

pedrox wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:52 pm I did a quick test and found the following problems:

my engines.json

Code: Select all

		"command" : "danasah730.exe",
		"name" : "danasah730_uci",
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado
Is it possible to make an executable of
At least on unix systems you need to add './' to execute a binary from its directory. That is write './danasah730.exe'.
You can also try specifying your binary with an absolute path.
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by pedrox »

I can't get it to work.

In Windows I have installed scikit-optimize and I already had python-chess installed. I am using Python 3.7 32 bits. I have created the engines.json of 2 versions of my engine and to the second I have added the options uci Parameter1 and Parameter2

python danasah800_uci -movetime 1000 -games-file tune.pgn -opt Parameter1 -opt Parameter2

Code: Select all

C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\sklearn\externals\joblib\ DeprecationWarning: sklearn.externals.joblib is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed in 0.23. Please import this functionality directly from joblib, which can be installed with: pip install joblib. If this warning is raised when loading pickled models, you may need to re-serialize those models with scikit-learn 0.21+.
  warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning)
Starting every game from initial position
Loading engines
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 368, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 43, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(main)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 584, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "", line 264, in main
    for _ in range(args.concurrency)))
  File "", line 97, in load_engine
    _, engine = await chess.engine.popen_uci(cmd, **popen_args)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 2233, in popen_uci
    transport, protocol = await UciProtocol.popen(command, setpgrp=setpgrp, loop=loop, **popen_args)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\chess\", line 894, in popen
    return await loop.subprocess_exec(cls, *command, **popen_args)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 1533, in subprocess_exec
    bufsize, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 371, in _make_subprocess_transport
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 37, in __init__
    stderr=stderr, bufsize=bufsize, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 792, in _start
    bufsize=bufsize, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\asyncio\", line 155, in __init__
    stderr=stderr_wfd, **kwds)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\", line 775, in __init__
    restore_signals, start_new_session)
  File "C:\Users\pecas\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\", line 1178, in _execute_child
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado
Is it possible for someone to do an exe from
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Re: New Tool for Tuning with Skopt

Post by pedrox »

thomasahle wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:58 pm
pedrox wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:52 pm I did a quick test and found the following problems:

my engines.json

Code: Select all

		"command" : "danasah730.exe",
		"name" : "danasah730_uci",
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado
Is it possible to make an executable of
At least on unix systems you need to add './' to execute a binary from its directory. That is write './danasah730.exe'.
You can also try specifying your binary with an absolute path.
I deleted my first message

I already used a engines.json file that works with cutechess, in Windows it is enough to indicate the working directory and you can directly put the executable.

Code: Select all

		"command" : "danasah730.exe",
		"name" : "danasah730_uci",
		"options" : [
				"alias" : "",
				"default" : "128",
				"name" : "Hash",
				"type" : "text",
				"value" : "128"
				"alias" : "",
				"default" : "d:\\gtb\\",
				"name" : "GaviotaTbPath",
				"type" : "text",
				"value" : "d:\\gtb\\"
		"protocol" : "uci",
		"stderrFile" : "",
		"workingDirectory" : "d:\\cutechess\\engines\\danasah7"
But with your suggestion it seems to work!