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Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:05 pm
by mvanthoor
A board (or squares) in its simplest form is just an array of 64 bytes holding a number that represents the piece that is in there.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:12 pm
by Henk
Need not be an array. Might be a set when array is sparse. May be useful in irregular chess variations.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:49 pm
by Henk
mvanthoor wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:05 pm A board (or squares) in its simplest form is just an array of 64 bytes holding a number that represents the piece that is in there.
Don't know if you are going to implement bitboards by the way. Bitboards start of all misery. Means much more code to maintain.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:55 pm
by Henk
Maybe better say that coordinate and square are the same thing.

So all properties I assigned to square might have been assigned to coordinate as well.

In case you don't use bitboards you don't need perfect hash key data per coordinate for move generation.

And what about a PieceCoordinateTable.

In plain movegeneration I don't need access to eval properties per coord.
In evaluation I don't need acces to move generation properties per coord.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:29 pm
by Henk
Really terrible to make it work/compile

Code: Select all

 public class Squares<T> : ISquares<T> where T : ISquare
      public IList<T> BuildSquares(ISquareBuilder<T> squareBuilder)
            var board = new List<T>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= NSQUARES -1; i++)
                var square = squareBuilder.BuildSquare();
            return board;

Before this I used new T() instead of a squarebuilder and added a new constraint to the class signature.
But then I could not create a ISquares<ISquareEval> but only a ISquares<SquareEval>. And if I only could create ISquares<SquareEval> I had to repair another zillion of compile errors.

That is the advantage from re-starting from scratch: you don't need to repair zillions compile errors when you make a mistake. Although when restarting from scratch you have to re-type, re-copy, re-invent the wheel.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:31 am
by Henk
Did not work. Still need extra class to assign movegeneration data per square.
Ugly! Something went wrong.

Code: Select all

    public class BoardSquaresMoveGen : Squares<ISquareMoveGen>
        public BoardSquaresMoveGen(): base(new SquareMoveGenBuilder(), 8, 8)

        /// <summary>
        /// Assumes all squares are initialized 
        /// </summary>
        public void InitAllMoves()
          for (int i = 0; i <= NSQUARES - 1; i++)
                var field = this[i];

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:53 am
by mvanthoor
To some extend, this topic is becoming hilarious. What engine is this by the way? Is it private, open source, can it be found in the CCRL-list, and/or is the code somewhere online?

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:09 pm
by Henk
It's about Skipper. Private engine. Only used for testing some software development ideas.
Maybe best not to recommend writing generic code. For there are always exceptions that don't fit in.
Perhaps generic code only possible for lowest level.

For movegeneration you need to know the bordersquares of the board. So it looks like can't do it per square.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:18 pm
by Henk
Maybe only argument to use properties is to reduce length of paramerlist.
But I don't like it that a class/structure/record contains methods that do not use all its properties.

Properties behaving as bad as semi global variables. At least they should be all immutable.

So maybe make a method static unless number of parameters greater than three and some methods share the same parameter. In that case create a class with that parameter as a property.

By the way biggest problem is methods being too long. So I should repair that first.

Re: Complicating code in C#

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:56 pm
by Henk
Here an example of bad code to be rewritten. Man you can spend weeks/months/years on rewriting source code.

Code: Select all

 public static IImmutableList<IMoveBase> ComputePawnDirectionMoves(ICoord coord, IPieceColor color,
            IMoveFactory mvFactory, ISquares<ISquareMoveGen> boardSquares, PawnDirection dir)
            var nColumns = boardSquares.nColumns;
            var pieceSort = ConvertToPieceSort(Kind.Pawn_Kind, color);
            var firstRow = color == White() ? 0 : LASTROW;
            var lastRow = color == White() ? LASTROW : 0;
            var epRow = color == White() ? 4 : 3;

            var square = boardSquares[coord];
            int rowNr2 = square.RowNr;
            if (rowNr2 == 0 || rowNr2 == lastRow)
                return null;
            var dirMoves = CreateBuilder<IMoveBase>();
            var colorValue = ABSearch.Eval(color);
            if (dir == LEFT || dir == EP_LEFT)
                if (square.ColNr > 0 &&
                    Less(color, square.RowNr, lastRow)
                    int newPos = (int)square.Coord + colorValue * nColumns - 1;
                    if (dir == LEFT)
                        if (Less(color, square.RowNr, lastRow - ABSearch.Eval(color)))
                            var mv = mvFactory.BuildMove(square.Coord2, boardSquares[(int)newPos].Coord2, pieceSort);
                            AddPromotionMoves(square, mvFactory, pieceSort, boardSquares, dirMoves, newPos);
                        Debug.Assert(dir == EP_LEFT);
                        if (square.RowNr == epRow)
                            var mv = mvFactory.BuildEPMove(square.Coord2, boardSquares[(int)newPos].Coord2, pieceSort);
            else if (dir == FRONT)
                int rowNr = square.RowNr;
                if (rowNr == lastRow - colorValue
                    int newPos = (int)square.Coord + colorValue * nColumns;
                    AddPromotionMoves(square, mvFactory, pieceSort, boardSquares, dirMoves, newPos);
                    int nSteps = 1;
                    if (rowNr == firstRow + colorValue)
                        nSteps = 2;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= nSteps; i++)
                        int newPos = (int)square.Coord + i * colorValue * nColumns;
                        var field = boardSquares[newPos];
                        dirMoves.Add(PawnFrontMove(boardSquares, mvFactory, pieceSort, square.Coord2, field.Coord2));
            else if (dir == RIGHT || dir == EP_RIGHT)
                if (square.ColNr < LASTCOLUMN
                    && Less(color, square.RowNr, lastRow))
                    int newPos = (int)square.Coord + colorValue * nColumns + 1;
                    if (dir == RIGHT)
                        if (Less(color, square.RowNr, lastRow - colorValue))
                            dirMoves.Add(mvFactory.BuildMove(square.Coord2, boardSquares[(int)newPos].Coord2, pieceSort));
                            AddPromotionMoves(square, mvFactory, pieceSort, boardSquares, dirMoves, newPos);
                    else if (square.RowNr == epRow)
                        var mv = mvFactory.BuildEPMove(square.Coord2, boardSquares[(int)newPos].Coord2, pieceSort);
            return dirMoves.ToImmutableList();

            bool Less(IPieceColor color2, int x, int y)
                color2 == White() ? x < y : x > y;
