Miniature. How not to play

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Miniature. How not to play

Post by Henk »

[d] r1bqrbk1/1p1nnppp/3p4/pPp1p3/P1P1PP2/2NPB1P1/3QN1BP/R4RK1 b - f3 0 14

In this position I played f6? White played f5 and Black can resign. g4, g5, Bh5 etcetera.
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by whereagles »

well, you do get a bit cramped for space, but it's not a certain loss.

If white gives you time, Kh8, Ng8-h6-f7, h6 controls g5.
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by Henk »

I don't think I got the time for these moves. But I have to research that to be sure.

But more interesting for me what to play with black against this maroczy bind
in general or this pattern c4 d3 e4 f4 g3 h2 Bg2 which I have encountered several times and always losing the game.

I used to play g6 but I don't understand fianchettoes so I try to find something more simpel to play with black,

Also tried f5 when white did not play Bg2 but if you play that too early you get a Ng5 or a Nh4 attacking a weakened g6 pawn after h6.

Wiki naming a hedgehog. But that is not applicable to me for I play e5 early after d6. Old Indian formation.
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by Henk »

I think I mixed up some variants. After a c4 black should not play Nf6 but f5 after e5.

Reasoning like that it looks like 1. Nf3 is not that good for you can't play f4 later on.
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by Henk »

whereagles wrote:well, you do get a bit cramped for space, but it's not a certain loss.

If white gives you time, Kh8, Ng8-h6-f7, h6 controls g5.
According to Stockfish it is a certain loss.
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by whereagles »

Henk wrote:According to Stockfish it is a certain loss.
well yeah but you're playing stockfish at the table.. at least I hope not 8-)
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Re: Miniature. How not to play

Post by whereagles »

Anyway, the suggested manoeuvre can indeed be stopped by white with f5, g4, h4. By the time you try to play Nh6, g5 kicks in and files open up.

Things do not look very bright for black, but most of SF high eval for the position seems to come from space advantage, which is something not all humans can explore properly.