A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

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A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by Glarean »

The Romanian software developer Mihai Neghina is a specialist for super difficult chess studies...

His latest composition is called "The Confusion" and is again extremely complex, even for the best engines.
Probably most programs don't have a chance to get this position in less than 60 seconds...

Weiss moves and wins

[d]4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w
Here you find the Solution and Analysis:
https://glarean-magazin.ch/2019/01/19/m ... lemschach/

Have fun: Walter

Dann Corbit
Posts: 12554
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Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by Dann Corbit »

Glarean wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:55 pm The Romanian software developer Mihai Neghina is a specialist for super difficult chess studies...

His latest composition is called "The Confusion" and is again extremely complex, even for the best engines.
Probably most programs don't have a chance to get this position in less than 60 seconds...

Weiss moves and wins

[d]4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w
Here you find the Solution and Analysis:
https://glarean-magazin.ch/2019/01/19/m ... lemschach/

Have fun: Walter

Sting diverges on ply 2 but seems happy with the plan. Key move chosen, but the Neghina analysis rejects the ponder move Be2 response.

Code: Select all

Searching: 4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - -
infinite: 1 ponder: 0 time: 0 increment: 0 moves to go: 0
 1  -10.34   00:00      19  Ne3
 2  -10.59   00:00     100  Ne3 Be2
 3  -10.42   00:00     198  Ne3 Be2 Nc4
 4  -10.67   00:00     505  b3 Kf8 Ne3 Be2
 5  -10.42   00:00    1150  b3 Bd1 Nd2 Bc2 Nc4
 6   -8.81   00:00    2326  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2
 7   -8.69   00:00    2844  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 b4 Bc6
 8   -7.72   00:00    5185  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Nxd7 Be2 b3 Bd1
 9   -8.53   00:00   10140  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Bd3 Kg3 Be4 b4 Kf8
10   -8.00   00:00   16735  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Bf1 Kg3 Bd3 Kf3 Kh7 b4
11   -7.80   00:00   25164  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3
12   -7.72   00:00   38468  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3 Bb5 g3 Qf8 Ke3 Bc6 Nc4
13   -7.64   00:00   57232  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3 Bb5 Kf2 Bc6 Ke3 Bxg2 b5
14   -7.56   00:00   87528  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Bc6 b4 Bb5
15   -7.56   00:00   91395  Nd2 Be2
16   -7.56   00:00  112290  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Bc6 b4
17   -3.39   00:00  913399  Na5 Kf8 Nc6 Be2 Ne7 Bxb5 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Bf1 Nb6 Ba6 b5 Bxb5 Nc8 Qxc8 Nxc8 Ba4 Ba5 Bc6 Nb6 Bb5 Be1 Ke8 Ba5
18   -3.39   00:00  966835  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8
19   -3.43   00:00   1019K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Bf1 Nb6 Bb5 Nc8 Bd3 Nb6
20   -3.43   00:00   1084K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4
21   -3.35   00:00   1355K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Be2 Nb6 Ba6 Bb8 Bd3 Bc7 Be4 Nc8 Bc6
22   -3.35   00:00   1506K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Be2 Nb6 Ba6 Bb8 Bd3 Bc7 Be4 Nc8 Bc6 Nb6 Bb7 Bb8 Be4 Bc7
23   -3.35   00:00   1532K  Na5 Be2 Nc6
24   -3.35   00:00   3093K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bd3 Ne7+
25   -3.39   00:00   3572K  Na5 Qf8 Nb7 Be2 Nd8 Bxb5 Nc8 Qe8 Ne7+ Kf8 Nc8
26   -3.35   00:00   3746K  Na5 Be2
27   -2.51   00:01  16678K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Kf8 Nc8 Bc4 Ne7
28   -1.54   00:02  20728K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b4 Qe8 Nc8 Ba4 Ne7+ Kf8 Nc8 Bc2 Ne7 Be4 Nc8 Bd3 Nb6 Bb5 Nc8 Ba4 Na7 Kg8 Nc8 Kh7 Ne7 Bc6 Ba5 Qf8 Bb6 Be4 Ba5 Bd3
29   -1.21   00:03  30646K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Ba6 Na4 Kh7 b4 Bb5 Nc5 Kg8 Nb3 Bc4 Nd4 Ba6
30   -0.97   00:05  55821K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Bc6 Nc5 Bd5 b4 Bc4 Ne4 Qe8 Nc5 Bf1 Nb3 Ba6 Nd4 Bc4 b5 Kg8 b6 Bd5 Nf3 Bb7 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Be4 Kg3 Bd5 Kf2
31   -0.57   00:06  66665K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Ba6
32   -0.57   00:06  68974K  Na5 Be2 Nc6
33   -0.57   00:08  81134K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3
34   +0.00   00:14 153234K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
35   +0.00   00:15 158500K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
36   +0.00   00:15 163947K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
37   +0.00   00:16 173358K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5
38   +0.00   00:17 185383K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
39   +0.00   00:19 198666K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3
40   +0.00   00:21 225180K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
41   +0.00   00:24 249363K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
42   +0.00   00:25 266504K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3
43   +0.00   00:29 307081K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4
44   +2.10   16:11  10705M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Bf1 Nxg5+ Kh6 Nf3 Nf4 Nxh2 Bxg2+ Kg1 gxh2+ Kxh2 Bc6 Bb6 Nd3 Bd4 Kg6 Kh3 Kf7 Kg4 Bb7 Na4 Bc6 Kg5 Bd5 Nb6 Bc6 Nc4 Bd5 Nd2
45   +2.30   20:30  13404M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Kg8
46   +2.30   22:57  14950M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Kg8

Nodes: 19628276874
Nodes/second: 10903907
Best move: Na5
Ponder move: Be2
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
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Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by zullil »

Dann Corbit wrote: Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:59 pm

Sting diverges on ply 2 but seems happy with the plan. Key move chosen, but the Neghina analysis rejects the ponder move Be2 response.

Code: Select all

Searching: 4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - -
infinite: 1 ponder: 0 time: 0 increment: 0 moves to go: 0
 1  -10.34   00:00      19  Ne3
 2  -10.59   00:00     100  Ne3 Be2
 3  -10.42   00:00     198  Ne3 Be2 Nc4
 4  -10.67   00:00     505  b3 Kf8 Ne3 Be2
 5  -10.42   00:00    1150  b3 Bd1 Nd2 Bc2 Nc4
 6   -8.81   00:00    2326  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2
 7   -8.69   00:00    2844  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 b4 Bc6
 8   -7.72   00:00    5185  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Nxd7 Be2 b3 Bd1
 9   -8.53   00:00   10140  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Bd3 Kg3 Be4 b4 Kf8
10   -8.00   00:00   16735  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Bf1 Kg3 Bd3 Kf3 Kh7 b4
11   -7.80   00:00   25164  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3
12   -7.72   00:00   38468  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3 Bb5 g3 Qf8 Ke3 Bc6 Nc4
13   -7.64   00:00   57232  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Be2 b4 Bd3 Kf3 Bb5 Kf2 Bc6 Ke3 Bxg2 b5
14   -7.56   00:00   87528  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Bc6 b4 Bb5
15   -7.56   00:00   91395  Nd2 Be2
16   -7.56   00:00  112290  Nd2 Be2 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Kh7 Kg3 Bc6 b4
17   -3.39   00:00  913399  Na5 Kf8 Nc6 Be2 Ne7 Bxb5 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Bf1 Nb6 Ba6 b5 Bxb5 Nc8 Qxc8 Nxc8 Ba4 Ba5 Bc6 Nb6 Bb5 Be1 Ke8 Ba5
18   -3.39   00:00  966835  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8
19   -3.43   00:00   1019K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Bf1 Nb6 Bb5 Nc8 Bd3 Nb6
20   -3.43   00:00   1084K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4
21   -3.35   00:00   1355K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Be2 Nb6 Ba6 Bb8 Bd3 Bc7 Be4 Nc8 Bc6
22   -3.35   00:00   1506K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Ne7+ Kf8 b3 Ba6 b4 Bd3 Nc8 Be2 Nb6 Ba6 Bb8 Bd3 Bc7 Be4 Nc8 Bc6 Nb6 Bb7 Bb8 Be4 Bc7
23   -3.35   00:00   1532K  Na5 Be2 Nc6
24   -3.35   00:00   3093K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bd3 Ne7+
25   -3.39   00:00   3572K  Na5 Qf8 Nb7 Be2 Nd8 Bxb5 Nc8 Qe8 Ne7+ Kf8 Nc8
26   -3.35   00:00   3746K  Na5 Be2
27   -2.51   00:01  16678K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Kf8 Nc8 Bc4 Ne7
28   -1.54   00:02  20728K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b4 Qe8 Nc8 Ba4 Ne7+ Kf8 Nc8 Bc2 Ne7 Be4 Nc8 Bd3 Nb6 Bb5 Nc8 Ba4 Na7 Kg8 Nc8 Kh7 Ne7 Bc6 Ba5 Qf8 Bb6 Be4 Ba5 Bd3
29   -1.21   00:03  30646K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Ba6 Na4 Kh7 b4 Bb5 Nc5 Kg8 Nb3 Bc4 Nd4 Ba6
30   -0.97   00:05  55821K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Bc6 Nc5 Bd5 b4 Bc4 Ne4 Qe8 Nc5 Bf1 Nb3 Ba6 Nd4 Bc4 b5 Kg8 b6 Bd5 Nf3 Bb7 Nxh2 gxh2 Kxh2 Be4 Kg3 Bd5 Kf2
31   -0.57   00:06  66665K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Ba6
32   -0.57   00:06  68974K  Na5 Be2 Nc6
33   -0.57   00:08  81134K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3
34   +0.00   00:14 153234K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
35   +0.00   00:15 158500K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
36   +0.00   00:15 163947K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
37   +0.00   00:16 173358K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5
38   +0.00   00:17 185383K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
39   +0.00   00:19 198666K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3
40   +0.00   00:21 225180K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
41   +0.00   00:24 249363K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4 Kg8 b5 Kf8 Bb6 Kg8 Bc7
42   +0.00   00:25 266504K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3
43   +0.00   00:29 307081K  Na5 Be2 Nc6 Bxb5 Nd8 Qf8 b3 Kh7 Na4 Qe8 Nc3 Bc6 b4
44   +2.10   16:11  10705M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Bf1 Nxg5+ Kh6 Nf3 Nf4 Nxh2 Bxg2+ Kg1 gxh2+ Kxh2 Bc6 Bb6 Nd3 Bd4 Kg6 Kh3 Kf7 Kg4 Bb7 Na4 Bc6 Kg5 Bd5 Nb6 Bc6 Nc4 Bd5 Nd2
45   +2.30   20:30  13404M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Kg8
46   +2.30   22:57  14950M  Na5 Be2 Nb7 Bc4 Nd8 Bxb5 b3 Qf8 Na4 Qh6 gxh6 g5 Nc3 Ng6 h7+ Kxh7 Nxf7 Kg8

Nodes: 19628276874
Nodes/second: 10903907
Best move: Na5
Ponder move: Be2
Well, Cfish-dev also finds Na5, albeit with a score of 0.00. But I doubt it can solve the study. Sting's PV seems odd to me. Qh6?
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12554
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Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by Dann Corbit »

zullil wrote: Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:50 pm Well, Cfish-dev also finds Na5, albeit with a score of 0.00. But I doubt it can solve the study. Sting's PV seems odd to me. Qh6?
Well, the study is called "The Confusion"

It seems to toss the queen, but subsequent exchanges make most of it back. No idea why it was chosen, but it thought for an age before it chose that.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by lech »

A very interesting study, but Sting shows a strong defence.

Sting 13; Hash = 1024, Threads = 1
info depth 45 multipv 1 score cp 72 nodes 3367417637 nps 664596 time 5066863
pv c4a5 g4e2 a5b7 e2b5 b7d8 e8f8 b2b3 b5f1 b6a4 f8h6 g5h6 g6g5 c7b6 h8g6 b6g1 g6e5 b3b4 h2g1 h1g1 f1d3 a4c5 d3b5 c5e4 g8h7 e4c3 b5d3 b4b5 d3b5 c3b5 h7h6 b5c3 h6g6 c3e4 g6f5 e4g3 f5f6 g1f2 e5c4 g3e4 f6f5 e4c5 c4d6 c5d7 f5f4 d7f6 f4f5 f6g8 e6e5 g8h6 f5g6 h6g4 g6f5 g4e3 f5f4 d8c6 d6e4 f2e2 f7f5 c6e7 e4c3 e2d3

[FEN "4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - - 0 0"]
1. Na5 Be2 2. Nb7 Bxb5 3. Nd8 Qf8 4. b3 Bf1 5. Na4 Qh6 6. gxh6 g5 7. Bb6 Ng6 8. Bg1 Nxe5 {draw ???}[/pgn]
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
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Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by zullil »

lech wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:12 pm A very interesting study, but Sting shows a strong defence.

Sting 13; Hash = 1024, Threads = 1
info depth 45 multipv 1 score cp 72 nodes 3367417637 nps 664596 time 5066863
pv c4a5 g4e2 a5b7 e2b5 b7d8 e8f8 b2b3 b5f1 b6a4 f8h6 g5h6 g6g5 c7b6 h8g6 b6g1 g6e5 b3b4 h2g1 h1g1 f1d3 a4c5 d3b5 c5e4 g8h7 e4c3 b5d3 b4b5 d3b5 c3b5 h7h6 b5c3 h6g6 c3e4 g6f5 e4g3 f5f6 g1f2 e5c4 g3e4 f6f5 e4c5 c4d6 c5d7 f5f4 d7f6 f4f5 f6g8 e6e5 g8h6 f5g6 h6g4 g6f5 g4e3 f5f4 d8c6 d6e4 f2e2 f7f5 c6e7 e4c3 e2d3

[FEN "4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - - 0 0"]
1. Na5 Be2 2. Nb7 Bxb5 3. Nd8 Qf8 4. b3 Bf1 5. Na4 Qh6 6. gxh6 g5 7. Bb6 Ng6 8. Bg1 Nxe5 {draw ???}[/pgn]
7. Nc6
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Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by lech »

zullil wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:27 pm
lech wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:12 pm A very interesting study, but Sting shows a strong defence.

Sting 13; Hash = 1024, Threads = 1
info depth 45 multipv 1 score cp 72 nodes 3367417637 nps 664596 time 5066863
pv c4a5 g4e2 a5b7 e2b5 b7d8 e8f8 b2b3 b5f1 b6a4 f8h6 g5h6 g6g5 c7b6 h8g6 b6g1 g6e5 b3b4 h2g1 h1g1 f1d3 a4c5 d3b5 c5e4 g8h7 e4c3 b5d3 b4b5 d3b5 c3b5 h7h6 b5c3 h6g6 c3e4 g6f5 e4g3 f5f6 g1f2 e5c4 g3e4 f6f5 e4c5 c4d6 c5d7 f5f4 d7f6 f4f5 f6g8 e6e5 g8h6 f5g6 h6g4 g6f5 g4e3 f5f4 d8c6 d6e4 f2e2 f7f5 c6e7 e4c3 e2d3

[FEN "4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - - 0 0"]
1. Na5 Be2 2. Nb7 Bxb5 3. Nd8 Qf8 4. b3 Bf1 5. Na4 Qh6 6. gxh6 g5 7. Bb6 Ng6 8. Bg1 Nxe5 {draw ???}[/pgn]
7. Nc6
Indeed it is a good news, but the idea to sacrifice the black Queen by square h6 is very nteresting and I am very happy that Sting can see such a wise move. There is possibility to do it in another way but I hope the study will be correct too.
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
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Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by MikeB »

Glarean wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:55 pm The Romanian software developer Mihai Neghina is a specialist for super difficult chess studies...

His latest composition is called "The Confusion" and is again extremely complex, even for the best engines.
Probably most programs don't have a chance to get this position in less than 60 seconds...

Weiss moves and wins

[d]4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w
Here you find the Solution and Analysis:
https://glarean-magazin.ch/2019/01/19/m ... lemschach/

Have fun: Walter

way too hard for McCain - not even close....
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Re: Unbreakable from Neghina... 24.Kg3 is matt in 38!

Post by Paloma »

My backwards analysis of this study see below:

[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2019.01.19"]
[Round "?"]
[White "The Confusion"]
[Black "Mihai Neghina"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Annotator "Mihai Neghina (Glarean Magazin)"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[EventDate "2018.??.??"]

1. Na5 $1 Bf5 2. Nb7 Bd3 3. Nd8 Bxb5 4. b3 Bd3 5. Na4 $1 Bc2 6. Nc5 $1 Bd1 7. b4 Be2 8. Nb3 Kh7
9. Nd4 Bc4 10. b5 Kg8 11. b6 Bd5 12. Ne2 Kh7 13. Nc1 Kg8 14. Nd3 Kh7 15. Nc5 Kg8 16. b7
Bxb7 17. Ncxb7 Kh7 18. Nc5 Qf8 19. Nd3 Kg8 20. Ne1 Qe8 21. Nf3 Kh7 22. Nxh2 gxh2 $1 23. Kxh2 Qf8 24. Kg3 {
38#! all Backwards} Qg8 25. Kf3 {37#} Qe8 26. Ke4 {36#} Qg8 27. Kd4
Qf8 28. Kc5 {34#} Kg8 (28... Qg8 $1 29. Kb6 {33#} Qe8 30. Kb7 Kg8 31. g4 Kh7
32. Bb6) 29. Kb6 {32#!} Kh7 30. Kb7 Qe8 31. Bb6 $1 {30#} (31. Kc8 {also wins}
Kg8 32. Bb8 Kh7 33. Kc7 Kg8 34. Nb7 Kh7 35. Nc5 {followed by Nxd7}) 31... Kg8
32. Nc6 Kh7 33. Nb8 $1 {28#!} Kg8 34. Kc7 $1 {27#; alles SF10 Bw} Kh7 35. Nxd7
$1 {26#!} (35. g3 $5 {28#} Qf8 36. Nxd7 {28#} Qa8 37. Nb8
Qf3 38. Nc6 {26#} Qxg3 39. d7 Qc3 40. Ba5 Qe3 41. Bb4 {23#} Qxg5 42. d8=Q Qh4
43. Be1 {21#} Qh2 (43... Qxe1 44. Qf8 Qa5+ 45. Nxa5 g5 46. Qg7#) 44. Bc3 {20#}
Qh4 45. Bd4 {19#} g5 (45... Qg5 46. Ne7 {18#}) 46. Ne7 {16#} Ng6 47. Qg8+ {15#}
Kh6 48. Qxf7 Qe4 49. Qxg6+ Qxg6 50. Nxg6 Kxg6 51. Kd6 {11#}) 35... Qa8 $1 36.
Nb8 $1 {25#} Qxg2 37. d7 {24#} (37. Nc6 {24#} Qxg5 38. d7 {23#} Qg3 39. d8=Q
Qg5 40. Bd4 Qd2 41. Kb7) 37... Qxg5 (37... Qf1 38. Nc6 {23#} Qc1 39. Ba5 Qxg5
$1 40. d8=Q Qh4 41. Bd2) 38. Nc6 $1 {23#} Qd2 39. d8=Q Qxd8+ 40. Nxd8 {21#} g5
41. Nxe6 1-0

Posts: 1167
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
Full name: Herbert L

Re: A new Unbreakable from Neghina...

Post by Paloma »

[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2019.01.19"]
[Round "?"]
[White "The Confusion"]
[Black "Mihai Neghina"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Annotator "Mihai Neghina (Glarean Magazin)"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "4q1kn/2Bp1p2/1N1PpPp1/1P2P1P1/2N3b1/6p1/1P4Pb/7K w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[EventDate "2018.??.??"]

1. Na5 $1 (1. b4 $2 {or other moves} Bf5 2. Na5 Be4 {controlling b7; if the
Nd8 fortress cannot be completed, the b6 knight cannot move out of the way of
the pawns}) 1... Bf5 (1... Be2 2. Nb7 Bxb5 3. Nd8 Kh7 (3... Qf8 4. b3 Ba6 (4...
Qh6 5. gxh6 Kh7 6. Na4 {winning}) (4... Bf1 5. Na4 Qh6 6. gxh6 g5 7. Nc6) 5.
Na4 {winning (?)} Bf1) 4. b3 {continuing as in the mainline}) (1... Bd1 2.
Nb7 Be2 3. Nd8 Bxb5 4. b3 {winning}) 2. Nb7 (2. b4 {?} Be4 {controlling b7})
2... Bd3 (2... Bc2 3. Nd8 Bb3 {trying to dominate the b6 knight} 4. Nc8 {
winning}) 3. Nd8 Bxb5 (3... Bf1 4. b3 {win}) 4. b3 (4. b4 $2 Kh7 5. Nc8 Kg8 6.
Na7 Ba6 7. b5 Bb7 8. b6 Ba6 9. Nb5 Bxb5 10. b7 {White gets a queen, but cannot
win...}) 4... Bd3 (4... Kh7 5. Na4 {win} (5. Nc4 $2 Bxc4 6. bxc4 {draw}) 5...
Bc6 6. Nc3 Qf8 7. b4) (4... Qf8 5. Na4 Qh6 6. gxh6 g5 7. Bb6 (7. Nc3 Ng6 8. h7+
Kxh7 9. Nxf7) 7... Ng6 8. h7+ Kxh7 9. Nxf7 {win} Kg8 10. Nh6+
Kh7 11. Ng4 Bc6 12. Nxh2 gxh2) 5. Na4 $1 Bc2 6. Nc5 $1 Bd1 7. b4 Be2 8. Nb3 Kh7
9. Nd4 Bc4 10. b5 Kg8 11. b6 Bd5 12. Ne2 Kh7 13. Nc1 Kg8 (13... Be4 14. Nb3 Bd5
15. Nc5 {and continuing as in the mainline}) 14. Nd3 Kh7 15. Nc5 Kg8 16. b7
Bxb7 17. Ncxb7 {Stage 4 (free the king)} Kh7 18. Nc5 (18. Bb6 Kg8 19. Bg1 {
also wins !} Bxg1 (19... Kh7 20. Bb6 Qg8 21. Nc5) 20. Kxg1 Qf8 21. Kf1) 18...
Qf8 19. Nd3 Kg8 20. Ne1 Qe8 21. Nf3 Kh7 22. Nxh2 gxh2 $1 23. Kxh2 Qf8 24. Kg3 {
38#! End, more Backward is not possible to hold the Matt announcement} Qg8
25. Kf3 {37#} Qe8 26. Ke4 {36#} Qg8 27. Kd4 Qf8 28. Kc5 {34#} Kg8 $6 (28... Qg8 $1
29. Kb6 {33#} Qe8 30. Kb7 Kg8 31. g4 Kh7 32. Bb6) 29. Kb6 {32#!} Kh7 30. Kb7 Qe8
31. Bb6 $1 {30#} (31. Kc8 {32#, also wins} Kg8 32. Bb8 Kh7 33. Kc7 Kg8 34. Nb7 Kh7
35. Nc5 {followed by Nxd7}) 31...Kg8 32. Nc6 Kh7 33. Nb8 $1 {28#!} Kg8 34. Kc7 $1 {27#} Kh7
35. Nxd7 $1 {26#!} (35. g3 $5 {28#} Qf8 36. Nxd7 {28#} Qa8
37. Nb8 Qf3 38. Nc6 {26#} Qxg3 39. d7 Qc3 40. Ba5 Qe3 41. Bb4 {23#} Qxg5 42.
d8=Q Qh4 43. Be1 {21#} Qh2 (43... Qxe1 44. Qf8 Qa5+ 45. Nxa5 g5 46. Qg7#) 44.
Bc3 {20#} Qh4 45. Bd4 {19#} g5 (45... Qg5 46. Ne7 {18#}) 46. Ne7 {16#} Ng6 47.
Qg8+ {15#} Kh6 48. Qxf7 Qe4 49. Qxg6+ Qxg6 50. Nxg6 Kxg6 51. Kd6 {11#}) 35...
Qa8 $1 36. Nb8 $1 {25#} Qxg2 37. d7 {24#} (37. Nc6 {24#} Qxg5 38. d7 {23#} Qg3
(38... Qd2 39. d8=Q {22#} Qxd8+ 40. Kxd8) 39. d8=Q {22#} Qg5 40. Bd4 Qd2 41.
Kb7) 37... Qxg5 (37... Qf1 38. Nc6 {23#} Qc1 39. Ba5 Qxg5 $1 40. d8=Q Qh4 41.
Bd2) 38. Nc6 $1 {23#} Qd2 39. d8=Q Qxd8+ 40. Nxd8 {21#} g5 41. Nxe6 Kg6 42. Nd8
g4 43. Bd4 Kf5 44. Kd7 Ke4 45. Nxf7 {16#} Ng6 46. e6 Kxd4 47. e7 1-0