Arasan test suite - draft version

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Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by jdart »

Over the past several months, I have gone through the current Arasan test suite and removed some positions that seem too easy, and also added a bunch that are interesting and/or harder. Some of the latter have been posted here, but some have not. I've verified all the positions as best I can using multi-pv analysis. In some cases there is more than one good move, but the given bm scores significantly higher than other moves.

Current file is here:

These are sort of in difficulty order: the ones towards the end of the set are generally more difficult.

I'd be interested in any feedback/corrections. I used Stockfish for verification, but results from other engines would be interesting.

Norm Pollock
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Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by Norm Pollock »

There are several duplicate positions:

1q2r1k1/3R1pb1/3R2p1/7p/p3N3/2P1BP1P/1P3PK1/8 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 116 173;
2bq1rk1/rpb2p2/2p1p1p1/p1N3Np/P2P1P1P/1Q2R1P1/1P3P2/3R2K1 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 137 157;
3r1rk1/1b2bpp1/2n1p2p/qp1n2N1/4N3/P3P3/1BB1QPPP/2R2RK1 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 108 117;
3r1rk1/pbq1bp1p/1n1Rp1p1/2p1P1N1/4N2P/1P3Q2/PB3PP1/K6R w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 111 153;
8/3r4/pr1Pk1p1/8/7P/6P1/3R3K/5R2 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 113 135;
8/5pk1/p4npp/1pPN4/1P2p3/1P4PP/5P2/5K2 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 6 32;
8/5rk1/p3Q1pp/1p1P1p1b/2p1Pq1P/P4P2/1PKN4/5R2 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 107 152;
b2rk1r1/p3q3/2p5/3nPR2/3P2pp/1R1B2P1/P1Q2P2/6K1 w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 55 76;
r2q1rk1/ppp2p2/3p1np1/4pNQ1/4P1pP/1PPP4/1P3P2/R3K1R1 w Q - c0 2; c1 line(s): 99 156;
r2r4/5kb1/6p1/1Np1p3/p1P2p1p/3P1P1P/1PR1K1P1/3R4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 132 167;
r4rkq/1ppb4/3P2n1/1N1Pp3/P3Pbn1/3B1NP1/1P2QB2/R4RK1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 57 151;
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Posts: 4368
Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:23 am

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by jdart »

Thanks - I removed the dups.

Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by Vinvin »

I ran the new positions with Stockfish_19060914 (6*4GHz), first column is 10 seconds per move and second column is 20 seconds per move.
The list is sorted on column1 then column2.
80 positions seem not so hard (for SF).

Code: Select all

Rc1-f1, Ba1xe3     Rc1-f1  * 0 Sec.     Rc1-f1  * 0 Sec.	4r1k1/1ppr1p1p/1nnq2p1/p3pP2/5P2/3PP2Q/4B2P/B1R3RK w - - bm Rcf1 Re3; c0 "Andscacs 0.90-Deep Shredder 13, Andreas Strangmueller 2017";
.. Qh5-f5          Qh5-f5  * 0 Sec.     Qh5-f5  * 0 Sec.	4rb1k/6pp/NR3p2/P2Pp2q/6bP/4BnP1/5PK1/2R2Q2 b - - bm Qf5; c0 "Arasan-exeComp, FICS 2018";
Qd1-g4             Qd1-g4  * 0 Sec.     Qd1-g4  * 0 Sec.	r1r3k1/5pb1/3p2p1/pqpPp1N1/3nP3/1P1PB1P1/5P2/2RQ1K1R w - - bm Qg4; c0 "GrandDroid-Arasan, FICS 2019";
.. Qd7-b7(?)       Bd4-b2  * 0 Sec.     Bd4-b2  * 0 Sec.	1r4k1/3q1pp1/1p1Pr2p/p1pQP2P/3bR1P1/1P4B1/P5K1/2R5 b - - am Qb7; c0 "Xiphos-Arasan, TCEC Season 13 Div 2 2018";
.. g5-g4           g5-g4   * 0 Sec.     g5-g4   * 0 Sec.	r7/8/8/6p1/P2R4/5k1p/7P/1K6 b - - bm g4; c0 "Vajolet-Texel, TCEC Season 13 Div 2 2018";
c2-c4              c2-c4   * 0 Sec.     c2-c4   * 0 Sec.	1r3n1r/1bqk1p1p/3Np1pR/1P1pP3/p2Q1P2/P7/2P5/1K5R w - - bm c4; c0 "LCZero v19.1-11248 - Chiron S14, TCEC Season 14 Division 1 2018";
Rd2-e2             Rd2-e2  * 0 Sec.     Rd2-e2  * 0 Sec.	8/3r4/pr1Pk1p1/8/7P/6P1/3R3K/5R2 w - - bm Re2+; c0 "Aldiga (Brainfish 091016)-Knight-king (Komodo 10 64-bit), 2016";
.. Rb5-b1          Rb5-b1  * 0 Sec.     Rb5-b1  * 0 Sec.	Q7/6pk/P2B4/1r3p2/3n3P/3q1P2/8/6RK b - - bm Rb1; c0 "Arasan-ipfreely, 2017";
.. e5-e4           e5-e4   * 0 Sec.     e5-e4   * 0 Sec.	r4rk1/3bbppp/1q1p4/1N1Pp3/P6n/3B1PPP/1P6/R1BQ1K1R b - - bm e4; c0 "Kreutz-Galliano, CL/2017/C2 ICCF 2017";
.. c6-c5           c6-c5   * 0 Sec.     c6-c5   * 0 Sec.	1r2k2r/2qnbp2/2p1p1p1/pp1pP2p/5Q1P/2PB2P1/PPPB1P2/1K1RR3 b k - bm c5; c0 "Arasan-SpyderChess, FICS 2018";
.. h5-h4           h5-h4   * 0 Sec.     h5-h4   * 1 Sec.	1r6/2b2rk1/2P5/pR2p2p/P2p2p1/BP3qP1/2Q2P1P/3R2K1 b - - bm h4; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2019";
d5-d6              d5-d6   * 0 Sec.     d5-d6   * 1 Sec.	8/5rk1/p3Q1pp/1p1P1p1b/2p1Pq1P/P4P2/1PKN4/5R2 w - - bm d6; c0 "asmFishW_2016-12-17_bmi2-Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2017";
Nf3-d4             Nf3-d4  * 0 Sec.     Nf3-d4  * 1 Sec.	2r2rk1/ppq1b1pp/4bp2/3pP3/4n3/4BN2/PP2BPPP/R2RQ1K1 w - - bm Nd4; c0 "acgs-Arasan, ICC 2019";
Rg4xf4             Rg4xf4  * 0 Sec.     Rg4xf4  * 2 Sec.	4b2k/1r4p1/p4q1p/n2Pp3/p1p1PrR1/2P2N2/1P1N2QP/6RK w - - bm Rxf4; c0 "Andscacs 0.94-Fritz 16, CCCC 1 Rapid 2018";
h3-h4              h3-h4   * 0 Sec.     h3-h4   * 3 Sec.	6k1/p4p1b/7p/3qPPp1/2p3P1/r1B1QR1P/7K/8 w - g6 bm h4; c0 "Death-Arasan, ICC 2018";
Rc7xc6             Rc7xc6  * 0 Sec.     Rc7xc6  * 5 Sec.	6k1/1pR5/2b2p2/6p1/PKP2r2/2B5/1P6/8 w - - bm Rxc6; c0 "Stockfish 220818-Houdini 6.03, CCCC-1 Rapid Stage 3 2018";
f3-f4              f3-f4   * 1 Sec.     O-O      		r2q1rk1/pb3pp1/1p1ppn1p/n1p5/2PPP2B/P1PB1P2/4N1PP/R2QK2R w KQ - bm f4; c0 "Gull 3-Chiron 4, Andreas Strangmüller 2017";
g4-g5              g4-g5   * 1 Sec.     g4-g5   * 0 Sec.	8/5k2/4bpp1/1p1n3p/pBp3PP/P1P2PK1/4R3/8 w - - bm g5; c0 "Houdini-Ethereal, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019";
.. Ba4xc2(?)       Ke7-d7  * 1 Sec.     Ke7-d7  * 0 Sec.	8/4k3/pn2p1pp/3pPp2/bPp2P1P/4P3/P1BKNP2/8 b - - am Bxc2; c0 "khadem-Arasan, FICS 2018";
Nf3-g5             Nf3-g5  * 1 Sec.     Nf3-g5  * 0 Sec.	r1b2rk1/1p1nbpp1/1qn1p2p/2ppP3/p2P1P1P/2P1BNP1/PPQ1N3/R3KB1R w KQ - bm Ng5; c0 "Brainfish-Arasan, test game 2018";
f2-f4              f2-f4   * 1 Sec.     f2-f4   * 1 Sec.	r1r2bk1/pp3p1p/1n4p1/q2pP1B1/2pP3N/P1Nb4/1P1Q1PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm f4; c0 "Lc0 17.11089-Nirvana 2.4, CCCC 1 Rapid 2018";
Ne3-d5             Ne3-d5  * 1 Sec.     Ne3-d5  * 1 Sec.	8/2n2pp1/1kr3b1/1p5p/4PN1P/4NPP1/2R1K3/8 w - - bm Ned5+; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Andscacs 0.89, Andreas Strangmüller 2017";
Bd1xh5             Bd1xh5  * 1 Sec.     Bd1xh5  * 1 Sec.	r3r3/2q3bk/b1p1p1p1/1pPpPpPp/pP3P1P/P3P3/1B1R4/1K1B1QR1 w - - bm Bxh5; c0 "Fire-Texel, TCEC 10 Stage 1, 2017";
Rf2-g2             Rf2-g2  * 1 Sec.     Rf2-g2  * 13 Sec.	3r2k1/6p1/5p1p/2q2P2/2b1pBPP/1pQ1P3/p4R1K/2R5 w - - bm Rg2; c0 "exeComp-Arasan, FICS 2018";
.. f4-f3           f4-f3   * 1 Sec.     f4-f3   * 13 Sec.	2b3r1/2p3Np/k1p5/p1bn4/PpN2p2/1P6/1BP2PPP/4R1K1 b - - bm f3; c0 "Pedone 1.7-Arasan 20.4.1, Gsei Web Tournament semi-finals (6) 2018";
Nc6xb4(?)          Qe2-a6  * 1 Sec.     Qe2-a6  * 2 Sec.	2qbr1k1/3n1pp1/2Np1n1p/3P1P2/1p2p1P1/8/1PP1QBBP/R5K1 w - - am Nxb4; c0 "Johnny 8.1-Ethereal 10.85, TCEC 13 Div 1 2018";
.. f4-f3           f4-f3   * 2 Sec.     Bd7-c8   		7r/3b4/NP1p2k1/P2Pn1q1/5p2/7P/4BQP1/6KN b - - bm f3; c0 "Arasan-zerowin, FICS 2018";
d3-d4              d3-d4   * 2 Sec.     d3-d4   * 0 Sec.	5rk1/P5pp/2q1p3/R3p3/n3P3/3PQ1PP/5P2/6K1 w - - bm d4; c0 "Fire 7.1-Andscacs 0.94 CCRL 40/40 2018";
.. Qg5-g3          Qg5-g3  * 2 Sec.     Qg5-g3  * 1 Sec.	8/4r3/1p1k2p1/1p1p1pq1/1PpPn2p/P1P2R1P/4R1PK/3Q4 b - - bm Qg3+; c0 "Fizbo 2-Stockfish 100218, TCEC Premier 2018";
Ne3-f5             Ne3-f5  * 2 Sec.     Ne3-f5  * 1 Sec.	5rk1/1ppb1pb1/rq3np1/1NpPp2p/p1P1P1PP/P2BNPQ1/1P6/1K1R2R1 w - - bm Nf5; c0 "asmfishw_2017-05-22_popcnt - Komodo 11.01 64-bit, 2017";
Bd3-c4             Bd3-c4  * 2 Sec.     Bd3-c4  * 3 Sec.	b2rk1r1/p3q3/2p5/3nPR2/3P2pp/1R1B2P1/P1Q2P2/6K1 w - - bm Bc4; id "Black Queen, Stockfish 081016 64-Mikachomika (Matrix C3 x64), 2016";
d3-d4              d3-d4   * 3 Sec.     Ng4-f2   		3r3r/5kp1/ppn2p2/2pq1P2/5RNp/2PP3P/P3Q1P1/4R1K1 w - - bm d4; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Fire 5, Andreas Strangmüller 2017";
.. Rf5xe5          Rf5xe5  * 3 Sec.     Rf5xe5  * 1 Sec.	3bq3/5kpp/pNp1p3/P1p1Rr1P/3p1P2/1P1P3Q/1KP5/8 b - - bm Rxe5; c0 "LCZero 16.10161-Ivanhoe 999946h, TCEC 13 2018"
Rb4xb7(?)          Qh1-f3  * 3 Sec.     Qh1-f3  * 1 Sec.	r3r1k1/ppp2pb1/4q1p1/5p2/1R6/P2pP1N1/1P1P1P2/R1B1K2Q w Q - am Rxb7; c0 "Arasan-Hephasto, FICS 2018";
.. b6-b5           b6-b5   * 3 Sec.     b6-b5   * 4 Sec.	5k2/2N2p2/1p1p1nr1/p2P4/P1P3Pb/1P2Q3/1q6/3B1RK1 b - - bm b5; c0 "Ethereal 11.0-Stockfish 9, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
Rf2-f6             Rf2-f6  * 3 Sec.     Rf2-f6  * 5 Sec.	r3qrk1/4bppp/4p3/p2pP2Q/1p1B4/1PpPP3/P1P2RPP/5RK1 w - - bm Rf6; c0 "Uri Blass";
.. Rf8-f7          Rf8-f7  * 3 Sec.     Rf8-f7  * 9 Sec.	r4rkq/1ppb4/3P2n1/1N1Pp3/P3Pbn1/3B1NP1/1P2QB2/R4RK1 b - - bm Rf7; c0 "Longin-Regina_H.Milch, 7th Centaur Weekend Tourney (CWT), Jan. 2016";
.. e5-e4(?)        Rd8-d7  * 4 Sec.     Bg7-f6  * 1 Sec.	r2r4/5kb1/6p1/1Np1p3/p1P2p1p/3P1P1P/1PR1K1P1/3R4 b - - am e4; c0 "KomodoMCTS 2210.00-Arasan CCC3, TCEC 14 Season 3 2018";
.. Ra4xf4          Ra4xf4  * 4 Sec.     Ra4xf4  * 11 Sec.	7R/p2n3p/3Pk1p1/1p3pP1/r4B2/6P1/5PK1/8 b - - bm Rxf4; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2018";
.. Rh6-h5          Rh6-h5  * 4 Sec.     Rh6-h5  * 13 Sec.	6rk/3b2q1/3P3r/p7/3NN1n1/3Qp1Pp/1P5P/3R1R1K b - - bm Rh5; c0 "Arasan-exeComp, FICS 2018";
h4-h5              h4-h5   * 4 Sec.     h4-h5   * 6 Sec.	r1b3Q1/pp1k4/4pqp1/2pp2N1/3n3P/P5P1/5PK1/R6R w - - bm h5; c0 "Deep Shredder 13 x64-Chiron 3.01 MP x64, SSDF 2016";
Rc7-c6             Rc7-c6  * 4 Sec.     Rc7-c6  * 6 Sec.	3brqk1/R1R5/3p2pp/2pPpp1n/4P3/3PBNPB/5PK1/8 w - - bm Rc6; c0 "Lc081TB11261-Stockfish 9 x64 bmi2, Javier Ros 2018";
.. Qg6-h5          Qg6-h5  * 4 Sec.     Qg6-h5  * 8 Sec.	4r3/1p5k/p1p3q1/2P2bp1/1P2p1n1/2B1Ppp1/PQBR1P1P/3R3K b - - bm Qh5; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2019";
Qf2-h4             Qf2-h4  * 5 Sec.     g2-g4    		r1b2rk1/1p1nnp1p/p3p1p1/q1b1P3/2p1BP2/4BN2/P1N2QPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Qh4; c0 "Komodo 12 bmi2 - Stockfish 181213 bmi2, Stefan Pohl 2018";
.. e4-e3           e4-e3   * 5 Sec.     e4-e3   * 0 Sec.	4rn2/1q4k1/3R2p1/p6p/4p1nP/2P3P1/1P1QRP2/6K1 b - - bm e3; c0 "Laser 180818-Ethereal 10.85, TCEC 13 Div 1 2018";
Rb7-b1             Rb7-b1  * 5 Sec.     Rb7-b1  * 15 Sec.	6k1/1R1bqr2/3b1n1Q/2p1pp2/p1B4p/P4P1P/4N2K/8 w - - bm Rb1; c0 "ipfreely-Arasan, ICC 2018";
.. Nc5xb3          Nc5xb3  * 5 Sec.     Nc5xb3  * 2 Sec.	r5rk/1n1b2qp/3p1b2/p1nP1p2/1pPNpP2/1P2B1P1/1N2B1RP/1R1Q3K b - - bm Nxb3; c0 "Stockfish dev forum, 2017";
Nc6-e5             Nc6-e5  * 5 Sec.     Nc6-e5  * 2 Sec.	2r2k1r/1nn2pp1/pbNp4/1p3PPp/2p2P2/1P6/P1P3B1/1K1RB2R w - - bm Ne5; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Chiron 4, Andrey Chilantiev 2017"; c1 "c6b4 e1c3 also good";
Bf4-e3             Bf4-e3  * 5 Sec.     Bf4-e3  * 4 Sec.	2r5/3k4/pR5p/P1n1pp2/1p3B2/1Pb4P/2P1B3/1K6 w - - bm Be3; c0 "Arasan CCC3-KomodoMCTS 2210.00, TCEC 14 Season 3 2018"; c1 "am Bxh6";
.. Rf5-g5          Rf5-g5  * 5 Sec.     Rf5-g5  * 4 Sec.	6k1/1p1bb1pp/p1Pp3r/3Ppr1q/1P3p2/P4P1P/3Q1BP1/R3RBK1 b - - bm Rg5; c0 "Arasan-Andscacs, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019";
h5-h6              h5-h6   * 5 Sec.     h5-h6   * 5 Sec.	r4rk1/1b2q1bp/p1p1p3/1pPpPnpP/3N4/5B2/PPP1QBP1/2K1R2R w - - bm h6; c0 "Stockfish 9 - Chiron 4, Andreas Strangmüller 2018";
Rh1-h7             Rh1-h7  * 6 Sec.     Rh1-h7  * 5 Sec.	r1r3k1/pp1bb1n1/1q2ppQ1/3p4/3P4/P1N1PN2/1P3PP1/2R1K2R w K - bm Rh7; c0 "Texel-Arasan, 2018";
Nd3xc5, Rf5xd5     Rf5xd5  * 6 Sec.     Nd3xc5  * 5 Sec.	8/6bk/8/p1pp1R1P/r7/2PN4/1P4KP/8 w - - bm Nxc5 Rxd5; c0 "Morozov-Kozlov, RCCA 20, fin (RUS) ICCF 2016";
.. h7-h5           h7-h5   * 7 Sec.     Rd2-e2   		6k1/1p4Pp/1p6/1P2B3/P3nP2/5RP1/3r3P/2r2BK1 b - - bm h5; c0 "Arasan-Coolnite7, ICC 2018";
e5-e6              e5-e6   * 7 Sec.     e5-e6   * 11 Sec.	r1r3k1/p3bppp/2bp3Q/q2pP1P1/1p1BP3/8/PPP1B2P/2KR2R1 w - - bm e6; c0 "Ostapenko-Kurkin, USSR 1970";
.. f3xg2, Rd3-d2   Rd3-d2  * 7 Sec.     f3xg2   * 3 Sec.	5rk1/6b1/2Bp2p1/1RpP2np/P1P1P2P/3r1p2/1P3BP1/4R1K1 b - - bm fxg2 Rd2; c0 "Carlsen-Vachier Lagrave, Biel 2018";
Ne4-f6             Ne4-f6  * 7 Sec.     Ne4-f6  * 8 Sec.	3r1rk1/1b2bppp/2p1p3/pp2P3/qP1PN3/P3Q3/4PPBP/2R2RK1 w - - bm Nf6+; c0 "Gaviota-Arasan, test game 2018";
f4-f5              f4-f5   * 8 Sec.     Rb1-f1   		r3r1k1/5p2/3p1np1/p1pP4/1qPbpPP1/1P5R/P1B1QBK1/1R6 w - - bm f5; c0 "McBrain-Arasan, 2017";
.. b5xc4(?)        Ra8-b8  * 8 Sec.     Ra8-b8  * 0 Sec.	r1bqr1k1/2p1ppb1/p1np1np1/1p1N2Bp/2PPP2P/5P2/PP1QN1P1/2KR1B1R b - - am bxc4; c0 "Stockfish 19028 64 BMI2-Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit, Stefan Pohl 2018";
.. Nb8-c6          Nb8-c6  * 8 Sec.     Nb8-c6  * 0 Sec.	1n1q2k1/3r1pp1/5n2/p1b5/2B2P1p/2N1P1Pb/PPN1Q2P/R1B3K1 b - - bm Nc6; c0 "Arasan CCC3-1 - lcZero, FICS 2018";
b5-b6              b5-b6   * 8 Sec.     b5-b6   * 4 Sec.	6k1/4pp2/3p4/1PpP4/2N1nPqp/2P2R2/r5PK/5Q2 w - - bm b6; c0 "Komodo 12-Ethereal 11.0, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
Qe2-h5             Qe2-h5  * 8 Sec.     Qe2-h5  * 6 Sec.	3r1rk1/1b2bpp1/2n1p2p/qp1n2N1/4N3/P3P3/1BB1QPPP/2R2RK1 w - - bm Qh5; c0 "Asadali-DeepElite, Tuesday 16 Feb Rapid Engine Tour 15+5, Infinity Chess 2016";
.. Ne5-f3          Ne5-f3  * 8 Sec.     Ne5-f3  * 6 Sec.	r5k1/1R3rb1/P2P2p1/4npq1/P3p3/4P1p1/3B1PB1/2Q2RK1 b - - bm Nf3+; c0 "Arasan-DeepPuffin, 2017";
Rb1xb4             Rb1xb4  * 8 Sec.     Rb1xb4  * 9 Sec.	r1bq1r2/1pp3k1/3p3p/p1bNPp2/Pn3p2/5N1P/B1Q2PP1/1R1R2K1 w - - bm Rxb4; c0 "Ivers (Stockfish 100319 x64)-Chessgott (Eman 3.22 64-bit), 2019";
f5-f6              Rc2-c1   	     f5-f6   * 0 Sec.	r4rk1/1pp3p1/1b2p2p/4PP2/pq1p4/3P2N1/1PR1Q1PP/n3NRK1 w - - bm f6; c0 "acgs-Arasan, ICC 2019";
h5-h6              Be4xd5   	     h5-h6   * 2 Sec.	5nk1/r4p1p/2r1p1p1/3nB1PP/p2PBP2/R7/1P6/K6R w - - bm h6; c0 "Stockfish 260218 64 BMI2-Komodo 2023.00 64-bit, YCLET Super X3 Tournament (2.1) 2018";
.. Qb8xb2(?)       Qb8xb2   	     Qb8-c8  * 2 Sec.	1q2r1k1/3R1pb1/3R2p1/7p/p3N3/2P1BP1P/1P3PK1/8 b - - am Qxb2; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Deep Shredder 13, Andreas Strangmüller 2017";
Qc1-f4             Qc1-d1   	     Qc1-f4  * 3 Sec.	4rbk1/q4p1p/4pBp1/3pP1NP/1pnP4/rR6/5PP1/1RQ3K1 w - - bm Qf4; c0 "Andscacs 0.89-Komodo 10.4, Andreas Strangmüller 2017";
Bc1-b2             a4-a5    	     Bc1-b2  * 3 Sec.	r3qrk1/1pnb2pp/pn1p1b2/3P4/PP1NNp2/1Q2pP1P/2P1B1P1/R1BR2K1 w - - bm Bb2; c0 "Arasan 21.1 - Senpai 2.00, Edition 19 Division 2 2018 (Jonathan Rosenthal)";
Rb1-b6             h3-h4    	     Rb1-b6  * 3 Sec.	3qk2r/4bpp1/2bp4/4pPnp/p1p1P3/P1N1B2P/2r1N1Q1/KR2R3 w k - bm Rb6; c0 "acgs-Arasan, ICC 2019";
Nd5xf6             Nd5-c3   	     Nd5xf6  * 5 Sec.	8/5pk1/p4npp/1pPN4/1P2p3/1P4PP/5P2/5K2 w - - bm Nxf6; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";
h4-h5              Bd4xg7   	     h4-h5   * 8 Sec.	r5k1/5rp1/8/3R4/pq1B1P1P/6P1/4QP1K/8 w - - bm h5; c0 "Gull 180521-Nirvana 2.4, TCEC 13 Division 2 2018";
g3-g4              Bh5-e2   	     g3-g4   * 8 Sec.	2r5/3bk1Pp/4pn1P/p4p1B/P6N/1R4P1/8/6K1 w - - bm g4; c0 "Stabels (Raubfisch ME262_GTZ-Paradiver (Cfish 150619 64 POP), 2019";
Rc2xc5             Kg2-f1   	     Rc2xc5  * 8 Sec.	8/4qpk1/1p3np1/pPb1p2p/P2pP2P/1Q3PP1/B1R3K1/8 w - - bm Rxc5; c0 "Xiphos 0.5-Booot 6.3.1, Andreas Strangmueller 2019";
f5-f6              f5xe6    	     f5-f6   * 10 Sec.	2r1rbk1/3n1ppp/bq2p3/p2pPP2/3N1B2/3P1RQ1/1P2N1PP/R6K w - - bm f6; c0 "DeepZ-Arasan, FICS 2018";
Nf3-g5             Nf3-e1   	     Nf3-g5  * 11 Sec.	rn1q2k1/p4p2/1p1pr2p/2p5/2P1b1pP/2Q1PNB1/PP3PP1/2KR3R w - - bm Ng5; c0 "Stockfish 0201118 64 BMI2 - Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit, Stefan Pohl 2018";
Bh3-f5             Rc3-f3   	     Bh3-f5  * 12 Sec.	8/1p2K2k/8/2p3rr/8/PPR4B/2P3P1/8 w - - bm Bf5+; c0 "Vincent Lejeune, Hard 2016 beta 6 #77";
Bd3xg6             Nh4xg6   	     Bd3xg6  * 13 Sec.	r3rbk1/2p3pp/p1nqb1p1/3p3P/1P1P3N/2NBQ3/1PP2P2/1K4RR w - - bm Bxg6; c0 "Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit - Houdini 6 x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2018";
Bc1-a3             Bc1-d2   	     Bc1-a3  * 13 Sec.	4rrk1/p2q1pp1/2pbb3/1p4P1/3P3Q/1BP2R2/P7/R1B3K1 w - - bm Ba3; c0 "Kamody-Vörös, Slovakian Chmp QF, ICCF 2007";
f4-f5              Qf2-b2   	     f4-f5   * 14 Sec.	3r3r/3n1pk1/3q2p1/2pNp1P1/p1B2P2/7p/P4QnP/K1RR4 w - - bm f5; c0 "TheForgottenOne-Arasan, ICC 2019";
.. Nc4-e5          Rh4-h5   	     Nc4-e5  * 14 Sec.	6k1/4n1pp/p1r5/1bNp1pq1/1PnPp2r/p3P1P1/R1RBBP1P/5Q1K b - - bm Ne5; c0 "Gull 3-Fritz 15, Andreas Strangmueller, 2017";
.. h7-h5           c6-c5    	     h7-h5   * 16 Sec.	4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, 2018";
f4-f5              Kh1-g2   	     f4-f5   * 16 Sec.	r3r1k1/4qp1p/4p1p1/p2pP3/2pN1PP1/8/3Q3P/2R2R1K w - - bm f5; c0 "Antifish-Komodo MC, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019"; 
h5xg6              Bd3xc4   	     Bd3xc4   		rnb1r1k1/pp3p2/1q1p1bp1/3P3P/2p1P3/2NB2NP/PP3P2/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm hxg6; c0 "Fizbo 2-Ethereal 11.0, Andreas Stangmueller 2018";
g2-g4              Ra1-e1   	     Ra1-e1   		1r1q1rk1/1p2b2p/pN6/P1pP1bp1/5p2/2B2Q2/1P4PP/R4RK1 w - - bm g4; c0 "Caruana-Carlsen, World Chmp (8) 2018";
Bd3xh7             Qd1-g4   	     Qd1-g4   		r4rk1/1pqb1ppp/p1n1p3/2R5/3p4/3B4/PP1B1PPP/3QR1K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c0 "sajahan-Arasan, FICS 2017";
.. Nb6-c4          Nb6-a4   	     Nb6-a4   		1r2kb1r/p5p1/1np1p1N1/3pPnB1/1p1P2B1/qP6/2PQ1P1P/1K1R3R b k - bm Nc4; c0 "Van Foreest-L'Ami, Dutch Chmp., Amsterdam 2017";
Bd4-c5             Rg1xg6   	     Rg1xg6   		1r2n1k1/6q1/r4bp1/1p1P1p2/2pBpP2/P7/1P2B3/1K1Q2RR w - - bm Bc5; c0 "Jernjoffen (Stockfish 101016 64)-KingOfWar (Stockfish 221016 64), 2016";
Ba4xc6             Ba4-c2   	     Ba4-b5   		r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
Be3xf4             Qd2-h2   	     Qd2-h2   		r3r1k1/2q1bp1p/p1Np2p1/1p1Pp1P1/n4nBP/4BP2/1PPQ4/1K1R3R w - - bm Bxf4; c0 "exeComp-Arasan, FICS 2018";
.. Rh8-h4          Qe5-g3   	     Qe5-g3   		1r5r/1p3pk1/2p1bnp1/p1P1q3/N2Rp1P1/1P2P2P/P2Q2B1/5RK1 b - - bm Rh4; c0 "Ethereal 10.81-LC0 16.10809, TCEC 13 Bonus 2018";
Bh3-f5             h4-h5    	     h4-h5    		r3nr1k/3nbp1p/2bp1p2/qpp1p1P1/p3P2P/1P1P1N1B/PBPNQ3/2K3RR w - - bm Bf5; c0 "Stockfish 020118 64 BMI2 - Houdini 6 x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2018";
Qe3xg5             Qe3-e1   	     Qe3-e1   		2b3r1/1p1p2pk/2nBp2p/2P1Ppq1/R7/4QBPP/5P2/5K2 w - - bm Qxg5; c0 "Komodo MC-Xiphos, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019";
Qg5-h6             f2-f3    	     O-O-O    		r2q1rk1/ppp2p2/3p1np1/4pNQ1/4P1pP/1PPP4/1P3P2/R3K1R1 w Q - bm Qh6; c0 "McBrain test, posted by Michael B";
Kd2-c1             Rc2-c6   	     Rc2-c6   		2bk2r1/5q2/1p2pP1Q/pP1pP1P1/P2P4/8/2RK4/8 w - - bm Kc1; c0 "AlphaZero-Stockfish game 9 2017 (analysis), posted in Rybka forum";
Re1-e6             Re1-e3   	     b2-b3    		2bq1b2/1p3k2/1r1p1p1p/pNpP1PpP/P1P3P1/6B1/1P5Q/2K1R3 w - - bm Re6; c0 "Vincent Lejeune, Hard 2016 beta 6 #22";
f4-f5              Qb3-c2   	     Qb3-c2   		2bq1rk1/rpb2p2/2p1p1p1/p1N3Np/P2P1P1P/1Q2R1P1/1P3P2/3R2K1 w - - bm f5; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";
Ng4xh6             Be2-d1   	     g2-g3    		r2q1rk1/1b1nbpp1/4p2p/pp1pP3/2pP2N1/2P2N2/PP1QBPPP/R4RK1 w - - bm Nxh6+; c0 "Stockfish 181110 x64 - Gull 3.00 x64, Ed. 19 Division A Bonus 2018 (Jonathan Rosenthal)";
Rh2xh7             Qc2-d3   	     Qc2-d3   		2r1r1k1/3n1qpp/4p3/3b1pP1/2B2PP1/5PK1/1BQ4R/2R5 w - - bm Rxh7; c0 "ipfreely-Arasan, ICC 2018";
Rd4-h4             f3-f4    	     f3-f4    		r1r1b1k1/5pp1/4pn2/4N1Q1/p1BR4/3R1P2/2q3PK/8 w - - bm Rh4; c0 "Faleton-Arasan, FICS 2017";
g4-g5              h2-h4    	     h2-h4    		r1br2k1/1p3pp1/p1nBp2p/q3n3/2P1N1P1/4Q3/3RB2P/5RK1 w - - bm g5; c0 "Jendrian-Genga, WS/GMN/050 ICCF 2016";
h4-h5              e4xf5    	     e4xf5    		2r2rk1/1p2b1p1/pq1p2p1/3Rnp2/3NP2P/6Q1/PPP1N3/2K3R1 w - - bm h5; c0 "DavidG (Raubfisch ME262_GTZ)-ChessMaster1978, playchess 2019";
Qe2xe8             Bd4xf6   	     Bd4xf6   		r1bqr1k1/3n1ppp/p2p1b2/3N1PP1/1p1B1P2/1P6/1PP1Q2P/2KR2R1 w - - bm Qxe8; id "ERET 079 - Damenopfer";
Rh1xh7             Ne2xf4   	     Ne2xf4   		r1bqn1nk/ppp4p/3p4/3Pp1r1/2P1Pp2/2NB1P2/PP2N3/2K1Q1RR w - - bm Rxh7+; c0 "Wade-NN, simul";
.. f4-f3           Qd8-h4   	     Qd8-h4   		r1bq1rk1/p5bp/2p3p1/4p3/N2pPp2/P2P3P/R1PQ1PP1/1R2N1K1 b - - bm f3; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2019";
g2-g4              Nc3-d1   	     Nc3-d1   		r1bq1rk1/1p2pp2/p2p1np1/2pPn1Np/4P2P/2N2P2/PPPQB1P1/R3K2R w KQ - bm g4; c0 "Even-Hasselmeyer, WS/GMN/60 ICCF 2017";
Bd3xh7             Bd3-e2   	     Bd3-e2   		r1bq1rk1/1p2bppp/p1n1p3/2npP1P1/3N1P2/2NBB3/PPP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Bxh7+; c0 "Edwards-Lobanov, ICCF 2017 (analysis)";
Nf3-g5             Rc1-e1   	     Rc1-e1   		r1b1r3/1p2qpkp/2p2np1/3p4/n2P1NPB/bR1BPN1P/2Q2P2/2R3K1 w - - bm Ng5; c0 "Sirius (Raubfisch x40x)-Vimtiroba (Stockfish x30 bmi2), 2019";
.. Rd8-d6          Kf8-f7   	     Kf8-f7   		3r1k2/pp4pp/5p2/3P1R2/5P2/1PP4P/5P2/1K6 b - - bm Rd6; c0 "KomodoMCTS 2221.00-Fritz 16.10, TCEC Season 14 Division 1 2018";
Re1xe7             Bf4-d6   	     Bf4-d6   		r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";
.. Qe4xc4          Ba8xd5   	     Ba8xd5   		br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
h4-h5              Qf3-g3   	     Qf3-g3   		3r1rk1/pbq1bp1p/1n1Rp1p1/2p1P1N1/4N2P/1P3Q2/PB3PP1/K6R w - - bm h5; c0 "Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext - asmFishW_2016-12-17_bmi2, Stefan Pohl 2017";
Na8-c7             Rh5xh6   	     Rh5xh6   		Nq3n1k/8/P1p2Npp/2Kp3R/pp6/n3p3/8/4Q3 w - - bm Nc7; c0 "study by Peter S. Krug & Mario García, 2017";
g2-g3              g2-g4    	     g2-g4    		8/5pp1/p1pk3p/2N5/1P1K1n2/2P5/5PPP/8 w - - bm g3; c0 "Siefring-Robleto, PanAm/TC11 ICCF 2017";
.. Bh4-d8          Nd5-f6   	     Nd5-e3   		8/5B2/8/B2n1P2/3n2Pb/p7/4k3/1K6 b - - bm Bd8; c0 "Fritz-Ethereal, TCEC 13 Div 1 2018";
e3-e4(?)           e3-e4    	     e3-e4    		8/2p1k3/1p1p4/p2Ppb2/PP6/2PKP3/4B3/8 w - - am e4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Ethereal 11.0, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
Qa3-h3             Bb7-c8   	     Bb7-c8   		8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3+; c0 "Mihai Neghina, 'Fishing Rod', Sp. HM JT50 P.Krug Sec.B";
Bd3xg6             Ng5xe6   	     f4-f5    		4q2r/1b1kbp2/1p2p1p1/pP1pP1N1/P2P1PQP/3BK3/2R5/8 w - - bm Bxg6; c0 "AlphaZero-Stockfish, match 2017 (game 9)";
Qc6-d6             Qc6-e4   	     Qc6-e4   		7n/6p1/2Q3p1/p7/p7/8/2B3K1/q3k3 w - - bm Qd6; c0 "R. Becker, 2016";
a5-a6              Re2-f2   	     Re2-f2   		7k/4r1p1/1p2P2p/P1p4q/1r5P/4Q1PB/4R2K/8 w - - bm a6; c0 "Komodo 1589.00 64-bit 8CPU-Stockfish 020316 64-bit 8CPU, G. Banks 2016";
.. Qd3xg3          Qd3-e2   	     Qd3-e4   		7k/4PBNp/7P/2p5/2P5/2rq2Pp/1P3P1K/8 b - - bm Qxg3+; c0 "study by Neghina";
Nc5-b7             Nc3xe4   	     Nc5xe4   		5b2/5b1k/1np3p1/q1N2p1p/Pn1Pp2P/2N1P1P1/5P2/B1Q2BK1 w - - bm Nb7; c0 "Stockfish 9 - Chiron 4, Andreas Strangmüller 2018";
Qh4-h8             Bg5-e3   	     Bg5-e3   		4rn2/1r2pk2/1p1R1pp1/p1q3B1/2b1P1PQ/2P2P2/P3B1KR/8 w - - bm Qh8; c0 "ERET 84 (analysis)";
Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by Vinvin »

4r1k1/1ppr1p1p/1nnq2p1/p3pP2/5P2/3PP2Q/4B2P/B1R3RK w - - bm Rcf1 Re3;
bad solution move : Re3 is not possible in this position.
Posts: 4368
Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:23 am

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by jdart »

Vinvin wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:30 am 4r1k1/1ppr1p1p/1nnq2p1/p3pP2/5P2/3PP2Q/4B2P/B1R3RK w - - bm Rcf1 Re3;
bad solution move : Re3 is not possible in this position.
Rcf1 is best here I think. I don't see another equally good move: next best is Bf3 it seems.

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Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by MikeB »

jdart wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:12 pm Over the past several months, I have gone through the current Arasan test suite and removed some positions that seem too easy, and also added a bunch that are interesting and/or harder. Some of the latter have been posted here, but some have not. I've verified all the positions as best I can using multi-pv analysis. In some cases there is more than one good move, but the given bm scores significantly higher than other moves.

Current file is here:

These are sort of in difficulty order: the ones towards the end of the set are generally more difficult.

I'd be interested in any feedback/corrections. I used Stockfish for verification, but results from other engines would be interesting.

Hi Jon,

Just FYI,

Line 174 r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";

was from line 7 on

r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7+; id "arasan18.7"; c0 "Svidler-Carlsen, Longyearbyen 2006";

Great position btw, , so I am not too surprised it got regurgitated.
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Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by MikeB »

MikeB wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2019 4:14 am
jdart wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:12 pm Over the past several months, I have gone through the current Arasan test suite and removed some positions that seem too easy, and also added a bunch that are interesting and/or harder. Some of the latter have been posted here, but some have not. I've verified all the positions as best I can using multi-pv analysis. In some cases there is more than one good move, but the given bm scores significantly higher than other moves.

Current file is here:

These are sort of in difficulty order: the ones towards the end of the set are generally more difficult.

I'd be interested in any feedback/corrections. I used Stockfish for verification, but results from other engines would be interesting.

Hi Jon,

Just FYI,

Line 174 r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";

was from line 7 on

[d]r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7+; id "arasan18.7"; c0 "Svidler-Carlsen, Longyearbyen 2006";

Great position btw, , so I am not too surprised it got regurgitated.
Current McCain takes about 30 minutes ...doesn't seem very good to me...
this is the beta version with now default Lc0 like scoring. so it sees a draw with the Rook sac ...

Code: Select all

dep	score	nodes	time	(not shown:  tbhits	knps	seldep)
 53	+49.96 	96.7G	1:08:35	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Be5 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Qf6 Kh8 Rxg7 Qxe5+ Qxe5 Rxg7 d6 b5 Qe8+ Kh7 Qe4 Rb8 Qe8 
 52	+49.96 	85.6G	1:01:14	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Be5 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Qf6 Kh8 Rxg7 Qxe5+ Qxe5 Rxg7 d6 b5 Qe8+ Kh7 Qe4 Rb8 Qe8 
 51	+49.96 	75.4G	54:31.38	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Be5 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Bf6 Qf5 Re8 Qf4+ Kg1 Qc1+ Kh2 
 50	+50.04 	67.6G	49:18.55	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Be5 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Bf6 Qf5 Re8 Qf4+ Kg1 Qc1+ Kh2 
 49	+50.04 	59.4G	43:58.30	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 Be5 Qxc2 Qxg7+ Rxg7 Rxg7+ Kh8 Rxg6+ Kh7 Rg7+ Kh8 
 48	+50.04 	55.6G	41:24.99	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Qf6 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Rxg7+ Rxg7 Bf8 Rg8 Qe7+ Kh8 Qf6+ 
 47	+49.96 	49.7G	37:24.79	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qxc2 Qf6 Qd1+ Kh2 Qh5 Rxg7+ Rxg7 Bf8 Rg8 Qe7+ Kh8 Qf6+ 
 46	+50.04 	42.4G	32:10.40	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 h4 Qa5 Qf6 Qe1+ Kh2 Qxe7 Qxe7 b5 f4 Bb7 Qf7 Rac8 Be5 Rxc2 h5 gxh5 Qf5+ Kh8 Qxh5 Kh7 Qf5+ Kh8 Qh5 
 45	+49.96 	41.5G	31:34.38	Rxe7+ Kxe7 Re1+ Kf8 Bd6+ Kg8 Re7 Kh7 Qxf7 Rg8 Be5 Qxc2 g3 Qc1+ Kg2 Qc5 Qxg7+ Rxg7 Rxg7+ Kh8 Rxg6+ Kh7 Rg7+ Kh8 
 45	+46.26!	41.5G	31:33.44	Rxe7+! 
 45	+38.64!	41.5G	31:33.44	Rxe7+! 
 45	+33.05!	41.5G	31:33.44	Rxe7+! 
 45	+29.00!	41.5G	31:33.43	Rxe7+! 
 45	+26.11!	41.5G	31:33.43	Rxe7+! 
 45	+24.04!	41.5G	31:33.42	Rxe7+! 
 45	+22.57!	39.5G	30:09.94	Bd6! 
 45	+21.55!	39.0G	29:46.12	Bd6! 
 45	+20.87!	36.3G	27:48.80	Bd6! 
 45	+20.43!	30.0G	23:07.29	Bd6! 
 44	+20.01 	28.5G	21:58.08	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 h5 g5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 Rxg5 Qb4 Rxg7 Rxd5 Qxf7+ Kd8 Qf6+ Kc7 Qxe6 Rxh5 Qg4 Rg5 Rxg5 hxg5 Qxg5 Re8 Qf4+ d6 Qf7+ Bd7 Qc4+ Bc6 Qxb4 axb4 Rf1 Re2 Rc1 Re5 Rf1 Rc5 f4 Rxc2 Rf2 Rc1+ Kh2 Rd1 f5 Kd7 Kg3 Ke7 Kf4 Rxd3 Re2+ Kf 
 44	+20.95!	27.2G	21:03.15	Bd6! 
 44	+20.51!	27.1G	20:57.49	Bd6! 
 43	+20.09 	23.9G	18:31.13	Bd6 e6 b3 Qb5 a4 Qb6 Qg3 a5 Re4 Ra6 Ba3 g5 f4 Qc7 Rf1 f5 Re2 Kf7 Qh3 Qd8 Qh5+ Kg8 g4 gxf4 h4 Kh7 Rxf4 Qe8 Qxe8 Rxe8 Rxf5 Rg8 Rf7 exd5 Bb2 Rf6 Rfe7 Rg6 Rg2 Kh8 g5 d6 Kf2 Be5 Rg1 Bh3 Ke2 hxg5 Rxg5 Bg4+ Kd2 Bf4+ Ke1 Bxg5 hxg5 Re6 
 42	+20.04 	23.0G	17:50.23	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 h5 g5 Qe4 Ra6 b3 Qb5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O dxe6 Qxe5 exf7+ Kxf7 Rxe5 Re8 Rd5 Re2 Rc1 Rf6 Rc5 Rc6 Rxa5 Ke7 Rd5 Rexc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Rxd4 Rxa2 Rc4 Kd8 Rd4 Rc2 f4 gxf4 Rxf4 b6 Rf8+ Kc7 Rh8 Bb7 g4 Rg2+ Kf1 Rxg4 Rxh6 Rg3 Ke2 Ba 
 41	+20.38 	16.5G	12:50.09	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 h5 g5 Qe4 Ra6 b3 Qb5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O dxe6 Qxe5 exf7+ Kxf7 Rxe5 Re8 Rd5 Re2 Rc1 Rc6 Rxa5 Ke7 Rd5 Rexc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Rxd4 Rxa2 Rc4 Kd8 Rd4 Rc2 f4 gxf4 Rxf4 b6 Rf6 Rc6 Rf8+ Kc7 Kf2 Ba6 d4 Rc2+ Ke3 Be2 Rf2 Bd1 Rxc2+ Bx 
 40	+21.28 	12.6G	9:54.37	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qh4 Rac1 Qh5 Qe4 Qf5 Qc4 b6 Qb3 Bf8 Be5 f6 dxe6 dxe6 Qxb6 Bd7 Bd6 Kf7 Rb1 e5 h3 Bxd6 Qxd6 Qe6 Qxe6+ Kxe6 Rb6+ Ke7 f4 Rhb8 Rxb8 Rxb8 fxe5 f5 Kf2 Ke6 d4 Bc6 c4 Rb2+ Re2 Rxe2+ Kxe2 Bxg2 h4 Be4 Ke3 
 40	+23.18!	11.7G	9:12.30	Bd6! 
 40	+22.72!	11.6G	9:06.84	Bd6! 
 39	+22.26 	11.5G	9:03.18	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qh4 Rac1 Qh5 Qe4 Qf5 Qc4 b6 Qb3 Bf8 Re5 Qf6 Qxb6 Bxd6 Qxd6 Qe7 Qc7 Qa3 Ree1 O-O dxe6 dxe6 c4 Qxa2 Qf4 Rd8 h4 h5 c5 Rxd3 c6 Qd5 Qf6 Qd4 Qxd4 Rxd4 f3 Kg7 
 39	+22.80!	11.4G	8:58.74	Bd6! 
 39	+21.78!	11.4G	8:58.52	Bd6! 
 39	+21.08!	11.4G	8:58.30	Bd6! 
 39	+20.65!	11.3G	8:53.31	Bd6! 
 38	+20.22 	8.79G	6:54.77	Bd6 e6 b3 Qa5 h4 Qb6 Qg3 a5 Re4 Ra6 Be5 O-O dxe6 dxe6 Rxd4 Qc5 Bxg7 Kxg7 Rc4 Qd6 Qxd6 Rxd6 Rc7 Bd7 Rxb7 Rc8 Rc1 Rxd3 Ra7 Rd2 c4 a4 bxa4 Bc6 Re1 Rc2 Rxe6 Rc1+ Kh2 Rxc4 Ree7 Bd5 Kg3 Rd4 f3 Rc2 
 38	+21.25!	7.62G	5:59.17	Bd6! 
 38	+20.81!	7.51G	5:54.20	Bd6! 
 37	+20.38 	7.29G	5:43.68	Bd6 e6 Qe4 Qa5 Be5 O-O Bxg7 Kxg7 Qxd4+ Kh7 c3 Qxd5 Qxd5 exd5 Re5 d6 Rxd5 Rd8 Rd4 a5 Rd5 b6 Rd4 Be6 a3 Kg7 Re1 d5 f3 Re8 Kf2 b5 Ra1 g5 f4 a4 fxg5 hxg5 h4 g4 h5 
 37	+21.41!	6.68G	5:14.79	Bd6! 
 37	+20.97!	6.57G	5:09.72	Bd6! 
 36	+20.54 	6.43G	5:03.20	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 h5 g5 Qe4 Ra6 b3 Qb5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O dxe6 Qxe5 exf7+ Kxf7 Rxe5 Re8 Rd5 Re2 Rc1 Rf6 Rc5 Rc6 Rxa5 Rexc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Ra4 Ke7 Rxd4 Rxa2 Re4+ Kd8 Rd4 Rc2 f4 gxf4 Rxf4 b6 Rf8+ Kc7 Rh8 Bb7 Rxh6 
 35	+21.44 	4.50G	3:32.44	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 dxe6 dxe6 Rxe6+ Rxe6 bxa4 O-O Rf1 Re5 Qf4 Rc5 Rc1 Re8 Qd6 Rc6 Qb8 Re2 Qa8 Bf6 h5 Bg5 Kf1 Rxf2+ Kxf2 Bxc1 Qxa5 Be3+ Kg3 Rxc2 Qd8+ Kg7 hxg6 Kxg6 Qd5 
 35	+22.14!	4.33G	3:24.43	Bd6! 
 34	+21.69 	2.61G	2:03.78	Bd6 e6 Re5 Bxe5 Bxe5 Rh7 Qf6 Qa5 Bd6 Qd8 Qxd4 f6 c4 Rh8 b4 Kf7 a4 a5 b5 b6 h4 h5 Qf4 exd5 Bc7 Qe7 Bxb6 d6 Rc1 dxc4 Qxc4+ Qe6 Qf4 Bd7 Rc7 Rhc8 Rb7 Rab8 Rxb8 Rxb8 Bxa5 Qe5 Bd2 Bf5 Qxe5 dxe5 f4 Bxd3 fxe5 fxe5 
 33	+21.94 	2.01G	1:35.32	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 h5 g5 Qe4 Ra6 b3 Qb5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O dxe6 Qxe5 exf7+ Kxf7 Rxe5 Re8 Rd5 Rc6 Rc1 Re2 Rxa5 Rexc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Ra4 Ke7 Rxd4 Rxa2 Rc4 Kd8 Rd4 Rc2 f4 gxf4 Rxf4 b6 Rc4 Re2 Rf4 Ba6 d4 Bb7 Rf2 Rxf2 Kxf2 Kc7 
 33	+22.57!	1.86G	1:27.74	Bd6! 
 32	+22.11 	1.85G	1:27.42	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Qe4 Ra6 b3 Qb5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O dxe6 Qxe5 exf7+ Kxf7 Rxe5 Re8 Rd5 Rc6 Rc1 Re2 Rxa5 Rexc2 Rxc2 Rxc2 Rd5 Rxa2 h5 g5 Rxd4 Ke7 Rc4 Kd8 Rd4 Rc2 f4 gxf4 Rxf4 b6 Rf8+ Kc7 Rh8 Bb7 Rxh6 Rxg2+ Kf1 Rg3 Rh8 Rxd3 b4 Rb3 h6 Rxb 
 32	+22.60!	1.84G	1:27.08	Bd6! 
 32	+22.14!	1.82G	1:25.85	Bd6! 
 31	+21.69 	1.76G	1:23.25	Bd6 e6 Qe4 Qa5 Be5 O-O Bxg7 Kxg7 Qxd4+ Kh7 c4 d6 h3 e5 Qe3 Bf5 Rec1 Rfe8 b4 Qd8 a4 g5 Qd2 a5 Ra3 Qb6 Rb3 axb4 Qxb4 Qxb4 Rxb4 Bxd3 c5 dxc5 Rxc5 Kg7 Rc7 Rec8 Rxc8 Rxc8 Rxb7 
 31	+21.89?	1.35G	1:03.30	Bd6 e6? 
 30	+23.65 	845.3M	0:39.48	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qh4 Rac1 Qh5 Qe4 Qf5 Qc4 h5 a3 b5 Qc5 Qxd3 c4 Bf6 Red1 Qe4 h3 h4 Qc7 Bd8 Qc5 Bb7 Re1 Qd3 Red1 Qf5 Qd4 Rh7 dxe6 fxe6 cxb5 axb5 Bb4 
 30	+24.77!	772.5M	0:36.10	Bd6! 
 30	+23.68!	769.7M	0:35.97	Bd6! 
 30	+22.31?	764.9M	0:35.74	Bd6 e6? 
 30	+23.98?	570.8M	0:26.56	Bd6 e6? 
 29	+25.73 	503.8M	0:23.39	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qh4 Rac1 Qh5 Qe4 Qf5 Qc4 b5 Qc5 Qxd3 c4 Bd4 Qb4 a5 Qxb5 Qf5 Kh1 e5 Rcd1 Qxf2 Qb1 Bc3 Rf1 Qe2 Rc1 Bb4 Rfe1 Qxe1+ Rxe1 Bxd6 Qe4 Ra6 Qe3 f6 Qe4 
 29	+25.58!	491.9M	0:22.83	Bd6! 
 29	+24.80!	491.2M	0:22.80	Bd6! 
 29	+23.68?	479.0M	0:22.21	Bd6 e6? 
 28	+25.42 	410.9M	0:19.02	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qh4 Rac1 Qh5 Qe4 Qg5 c4 f5 Qe2 Kf7 Be5 Re8 Bxg7 Kxg7 d4 Qf6 Qd2 f4 Re4 Rf8 Rce1 Qg5 dxe6 dxe6 
 28	+25.45!	395.1M	0:18.28	Bd6! 
 28	+24.96!	394.1M	0:18.23	Bd6! 
 27	+24.47 	382.8M	0:17.71	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 a5 Qg3 Bxc3 d4 Bxa1 Rxa1 Qxd4 Be5 Qxd5 Bxh8 b5 Bg7 Bb7 Bxh6 Rc8 a3 d6 h3 b4 axb4 axb4 Rb1 Rc3 Qg5 b3 Rb2 Bc6 Qxd5 Bxd5 Bg5 Kd7 
 27	+25.89!	368.7M	0:17.06	Bd6! 
 26	+25.39 	357.3M	0:16.54	Bd6 e6 c4 dxc3 bxc3 a5 Qg3 Bxc3 d4 Qxd4 Rad1 Qg7 Re3 Bf6 Ree1 h5 Rc1 h4 Qf4 Rh5 dxe6 dxe6 Rc7 Bd7 
 26	+26.46!	357.0M	0:16.52	Bd6! 
 26	+25.33!	326.6M	0:15.10	Bd6! 
 26	+24.56!	325.8M	0:15.06	Bd6! 
 26	+24.07!	230.9M	0:10.64	Bd6! 
 25	+23.59 	187.2M	0:08.63	Bd6 e6 Re2 Qa5 Rae1 Qd8 Qe4 a5 Be5 Bxe5 Qxe5 O-O Qxd4 d6 dxe6 Bxe6 c4 Kh7 h4 Qd7 b3 d5 a3 Rfc8 Re5 Rd8 c5 Qc6 Rc1 b6 Ree1 bxc5 Qxc5 Qb7 Qc7 Qxc7 Rxc7 
 24	+23.56 	154.4M	0:07.12	Bd6 e6 Re2 Qa5 Rae1 Qd8 Qe4 a5 Be5 O-O Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 d6 dxe6 Bxe6 h4 Kh7 c4 Qd7 b3 d5 Re5 dxc4 Qxd7 Bxd7 dxc4 Rae8 Rxe8 Rxe8 Rxe8 Bxe8 Kf1 
 24	+23.77?	110.3M	0:05.08	Bd6 e6? 
 23	+25.51 	70.9M  	0:03.28	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 bxa4 Bxe5 dxe6 dxe6 Rb1 Bg7 Rb5 b6 Qa8 O-O Qa7 Rc6 Rb2 e5 Rxb6 Rxc2 Qxa5 Rxa2 Qb5 Be6 a5 Rc8 
 22	+25.48 	38.8M  	0:01.77	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 dxe6 dxe6 bxa4 Bxe5 Rb1 Bg7 h5 g5 Qg3 Rc6 f4 Rxc2 fxg5 hxg5 Qxg5 
 21	+26.11 	32.2M  	0:01.48	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 bxa4 Bxe5 dxe6 dxe6 Rb1 Bg7 h5 g5 Rb5 b6 Qa8 O-O Qa7 Rc6 Rb2 e5 Rxb6 Rxc2 Qxa5 Be6 Qb5 Rxa2 
 20	+25.99 	31.3M  	0:01.44	Bd6 e6 h4 a5 Re5 Ra6 b3 Rxd6 bxa4 Bxe5 dxe6 dxe6 Rb1 Rd5 Qe2 Bd6 Rb5 Rxb5 axb5 f5 Qd2 b6 c3 Kf7 cxd4 Bb7 Kf1 h5 Qc2 
 19	+27.70 	13.8M  	0:00.63	Bd6 e6 h4 Qa5 Rab1 Qd8 Qg3 g5 Bc7 Qf6 Be5 Qg6 h5 Qh7 Bxg7 Qxg7 Qd6 Qf6 c3 dxc3 bxc3 Qxc3 dxe6 
 18	+28.80 	8.88M  	0:00.41	Bd6 e6 Rac1 a5 Ba3 Qb5 c3 dxc3 Rxc3 Bxc3 bxc3 Qa4 Qf6 Qxa3 Qxh8+ Qf8 Qd4 g5 dxe6 
 17	+30.03 	6.88M  	0:00.32	Bd6 e6 Rac1 h5 h4 Qa5 c4 dxc3 bxc3 f5 Rb1 Bxc3 Re2 Qd8 Rc1 Ba5 Rec2 Kf7 Be5 Re8 
 16	+30.69 	6.54M  	0:00.30	Bd6 e6 h4 Qa5 Rab1 h5 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qxc3 Rbc1 Qf6 Qg3 
 15	+28.10 	5.92M  	0:00.27	Bd6 e6 h4 Qb5 h5 g5 Rab1 Qb6 Qg3 f5 c4 dxc3 bxc3 Qd8 Rbc1 Kf7 Qf3 g4 Qe2 Re8 Qc2 
 14	+33.19 	1.34M  	0:00.06	Bd6 e6 Re5 Bxe5 Bxe5 Rg8 d6 Qa5 Qf4 Rb8 Bxd4 Qf5 Qxh6 g5 b3 Qa5 
 13	+29.93 	909049	0:00.04	Bd6 e6 h4 Qa5 h5 gxh5 Qg3 Bf6 Qf3 Qd8 b3 
 12	+30.48 	673873	0:00.03	Bd6 e6 Rac1 Qa5 c4 dxc3 bxc3 f5 Qg3 Kf7 c4 Qd8 Rb1 h5 
 11	+32.00 	595718	0:00.03	Bd6 e6 h4 h5 Re2 Qb5 Rae1 Qxb2 c4 
 10	+29.31 	587840	0:00.03	Bd6 e6 h4 h5 b3 Qa5 a4 Qd8 Qg3 Qf6 Rac1 Bh6 Be5 
  9	+37.90 	224690	0:00.01	Bd6 O-O Bxe7 Re8 Bd6 Rxe1+ Rxe1 Qxc2 h4 f5 
  8	+43.86 	115985	0:00.01	Bd6 O-O Bxe7 Re8 Bd6 Rxe1+ Rxe1 Qxc2 h4 
  7	+43.29 	46778  	0:00.00	Bd6 O-O Bxe7 Qxc2 Bxf8 Bxf8 
  6	+40.61 	31333  	0:00.00	Bd6 O-O Bxe7 Qxc2 Bxf8 Bxf8 Re8 
  5	+40.89 	22735  	0:00.00	Bd6 e6 b3 Qa5 dxe6 
  4	+92.92 	10343  	0:00.00	b3 b5 bxa4 bxa4 
  3	+78.67 	4720    	0:00.00	Bd6 Kd8 Rxe7 
  2	+78.78 	3030    	0:00.00	Bd6 Qxc2 
  1	+69.76 	1571    	0:00.00	Bd6 
  0	# 
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
Location: PA USA
Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by zullil »

MikeB wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:14 am
Current McCain takes about 30 minutes ...doesn't seem very good to me...
this is the beta version with now default Lc0 like scoring. so it sees a draw with the Rook sac ...
Yeah, not good. Too much LMR?

Cfish-dev finds Rxe7 in about 3.5 minutes---using one thread. Note that Rxe7 is move 42 (of 43 in the move list) when its finally recognized as best:

info depth 35 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 42
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -343 lowerbound nodes 381210804 nps 1799870 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 211799 pv e1e7
info depth 34 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -329 lowerbound nodes 381370271 nps 1800011 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 211871 pv e1e7
info depth 33 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -309 lowerbound nodes 381463131 nps 1800110 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 211911 pv e1e7
info depth 32 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -283 lowerbound nodes 381614020 nps 1800244 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 211979 pv e1e7
info depth 31 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -247 lowerbound nodes 381715038 nps 1800330 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 212025 pv e1e7
info depth 30 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -200 lowerbound nodes 381820769 nps 1800421 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 212073 pv e1e7
info depth 29 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -139 lowerbound nodes 382029758 nps 1800574 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 212171 pv e1e7
info depth 28 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -61 lowerbound nodes 382158489 nps 1800663 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 212232 pv e1e7
info depth 27 currmove e1e7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 27 currmove f4d6 currmovenumber 2
info depth 27 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 3
info depth 27 currmove f3e4 currmovenumber 4
info depth 27 currmove f4e5 currmovenumber 5
info depth 27 currmove f4b8 currmovenumber 6
info depth 27 currmove e1f1 currmovenumber 7
info depth 27 currmove a1b1 currmovenumber 8
info depth 27 currmove e1b1 currmovenumber 9
info depth 27 currmove g1f1 currmovenumber 10
info depth 27 currmove e1c1 currmovenumber 11
info depth 27 currmove f3e3 currmovenumber 12
info depth 27 currmove d5d6 currmovenumber 13
info depth 27 currmove f4g5 currmovenumber 14
info depth 27 currmove c2c3 currmovenumber 15
info depth 27 currmove f3e2 currmovenumber 16
info depth 27 currmove f4c7 currmovenumber 17
info depth 27 currmove a1d1 currmovenumber 18
info depth 27 currmove f4c1 currmovenumber 19
info depth 27 currmove f3g3 currmovenumber 20
info depth 27 currmove f4d2 currmovenumber 21
info depth 27 currmove f4e3 currmovenumber 22
info depth 27 currmove e1d1 currmovenumber 23
info depth 27 currmove a1c1 currmovenumber 24
info depth 27 currmove f3g4 currmovenumber 25
info depth 27 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 26
info depth 27 currmove e1e5 currmovenumber 27
info depth 27 currmove c2c4 currmovenumber 28
info depth 27 currmove g2g4 currmovenumber 29
info depth 27 currmove f4g3 currmovenumber 30
info depth 27 currmove f3d1 currmovenumber 31
info depth 27 currmove f3h5 currmovenumber 32
info depth 27 currmove f3h3 currmovenumber 33
info depth 27 currmove g2g3 currmovenumber 34
info depth 27 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 35
info depth 27 currmove e1e3 currmovenumber 36
info depth 27 currmove e1e2 currmovenumber 37
info depth 27 currmove e1e6 currmovenumber 38
info depth 27 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 39
info depth 27 currmove e1e4 currmovenumber 40
info depth 27 currmove g1h1 currmovenumber 41
info depth 27 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 42
info depth 27 currmove f4h6 currmovenumber 43
info depth 35 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 382367952 nps 1800810 hashfull 996 tbhits 0 time 212331 pv e1e7 e8e7 a1e1 e7f8 f4d6 f8g8 e1e7 g8h7 f3f7 h8g8 d6e5 a4b4 f7g7 g8g7 e7g7 h7h8 g7g6 h8h7 g6g7 h7h8
Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Arasan test suite - draft version

Post by Vinvin »

I removed positions found in less than 10 seconds, 2 times (and I hold all the AMs solutions).
It left 71 positions.
I ran this positions with the latest SF ( Stockfish_19062016 ) , 1 minute per position , 6*4 GHz.
Still 36 positions, not found each time under 1 minute.
Results table :

Code: Select all

      Solution         1st run             2nd run             3rd run                                     
  1) .. Qb8xb2(?) |  Qb8-c8  5 Sec   |  Qb8-c8   6 Sec   |  Qb8-c8   4 Sec  | 1q2r1k1/3R1pb1/3R2p1/7p/p3N3/2P1BP1P/1P3PK1/8 b - - am Qxb2; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Deep Shredder 13, Andreas Strangmller 2017";                         
  2) g2-g4        |  Ra1-d1          |  Ra1-d1           |  Ra1-d1          | 1r1q1rk1/1p2b2p/pN6/P1pP1bp1/5p2/2B2Q2/1P4PP/R4RK1 w - - bm g4; c0 "Caruana-Carlsen, World Chmp (8) 2018";                                         
  3) .. Nb6-c4    |  Nb6-a4          |  Nb6-a4           |  Nb6-a4          | 1r2kb1r/p5p1/1np1p1N1/3pPnB1/1p1P2B1/qP6/2PQ1P1P/1K1R3R b k - bm Nc4; c0 "Van Foreest-L'Ami, Dutch Chmp., Amsterdam 2017";                         
  4) Bd4-c5       |  Bd4-c5  10 Sec  |  Bd4-c5   44 Sec  |  Bd4-c5   11 Sec | 1r2n1k1/6q1/r4bp1/1p1P1p2/2pBpP2/P7/1P2B3/1K1Q2RR w - - bm Bc5; c0 "Jernjoffen (Stockfish 101016 64)-KingOfWar (Stockfish 221016 64),
  5) .. Qd7-b7(?) |  Re6-e8  10 Sec  |  Bd4-b2   0 Sec   |  Bd4-b2   0 Sec  | 1r4k1/3q1pp1/1p1Pr2p/p1pQP2P/3bR1P1/1P4B1/P5K1/2R5 b - - am Qb7; c0 "Xiphos-Arasan, TCEC Season 13 Div 2 2018";                                    
  6) .. Rh8-h4    |  Rh8-h4  29 Sec  |  Rh8-h4   9 Sec   |  Qe5-g3          | 1r5r/1p3pk1/2p1bnp1/p1P1q3/N2Rp1P1/1P2P2P/P2Q2B1/5RK1 b - - bm Rh4; c0 "Ethereal 10.81-LC0 16.10809, TCEC 13 Bonus 2018";                          
  7) Qe3xg5       |  Qe3-c3          |  Qe3-c3           |  Qe3-c3          | 2b3r1/1p1p2pk/2nBp2p/2P1Ppq1/R7/4QBPP/5P2/5K2 w - - bm Qxg5; c0 "Komodo MC-Xiphos, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019";                                         
  8) Kd2-c1       |  Rc2-c6          |  Rc2-c6           |  Rc2-c6          | 2bk2r1/5q2/1p2pP1Q/pP1pP1P1/P2P4/8/2RK4/8 w - - bm Kc1; c0 "AlphaZero-Stockfish game 9 2017 (analysis), posted in Rybka forum";                    
  9) Re1-e6       |  Re1-e6  16 Sec  |  Re1-e3           |  Re1-e3          | 2bq1b2/1p3k2/1r1p1p1p/pNpP1PpP/P1P3P1/6B1/1P5Q/2K1R3 w - - bm Re6; c0 "Vincent Lejeune, Hard 2016 beta 6 #22";                                     
 10) f4-f5        |  Qb3-c2          |  f4-f5    39 Sec  |  f4-f5    24 Sec | 2bq1rk1/rpb2p2/2p1p1p1/p1N3Np/P2P1P1P/1Q2R1P1/1P3P2/3R2K1 w - - bm f5; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";                            
 11) Nc6xb4(?)    |  h2-h3   0 Sec   |  h2-h3    1 Sec   |  h2-h3    2 Sec  | 2qbr1k1/3n1pp1/2Np1n1p/3P1P2/1p2p1P1/8/1PP1QBBP/R5K1 w - - am Nxb4; c0 "Johnny 8.1-Ethereal 10.85, TCEC 13 Div 1 2018";                            
 12) Rh2xh7       |  Qc2-d3          |  Qc2-d3           |  Qc2-d3          | 2r1r1k1/3n1qpp/4p3/3b1pP1/2B2PP1/5PK1/1BQ4R/2R5 w - - bm Rxh7; c0 "ipfreely-Arasan, ICC 2018";                                                     
 13) f5-f6        |  f5-f6   9 Sec   |  f5-f6    8 Sec   |  f5-f6    2 Sec  | 2r1rbk1/3n1ppp/bq2p3/p2pPP2/3N1B2/3P1RQ1/1P2N1PP/R6K w - - bm f6; c0 "DeepZ-Arasan, FICS 2018";                                                    
 14) h4-h5        |  h4-h5   43 Sec  |  h4-h5    22 Sec  |  h4-h5    12 Sec | 2r2rk1/1p2b1p1/pq1p2p1/3Rnp2/3NP2P/6Q1/PPP1N3/2K3R1 w - - bm h5; c0 "DavidG (Raubfisch ME262_GTZ)-ChessMaster1978, playchess 2019";                
 15) g3-g4        |  Bh5-e2          |  Bh5-e2           |  g3-g4    31 Sec | 2r5/3bk1Pp/4pn1P/p4p1B/P6N/1R4P1/8/6K1 w - - bm g4; c0 "Stabels (Raubfisch ME262_GTZ-Paradiver (Cfish 150619 64 POP), 2019";         
 16) Rb1-b6       |  Rb1-b6  0 Sec   |  Rb1-b6   2 Sec   |  Rb1-b6   2 Sec  | 3qk2r/4bpp1/2bp4/4pPnp/p1p1P3/P1N1B2P/2r1N1Q1/KR2R3 w k - bm Rb6; c0 "acgs-Arasan, ICC 2019";                                                      
 17) .. Rd8-d6    |  Kf8-f7          |  Kf8-f7           |  Kf8-f7          | 3r1k2/pp4pp/5p2/3P1R2/5P2/1PP4P/5P2/1K6 b - - bm Rd6; c0 "KomodoMCTS 2221.00-Fritz 16.10, TCEC Season 14 Division 1 2018";                         
 18) h4-h5        |  Qf3-g3          |  Qf3-g3           |  Qf3-g3          | 3r1rk1/pbq1bp1p/1n1Rp1p1/2p1P1N1/4N2P/1P3Q2/PB3PP1/K6R w - - bm h5; c0 "Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext - asmFishW_2016-12-17_bmi2, Stefan Pohl 2017";      
 19) f4-f5        |  f4-f5   14 Sec  |  f4-f5    10 Sec  |  f4-f5    3 Sec  | 3r3r/3n1pk1/3q2p1/2pNp1P1/p1B2P2/7p/P4QnP/K1RR4 w - - bm f5; c0 "TheForgottenOne-Arasan, ICC 2019";                                                
 20) d3-d4        |  Ng4-f2          |  Ng4-f2           |  Ng4-f2          | 3r3r/5kp1/ppn2p2/2pq1P2/5RNp/2PP3P/P3Q1P1/4R1K1 w - - bm d4; c0 "Komodo 10.4-Fire 5, Andreas Strangmller 2017";                                   
 21) .. h7-h5     |  h7-h5   28 Sec  |  h7-h5    17 Sec  |  h7-h5    10 Sec | 4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, 2018";                   
 22) Bd3xg6       |  Bd3xg6  28 Sec  |  Bd3xg6   7 Sec   |  Bd3xg6   22 Sec | 4q2r/1b1kbp2/1p2p1p1/pP1pP1N1/P2P1PQP/3BK3/2R5/8 w - - bm Bxg6; c0 "AlphaZero-Stockfish, match 2017 (game 9)";                                     
 23) Qc1-f4       |  Qc1-f4  4 Sec   |  Qc1-f4   3 Sec   |  Qc1-f4   6 Sec  | 4rbk1/q4p1p/4pBp1/3pP1NP/1pnP4/rR6/5PP1/1RQ3K1 w - - bm Qf4; c0 "Andscacs 0.89-Komodo 10.4, Andreas Strangmller 2017";                            
 24) Qh4-h8       |  Bg5-e3          |  Bg5-e3           |  Bg5-e3          | 4rn2/1r2pk2/1p1R1pp1/p1q3B1/2b1P1PQ/2P2P2/P3B1KR/8 w - - bm Qh8; c0 "ERET 84 (analysis)";                                                          
 25) Bc1-a3       |  Bc1-a3  22 Sec  |  Bc1-a3   9 Sec   |  Bc1-a3   6 Sec  | 4rrk1/p2q1pp1/2pbb3/1p4P1/3P3Q/1BP2R2/P7/R1B3K1 w - - bm Ba3; c0 "Kamody-V”r”s, Slovakian Chmp QF, ICCF 2007";                                     
 26) Nc5-b7       |  Nc5-b7  24 Sec  |  Nc5-b7   1 Sec   |  Nc5-b7   43 Sec | 5b2/5b1k/1np3p1/q1N2p1p/Pn1Pp2P/2N1P1P1/5P2/B1Q2BK1 w - - bm Nb7; c0 "Stockfish 9 - Chiron 4, Andreas Strangmller 2018";                          
 27) h5-h6        |  h5-h6   8 Sec   |  h5-h6    3 Sec   |  h5-h6    3 Sec  | 5nk1/r4p1p/2r1p1p1/3nB1PP/p2PBP2/R7/1P6/K6R w - - bm h6; c0 "Stockfish 260218 64 BMI2-Komodo 2023.00 64-bit, YCLET Super X3 Tournament (2.1) 2018";
 28) .. h7-h5     |  h7-h5   2 Sec   |  h7-h5    4 Sec   |  h7-h5    9 Sec  | 6k1/1p4Pp/1p6/1P2B3/P3nP2/5RP1/3r3P/2r2BK1 b - - bm h5; c0 "Arasan-Coolnite7, ICC 2018";                                                           
 29) .. Nc4-e5    |  Nc4-e5  13 Sec  |  Nc4-e5   27 Sec  |  Nc4-e5   9 Sec  | 6k1/4n1pp/p1r5/1bNp1pq1/1PnPp2r/p3P1P1/R1RBBP1P/5Q1K b - - bm Ne5; c0 "Gull 3-Fritz 15, Andreas Strangmueller, 2017";                              
 30) .. Qd3xg3    |  Qd3-e2          |  Qd3-e4           |  Qd3-e4          | 7k/4PBNp/7P/2p5/2P5/2rq2Pp/1P3P1K/8 b - - bm Qxg3+; c0 "study by Neghina";                                                                         
 31) a5-a6        |  Re2-f2          |  Re2-f2           |  Re2-f2          | 7k/4r1p1/1p2P2p/P1p4q/1r5P/4Q1PB/4R2K/8 w - - bm a6; c0 "Komodo 1589.00 64-bit 8CPU-Stockfish 020316 64-bit 8CPU, G. Banks 2016";                  
 32) Qc6-d6       |  Qc6-d6  10 Sec  |  Qc6-d6   23 Sec  |  Qc6-d6   15 Sec | 7n/6p1/2Q3p1/p7/p7/8/2B3K1/q3k3 w - - bm Qd6; c0 "R. Becker, 2016";                                                                                
 33) .. f4-f3     |  f4-f3   42 Sec  |  f4-f3    10 Sec  |  f4-f3    16 Sec | 7r/3b4/NP1p2k1/P2Pn1q1/5p2/7P/4BQP1/6KN b - - bm f3; c0 "Arasan-zerowin, FICS 2018";                                                               
 34) Qa3-h3       |  Bb7-c8          |  Bb7-c8           |  Bb7-c8          | 8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3+; c0 "Mihai Neghina, 'Fishing Rod', Sp. HM JT50 P.Krug Sec.B";                                 
 35) Bh3-f5       |  Bh3-f5  29 Sec  |  Rc3-f3           |  Rc3-f3          | 8/1p2K2k/8/2p3rr/8/PPR4B/2P3P1/8 w - - bm Bf5+; c0 "Vincent Lejeune, Hard 2016 beta 6 #77";                                                        
 36) e3-e4(?)     |  e3-e4           |  e3-e4            |  e3-e4           | 8/2p1k3/1p1p4/p2Ppb2/PP6/2PKP3/4B3/8 w - - am e4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Ethereal 11.0, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";                                 
 37) .. Ba4xc2(?) |  Ke7-d7  0 Sec   |  Ke7-d8   0 Sec   |  Ke7-d7   0 Sec  | 8/4k3/pn2p1pp/3pPp2/bPp2P1P/4P3/P1BKNP2/8 b - - am Bxc2; c0 "khadem-Arasan, FICS 2018";                                                            
 38) Rc2xc5       |  Rc2xc5  0 Sec   |  Rc2-c1           |  Rc2xc5   42 Sec | 8/4qpk1/1p3np1/pPb1p2p/P2pP2P/1Q3PP1/B1R3K1/8 w - - bm Rxc5; c0 "Xiphos 0.5-Booot 6.3.1, Andreas Strangmueller 2019";                              
 39) .. Bh4-d8    |  Nd5-e3          |  Bh4-d8   44 Sec  |  Nd5-f6          | 8/5B2/8/B2n1P2/3n2Pb/p7/4k3/1K6 b - - bm Bd8; c0 "Fritz-Ethereal, TCEC 13 Div 1 2018";                                                             
 40) Nd5xf6       |  Nd5xf6  4 Sec   |  Nd5xf6   2 Sec   |  Nd5xf6   4 Sec  | 8/5pk1/p4npp/1pPN4/1P2p3/1P4PP/5P2/5K2 w - - bm Nxf6; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";                                             
 41) g2-g3        |  g2-g4           |  g2-g4            |  g2-g4           | 8/5pp1/p1pk3p/2N5/1P1K1n2/2P5/5PPP/8 w - - bm g3; c0 "Siefring-Robleto, PanAm/TC11 ICCF 2017";                                                     
 42) Na8-c7       |  Rh5xh6          |  Rh5xh6           |  Rh5xh6          | Nq3n1k/8/P1p2Npp/2Kp3R/pp6/n3p3/8/4Q3 w - - bm Nc7; c0 "study by Peter S. Krug & Mario Garc¡a, 2017";                                              
 43) .. Qe4xc4    |  Ba8xd5          |  Ba8xd5           |  Qe4xc4   51 Sec | br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";                  
 44) Re1xe7       |  Bf4-d6          |  Bf4-d6           |  Bf4-d6          | r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7; c0 "McBrain test position, posted by Michael B";                             
 45) Nf3-g5       |  Nf3-g5  46 Sec  |  Rc1-e1           |  Rc1-e1          | r1b1r3/1p2qpkp/2p2np1/3p4/n2P1NPB/bR1BPN1P/2Q2P2/2R3K1 w - - bm Ng5; c0 "Sirius (Raubfisch x40x)-Vimtiroba (Stockfish x30 bmi2), 2019
 46) Qf2-h4       |  Qf2-h4  11 Sec  |  Qf2-h4   6 Sec   |  Qf2-h4   9 Sec  | r1b2rk1/1p1nnp1p/p3p1p1/q1b1P3/2p1BP2/4BN2/P1N2QPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Qh4; c0 "Komodo 12 bmi2 - Stockfish 181213 bmi2, Stefan Pohl 2018";             
 47) Bd3xh7       |  Bd3-e2          |  Bd3xh7   40 Sec  |  Qd1-d2          | r1bq1rk1/1p2bppp/p1n1p3/2npP1P1/3N1P2/2NBB3/PPP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Bxh7+; c0 "Edwards-Lobanov, ICCF 2017 (analysis)";                              
 48) g2-g4        |  Nc3-d1          |  g2-g4    49 Sec  |  Nc3-d1          | r1bq1rk1/1p2pp2/p2p1np1/2pPn1Np/4P2P/2N2P2/PPPQB1P1/R3K2R w KQ - bm g4; c0 "Even-Hasselmeyer, WS/GMN/60 ICCF 2017";                                
 49) .. f4-f3     |  f4-f3   21 Sec  |  f4-f3    22 Sec  |  f4-f3    13 Sec | r1bq1rk1/p5bp/2p3p1/4p3/N2pPp2/P2P3P/R1PQ1PP1/1R2N1K1 b - - bm f3; c0 "Arasan-acgs, ICC 2019";                                                     
 50) Rh1xh7       |  Ne2xf4          |  Ne2xf4           |  Ne2xf4          | r1bqn1nk/ppp4p/3p4/3Pp1r1/2P1Pp2/2NB1P2/PP2N3/2K1Q1RR w - - bm Rxh7+; c0 "Wade-NN, simul";                                                         
 51) .. b5xc4(?)  |  Ra8-b8  4 Sec   |  Ra8-b8   0 Sec   |  Nf6-h7   20 Sec | r1bqr1k1/2p1ppb1/p1np1np1/1p1N2Bp/2PPP2P/5P2/PP1QN1P1/2KR1B1R b - - am bxc4; c0 "Stockfish 19028 64 BMI2-Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit, Stefan Pohl 2018";  
 52) Qe2xe8       |  Bd4xf6          |  Bd4xf6           |  Qe2xe8   29 Sec | r1bqr1k1/3n1ppp/p2p1b2/3N1PP1/1p1B1P2/1P6/1PP1Q2P/2KR2R1 w - - bm Qxe8; id "ERET 079 - Damenopfer";                                                
 53) g4-g5        |  h2-h4           |  h2-h4            |  g4-g5    17 Sec | r1br2k1/1p3pp1/p1nBp2p/q3n3/2P1N1P1/4Q3/3RB2P/5RK1 w - - bm g5; c0 "Jendrian-Genga, WS/GMN/050 ICCF 2016";                                         
 54) Rd4-h4       |  Rd4-h4  29 Sec  |  f3-f4            |  Rd4-h4   54 Sec | r1r1b1k1/5pp1/4pn2/4N1Q1/p1BR4/3R1P2/2q3PK/8 w - - bm Rh4; c0 "Faleton-Arasan, FICS 2017";                                                         
 55) Ng4xh6       |  Be2-d1          |  Be2-d1           |  g2-g3           | r2q1rk1/1b1nbpp1/4p2p/pp1pP3/2pP2N1/2P2N2/PP1QBPPP/R4RK1 w - - bm Nxh6+; c0 "Stockfish 181110 x64 - Gull 3.00 x64, Ed. 19 Division A Bonus 2018 (Jo
 56) f3-f4        |  f3-f4   3 Sec   |  f3-f4    35 Sec  |  f3-f4    0 Sec  | r2q1rk1/pb3pp1/1p1ppn1p/n1p5/2PPP2B/P1PB1P2/4N1PP/R2QK2R w KQ - bm f4; c0 "Gull 3-Chiron 4, Andreas Strangmller 2017";                            
 57) Qg5-h6       |  f2-f3           |  Qg5-h6   46 Sec  |  O-O-O           | r2q1rk1/ppp2p2/3p1np1/4pNQ1/4P1pP/1PPP4/1P3P2/R3K1R1 w Q - bm Qh6; c0 "McBrain test, posted by Michael B";                                         
 58) .. e5-e4(?)  |  Bg7-f6  4 Sec   |  g6-g5    4 Sec   |  g6-g5    5 Sec  | r2r4/5kb1/6p1/1Np1p3/p1P2p1p/3P1P1P/1PR1K1P1/3R4 b - - am e4; c0 "KomodoMCTS 2210.00-Arasan CCC3, TCEC 14 Season 3 2018";                          
 59) Bh3-f5       |  Bh3-f5  11 Sec  |  Bh3-f5   25 Sec  |  Bh3-f5   24 Sec | r3nr1k/3nbp1p/2bp1p2/qpp1p1P1/p3P2P/1P1P1N1B/PBPNQ3/2K3RR w - - bm Bf5; c0 "Stockfish 020118 64 BMI2 - Houdini 6 x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2018";      
 60) Bc1-b2       |  Bc1-b2  2 Sec   |  Bc1-b2   6 Sec   |  Bc1-b2   2 Sec  | r3qrk1/1pnb2pp/pn1p1b2/3P4/PP1NNp2/1Q2pP1P/2P1B1P1/R1BR2K1 w - - bm Bb2; c0 "Arasan 21.1 - Senpai 2.00, Edition 19 Division 2 2018 (Jonathan Rosent
 61) Be3xf4       |  Be3xf4  37 Sec  |  Be3xf4   31 Sec  |  Be3xf4   5 Sec  | r3r1k1/2q1bp1p/p1Np2p1/1p1Pp1P1/n4nBP/4BP2/1PPQ4/1K1R3R w - - bm Bxf4; c0 "exeComp-Arasan, FICS 2018";                                             
 62) f4-f5        |  Qd2-c3          |  f4-f5    44 Sec  |  f4-f5    45 Sec | r3r1k1/4qp1p/4p1p1/p2pP3/2pN1PP1/8/3Q3P/2R2R1K w - - bm f5; c0 "Antifish-Komodo MC, CCC 8: Deep Dive 2019";                                        
 63) f4-f5        |  f4-f5   7 Sec   |  f4-f5    6 Sec   |  f4-f5    10 Sec | r3r1k1/5p2/3p1np1/p1pP4/1qPbpPP1/1P5R/P1B1QBK1/1R6 w - - bm f5; c0 "McBrain-Arasan, 2017";                                             
 64) Rb4xb7(?)    |  Qh1-f3  3 Sec   |  Qh1-f3   4 Sec   |  Qh1-f3   1 Sec  | r3r1k1/ppp2pb1/4q1p1/5p2/1R6/P2pP1N1/1P1P1P2/R1B1K2Q w Q - am Rxb7; c0 "Arasan-Hephasto, FICS 2018";                                               
 65) Bd3xg6       |  Bd3xg6  11 Sec  |  Bd3xg6   19 Sec  |  Bd3xg6   18 Sec | r3rbk1/2p3pp/p1nqb1p1/3p3P/1P1P3N/2NBQ3/1PP2P2/1K4RR w - - bm Bxg6; c0 "Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit - Houdini 6 x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2018";              
 66) Ba4xc6       |  Ba4-b5          |  Ba4-b5           |  Ba4-c2          | r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";                   
 67) f5-f6        |  f5-f6   3 Sec   |  f5-f6    0 Sec   |  f5-f6    5 Sec  | r4rk1/1pp3p1/1b2p2p/4PP2/pq1p4/3P2N1/1PR1Q1PP/n3NRK1 w - - bm f6; c0 "acgs-Arasan, ICC 2019";                                                      
 68) Bd3xh7       |  Bd3xh7  9 Sec   |  Bd3xh7   24 Sec  |  Bd3xh7   7 Sec  | r4rk1/1pqb1ppp/p1n1p3/2R5/3p4/3B4/PP1B1PPP/3QR1K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c0 "sajahan-Arasan, FICS 2017";                                                  
 69) h4-h5        |  h4-h5   22 Sec  |  h4-h5    3 Sec   |  h4-h5    26 Sec | r5k1/5rp1/8/3R4/pq1B1P1P/6P1/4QP1K/8 w - - bm h5; c0 "Gull 180521-Nirvana 2.4, TCEC 13 Division 2 2018";                                           
 70) Nf3-g5       |  Nf3-g5  3 Sec   |  Nf3-g5   3 Sec   |  Nf3-g5   9 Sec  | rn1q2k1/p4p2/1p1pr2p/2p5/2P1b1pP/2Q1PNB1/PP3PP1/2KR3R w - - bm Ng5; c0 "Stockfish 0201118 64 BMI2 - Komodo 11.2.2 64-bit, Stefan Pohl 2018";       
 71) h5xg6        |  Bd3xc4          |  Bd3xc4           |  Bd3xc4          | rnb1r1k1/pp3p2/1q1p1bp1/3P3P/2p1P3/2NB2NP/PP3P2/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm hxg6; c0 "Fizbo 2-Ethereal 11.0, Andreas Stangmueller 2018";