I don't want to give up

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Mike Sherwin
Posts: 868
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:25 am
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Full name: Michael J Sherwin

I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

I was not able to get on TalkChess for a while because of a hard drive failure and I could not find where the password was recorded. And the board said it sent me a new password but it never arrived. So I made a new account using a different email and it took a long time for my new account to be activated. But here I am so thank you to someone.

I'm still trying to come up with something new and worthwhile. It has never been easy and as I'm getting older it might be just about impossible. I know my variable names leave much to be desired. And there are all kind of things people do not like about my code. But I really am in need of a little help. It is almost working. I can enter moves that are verified by a legal move generator. Do rudimentary searches, material only at this point. It is big code, I guess, but it should also be fast code. There are a couple of bugs that I can't identify. If I can just get what I have so far working then maybe I can start making progress again. Please, can someone try to help? It compiles with MSVS 2019 Community edition.

Code: Select all

// Bricabrac
// A chess engine by Michael J Sherwin

#include <intrin.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define equates 1
#ifdef equates
typedef signed char s08;
typedef unsigned char u08;
typedef int s32;
typedef unsigned long u32;
typedef long long s64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

constexpr auto one = 1ull;
constexpr auto INF = 0x7fff;
constexpr auto ColA = 0;
constexpr auto Row8 = 7;
constexpr auto ILLEGAL = 0xffff;
constexpr auto VP = 100;
constexpr auto VN = 300;
constexpr auto VB = 300;
constexpr auto VR = 500;
constexpr auto VQ = 900;
constexpr auto Vq = 800;
constexpr auto Vn = 200;
constexpr auto Vr = 400;
constexpr auto Vb = 200;
constexpr auto WOCCS = 0x0000000000000060;
constexpr auto WOCCL = 0x000000000000000e;
constexpr auto BOCCS = 0x6000000000000000;
constexpr auto BOCCL = 0x0e00000000000000;
constexpr auto WATKS = 0x0000000000000070;
constexpr auto WATKL = 0x000000000000000c;
constexpr auto BATKS = 0x7000000000000000;
constexpr auto BATKL = 0x0c00000000000000;

enum { BLACK, WHITE};

enum { B, R, N, Q};

enum { OO, WP, WN, WB, WR, WRC, WQ, WK, WC, BP, BN, BB, BR, BRC, BQ, BK, BC,
       Wd, We, Wb, Wr, Wn, Wq, Bd, Be, Bb, Br, Bn, Bq, WS, WL, BS, BL };

enum { RANK1, RANK2, RANK3, RANK4, RANK5, RANK6, RANK7, RANK8 };

enum { A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1,
       A2, B2, C2 ,D2, E2, F2, G2, H2,
       A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3,
       A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4,
       A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5,
       A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6,
       A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,
       A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8 };


#define definitions 1
#ifdef definitions
struct Sns {
  s32 n;
  s32 score;

union Snu {
  Sns sns;
  u64 snu;

struct Move {
  s32 fs;
  s32 ts;
  s32 type;
  s32 score;
  s32 wstats;
  s32 bstats;
  s32 status;

struct Thread {
  s32 wtm;
  s32 ply;
  s32 start;
  s32 mat[2];
  s32 board[64];
  u64 piece[2];
  u64 king[2];
  u64 epbb[100];
  s32 fifty[100];
  Move move[10000];

#define wtm t->wtm
#define ply t->ply
#define fifty t->fifty
#define start t->start
#define mat t->mat
#define board t->board
#define piece t->piece
#define king t->king
#define epbb t->epbb
#define move t->move

#define variables 1
#ifdef variables
Thread thread;
Thread* t;
s32 bricabrac;
s32 gamePly;
s32 sd;

u64 wPawnMoves[64];
u64 wPawnCapts[64];
u64 bPawnMoves[64];
u64 bPawnCapts[64];
u64 knightMoves[64];
u64 kingMoves[64];

u64 qss[64][256][8];
u64 bob[64];
u64 rob[64];

u64 above[65];
u64 below[65];

Move gameMoves[1000];

s32 value[] = { OO, VP, VN, VB, VR, VR, VQ, OO, OO, VP, VN, VB, VR, VR, VQ, OO, OO,
                Vb, Vr, Vn, Vq, Vb, Vr, Vn, Vq };

u08 startFen[] = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";


void PrintBoard(Thread* t) {
  s32 i, x, y, fs, ts, sq, pce;
  char cmd[20];

  u08 fig[] = { ".PNBRRQKKpnbrrqkk" };

  for (y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
    for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
      sq = ((y << 3) + x);
      pce = board[sq];
      std::cout << "  " << fig[pce];
    std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

s32 LoadFen(Thread* t, u08* f) {
  s32 row, col, sq, fs, pce; 

  for (sq = A1; sq <= H8; sq++) board[sq] = OO;

  col = ColA;
  row = Row8;
  fs = 56;

  mat[WHITE] = OO;
  mat[BLACK] = OO; 
  piece[WHITE] = OO;
  piece[BLACK] = OO;

  for (;; f++) {
    if (*f == ' ') break;
    switch (*f) {
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
    case '5':
    case '6':
    case '7':
    case '8':
      col += *f - '0';
      fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
    case '/':
      col = ColA;
      fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
    case 'P':
      pce = WP;
      mat[WHITE] += VP;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'N':
      pce = WN;
      mat[WHITE] += VN;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'B':
      pce = WB;
      mat[WHITE] += VB;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'R':
      pce = WR;
      mat[WHITE] += VR;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'Q':
      pce = WQ;
      mat[WHITE] += VQ;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'K':
      pce = WK;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
      king[WHITE] = one << fs;
    case 'p':
      pce = BP;
      mat[BLACK] += VP;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'n':
      pce = BN;
      mat[BLACK] += VN;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'b':
      pce = BB;
      mat[BLACK] += VB;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'r':
      pce = BR;
      mat[BLACK] += VR;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'q':
      pce = BQ;
      mat[BLACK] += VQ;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'k':
      pce = BK;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
      king[BLACK] = one << fs;
      return false;
    board[fs] = pce;
    fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
  switch (*f++) {
  case 'w':
    wtm = WHITE;
  case 'b':
    wtm = BLACK;
    return false;
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  if (*f == '-') {
    if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  else {
    for (;;) {
      if (*f == ' ') {
      switch (*f++) {
      case 'K':
        board[E1] = WC;
        board[H1] = WRC;
      case 'Q':
        board[E1] = WC;
        board[A1] = WRC;
      case 'k':
        board[E8] = BC;
        board[H8] = BRC;
      case 'q':
        board[E8] = BC;
        board[A8] = BRC;
        return false;
  epbb[OO] = OO;
  if (*f == '-') f++;
  else {
    if (*f < 'a' || *f > 'h') return false;
    if (*(f + 1) < '0' || *(f + 1) > '7') return false;
    row = *(f + 1) - '1';
    col = *f - 'a';
    epbb[OO] = one << (row * 8 + col);
    f += 2;
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  fifty[OO] = OO;
  for (;;) {
    if (!isdigit(*f)) break;
    fifty[OO] *= 10;
    fifty[OO] += *f++ - '0';
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  start = 0;
  for (;;) {
    if (!isdigit(*f)) break;
    start *= 10;
    start += *f++ - '0';
  if (start < 1) return false;
  while (*f == ' ') f++;
  if (*f != '\0') return false;
  return true;

void MakeMove(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 ctype = 0, sq;

  board[m->fs] = OO;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->fs;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->ts;

  switch (m->type) {
  case OO: break;
  case WP:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WP;
  case WN:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WN;
  case WB:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WB;
  case WR:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
  case WRC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
  case WQ:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WQ;
  case WK:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
  case WC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
  case BP:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
  case BN:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BN;
  case BB:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BB;
  case BR:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
  case BRC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
  case BQ:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BQ;
  case BK:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
  case BC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
  case Wd:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = (u64)(m->fs + 16 == m->ts ) << (m->fs + 8);
  case We:
    sq = m->ts - ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    ctype = board[sq];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[sq] = OO;
    board[m->ts] = WP; 
  case Wb:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WB;
    mat[WHITE] += 200;
  case Wr:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
    mat[WHITE] += 400;
  case Wn:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WN;
    mat[WHITE] += 200;
  case Wq:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WQ;
    mat[WHITE] += 800;
  case Bd:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = (u64)(m->fs - 16 == m->ts) << (m->fs - 8);
  case Be:
    sq = m->ts + ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    ctype = board[sq];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[sq] = OO;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
  case Bb:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BB;
    mat[BLACK] += 200;
  case Br:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
    mat[BLACK] += 400;
  case Bn:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BN;
    mat[BLACK] += 200;
  case Bq:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BQ;
    mat[BLACK] += 800;
  case WS:
    ctype = OO;
    board[G1] = WK;
    board[H1] = OO;
    board[F1] = WR;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << H1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << F1;
  case WL:
    ctype = OO;
    board[C1] = WK;
    board[A1] = OO;
    board[D1] = WR;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << A1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << D1;
  case BS:
    ctype = OO;
    board[G8] = BK;
    board[H8] = OO;
    board[F8] = BR;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << H8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << F8;
  case BL:
    ctype = OO;
    board[C8] = BK;
    board[A8] = OO;
    board[D8] = BR;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << A8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << D8;
  m->type |= ctype << 6;
  wtm = 1 - wtm;

void TakeBack(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 ctype, sq;

  wtm = 1 - wtm;

  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->ts;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->fs;
  ctype = m->type >> 6;
  mat[1 - wtm] += value[ctype];
  m->type &= 0x3f;

  switch (m->type) {
  case OO: break;
  case WP:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WN:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WN;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WB:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WB;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WR:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WR;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WRC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WRC;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WQ:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WQ;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WK:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WC;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BP:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BN:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BN;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BB:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BB;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BR:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BR;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BRC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BRC;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BQ:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BQ;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BK:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BC;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wd:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = OO;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case We:
    sq = m->ts - ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    board[m->ts] = OO;
    board[sq] = ctype;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
  case Wb:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 200;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wr:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 400;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wn:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 200;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wq:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 800;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bd:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = OO;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Be:
    sq = m->ts + ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    board[m->ts] = OO;
    board[sq] = ctype;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
  case Bb:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 200;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Br:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 400;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bn:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 200;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bq:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 800;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WS:
    board[G1] = OO;
    board[E1] = WC;
    board[H1] = WRC;
    board[F1] = OO;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << H1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << F1;
  case WL:
    board[C1] = OO;
    board[E1] = WC;
    board[A1] = WRC;
    board[D1] = OO;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << A1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << D1;
  case BS:
    board[G8] = OO;
    board[E8] = BC;
    board[H8] = BRC;
    board[F8] = OO;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << H8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << F8;
  case BL:
    board[C8] = OO;
    board[E8] = BC;
    board[A8] = BRC;
    board[D8] = OO;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << A8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << D8;

s32 AtkByWhite(Thread* t, u64 bb) {
  u32 ts, fs;
  u64 b, aPieces = piece[WHITE] | piece[BLACK];
  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
    bb ^= one << ts;
    b = bPawnCapts[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WP) return true;
    b = knightMoves[ts] & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WN) return true;
    b = kingMoves[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WK) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & bob[ts]
      & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WB || board[fs] == WQ) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8)  & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & rob[ts]
      & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WR || board[fs] == WQ) return true;
  } while (bb);
  return false;

s32 AtkByBlack(Thread* t, u64 bb) {
  u32 ts, fs;
  u64 b, aPieces = piece[WHITE] | piece[BLACK];
  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
    bb ^= one << ts;
    b = wPawnCapts[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BP) return true;
    b = knightMoves[ts] & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BN) return true;
    b = kingMoves[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BK) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8)  & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & bob[ts]
      & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BB || board[fs] == BQ) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8)  & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & rob[ts]
      & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BR || board[fs] == BQ) return true;
  } while (bb);
  return false;

__forceinline s32 Sort(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 n) {
  s32 i = 0, high = -INF;
  Move* mov;
  for (; n > OO; n--) {
    mov = m - n;
    if (mov->status == false && mov->score > high) {
      high = mov->score;
      i = n;
  (m - i)->status = true;
  return i;

__forceinline s32 Qsort(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 n) {
  s32 i = 0, high = -INF;
  Move* mov;
  for (; n > OO; n--) {
    mov = m - n;
    if (!mov->status && mov->score > high) {
      high = mov->score;
      i = n;
  (m - i)->status = true;
  return i;

s32 Qsearch(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta, s32 depth) {
  s32 n, i, mi, type, score;
  u32 fs, ts;
  u64 bb, captures, pieces, aPieces, enemy, empty;
  Move* mov;

  score = mat[wtm] - mat[1 - wtm];
  if (score >= beta) return beta;
  if (score > alpha) alpha = score;

  n = 0;
  bb = 0;
  captures = 0;

  pieces = piece[wtm];
  aPieces = piece[BLACK] | piece[WHITE];
  enemy = aPieces ^ pieces;
  empty = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ aPieces;

  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&fs, pieces);
    pieces ^= one << fs;
    type = board[fs];
    switch (type) {
    case OO: break;
    case WP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1: break;
      case RANK2:
      case RANK3:
      case RANK4:
      case RANK6:
        bb = wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy;
      case RANK5:
        bb = wPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]);
        type = We;
      case RANK7:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        captures |= bb;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Wb + i;
            m->score = value[board[ts]] + value[m->type];
            m->status = false;
          n += 4;
    case WN:
    case BN:
      bb = knightMoves[fs] & enemy;
    case WB:
    case BB:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & bob[fs]
         & enemy;
    case WR:
    case WRC:
    case BR:
    case BRC:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & rob[fs]
         & enemy;
    case WQ:
    case BQ:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & enemy;
    case WK:
    case BK:
    case WC:
    case BC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & enemy;
    case BP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1:
      case RANK2:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        captures |= bb;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Bb + i;
            m->score = value[board[ts]] + value[m->type];
            m->status = false;
          n += 4;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK5:
      case RANK6:
      case RANK7:
        bb = bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy;
      case RANK4:
        bb = bPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]);
        type = Be;

    captures |= bb;

    while (bb) {
      _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
      bb ^= one << ts;
      m->fs = (s32)fs;
      m->ts = (s32)ts;
      m->type = type;
      m->score = value[board[ts]] - value[m->type];
      m->status = false;

  } while (pieces);

  if (captures & king[1 - wtm]) return -ILLEGAL;

  for (i = n; i > OO; i--) {
    s32 val;
    mi = Qsort(t, m, n);
    mov = (m - mi);
    val = mat[wtm] - mat[1 - wtm];
    MakeMove(t, mov);
    mov->score = -Qsearch(t, m, -beta, -alpha, depth);
    TakeBack(t, mov);
    if (val != mat[wtm] - mat[1 - wtm]) assert(0);
    if (move->score == ILLEGAL) continue;
    if (mov->score > alpha) {
      if (mov->score >= beta) {
        return beta;
      alpha = mov->score;
  return alpha;

Snu GenLegalQ(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta, s32 depth) {
  Snu snu;
  s32 n = 0, i, type, score = -INF, val;
  u32 fs, ts, sq;
  u64 bb = 0;

  snu.snu = 0;

  u64 pieces = piece[wtm];
  u64 aPieces = piece[BLACK] | piece[WHITE];
  u64 enemy = aPieces ^ pieces;
  u64 empty = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ aPieces;
  u64 notme = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ pieces;

  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&fs, pieces);
    pieces ^= one << fs;
    type = board[fs];
    switch (type) {
    case OO:
    case WP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1: break;
      case RANK2:
        _BitScanForward64(&sq, wPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & below[sq]) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        type = Wd;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK4:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
      case RANK5:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]));
        type = We;
      case RANK7:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Wb + i;
            MakeMove(t, m);
            m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
            TakeBack(t, m);
            if (m->score == ILLEGAL) break;
            if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
            if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
            m->status = false;
    case WN:
    case BN:
      bb = knightMoves[fs] & notme;
    case WB:
    case BB:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & bob[fs]
         & notme;
    case WR:
    case WRC:
    case BR:
    case BRC:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & rob[fs]
         & notme;
    case WQ:
    case BQ:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >>  8) & 255][1]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
         & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
         & notme;
    case WK:
    case BK:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
    case WC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
      if (board[H1] == WRC && !(WOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKS)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = G1;
        m->type = WS;
        MakeMove(t, m);
        m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
        TakeBack(t, m);
        if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
        if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A1] == WRC && !(WOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKL)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = C1;
        m->type = WL;
        MakeMove(t, m);
        m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
        TakeBack(t, m);
        if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
        if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
        m->status = false;
    case BP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1:
      case RANK2:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Bb + i;
            MakeMove(t, m);
            m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
            TakeBack(t, m);
            if (m->score == ILLEGAL) break;
            if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
            if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
            m->status = false;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK5:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
      case RANK4:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]));
        type = Be;
      case RANK7:
        _BitScanReverse64(&sq, bPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & above[sq]) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        type = Bd;
    case BC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
      if (board[H8] == BRC && !(BOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKS)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = G8;
        m->type = BS;
        MakeMove(t, m);
        m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
        TakeBack(t, m);
        if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
        if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A8] == BRC && !(BOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKL)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = C8;
        m->type = BL;
        MakeMove(t, m);
        m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
        TakeBack(t, m);
        if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
        if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
        m->status = false;

    while (bb) {
      _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
      bb ^= one << ts;
      m->fs = (s32)fs;
      m->ts = (s32)ts;
      m->type = type;
      MakeMove(t, m);
      m->score = -Qsearch(t, m + 1, -beta, -alpha, depth);
      TakeBack(t, m);
      if (m->score == ILLEGAL) continue;
      if (!depth && m->score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta; snu.sns.n = ++n; return snu; }
      if (m->score > score) score = m->score;
      m->status = false;

  } while (pieces);

  snu.sns.n = n;
  snu.sns.score = score;

  return snu;

Snu Search(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta, s32 depth) {
  Snu snu, sna;
  s32 i, mi;

  sna.sns.score = alpha;

  snu = GenLegalQ(t, m, alpha, beta, depth);
  if (depth == OO) return snu;
  m = m + snu.sns.n;
  for (i = snu.sns.n; i > 0; i--) {
    mi = Sort(t, m, snu.sns.n);
    MakeMove(t, m - mi);
    snu = Search(t, m, -beta, -alpha, depth - 1);
    snu.sns.score = -snu.sns.score;
    TakeBack(t, m - mi);
    if (snu.sns.score >= beta) { snu.sns.score = beta;  return snu; }
    if (snu.sns.score > sna.sns.score) sna.sns.score = snu.sns.score;
  return sna;

Snu Bricabrac(Thread* t) {
  Snu snu;

  snu = Search(t, &move[0], -INF, INF, sd);

  bricabrac = MOVE;
  return snu;

void GetCmd(Thread* t) {
  Snu snu;
  s32 match, i, n, fs, ts;
  char data[256],  mvstr[20];

  match = false;


  fgets(data, 256, stdin);

  std::cout << std::endl;

  if (data[0] >= 'a' && data[0] <= 'h' &&
      data[1] >= '1' && data[1] <= '8' &&
      data[2] >= 'a' && data[2] <= 'h' &&
      data[3] >= '1' && data[3] <= '8') {
    snu = GenLegalQ(t, &move[0], -INF, INF, INF);
    for (i = OO; i < snu.sns.n; i++) {
      fs = move[i].fs;
      ts = move[i].ts;
      sprintf_s(mvstr, 20, "%c%d%c%d\n", (fs & 7) + 'a', (fs >> 3) + 1, (ts & 7) + 'a', (ts >> 3) + 1);
      if (!strcmp(data, mvstr)) {
        gameMoves[gamePly].fs = fs;
        gameMoves[gamePly].ts = ts;
        gameMoves[gamePly].type = move[i].type;
        MakeMove(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);

  if (!strcmp(data, "go\n")) {
    bricabrac = BRICABRAC;

  if (!strcmp(data, "u\n") || !strcmp(data, "undo\n")) {
    TakeBack(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);


void DoMove(Thread* t, Snu snu) {
  s32 n, i, j = 0, score = 0;

  n = snu.sns.n;
  score = -INF;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (move[i].score > score) {
      score = move[i].score;
      j = i;
  gameMoves[gamePly].fs   = move[j].fs;
  gameMoves[gamePly].ts   = move[j].ts;
  gameMoves[gamePly].type = move[j].type;
  MakeMove(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);
  bricabrac = GETCMD;

void InitializeQSS() {
  u08 sq, sqr, k, l;
  s08 x, y, dx, dy;
  s32 i;
  u64 b, bb;

  for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) {
    y = sq >> 3;
    x = sq & 7;
    bob[sq] = 0;
    rob[sq] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      for (k = 0, l = 0; k <= 56; k += 8, l++) {
        bb = 0;
        b = (u64)i << k;
        for (dx = +1, dy = +1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy < +8; dx++, dy++) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1, dy = +1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy < +8; dx--, dy++) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = +1, dy = -1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy > -1; dx++, dy--) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1, dy = -1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy > -1; dx--, dy--) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1; x + dx > -1; dx--) {
          sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = +1; x + dx < +8; dx++) {
          sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dy = +1; y + dy < +8; dy++) {
          sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dy = -1; y + dy > -1; dy--) {
          sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        qss[sq][i][l] = bb;

void InitializeRNK() {
  u08 sq, sqr, i;
  s08 x, y, dx, dy;
  u64 bb, b;

  for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) {
    y = sq >> 3;
    x = sq & 7;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
      bb = 0;
      b = (u64)i << (sq & 56);
      for (dx = +1, dy = +1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy < +8; dx++, dy++) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1, dy = +1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy < +8; dx--, dy++) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = +1, dy = -1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy > -1; dx++, dy--) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1, dy = -1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy > -1; dx--, dy--) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1; x + dx > -1; dx--) {
        sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = +1; x + dx < +8; dx++) {
        sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dy = +1; y + dy < +8; dy++) {
        sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dy = -1; y + dy > -1; dy--) {
        sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      qss[sq][i][0] = bb;

void InitPieceBB() {
  s32 sq, x, y;

  above[0] = 0xffffffffffffffff;
  below[0] = 0xffffffffffffffff;

  for (sq = A1; sq <= H8; sq++) {
    x = sq & 7;
    y = sq >> 3;

    above[sq + 1] = ((0xffffffffffffffff >> (sq +1)) ^ 1) << (sq + 1);
    below[sq + 1] = ((0xffffffffffffffff >> (sq + 1)) << (sq + 1)) ^ 0xffffffffffffffff;

    wPawnMoves[sq] = 0;
    wPawnCapts[sq] = 0;
    bPawnMoves[sq] = 0;
    bPawnCapts[sq] = 0;
    if (sq > H1 && sq < A8) {
      // White Pawn Moves
      wPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 8);
      if (sq < A3) wPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 16);
      // White Pawn Captures
      if (x + 1 < +8) wPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq + 9);
      if (x - 1 > -1) wPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq + 7);
      // Black Pawn Moves
      bPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 8);
      if (sq > H6) bPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 16);
      // Black Pawn Captures
      if (x + 1 < +8) bPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq - 7);
      if (x - 1 > -1) bPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq - 9);
    // Knight Moves
    knightMoves[sq] = 0;
    if (y + 2 < +8 && x + 1 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 17);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x + 2 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 10);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x + 2 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - +6);
    if (y - 2 > -1 && x + 1 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 15);
    if (y - 2 > -1 && x - 1 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 17);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x - 2 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 10);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x - 2 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + +6);
    if (y + 2 < +8 && x - 1 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 15);
    // King Moves
    kingMoves[sq] = 0;
    if (y + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 8);
    if (y - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 8);
    if (x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 1);
    if (x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 1);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 9);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 7);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 9);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 7);

void NewGame(Thread* t) {
  LoadFen(t, startFen);

void Initialize() {
  bricabrac = GETCMD;
  gamePly = OO;
  sd = 1;
  wtm = WHITE;
  ply = OO;

s32 main() {
  Snu snu;

  snu.snu = 0;

  t = &thread;


  do {
    if (bricabrac == BRICABRAC) snu = Bricabrac(t);
    if (bricabrac == MOVE) DoMove(t, snu);
  } while (bricabrac);

  return 0;
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by mar »

there seems to be some problem with your movegen/makemove

when I type go 4 times, I get an assert
it happens at the 2190th call to qsearch:
it's black to move, but a move is generated for white rook

EDIT: it's obvious that the board state is broken even before that, so you'll probably need to add more sanity checks
Martin Sedlak
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

mar wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:14 pm there seems to be some problem with your movegen/makemove

when I type go 4 times, I get an assert
it happens at the 2190th call to qsearch:
it's black to move, but a move is generated for white rook

EDIT: it's obvious that the board state is broken even before that, so you'll probably need to add more sanity checks
Thanks Martin! I've been trying to find why for about two weeks. It is just too much to keep in my mind so I'm getting confused but I will keep trying.
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

Well I thought i had found a bug.
In Search() sna (score, move-count, alpha) was being returned without including n from snu. But that change changed nothing as far as I could tell. Also I created the Snu union so I could return a u64 value with the score and the move count. Instead I was returning the structure. So I changed the return value to u64 and return snu; to return snu.snu (or sna.snu). No change in behavior.

So entering go 3 times then putting a break at MakeMove() in Search() and after 21 "f5" the assert() is triggered. So I'll try single stepping after 20 "f5"'.
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by towforce »

When did "giving up" become an option? :wink:
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

towforce wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:48 pm When did "giving up" become an option? :wink:
I'm tired of explaining this but for those that have not heard it before. I was born with a learning disability. I guess more accurately a memory disability. I can't remember from one minute to the next what I am doing especially when I lose focus. And when I wake up in the morning most of the previous day is gone. It took me about 30 years to write RomiChess. Many starts and stops. Many times I gave up. Then sometime in 2003 or 2004 I quit my pizza delivery job to write RomiChess. I almost failed again. My savings were gone. I only had $7 dollars left when I released RomiChess on Leo Dicksman's site in June of 2005. That is how close to failure I came once again but somehow ... .

It is even harder this time as I'm even older, 63, so I really could use some help debugging what I have so far or giving up for the last time is a real possibility as I do not have another 30 years.
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by towforce »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:01 am
towforce wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:48 pm When did "giving up" become an option? :wink:
I'm tired of explaining this but for those that have not heard it before. I was born with a learning disability. I guess more accurately a memory disability. I can't remember from one minute to the next what I am doing especially when I lose focus. And when I wake up in the morning most of the previous day is gone. It took me about 30 years to write RomiChess. Many starts and stops. Many times I gave up. Then sometime in 2003 or 2004 I quit my pizza delivery job to write RomiChess. I almost failed again. My savings were gone. I only had $7 dollars left when I released RomiChess on Leo Dicksman's site in June of 2005. That is how close to failure I came once again but somehow ... .

It is even harder this time as I'm even older, 63, so I really could use some help debugging what I have so far or giving up for the last time is a real possibility as I do not have another 30 years.

Sorry for causing you to have to explain that again: obviously I was not aware. I hope you complete your chess program both for yourself and as an inspiration to others.
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Kotlov »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:01 am
towforce wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:48 pm When did "giving up" become an option? :wink:
I'm tired of explaining this but for those that have not heard it before. I was born with a learning disability. I guess more accurately a memory disability. I can't remember from one minute to the next what I am doing especially when I lose focus. And when I wake up in the morning most of the previous day is gone. It took me about 30 years to write RomiChess. Many starts and stops. Many times I gave up. Then sometime in 2003 or 2004 I quit my pizza delivery job to write RomiChess. I almost failed again. My savings were gone. I only had $7 dollars left when I released RomiChess on Leo Dicksman's site in June of 2005. That is how close to failure I came once again but somehow ... .

It is even harder this time as I'm even older, 63, so I really could use some help debugging what I have so far or giving up for the last time is a real possibility as I do not have another 30 years.
Eugene Kotlov
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Sven »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:53 pm Well I thought i had found a bug.
In Search() sna (score, move-count, alpha) was being returned without including n from snu. But that change changed nothing as far as I could tell. Also I created the Snu union so I could return a u64 value with the score and the move count. Instead I was returning the structure. So I changed the return value to u64 and return snu; to return snu.snu (or sna.snu). No change in behavior.

So entering go 3 times then putting a break at MakeMove() in Search() and after 21 "f5" the assert() is triggered. So I'll try single stepping after 20 "f5"'.
I think I might have found it ...

In the loop body of Search() you reuse the "snu" variable that has been passed as a parameter to store the return value of the recursive call to Search() itself. This will overwrite the move list length (snu.sns.n) to the value that GenLegalQ() defines. After returning to the caller his move list size has now been modified, and the next call to Sort() may lead to surprising results, especially if the move list size has been increased so that Sort() accesses moves that are out of range.

The solution is simple: use a local "snu2" variable instead of overwriting the function parameter "snu".

I found this by adding a couple of assertions and debugging code, where most of it did not help but adding a function "isValidMoveAddress()" did (the function checks whether the given Move pointer is within the range of the thread structure's "move[]" array).
Sven Schüle (engine author: Jumbo, KnockOut, Surprise)
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

Sven wrote: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:56 pm
Mike Sherwin wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:53 pm Well I thought i had found a bug.
In Search() sna (score, move-count, alpha) was being returned without including n from snu. But that change changed nothing as far as I could tell. Also I created the Snu union so I could return a u64 value with the score and the move count. Instead I was returning the structure. So I changed the return value to u64 and return snu; to return snu.snu (or sna.snu). No change in behavior.

So entering go 3 times then putting a break at MakeMove() in Search() and after 21 "f5" the assert() is triggered. So I'll try single stepping after 20 "f5"'.
I think I might have found it ...

In the loop body of Search() you reuse the "snu" variable that has been passed as a parameter to store the return value of the recursive call to Search() itself. This will overwrite the move list length (snu.sns.n) to the value that GenLegalQ() defines. After returning to the caller his move list size has now been modified, and the next call to Sort() may lead to surprising results, especially if the move list size has been increased so that Sort() accesses moves that are out of range.

The solution is simple: use a local "snu2" variable instead of overwriting the function parameter "snu".

I found this by adding a couple of assertions and debugging code, where most of it did not help but adding a function "isValidMoveAddress()" did (the function checks whether the given Move pointer is within the range of the thread structure's "move[]" array).
Hi Sven, Yes I see it now! Thank you. Wow, what a noob mistake on my part.

A few months ago I wrote a very simple real-time space conquest game using QB64. There are always 100 stars but I wanted 200 star names to randomly pick from. When I got to the j's there were not enough real star names that started with j so I named one Jumbo after your engine. :)