Larsson endings test - strong engines

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 8:

[D]8/4k3/p1B4p/2K5/1P4bP/8/8/8 b - - 0 1

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Fritz 10            ** ˝˝ ˝˝ 1˝ ˝1 ˝1 ˝1 ˝1   9.5/14
2   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ˝˝ ** 1˝ ˝1 ˝˝ ˝  1˝ 1˝   8.5/13  56.00
3   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     ˝˝ 0˝ ** 01 1˝ ˝1 1˝ 1˝   8.5/14  52.75
4   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  0˝ ˝0 10 ** 01 1˝ 1˝ ˝1   7.5/14
5   Shredder 10.1 UCI   ˝0 ˝˝ 0˝ 10 ** 01 ˝1 ˝1   7.0/14
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32    ˝0 ˝  ˝0 0˝ 10 ** 01 ˝1   5.5/13
7   Junior 10.1         ˝0 0˝ 0˝ 0˝ ˝0 10 ** 10   4.5/14
8   Loop M1-P           ˝0 0˝ 0˝ ˝0 ˝0 ˝0 01 **   4.0/14

Current standings (8/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     *********  8.5: 7.5  8.5: 7.5  9.5: 6.5 10.5: 5.5 11.0: 5.0 10.5: 5.5 11.0: 5.0   69.5/112
2   Shredder 10.1 UCI    7.5: 8.5 *********  7.5: 8.5  9.0: 7.0  8.5: 7.5  8.5: 7.5  9.5: 6.5  9.5: 6.5   60.0/112
3   Zap!Chess Zanzibar   7.5: 8.5  8.5: 7.5 *********  8.0: 8.0  9.5: 6.5  8.0: 8.0  8.5: 7.5  9.0: 7.0   59.0/112
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI      6.5: 9.5  7,0: 9.0  8.0: 8.0 *********  9.5: 6.5  9.0: 7.0  7.5: 8.5 10.5: 5.5   58.0/112
5   Toga II 1.3x4/32     5.5:10.5  7.5: 8.5  6.5: 9.5  6.5: 9.5 *********  8.5: 7.5  8.5: 7.5 10.0: 6.0   53.0/112
6   Fritz 10             5.0:11.0  7.5: 8.5  8.0: 8.0  7.0: 9.0  7.5: 8.5 *********  7.5: 8.5  9.5: 6.5   52.0/112
7   Loop M1-P            5.5:10.5  6.5: 9.5  7.5: 8.5  8.5: 7.5  7.5: 8.5  8.5: 7.5 *********  7.5: 8.5   51.5/112
8   Junior 10.1          5.0:11.0  6.5: 9.5  7.0: 9.0  5.5:10.5  6.0:10.0  6.5: 9.5  8.5: 7.5 *********   45.0/112
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 9:

[D]3R4/1p6/2b5/2P1k2p/p3p2P/P6r/1P2KB2/8 b - - 1 1

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ** 10 ˝1 01 01 10 1˝ ˝1   8.5/14
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  01 ** 01 01 10 1˝ 1˝ 01   8.0/14  54.00
3   Toga II 1.3x4/32    ˝0 10 ** 01 10 ˝1 ˝1 1˝   8.0/14  52.25
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     10 10 10 ** 01 ˝˝ 01 ˝1   7.5/14
5   Loop M1-P           10 01 01 10 ** 0˝ 01 1˝   7.0/14
6   Fritz 10            01 0˝ ˝0 ˝˝ 1˝ ** 10 ˝˝   6.5/14
7   Shredder 10.1 UCI   0˝ 0˝ ˝0 10 10 01 ** ˝˝   5.5/14
8   Junior 10.1         ˝0 10 0˝ ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ **   5.0/14

Current standings (9/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     *********  9.5: 8.5 10.0: 8.0 10.5: 7.5 12.0: 6.0 11.5: 6.5 12.0: 6.0 12.5: 5.5   78.0/126
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar   8.5: 9.5 ********* 10.0: 8.0  9.0: 9.0 10.5: 7.5  9.5: 8.5  9.5: 8.5 10.0: 8.0   67.0/126
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI    8.0:10.0  8.0:10.0 ********* 10.0: 8.0  9.0: 9.0 10.5: 7.5  9.5: 8.5 10.5: 7.5   65.5/126  4059.00
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI      7.5:10.5  9.0: 9.0  8.0:10.0 ********* 10.5: 7.5  8.5: 9.5 10.0: 8.0 12.0: 6.0   65.5/126  4034.75
5   Toga II 1.3x4/32     6.0:12.0  7.5:10.5  9.0: 9.0  7.5:10.5 *********  9.5: 8.5 10.0: 8.0 11.5: 5.5   61.0/126
6   Loop M1-P            6.5:11.5  8.5: 9.5  7.5:10.5  9.5: 8.5  8.5: 9.5 *********  9.0: 9.0  9.0: 9.0   58.5/126  3685.00
7   Fritz 10             6.0:12.0  8.5: 9.5  8.5: 9.5  8.0:10.0  8.0:10.0  9.0: 9.0 ********* 10.5: 7.5   58.5/126  3657.75
8   Junior 10.1          5.5:12.5  8.0:10.0  7.5:10.5  6.0:12.0  5.5:11.5  9.0: 9.0  7.5:10.5 *********   50.0/126
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 10:

[D]8/5b2/1k2p1p1/2NpP1P1/1K1P4/8/8/8 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ** ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝1 1˝ 1˝ 1˝   9.0/14
2   Fritz 10            ˝˝ ** ˝1 1˝ ˝0 ˝˝ ˝1 ˝1   8.5/14
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   ˝˝ ˝0 ** 01 10 ˝1 ˝1 ˝1   8.0/14
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     ˝˝ 0˝ 10 ** ˝1 01 ˝˝ 1˝   7.5/14
5   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ˝0 ˝1 01 ˝0 ** 10 ˝0 ˝1   6.5/14  44.00
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ ˝˝ ˝0 10 01 ** ˝˝ ˝1   6.5/14  42.75
7   Junior 10.1         0˝ ˝0 ˝0 ˝˝ ˝1 ˝˝ ** 1˝   6.5/14  41.75
8   Loop M1-P           0˝ ˝0 ˝0 0˝ ˝0 ˝0 0˝ **   3.5/14

Current standings (10/20)
                             1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64      ********* 11.0: 9.0 11.0: 9.0 11.5: 8.5 13.5: 6.5 13.0: 7.0 13.0: 7.0 14.0: 6.0  87.0/140
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar    9.0:11.0 ********* 11.0: 9.0  9.5:10.5 11.5: 8.5 11.0: 9.0 11.0: 9.0 10.5: 9.5  73.5/140  5073.50
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI     9.0:11.0  9.0:11.0 ********* 11.0: 9.0 10.5: 9.5 10.0:10.0 12.0: 8.0 12.0: 8.0  73.5/140  5048.25
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI       8.5:11.5 10.5: 9.5  9.0:11.0 ********* 11.5: 8.5 10.5: 9.5 10.0:10.0 13.0: 7.0  73.0/140
5   Toga II 1.3x4/32      6.5:13.5  8.5:11.5  9.5:10.5  8.5:11.5 ********* 11.0: 9.0 11.0: 9.0 12.5: 7.5  67.5/140
6   Fritz 10              7.0:13.0  9.0:11.0 10.0:10.0  9.5:10.5  9.0:11.0 ********* 10.5: 9.5 12.0: 8.0  67.0/140
7   Loop M1-P             7.0:13.0  9.0:11.0  8.0:12.0 10.0:10.0  9.0:11.0  9.5:10.5 *********  9.5:10.5  62.0/140
8   Junior 10.1           6.0:14.0  9.5:10.5  8.0:12.0  7.0:13.0  7.5:12.5  8.0:12.0 10.5: 9.5 *********  56.5/140
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by nthom »

If I were to use these positions to test my engine's endgame knowledge are there expected win/loss/draw results for each?
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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Probably yes. Position not composedly.
Gauntlet old versus new version.
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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 11:

[D]8/5pk1/r5pp/P7/3R3P/6P1/5PK1/8 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Shredder 10.1 UCI   ** 1˝ 1˝ ˝1 01 1˝ ˝1 ˝1  10.0/14
2   Fritz 10            0˝ ** 10 ˝1 1˝ 1˝ ˝1 ˝1   9.0/14
3   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  0˝ 01 ** 01 1˝ 1˝ 1˝ 1˝   8.5/14
4   Loop M1-P           ˝0 ˝0 10 ** 01 ˝˝ 1˝ ˝1   7.0/14
5   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     10 0˝ 0˝ 10 ** 01 ˝1 10   6.5/14  43.00
6   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     0˝ 0˝ 0˝ ˝˝ 10 ** 1˝ 1˝   6.5/14  40.00
7   Toga II 1.3x4/32    ˝0 ˝0 0˝ 0˝ ˝0 0˝ ** ˝1   4.5/14
8   Junior 10.1         ˝0 ˝0 0˝ ˝0 01 0˝ ˝0 **   4.0/14

Current standings (11/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ********* 11.5:10.5 11.5:10.5 12.5: 9.5 13.5: 8.5 15.0: 7.0 14.0: 8.0 15.5: 6.5  93.5/154
2   Shredder 10.1 UCI   10.5:11.5 ********* 10.5:11.5 12.0:10.0 11.5:10.5 12.0:10.0 13.5: 8.5 13.5: 8.5  83.5/154
3   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  10.5:11.5 11.5:10.5 ********* 11.0:11.0 12.0:10.0 13.0: 9.0 12.0:10.0 12.0:10.0  82.0/154
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI      9.5:12.5 10.0:12.0 11.0:11.0 ********* 11.0:11.0 13.0: 9.0 11.0:11.0 14.0: 8.0  79.5/154
5   Fritz 10             8.5:13.5 10.5:11.5 10.0:12.0 11.0:11.0 ********* 10.5:11.5 12.0:10.0 13.5: 8.5  76.0/154
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32     7.0:15.0 10.0:12.0  9.0:13.0  9.0:13.0 11.5:10.5 ********* 11.5:10.5 14.0: 8.0  72.0/154
7   Loop M1-P            8.0:14.0  8.5:13.5 10.0:12.0 11.0:11.0 10.0:12.0 10.5:11.5 ********* 11.0:11.0  69.0/154
8   Junior 10.1          6.5:15.5  8.5:13.5 10.0:12.0  8.0:14.0  8.5:13.5  8.0:14.0 11.0:11.0 *********  60.5/154
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 12:

[D]4b3/5k2/4p1p1/3pP2p/2pP1P1P/2P5/6N1/2K5 w - - 0 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ** 10 01 1˝ 1˝ 1˝ ˝1 1˝   9.5/14
2   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     01 ** ˝1 01 1˝ ˝˝ 1˝ 1˝   9.0/14
3   Fritz 10            10 ˝0 ** ˝˝ ˝1 ˝0 01 ˝1   7.0/14  47.50
4   Shredder 10.1 UCI   0˝ 10 ˝˝ ** 01 ˝1 ˝˝ ˝˝   7.0/14  47.25
5   Junior 10.1         0˝ 0˝ ˝0 10 ** ˝1 1˝ 1˝   7.0/14  44.50
6   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     0˝ ˝˝ ˝1 ˝0 ˝0 ** ˝˝ ˝˝   6.0/14
7   Loop M1-P           ˝0 0˝ 10 ˝˝ 0˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝   5.5/14
8   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ 0˝ ˝0 ˝˝ 0˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ **   5.0/14

Current standings (12/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ********* 12.5:11.5 12.5:11.5 13.5:10.5 15.0: 9.0 16.5: 7.5 15.5: 8.5 17.0: 7.0  102.5/168
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  11.5:12.5 ********* 13.0:11.0 12.5:11.5 13.0:11.0 14.5: 9.5 13.5:10.5 13.5:10.5   91.5/168
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   11.5:12.5 11.0:13.0 ********* 13.5:10.5 12.5:11.5 13.0:11.0 14.5: 9.5 14.5: 9.5   90.5/168
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     10.5:13.5 11.5:12.5 10.5:13.5 ********* 12.5:11.5 14.0:10.0 12.0:12.0 14.5: 9.5   85.5/168
5   Fritz 10             9.0:15.0 11.0:13.0 11.5:12.5 11.5:12.5 ********* 12.0:12.0 13.0:11.0 15.0: 9.0   83.0/168
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32     7.5:16.5  9.5:14.5 11.0:13.0 10.0:14.0 12.0:12.0 ********* 12.5:11.5 14.5: 9.5   77.0/168
7   Loop M1-P            8.5:15.5 10.5:13.5  9.5:14.5 12.0:12.0 11.0:13.0 11.5:12.5 ********* 11.5:12.5   74.5/168
8   Junior 10.1          7.0:17.0 10.5:13.5  9.5:14.5  9.5:14.5  9.0:15.0  9.5:14.5 12.5:11.5 *********   67.5/168
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 13:

[D]8/1p1b2k1/p1p1p1p1/2P1P2p/1P3P1P/P2B4/5K2/8 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ** 1˝ ˝˝ ˝1 01 1˝ 1˝ ˝1   9.5/14
2   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     0˝ ** ˝˝ 1˝ ˝˝ 1˝ 1˝ ˝1   8.5/14
3   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝ ˝1 01 10 1˝   8.0/14
4   Loop M1-P           ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ ** 1˝ 1˝ ˝1 ˝˝   7.5/14
5   Fritz 10            10 ˝˝ ˝0 0˝ ** ˝˝ 01 ˝1   6.5/14  44.00
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ 0˝ 10 0˝ ˝˝ ** ˝1 1˝   6.5/14  41.50
7   Junior 10.1         0˝ 0˝ 01 ˝0 10 ˝0 ** ˝˝   5.0/14
8   Shredder 10.1 UCI   ˝0 ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ **   4.5/14

Current standings (13/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8                          
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ********* 13.0:13.0 14.0:12.0 14.5:11.5 16.0:10.0 18.0: 8.0 17.0: 9.0 18.5: 7.5  111.0/182
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  13.0:13.0 ********* 14.5:11.5 13.5:12.5 14.0:12.0 16.0:10.0 15.0:11.0 15.0:11.0  101.0/182
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   12.0:14.0 11.5:14.5 ********* 14.0:12.0 13.0:13.0 13.5:12.5 15.5:10.5 15.5:10.5   95.0/182
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     11.5:14.5 12.5:13.5 12.0:14.0 ********* 14.0:12.0 15.0:11.0 13.0:13.0 15.5:10.5   93.5/182
5   Fritz 10            10.0:16.0 12.0:14.0 13.0:13.0 12.0:14.0 ********* 13.0:13.0 13.5:12.5 16.0:10.0   89.5/182
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32     8.0:18.0 10.0:16.0 12.5:13.5 11.0:15.0 13.0:13.0 ********* 13.0:13.0 16.0:10.0   83.5/182
7   Loop M1-P            9.0:17.0 11.0:15.0 10.5:15.5 13.0:13.0 12.5:13.5 13.0:13.0 ********* 13.0:13.0   82.0/182
8   Junior 10.1          7.5:18.5 11.0:15.0 10.5:15.5 10.5:15.5 10.0:16.0 10.0:16.0 13.0:13.0 *********   72.5/182
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 14:
[D]6k1/2p3np/1p1p2p1/3P4/1PPK1R2/6PB/7P/4r3 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Loop M1-P           ** ˝˝ 1˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝1 ˝˝ 1˝   8.5/14  56.75
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ˝˝ ** ˝1 ˝˝ 01 ˝˝ 1˝ 1˝   8.5/14  56.50
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   0˝ ˝0 ** ˝˝ 10 ˝1 ˝1 11   8.0/14
4   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝ ˝˝ 1˝ ˝˝   7.5/14  51.25
5   Fritz 10            ˝˝ 10 01 ˝˝ ** ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝1   7.5/14  50.75
6   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     ˝0 ˝˝ ˝0 ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝ 01   6.0/14
7   Junior 10.1         ˝˝ 0˝ ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝   5.5/14
8   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ 0˝ 00 ˝˝ ˝0 10 ˝˝ **   4.5/14

Current standings (14/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ********* 14.0:14.0 15.0:13.0 15.5:12.5 17.0:11.0 18.0:10.0 19.0: 9.0 20.0: 8.0  118.5/196
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  14.0:14.0 ********* 16.0:12.0 14.5:13.5 15.0:13.0 16.0:12.0 17.5:10.5 16.5:11.5  109.5/196
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   13.0:15.0 12.0:16.0 ********* 15.5:12.5 14.0:14.0 16.0:12.0 15.5:12.5 17.0:11.0  103.0/196
4   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     12.5:15.5 13.5:14.5 12.5:15.5 ********* 15.0:13.0 13.5:14.5 16.0:12.0 16.5:11.5   99.5/196
5   Fritz 10            11.0:17.0 13.0:15.0 14.0:14.0 13.0:15.0 ********* 14.5:13.5 14.5:13.5 17.0:11.0   97.0/196
6   Loop M1-P           10.0:18.0 12.0:16.0 12.0:16.0 14.5:13.5 13.5:14.5 ********* 14.5:13.5 14.0:14.0   90.5/196
7   Toga II 1.3x4/32     9.0:19.0 10.5:17.5 12.5:15.5 12.0:16.0 13.5:14.5 13.5:14.5 ********* 17.0:11.0   88.0/196
8   Junior 10.1          8.0:20.0 11.5:16.5 11.0:17.0 11.5:16.5 11.0:17.0 14.0:14.0 11.0:17.0 *********   78.0/196
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

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Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:05 pm
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Full name: Pavel Háse

Re: Larsson endings test - strong engines

Post by Rubinus »

Larsson Endings test

Position Nr. 14, repair results:
1.Zap!Chess Zanzibar/32 - 9.5, 2.Rybka 2.3.2a/64 - 8.5, 3.HIARCS 11.1 UCI - 8.0, 4.Loop M1-P - 7.5, 5.-6.Fritz 10, Toga II 1.3x4/32 - 6.5, 7.Junior 10.1 - 5.0, 8.Shredder 10.1UCI - 4.5.

Position Nr. 15:
[D]6k1/2p3np/1p1p2p1/3P4/1PPK1R2/6PB/7P/4r3 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Loop M1-P           ** ˝˝ 1˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝1 ˝˝ 1˝   8.5/14  56.75 
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ˝˝ ** ˝1 ˝˝ 01 ˝˝ 1˝ 1˝   8.5/14  56.50 
3   Shredder 10.1 UCI   0˝ ˝0 ** ˝˝ 10 ˝1 ˝1 11   8.0/14 
4   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝ ˝˝ 1˝ ˝˝   7.5/14  51.25 
5   Fritz 10            ˝˝ 10 01 ˝˝ ** ˝˝ ˝˝ ˝1   7.5/14  50.75 
6   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     ˝0 ˝˝ ˝0 ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝ 01   6.0/14 
7   Junior 10.1         ˝˝ 0˝ ˝0 0˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ ** ˝˝   5.5/14 
8   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ 0˝ 00 ˝˝ ˝0 10 ˝˝ **   4.5/14

Position Nr. 16:
[D]1n6/4k2p/p3ppp1/1pPp4/3P1PP1/3NP3/P3K2P/8 w - - 1 2

Code: Select all

                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ** 01 ˝˝ ˝1 11 1˝ ˝1 1˝  10.0/14
2   Fritz 10            10 ** 0˝ ˝˝ 10 ˝1 11 ˝1   8.5/14
3   Loop M1-P           ˝˝ 1˝ ** ˝˝ ˝˝ 10 ˝˝ ˝1   8.0/14
4   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  ˝0 ˝˝ ˝˝ ** 1˝ ˝0 ˝˝ 1˝   7.0/14
5   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     00 01 ˝˝ 0˝ ** ˝1 10 1˝   6.5/14
6   Toga II 1.3x4/32    0˝ ˝0 01 ˝1 ˝0 ** ˝˝ ˝˝   6.0/14
7   Shredder 10.1 UCI   ˝0 00 ˝˝ ˝˝ 01 ˝˝ ** ˝˝   5.5/14
8   Junior 10.1         0˝ ˝0 ˝0 0˝ 0˝ ˝˝ ˝˝ **   4.5/14

Current standings (16/20)
                            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
1   Rybka 2.3.2a/64     ********* 16.5:15.5 18.5:13.5 18.0:14.0 19.5:12.5 20.5:11.5 21.5:10.5 22.5: 9.5  137.0/224
2   Zap!Chess Zanzibar  15.5:16.5 ********* 17.0:15.0 18.5:13.5 17.0:15.0 18.0:14.0 19.0:13.0 19.0:13.0  124.0/224
3   HIARCS 11.1 UCI     13.5:18.5 15.0:17.0 ********* 15.0:17.0 17.5:14.5 15.5:16.5 19.0:13.0 19.0:13.0  114.5/224
4   Shredder 10.1 UCI   14.0:18.0 13.5:18.5 17.0:15.0 ********* 15.0:17.0 17.5:14.5 17.0:15.0 19.0:13.0  113.0/224 -3913.50 ***
5   Fritz 10            12.5:19.5 15.0:17.0 14.5:17.5 17.0:15.0 ********* 16.5:15.5 17.5:14.5 20.0:12.0  113.0/224 -3959.00 ***
6   Loop M1-P           11.5:20.5 14.0:18.0 16.5:15.5 14.5:17.5 15.5:16.5 ********* 16.5:15.5 16.5:15.5  105.0/224
7   Toga II 1.3x4/32    10.5:21.5 13.0:19.0 13.0:19.0 15.0:17.0 14.5:17.5 15.5:16.5 ********* 19.0:13.0  100.5/224
8   Junior 10.1          9.5:22.5 13.0:19.0 13.0:19.0 13.0:19.0 12.0:20.0 15.5:16.5 13.0:19.0 *********   89.0/224
*** SB - xxx? Overflow? :D

AMD Athlon64 3200+, 256MB hash, 15m+10s, GUI Fritz 10 (* ->Z.Z. only 32bit ...), 5TB+EGBB, 4Shrederbase.

download games here.