CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

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Re: You can download the games here

Post by pichy »

Norm Pollock wrote:I ran a similar 100 game experiment with slight changes. With the understanding that 100 games is not statistically significant, the result was that using a 16-move book gets +38 better Elo than using an 8-move book. Both used the same engine, Rybka 2.3.2a w32 1cpu, on an AMD 3000+ at time-control: 2' + 1", with the Fritz 9 manager.

The two ("ctg") books, 16-move and 8-move were built by me from the same database of 262,000 quality games taken from my 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Code: Select all

Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-16	55.5/100	+38 elo
Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-8	44.5/100	-37 elo
My analysis:
Because of the short time-controls, the engine with the 8-move book used up time making many moves (about 4 on average) that turned out to be in the 16-move book. Because of this time differential for the rest of the game, the engine using the 16-move book was on occasion able to search at a higher depth and get better results. If there were bad book moves in the 16-move book, they did not occur often enough to equalize the time differential advantage.

If there were longer time-controls, then the use of the 16-move book would have less of an advantage. But with a short time-control, as used here, the result indicates that a longer book gets a better result.

Games will be made available if anyone wants to see them. The "ctg" books will also be made available if requested.

I just created two ("abk") books, a 16-moves and 12-moves were built from your database of 262,000 quality games taken from your 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Rybka 2.3.2a w32-B with 12 moves
Rybka 2.3.2a w32-A with 16 moves

Engine Score Ry Ry S-B
1: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-B 8.0/14 ·············· ==1=0==1==1=== 48.00
2: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-A 6.0/14 ==0=1==0==0=== ·············· 48.00

14 of 100 games played
Name of the tournament: Arena tournament
Site/ Country: Jorge-07E2FB46AF, United States
Level: Blitz 5/1
Hardware: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2000+ 1662 MHz with 992 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
PGN-File: C:\Program Files\Arena\Books\arena.pgn
E-Mail Address:

By the end of the match the games will be made available if anyone wants to see them. The "abk" books will also be made available if requested.[/quote]

Re: CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

Post by Tommy »

pichy wrote:
Can you provide a Link where I can download your scanned 'SuperGmb.pgn file :?:
Sorry, I can't do that because my utility 'Game Analyser' actually doesn't make any changes to the original pgn file. What it does is output the following into a window in text...

Game# 395, Diff= 1200, Move 18, Score= 785 - rn3rk1/1bp2ppp/5q2/p1Q1p3/N1P5/6P1/PP3PBP/R4RK1 w - - sm Qd6; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Short, Nigel D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 395, Diff= 1088, Move 18, Score=-306 - rn3rk1/1bp2ppp/3Q1q2/p3p3/N1P5/6P1/PP3PBP/R4RK1 b - - sm Bf3; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Short, Nigel D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 395, Diff= 1350, Move 20, Score=-1861 - rn3rk1/2Q2ppp/5q2/p3p3/N1P5/6P1/PP3PBP/3R1RK1 b - - sm Qd6; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Short, Nigel D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 1907, Diff= 873, Move 19, Score=-891 - 1r1q1rnk/1p1b3p/3p2p1/p1pN1p2/2PbPB2/P2P2P1/1P4BP/1RQ2R1K b - - sm Qf6; c0 "Taimanov, Mark E. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 2001.??.??";
Game# 1907, Diff= 870, Move 20, Score=-21 - 1r3rnk/1p1b3p/3p1qp1/p1pN1p2/2PbPB2/P2P2P1/1P4BP/1RQ2R1K w - - sm Bg5; c0 "Taimanov, Mark E. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 2001.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 1110, Move 18, Score= 1031 - 2bqr1k1/bp3ppp/2p5/p1Ppr3/4N3/1P2P3/P2QBPPP/R4RK1 w - - sm Qxa5; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 1109, Move 18, Score=-78 - 2bqr1k1/bp3ppp/2p5/Q1Ppr3/4N3/1P2P3/P3BPPP/R4RK1 b - - sm Bb8; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 1196, Move 19, Score= 1121 - 1bbqr1k1/1p3ppp/2p5/Q1Ppr3/4N3/1P2P3/P3BPPP/R4RK1 w - - sm g3; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 1204, Move 19, Score=-85 - 1bbqr1k1/1p3ppp/2p5/Q1Ppr3/4N3/1P2P1P1/P3BP1P/R4RK1 b - - sm g6; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 890, Move 20, Score= 810 - 1bbqr1k1/1p3p1p/2p3p1/Q1Ppr3/4N3/1P2P1P1/P3BP1P/R4RK1 w - - sm a4; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2501, Diff= 887, Move 20, Score=-77 - 1bbqr1k1/1p3p1p/2p3p1/Q1Ppr3/P3N3/1P2P1P1/4BP1P/R4RK1 b - - sm h5; c0 "Gurevich, Mikhail N. vs Korchnoi, Viktor L. 1988.??.??";
Game# 2843, Diff= 1171, Move 14, Score=-1101 - rnb1k1r1/pp5p/2pp1q1b/3Pppp1/4P3/2N2QP1/PPP2PB1/R1B1K2R b KQq - sm fxe4; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Gurevich, Mikhail N. 1990.??.??";
Game# 2843, Diff= 1169, Move 15, Score= 68 - rnb1k1r1/pp5p/2pp1q1b/3Pp1p1/4p3/2N2QP1/PPP2PB1/R1B1K2R w KQq - sm Qxe4; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Gurevich, Mikhail N. 1990.??.??";
Game# 2843, Diff= 1449, Move 19, Score=-928 - r1b1k3/1p1n3p/p1pp1q1r/3Pp1B1/4Q3/2N3P1/PPP2PB1/2KR4 b q - sm Qe6; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Gurevich, Mikhail N. 1990.??.??";
Game# 2843, Diff= 1136, Move 20, Score= 203 - r1b1k3/1p1n3p/p1ppq2r/3Pp1B1/4Q3/2N3P1/PPP2PB1/2KR4 w q - sm Qd4; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Gurevich, Mikhail N. 1990.??.??";
Game# 6952, Diff= 1036, Move 20, Score=-1006 - r1b2rk1/4b1pp/p1pp4/2q1p3/N3PBn1/1R5P/P1PQB1P1/5R1K b - - sm Qa5; c0 "Ivanchuk, Vassily vs Kasparov, Garry 1990.??.??";
Game# 7877, Diff= 1089, Move 20, Score=-1101 - r4rk1/ppp2p1p/5qb1/4n3/3RN3/2P5/PP2QPP1/2K2B1R b - - sm Nc6; c0 "Short, Nigel D. vs Gurevich, Mikhail N. 1990.??.??";
Game# 9978, Diff= 1187, Move 15, Score=-1101 - r1br2k1/1pp1nppp/p1n5/3P4/B1q5/2N2N2/PP2QPPP/R5KR b - - sm Bg4; c0 "Alekhine, Alexander A. vs Bogoljubow, Efim D. 1914.??.??";
Game# 9978, Diff= 1230, Move 16, Score= 129 - r2r2k1/1pp1nppp/p1n5/3P4/B1q3b1/2N2N2/PP2QPPP/R5KR w - - sm Bb3; c0 "Alekhine, Alexander A. vs Bogoljubow, Efim D. 1914.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 1204, Move 17, Score= 718 - 1rbqk2r/R3n1pp/3p1p2/1ppBP3/5P2/2Q5/1PP3PP/1NB2RK1 w k - sm Qh3; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 3237, Move 17, Score=-2531 - 1rbqk2r/R3n1pp/3p1p2/1ppBP3/5P2/7Q/1PP3PP/1NB2RK1 b k - sm Be6; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 3266, Move 18, Score= 735 - 1r1qk2r/R3n1pp/3pbp2/1ppBP3/5P2/7Q/1PP3PP/1NB2RK1 w k - sm b4; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 949, Move 18, Score=-218 - 1r1qk2r/R3n1pp/3pbp2/1ppBP3/1P3P2/7Q/2P3PP/1NB2RK1 b k - sm Bc8; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 799, Move 19, Score= 581 - 1rbqk2r/R3n1pp/3p1p2/1ppBP3/1P3P2/7Q/2P3PP/1NB2RK1 w k - sm Be4; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 32573, Move 19, Score=-31992 - 1rbqk2r/R3n1pp/3p1p2/1pp1P3/1P2BP2/7Q/2P3PP/1NB2RK1 b k - sm Nd5; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 32093, Move 20, Score= 101 - 1rbqk2r/R5pp/3p1p2/1ppnP3/1P2BP2/7Q/2P3PP/1NB2RK1 w k - sm exf6; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 10672, Diff= 32093, Move 20, Score=-31992 - 1rbqk2r/R5pp/3p1P2/1ppn4/1P2BP2/7Q/2P3PP/1NB2RK1 b k - sm Bg4; c0 "Polgar, Judit vs Shirov, Alexei D. 1997.??.??";
Game# 12253, Diff= 1097, Move 19, Score=-1276 - 1r3k1r/p1qb3p/2p2b2/2Pp1pp1/PP1N2nP/2B1PP2/2PNK3/R1Q4R b - - sm Qd6; c0 "Janowski, Dawid M. vs Marshall, Frank J. 1907.??.??";
Game# 12253, Diff= 1030, Move 20, Score=-251 - 1r3k1r/p2b3p/2pq1b2/2Pp1pp1/PP1N2nP/2B1PP2/2PNK3/R1Q4R w - - sm Bb2; c0 "Janowski, Dawid M. vs Marshall, Frank J. 1907.??.??";
Game# 12253, Diff= 1246, Move 20, Score=-1486 - 1r3k1r/p2b3p/2pq1b2/2Pp1pp1/PP1N2nP/4PP2/1BPNK3/R1Q4R b - - sm Be7; c0 "Janowski, Dawid M. vs Marshall, Frank J. 1907.??.??";
Game# 14504, Diff= 810, Move 13, Score=-796 - 2rq1rk1/pb2bppp/1pn1pn2/8/3P1B2/P1N2N2/BP3PPP/2RQ1RK1 b - - sm Qc7; c0 "Schlechter, Carl vs Rubinstein, Akiba K. 1912.??.??";
Game# 14504, Diff= 810, Move 14, Score= 14 - 2r2rk1/pbq1bppp/1pn1pn2/8/3P1B2/P1N2N2/BP3PPP/2RQ1RK1 w - - sm Be3; c0 "Schlechter, Carl vs Rubinstein, Akiba K. 1912.??.??";
Game# 14574, Diff= 1003, Move 19, Score=-1186 - r3rbk1/p4ppp/q4n2/1P1p1bB1/2P1p3/2N1P3/1PQN1PPP/3R1RK1 b - - sm Bb4; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Karpov, Anatoly 1978.??.??";
Game# 14574, Diff= 1101, Move 20, Score=-85 - r3r1k1/p4ppp/q4n2/1P1p1bB1/1bP1p3/2N1P3/1PQN1PPP/3R1RK1 w - - sm Na4; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Karpov, Anatoly 1978.??.??";
Game# 14574, Diff= 1098, Move 20, Score=-1186 - r3r1k1/p4ppp/q4n2/1P1p1bB1/NbP1p3/4P3/1PQN1PPP/3R1RK1 b - - sm Bd6; c0 "Korchnoi, Viktor L. vs Karpov, Anatoly 1978.??.??";
Game# 17228, Diff= 893, Move 20, Score= 801 - r2q1rk1/2p2ppp/3bp3/P7/1p1Pn3/P3P1P1/3Q1PNP/RN1R2K1 w - - sm Ne1; c0 "Vaganian, Rafael A. vs Beliavsky, Alexander G. 1988.??.??";
Game# 17228, Diff= 915, Move 20, Score=-115 - r2q1rk1/2p2ppp/3bp3/P7/1p1Pn3/P3P1P1/3Q1P1P/RN1RN1K1 b - - sm Ng5; c0 "Vaganian, Rafael A. vs Beliavsky, Alexander G. 1988.??.??";
Game# 17468, Diff= 1081, Move 11, Score=-1096 - r1bqk2r/1pp2ppp/3p4/p2nn1B1/1bPN4/2N3P1/PPQ1PPBP/R4RK1 b kq - sm h6; c0 "Polugaevsky, Lev A. vs Smyslov, Vassily V. 1979.??.??";
Game# 17468, Diff= 1397, Move 12, Score= 301 - r1bqk2r/1pp2pp1/3p3p/p2nn1B1/1bPN4/2N3P1/PPQ1PPBP/R4RK1 w kq - sm Bf6; c0 "Polugaevsky, Lev A. vs Smyslov, Vassily V. 1979.??.??";

Then it is up to the user to find these games in the pgn file and do what ever they want with it. I may make changes to the way the 'Game Analyser' works if I get feed back from users.


Re: CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

Post by Tommy »

pichy wrote:
I found your experiment to be very interesting and can prevent an engine from selecting a blunder move or moves from an unfiltered PGN like in the game Bright vs Cyclone xTreme.
What prompted me to try this was because I was frequently finding moves that had good wining statistics but there would be a reply to that move that had better winning statistics. And the reason why the statistics of the reply move were not reflected in the statistics of the move before it was simply because of the number of games played for this move compared to all the other reply moves was relatively small. So I thought one way to avoid this was to perform a search in the book.

If you ever try Kanguruh you will notice that it takes about 10 seconds for Kanguruh to reply to an opening move with the hard drive light going flat out. This is the down side of doing it this way, but it is avoidable with extra programming effort, either by caching or modifying the opening book format to store previously searched book positions.

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Mike S.
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Re: CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

Post by Mike S. »

Can this tool be applied to "normal" PGN, in other words PGN with just moves from games without any evaluations attached, and without WinBoard debug file?

If yes, how does it work? Thx for info.
Regards, Mike

Re: CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

Post by Tommy »

Mike S. wrote:Can this tool be applied to "normal" PGN, in other words PGN with just moves from games without any evaluations attached, and without WinBoard debug file?

If yes, how does it work? Thx for info.
Yes, it works fine with pgn files with or without the scores. Game Analyser will allow you to play through any game in the pgn file. But if the pgn file does not contain scores for each move then the feature that finds interesting positions will simply not find any and therefore no positions will be highlighted.

But if you want to scan a pgn file for blunders, then this is a different story. It doesn't matter if the pgn file contains scores or not. Game Analyser has a built in chess engine which it uses to evaluate each position in the game to determine if a blunder has been made. Any additional information attached to the move is simply ignored. This allows the blunder finder feature to scan normal pgn files such as the 'SuperGmb.pgn' file I downloaded from Norms site.

I hope this helps.

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Re: You can download the games here

Post by pichy »

pichy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I ran a similar 100 game experiment with slight changes. With the understanding that 100 games is not statistically significant, the result was that using a 16-move book gets +38 better Elo than using an 8-move book. Both used the same engine, Rybka 2.3.2a w32 1cpu, on an AMD 3000+ at time-control: 2' + 1", with the Fritz 9 manager.

The two ("ctg") books, 16-move and 8-move were built by me from the same database of 262,000 quality games taken from my 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Code: Select all

Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-16	55.5/100	+38 elo
Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-8	44.5/100	-37 elo
My analysis:
Because of the short time-controls, the engine with the 8-move book used up time making many moves (about 4 on average) that turned out to be in the 16-move book. Because of this time differential for the rest of the game, the engine using the 16-move book was on occasion able to search at a higher depth and get better results. If there were bad book moves in the 16-move book, they did not occur often enough to equalize the time differential advantage.

If there were longer time-controls, then the use of the 16-move book would have less of an advantage. But with a short time-control, as used here, the result indicates that a longer book gets a better result.

Games will be made available if anyone wants to see them. The "ctg" books will also be made available if requested.

I just created two ("abk") books, a 16-moves and 12-moves were built from your database of 262,000 quality games taken from your 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Your analysis is correct with shorter time control than 5 minutes the 16 moves book gain time and because of this time differential for the rest of the game, the engine using the 16-move book was on occasion able to search at a higher depth and get better results. If there were bad book moves in the 16-move book, they did not occur often enough to equalize the time differential advantage.

Rybka 2.3.2a w32-A with 16 moves
Rybka 2.3.2a w32-B with 12 moves

Engine Score Ry Ry S-B
1: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-B 43.0/74 ·········································································· ==1=0==1==1=====00==1=1=0===0=11====1===1=11=1=11=1===1=====1====0=1====== 1333.0
2: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-A 31.0/74 ==0=1==0==0=====11==0=0=1===1=00====0===0=00=0=00=0===0=====0====1=0====== ·········································································· 1333.0

74 of 100 games played
Name of the tournament: Arena tournament
Site/ Country: RUTH-07E2FB46AF, United States
Level: Blitz 5/1
Hardware: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2000+ 1662 MHz with 992 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
PGN-File: C:\Program Files\Arena\Books\arena.pgn
E-Mail Address:

By the end of the match the games will be made available if anyone wants to see them. The "abk" books will also be made available if requested.
Norm Pollock
Posts: 1057
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:15 pm
Location: Long Island, NY, USA

Re: CCRL 40/40 - A most curious game

Post by Norm Pollock »

Hi Tom,

Your tool to find "blunders" is fantastic. I'm in the process of going through the "blunders" you found in my "SuperGMb.pgn". In some cases it looks like the blunder(s) actually occurred and in other cases it was (probably) a typo. Usually if it was a typo, the correct game will also be present. In the following 2 games, look at black's 20th move and decide which game has the typo:

Code: Select all

[Event "GM"]
[Site "Linares ESP"]
[Date "1990.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Black "Kasparov, Garry"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2665"]
[BlackElo "2800"]
[ECO "B97s"]

{Game 6952}
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6
8. Qd2 Qxb2 9. Rb1 Qa3 10. f5 Nc6 11. fxe6 fxe6 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. Be2 Be7
14. O-O O-O 15. Rb3 Qc5+ 16. Be3 Qe5 17. Bf4 Qc5+ 18. Kh1 Ng4 19. h3 e5
20. Na4 Qa5 21. Bc4+ Kh8 22. hxg4 exf4 23. Nb6 d5 24. exd5 cxd5
25. Bxd5 Rb8 26. Nxc8 Rbxc8 27. Rh3 Qb6 28. Re1 Bg5 29. Re6 Qd8 30. c4 Rb8
31. Qd3 Bh4 32. Be4 Qg5 33. Bxh7 Rfd8 34. Qc2 f3 35. Rxf3 Rd2 36. Qe4 Rd1+
37. Kh2 Re1 38. Qf5 Rxe6 39. Qxe6 Kxh7 40. Qe4+ g6 41. Ra3 Kg7 42. Qd4+ Kg8
43. Qe4 Qf6 0-1

[Event "Linares"]
[Site "Linares"]
[Date "1990.??.??"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Black "Kasparov, Garry"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2665"]
[BlackElo "2800"]
[ECO "B97s"]

{Game 6953}
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6
8. Qd2 Qxb2 9. Rb1 Qa3 10. f5 Nc6 11. fxe6 fxe6 12. Nxc6 bxc6 13. Be2 Be7
14. O-O O-O 15. Rb3 Qc5+ 16. Be3 Qe5 17. Bf4 Qc5+ 18. Kh1 Ng4 19. h3 e5
20. Na4 Qa7 21. Bc4+ Kh8 22. hxg4 exf4 23. Nb6 d5 24. exd5 cxd5
25. Bxd5 Rb8 26. Nxc8 Rbxc8 27. Rh3 Qb6 28. Re1 Bg5 29. Re6 Qd8 30. c4 Rb8
31. Qd3 Bh4 32. Be4 Qg5 33. Bxh7 Rfd8 34. Qc2 f3 35. Rxf3 Rd2 36. Qe4 Rd1+
37. Kh2 Re1 38. Qf5 Rxe6 39. Qxe6 Kxh7 40. Qe4+ g6 41. Rh3 Kg7 42. Qd4+ Kg8
43. Qe4 Qf6 0-1
Obviously the second game is the correct game.

The games with queen-size "blunders" will be removed in the next update of "SuperGM". I will also do the same for my other database files. Certainly queen-size blunders should not be present, whether they were real or whether they were just typos. Now I have to figure out how to use your "Game Analyser" ;-)

Please use all my databases for your testing, and please let me know (via pm) of any more blunders that you find. And you might find my utility "gameNum" helpful because it puts in a game number comment before the "Move" section. I have another utility which might also be helpful, it is called "splitter". It separates a large pgn database into smaller databases without splitting any games.

Posts: 2564
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:04 am

Re: It is strange that I got such a good result.............

Post by pichy »

Norm Pollock wrote:I ran a similar 100 game experiment with slight changes. With the understanding that 100 games is not statistically significant, the result was that using a 16-move book gets +38 better Elo than using an 8-move book. Both used the same engine, Rybka 2.3.2a w32 1cpu, on an AMD 3000+ at time-control: 2' + 1", with the Fritz 9 manager.

The two ("ctg") books, 16-move and 8-move were built by me from the same database of 262,000 quality games taken from my 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Code: Select all

Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-16	55.5/100	+38 elo
Rybka 2.3.2a 32-bit-8	44.5/100	-37 elo
My analysis:
Because of the short time-controls, the engine with the 8-move book used up time making many moves (about 4 on average) that turned out to be in the 16-move book. Because of this time differential for the rest of the game, the engine using the 16-move book was on occasion able to search at a higher depth and get better results. If there were bad book moves in the 16-move book, they did not occur often enough to equalize the time differential advantage.

If there were longer time-controls, then the use of the 16-move book would have less of an advantage. But with a short time-control, as used here, the result indicates that a longer book gets a better result.

Games will be made available if anyone wants to see them. The "ctg" books will also be made available if requested.

I just created two ("abk") books, a 16-moves and 12-moves were built from your database of 262,000 quality games taken from your 40H/Grand collection. Neither book had any restrictions or recommendations on which lines to use. The books each used a minimum of 3 occurrences. The two books were of the same quality, with the only difference being their lengths.

Your analysis is correct with shorter time control than 5 minutes the 16 moves book gain time and because of this time differential for the rest of the game, the engine using the 16-move book was on occasion able to search at a higher depth and get better results. If there were bad book moves in the 16-move book, they did not occur often enough to equalize the time differential advantage.

Rybka 2.3.2a w32-A with 16 moves
Rybka 2.3.2a w32-B with 12 moves

Engine Score Ry Ry S-B
1: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-B 55.5/100 ···································································································· ==1=0==1==1=====00==1=1=0===0=11====1===1=11=1=11=1===1=====1====0=1==============00=1===110=0=1==0= 2469.7
2: Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-A 44.5/100 ==0=1==0==0=====11==0=0=1===1=00====0===0=00=0=00=0===0=====0====1=0==============11=0===001=1=0==1= ···································································································· 2469.7

100 games played / Tournament is finished
Name of the tournament: Arena tournament
Site/ Country: RUTH-07E2FB46AF, United States
Level: Blitz 5/1
Hardware: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2000+ 1662 MHz with 992 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
PGN-File: C:\Program Files\Arena\Books\arena.pgn
E-Mail Address:

It is very strange that I such a good result, with lines like this one 1.d4 Na6?

[Event "Arena tournament"]
[Site "RUTH-07E2FB46AF"]
[Date "2009.11.01"]
[Round "99"]
[White "Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-A"]
[Black "Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-B"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B08"]
[Opening "Pirc"]
[Variation "Classical, Spassky System, 6...d5"]
[WhiteElo "2900"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "112"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. d4 Na6 2. e4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 {(Ng8f6 Nb1c3 b7b5 e4e5 b5b4 e5xf6 b4xc3
b2xc3 e7xf6 Bf1d3 Bf8d6)} 4. e5 {(e4e5 Nf6d5 Bf1e2 d7d6 c2c4 Nd5b4 a2a3
Qd8a5)} Nd5 {(Nf6d5 c2c4 Nd5c7 Bf1d3 g7g6 OO Bf8g7 Nb1c3 OO)} 5. c4 {(c2c4
Nd5b6 Nb1c3 d7d6 Bc1e3 d6xe5 Nf3xe5 Nb6d7 f2f4 Nd7xe5 d4xe5 Qd8xd1+ Ra1xd1
Na6b4)} Ndc7 {(Nd5c7 Bf1d3 g7g6 OO Bf8g7 Nb1c3 OO a2a3 Nc7e6)} 6. Bd3
{(Bf1d3 g7g6 Nb1c3 Bf8g7 OO OO Bc1e3 Na6b4 Bd3e4)} g6 {(g7g6 OO Bf8g7 Nb1c3
OO Bc1e3 Na6b4 Bd3e2 c6c5)} 7. Nc3 {(Nb1c3 Bf8g7 OO OO Bc1e3 Na6b4 Bd3b1
d7d5 e5xd6/ep)} Bg7 {(Bf8g7 OO OO Bc1e3 d7d6 e5xd6 e7xd6 a2a3 Nc7e6 Rf1e1)}
8. O-O {(OO OO Qd1b3 Nc7e6 Bc1e3 Qd8b6 Bd3e4 Qb6xb3)} O-O {(OO Bc1e3 d7d6
e5xd6 e7xd6 Qd1b3 Nc7e6 Ra1e1 c6c5)} 9. Be3 {(Bc1e3 d7d5 e5xd6/ep e7xd6
a2a3 Nc7e6 Qd1d2 f7f5)} d6 {(d7d6 e5xd6 e7xd6 a2a3 Nc7e6 Rf1e1 Qd8b6
Nc3a4)} 10. exd6 {(e5xd6 e7xd6 a2a3 Nc7e6 Qd1d2 f7f5 g2g3 Bc8d7 b2b4)} exd6
{(e7xd6 Rf1e1 Nc7e6 a2a3 Qd8b6 Nc3a4 Qb6c7)} 11. a3 {(a2a3 Nc7e6 Qd1d2 f7f5
g2g3 Bc8d7 b2b4 Qd8b6)} Bg4 {(Bc8g4 Bd3e2 Rf8e8 h2h3 Bg4f5 Qd1b3 c6c5)} 12.
Be2 {(Bd3e2 Rf8e8 h2h3 Bg4xf3 Be2xf3 Nc7e6 b2b4 Ne6g5 b4b5)} Re8 {(Rf8e8
h2h3 Bg4d7 Qd1b3 Bd7f5 Rf1e1 b7b6 g2g4)} 13. h3 {(h2h3 Bg4xf3 Be2xf3 Nc7e6
Qd1d2 Qd8h4 Ra1d1 Ra8d8 Bf3g4)} Bf5 {(Bg4f5 Rf1e1 d6d5 Qd1b3 Qd8d7 c4xd5
Nc7xd5 Nc3xd5 Bf5e6 Nd5b6 a7xb6 Qb3xb6 Qd7c7)} 14. Re1 {(Rf1e1 Bg7f6 Qd1b3
Ra8b8 Ra1d1 h7h5)} d5 {(d6d5 Qd1d2 d5xc4 Be2xc4 b7b5 Bc4b3 Bf5e6 Bb3c2
Nc7d5)} 15. Rc1 {(Ra1c1 d5xc4 Be2xc4 Qd8d7 Bc4b3 Bg7f6 Qd1d2 Ra8d8)} dxc4
{(d5xc4 Be2xc4 Qd8d7 Bc4b3 b7b5 Qd1e2 b5b4)} 16. Bxc4 {(Be2xc4 Bf5e6 Bc4b3
Be6xb3 Qd1xb3 Qd8d7 Rc1d1 Nc7d5)} b5 {(b7b5 Bc4d3 Bf5xd3 Qd1xd3 Qd8d7 Qd3d2
Nc7e6 d4d5)} 17. Bd3 {(Bc4d3 Bf5xd3 Qd1xd3 Nc7e6 b2b4 Qd8d7 Nc3e4)} Qd7
{(Qd8d7 Bd3c2 Ra8d8 b2b4 Re8e7 Nc3e2 Nc7d5)} 18. Bf1 {(Bd3f1 b5b4 a3xb4
Na6xb4 g2g4 Bf5e6 Nf3e5 Qd7d6)} h5 {(h7h5 Qd1d2 b5b4 Nc3a4 b4xa3 b2xa3
Nc7b5)} 19. Qd2 {(Qd1d2 Bg7f6 Be3g5 Bf6xg5 Qd2xg5 Re8xe1 Rc1xe1 Ra8e8
Re1xe8+ Qd7xe8 Nf3h4 Bf5c2)} Rad8 {(Ra8d8 Be3g5 Re8xe1 Rc1xe1 Rd8e8 Re1xe8+
Qd7xe8 Qd2e3 Qe8e6)} 20. Bg5 {(Be3g5 f7f6 Bg5e3 g6g5 b2b4 Nc7d5 Bf1d3
Bf5xd3)} Rxe1 {(Re8xe1 Rc1xe1 f7f6 Bg5e3 g6g5 Bf1d3 Rd8e8 Qd2c2 Bf5xd3)}
21. Rxe1 {(Rc1xe1)} f6 {(f7f6 Bg5e3 g6g5 Bf1d3 Rd8e8 Qd2c2 Bf5xd3 Qc2xd3
Nc7d5)} 22. Bh6 {(Bg5h6 Bg7xh6 Qd2xh6 Qd7g7 Qh6c1 Qg7f7 Nc3e4 Bf5xe4 Re1xe4
Rd8d6 Bf1d3)} Bxh6 {(Bg7xh6 Qd2xh6 Qd7g7 Qh6c1 Nc7e6 Bf1d3 Bf5xd3 Re1xe6
b5b4)} 23. Qxh6 {(Qd2xh6 Qd7g7 Qh6c1 Qg7f7 Nc3e4 Bf5xe4 Re1xe4 Rd8d6 Qc1f4
Rd6d7 Qf4c1 Qf7d5)} Qg7 {(Qd7g7 Qh6c1 Qg7f7 Nf3h4 Rd8xd4 Nh4xf5 g6xf5 Qc1e3
Qf7d7)} 24. Qc1 {(Qh6c1 Qg7f7 Nc3e4 Bf5xe4 Re1xe4 Rd8d6 a3a4 Qf7d5 Re4e1)}
Qf7 {(Qg7f7 Nf3h4 Rd8xd4 Nh4xf5 g6xf5 Qc1e3 Qf7d7 Qe3h6 Qd7f7 Bf1e2 h5h4
Re1d1)} 25. Ne4 {(Nc3e4 Bf5xe4 Re1xe4 Rd8d6 a3a4 Rd6e6 Re4xe6 Qf7xe6 a4xb5
c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5 Qc1c2)} Bxe4 {(Bf5xe4 Re1xe4 Rd8d6 a3a4 Rd6e6 Re4xe6
Qf7xe6 a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5)} 26. Rxe4 {(Re1xe4)} Rd6 {(Rd8d6 a3a4 Rd6e6
Re4xe6 Qf7xe6 a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5 Nf3xg5 f6xg5 Qc1xg5+ Kg8f8 Qg5xh5)}
27. a4 {(a3a4 Rd6e6 Re4xe6 Qf7xe6 a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5 Nf3xg5 f6xg5
Qc1xg5+ Kg8f8 Qg5xh5 Qe6e1+)} Re6 {(Rd6e6 Re4xe6 Qf7xe6 a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3
g6g5 Qc1c2 Kg8g7 Qc2d2 Kg7g8 Qd2c3 Kg8g7 Qc3c2)} 28. Rxe6 {(Re4xe6 Qf7xe6
a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5 Nf3xg5 f6xg5 Qc1xg5+ Kg8f8 Qg5xh5 Qe6e1+ Bd3f1
Kf8e7)} Qxe6 {(Qf7xe6)} 29. axb5 {(a4xb5 c6xb5 Bf1d3 g6g5 Qc1d2 Qe6d7 Qd2c3
Kg8g7 Qc3b3 Qd7f7)} cxb5 {(c6xb5)} 30. Bd3 {(Bf1d3 g6g5 Qc1d2 Qe6d7 Qd2c3
Kg8g7 Qc3a3 Qd7e6 Kg1f1)} g5 {(g6g5 Qc1c2 Kg8g7 Bd3g6 h5h4 Bg6d3 Qe6e7)}
31. h4 {(h3h4 g5g4 Nf3h2 Kg8g7 Nh2f1 Qe6b3 Bd3c2 Qb3d5)} g4 {(g5g4 Nf3h2
Qe6d5 Qc1h6 Qd5xd4 Bd3g6 Qd4d5)} 32. Nh2 {(Nf3h2 Kg8g7 Nh2f1 Qe6b3 Bd3e4
Kg7f7 Nf1g3)} Nb4 {(Na6b4 Bd3g6 Qe6d7 Qc1h6 Nb4c6 Bg6xh5 f6f5 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8
Qg6f6+ Kf8g8)} 33. Bg6 {(Bd3g6 Qe6d7 Qc1h6 g4g3 Nh2f3 g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7e6
Bg6f5 Qd7f7 Bf5xe6)} Qd7 {(Qe6d7 Qc1h6 g4g3 Nh2f3 g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7d5 Kf2g1
a7a5 Qh6xh5 Qd7c7)} 34. Qh6 {(Qc1h6 g4g3 Nh2f3 g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7e6 Bg6f5
Qd7f7 Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8)} g3 {(g4g3 Nh2f3 g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7e6
Kf2f1 Nb4d5 g2g3 Ne6c7 Bg6xh5 Qd7g7 Qh6xg7+ Kg8xg7 Kf1f2)} 35. Nf3 {(Nh2f3
g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7e6 Bg6f5 Qd7f7 Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4)}
gxf2+ {(g3xf2+ Kg1xf2 Nc7e6 Kf2f1 Nb4d5 g2g3 Ne6c7 Bg6xh5 Qd7g7 Qh6xg7+
Kg8xg7 Kf1f2 a7a5)} 36. Kxf2 {(Kg1xf2 Nc7e6 Bg6f5 Qd7f7 Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6
Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+ Kf8e8)} Ne6 {(Nc7e6 Bg6f5 Qd7f7 Bf5xe6
Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+ Kf8e8 Kf2g3 Nb4d3)} 37. Bf5 {(Bg6f5
Qd7f7 Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+ Kf8e8 Kf2g3 Nb4c6)}
Qf7 {(Qd7f7 Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+ Kf8e8 Ng5f3
Qc4d5 Kf2g3)} 38. Bxe6 {(Bf5xe6 Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+
Kf8e8 Kf2g3 Nb4c6 Qf6g6+ Ke8d7 Qg6f5+ Kd7c7)} Qxe6 {(Qf7xe6 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8
Nf3g5 Qe6c4 Qg6xf6+ Kf8e8 Ng5f3 Nb4d3+ Kf2g3 a7a5 Qf6f5 Ke8d8)} 39. Qg6+
{(Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Nf3g5 Nb4d3+ Qg6xd3 f6xg5 h4xg5 a7a6 Qd3e2 Qe6g6 Qe2f3+
Kf8e8 Qf3a8+ Ke8e7)} Kf8 {(Kg8f8)} 40. Ng5 {(Nf3g5 Nb4d3+ Qg6xd3 f6xg5
h4xg5 a7a6 Qd3e2 Qe6g6 Qe2f3+ Kf8e8 Qf3a8+ Ke8e7 Qa8b7+ Ke7f8)} Nd3+
{(Nb4d3+ Qg6xd3 f6xg5 h4xg5 a7a6 Qd3e2 Qe6g6 Qe2f3+ Kf8e7 Qf3b7+ Ke7e8
Qb7c8+ Ke8e7 Qc8c7+)} 41. Qxd3 {(Qg6xd3)} fxg5 {(f6xg5 h4xg5 a7a6 Qd3e2
Qe6g6 Qe2f3+ Kf8e7 Qf3b7+ Ke7e8 Qb7c8+ Ke8e7 Qc8c7+ Ke7e6 Qc7e5+)} 42. hxg5
{(h4xg5 b5b4 Qd3h7 Qe6g4 Qh7h8+ Kf8f7 Qh8f6+ Kf7g8 Qf6e5 Qg4h4+ Kf2g1
a7a5)} a6 {(a7a6 Qd3e3 Qe6d7 Qe3e4 Kf8g7 Qe4e5+ Kg7g6 Qe5f6+ Kg6h7 Kf2e3
Qd7d5 g5g6+ Kh7g8)} 43. Qe3 {(Qd3e3 Qe6d7 Qe3e4 Qd7d8 Qe4e5 Kf8f7 d4d5
Kf7g6 d5d6)} Qd7 {(Qe6d7 Qe3e4 Kf8g7 Kf2g3 Qd7f7 Kg3h4 b5b4 Qe4e5+ Kg7g8
Qe5b8+ Kg8g7)} 44. Qe4 {(Qe3e4 Qd7d8 Qe4e5 Kf8f7 Kf2g3 Qd8d7 Qe5f6+ Kf7g8
Qf6g6+ Kg8f8)} Qd8 {(Qd7d8 Qe4e5 Kf8f7 Kf2g3 Qd8d7 Qe5f6+ Kf7g8 Qf6g6+
Kg8f8 Qg6e4 Kf8g7 Kg3h4 Qd7f7 d4d5)} 45. Qe5 {(Qe4e5 Kf8f7 Kf2g3 Qd8d7
Qe5e4 Kf7g7 Kg3h4 Qd7f7)} Kf7 {(Kf8f7 Kf2g3 Qd8d7 Qe5f6+ Kf7g8 Qf6g6+ Kg8f8
Qg6e4 Kf8g7 Kg3h4 Qd7f7 d4d5)} 46. Kg3 {(Kf2g3 Qd8c8 Qe5e4 a6a5 Kg3h4 Qc8c1
Qe4f5+ Kf7g7)} Qd7 {(Qd8d7 Qe5e4 Kf7g7 Kg3h4 Qd7d8 Kh4xh5 Qd8h8+ Kh5g4
Qh8c8+ Qe4f5)} 47. Qe4 {(Qe5e4 Kf7g7 Kg3h4 Qd7f7 d4d5 Qf7f1 Kh4xh5 Qf1h1+
Kh5g4 Qh1d1+ Kg4h4)} Kg7 {(Kf7g7 Kg3h4 Qd7f7 d4d5 Qf7f1 Kh4xh5 Qf1h1+ Kh5g4
Qh1d1+ Kg4g3 Qd1b3+ Kg3f4)} 48. Kh4 {(Kg3h4 Qd7f7 d4d5 Qf7f1 Kh4xh5 Qf1h1+
Kh5g4 Qh1d1+ Kg4h4 Qd1d2 b2b4)} Qf7 {(Qd7f7 d4d5 Qf7f1 Kh4xh5 Qf1h1+ Kh5g4
Qh1d1+ Kg4g3 Qd1b3+ Kg3f4)} 49. Qe5+ {(Qe4e5+ Kg7g8 Qe5f6 Qf7e8 g5g6 Qe8d7
Kh4xh5 a6a5 Qf6f7+ Qd7xf7 g6xf7+ Kg8g7 g2g4)} Kg8 {(Kg7g8 Qe5f6 Qf7d7
Kh4xh5 a6a5 g5g6 a5a4 Qf6f7+ Qd7xf7 g6xf7+ Kg8xf7 g2g4 Kf7e6 g4g5)} 50. Qf6
{(Qe5f6 Qf7d7 Kh4xh5 Qd7h7+ Qf6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6g6+ Kg8h8 Qg6xa6 Qd7c7 Qa6f6+
Kh8g8 Qf6e6+ Kg8f8)} Qd7 {(Qf7d7 Kh4xh5 Qd7h7+ Qf6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6xa6 Kg8f8
Qa6h6+ Kf8g8 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Qg6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6)} 51. Kxh5 {(Kh4xh5 Qd7h7+
Qf6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6xa6 Qd7h7+ Qa6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Qg6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6 b5b4)}
Qh7+ {(Qd7h7+ Qf6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6xa6 Kg8f8 Qa6h6+ Kf8g8 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Qg6f6+
Kf8g8 g5g6)} 52. Qh6 {(Qf6h6)} Qd7 {(Qh7d7 Qh6xa6 Kg8f8 Qa6h6+ Kf8g8 Qh6g6+
Kg8f8 Qg6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6)} 53. Qxa6 {(Qh6xa6 Qd7h7+ Qa6h6 Qh7d7 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8
Qg6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6)} Kf8 {(Kg8f8 Qa6h6+ Kf8g8 Qh6g6+ Kg8f8 Qg6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6
b5b4 Kh5h6 Qd7c7 Qf6e6+)} 54. Qf6+ {(Qa6f6+ Kf8g8 g5g6 Qd7c7 Qf6e6+ Kg8f8
Qe6f5+ Kf8g8 Qf5d5+ Kg8h8 Qd5e5+ Qc7xe5+ d4xe5 Kh8g7)} Kg8 {(Kf8g8 g5g6
Qd7e8 Qf6e5 Qe8f8 Qe5e6+ Kg8g7 Qe6d7+ Kg7f6 Qd7c6+ Kf6e7 Qc6c5+ Ke7e8
Qc5xb5+)} 55. g6 {(g5g6 Qd7e8 Qf6e5 Qe8f8 Qe5e6+ Kg8g7 Qe6d7+ Kg7f6 Qd7c6+
Kf6e7 Qc6c5+ Ke7e8 Qc5xb5+ Ke8d8)} Qe8 {(Qd7e8 Qf6e5 Qe8f8 Qe5e6+ Kg8g7
Qe6d7+ Kg7f6 Qd7c6+ Kf6e7 Qc6c5+ Ke7e8 Qc5xb5+ Ke8d8 Qb5b8+)} 56. Qe5
{(Qf6e5 Qe8f8 Qe5e6+ Kg8g7 Qe6d7+ Kg7f6 Qd7c6+ Kf6e7 Qc6c5+ Ke7e8 Qc5xb5+
Ke8d8 Qb5b8+ Kd8e7)} Qf8 {(Qe8f8 Qe5e6+ Kg8g7 Qe6d7+ Kg7f6 Qd7c6+ Kf6e7
Qc6c5+ Ke7e8 Qc5xb5+ Ke8d8 Qb5b8+ Kd8e7 Qb8b4+)} 57. ... {1-0 Arena
Adjudication} 1-0

[Event "Arena tournament"]
[Site "RUTH-07E2FB46AF"]
[Date "2009.11.01"]
[Round "100"]
[White "Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-B"]
[Black "Rybka v2.3.2a.w32-A"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "2900"]
[ECO "D35"]
[Opening "QGD"]
[Variation "Exchange, 4...Nxd5"]
[TimeControl "300+1"]
[Termination "normal"]
[PlyCount "150"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. d4 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. c4 Nc6 {(Nb8c6 Nb1c3 Bc8f5 Ng1f3 e7e6 c4xd5 Nf6xd5
Qd1b3 Bf8b4)} 4. cxd5 {(c4xd5 Nf6xd5 Ng1f3 Bc8g4 Qd1b3 Qd8d6 Nb1c3 OOO
Nc3xd5 Qd6xd5 Qb3xd5 Rd8xd5 Bf1c4)} Nxd5 {(Nf6xd5 Ng1f3 e7e6 Nb1c3 Bf8d6
Bf1c4 OO OO Nd5xc3)} 5. Nf3 {(Ng1f3 e7e6 Nb1c3 Bf8b4 Bc1d2 OO Bf1b5 Bb4d6
OO)} e6 {(e7e6 Nb1c3 Bf8d6 e3e4 Nd5xc3 b2xc3 OO Bf1d3 f7f6 OO)} 6. Nc3
{(Nb1c3 Bf8d6 e3e4 Nd5xc3 b2xc3 f7f6 Bf1d3 OO OO)} Bd6 {(Bf8d6 e3e4 Nd5xc3
b2xc3 f7f6 Bf1d3 OO OO Bc8d7)} 7. e4 {(e3e4 Nd5xc3 b2xc3 f7f6 Bf1d3 OO OO
Bc8d7 Ra1b1)} Nxc3 {(Nd5xc3 b2xc3 OO Bf1d3 b7b6 OO Bc8b7 Ra1b1 Qd8d7 e4e5)}
8. bxc3 {(b2xc3)} f6 {(f7f6 Bf1d3 OO Qd1c2 e6e5 d4d5 Nc6a5 OO Bc8d7)} 9.
Bd3 {(Bf1d3 OO OO Qd8e8 Ra1b1 a7a6 Bc1e3 Qe8h5 h2h3)} O-O {(OO Qd1c2 e6e5
d4d5 Nc6a5 OO Bc8d7 Bc1e3)} 10. O-O {(OO Qd8e8 Ra1b1 a7a6 h2h3 Ra8b8 Rf1e1
Qe8h5 d4d5)} Qe8 {(Qd8e8 Ra1b1 a7a6 Bc1e3 b7b6 Rf1e1 Bc8b7)} 11. Rb1
{(Ra1b1 a7a6 h2h3 Ra8b8 Rf1e1 Qe8h5 d4d5 Nc6e7)} a6 {(a7a6 Bc1e3 b7b6 Nf3d2
Nc6a5 e4e5 f6xe5 Nd2e4)} 12. h3 {(h2h3 Ra8b8 Rf1e1 Qe8h5 c3c4 b7b6 c4c5)}
Qh5 {(Qe8h5 Bc1e3 Ra8b8 c3c4 b7b6 Bd3e2 Qh5a5)} 13. c4 {(c3c4 Bd6e7 c4c5
Rf8d8 Bc1e3 a6a5 Qd1b3 Qh5g6 a2a3)} Rd8 {(Rf8d8 c4c5 Bd6e7 Bc1e3 a6a5 Qd1b3
Qh5f7 a2a3)} 14. c5 {(c4c5 Bd6e7 Bc1e3 a6a5 a2a3 a5a4 Qd1c2 Nc6a5 Qc2c3)}
Be7 {(Bd6e7 Bc1e3 Ra8b8 Qd1c2 Bc8d7 Qc2c3 b7b5 c5xb6/ep)} 15. Be3 {(Bc1e3
Ra8b8 Qd1c2 Bc8d7 Bd3e2 Qh5f7 Be3f4 Rd8c8)} Rb8 {(Ra8b8 Qd1c2 Bc8d7 Bd3c4
Kg8h8 Qc2c3 Qh5g6 e4e5)} 16. Qc2 {(Qd1c2 Bc8d7 Bd3e2 b7b5 c5xb6/ep Rb8xb6
Be3f4 Nc6b4)} Bd7 {(Bc8d7 Bd3e2 b7b5 c5xb6/ep c7xb6 Be3f4 Nc6b4 Qc2d2)} 17.
Be2 {(Bd3e2 b7b5 c5xb6/ep Rb8xb6 Be3f4 Qh5g6 Bf4xc7 Rb6xb1 Qc2xb1 Rd8c8)}
Qg6 {(Qh5g6 Be3f4 Rd8c8 Qc2d3 Nc6d8 Qd3e3 Bd7c6 d4d5)} 18. Bf4 {(Be3f4
Rd8c8 Be2c4 Nc6a5 Bc4d3 b7b5)} Rdc8 {(Rd8c8 Qc2d3 Nc6d8 Qd3e3 Bd7c6 d4d5
e6e5)} 19. Qd3 {(Qc2d3 e6e5 d4xe5 Bd7e6 Qd3e3 Be6xa2 Rb1d1 b7b6)} a5 {(a6a5
a2a3 Nc6d8 Qd3c2 Nd8c6 Be2d3 Qg6f7 Bd3c4 b7b5 c5xb6/ep)} 20. Qe3 {(Qd3e3
Qg6f7 Qe3d2 g7g5 Bf4g3 h7h5 Be2c4)} Kh8 {(Kg8h8 a2a3 a5a4 Rf1d1 Kh8g8
Be2d3)} 21. Rfc1 {(Rf1c1 f6f5 e4xf5 Qg6xf5 Be2d3 Qf5d5 a2a3 Be7f6)} f5
{(f6f5 e4xf5 Qg6xf5 Be2d3 Qf5d5 Rb1b2 Be7f6)} 22. exf5 {(e4xf5 Qg6xf5 Be2d3
Qf5d5 Rb1b3 Be7f6 Bd3e4 Qd5h5)} Qxf5 {(Qg6xf5 Be2d3 Qf5h5 Rb1b5 Be7f6 Rc1b1
Qh5d5)} 23. Bd3 {(Be2d3 Qf5h5 Rb1b5 Be7f6 a2a3 Qh5d5 Bd3e4)} Qh5 {(Qf5h5
Rb1b5 Be7f6 Bd3c4 Qh5f5 g2g4)} 24. Rb5 {(Rb1b5 Be7f6 a2a3 Qh5d5 Bd3e4 Qd5a2
Rc1b1 Nc6b4)} Bf6 {(Be7f6 Bd3c4 Qh5f5 g2g4 Qf5g6 Bc4d3)} 25. a3 {(a2a3
Qh5d5 Bd3e4 Qd5a2 Rc1b1 Nc6b4 Rb5xa5)} Be8 {(Bd7e8 Rc1b1 Qh5d5 Bd3e4 Qd5c4
Qe3b3 Qc4xb3)} 26. Be2 {(Bd3e2 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Qe3d2 Bd4xf2+ Kg1xf2
Qh5f7 c5c6 Be8xc6 Rb5xa5 Rc8f8)} Qd5 {(Qh5d5 Be2c4 Qd5d8 Qe3xe6 Be8h5 d4d5
Bh5xf3 d5xc6)} 27. Bc4 {(Be2c4 Qd5d8 Qe3xe6 Be8h5 d4d5)} Qd8 {(Qd5d8 Qe3xe6
Be8d7 Qe6e3 Qd8f8 Qe3d2 Qf8e8 Rc1e1 Qe8g6)} 28. Qxe6 {(Qe3xe6 Be8d7 Qe6e4
Qd8f8 Bc4d3 g7g6 d4d5 Rc8e8)} Bh5 {(Be8h5 g2g4 Bh5g6 d4d5 Nc6d4 Nf3xd4
Bf6xd4 Rc1d1 Bd4f6)} 29. g4 {(g2g4 Bh5g6 d4d5 Nc6d4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Rc1d1
Bd4c3 Qe6e3)} Bg6 {(Bh5g6 d4d5 Nc6d4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Rc1d1 Bd4f6 Bc4d3 Bg6xd3
Rd1xd3 a5a4)} 30. d5 {(d4d5 Nc6d4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Rc1d1 c7c6 d5xc6 Bd4xf2+
Kg1xf2 Qd8xd1 Rb5xb7 Qd1d4+ Qe6e3)} Nd4 {(Nc6d4 Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Rc1d1 c7c6
d5xc6 Bd4xf2+ Kg1xf2 Qd8xd1 Rb5xb7 Qd1d4+ Qe6e3 Qd4xe3+ Bf4xe3)} 31. Nxd4
{(Nf3xd4 Bf6xd4 Rc1d1 Bd4xf2+ Kg1xf2 Qd8h4+ Kf2g2 Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7
Qd8xc7 Qe6d6)} Bxd4 {(Bf6xd4)} 32. Rd1 {(Rc1d1 Bd4xf2+ Kg1xf2 Qd8h4+ Kf2g2
Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7 Qd8xc7 Qe6d6 Qc7xd6 c5xd6 b7b6)} Bxf2+ {(Bd4xf2+
Kg1xf2 Qd8h4+ Kf2g2 Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7 Qd8xc7 Qe6d6 Qc7xd6 c5xd6
Rb8d8 Rb5xb7)} 33. Kxf2 {(Kg1xf2 Qd8h4+ Kf2g2 Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7
Qd8xc7 Qe6d6 Qc7xd6 c5xd6 b7b6 d6d7 Re8d8)} Qh4+ {(Qd8h4+)} 34. Kg2 {(Kf2g2
Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7 Qd8xc7 Qe6d6 Qc7xd6 c5xd6 b7b6 d6d7 Re8d8 d5d6
Bg6e4+)} Re8 {(Rc8e8 Bf4g3 Qh4g5 Qe6d7 Re8e7 Rb5xb7 Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+ Rd7d8
Rb8xd8+ Qg5xd8 d5d6 c7xd6)} 35. Bg3 {(Bf4g3 Qh4d8 Bg3xc7 Qd8xc7 Qe6d6
Qc7xd6 c5xd6 b7b6 d6d7 Re8d8 d5d6 Bg6e4+ Kg2g3 Be4c6)} Qg5 {(Qh4g5 Qe6d7
Re8e7 Rb5xb7 Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+ Rd7d8 Rb8xd8+ Qg5xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6 Bg6e4+
Kg2h2)} 36. Qd7 {(Qe6d7 Re8e7 Rb5xb7 Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+ Rd7d8 Rb8xd8+ Qg5xd8
d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6 Bg6e8 Rd1f1 Be8c6+)} Re7 {(Re8e7 Rb5xb7 Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+
Rd7d8 Bg3f4 Qg5f6 Rb8xd8+ Qf6xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 Rd1xd6 Qd8e7)} 37. Rxb7
{(Rb5xb7 Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+ Rd7d8 Bg3f4 Qg5e7 Rb8xd8+ Qe7xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6
Qd8d7 Rd1c1 h7h5)} Rxd7 {(Re7xd7 Rb7xb8+ Rd7d8 Bg3f4 Qg5f6 Rb8xd8+ Qf6xd8
d5d6 c7xd6 Rd1xd6 Qd8e7 c5c6 Qe7e4+ Kg2g1)} 38. Rxb8+ {(Rb7xb8+)} Rd8
{(Rd7d8)} 39. Bf4 {(Bg3f4 Qg5e7 Rb8xd8+ Qe7xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6 Qd8d7 Rd1c1
h7h5 Kg2g3)} Qf6 {(Qg5f6 Rb8xd8+ Qf6xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6 Qd8d7 Rd1c1 h7h5
Kg2g3 h5xg4 h3xg4 Bg6f7)} 40. Rxd8+ {(Rb8xd8+ Qf6xd8 d5d6 c7xd6 c5xd6 Qd8d7
Rd1c1 h7h5 Kg2g3 h5xg4 h3xg4 Bg6f7 Bc4a6)} Qxd8 {(Qf6xd8)} 41. d6 {(d5d6
c7xd6 c5xd6 Qd8d7 Rd1c1 h7h5 Kg2g3 h5xg4 h3xg4 Bg6f7 Bc4a6 Qd7a4)} cxd6
{(c7xd6 c5xd6 Qd8d7 Rd1c1 h7h5 Kg2g3 h5xg4 h3xg4 Bg6f7)} 42. cxd6 {(c5xd6
Qd8d7 Rd1c1 h7h5 Kg2g3 h5xg4 h3xg4 Bg6f7 Bc4a6 Qd7a4)} Qd7 {(Qd8d7 Rd1c1
Bg6e4+ Kg2g3 Qd7a4 Bc4d3 Be4b7 Bf4e5)} 43. Rc1 {(Rd1c1 h7h5 Bc4e2 Qd7b7+
Kg2f2 h5xg4 Be2xg4 Qb7b2+ Kf2g3 Qb2xa3+ Kg3h4 Kh8h7)} h5 {(h7h5 Kg2g3 Qd7a4
g4xh5 Qa4xa3+ Kg3g4 Bg6e4 Bc4e6)} 44. Be2 {(Bc4e2 Qd7b7+ Kg2f2 Qb7b6+ Kf2f1
Qb6d4 Rc1c4 Qd4d5 Rc4c7)} Qb7+ {(Qd7b7+ Kg2g3 h5h4+ Kg3f2 Qb7b2 Kf2e1)} 45.
Kf2 {(Kg2f2 Qb7b6+ Kf2f1 Qb6d4 Rc1c4 Qd4d5 Rc4c7 Qd5d4)} h4 {(h5h4 Rc1c7
Qb7b6+ Kf2f1 Qb6b1+ Rc7c1 Qb1b7 Kf1f2 Qb7b2 Kf2e1)} 46. Rc7 {(Rc1c7 Qb7b6+
Kf2f1 Qb6b1+ Rc7c1 Qb1e4 Rc1c8+ Kh8h7)} Qb6+ {(Qb7b6+ Kf2f1 Qb6b1+ Rc7c1
Qb1b7 Rc1c3 Qb7h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Rc3c4 Bg6d3 Be2xd3 Qd5xd3)} 47. Kf1 {(Kf2f1
Qb6b1+ Rc7c1 Qb1e4 Rc1c4 Qe4h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 Rc4c8+ Kg8h7
Rc8c4)} Qb1+ {(Qb6b1+ Rc7c1 Qb1b7 Rc1c3 Qb7h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Rc3c4 Bg6d3
Be2xd3 Qd5xd3 Rc4c7 Qd3d4+ Kf2f3)} 48. Rc1 {(Rc7c1 Qb1e4 Rc1c4 Qe4h1+ Kf1f2
Qh1d5 Kf2e3 Qd5e6+ Ke3d2 Qe6d5+ Kd2e3 Qd5e6+ Ke3d2 Qe6d5+)} Qb7 {(Qb1b7
Rc1c3 Qb7h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Rc3c4 Bg6d3 Be2xd3 Qd5xd3 Rc4c7 Qd3d4+ Kf2f3
Qd4d3+ Kf3f2)} 49. Rc3 {(Rc1c3 Qb7h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Bf4h2 Qd5d4+ Rc3e3 Bg6e4
Be2f3 Be4xf3 Kf2xf3 Qd4d5+ Kf3f2)} Qh1+ {(Qb7h1+ Kf1f2 Qh1d5 Rc3c8+ Kh8h7
Be2c4 Qd5d4+ Bf4e3 Qd4xd6 Bc4g8+ Kh7h8 Bg8c4+ Kh8h7 Bc4g8+)} 50. Kf2
{(Kf1f2)} Qd5 {(Qh1d5 Rc3c8+ Kh8h7 Be2c4 Qd5d4+ Bf4e3 Qd4xd6 Bc4g8+ Kh7h8
Bg8c4+ Kh8h7 Bc4g8+ Kh7h8 Bg8c4+)} 51. Bh2 {(Bf4h2 Qd5d4+ Rc3e3 Bg6e4 Bh2f4
Kh8g8 Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2c2)} Qd4+ {(Qd5d4+ Rc3e3 Bg6e4
Bh2f4 Kh8g8 d6d7 Be4c6 Bf4g5 Qd4xd7 Bg5xh4 Qd7d5)} 52. Re3 {(Rc3e3)} Be4
{(Bg6e4 Bh2f4 Kh8g8 Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Qb2d4 Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Qb2d4 Be2b5
Qd4b2+ Bb5e2)} 53. Bf4 {(Bh2f4 Kh8g8 Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2c2
Re3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3e3)} Kg8 {(Kh8g8 Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2a2 Kf2e1
Kg8f8 Re3c3)} 54. Bb5 {(Be2b5 Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2c2 Re3c3 Qc2e4
Rc3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8)} Qb2+ {(Qd4b2+ Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2a2 Kf2e1
Kg8f8 Re3c3 Qa2d5 Rc3e3)} 55. Be2 {(Bb5e2 Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2c2 Kf2e1 Qc2b1+
Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Kg8f8 Re3d3 Qa2e6 Rd3e3 Qe6f7)} Bc6 {(Be4c6 Bf4e5 Qb2a2
Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Re3c3 Qa2d5 Rc3e3 Qd5g2 Ke1d1)} 56. Be5 {(Bf4e5 Qb2c2 Kf2e1
Qc2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Kg8f8 Re3d3 Qa2e6 Rd3e3 Qe6f7 Re3c3 Qf7d5)} Qd2
{(Qb2d2 Re3d3 Qd2c2 Rd3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 Kf8f7)} 57.
Rd3 {(Re3d3 Qd2c2 Rd3e3 Kg8f7 Re3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kf7f8 Ke1d1
Kf8f7)} Qc2 {(Qd2c2 Rd3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1
Qd5g2 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1)} 58. Re3 {(Rd3e3 Kg8f7 Kf2e1 Qc2c1+ Ke1f2 Qc1c5
Be2d3 Kf7f8 Bd3f5 Qc5c1)} Kf8 {(Kg8f8 Re3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3f3+ Kf8g8 Rf3e3 Qe4g2+
Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 Qd5g2 Ke1d1)} 59. Rc3 {(Re3c3 Qc2e4 Rc3f3+
Kf8g8 Rf3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 a5a4 Kd1e1 Qg2d5 Be2f3 Qd5c5)} Qe4
{(Qc2e4 Rc3f3+ Kf8g8 Rf3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 Qd5g2
Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1)} 60. Rf3+ {(Rc3f3+ Kf8g8 Rf3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1
a5a4 Be5c3 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 g7g5 Bc3b4)} Kg8 {(Kf8g8 Rf3e3 Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8
Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 Qd5g2 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 Qd5g2 Ke1d1)} 61. Re3 {(Rf3e3
Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 g7g5 Ke1f2 Qd5g2+ Kf2e1 a5a4 Be2d3
Qg2h1+)} Qg2+ {(Qe4g2+ Kf2e1 Kg8f8 Be2c4 Qg2c2 Be5c3 Qc2c1+ Ke1f2 Qc1h1
Bc3e5 a5a4)} 62. Ke1 {(Kf2e1)} Kf8 {(Kg8f8 Be2c4 Qg2c2 Be5c3 Qc2c1+ Ke1f2
Qc1h1 Bc3e5 a5a4 Bc4d3 Qh1d5)} 63. Kd1 {(Ke1d1 Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 g7g5 Ke1f2 a5a4
Kf2e1 Kf8f7 Be2d3 Qd5g2 Be5d4)} Qd5+ {(Qg2d5+ Kd1e1 Qd5c5 Ke1d2 Qc5d5+
Kd2c3 Qd5a2 Kc3d4 Qa2d2+ Be2d3 Qd2b2+)} 64. Ke1 {(Kd1e1 g7g5 Ke1f2 a5a4
Kf2e1 Kf8f7 Ke1f2 Qd5g2+ Kf2e1 Qg2h1+ Ke1d2 Kf7e6)} Qc5 {(Qd5c5 Ke1d2 g7g5
Be2a6 Qc5d5+ Kd2c3 Qd5d1 Ba6c4 Qd1a4)} 65. Kf2 {(Ke1f2 Kf8f7 Be2d3 g7g5
Bd3f5 Qc5d5 Bf5d3 Qd5a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2d5 Ke1f2 Qd5a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2d5)} g5 {(g7g5
Be2f1 Qc5c2+ Bf1e2 Bc6b5 Be5f6 Bb5xe2 Re3xe2 Qc2c5+ Re2e3)} 66. Ba6 {(Be2a6
Bc6b5 Ba6xb5 Qc5xb5 Be5f6 Qb5d5 Bf6d8 a5a4 Bd8c7)} Bb5 {(Bc6b5 Ba6xb5
Qc5xb5 Be5f6 Qb5d5 Bf6d8 Kf8f7 Bd8c7 Qd5c5 Kf2f3)} 67. Bxb5 {(Ba6xb5 Qc5xb5
Be5f6 Qb5d5 d6d7 Qd5d2+ Kf2f3 Qd2xd7 Bf6xg5 Qd7d5+ Kf3f4 Qd5f7+ Kf4e5
Qf7c7+)} Qxb5 {(Qc5xb5 Be5f6 Kf8g8 d6d7 Qb5xd7 Bf6xg5 Qd7d2+ Kf2f1 Qd2d1+
Kf1f2 Qd1c2+ Kf2f3 Qc2h2 Kf3e4)} 68. Bf6 {(Be5f6 Qb5d5 d6d7 Qd5d2+ Kf2f3
Qd2xd7 Bf6xg5 Qd7d5+ Kf3f4 Qd5f7+ Kf4e5 Qf7c7+ Ke5d5 Qc7b6)} Kg8 {(Kf8g8
d6d7 Qb5xd7 Bf6xg5 Qd7d2+ Kf2f1 Qd2d1+ Kf1f2 Qd1c2+ Kf2f3 Qc2h2 Kf3e4
Qh2g2+ Re3f3)} 69. Re7 {(Re3e7 Qb5c6 a3a4 Qc6b6+ Kf2e2 Qb6a6+ Ke2f2 Qa6xd6
Re7g7+ Kg8f8 Bf6e7+ Qd6xe7 Rg7xe7 Kf8xe7)} Qc5+ {(Qb5c5+ Kf2e2 Qc5c2+ Ke2e3
Qc2b3+ Ke3e4 Qb3xh3 d6d7 Qh3xg4+ Ke4e5 Qg4f4+ Ke5e6 Qf4g4+ Ke6e5)} 70. Ke2
{(Kf2e2 Qc5c2+ Ke2e1 Qc2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1
Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+)} Qc2+ {(Qc5c2+ Ke2e3 Qc2b3+ Ke3e4 Qb3xh3 d6d7 Qh3xg4+
Ke4e5 Qg4f4+ Ke5e6 Qf4g4+ Ke6e5 Qg4f4+ Ke5e6)} 71. Ke1 {(Ke2e1 Qc2b1+ Ke1d2
Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+)}
Qb1+ {(Qc2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2xa3 d6d7 Qa3g3+ Ke1d2 Qg3g2+ Kd2c1
Qg2f1+ Kc1c2 Qf1g2+ Kc2b3)} 72. Kd2 {(Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2
Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+)} Qa2+ {(Qb1a2+
Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2
Qb1a2+ Kf2e1)} 73. Ke1 {(Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2
Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+)} Qb1+ {(Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+
Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2)}
74. Kd2 {(Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+
Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+)} Qa2+ {(Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1
Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1)} 75. Ke1 {(Kd2e1
Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+ Kd2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1d2 Qb1a2+
Kd2e1 Qa2b1+)} Qb1+ {(Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1
Qa2b1+ Ke1f2 Qb1a2+ Kf2e1 Qa2b1+ Ke1f2) 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2
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Dr.Wael Deeb
Posts: 9773
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:44 pm
Location: Amman,Jordan

Re: It is strange that I got such a good result.............

Post by Dr.Wael Deeb »

I've said it and I am saying it now....if you want a good .abk book,you have to hand tune it line by line,move by move....
All the other methods are pure speculation....
_No one can hit as hard as life.But it ain’t about how hard you can hit.It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.How much you can take and keep moving forward….
Posts: 2564
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:04 am

Re: It is strange that I got such a good result.............

Post by pichy »

Dr.Wael Deeb wrote:I've said it and I am saying it now....if you want a good .abk book,you have to hand tune it line by line,move by move....
All the other methods are pure speculation....
That is true, but for strong engines like Rybka, Naum, Shredder, Fritz, and Deep Sjeng my test proved that long opening books of over 12 moves is unnecessary, and it do more harm than good if the time control in over 5' + 1''.