Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

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Full name: Kai Laskos

Re: Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by Laskos »

Laskos wrote:
At 5x time control the White performance increased from 62% to 71%, and this, 5x longer time control, is still short. My hardware is weak compared to Pal's. It is probable that at LTC & strong hardware the White performance is >80% in this position.

Pal, my opinion is that it would be better to remove the games 85 & 86 (and the position).

Even worse, here is the summary for different TC, engines on 1 core:

2s + 0.2s ____62% White perf.
10s + 1s ____71% White perf.
30s + 3s ____76% White perf.

Your TC is 50 times longer than 30s + 3s, your hardware 10 faster, totally a factor of 500. With that steady pace of increasing White performance with time, I bet the games 85 & 86 were >95% won for White from the opening position, for both Houdini and Rybka. These games should be removed (the position too).

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Re: Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by Houdini »

Laskos wrote:Even worse, here is the summary for different TC, engines on 1 core:

2s + 0.2s ____62% White perf.
10s + 1s ____71% White perf.
30s + 3s ____76% White perf.

Your TC is 50 times longer than 30s + 3s, your hardware 10 faster, totally a factor of 500. With that steady pace of increasing White performance with time, I bet the games 85 & 86 were >95% won for White from the opening position, for both Houdini and Rybka. These games should be removed (the position too).

Thorough analysis, thanks!
All the more surprising that Rybka nearly managed to draw with black.

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Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Hi Kai.

Unfortunately, with 4,000 positions in the file, there is no way for me to assess them before they are used. I had thought that they were all tested since Bob Hyatt put them on his site, and apparently used them for testing himself (I think).

I do not think that I should start to "remove results" based on the opinions of whether a position is "balanced enough". It is too subjective (even though you did test) and would only cause problems. If a few positions are truly favorable to one side or the other then both getting a win\loss seems ok.

The alternative would be difficult to manage since the GUI does not take these "removals" into account, so a 100 game match would end and you may have only 85 or 90 games played. Then if you restart a match to get the extra games, some "random" position that was used could be used again. I would also have to remember to change the W-L numbers by hand as I report them to remove the "adjustments", an error-prone process.

Take care
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Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Hi Charles.

That would be interesting. I do have a few "older" ones laying around but I do not have another pc equal to the one that I am using for the match. Maybe in the future if I have 2 that are "close enough" I will give it a try.

Take care
Posts: 880
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Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Game 87  -  Draw

[Event ""]
[Site "ChessPalace"]
[Date "2011.02.01"]
[Round "44.1"]
[White "Rybka_4"]
[Black "Houdini_1.5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Time "12:20:31 AM"]
[TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:1800+10"]
[PlyCount "189"]
[Number "87"]
[Termination "3-fold rep"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
[Variant "normal"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rqb1k2r/1p2bppp/p1nppn2/1N6/4PP2/2NBBQ2/PPP3PP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1"]

[D] rqb1k2r/1p2bppp/p1nppn2/1N6/4PP2/2NBBQ2/PPP3PP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1

{ I7 920 x64 }
1.Nd4 {[%eval 17,20] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 1:56:36]} O-O {[%eval 8,24] [%emt 00:03:37] [%clk 1:56:22]}
2.O-O {[%eval 20,19] [%emt 00:04:39] [%clk 1:51:56]} e5 {[%eval 5,23] [%emt 00:03:46] [%clk 1:52:35]}
3.Nf5 {[%eval 15,19] [%emt 00:06:11] [%clk 1:45:45]} Bxf5 {[%eval 8,25] [%emt 00:08:32] [%clk 1:44:03]}
4.exf5 {[%eval 15,16] [%emt 00:00:45] [%clk 1:44:59]} exf4 {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:04:48] [%clk 1:39:15]}
5.Bxf4 {[%eval 15,20] [%emt 00:02:43] [%clk 1:42:16]} Re8 {[%eval 8,24] [%emt 00:02:09] [%clk 1:37:06]}
6.Kh1 {[%eval 13,20] [%emt 00:06:42] [%clk 1:35:34]} Ne5 {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:12:32] [%clk 1:24:33]}
7.Qg3 {[%eval 15,19] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 1:32:10]} b5 {[%eval 6,24] [%emt 00:05:05] [%clk 1:19:28]}
8.Be2 {[%eval 10,20] [%emt 00:05:16] [%clk 1:26:54]} b4 {[%eval -8,25] [%emt 00:11:43] [%clk 1:07:45]}
9.Na4 {[%eval 11,19] [%emt 00:02:29] [%clk 1:24:24]} Qb7 {[%eval -10,23] [%emt 00:01:54] [%clk 1:05:51]}
10.Qb3 {[%eval 8,19] [%emt 00:03:33] [%clk 1:20:50]} Rab8 {[%eval -14,23] [%emt 00:03:02] [%clk 1:02:49]}
11.c4 {[%eval 0,19] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 1:17:27]} Bf8 {[%eval -12,23] [%emt 00:01:55] [%clk 1:00:53]}
12.Rae1 {[%eval 0,18] [%emt 00:02:43] [%clk 1:14:44]} Qc6 {[%eval -9,23] [%emt 00:02:06] [%clk 0:58:47]}
13.Be3 {[%eval 5,20] [%emt 00:03:03] [%clk 1:11:41]} a5 {[%eval -9,22] [%emt 00:02:09] [%clk 0:56:37]}
14.Rd1 {[%eval 9,19] [%emt 00:05:09] [%clk 1:06:31]} Nfd7 {[%eval -5,22] [%emt 00:04:14] [%clk 0:52:23]}
15.Rd5 {[%eval 9,18] [%emt 00:02:50] [%clk 1:03:40]} Rbc8 {[%eval -8,23] [%emt 00:02:20] [%clk 0:50:03]}
16.Rf4 {[%eval 0,20] [%emt 00:02:10] [%clk 1:01:30]} Qc7 {[%eval -13,23] [%emt 00:01:46] [%clk 0:48:16]}
17.Bg1 {[%eval 0,18] [%emt 00:07:19] [%clk 0:54:10]} Nf6 {[%eval -9,24] [%emt 00:01:32] [%clk 0:46:44]}
18.Rd2 {[%eval 0,19] [%emt 00:01:34] [%clk 0:52:35]} Ned7 {[%eval -18,25] [%emt 00:02:20] [%clk 0:44:24]}
19.Qd1 {[%eval -18,18] [%emt 00:01:13] [%clk 0:51:22]} Ne4 {[%eval -22,24] [%emt 00:01:33] [%clk 0:42:51]}
20.Rc2 {[%eval -18,19] [%emt 00:02:50] [%clk 0:48:32]} Rcd8 {[%eval -22,24] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:41:07]}
21.Bf3 {[%eval -20,19] [%emt 00:04:48] [%clk 0:43:43]} Nec5 {[%eval -17,26] [%emt 00:01:53] [%clk 0:39:14]}
22.b3 {[%eval -16,19] [%emt 00:02:12] [%clk 0:41:30]} Nxa4 {[%eval -26,24] [%emt 00:04:44] [%clk 0:34:29]}
23.bxa4 {[%eval -19,19] [%emt 00:00:43] [%clk 0:40:47]} Rc8 {[%eval -24,24] [%emt 00:04:38] [%clk 0:29:51]}
24.Rd2 {[%eval -11,18] [%emt 00:01:52] [%clk 0:38:55]} h6 {[%eval -19,23] [%emt 00:06:30] [%clk 0:23:20]}
25.Bf2 {[%eval -10,19] [%emt 00:01:04] [%clk 0:37:51]} Be7 {[%eval -22,24] [%emt 00:03:45] [%clk 0:19:35]}
26.Re4 {[%eval -10,20] [%emt 00:00:47] [%clk 0:37:04]} Nf6 {[%eval -20,24] [%emt 00:01:50] [%clk 0:17:44]}
27.Red4 {[%eval -11,19] [%emt 00:04:18] [%clk 0:32:45]} Bf8 {[%eval -17,23] [%emt 00:02:51] [%clk 0:14:53]}
28.g3 {[%eval -13,19] [%emt 00:04:14] [%clk 0:28:31]} Nd7 {[%eval -23,22] [%emt 00:01:09] [%clk 0:13:44]}
29.Kg1 {[%eval -6,19] [%emt 00:02:27] [%clk 0:26:04]} Ne5 {[%eval -20,24] [%emt 00:02:02] [%clk 0:11:42]}
30.Bg2 {[%eval 0,21] [%emt 00:02:31] [%clk 0:23:32]} Be7 {[%eval -7,21] [%emt 00:00:56] [%clk 0:10:45]}
31.Rc2 {[%eval 0,19] [%emt 00:02:09] [%clk 0:21:22]} Qd7 {[%eval 5,23] [%emt 00:01:32] [%clk 0:09:13]}
32.c5 {[%eval 11,19] [%emt 00:00:43] [%clk 0:20:39]} Qxf5 {[%eval 15,21] [%emt 00:01:14] [%clk 0:07:58]}
33.Be4 {[%eval 16,18] [%emt 00:02:06] [%clk 0:18:33]} Qe6 {[%eval 23,22] [%emt 00:01:06] [%clk 0:06:52]}
34.cxd6 {[%eval 23,20] [%emt 00:10:36] [%clk 0:07:57]} Bf8 {[%eval 15,23] [%emt 00:00:57] [%clk 0:05:54]}
35.d7 {[%eval 33,17] [%emt 00:01:36] [%clk 0:06:21]} Nxd7 {[%eval 9,21] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:05:54]}
36.Bd5 {[%eval 33,17] [%emt 00:00:51] [%clk 0:05:29]} Qa6 {[%eval 19,22] [%emt 00:01:04] [%clk 0:04:49]}
37.Bc4 {[%eval 40,17] [%emt 00:00:43] [%clk 0:04:46]} Rxc4 {[%eval 16,21] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:04:49]}
38.Rdxc4 {[%eval 40,17] [%emt 00:01:04] [%clk 0:03:42]} Ne5 {[%eval 14,24] [%emt 00:01:25] [%clk 0:03:23]}
39.Rd4 {[%eval 45,18] [%emt 00:00:58] [%clk 0:02:43]} Qb7 {[%eval 14,24] [%emt 00:01:39] [%clk 0:01:43]}
40.Rd5 {[%eval 44,18] [%emt 00:01:21] [%clk 0:01:21]} g6 {[%eval 13,23] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:00:00]}
41.h3 {[%eval 27,21] [%emt 00:07:29] [%clk 0:53:52]} h5 {[%eval 15,24] [%emt 00:02:16] [%clk 0:57:44]}
42.Rc1 {[%eval 27,19] [%emt 00:02:43] [%clk 0:51:08]} Re6 {[%eval 17,25] [%emt 00:02:28] [%clk 0:55:15]}
43.Qb3 {[%eval 38,19] [%emt 00:01:19] [%clk 0:49:49]} Bd6 {[%eval 15,26] [%emt 00:03:33] [%clk 0:51:42]}
44.Rcd1 {[%eval 38,18] [%emt 00:01:27] [%clk 0:48:22]} Bc7 {[%eval 10,24] [%emt 00:02:21] [%clk 0:49:21]}
45.Rf1 {[%eval 22,19] [%emt 00:03:12] [%clk 0:45:09]} Rf6 {[%eval 16,24] [%emt 00:03:14] [%clk 0:46:06]}
46.Bd4 {[%eval 28,21] [%emt 00:02:02] [%clk 0:43:06]} Rxf1+ {[%eval 18,27] [%emt 00:02:54] [%clk 0:43:12]}
47.Kxf1 {[%eval 28,20] [%emt 00:00:15] [%clk 0:42:50]} Qc6 {[%eval 12,28] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 0:39:48]}
48.Bf2 {[%eval 26,21] [%emt 00:03:03] [%clk 0:39:46]} Kg7 {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:02:47] [%clk 0:37:01]}
49.Kg2 {[%eval 26,18] [%emt 00:04:09] [%clk 0:35:36]} f6 {[%eval 12,28] [%emt 00:02:49] [%clk 0:34:12]}
50.Bd4 {[%eval 27,19] [%emt 00:02:10] [%clk 0:33:25]} Nf7 {[%eval 12,28] [%emt 00:03:05] [%clk 0:31:06]}
51.h4 {[%eval 29,20] [%emt 00:02:27] [%clk 0:30:58]} Bd6 {[%eval 12,26] [%emt 00:03:14] [%clk 0:27:52]}
52.Bf2 {[%eval 8,21] [%emt 00:05:00] [%clk 0:25:58]} Ne5 {[%eval 12,28] [%emt 00:03:15] [%clk 0:24:36]}
53.Kg1 {[%eval 21,21] [%emt 00:03:52] [%clk 0:22:05]} Bf8 {[%eval 12,26] [%emt 00:02:29] [%clk 0:22:06]}
54.Rxa5 {[%eval 21,21] [%emt 00:02:34] [%clk 0:19:31]} Nf3+ {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:04:09] [%clk 0:17:57]}
55.Kh1 {[%eval 13,20] [%emt 00:03:07] [%clk 0:16:24]} Qe4 {[%eval 12,29] [%emt 00:04:38] [%clk 0:13:19]}
56.Qe3 {[%eval 14,20] [%emt 00:02:40] [%clk 0:13:43]} Qg4 {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:13:18]}
57.Kg2 {[%eval 18,20] [%emt 00:01:27] [%clk 0:12:16]} Nxh4+ {[%eval 12,26] [%emt 00:00:07] [%clk 0:13:11]}
58.Kf1 {[%eval 18,19] [%emt 00:03:20] [%clk 0:08:56]} Qh3+ {[%eval 12,28] [%emt 00:07:49] [%clk 0:05:21]}
59.Ke2 {[%eval 18,19] [%emt 00:00:23] [%clk 0:08:33]} Qg4+ {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:00:01] [%clk 0:05:20]}
60.Kd3 {[%eval 21,20] [%emt 00:04:16] [%clk 0:04:16]} Qd1+ {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:05:19] [%clk 0:00:00]}
61.Qd2 {[%eval 26,16] [%emt 00:00:27] [%clk 0:33:48]} Qf1+ {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:02:20] [%clk 0:27:39]}
62.Qe2 {[%eval 36,17] [%emt 00:00:50] [%clk 0:33:08]} Qb1+ {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:25] [%clk 0:27:24]}
63.Kc4 {[%eval 36,17] [%emt 00:00:43] [%clk 0:32:35]} Nf5 {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:39] [%clk 0:26:55]}
64.Bc5 {[%eval 21,17] [%emt 00:00:36] [%clk 0:32:08]} Qc1+ {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:43] [%clk 0:26:21]}
65.Kxb4 {[%eval 21,17] [%emt 00:00:53] [%clk 0:31:24]} Qb1+ {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:25] [%clk 0:26:06]}
66.Kc4 {[%eval 21,16] [%emt 00:01:15] [%clk 0:30:19]} Qc1+ {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:24] [%clk 0:25:52]}
67.Kd5 {[%eval 10,17] [%emt 00:00:55] [%clk 0:29:33]} Bxc5 {[%eval 12,24] [%emt 00:00:31] [%clk 0:25:30]}
68.Rxc5 {[%eval 10,16] [%emt 00:00:06] [%clk 0:29:36]} Qa3 {[%eval 10,24] [%emt 00:00:34] [%clk 0:25:05]}
69.Rc7+ {[%eval 30,18] [%emt 00:00:49] [%clk 0:28:57]} Kh6 {[%eval 8,24] [%emt 00:00:27] [%clk 0:24:48]}
70.Qd2+ {[%eval 39,18] [%emt 00:00:16] [%clk 0:28:50]} g5 {[%eval 8,23] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:24:58]}
71.Ke6 {[%eval 66,18] [%emt 00:00:21] [%clk 0:28:39]} Ng7+ {[%eval 9,24] [%emt 00:00:22] [%clk 0:24:45]}
72.Kf7 {[%eval 69,17] [%emt 00:00:12] [%clk 0:28:37]} Qxa4 {[%eval 9,22] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:24:55]}
73.Rd7 {[%eval 81,19] [%emt 00:00:59] [%clk 0:27:47]} Qe4 {[%eval 6,23] [%emt 00:00:37] [%clk 0:24:28]}
74.Qd5 {[%eval 69,18] [%emt 00:00:26] [%clk 0:27:31]} Qg6+ {[%eval 6,22] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:24:37]}
75.Ke7 {[%eval 69,18] [%emt 00:00:05] [%clk 0:27:35]} g4 {[%eval 10,23] [%emt 00:01:01] [%clk 0:23:46]}
76.Rd8 {[%eval 39,17] [%emt 00:01:01] [%clk 0:26:44]} Nf5+ {[%eval 10,21] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:23:56]}
77.Kd7 {[%eval 39,20] [%emt 00:00:30] [%clk 0:26:24]} Qg7+ {[%eval 10,24] [%emt 00:00:29] [%clk 0:23:36]}
78.Ke6 {[%eval 39,20] [%emt 00:00:06] [%clk 0:26:28]} Nxg3 {[%eval 10,23] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:23:46]}
79.Qd4 {[%eval 39,20] [%emt 00:00:47] [%clk 0:25:50]} Kg6 {[%eval 10,25] [%emt 00:00:31] [%clk 0:23:25]}
80.Qd3+ {[%eval 39,19] [%emt 00:00:06] [%clk 0:25:54]} f5 {[%eval 10,24] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:23:35]}
81.Qxg3 {[%eval 39,20] [%emt 00:00:05] [%clk 0:25:58]} Qf6+ {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:00:49] [%clk 0:22:56]}
82.Kd7 {[%eval 39,19] [%emt 00:00:02] [%clk 0:26:05]} f4 {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:00:47] [%clk 0:22:18]}
83.Rg8+ {[%eval 39,19] [%emt 00:00:14] [%clk 0:26:01]} Kh7 {[%eval 9,27] [%emt 00:00:24] [%clk 0:22:04]}
84.Qb3 {[%eval 39,20] [%emt 00:00:03] [%clk 0:26:07]} Qf5+ {[%eval 9,28] [%emt 00:00:39] [%clk 0:21:35]}
85.Kc6 {[%eval 39,23] [%emt 00:01:09] [%clk 0:25:08]} Qf6+ {[%eval 9,28] [%emt 00:00:29] [%clk 0:21:15]}
86.Kb7 {[%eval 39,23] [%emt 00:01:02] [%clk 0:24:15]} Qe7+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:21] [%clk 0:21:04]}
87.Ka6 {[%eval 39,22] [%emt 00:00:55] [%clk 0:23:29]} Qe2+ {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:00:19] [%clk 0:20:55]}
88.Ka5 {[%eval 0,23] [%emt 00:00:49] [%clk 0:22:50]} Qe5+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:22] [%clk 0:20:42]}
89.Ka6 {[%eval 0,25] [%emt 00:00:41] [%clk 0:22:19]} Qd6+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:19] [%clk 0:20:32]}
90.Kb5 {[%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:44] [%clk 0:21:44]} Qe5+ {[%eval 9,27] [%emt 00:00:23] [%clk 0:20:18]}
91.Ka6 {[%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:01:14] [%clk 0:20:40]} Qf6+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:19] [%clk 0:20:09]}
92.Kb5 {[%eval 0,25] [%emt 00:00:57] [%clk 0:19:52]} Qf5+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:19] [%clk 0:19:59]}
93.Kb4 {[%eval 0,25] [%emt 00:01:04] [%clk 0:18:57]} Qe4+ {[%eval 9,25] [%emt 00:00:22] [%clk 0:19:47]}
94.Ka5 {[%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:36] [%clk 0:18:30]} Qe5+ {[%eval 9,26] [%emt 00:00:17] [%clk 0:19:39]}
95.Ka6 {[%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:44] [%clk 0:17:56]}
Posts: 880
Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:43 am

Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Game 88  -  Houdini wins

[Event ""]
[Site "ChessPalace"]
[Date "2011.02.01"]
[Round "44.2"]
[White "Houdini_1.5"]
[Black "Rybka_4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Time "6:54:20 AM"]
[TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:1800+10"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[Number "88"]
[Termination "GUI adjudication"]
[BlackType "program"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[Variant "normal"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rqb1k2r/1p2bppp/p1nppn2/1N6/4PP2/2NBBQ2/PPP3PP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1"]

[D] rqb1k2r/1p2bppp/p1nppn2/1N6/4PP2/2NBBQ2/PPP3PP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1

{ I7 920 x64 }
1.Nd4 {[%eval 19,24] [%emt 00:04:22] [%clk 1:55:37]} O-O {[%eval 18,20] [%emt 00:04:58] [%clk 1:55:01]}
2.O-O {[%eval 20,23] [%emt 00:02:13] [%clk 1:53:24]} e5 {[%eval 16,19] [%emt 00:03:03] [%clk 1:51:58]}
3.Nde2 {[%eval 15,23] [%emt 00:03:16] [%clk 1:50:07]} Nb4 {[%eval 5,18] [%emt 00:04:16] [%clk 1:47:41]}
4.h3 {[%eval 16,23] [%emt 00:02:21] [%clk 1:47:46]} b5 {[%eval 15,18] [%emt 00:03:34] [%clk 1:44:07]}
5.Ng3 {[%eval 14,24] [%emt 00:06:50] [%clk 1:40:55]} Bd7 {[%eval 13,18] [%emt 00:02:35] [%clk 1:41:32]}
6.fxe5 {[%eval 12,22] [%emt 00:03:11] [%clk 1:37:44]} dxe5 {[%eval 7,18] [%emt 00:00:52] [%clk 1:40:39]}
7.Rad1 {[%eval 16,23] [%emt 00:03:07] [%clk 1:34:36]} Qc7 {[%eval 0,18] [%emt 00:03:25] [%clk 1:37:14]}
8.a3 {[%eval 16,24] [%emt 00:02:53] [%clk 1:31:42]} Nxd3 {[%eval 0,18] [%emt 00:02:27] [%clk 1:34:47]}
9.cxd3 {[%eval 17,24] [%emt 00:02:34] [%clk 1:29:08]} Be6 {[%eval 2,19] [%emt 00:02:41] [%clk 1:32:05]}
10.Nd5 {[%eval 24,24] [%emt 00:02:09] [%clk 1:26:58]} Bxd5 {[%eval 30,19] [%emt 00:03:05] [%clk 1:28:59]}
11.exd5 {[%eval 24,22] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:26:58]} Bc5 {[%eval 18,19] [%emt 00:03:04] [%clk 1:25:54]}
12.d4 {[%eval 49,25] [%emt 00:02:17] [%clk 1:24:41]} exd4 {[%eval 26,19] [%emt 00:01:44] [%clk 1:24:10]}
13.Bg5 {[%eval 57,25] [%emt 00:06:23] [%clk 1:18:18]} Ne8 {[%eval 53,19] [%emt 00:09:26] [%clk 1:14:44]}
14.Rc1 {[%eval 58,25] [%emt 00:02:28] [%clk 1:15:49]} Qa7 {[%eval 52,20] [%emt 00:02:25] [%clk 1:12:18]}
15.Nf5 {[%eval 53,25] [%emt 00:02:42] [%clk 1:13:06]} f6 {[%eval 52,19] [%emt 00:03:46] [%clk 1:08:32]}
16.Bf4 {[%eval 61,24] [%emt 00:02:54] [%clk 1:10:12]} Rd8 {[%eval 59,18] [%emt 00:01:28] [%clk 1:07:03]}
17.Rfe1 {[%eval 64,24] [%emt 00:02:19] [%clk 1:07:53]} Rf7 {[%eval 58,18] [%emt 00:02:34] [%clk 1:04:28]}
18.Kh2 {[%eval 56,23] [%emt 00:04:09] [%clk 1:03:43]} Bf8 {[%eval 61,19] [%emt 00:01:54] [%clk 1:02:34]}
19.Rcd1 {[%eval 65,24] [%emt 00:02:15] [%clk 1:01:27]} Qd7 {[%eval 62,19] [%emt 00:02:10] [%clk 1:00:23]}
20.Nxd4 {[%eval 62,24] [%emt 00:02:19] [%clk 0:59:08]} Rc8 {[%eval 74,19] [%emt 00:02:01] [%clk 0:58:22]}
21.b4 {[%eval 63,25] [%emt 00:02:27] [%clk 0:56:41]} Bd6 {[%eval 71,20] [%emt 00:02:15] [%clk 0:56:06]}
22.Nb3 {[%eval 69,25] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 0:54:26]} Qc7 {[%eval 67,19] [%emt 00:04:05] [%clk 0:52:01]}
23.Bxd6 {[%eval 77,26] [%emt 00:03:11] [%clk 0:51:15]} Nxd6 {[%eval 67,19] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 0:49:47]}
24.Qf4 {[%eval 96,27] [%emt 00:04:04] [%clk 0:47:10]} Ra8 {[%eval 93,19] [%emt 00:01:33] [%clk 0:48:13]}
25.Re6 {[%eval 91,27] [%emt 00:02:21] [%clk 0:44:48]} Rd8 {[%eval 105,20] [%emt 00:01:45] [%clk 0:46:28]}
26.Na5 {[%eval 99,27] [%emt 00:04:24] [%clk 0:40:24]} g5 {[%eval 132,19] [%emt 00:04:19] [%clk 0:42:08]}
27.Qg3 {[%eval 122,26] [%emt 00:07:41] [%clk 0:32:42]} Qc2 {[%eval 120,19] [%emt 00:02:53] [%clk 0:39:15]}
28.Qf3 {[%eval 119,25] [%emt 00:01:53] [%clk 0:30:49]} Rdd7 {[%eval 157,18] [%emt 00:06:58] [%clk 0:32:16]}
29.Nb3 {[%eval 172,24] [%emt 00:02:19] [%clk 0:28:29]} Rd8 {[%eval 135,18] [%emt 00:02:32] [%clk 0:29:44]}
30.Nc5 {[%eval 191,25] [%emt 00:05:53] [%clk 0:22:35]} Qg6 {[%eval 191,18] [%emt 00:04:53] [%clk 0:24:50]}
31.Rf1 {[%eval 223,24] [%emt 00:03:26] [%clk 0:19:08]} g4 {[%eval 191,18] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 0:21:26]}
32.hxg4 {[%eval 213,24] [%emt 00:01:35] [%clk 0:17:33]} Nc4 {[%eval 209,19] [%emt 00:03:58] [%clk 0:17:28]}
33.Qg3 {[%eval 258,22] [%emt 00:02:08] [%clk 0:15:25]} Rdf8 {[%eval 260,17] [%emt 00:04:01] [%clk 0:13:26]}
34.Rf5 {[%eval 426,20] [%emt 00:02:09] [%clk 0:13:15]} Kh8 {[%eval 348,16] [%emt 00:02:55] [%clk 0:10:30]}
35.Qh3 {[%eval 464,22] [%emt 00:01:49] [%clk 0:11:25]} Nxa3 {[%eval 342,14] [%emt 00:00:51] [%clk 0:09:39]}
36.Qxa3 {[%eval 656,21] [%emt 00:00:56] [%clk 0:10:28]} Qxg4 {[%eval 343,15] [%emt 00:00:26] [%clk 0:09:12]}
37.Qh3 {[%eval 658,20] [%emt 00:00:11] [%clk 0:10:17]} Qxb4 {[%eval 519,17] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:07:29]}
38.d6 {[%eval 659,19] [%emt 00:00:04] [%clk 0:10:13]} Qd2 {[%eval 557,17] [%emt 00:04:59] [%clk 0:02:29]}
39.Ne4 {[%eval 1408,18] [%emt 00:00:05] [%clk 0:10:07]} Qc1 {[%eval 921,15] [%emt 00:00:36] [%clk 0:01:53]}
40.Rexf6 {[%eval 32749,17] [%emt 00:00:02] [%clk 0:10:05]} Rxf6 {[%eval 32743,10] [%emt 00:00:56] [%clk 0:00:56]}
41.Nxf6 {[%eval 32751,16] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} h6 {[%eval 32751,12] [%emt 00:02:55] [%clk 0:58:01]}
42.Qg3 {[%eval 32753,15] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Qc4 {[%eval 32753,11] [%emt 00:02:55] [%clk 0:55:05]}
43.Qe5 {[%eval 32755,14] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Qh4+ {[%eval 32757,10] [%emt 00:05:17] [%clk 0:49:48]}
44.Kg1 {[%eval 32757,1] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Kg7 {[%eval 32757,9] [%emt 00:02:48] [%clk 0:46:59]}
45.Nh5+ {[%eval 32759,8] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Kg6 {[%eval 32761,9] [%emt 00:01:20] [%clk 0:45:39]}
46.Rxf8 {[%eval 32761,8] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Qd4+ {[%eval 32763,9] [%emt 00:02:55] [%clk 0:42:44]}
47.Qxd4 {[%eval 32763,8] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} Kxh5 {[%eval 32765,10] [%emt 00:05:16] [%clk 0:37:27]}
48.Rg8 {[%eval 32765,13] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 1:10:05]} a5 {[%eval 32767,9] [%emt 00:02:45] [%clk 0:34:41]}
Posts: 880
Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:43 am

Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Game 89  -  Draw

[Event ""]
[Site "ChessPalace"]
[Date "2011.02.01"]
[Round "45.1"]
[White "Rybka_4"]
[Black "Houdini_1.5"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Time "11:09:47 AM"]
[TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:1800+10"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[Number "89"]
[Termination "insufficient material"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
[Variant "normal"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1rbq1rk1/2p1ppbp/p1n2np1/1p2p3/2PP4/2N2NPP/PP3PB1/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 1"]

[D] 1rbq1rk1/2p1ppbp/p1n2np1/1p2p3/2PP4/2N2NPP/PP3PB1/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 1

{ I7 920 x64 }
1.dxe5 {[%eval 32,20] [%emt 00:03:07] [%clk 1:56:52]} Nd7 {[%eval 25,25] [%emt 00:03:00] [%clk 1:56:59]}
2.e6 {[%eval 33,20] [%emt 00:02:13] [%clk 1:54:38]} fxe6 {[%eval 11,25] [%emt 00:06:43] [%clk 1:50:16]}
3.cxb5 {[%eval 33,19] [%emt 00:07:35] [%clk 1:47:03]} axb5 {[%eval 11,25] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 1:48:01]}
4.Ng5 {[%eval 18,19] [%emt 00:08:07] [%clk 1:38:55]} Nd4 {[%eval 18,25] [%emt 00:04:31] [%clk 1:43:30]}
5.Ne2 {[%eval 17,20] [%emt 00:01:19] [%clk 1:37:35]} Nc5 {[%eval 13,25] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 1:41:15]}
6.Bf4 {[%eval 16,20] [%emt 00:04:23] [%clk 1:33:12]} Na6 {[%eval 13,24] [%emt 00:02:11] [%clk 1:39:04]}
7.Re1 {[%eval 13,19] [%emt 00:04:27] [%clk 1:28:45]} Rb6 {[%eval 11,25] [%emt 00:03:47] [%clk 1:35:16]}
8.Nxd4 {[%eval 13,20] [%emt 00:01:57] [%clk 1:26:47]} Qxd4 {[%eval 11,26] [%emt 00:05:23] [%clk 1:29:52]}
9.Re2 {[%eval 15,20] [%emt 00:03:28] [%clk 1:23:18]} Qxd1+ {[%eval 11,26] [%emt 00:02:06] [%clk 1:27:46]}
10.Rxd1 {[%eval 22,22] [%emt 00:00:08] [%clk 1:23:10]} h6 {[%eval 12,27] [%emt 00:02:07] [%clk 1:25:38]}
11.Ne4 {[%eval 22,21] [%emt 00:01:41] [%clk 1:21:28]} b4 {[%eval 8,26] [%emt 00:03:14] [%clk 1:22:23]}
12.b3 {[%eval 16,20] [%emt 00:03:01] [%clk 1:18:26]} g5 {[%eval 13,26] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 1:20:08]}
13.Be3 {[%eval 25,21] [%emt 00:03:57] [%clk 1:14:29]} Rb5 {[%eval 13,26] [%emt 00:17:10] [%clk 1:02:58]}
14.f4 {[%eval 31,21] [%emt 00:04:49] [%clk 1:09:39]} gxf4 {[%eval 13,24] [%emt 00:01:51] [%clk 1:01:07]}
15.Bxf4 {[%eval 25,19] [%emt 00:01:42] [%clk 1:07:56]} Ra5 {[%eval 14,25] [%emt 00:02:08] [%clk 0:58:58]}
16.Nf2 {[%eval 26,20] [%emt 00:06:59] [%clk 1:00:56]} h5 {[%eval 13,25] [%emt 00:04:18] [%clk 0:54:39]}
17.Kh2 {[%eval 28,19] [%emt 00:02:08] [%clk 0:58:48]} Raf5 {[%eval 14,23] [%emt 00:01:57] [%clk 0:52:41]}
18.Rc1 {[%eval 28,19] [%emt 00:02:44] [%clk 0:56:04]} Bc3 {[%eval 9,24] [%emt 00:02:50] [%clk 0:49:51]}
19.Nd1 {[%eval 43,20] [%emt 00:02:42] [%clk 0:53:21]} Bd4 {[%eval 21,26] [%emt 00:02:30] [%clk 0:47:21]}
20.Ne3 {[%eval 43,20] [%emt 00:01:42] [%clk 0:51:39]} R5f7 {[%eval 18,26] [%emt 00:01:57] [%clk 0:45:23]}
21.Nc4 {[%eval 57,21] [%emt 00:01:24] [%clk 0:50:14]} h4 {[%eval 22,25] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:43:39]}
22.Ne5 {[%eval 69,20] [%emt 00:01:46] [%clk 0:48:27]} Rg7 {[%eval 27,24] [%emt 00:02:24] [%clk 0:41:15]}
23.Ng4 {[%eval 50,18] [%emt 00:05:52] [%clk 0:42:34]} hxg3+ {[%eval 24,23] [%emt 00:01:44] [%clk 0:39:30]}
24.Bxg3 {[%eval 67,19] [%emt 00:02:07] [%clk 0:40:27]} Rg5 {[%eval 29,25] [%emt 00:04:54] [%clk 0:34:36]}
25.Rc4 {[%eval 71,18] [%emt 00:01:41] [%clk 0:38:45]} c5 {[%eval 23,26] [%emt 00:01:38] [%clk 0:32:58]}
26.Ne5 {[%eval 62,19] [%emt 00:01:44] [%clk 0:37:01]} Nc7 {[%eval 25,26] [%emt 00:02:17] [%clk 0:30:41]}
27.Nc6 {[%eval 52,20] [%emt 00:01:51] [%clk 0:35:09]} Rxg3 {[%eval 19,26] [%emt 00:01:49] [%clk 0:28:51]}
28.Kxg3 {[%eval 52,20] [%emt 00:01:41] [%clk 0:33:28]} Ba6 {[%eval 17,25] [%emt 00:00:00] [%clk 0:28:51]}
29.Rxd4 {[%eval 67,21] [%emt 00:00:48] [%clk 0:32:39]} Bxe2 {[%eval 14,27] [%emt 00:02:25] [%clk 0:26:25]}
30.Rd7 {[%eval 62,22] [%emt 00:01:31] [%clk 0:31:08]} Nb5 {[%eval 14,27] [%emt 00:02:49] [%clk 0:23:36]}
31.Rxe7 {[%eval 62,21] [%emt 00:01:02] [%clk 0:30:05]} Rf6 {[%eval 12,26] [%emt 00:02:14] [%clk 0:21:21]}
32.Ne5 {[%eval 51,22] [%emt 00:02:54] [%clk 0:27:10]} Nc3 {[%eval 17,26] [%emt 00:01:49] [%clk 0:19:32]}
33.Rc7 {[%eval 51,22] [%emt 00:01:26] [%clk 0:25:43]} Nxa2 {[%eval 16,27] [%emt 00:02:39] [%clk 0:16:53]}
34.Rxc5 {[%eval 49,23] [%emt 00:02:20] [%clk 0:23:23]} Nc3 {[%eval 5,27] [%emt 00:02:44] [%clk 0:14:09]}
35.Rc8+ {[%eval 49,23] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:21:39]} Rf8 {[%eval 6,28] [%emt 00:02:24] [%clk 0:11:44]}
36.Rxf8+ {[%eval 42,26] [%emt 00:12:59] [%clk 0:08:39]} Kxf8 {[%eval 3,27] [%emt 00:00:27] [%clk 0:11:16]}
37.Bf3 {[%eval 37,27] [%emt 00:01:26] [%clk 0:07:13]} Kg7 {[%eval 2,29] [%emt 00:02:16] [%clk 0:09:00]}
38.h4 {[%eval 37,28] [%emt 00:00:58] [%clk 0:06:15]} Kf6 {[%eval 1,30] [%emt 00:02:50] [%clk 0:06:09]}
39.Kf4 {[%eval 38,29] [%emt 00:01:43] [%clk 0:04:31]} Bxf3 {[%eval 1,31] [%emt 00:03:44] [%clk 0:02:25]}
40.Nxf3 {[%eval 39,28] [%emt 00:00:21] [%clk 0:04:10]} Ne2+ {[%eval 1,30] [%emt 00:02:24] [%clk 0:00:00]}
41.Ke3 {[%eval 39,33] [%emt 00:03:23] [%clk 1:00:46]} Nc1 {[%eval 1,31] [%emt 00:02:20] [%clk 0:57:40]}
42.Nd4 {[%eval 45,34] [%emt 00:03:45] [%clk 0:57:01]} Kg6 {[%eval 1,32] [%emt 00:02:25] [%clk 0:55:14]}
43.Kd2 {[%eval 46,33] [%emt 00:03:01] [%clk 0:54:00]} Nxb3+ {[%eval 1,37] [%emt 00:02:40] [%clk 0:52:34]}
44.Nxb3 {[%eval 46,30] [%emt 00:00:09] [%clk 0:53:51]} Kh5 {[%eval 0,40] [%emt 00:02:33] [%clk 0:50:00]}
45.Nc5 {[%eval 46,35] [%emt 00:01:44] [%clk 0:52:06]} Kxh4 {[%eval 0,43] [%emt 00:02:50] [%clk 0:47:10]}
46.Nxe6 {[%eval 46,37] [%emt 00:02:18] [%clk 0:49:48]} b3 {[%eval 0,92] [%emt 00:02:40] [%clk 0:44:29]}
47.Kc3 {[%eval 47,45] [%emt 00:02:48] [%clk 0:46:59]} b2 {[%eval 0,99] [%emt 00:00:40] [%clk 0:43:49]}
48.Kxb2 {[%eval 47,48] [%emt 00:04:38] [%clk 0:42:20]}
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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:43 am

Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by PawnStormZ »

Standings after game 89  

Houdini_1.5     54.0     + 25 = 58   - 6
Rybka_4          35.0       + 6 = 58 - 25
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Matthias Gemuh
Posts: 3245
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:10 am

Re: Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by Matthias Gemuh »

PawnStormZ wrote:
The alternative would be difficult to manage since the GUI does not take these "removals" into account, so a 100 game match would end and you may have only 85 or 90 games played.
Hi Pal,

current ChessGUI does not pick duplicate openings.
You can interrupt the match, then send me pgn and epd to weed out played positions, then upgrade to current ChessGUI before continuing the match.


My engine was quite strong till I added knowledge to it.
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Re: Houdini 1.5 v Rybka 4 at long time control

Post by ernest »

Hi Mathias,

I did not realize that Pal used ChessGUI...
Then why are his PGNs legible by ChessBase - including the Evaluation Profile, while Martin's (Thoresen) are not?