vajolet2 1.43 released

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Sedat Canbaz
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Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Sedat Canbaz »

elcabesa wrote:I'm really sad about all those crash. I'm investigating.
Dear Marco,

Don't worry...

Nobody work is perfect and I am sure you will fix those bugs in the next release...

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Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Werner »

Hi Marco,
try to continue this game - here Vajolet crashes after 5 seconds here.
[Event "Vajolet1"]
[Date "2014.07.29"]
[Round "27"]
[White "Vajolet2 1.43 x64"]
[Black "Fizbo1.2 x64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B21"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[PlyCount "82"]
[EventDate "2014.??.??"]
[TimeControl "40/480:40/480:40/480"]

1. e4 c5 2. d3 g6 3. f4 Bg7 4. Nf3 d5 5. Be2 Nc6 6. O-O Nf6 7. e5 Ng4 8. c3 d4
{McShane - Van Wely, 2009, 1-0} 9. h3 {+0.17/18 23} Nh6 {+0.15/17 9} 10. g4 {
+0.09/1822} O-O {+0.15/17 11} 11. Nbd2 {0.00/18 43} Kh8 {+0.13/16 14} 12. Nb3 {
+0.43/1825} b6 {+0.28/17 12} 13. cxd4 {+0.30/16 11} cxd4 {+0.21/19 14} 14. Nfd2
{+0.16/21 38} Bb7 {+0.44/18 12} 15. Bf3 {+0.14/18 8} f6 {+0.46/19 19} 16. exf6
{+0.05/21 39} exf6 {+0.43/19 11} 17. Nc4 {0.00/19 5} Rc8 {+0.40/18 16} 18. Bd2
{+0.09/20 17} f5 {+0.39/17 12} 19. Rc1 {+0.17/20 17} fxg4 {+0.30/16 11} 20.
hxg4 {+0.16/18 5} Kg8 {+0.26/15 10} 21. Re1 {+0.50/15 8} Qh4 {+0.24/17 7} 22.
Re2 {+0.06/19 30} Nd8 {+0.77/16 15} 23. Bxb7 {+0.11/21 15} Nxb7 {+0.30/18 7}
24. Rg2 {+0.12/20 4} b5 {+0.08/17 29} 25. Ne5 {+0.35/19 6} Rxc1 {0.00/18 8} 26.
Qxc1 {0.00/19 13} Bxe5 {+0.85/20 15} 27. fxe5 {-0.32/18 4} Nxg4 {0.00/20 8} 28.
Bb4 {-0.27/20 5} Rf5 {+0.58/20 17} 29. Nxd4 {-0.31/19 7} Rf2 {+0.05/20 17} 30.
Qc6 {-0.38/19 5} Rxg2+ {+0.12/19 10} 31. Qxg2 {-0.28/20 4} Nxe5 {0.00/19 11}
32. Bc3 {0.00/21 33} Nd8 {+0.22/19 40} 33. Nxb5 {0.00/19 6} h5 {+0.38/19 51}
34. Nxa7 {0.00/18 5} Ne6 {+0.33/18 7} 35. d4 {0.00/19 13} Ng4 {+1.53/19 10} 36.
Bd2 {-0.71/18 8} Ng5 {+1.22/19 15} 37. Nb5 {-0.63/20 10} Ne3 {+2.25/19 7} 38.
Bxe3 {-1.14/18 8} Qe1+ {+2.78/19 7} 39. Kh2 {-1.13/18 3} Qxe3 {+2.80/19 8} 40.
Kh1 {-1.06/18 3} Qc1+ {+2.89/19 10} 41. Kh2 {-1.04/19 6} Qe3 {+2.80/19 23
Weiss überschreitet die Zeit} 0-1

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Full name: Werner Schüle

Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Werner »

...and the Shredder log does not Show much:
(Looks like a hash table Problem, as with 128 mb hash instead of 256 mb I can analyze more moves) - but in the game it crashes too with 128 mb)

VajoletII by Marco Belli
Engine: Vajolet2 1.43 x64 (256 MB)
von Belli Marco

6k1/8/6p1/1N4np/3P4/4q3/PP4QK/8 w - -
8 | |:::| |:::| |:::|*K*|:::
7 |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::|
6 | |:::| |:::| |:::|*B*|:::
5 |:::| S |:::| |:::| |*S*|*B*
4 | |:::| | B | |:::| |:::
3 |:::| |:::| |*D*| |:::|
2 | B | B | |:::| |:::| D | K
1 |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::|
a b c d e f g h
Vajolet2 1.43 x64
1/06 0:00 +0.43 42.d5 Sf3+ 43.Kh3 (199)
2/11 0:00 +0.25 42.Dd5+ Kh7 43.a4 Sf3+ 44.Kh1 (1.431) 477
3/14 0:00 +0.01 42.Dd5+ Kg7 43.a4 Df2+ 44.Kh1 (4.027) 575
4/16 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (12.601) 741
5/13 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (13.872) 730
6/15 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (15.592) 779
7/16 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (19.499) 812
8/18 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (25.272) 842
9/20 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (39.874) 866
10/19 0:00 0.00 42.Kh1 Dc1+ 43.Kh2 Df4+ 44.Kh1 Dc1+ (57.126) 921
11/26 0:00 -0.08-- 42.Kh1 (130.160) 978
11/23 0:00 -0.16-- 42.Kh1 (164.991) 1012
11/22 0:00 -0.28-- 42.Kh1 (188.156) 1039
11/23 0:00 -0.46-- 42.Kh1 (257.104) 1080
11/31 0:00 -0.73-- 42.Kh1 (778.605) 1226
11/26 0:00 -0.83 42.Kh1 Kg7 43.a4 Sf3 44.Df1 De4 45.b4 g5 46.Df2 Sxd4+ 47.Dg2 Sf3 48.Db2+ Se5+ 49.Dg2 (978.345) 1244
12/29 0:00 -0.91-- 42.Kh1 (1.139.653) 1252
12/30 0:01 -0.99-- 42.Kh1 (1.398.274) 1266
12/38 0:01 -0.75++ 42.Df1 (1.912.838) 1290
11/29 0:01 0.00++ 42.Kh1 Kg7 43.a3 Sf3 (2.014.780) 1293
11/30 0:01 -1.11-- 42.Kh1 (2.135.449) 1292
11/28 0:01 -1.10 42.Kh1 Kg7 43.Db7+ Kh6 44.Dg2 Sf3 45.Df1 Df4 46.Kg2 Dg4+ 47.Kh1 De4 48.d5 Dxd5 49.a4 Se1+ 50.Kg1 Sf3+ 51.Kh1 (2.265.498) 1293
13/31 0:02 -1.02++ 42.Df1 (2.727.293) 1308
12/27 0:02 -0.94++ 42.Df1 (2.794.546) 1310
12/25 0:02 -0.82++ 42.Df1 (2.842.979) 1313
12/28 0:02 0.00++ 42.Kh1 Kg7 43.b4 Sf3 (2.902.007) 1316
12/32 0:02 -0.70 42.Df1 Kg7 43.b4 Sf3+ 44.Kg2 Sxd4 45.Sxd4 Dxd4 46.a3 Db2+ 47.Df2 Dxa3 48.b5 Da8+ 49.Df3 Da2+ 50.Kg3 h4+ 51.Kxh4 Dc4+ 52.Kg3 Dxb5 53.Dc3+ Kf7 54.Dd4 (3.036.635) 1319
14/41 0:02 0.00++ 42.Kh1 Kg7 (3.440.569) 1333
13/25 0:02 -0.78-- 42.Kh1 (3.481.571) 1333
13/27 0:02 -0.90-- 42.Kh1 (3.555.762) 1336
13/28 0:02 -1.01 42.Df1 Kg7 43.b4 Sf3+ 44.Kg2 Sh4+ 45.Kh2 g5 46.Sd6 De6 47.Sc4 Dd5 48.Se5 Dxa2+ 49.Kg1 Sg6 50.Df5 Sxe5 51.Dxe5+ Kg6 (3.635.028) 1339
15/33 0:02 0.00++ 42.Kh1 Kg7 (3.865.515) 1337
14/28 0:02 -1.09-- 42.Kh1 (3.948.287) 1337
14/50 0:04 -1.21-- 42.Kh1 (5.565.868) 1329
14/30 0:04 -1.11 42.Kh1 Kg7 43.Db7+ Kh6 44.Dg2 Sf3 45.Df1 De4 46.d5 Dxd5 47.Sc3 Df5 48.a4 Df4 49.Df2 Dg4 50.De3+ g5 (5.817.351) 1331
16/31 0:04 -1.19-- 42.Kh1 (6.385.777) 1332
16/34 0:05 -1.03++ 42.Df1 (7.591.110) 1341
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [1]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [1]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [1]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [1]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [1]...
VajoletII by Marco Belli
Engine: Vajolet2 1.43 x64 (256 MB)
von Belli Marco

Posts: 855
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Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by elcabesa »

may I ask you to do this simple test?

open the folder with vajolet executable
double click on the executable, a windows will open
type the following command

setoption name Hash value 256
position 6k1/8/6p1/1N4np/3P4/4q3/PP4QK/8 w - -
go infinite

does it crash on your system?
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Full name: Werner Schüle

Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Werner »

Sorry for delay - I was not here:

Info: it does not Crash

edit: the same inside Shredder GUI - no Crash

....but is crashes, if I copy the whole game into the GUI and start Infinitive search.

Engine: Vajolet2 1.43 x64 (256 MB)
von Belli Marco
45.Sc3 Dxd4+ 46.Kh1 De3 47.Dg1 Dh3+ 48.Dh2 Df5 49.a4 Sf3 50.Dg2 Df4 51.Se2 Df5 (1.287.223) 1457
17/29 0:01 -1.22++ 42.Df1 (1.573.430) 1495
16/23 0:01 0.00++ 42.Kh1 h4 (1.576.676) 1495
16/42 0:02 -1.30 42.Df1 h4 43.Kh1 De4+ 44.Kg1 Kg7 45.Sc3 Dxd4+ 46.Kh1 De3 47.Dg1 Dh3+ 48.Dh2 Df5 49.a4 Sf3 50.Dg2 Df4 51.Se2 Df5 (4.021.367) 1406
18/33 0:03 -1.22++ 42.Df1 (4.943.418) 1422
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [0]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [0]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [0]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [0]...
Warte auf Engine Vajolet2 1.43 x64 [0]...
VajoletII by Marco Belli
Engine: Vajolet2 1.43 x64 (256 MB)
von Belli Marco
Posts: 855
Joined: Sun May 23, 2010 1:32 pm

Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by elcabesa »

does the gui has a log? I'd like to send the same command to the engine and try to make it crash :)
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Full name: Werner Schüle

Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Werner »

the Position Input does not work:

Vajolet2 1.43 by Marco Belli
id name Vajolet2 1.43
id author Belli Marco
option name Hash type spin default 1 min 1 max 4096
option name MultiPV type spin default 1 min 1 max 500
option name Ponder type check default true
option name OwnBook type check default true
option name BestMoveBook type check default false
option name UCI_EngineAbout type string default VajoletII by Marco Belli
option name UCI_ShowCurrLine type check default false
option name UCI_LimitStrength type check default false
option name UCI_Elo type spin default 3000 min 1000 max 3000
setoption name Hash value 256
position 6k1/8/6p1/1N4np/3P4/4q3/PP4QK/8 w - -
go depth 2
info multipv 1 depth 1 seldepth 1 score cp 39 nodes 23 nps 0 time 0 pv d2d3
info multipv 1 depth 2 seldepth 2 score cp 4 nodes 103 nps 51500 time 2 pv d2d3
bestmove d2d3 ponder e7e6
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Full name: Werner Schüle

Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Werner »

elcabesa wrote:does the gui has a log? I'd like to send the same command to the engine and try to make it crash :)
I did post the GUI log above - nothing to be seen here...

good night
Frank Quisinsky
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Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by Frank Quisinsky »

Again, good work by yourself Werner.
Hope that the programmer can find out the problem.
I haven't look in the newest Vajolet2.

Thanks for your helps all the years.
You do really a great Job, not only in CEGT testing.

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Re: vajolet2 1.43 released

Post by elcabesa »

sorry Werner!! it's my fault. I forgot "fen"

please try this commands

setoption name Hash value 256
position fen 6k1/8/6p1/1N4np/3P4/4q3/PP4QK/8 w - -
go infinite