Open Source bitbase program

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Peter Fendrich

Re: Open Source bitbase program

Post by Peter Fendrich »

ID-3 is an intresting approach but the problem as I see it is that the "remaining" tree is not obvious to me.
The bitbase represents all the positions possible. Let's say that I use ID-3 to cover 75% of the positions then I would like to have a bitbase with the remaining 25% bits. I don't see how to reduce the original one and keep only the 25%....

It is possible to represent the whole set of positions with questions like them you have but then the trick is to cover all possible positions!

Allard Siemelink
Posts: 297
Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:30 pm
Location: Netherlands

Re: Open Source bitbase program

Post by Allard Siemelink »

JP wrote:ID-3 is an intresting approach but the problem as I see it is that the "remaining" tree is not obvious to me.
The bitbase represents all the positions possible. Let's say that I use ID-3 to cover 75% of the positions then I would like to have a bitbase with the remaining 25% bits. I don't see how to reduce the original one and keep only the 25%....

It is possible to represent the whole set of positions with questions like them you have but then the trick is to cover all possible positions!

My thought was that OBDD's could be used for the remaining subtrees.
These seem to compress quite well and do not need to cover all positions.
(see my earlier post in this thread for a useful link).
You'll need many though, one for each ID3-leaf, so I am not sure how well it works out.
I might try it one day, but I currently have other priorities.
(like finding out why bright loses so many games to Alaric... )