I am talking about official tests. I consider Ingo's one an official test and in this case are the engine developers that 'suggest' the best setup that usually is the default. And also in the case of 1.7.1 the suggested setup for offcial tests is to leave the default (of course modulo changing the number of CPU according to your machine).Uri Blass wrote:I do not understand how do you know that default setup is the strongest.mcostalba wrote:Yes, it is correct, but as clearly stated in the 1.7.1 announcement zugdetection is OFF by default and should remain OFF for offcial testing.IWB wrote: OK, I think everything is right. ALL my computer have a Minimum Spilt Depth of 4 as I switch off HT by default and the Q6600 have it on 4 automaticaly of course! I assume that my testing was correct then ... right?
What probably was not clearly stated is that when you turn ON zugdetection the progam _could_ become weaker, not stronger.
So zugdetection is good for analysis or for study on some position, but on real games, at the moment, we suggest to turn it OFF.
IOW, please test 1.7.1 AS IS ! Do not change anything because default setup is the strongest.
I hope this is clear enough.
There are many parameters that people can change and people may find stronger setting espacially when you tested only at fast time control and it is possible that some different setting is stronger at slower time control and not at faster time control.
We think that is the best, but it does not mean that it actually is, this is just what we suggest for offcial tests.