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longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm
by Zenmastur
Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed



Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:51 pm
by RubiChess
This simple 1-liner on my syzygy folder (with some 7-men files and only searching for exactly 100 ply wins) gives:

Code: Select all

G:\syzygy>findstr /C:"100 ply;" *.txt
KBBBvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/8/8/8/8/k1K1B3/1q1B3B w - -
KBBBvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/5B2/8/2r5/8/BK1k1B2 w - -
KBBNvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/4B3/8/2B5/8/7N/1K1kq3 w - -
KBBNvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/B1r5/8/8/8/8/B7/1K1kN3 w - -
KBBPvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; n7/8/8/5k2/8/1PB5/8/K1B5 b - -
KBBPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/3q3B/P7/K7/8/8/8/5k1B w - -
KBBPvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7B/7B/P7/8/k7/8/4r3/K7 b - -
KBBvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; B7/8/8/8/8/8/8/nKBk4 b - -
KBBvKNP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/p7/BB6/7n/8/K2k4 b - -
KBBvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 4q3/8/8/8/1BB5/8/8/1K1k4 w - -
KBNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/1BP5/8/4q3/2KN4/8/4k3/8 b - -
KBNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/P3q3/1B6/8/N7/8/K2k4 w - -
KBNPvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 4k3/8/P1r5/8/1N6/8/6B1/4K3 b - -
KBNPvKRP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P7/8/8/3B4/2N3r1/6p1/K1k5 b - -
KBNPvKRP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; BN2k3/8/8/8/P2K4/8/7p/3r4 w - -
KBNvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/8/8/8/1nB5/kNK5 b - -
KBPPvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 5n2/2k1B3/P7/4K3/8/8/2P5/8 b - -
KBPPvKNP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/2n5/p7/P5k1/1P6/8/B7/K7 b - -
KBPPvKRP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/p7/8/1P6/k1r5/8/4P3/KB6 w - -
KNNNvKB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7N/8/8/8/8/2b5/8/1K1k1N1N w - -
KNNNvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7N/8/8/4n3/7N/8/8/1K1k1N2 b - -
KNNPvKB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/1N6/6b1/2P5/8/8/8/K1k1N3 b - -
KNNPvKN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 4N3/8/2N5/1P6/2n5/2k5/8/3K4 b - -
KNNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/7q/8/P6N/8/2N4k/K7 w - -
KNNvKP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/5N2/8/p7/8/2NK3k w - -
KNNvKPP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/p7/Np6/8/8/8/KNk5 w - -
KNNvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/q7/3N4/8/8/N7/1K1k4 w - -
KNPPvKNP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1k6/8/4P3/p7/P7/1n6/8/N4K2 b - -
KPPPvKBP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/1p6/8/P7/1Pk5/Pb6/7K/8 w - -
KQBBvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 3B4/B7/6q1/4Q3/8/8/8/1K1k4 w - -
KQBNvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/2q5/7B/8/Nk6/8/8/Q1K5 w - -
KQBPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; Q7/P6k/7B/8/8/8/2q5/K7 b - -
KQBvKQP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 3K4/8/8/8/BQ6/p7/8/q2k4 b - -
KQBvKQP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/B7/8/K3q3/2k5/2p5/2Q5 w - -
KQBvKRR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7Q/8/8/r7/4k3/7B/8/rK6 w - -
KQNNvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; NN3q2/8/8/8/8/8/Q7/1K2k3 w - -
KQNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1Q6/P7/1N6/8/8/8/8/2q1k1K1 b - -
KQNvKQP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 5N2/8/8/8/1Q6/3q4/p7/k3K3 w - -
KQNvKRR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 2Q5/8/8/8/r3r3/8/8/NK1k4 w - -
KQPPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/PP6/8/8/1q6/8/2Q5/K6k b - -
KQPPvKQP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P1P5/8/q7/8/1Q6/p7/1k1K4 b - -
KQPPvKQP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/P7/1q6/4P3/6Q1/p7/k4K2 w - -
KQPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 6k1/P7/8/Q7/8/8/2q5/K7 b - -
KQPvKQP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P4q2/1Q6/8/p7/7k/8/K7 b - -
KQPvKQP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; q7/8/8/P7/3Q4/5K2/p7/4k3 w - -
KQPvKRB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/P7/2b5/8/1r1k4/8/K6Q b - -
KQPvKRN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/5n2/8/4r3/1Pk4Q/8/8/2K5 b - -
KQPvKRP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1KQ5/r7/8/8/2P5/8/7p/4k3 b - -
KQPvKRR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1r2k3/8/2P5/8/2Q5/5r2/4K3/8 b - -
KQQvKQB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7k/8/6Q1/5Q2/8/8/8/1K2b2q b - -
KQQvKQN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; QQ6/8/8/8/8/8/8/K1kqn3 b - -
KQQvKQR.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 5Q2/6Q1/8/7k/8/1r6/8/2K4q w - -
KQRNvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; QR6/N7/8/8/6k1/8/3q4/1K6 b - -
KQRPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; Q7/P7/8/5q2/8/8/3R4/K5k1 b - -
KQRvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1R5Q/8/6k1/q7/8/8/8/1K6 b - -
KQRvKQB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/8/2Q5/3Rb3/8/1K1k2q1 b - -
KQRvKQN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/3Q3R/8/8/8/8/7n/1K1k3q b - -
KQRvKQP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/3q4/Q7/6R1/p7/4k1K1 b - -
KQRvKQR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7q/5Q2/8/3R4/r7/8/8/1K1k4 b - -
KQRvKQR.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/8/8/3QR3/1r6/7q/8/1K3k2 w - -
KRBNvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/1q6/8/1B6/8/4R3/1N6/1K1k4 b - -
KRBPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; q6k/P1R5/8/4B3/8/8/8/1K6 b - -
KRBPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/5q2/3k4/3P4/R7/8/B7/5K2 w - -
KRBPvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P7/2k5/8/3r4/2R5/8/K3B3 b - -
KRBPvKRB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P7/8/3b1r2/3R4/8/8/K1kB4 b - -
KRBvKBB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 4b3/5b2/8/8/8/2B5/3R4/1K1k4 b - -
KRBvKBN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/8/8/8/R7/nKBk1b2 b - -
KRBvKNN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 3R4/8/8/8/8/8/6B1/nK1kn3 b - -
KRBvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/4B1r1/5R2/8/8/k1K5 b - -
KRNPvKBN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/N7/RP6/3kbK2/4n3/8/8/8 b - -
KRNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1q6/P7/8/R7/8/4N3/8/K6k b - -
KRNPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/7k/7q/R7/8/P4K2/8/1N6 w - -
KRNPvKR.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/Pk1K4/R7/8/1r6/4N3/8/8 b - -
KRNvKBB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/8/6b1/8/b7/8/1KNk3R b - -
KRNvKBN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/3NR3/8/b7/8/8/1Knk4 w - -
KRNvKBP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 3K2b1/8/6R1/3k3N/8/1p6/8/8 b - -
KRNvKNN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 3n1n2/8/8/8/4R3/8/8/NK1k4 b - -
KRNvKNP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 7K/8/8/6Rn/8/3p4/8/2k4N b - -
KRPPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/P7/P7/2k5/8/5K2/4R3/7q w - -
KRPPvKQP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; q6k/1P2P3/8/1R6/1p6/8/3K4/8 b - -
KRPPvKQP.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 5q2/2P5/8/7k/8/p7/P7/1K2R3 w - -
KRPPvKRN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/1r6/1P6/P6K/6n1/8/7k/1R6 b - -
KRPPvKRP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 2r5/8/8/2pP3K/2P5/3R2k1/8/8 b - -
KRPvKB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/K7/8/3P4/8/R3k3/7b/8 b - -
KRPvKBN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P1n5/8/8/8/1b6/2k2R2/K7 b - -
KRPvKBP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 2R5/p7/P2b4/8/8/8/2k5/K7 b - -
KRPvKNP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/3R4/3p4/8/2P5/4k3/K5n1 b - -
KRPvKQ.txt:Longest win for black: 100 ply; 8/P7/8/5R2/k7/8/q6K/8 w - -
KRRBvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; R7/8/1q6/7R/8/8/8/1K1k3B w - -
KRRNvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/1q6/8/6R1/6R1/8/1K1k3N w - -
KRRPvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/P3R3/8/2R5/8/8/8/K1k2q2 b - -
KRRRvKQ.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 1R6/8/8/8/8/k7/1R5R/1K2q3 w - -
KRRvKRB.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 5R2/8/8/8/7r/5b2/8/kRK5 b - -
KRRvKRN.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/8/n3R3/8/8/8/3r4/1K2Rk2 b - -
KRRvKRP.txt:Longest win for white: 100 ply; 8/6r1/4R3/8/2R5/kp6/8/5K2 b - -

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:34 pm
by Sven
RubiChess wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:51 pm This simple 1-liner on my syzygy folder (with some 7-men files and only searching for exactly 100 ply wins) gives:

Code: Select all

G:\syzygy>findstr /C:"100 ply;" *.txt
I don't think this is necessarily the right solution. The longest win could involve captures or pawn moves which reset the 50-moves counter.

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:22 am
by Dann Corbit
Zenmastur wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed


I think to do this accurately, you must have the complete Lomonosov files.
They have distance to mate.

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:35 am
by whereagles

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:21 am
by Dann Corbit
Keep in mind that those are DTZ, not DTM.
But looking at the question carefully, the answer is probably correct for syzygy files.
Those are the most distant wins (they just aren't minimal).

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:43 pm
by Zenmastur
Dann Corbit wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:22 am
Zenmastur wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed


I think to do this accurately, you must have the complete Lomonosov files.
They have distance to mate.
I was afraid you were going to say something like that.
I know there must be some mates that are well over 100 plies, I just need some examples. Preferably long ones.

I looked at all the "normal" EGTB sites and didn't find anything suitable.



Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:11 pm
by Dann Corbit
Zenmastur wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:43 pm
Dann Corbit wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:22 am
Zenmastur wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed


I think to do this accurately, you must have the complete Lomonosov files.
They have distance to mate.
I was afraid you were going to say something like that.
I know there must be some mates that are well over 100 plies, I just need some examples. Preferably long ones.

I looked at all the "normal" EGTB sites and didn't find anything suitable.


I think it may be possible to get the statistics for the Lomonosov files.

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:01 am
by syzygy
Dann Corbit wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:22 am
Zenmastur wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed


I think to do this accurately, you must have the complete Lomonosov files.
They have distance to mate.
But they don't take into account the 50-move rule. Whenever they show a mate in more than 50 moves, you can't really be sure about the number of moves it would take under the 50-move rule (it could be more, it could be less).

I don't think the longest 6-men win that respects the 50-move rule is known.

Re: longest 6-man EGTB win

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:06 am
by Zenmastur
syzygy wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:01 am
Dann Corbit wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:22 am
Zenmastur wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:38 pm Anyone have a list of positions of the longest 6-man EGTB wins that meet 50 move rule requirements? I.E. no cursed wins allowed


I think to do this accurately, you must have the complete Lomonosov files.
They have distance to mate.
But they don't take into account the 50-move rule. Whenever they show a mate in more than 50 moves, you can't really be sure about the number of moves it would take under the 50-move rule (it could be more, it could be less).

I don't think the longest 6-men win that respects the 50-move rule is known.
I was kind of thinking the same thing.

