Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

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George Tsavdaris
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Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by George Tsavdaris »

Surely a nonsense title, but still its performance in this match was spectacular. :D
Of course too few games to conclude anything about their strength, but still Fat Fritz seems extremely strong!

Time control 1 minute + 1 second/move.
TCEC's Season 16 superfinal openings(50 so 100 games).
Stockfish dev (14 November 2019) with 30 cores on a Threadripper 2990WX 32cores/64 threads at 3.1 GHz.
Fat Fritz v266 with RTX 2080+2060 and 2 threads of the above 2990WX.
FatFritz(FF) was getting some 45 kN/s and Stockfish(SF) some 38 MN/s.
Full 3,4,5,6 and some 7 men syzygy TBs on NVME M.2 SSD.
I have chosen 30 cores for SF in order to get the same nodes per second ratio of SF/FF compared to TCEC so the performances could be similar to TCEC's.

FatFritz_v266 - Stockfish_141119, +19 -15 =66, 52.0-48.0, +14±40 Elo, LOS=75.4 %

In fact Chessbase with its 2 articles boycotted itself in promoting Fat Fritz! :D
As in the matches of the Chessbase articles, SF was having 16 000 000 N/s while FF 11 000 N/s.
If you compare this SF/FF N/s ratio is about 1.69 times bigger than what TCEC has for SF/T40_Leela so for SF/FF also(as T40's and FF's speed is similar as they use the same binary and nets are both 20x256).
So they gave a very big advantage to Stockfish over Fat Fritz compared to TCEC that they probably wanted to compare.

That is bad advertisement! :mrgreen: They showed just +15 Elo performance of FF over SF-10 while by using a more comparable N/s ratio closer to TCEC, its difference would be even +50 Elo or more.
E.g just by using fp16 for FF in the Leela's Lc0 binary they would get a x3 N/s so some 40-60 Elo more.
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
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Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by collins1982 »

is the pgn available
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George Tsavdaris
Posts: 1627
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:35 pm

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by George Tsavdaris »

collins1982 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 7:29 pm is the pgn available
http://www.mediafire.com/file/hi615tpna ... 0.pgn/file

A moment from the match where SF's +2.12 for many moves was dead wrong and game ended a draw. Fat Fritz was correct on that.
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
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Location: New Delhi, India

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by shrapnel »

Then lc0 would have also destroyed Stockfish !
Played my first Game today against a Fat Fritz user on PlayChess.
It was a boring Draw, that too with the Black pieces.
In fact, the Score was slightly in lc0's favour throughout the Match, though not enough for a win.
Fat Fritz refused to give me a Return Match, so I can't say what lc0 would have done with White.

I see no reason to buy Fat Fritz 17 when the free lc0 is serving me so well and that too with many more options of NeuralNetworks.

[pgn][Event "Rated game, 5m+2s"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2019.11.17"]
[Round "?"]
[White "SublimeDavid, Fat Fritz (in lc0) "]
[Black "Shrapnel, Lc0 v0.22.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B85"]
[WhiteElo "2513"]
[BlackElo "2417"]
[Annotator "0.02;-0.08"]
[PlyCount "398"]
[EventDate "2019.11.17"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[TimeControl "300+2"]

{Fat Fritz (in lc0) rtx (4 cores): 11.0 plies; 132kN/s AMD Ryzen Threadripper
1950X 16-Core Processor 3394MHz, (16 cores, 32 threads), The Outskirts Chess
Forum.ctg, 32768 MB} 1. e4 {B 0} c5 {B 0} 2. Nf3 {B 0} e6 {B 0} 3. d4 {B 0}
cxd4 {B 0} 4. Nxd4 {B 0} Nc6 {B 0} 5. Nc3 {B 0} Qc7 {B 0} 6. Be3 {B 0} a6 {B 0}
7. Be2 {B 0} Nf6 {B 0} 8. O-O {B 0} Be7 {B 0} 9. f4 {B 0} d6 {B 0} 10. Qe1 {B 0
} O-O {B 0} 11. Kh1 {B 0} Nxd4 {B 0} 12. Bxd4 {B 0} b5 {B 0} 13. a3 {B 0} Nd7 {
B 0} 14. Bf3 {B 0} Bb7 {B 0} 15. Rd1 {B 0} Rad8 {B 0} 16. h3 {0.02/12 10} e5 {
-0.08/9 6} 17. Be3 {-0.01/14 1} exf4 {-0.08/11 5} 18. Bxf4 {-0.09/15 2} Ne5 {
-0.13/12 5} 19. Be2 {-0.12/14 13} Rfe8 {-0.12/14 3} 20. Qg3 {-0.11/20 16 (Be3)}
Bf6 {-0.16/14 29} 21. a4 {-0.08/28 3} b4 {-0.16/17 0 (bxa4)} 22. Nd5 {0.00/21 9
} Bxd5 {-0.13/16 0} 23. Rxd5 {0.06/19 5} Qxc2 {-0.14/15 0} 24. Bxa6 {0.08/18 4}
Qxb2 {-0.14/15 2} 25. a5 {0.08/19 12 (Rdd1)} Qa2 {-0.06/21 16} 26. Be3 {
0.08/29 0 (Bd2)} Ra8 {-0.15/16 37 (Nd7)} 27. Bb7 {0.02/27 22} Rxa5 {-0.08/27 0}
28. Rxa5 {0.04/27 6} Qxa5 {-0.05/25 0} 29. Rxf6 {0.04/26 6} b3 {-0.07/23 1} 30.
Bd5 {0.05/25 0} Qa1+ {-0.06/22 4} 31. Kh2 {0.03/23 10} Ng4+ {-0.07/20 2} 32.
hxg4 {0.03/21 10} Qxf6 {-0.08/18 0} 33. g5 {0.03/19 6} Qg6 {-0.06/18 52} 34.
Qf2 {0.03/24 0} Qh5+ {-0.06/17 0} 35. Kg1 {0.02/15 31} Qd1+ {-0.06/17 0} 36.
Kh2 {0.02/12 11} Rf8 {-0.07/17 32 (Qh5+)} 37. Bd4 {0.03/14 16} Qh5+ {-0.06/15 6
} 38. Kg1 {0.02/12 9} Qxg5 {-0.07/15 3 (Qd1+)} 39. Bxb3 {0.03/13 17} Qg4 {
-0.06/11 12} 40. Bd5 {0.03/14 5} Qd1+ {-0.06/12 7} 41. Kh2 {0.02/13 16} Qh5+ {
-0.07/11 0} 42. Kg1 {0.01/11 12} Qd1+ {-0.05/11 42} 43. Kh2 {0.01/7 8} Qh5+ {
-0.06/11 0} 44. Kg1 {0.00/5 9} Rb8 {-0.06/11 12 (Qd1+)} 45. Qf1 {0.04/11 36}
Rc8 {-0.04/11 5} 46. Bb2 {0.07/11 8 (Be3)} Rb8 {-0.03/10 16 (Rc2)} 47. Qa1 {
0.10/12 9} Qg6 {-0.05/10 2} 48. Qa7 {0.10/11 3} Rf8 {-0.03/10 4} 49. Bc3 {
0.09/11 18 (Qc7)} Qh5 {-0.02/9 17 (Qh6)} 50. Be1 {0.12/10 10 (Qc7)} h6 {
-0.02/8 7 (Qd1)} 51. Qc7 {0.17/12 4} Qd1 {0.04/11 3} 52. Kf1 {0.17/13 5} Qd3+ {
0.05/11 2} 53. Kf2 {0.15/13 6 (Kg1)} Qd4+ {0.02/11 4} 54. Ke2 {0.15/13 3 (Kf1)}
Qb2+ {0.02/11 14 (Qg1)} 55. Bd2 {0.17/13 6} Qe5 {0.06/12 0} 56. Kf3 {0.17/13 4}
Qh5+ {0.10/12 6} 57. Kf2 {0.23/13 7 (Kg3)} Qe5 {0.07/11 4} 58. g3 {0.24/13 1
(Kf3)} Kh7 {0.09/9 7 (Qb2)} 59. Bf4 {0.29/13 6} Qd4+ {0.16/11 2 (Qb2+)} 60. Ke2
{0.28/12 6} Qb2+ {0.17/12 0} 61. Kf3 {0.26/13 10} Qa3+ {0.15/12 0} 62. Kf2 {
0.23/14 1} Qc5+ {0.11/12 6 (Qb2+)} 63. Qxc5 {0.13/15 0} dxc5 {0.09/10 0} 64.
Bd6 {0.13/14 1} Rd8 {0.06/11 2} 65. e5 {0.11/14 3 (Bxc5)} f6 {-0.02/11 4} 66.
e6 {0.12/14 1 (Be4+)} Rxd6 {-0.03/11 4} 67. e7 {0.12/12 0} Rxd5 {-0.04/10 1}
68. e8=Q {0.10/10 0} Re5 {-0.03/8 7} 69. Qc8 {0.09/9 16 (Qa8)} Rg5 {-0.04/7 4}
70. Qa8 {0.11/8 3 (Kg1)} Re5 {-0.05/7 3} 71. Qa4 {0.12/8 2 (Kf1)} Kg8 {-0.06/7
3 (Rg5)} 72. Kg2 {0.10/8 2 (Kg1)} Rg5 {-0.07/6 2} 73. Qa7 {0.11/8 2 (Qd7)} Kh7
{-0.06/6 2} 74. Qa8 {0.12/8 2} Re5 {-0.05/7 2} 75. Qa4 {0.12/8 2 (Kf1)} Kg8 {
-0.06/6 3 (Rg5)} 76. Qb3+ {0.10/8 2 (Kg1)} Kh7 {-0.05/7 2 (Kh8)} 77. Qc4 {
0.11/8 2 (Qb1+)} Rg5 {-0.05/7 2 (Kh8)} 78. Qa4 {0.11/8 2 (Kh2)} Re5 {-0.06/6 2}
79. Kf2 {0.12/8 2 (Qc4)} Kg8 {-0.06/6 2 (Rg5)} 80. Kg2 {0.09/8 2 (Kg1)} Rg5 {
-0.06/6 1 (Kh8)} 81. Qa7 {0.11/8 2 (Qc6)} Kh7 {-0.06/6 2} 82. Qa8 {0.11/8 2}
Re5 {-0.05/7 1} 83. Qa4 {0.11/8 2 (Kh1)} Kg8 {-0.04/6 3 (Rg5)} 84. Qa7 {
0.10/8 2 (Qa8+)} Rg5 {-0.05/6 2 (Kh7)} 85. Qe7 {0.09/8 2} Re5 {-0.05/7 2} 86.
Qd7 {0.09/8 2} Rg5 {-0.05/6 2} 87. Qb5 {0.10/8 2 (Qa7)} Kf7 {-0.06/6 2 (Re5)}
88. Qb8 {0.12/8 2} Re5 {-0.04/6 2} 89. Qa8 {0.12/8 2 (Qb3+)} Rg5 {-0.05/6 2}
90. Qb8 {0.12/8 2 (Qd8)} Re5 {-0.04/6 2} 91. Qb3+ {0.12/8 2} Kf8 {-0.04/7 2}
92. Qa2 {0.11/8 2 (Qb8+)} Rg5 {-0.04/7 2} 93. Qa7 {0.11/8 2 (Qe6)} Kg8 {
-0.05/6 2} 94. Qa6 {0.09/8 2 (Qe7)} Kf7 {-0.05/6 2 Shrapnel,Lc0 v0.22.0 offers
a draw (Kh7)} 95. Qa8 {0.12/8 2} Re5 {-0.03/6 2} 96. Qa2+ {0.11/8 2} Kf8 {
-0.03/7 2} 97. Qa7 {0.11/8 2} Rg5 {-0.03/7 3} 98. Qc7 {0.10/8 2} Kg8 {-0.04/7 2
} 99. Qc6 {0.09/8 2 (Qa7)} Re5 {-0.03/6 3 (Kh7)} 100. Qd7 {0.08/8 2 (Qa4)} Rg5
{-0.03/6 2 (Kf8)} 101. Qc6 {0.09/8 2 (Qa7)} Re5 {-0.02/6 2 (Kh7)} 102. Qb5 {
0.09/8 2 (Qd7)} Rg5 {-0.03/6 2 (Kh7)} 103. Qa5 {0.08/8 2 (Qc6)} Kh7 {-0.03/6 1}
104. Qe1 {0.09/7 2 (Qa8)} Re5 {-0.03/6 2} 105. Qc3 {0.09/8 2 (Qb1+)} Rg5 {
-0.02/6 2} 106. Qb3 {0.09/8 2 (Qc2+)} Re5 {-0.01/6 2} 107. Qc3 {0.09/8 2 (Qb1+)
} Rg5 {-0.02/6 2} 108. Qc4 {0.09/8 2 (Qc2+)} Re5 {-0.01/6 1} 109. Qb3 {0.10/8
2 (Qc2+)} Rg5 {0.00/6 2 (Kh8)} 110. Qb8 {0.09/8 2 (Qc2+)} c4 {-0.02/6 2 (Re5)}
111. Qc8 {0.12/8 2 (Qa8)} Re5 {-0.02/6 2 (c3)} 112. Qxc4 {0.16/8 1} Kh8 {
0.00/7 2 (Rg5)} 113. Qc3 {0.17/8 3 (Qf7)} Kg8 {0.00/6 2 (Kh7)} 114. Qc8+ {
0.15/8 2 (Qc6)} Kh7 {0.00/7 2} 115. Qc3 {0.17/8 2 (Qc4)} Kg8 {0.00/6 2 (Rg5)}
116. Qc8+ {0.14/8 2 (Qc7)} Kf7 {0.00/7 2 (Kh7)} 117. Qc4+ {0.18/8 2} Kf8 {
0.01/7 1} 118. Kh3 {0.21/9 1 (g4)} Rg5 {0.03/8 2} 119. Kh4 {0.23/10 1} Re5 {
0.07/8 1} 120. Kg4 {0.23/10 2 (Qb3)} Rg5+ {0.06/9 1} 121. Kh4 {0.20/10 3} Re5 {
0.06/8 2} 122. Qb3 {0.21/10 2} Rg5 {0.06/8 2} 123. Kh3 {0.20/9 2 (Qe6)} Re5 {
0.06/9 5} 124. Kg4 {0.24/10 0} Rg5+ {0.07/9 0} 125. Kh4 {0.21/10 3} Re5 {
0.07/8 1} 126. Kg4 {0.22/10 3 (Qc4)} Rg5+ {0.06/9 2} 127. Kh4 {0.19/10 1} Re5 {
0.07/8 2} 128. Qc4 {0.20/10 3} Rg5 {0.07/8 2} 129. g4 {0.20/10 3 (Qe6)} Re5 {
0.06/8 3} 130. Qb3 {0.19/10 2} Rg5 {0.05/8 2} 131. Qe6 {0.19/9 1} Re5 {0.05/9 1
} 132. Qa2 {0.18/10 2} Rg5 {0.04/8 2} 133. Qb3 {0.18/9 2 (Qe6)} Re5 {0.05/8 3}
134. Qc4 {0.18/9 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.04/8 2} 135. Qe6 {0.18/9 2 (Qa2)} Re5 {0.04/8 2
} 136. Qa2 {0.17/10 2} Rg5 {0.03/8 2} 137. Qc4 {0.15/9 2} Re5 {0.04/8 2} 138.
Kg3 {0.14/9 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.01/7 2} 139. Kf4 {0.15/9 2} Re5 {0.03/8 2} 140. Qb3
{0.18/9 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.02/8 2} 141. Qc4 {0.16/9 3 (Qe6)} Re5 {0.03/8 2} 142.
Qb3 {0.17/8 1 (g5)} Rg5 {0.01/8 2} 143. Qe6 {0.14/8 2} Re5 {0.03/8 2} 144. Qc4
{0.16/9 2 (Qa2)} Rg5 {0.02/8 2} 145. Qe6 {0.15/9 2} Re5 {0.02/7 2} 146. Qa2 {
0.15/9 2} Rg5 {0.01/7 2} 147. Qb3 {0.15/8 2} Re5 {0.03/8 2} 148. Qc4 {0.15/8 2
(g5)} Rg5 {0.01/7 2} 149. Qc8+ {0.14/8 2 (Qb3)} Kf7 {0.00/8 2} 150. Kf3 {
0.14/8 2 (Qb8)} Re5 {0.01/8 3} 151. Kf4 {0.14/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.00/7 2 (Kg6)}
152. Kf3 {0.13/8 2 (Qb8)} Re5 {0.02/7 2} 153. Kg3 {0.13/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.00/7 1
} 154. Kf4 {0.13/8 2 (Kh4)} Re5 {0.02/7 3} 155. Qb8 {0.14/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {
0.00/7 2} 156. Kf3 {0.14/8 2 (Qc8)} Re5 {0.02/7 3} 157. Kf4 {0.13/8 2 (g5)} Rg5
{0.00/7 1 (Kg6)} 158. Kf3 {0.13/8 2 (Qc8)} Re5 {0.02/7 3} 159. Qc8 {0.13/8 2
(g5)} Rg5 {0.00/7 1} 160. Ke4 {0.12/8 2 (Kf4)} Kg6 {0.00/7 2 (Re5+)} 161. Kf3 {
0.12/8 2 (Kf4)} Kh7 {0.00/7 2 (Re5)} 162. Qc4 {0.12/8 2 (Qa8)} Re5 {0.01/7 2}
163. Kf2 {0.11/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.01/7 2 (Kh8)} 164. Kf1 {0.12/8 2} Re5 {0.03/7 2
} 165. Kf2 {0.12/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.02/7 2 (Kh8)} 166. Kf3 {0.11/8 2 (Kf1)} Re5 {
0.02/7 2} 167. Qb3 {0.10/8 2 (g5)} Rg5 {0.01/7 2 (Kh8)} 168. Kf2 {0.11/8 2} Kh8
{0.02/7 2} 169. Qc3 {0.11/8 2 (Qc4)} Kg8 {0.01/6 2 (Re5)} 170. Qc7 {0.10/8 2
(Qe3)} Re5 {0.02/7 2} 171. Qd7 {0.09/8 2} Rg5 {0.02/6 1 (Kf8)} 172. Qd6 {
0.11/8 2 (Qe7)} Kf7 {0.02/7 2 (Re5)} 173. Qb8 {0.11/8 2 (Qd8)} Re5 {0.04/7 2}
174. Qd8 {0.11/8 2 (Kf3)} Rg5 {0.04/7 2} 175. Qc8 {0.11/8 2 (Ke1)} Re5 {
0.05/7 2} 176. Kf3 {0.09/7 2} Rg5 {0.04/6 2 (Re8)} 177. Kf4 {0.07/6 2} Re5 {
0.02/5 2} 178. g5 {0.08/6 1} Rxg5 {0.00/8 1} 179. Kf3 {0.07/8 3} Re5 {0.01/7 3}
180. Kg4 {0.10/8 2} Kg6 {0.02/7 2 (Rg5+)} 181. Kf3 {0.08/8 2 (Qc4)} Kh7 {
0.00/7 2 (h5)} 182. Qd8 {0.06/8 2 (Qc4)} Rg5 {0.00/6 2} 183. Kf4 {0.05/8 2
(Qa8)} Re5 {0.00/7 2} 184. Kf3 {0.07/8 2 (Kg4)} Rg5 {0.00/6 2} 185. Kf4 {
0.05/8 2} Re5 {0.00/7 2} 186. Kg3 {0.06/8 2 (Kg4)} Rg5+ {0.03/6 2} 187. Kf2 {
0.05/8 2 (Kh4)} Re5 {0.00/6 2} 188. Qd3+ {0.06/7 2 (Kg3)} Kg8 {0.00/7 2} 189.
Qd7 {0.06/8 2} Rg5 {0.00/6 2} 190. Qe7 {0.06/8 2} Re5 {0.00/7 2 (Kh8)} 191. Qa3
{0.05/8 2 (Qd7)} Rg5 {-0.01/6 2} 192. Qe7 {0.06/8 2} Re5 {0.00/7 2} 193. Qd7 {
0.06/8 2} Rg5 {0.00/7 2 (Kf8)} 194. Qc7 {0.05/8 2 (Ke1)} Re5 {0.00/6 2} 195.
Kg3 {0.07/8 2 (Qc8+)} Kh7 {0.00/6 2} 196. Qc4 {0.06/8 2} Kh8 {0.03/6 2} 197.
Qc7 {0.07/8 2 (Kh4)} Kh7 {0.01/6 2} 198. Qc4 {0.07/8 2} Kh8 {0.03/6 1} 199. Qc7
{0.06/7 2 (Kh4)} Kh7 {0.00/4 2} 1/2-1/2
i7 5960X @ 4.1 Ghz, 64 GB G.Skill RipJaws RAM, Twin Asus ROG Strix OC 11 GB Geforce 2080 Tis
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Location: New Delhi, India

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by shrapnel »

Here is another game where my lc0 literally FRIED the Brains of the much-vaunted Brainfish.

I was using the James Horsfall Thomas (jhorthos) NN, the famous J13B.2-188.

[pgn][Event "Rated game, 5 min"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2019.11.17"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Shrapnel, Lc0 v0.22.0"]
[Black "Schinitzu, Brainfish 061119 64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "2458"]
[BlackElo "2517"]
[Annotator "0.77;-0.55"]
[PlyCount "127"]
[EventDate "2019.11.17"]
[SourceTitle "playchess.com"]
[TimeControl "300"]

{Brainfish 061119 64 POPCNT (7 threads): 24.9 plies; 7,217kN/s Intel(R) Core
(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 2593MHz, (4 cores, 8 threads), Samurai.ctg, 32768
MB} 1. e4 {B 0} c5 {B 0} 2. Nf3 {B 0} d6 {B 0} 3. d4 {B 0} cxd4 {B 0} 4. Nxd4 {
B 0} Nf6 {B 0} 5. Nc3 {B 0} a6 {B 0} 6. Be3 {B 0} e5 {B 0} 7. Nb3 {B 0} Be6 {
B 0} 8. f3 {B 0} Be7 {-0.55/26 16} 9. Qd2 {B 0 (Le2)} O-O {0.00/26 12} 10.
O-O-O {B 0} Nbd7 {0.00/28 10} 11. g4 {B 0} b5 {0.00/29 3} 12. g5 {B 0 (Sd5)}
Nh5 {0.00/28 7} 13. Kb1 {B 0} Nb6 {0.00/31 12} 14. Na5 {B 0 (Sd5)} Rc8 {
-0.22/23 3} 15. a3 {B 0 (Sd5)} g6 {-0.35/31 29} 16. Rg1 {B 0 (h4)} Qc7 {
-0.54/25 3} 17. Nd5 {B 0} Nxd5 {-0.43/33 33} 18. exd5 {B 0} Bf5 {0.00/27 4} 19.
Nc6 {0.77/12 8 (Tc1)} Rfe8 {-0.33/27 11 (Qd7)} 20. Bd3 {1.11/12 4} Bxd3 {
-0.16/28 1} 21. Qxd3 {1.17/15 3} Bf8 {-0.40/27 8} 22. c4 {1.12/15 2 (Dd2)} bxc4
{-0.82/21 2 (Nf4)} 23. Qxc4 {1.15/12 10} Qb7 {-0.40/26 10 (Ra8)} 24. h4 {
1.31/11 18 (Td3)} Kh8 {-0.30/25 7 (f5)} 25. Rd3 {1.70/10 10 (Tg2)} f5 {-0.18/
23 1} 26. Rb3 {1.62/12 4} Qf7 {0.00/29 1} 27. Ka2 {1.59/12 4 (Tb6)} Ra8 {
0.69/29 24 (f4)} 28. Rc1 {1.59/11 11 (Tb6)} f4 {0.00/26 2} 29. Bf2 {1.57/12 3}
Qd7 {0.51/28 19} 30. Nb4 {1.57/14 4 (Tb6)} Rec8 {0.50/22 3} 31. Nc6 {1.55/12 3}
Re8 {0.61/26 5} 32. Rb6 {1.49/14 18} Qh3 {1.07/28 0} 33. Qb3 {1.51/16 0} a5 {
0.79/27 7 (Kg8)} 34. a4 {1.45/15 12} Kg8 {1.08/28 0} 35. Rb7 {1.47/15 2} e4 {
1.06/26 1 (Qg2)} 36. fxe4 {1.76/17 12 (Sd4)} Qxb3+ {0.84/23 3 (Qg2)} 37. Rxb3 {
1.98/16 9 (Kxb3)} Rxe4 {1.57/22 2} 38. Ka3 {2.00/18 2} Re2 {1.74/24 2 (Ng3)}
39. Be1 {2.11/12 12} h6 {1.80/27 3 (Rh2)} 40. Bxa5 {2.21/12 10} hxg5 {2.05/28
4 (Rh2)} 41. hxg5 {2.44/12 8} Rg2 {2.30/29 0} 42. Bd8 {2.50/12 5 (Td3)} Rd2 {
2.99/25 10} 43. Rf3 {2.56/13 1} Rxd5 {3.21/24 4} 44. b4 {2.65/12 5} Ng7 {
3.24/25 4} 45. a5 {2.78/12 7} Ne6 {3.91/27 1} 46. Bf6 {2.84/11 4} Nxg5 {
3.73/25 1 (Kf7)} 47. Rxf4 {3.75/9 12 (Lxg5)} Ne6 {3.66/19 1} 48. Rff1 {3.85/9
11 (Th4)} Kf7 {3.44/19 2} 49. Be7+ {4.20/10 7 (Ka4)} Rf5 {5.03/24 7} 50. Bxf8 {
4.26/10 3} Nxf8 {5.84/25 2 (Rxf8)} 51. Rfd1 {5.53/8 13 (b5)} Rf3+ {4.09/20 2
(g5)} 52. Ka4 {8.51/7 2} Rf6 {4.84/23 2} 53. Rf1 {5.95/7 5 (b5)} Nd7 {4.81/22 3
} 54. Kb5 {5.77/8 3 (Txf6+)} Rh8 {5.01/19 2 (g5)} 55. Rxf6+ {5.33/7 3} Kxf6 {
6.24/22 0} 56. Rd1 {4.89/7 2} Ke6 {6.67/22 0} 57. Re1+ {4.91/8 2 (Sd4+)} Kf5 {
5.28/18 0 (Kf6)} 58. a6 {10.47/7 2} Ra8 {7.16/23 0 (g5)} 59. a7 {10.47/6 3
(Ka5)} Ne5 {7.04/17 0} 60. Nxe5 {23.00/6 1 (Sd4+)} Rxa7 {5.12/16 0} 61. Nc6 {
20.69/6 2 (Sc4)} Ra2 {9.37/23 2 (Rg7)} 62. Kc4 {27.27/6 1 (Kb6)} Kf4 {6.96/18
1 (Rc2+)} 63. Nd4 {41.02/6 1 (b5)} g5 {8.56/20 1} 64. b5 {18.85/6 1 Schinitzu,
Brainfish 061119 64 abbandona (Lag: Av=0.29s, max=0.7s)} 1-0
i7 5960X @ 4.1 Ghz, 64 GB G.Skill RipJaws RAM, Twin Asus ROG Strix OC 11 GB Geforce 2080 Tis
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Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by Nordlandia »

George Tsavdaris: considering the TC is 1 minute + 1 second increment, it can good choise to run with ponder enabled.

29 CPU for Stockfish and 2 for Leela and 1 for OS as buffer.

Using permanent brain with high-end chip for CPU vs GPU make more sense than AB vs AB. AB vs NN with ponder enabled do make more sense though.
Posts: 179
Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 3:32 am

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by schack »

Is this your test, George, or was it reported somewhere else?
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George Tsavdaris
Posts: 1627
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:35 pm

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by George Tsavdaris »

schack wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 8:35 pm Is this your test, George, or was it reported somewhere else?
Mine :D
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
Posts: 179
Joined: Thu May 27, 2010 3:32 am

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by schack »

Link to review, citing this very thread at Talkchess!

https://new.uschess.org/news/fat-fritz- ... -review-i/
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George Tsavdaris
Posts: 1627
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:35 pm

Re: Fat Fritz destroyed Stockfish!

Post by George Tsavdaris »

schack wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:53 pm Link to review, citing this very thread at Talkchess!

https://new.uschess.org/news/fat-fritz- ... -review-i/
Nice article. :D
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....