Of course too few games to conclude anything about their strength, but still Fat Fritz seems extremely strong!
Time control 1 minute + 1 second/move.
TCEC's Season 16 superfinal openings(50 so 100 games).
Stockfish dev (14 November 2019) with 30 cores on a Threadripper 2990WX 32cores/64 threads at 3.1 GHz.
Fat Fritz v266 with RTX 2080+2060 and 2 threads of the above 2990WX.
FatFritz(FF) was getting some 45 kN/s and Stockfish(SF) some 38 MN/s.
Full 3,4,5,6 and some 7 men syzygy TBs on NVME M.2 SSD.
I have chosen 30 cores for SF in order to get the same nodes per second ratio of SF/FF compared to TCEC so the performances could be similar to TCEC's.
FatFritz_v266 - Stockfish_141119, +19 -15 =66, 52.0-48.0, +14±40 Elo, LOS=75.4 %
In fact Chessbase with its 2 articles boycotted itself in promoting Fat Fritz!

As in the matches of the Chessbase articles, SF was having 16 000 000 N/s while FF 11 000 N/s.
If you compare this SF/FF N/s ratio is about 1.69 times bigger than what TCEC has for SF/T40_Leela so for SF/FF also(as T40's and FF's speed is similar as they use the same binary and nets are both 20x256).
So they gave a very big advantage to Stockfish over Fat Fritz compared to TCEC that they probably wanted to compare.
That is bad advertisement!

E.g just by using fp16 for FF in the Leela's Lc0 binary they would get a x3 N/s so some 40-60 Elo more.