The next link is some of my early work on chess. It is very noobish but hopefully interesting. There is a readme file. ...
My Sherwin50.pgn file has been used to test a number of engines by various authors. MadChess used to use it as a quick first test. There are a few quiet positions, however most positions are quite dynamic. All pieces are on the board and at most only one pawn for each side has been captured. ... 0.pgn/file is every line from the book, "Chess Openings The Easy Way", by Nick De Firmian. It contains over 900 opening lines. It is not an opening book for chess engines as is. It is a source for engine authors to easily create their own openings for testing their engines. ...
The next two links are not chess related. The first link is a simple Risk like realtime space conquest game first prototyped in QB64 (Quick Basic 64). The second link is a rewrite in C using the Allegro graphics library. It is still pre alpha but very playable. It has no sound yet and the current graphics are very basic. So if you are bored out of your gourd and want something to do you can give it a try. Kids should like it but so far I have no feedback on that. Sorry no readme yet as it is in constant revision. But here are the basic instructions.
1. Only works correctly in 1920 by 1080p
2. Right or left click on an owned star and then
.a Left click on one of your stars or an enemy star in range to send ships there
.b Right click on one of your stars to establish standing orders to send reinforcements
.c Right click on an enemy star to send help to a computer player that is fighting a dangerous enemy
3. Right click on empty space to pause the game but still can enter orders. Right click again to unpause
4. Press s to save the game
5. Press l to load the saved game
6. Press n for a new game
7. +/- speeds up the game/slows down the game
8. The escape key saves and exits the game. The saved game loads on startup.
That is about it. It is a little tricky at first but does not take long to master the mechanics. Mastering the game play will take a little longer. Almost any starting position is winnable but will take some imagination and mental acrobatics. Left clicking on empty space will (not yet) pause the game and bring up the game panel. Right now it only will play with one human, eleven computer players and 200 stars. Planned is anywhere from 2 to 12 players and 40 to 200 stars. I took a little liberty naming the stars! The human starts with the medium blue star named Sol. You'll have to look for it. Please, please, please I'd love some feedback on the game! ... 2.bas/file ...