I have started this topic to avoid flames from who hates Stockfish and other independent engines clones
(that are all on TOP 25 of my SuperBlitz and deserve to be supported, too)
Please be kind and tolerant
Best Regards, Alex
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64. ProteusSF Dev Forum
Someone with an anonymous Brazilian email
has sent me a new SF derivative engine that seems very strong!
Você poderia testar o EtherFish 14,25 NNUE RIO ARM64?
Mix do Ethereal 13 github, Stockfish 14 + Private NNUE RIO
Por favor, não compartilhe até que eu o lance na GPLv3.
Muito obrigado!
I have only a binary for Windows11 ARM64 with NNUE embedded,
and he ask me to test it privately not sharing it until he will release
it under GPLv3 license. But I can share results, games and the nice logo
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64. ProteusSF Dev Forum
Derivative chess engines are allowed and even supported by their authors, if you respect GPLv3!
So PLEASE Fischerov, Raubfisch, Eman, Zeus, AI-15, Killfish, Spider 1.1b, Alpha Subzero 130.2 and all the others hidden skilled authors release your modified source code to the computer chess community, or we can only test them without sharing!
My main interest isn't legal, but simply is the ability to compile them also on Linux, Mac and Windows x86-64 and ARM64 | M1
SugaR CorChess ShashChess Honey Harmon Bluefish Black Diamond OKI Maguro Fat Titz Fat Fritz 2.3 in StockFish 14 github NNUE BrainLearn Brainfish
Night Nurse Dark Horse Toga III
EtherFish 14.25 ARM64 NNUE RIO
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64. ProteusSF Dev Forum
Eman project started almost 3 years ago as a private project for my own entertainment only. I love chess and I enjoy programming and Eman was one application that combines both hobbies of mine!
I was aware of the fact that if Eman becomes a public project then it will be a violation to distribute it without the code. I never intended to distribute Eman and for that reason, I was the only use of Eman for approximately one year. That is when Eman started attracting the attention of some of my friends who asked me for a copy of Eman. Those friends never cared if Eman code is included with the binary or not.
Later more chess enthusiasts became interested and wanted to have a copy of Eman, again none of those enthusiasts was interested in Eman code. I came up with a licensing scheme that only allows people I know (or people who approached me by email or via this forum) to use Eman but then the licensing thing became too much to handle.
That is when I made Eman completely public, which is a mistake becasue it is a violation of GPL to release Eman binaries without the modified code.
After being approached by some of Stockfish authors recently, I have decided to make Eman private again. There will be no more releases after the last version and there will be no more sharing of Eman binaries using any means.
I know some users depend on Eman for chess play or analysis but unfortunately, I cannot support them anymore for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
Currently, SugaR is the closest engine to Eman as it has the same experience logic and it has some of Eman logic included in the search algorithm. I will continue to help Marco Zerbinati with SugaR code and I will be contributing to other engines such as BrainLearn and ShashChess like I used to do before and whenever requested by their respected authors.