Code: Select all
CPU: Dual Intel Xeon E5-2673 v4, 40 cores (80 threads)
OS: Windows 10 64-Bit
Tool: Cutechess-Cli, no draw and resign rules
Engines: Stockfish 13 x64 BMI2, default settings
Hash-Table: 2048 MB
Time control: 60 seconds + 0.6 seconds
Tablebases: None
Openings: 4 moves book, changing colors
Ponder: Off
+20 Elo
Code: Select all
Stockfish 13 T32 +20 +67/=923/-10 52.85% 528.5/1000
Stockfish 13 T16 -20 +10/=923/-67 47.15% 471.5/1000
Engine Depth Time Games Moves Average MIDG EARLY ENDG LATE
Stockfish 13 T32 39.78 26:09:09 1000 76100 1.24 32.34 | 32.95 | 40.31 | 51.18
Stockfish 13 T16 37.19 26:12:55 1000 76061 1.24 30.22 | 30.57 | 37.05 | 48.62
Depth : Overall average search depth
Time : Total time engine used
Moves : Total moves engine played
Average : Average time per move in centi-seconds
MIDG : Average search depth during the opening and middle game
EARLY : Average search depth during the middle game without Queens, the so called early end game
ENDG : Average search depth during the end game
LATE : Average search depth during the late end game