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Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 10:54 am
by silentshark
[d]r1bq3r/1p2b1pp/p1n5/3pNkN1/P2p4/8/1PP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w

A silly position, mate in 1 to white.

My engine gives this kind of position a very high positional score +20.00 or similar, from king attacks mainly. What about yours?

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 11:07 am
by Henk
My chess engine does not understand the FEN:

invalid fen: short castling rights black

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 11:09 am
by silentshark
ok, have fixed FEN, hopefully

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 11:22 am
by Henk
My engine fails. Not enought weight for King in Center Black I guess. [But first thing to fix is (idiotic) precision in numbers presented]

Fen r1bq3r/1p2b1pp/p1n5/3pNkN1/P2p4/8/1PP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w - -
Non Material Value 124,733558384001
Material Value -45
Mobility White 31
Mobility Black 34
Pawn Score White 0,0952250118029996
Pawn Score Black 0,289642744234124
Pawn Shield White 178,804328896629
Pawn Shield Black 55,8763527801965
Knight XRay Mobility White 14
Knight Pseudo Legal Mobility White 14
King In Center White 0
King In Center Black 2

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:06 pm
by xr_a_y
Minic gives this

Code: Select all

info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Game phase    0.874857
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: ScalingFactor 1
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Material      MG : -63, EG : -21
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Positional    MG : 259, EG : -52
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Development   MG : -40, EG : 0
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Mobility      MG : 19, EG : 30
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Pawn          MG : 62, EG : 81
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Attack        MG : 71, EG : -49
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: Initiative    MG : 0, EG : -24
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: ==> All : MG : 308, EG : -35
info string Info  2020-05-09 18:04:58-157: eval 265 phase 0.874857

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:08 pm
by bob
Here is Crafty's static eval:

Code: Select all

White(1): r1bq3r/1p2b1pp/p1n5/3pNkN1/P2p4/8/1PP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w - - 0 1
White(1): score

note: scores are for the white side
material.......   0.05  |    comp     mg      eg   |    comp     mg      eg   |
pawns..........   0.21  |   -0.42   -0.52    0.50  |    0.63    0.72   -0.16  |
passed pawns...   0.00  |    0.00    0.00    0.00  |    0.00    0.00    0.00  |
knights........   0.33  |    0.52    0.52    0.52  |   -0.19   -0.19   -0.19  |
bishops........  -0.31  |   -0.15   -0.17   -0.05  |   -0.16   -0.15   -0.33  |
rooks..........   0.48  |    0.39    0.41    0.26  |    0.09    0.09    0.09  |
queens.........   0.04  |    0.02    0.02    0.02  |    0.02    0.02    0.02  |
kings..........   4.02  |   -0.21   -0.19   -0.40  |    4.23    4.73   -0.40  |
pawn races.....   0.00  +--------------------------+--------------------------+
total..........   4.81

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:20 pm
by Terje
Weiss gives 2.93 - No way to pull apart the eval at this time :P

@xr_a_y printing the phase twice is a bit redundant :P

Re: Positional evaluation of your engine on this?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 9:56 pm
by fabianVDW

Code: Select all

Evaluating GameState fen: r1bq3r/1p2b1pp/p1n5/3pNkN1/P2p4/8/1PP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w - - 0 1

Tempo:(10 , 15)

PSQT for White:
        Pawns  : (-143 , -139)
        Knights: (11 , 38)
        Bishops: (-6 , -26)
        Rooks: (37 , -28)
        Queens: (22 , -5)
        King   : (88 , -79)
Sum: (9 , -239)

PSQT for Black:
        Pawns  : (-27 , -184)
        Knights: (12 , 12)
        Bishops: (4 , -29)
        Rooks: (24 , -56)
        Queens: (22 , -5)
        King   : (-88 , 18)
Sum: (-53 , -244)

PSQT Sum: (62 , 5)

Piece values for White
        Pawns: 6 -> (666 , 1104)
        Knights: 2 -> (988 , 1558)
        Bishops: 1 -> (496 , 711)
        Rooks: 2 -> (1310 , 2596)
        Queens: 1 -> (1541 , 2449)
Sum: (5001 , 8418)

Piece values for Black
        Pawns: 6 -> (666 , 1104)
        Knights: 1 -> (494 , 779)
        Bishops: 2 -> (992 , 1422)
        Bishop-Pair: 1 -> (41 , 111)
        Rooks: 2 -> (1310 , 2596)
        Queens: 1 -> (1541 , 2449)
Sum: (5044 , 8461)

Piece value Sum: (5001 , 8418) - (5044 , 8461) -> (-43 , -43)

Pawns for White:
        Doubled: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Isolated: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Backward: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Supported: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Attack Center: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Mobility: 21 -> (189 , 252)
        Passer Blocked/Not Blocked: 0 , 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rook behind passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Enemy Rook behind passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Weak passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Passers distance to kings -> (0 , 0)
Sum: (189 , 252)

Pawns for Black:
        Doubled: 1 -> (4 , -15)
        Isolated: 2 -> (-32 , -38)
        Backward: 1 -> (-13 , -10)
        Supported: 1 -> (5 , 8)
        Attack Center: 1 -> (-19 , -16)
        Mobility: 17 -> (153 , 204)
        Passer Blocked/Not Blocked: 0 , 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rook behind passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Enemy Rook behind passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Weak passer: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Passers distance to kings -> (0 , 0)
Sum: (98 , 133)

Pawn Sum: (189 , 252) - (98 , 133) -> (91 , 119)

Knights for White:
        Supported by pawns: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Outposts: 0 -> (0 , 0)
Sum: (0 , 0)

Knights for Black:
        Supported by pawns: 1 -> (7 , 3)
        Outposts: 0 -> (0 , 0)
Sum: (7 , 3)

Knights Sum: (0 , 0) - (7 , 3) -> (-7 , -3)

Piecewise for White:
        Mobility Knight: (-6 , 85)
        Mobility Bishop: (28 , 10)
        Bishop Diagonally Adj: (-14 , 58)
        Mobility Rook  : (-1 , 46)
        Mobility Queen : (16 , 6)
        BishopXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        RookXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        QueenXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rooks on open  : 1 -> (57 , 19)
        Rooks on semi-open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Queens on open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Queens on semi-open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rooks on seventh: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Knight Attackers: Num: 2 , Val: (45 , 5)
        Bishop Attackers: Num: 1 , Val: (9 , 2)
        Rook Attackers: Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Queen Attackers: Num: 1 , Val: (28 , 49)
        Sum Attackers: (Num: 4 , Val: (82 , 56)
        Attack MG value: 500 * 185 / 100.0 -> 925
        Attack EG value: 448 * 190 / 100.0 -> 851
Sum: (1005 , 1075)

Piecewise for Black:
        Mobility Knight: (1 , 42)
        Mobility Bishop: (58 , 57)
        Bishop Diagonally Adj: (-29 , 110)
        Mobility Rook  : (-11 , 32)
        Mobility Queen : (16 , 20)
        BishopXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        RookXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        QueenXrayKing : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rooks on open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rooks on semi-open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Queens on open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Queens on semi-open  : 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Rooks on seventh: 0 -> (0 , 0)
        Knight Attackers: Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Bishop Attackers: Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Rook Attackers: Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Queen Attackers: Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Sum Attackers: (Num: 0 , Val: (0 , 0)
        Attack MG value: 0 * 0 / 100.0 -> 0
        Attack EG value: 0 * -1 / 100.0 -> 0
Sum: (35 , 261)

Piecewise Sum: (1005 , 1075) - (35 , 261) -> (970 , 814)

King for White:
        Shield pawn missing: 0 -> (5 , -16)
        Shield pawn on open file missing: 0 -> (2 , 7)
Sum: (7 , -9)

King for Black:
        Shield pawn missing: 3 -> (-60 , 8)
        Shield pawn on open file missing: 1 -> (-1 , 8)
Sum: (-61 , 16)

King Sum: (7 , -9) - (-61 , 16) -> (68 , -25)

Sum: (62 , 5) + (-7 , -3) + (970 , 814) + (68 , -25) + (91 , 119) + (-43 , -43) + (10 , 15) -> (1151 , 588) (EG/=1.5)
Phase: 119.08740740740741

Final Result: (1151 * 119.08740740740741 + 588 * (128.0 - 119.08740740740741))/128.0 -> 1111
cp 1111