New engine releases & news H2 2022

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Sylwy »

Posts: 4718
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
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Full name: Guenther Simon

Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

PurplePanda 10 (New) first public version released today ... neVersions
(you'll need probably the two dlls from above folder - I have compiled my own)

author: Jakob Steininger (AUT)

rough estimation: 1300-1500 CCRL Blitz

(I had zero problems matching it vs. a couple of programs in CuteChess)
[pgn][Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "Raven_030"]
[Black "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A30"]
[GameDuration "00:03:07"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T14:32:45.402 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T14:29:37.420 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "English"]
[PlyCount "67"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
[Variation "Symmetrical variation"]

1. c4 {book} c5 {book}
2. b3 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. g3 {book} g6 {book}
4. Bb2 {+0.13/6 4.84} f6 {-0.02/70 4.03}
5. Nf3 {+0.69/5 4.68} e5 {-0.07/60 3.95}
6. e4 {+0.69/4 4.54} d6 {-0.03/60 3.88}
7. h3 {+0.68/4 4.40} f5 {+0.01/60 3.80}
8. Nc3 {+0.65/4 4.26} Nf6 {+0.03/70 3.73}
9. d3 {+0.67/3 4.13} Bg7 {+0.01/60 3.67}
10. Bg2 {+0.71/3 4.01} O-O {0.00/60 3.60}
11. O-O {+0.53/2 3.88} fxe4 {0.00/70 3.53}
12. dxe4 {+0.82/3 3.77} Be6 {+0.01/50 3.47}
13. Ng5 {+0.82/1 3.66} Nd4 {+0.01/50 3.41}
14. Nxe6 {+0.92/1 3.55} Nxe6 {-0.01/70 3.35}
15. Nb5 {+1.15/3 3.45} Nd4 {0.00/60 3.29}
16. Nxd4 {+1.21/2 3.35} exd4 {0.00/60 3.23}
17. Qd2 {+1.38/4 3.26} Re8 {+0.05/50 3.18}
18. Qf4 {+1.29/4 3.17} Qb6 {+0.06/50 3.12}
19. g4 {+1.38/3 3.08} h6 {+0.06/50 3.07}
20. g5 {+1.41/2 3.00} hxg5 {-0.91/70 3.02}
21. Qxg5 {+1.43/5 2.92} Kh7 {+0.03/50 2.97}
22. f4 {+1.44/3 2.84} Nxe4 {+0.08/60 2.92}
23. Qh4+ {+0.70/4 2.77} Kg8 {+0.06/60 2.87}
24. f5 {+0.26/4 2.70} Nf6 {+0.10/70 2.82}
25. fxg6 {+0.63/4 2.63} Re2 {-0.99/60 2.78}
26. Rxf6 {+4.71/4 2.56} Rxg2+ {-3.01/60 2.73}
27. Kxg2 {+11.18/7 2.50} Qc6+ {-7.98/60 2.69}
28. Kg3 {+12.99/7 2.44} Bh6 {-8.81/60 2.65}
29. Qxh6 {+12.99/6 2.38} Qc7 {-7.89/50 2.61}
30. Rf7 {+12.93/5 2.33} Qxf7 {-11.93/70 2.57}
31. gxf7+ {+13.09/5 2.27} Kxf7 {-12.99/80 2.53}
32. Qh7+ {+13.82/5 2.22} Kf6 {-12.00/70 2.49}
33. Rf1+ {+M7/4 0.028} Ke5 {-1000.00/60 0.29}
34. Qf5# {+M1/1 0}
{White mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Black "Raven_030"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A30"]
[GameDuration "00:05:20"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T14:38:07.022 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T14:32:46.484 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "English"]
[PlyCount "144"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
[Variation "Symmetrical variation"]

1. c4 {book} c5 {book}
2. b3 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. g3 {book} g6 {book}
4. Bb2 {-0.05/70 4.03} Nf6 {-0.19/6 4.84}
5. Bxf6 {-0.03/70 3.95} exf6 {+0.16/6 4.68}
6. Nc3 {-0.09/60 3.88} f5 {+0.24/6 4.54}
7. Bg2 {-0.15/60 3.80} Bg7 {+0.23/5 4.40}
8. Rc1 {-0.22/60 3.73} O-O {+0.45/5 4.26}
9. a4 {-0.21/60 3.67} Rb8 {+0.43/5 4.13}
10. Nd5 {-0.17/60 3.60} Re8 {+0.23/5 4.01}
11. Nf3 {-0.15/60 3.53} d6 {+0.05/5 3.88}
12. O-O {-0.12/60 3.47} Bh6 {+0.13/4 3.77}
13. e3 {-0.07/60 3.41} Be6 {-0.08/4 3.66}
14. Qc2 {0.00/50 3.35} Ne5 {-0.12/4 3.55}
15. d3 {-0.05/60 3.29} a5 {-0.11/4 3.45}
16. Rfe1 {-0.02/60 3.23} Rc8 {-0.09/4 3.35}
17. Rcd1 {-0.02/60 3.18} b6 {-0.05/4 3.26}
18. Qe2 {0.00/60 3.12} Rb8 {-0.05/3 3.17}
19. Qc2 {0.00/60 3.07} Nxf3+ {-0.06/3 3.08}
20. Bxf3 {+0.02/70 3.02} Bg7 {-0.19/5 3.00}
21. Nf4 {+0.06/50 2.97} Qf6 {-0.17/5 2.92}
22. d4 {+0.08/60 2.92} cxd4 {-0.32/5 2.84}
23. exd4 {+0.07/70 2.87} Rbc8 {-0.48/5 2.77}
24. d5 {+0.10/50 2.82} Bd7 {-0.42/5 2.70}
25. Nd3 {+0.07/60 2.78} Qc3 {-0.10/5 2.63}
26. Rxe8+ {+0.10/70 2.73} Rxe8 {-0.05/8 2.56}
27. Qxc3 {+0.09/70 2.69} Bxc3 {-0.05/5 2.50}
28. Bh1 {0.00/60 2.65} Re2 {+0.59/5 2.44}
29. Kf1 {-0.02/60 2.61} Rc2 {+0.71/6 2.38}
30. Rc1 {+0.06/70 2.57} Rxc1+ {+0.39/6 2.33}
31. Nxc1 {0.00/80 2.53} Bd4 {+0.32/7 2.27}
32. Ke2 {+0.08/70 2.49} h6 {+0.35/6 2.22}
33. Kf3 {+0.09/70 2.45} g5 {+0.35/6 2.17}
34. Nd3 {+0.08/70 2.42} Kh7 {+0.37/6 2.13}
35. h4 {+0.08/70 2.38} Kg6 {+0.31/7 2.08}
36. Bg2 {+0.01/80 2.35} f6 {+0.35/7 2.04}
37. Bf1 {+0.05/80 2.31} Bc8 {+0.39/7 2.00}
38. Be2 {+0.06/80 2.28} Ba6 {+0.28/7 1.96}
39. Kg2 {+0.04/80 2.25} h5 {+0.33/7 1.92}
40. Bd1 {+0.12/70 2.22} Bc8 {+0.32/7 1.88}
41. Kf3 {+0.14/70 2.19} Ba6 {+0.33/7 1.85}
42. Kg2 {+0.09/80 2.16} Bc3 {+0.30/7 1.81}
43. Kf3 {+0.16/70 2.13} Bd2 {+0.22/7 1.78}
44. Ke2 {+0.14/80 2.10} Bc3 {+0.15/8 1.75}
45. Ke3 {+0.11/80 2.07} Bb7 {+0.15/7 1.72}
46. Be2 {+0.16/70 2.04} Bc8 {+0.19/7 1.69}
47. Bd1 {+0.18/70 2.02} f4+ {+0.23/7 1.66}
48. gxf4 {+0.11/80 1.99} gxh4 {+0.24/7 1.64}
49. Bf3 {+0.11/70 1.97} Bh3 {+0.07/7 1.61}
50. Nc1 {+0.10/80 1.95} Bb2 {+0.36/7 1.59}
51. Nd3 {+0.17/70 1.92} Bc3 {+0.07/7 1.56}
52. Nc1 {+0.10/80 1.90} f5 {+0.36/7 1.54}
53. Na2 {+0.14/70 1.88} Bb2 {+0.73/7 1.52}
54. Be2 {+0.10/70 1.85} Kh6 {+0.73/7 1.50}
55. Bd3 {+0.05/80 1.83} Kg6 {+0.75/7 1.48}
56. b4 {+0.10/70 1.81} Ba3 {+0.83/8 1.46}
57. bxa5 {0.00/80 1.79} bxa5 {+0.93/8 1.44}
58. Ke2 {+0.07/70 1.77} Bb2 {+0.90/7 1.42}
59. Ke3 {+0.08/70 1.75} Bg2 {+0.86/7 1.41}
60. f3 {-0.18/80 1.73} h3 {+1.15/7 1.39}
61. Kf2 {-0.11/70 1.71} Bd4+ {+3.23/7 1.37}
62. Kg3 {-0.96/70 1.70} h4+ {+M15/8 1.36}
63. Kh2 {-1.10/70 1.68} Be3 {+2.02/7 1.34}
64. Be2 {-1.09/90 1.66} Bxf4+ {+M17/9 1.33}
65. Kg1 {-1.11/90 1.65} Be3+ {+2.09/7 1.32}
66. Kh2 {-1.11/90 1.63} Bd2 {+2.33/7 1.31}
67. Bd1 {-2.04/80 1.61} Bf1 {+2.79/7 1.29}
68. Bb3 {-2.07/80 1.60} Bf4+ {+5.40/7 1.28}
69. Kh1 {-5.03/80 1.58} h2 {+M11/6 0.23}
70. Bc2 {-4.20/70 1.57} h3 {+M7/4 0.005}
71. Bxf5+ {-1000.00/60 0.094} Kxf5 {+M5/3 0.001}
72. Nc1 {-1000.00/30 0.001} Bg2# {+M1/1 0}
{Black mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "Swordfish_010-64"]
[Black "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A45"]
[GameDuration "00:05:21"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T14:44:36.952 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T14:39:15.589 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[PlyCount "120"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]

1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book}
2. g3 {book} d5 {book}
3. Bg2 {book} Bf5 {book}
4. Nf3 {-0.04/4 4.38} Nc6 {+0.03/60 4.03}
5. e3 {-0.03/3 4.38} Nb4 {+0.06/60 3.95}
6. Na3 {-0.06/2 4.38} Be4 {+0.03/60 3.88}
7. O-O {-0.01/3 4.38} a6 {+0.03/70 3.80}
8. Ne5 {-0.01/2 4.38} Bxg2 {+0.03/70 3.73}
9. Kxg2 {-0.01/3 4.38} e6 {-0.04/60 3.67}
10. Nb1 {0.00/3 4.38} Bd6 {-0.01/60 3.60}
11. Nc3 {-0.02/3 4.38} c5 {+0.02/60 3.53}
12. Nd3 {0.00/3 4.38} Nxd3 {+0.08/70 3.47}
13. Qxd3 {0.00/1 4.38} O-O {+0.04/60 3.41}
14. e4 {-0.02/3 4.37} cxd4 {+0.08/70 3.35}
15. Qxd4 {-0.04/2 4.37} e5 {+0.09/60 3.29}
16. Qd3 {-0.06/3 4.37} dxe4 {+0.07/70 3.23}
17. Nxe4 {-0.04/3 4.37} Nxe4 {+0.07/70 3.18}
18. Qxe4 {-0.04/4 4.37} Qb6 {+0.04/60 3.12}
19. Re1 {-0.04/4 4.37} Rfe8 {+0.04/60 3.07}
20. Rb1 {-0.04/3 4.37} Qb4 {+0.06/60 3.02}
21. Bg5 {-0.04/3 4.37} h6 {+0.08/70 2.97}
22. Qxb4 {-0.03/3 4.37} Bxb4 {+0.08/70 2.92}
23. Re4 {-0.04/4 4.36} Bd6 {+0.07/70 2.87}
24. Rd1 {-0.03/4 4.36} Bc5 {+0.05/70 2.82}
25. Be3 {-0.03/4 4.36} f5 {+0.07/70 2.78}
26. Rh4 {-0.04/4 4.36} Bxe3 {+0.09/70 2.73}
27. fxe3 {-0.05/4 4.36} Rac8 {+0.08/70 2.69}
28. Rc1 {-0.04/5 4.36} Kf7 {+0.02/60 2.65}
29. Rb4 {-0.01/5 4.36} Rc7 {+0.04/60 2.61}
30. g4 {-0.01/4 4.36} a5 {+0.12/70 2.57}
31. Rb6 {-0.01/4 4.02} fxg4 {+0.18/70 2.53}
32. Kg3 {-0.98/4 3.72} h5 {+0.17/60 2.49}
33. e4 {-1.01/4 3.45} Re6 {+0.92/60 2.45}
34. Rf1+ {-0.98/5 3.20} Rf6 {+0.91/80 2.42}
35. Rbxf6+ {-0.99/4 2.98} gxf6 {+0.95/80 2.38}
36. c3 {-1.01/5 2.78} a4 {+0.98/60 2.35}
37. Kg2 {-0.99/5 2.61} Rd7 {+1.09/70 2.31}
38. Rf2 {-0.99/5 2.44} Rd3 {+1.09/70 2.28}
39. Re2 {-1.00/5 2.30} Ke6 {+1.11/70 2.25}
40. c4 {-0.97/5 2.17} Rd4 {+1.13/70 2.22}
41. c5 {-0.98/5 2.05} Rc4 {+1.15/70 2.19}
42. Kg3 {-1.93/5 1.95} Rxc5 {+1.17/70 2.16}
43. Kh4 {-1.02/5 1.85} f5 {+1.16/70 2.13}
44. exf5+ {-1.02/6 1.77} Kxf5 {+1.13/70 2.10}
45. Kxh5 {-1.02/5 1.69} Rc4 {+0.18/70 2.07}
46. a3 {-1.01/5 1.62} Rf4 {+0.19/70 2.05}
47. Rg2 {-1.02/6 1.56} e4 {+0.22/70 2.02}
48. Rc2 {-1.01/6 1.50} e3 {+1.19/70 1.99}
49. Rc7 {-1.01/5 1.45} e2 {+3.08/70 1.97}
50. Re7 {-1.02/5 1.41} Re4 {+7.12/80 1.94}
51. Rf7+ {-6.05/5 1.37} Ke6 {+7.14/80 1.92}
52. Rh7 {-7.99/5 1.33} e1=Q {+8.16/70 1.90}
53. Rxb7 {-8.99/5 1.30} Qg1 {+9.07/60 1.88}
54. Kg6 {-8.98/4 1.27} Qxh2 {+9.08/70 1.85}
55. Kg7 {-9.02/5 1.24} Kd5 {+9.98/70 1.83}
56. Rb6 {-9.01/4 1.20} Qc7+ {+14.96/60 1.81}
57. Kf8 {-15.01/5 1.08} Qxb6 {+20.98/70 1.79}
58. Kf7 {-M6/6 1.03} Qd6 {+1000.00/70 0.66}
59. b4 {-M4/6 1.01} Re7+ {+1000.00/50 0.017}
60. Kg8 {-M2/7 1.00} Qd8# {+1000.00/20 0}
{Black mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Black "Swordfish_010-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A45"]
[GameDuration "00:05:12"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T14:49:50.887 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T14:44:38.051 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]
[PlyCount "113"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]

1. d4 {book} Nf6 {book}
2. g3 {book} d5 {book}
3. Bg2 {book} Bf5 {book}
4. Nc3 {-0.08/60 4.03} Nc6 {+0.04/3 4.38}
5. Bh3 {-0.13/60 3.95} e6 {+0.09/3 4.38}
6. Bxf5 {-0.07/70 3.88} exf5 {+0.02/4 4.38}
7. a3 {-0.14/60 3.80} Bd6 {+0.09/3 4.38}
8. Bg5 {-0.06/60 3.73} O-O {+0.05/4 4.38}
9. Nf3 {-0.05/60 3.67} Be7 {+0.04/3 4.38}
10. Bxf6 {-0.06/60 3.60} Bxf6 {+0.02/4 4.38}
11. O-O {-0.05/60 3.54} Bxd4 {+0.04/3 4.38}
12. Nxd4 {+2.01/70 3.47} Nxd4 {-1.97/4 4.38}
13. Qxd4 {+2.03/70 3.41} c6 {-2.00/4 4.37}
14. Rad1 {+1.98/60 3.35} Re8 {-2.00/4 4.37}
15. Rfe1 {+1.98/60 3.29} Qb6 {-1.98/3 4.37}
16. Qxb6 {+2.03/70 3.23} axb6 {-2.00/4 4.37}
17. e3 {+1.99/60 3.18} Red8 {-2.00/4 4.37}
18. Ne2 {+2.01/60 3.12} c5 {-2.00/4 4.37}
19. Nf4 {+2.00/60 3.07} d4 {-2.00/4 4.37}
20. Ne2 {+2.01/70 3.02} dxe3 {-2.00/4 4.37}
21. fxe3 {+1.95/80 2.97} Rxd1 {-1.99/4 4.37}
22. Rxd1 {+2.05/80 2.92} Rf8 {-2.02/5 4.37}
23. Kf2 {+2.14/70 2.87} Ra8 {-2.00/5 4.37}
24. Rd6 {+3.02/60 2.82} b5 {-2.95/5 4.36}
25. Rb6 {+3.10/70 2.78} b4 {-2.95/4 4.37}
26. axb4 {+3.12/80 2.73} cxb4 {-2.98/5 4.36}
27. Rxb7 {+4.02/80 2.69} Rc8 {-3.97/5 4.36}
28. Nd4 {+4.11/70 2.65} g6 {-4.00/5 4.36}
29. Rxb4 {+4.14/70 2.61} Rf8 {-4.02/5 4.36}
30. Ke2 {+4.19/70 2.57} Re8 {-4.00/5 4.35}
31. Rb6 {+4.08/60 2.53} Rf8 {-4.00/5 4.02}
32. Rb7 {+4.20/70 2.49} Ra8 {-4.01/5 3.72}
33. Nf3 {+4.10/60 2.45} Rc8 {-4.00/5 3.44}
34. Kd3 {+4.19/70 2.42} Rf8 {-4.00/5 3.20}
35. Nd4 {+4.21/70 2.38} Ra8 {-4.00/5 2.98}
36. e4 {+4.13/60 2.35} fxe4+ {-3.96/5 2.78}
37. Kxe4 {+4.18/70 2.31} Rf8 {-3.98/5 2.60}
38. g4 {+4.21/70 2.28} Rd8 {-3.98/5 2.44}
39. g5 {+4.23/70 2.25} Kf8 {-3.99/5 2.30}
40. h3 {+4.22/70 2.22} Kg8 {-3.99/5 2.17}
41. Ke5 {+4.23/70 2.19} h5 {-3.97/5 2.05}
42. gxh6 {+5.20/80 2.16} f6+ {-4.98/5 1.95}
43. Ke4 {+5.32/80 2.13} Rd6 {-5.06/6 1.85}
44. h7+ {+5.39/70 2.10} Kh8 {-5.07/6 1.77}
45. c4 {+5.39/70 2.07} f5+ {-5.05/5 1.69}
46. Ke5 {+5.35/80 2.04} Rd8 {-5.03/5 1.62}
47. c5 {+5.39/70 2.02} f4 {-5.04/5 1.56}
48. c6 {+5.43/70 1.99} g5 {-6.01/5 1.50}
49. c7 {+9.18/80 1.97} Re8+ {-8.97/7 1.45}
50. Kd5 {+9.23/70 1.94} Rc8 {-9.00/6 1.41}
51. Rb8 {+9.17/60 1.92} Kg7 {-9.03/5 1.37}
52. Rxc8 {+17.12/80 1.90} Kxh7 {-16.98/6 1.33}
53. Rd8 {+17.24/70 1.88} Kg6 {-17.01/6 1.30}
54. c8=Q {+18.19/80 1.85} g4 {-M6/6 1.27}
55. Qxg4+ {+1000.00/70 1.71} Kf7 {-M4/7 1.24}
56. Nf5 {+1000.00/40 0.013} f3 {-M2/7 1.21}
57. Qg7# {+1000.00/20 0}
{White mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "Stash_901-64"]
[Black "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C23"]
[GameDuration "00:04:06"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T15:08:21.901 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T15:04:15.660 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Bishop's Opening"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book}
2. Bc4 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. c3 {book} Nf6 {book}
4. Qf3 {+1.15/7 3.40} d6 {+0.04/60 4.03}
5. d4 {+1.30/7 3.35} Bg4 {+0.08/70 3.95}
6. Qg3 {+1.29/7 3.31} exd4 {+0.11/70 3.88}
7. cxd4 {+1.44/7 3.26} Nxd4 {+0.16/60 3.80}
8. Qc3 {+1.07/7 3.22} d5 {+0.15/70 3.73}
9. exd5 {+2.00/7 3.17} Bb4 {+5.05/70 3.67}
10. Qxb4 {-6.22/7 3.13} Nc2+ {+5.99/60 3.60}
11. Kf1 {-10.74/8 3.09} Nxb4 {+6.07/70 3.53}
12. f3 {-7.28/7 3.04} Nc2 {+8.01/70 3.47}
13. fxg4 {-13.40/8 3.00} Nxa1 {+8.05/70 3.41}
14. Bg5 {-10.97/7 2.96} h6 {+8.92/70 3.35}
15. Bd2 {-11.90/7 2.92} Nxg4 {+8.92/60 3.29}
16. Nf3 {-11.79/7 2.88} Nc2 {+8.92/60 3.23}
17. Bb3 {-12.49/7 2.85} Nce3+ {+9.07/70 3.18}
18. Ke2 {-14.07/7 2.81} Nxd5 {+9.17/60 3.12}
19. Re1 {-14.55/7 2.77} O-O {+10.02/60 3.07}
20. Kf1 {-14.39/7 2.74} Qd6 {+10.01/60 3.02}
21. Re4 {-15.15/7 2.70} Ndf6 {+11.00/60 2.97}
22. Re2 {-17.47/7 2.67} Nxh2+ {+11.00/60 2.92}
23. Nxh2 {-24.28/8 2.64} Qxh2 {+11.10/70 2.87}
24. Re1 {-18.64/7 2.60} Rfd8 {+11.05/60 2.82}
25. Be3 {-18.89/7 2.57} Ne4 {+11.05/60 2.78}
26. a4 {-19.04/7 2.54} Qe5 {+11.14/60 2.73}
27. Nc3 {-20.35/7 2.51} Nxc3 {+12.13/70 2.69}
28. bxc3 {-22.10/7 2.48} Qxc3 {+13.08/70 2.65}
29. Ba2 {-23.25/7 2.45} Qc2 {+13.04/60 2.61}
30. Bb1 {-23.05/7 2.42} Qxa4 {+13.12/70 2.57}
31. Kf2 {-23.60/7 2.39} Qh4+ {+13.06/60 2.53}
32. g3 {-30.40/8 2.37} Qh2+ {+13.09/60 2.49}
33. Kf3 {-30.00/8 2.34} Qh5+ {+13.10/60 2.45}
34. Kf2 {-23.40/7 2.31} Qh2+ {+13.09/60 2.42}
35. Kf3 {-30.00/8 2.28} Qh5+ {+13.09/60 2.38}
36. Kf2 {-23.40/7 2.26} Qe5 {+13.08/60 2.35}
37. Bxh6 {-28.70/6 2.23} Qb2+ {+15.10/70 2.31}
38. Kf3 {-33.90/8 2.21} gxh6 {+15.18/70 2.28}
39. Be4 {-28.15/7 2.19} Rd2 {+15.12/60 2.25}
40. Kg4 {-28.70/7 2.16} Rf2 {+15.15/60 2.22}
41. Bxb7 {-34.00/7 2.14} Qxb7 {+17.16/60 2.19}
42. Kh3 {-M6/7 2.11} Qf3 {+18.07/60 2.16}
43. Re5 {-M6/8 2.09} Rg2 {+23.06/60 2.13}
44. Rg5+ {-43.85/7 2.07} Kh7 {+18.05/60 2.10}
45. Rg4 {-M6/7 2.05} Re8 {+23.12/60 2.07}
46. Rg5 {-M6/8 2.03} Re4 {+1000.00/50 0.20}
47. Rg7+ {0.00/16 2.01} Kh8 {+1000.00/50 0.004}
48. Rg8+ {0.00/19 1.99} Kh7 {+1000.00/50 0.007}
49. Rg7+ {0.00/15 1.97} Kh8 {+1000.00/50 0.004}
50. Rg8+ {0.00/30 1.95} Kh7 {0.00/70 2.14}
51. Rg7+ {0.00/15 1.93}
{Draw by 3-fold repetition}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.2"]
[White "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Black "Stash_901-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C23"]
[GameDuration "00:06:41"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T15:15:04.488 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T15:08:22.946 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Bishop's Opening"]
[PlyCount "197"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book}
2. Bc4 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. c3 {book} Nf6 {book}
4. Qc2 {-0.19/60 4.03} Bd6 {+1.76/7 3.40}
5. Nf3 {-0.12/60 3.95} Na5 {+1.65/7 3.35}
6. Be2 {-0.08/60 3.88} O-O {+1.51/7 3.31}
7. d4 {-0.06/60 3.80} exd4 {-2.01/8 3.26}
8. e5 {+0.87/70 3.73} dxc3 {+1.37/7 3.21}
9. Nxc3 {+0.94/70 3.67} Bxe5 {-3.35/8 3.17}
10. Nxe5 {+0.98/70 3.60} Qe7 {+1.44/7 3.13}
11. Nd3 {+0.96/60 3.53} Nc6 {+1.31/7 3.08}
12. Be3 {+0.96/60 3.47} d6 {+1.97/7 3.04}
13. Nf4 {+0.99/50 3.41} Qe5 {-3.19/6 3.00}
14. Qb3 {+1.02/50 3.35} Nd4 {-2.75/6 2.96}
15. Bxd4 {+0.99/70 3.29} Qxd4 {-3.51/8 2.92}
16. Qc4 {+0.97/60 3.23} Qe5 {+1.79/7 2.89}
17. Nd3 {+1.02/50 3.18} Qe7 {+1.74/7 2.85}
18. O-O {+0.96/60 3.12} Bf5 {-3.10/6 2.81}
19. Bf3 {+1.03/50 3.07} c5 {-3.17/6 2.77}
20. Nf4 {+1.02/60 3.02} g5 {-3.36/6 2.74}
21. Nfd5 {+1.07/60 2.97} Nxd5 {-4.71/8 2.71}
22. Qxd5 {+1.06/60 2.92} Bc8 {-0.73/7 2.67}
23. Rae1 {+1.06/60 2.87} Qd8 {-0.83/7 2.64}
24. Ne4 {+1.07/60 2.82} g4 {-5.85/8 2.60}
25. Be2 {+1.10/70 2.78} Qe7 {-1.49/7 2.57}
26. Bc4 {+2.03/60 2.73} Be6 {-5.71/8 2.54}
27. Qxd6 {+2.05/70 2.69} Qxd6 {-3.33/9 2.51}
28. Nxd6 {+2.04/80 2.65} Bxc4 {-3.60/9 2.48}
29. Nxc4 {+2.07/70 2.61} b5 {-5.55/8 2.45}
30. Nd6 {+3.02/70 2.57} Rad8 {-5.75/8 2.42}
31. Ne4 {+3.04/70 2.53} c4 {-5.55/8 2.39}
32. Nf6+ {+3.00/60 2.49} Kg7 {-3.25/9 2.37}
33. Nxg4 {+3.03/70 2.45} h5 {-3.25/7 2.34}
34. Ne5 {+3.04/60 2.42} Rd2 {-2.85/7 2.31}
35. Rb1 {+3.05/70 2.38} Rfd8 {-2.95/7 2.29}
36. Nc6 {+3.05/60 2.35} R8d7 {-2.90/7 2.26}
37. Rfe1 {+3.06/70 2.31} Kf6 {-2.20/7 2.23}
38. Re3 {+3.05/60 2.28} Rd1+ {-2.40/7 2.21}
39. Re1 {+3.08/70 2.25} R1d2 {-2.20/7 2.19}
40. a3 {+3.05/60 2.22} R2d5 {-2.65/7 2.16}
41. Re4 {+3.06/60 2.19} Rd1+ {-5.95/8 2.14}
42. Re1 {+3.08/70 2.16} R1d2 {-2.20/7 2.11}
43. Ne5 {+3.05/60 2.13} Re7 {-2.00/7 2.09}
44. Nf3 {+3.07/70 2.10} Rxe1+ {-2.40/9 2.07}
45. Nxe1 {+3.16/70 2.07} Kf5 {-6.15/8 2.05}
46. Nf3 {+2.99/70 2.04} Rd3 {-6.25/8 2.03}
47. Kf1 {+3.02/70 2.02} a5 {-6.45/8 2.01}
48. Ke2 {+3.03/70 1.99} Kf4 {-4.40/7 1.99}
49. a4 {+3.06/70 1.97} Rd5 {-7.20/8 1.97}
50. Rc1 {+3.98/80 1.94} Ke4 {-7.70/8 1.95}
51. axb5 {+3.98/80 1.92} Rxb5 {-7.65/8 1.93}
52. Rxc4+ {+4.01/80 1.90} Kd5 {-7.80/8 1.91}
53. Rd4+ {+4.07/70 1.88} Ke6 {-5.85/7 1.89}
54. Rd2 {+4.07/70 1.85} Kf6 {-8.10/8 1.87}
55. Ke3 {+4.11/70 1.83} Rb3+ {-8.20/8 1.86}
56. Ke4 {+4.12/70 1.81} Rb4+ {-8.35/8 1.84}
57. Nd4 {+4.13/70 1.79} h4 {-6.25/7 1.82}
58. Rc2 {+4.13/70 1.77} a4 {-6.65/7 1.80}
59. Rc6+ {+4.17/70 1.75} Kg5 {-8.40/8 1.79}
60. f4+ {+4.18/70 1.73} Kg4 {-8.50/8 1.78}
61. Rc2 {+4.19/70 1.72} Kh5 {-8.65/8 1.76}
62. h3 {+4.19/70 1.70} Kg6 {-8.90/8 1.75}
63. Ke5 {+4.17/70 1.68} f6+ {-8.55/8 1.73}
64. Ke4 {+4.12/80 1.66} Kf7 {-7.05/7 1.71}
65. f5 {+4.20/70 1.65} Ke7 {-8.80/8 1.70}
66. Kd5 {+4.13/80 1.63} Rb7 {-8.65/8 1.69}
67. Re2+ {+4.14/80 1.61} Kf7 {-9.40/8 1.67}
68. Kd6 {+4.23/70 1.60} Rb8 {-7.75/9 1.66}
69. Nc6 {+4.21/70 1.58} Rb5 {-8.75/8 1.65}
70. Nd4 {+4.23/70 1.57} Rb8 {-7.75/9 1.63}
71. Kc7 {+4.21/70 1.56} Rb4 {-7.55/9 1.62}
72. Rd2 {+4.19/70 1.54} Rc4+ {-7.90/9 1.61}
73. Kb6 {+4.22/70 1.53} Ke7 {-9.75/8 1.60}
74. Kb5 {+5.09/70 1.51} Rc7 {-8.60/9 1.58}
75. Nf3 {+5.14/70 1.50} Rd7 {-11.20/8 1.57}
76. Rxd7+ {+5.97/80 1.49} Kxd7 {-11.40/11 1.56}
77. Kxa4 {+6.09/90 1.48} Kd6 {-11.75/10 1.55}
78. Kb5 {+6.09/90 1.46} Kd5 {-10.60/11 1.54}
79. Nxh4 {+6.06/90 1.45} Ke4 {-11.25/10 1.53}
80. g3 {+6.05/70 1.44} Ke3 {-10.10/11 1.52}
81. g4 {+5.22/70 1.43} Kf4 {-13.60/10 1.51}
82. Ng2+ {+5.19/70 1.42} Kg5 {-15.00/10 1.50}
83. Kc5 {+6.22/80 1.41} Kh6 {-27.15/10 1.49}
84. Kd6 {+7.18/80 1.40} Kh7 {-27.05/10 1.48}
85. Ke7 {+7.19/80 1.39} Kg7 {-26.45/10 1.47}
86. g5 {+11.07/80 1.38} fxg5 {-25.80/11 1.46}
87. f6+ {+12.96/80 1.37} Kg6 {-27.00/11 1.45}
88. f7 {+13.07/80 1.36} g4 {-27.70/10 1.44}
89. h4 {+13.92/80 1.35} Kf5 {-38.20/10 1.43}
90. f8=Q+ {+14.01/80 1.34} Ke4 {-37.70/9 1.42}
91. h5 {+19.81/70 1.33} Kd3 {-39.70/8 1.41}
92. h6 {+20.92/70 1.33} Kc2 {-41.75/8 1.41}
93. Qf6 {+20.92/60 1.32} Kb3 {-42.50/8 1.40}
94. h7 {+20.96/60 1.31} Kc4 {-43.70/8 1.39}
95. h8=Q {+21.97/60 1.30} Kc5 {-M6/7 1.38}
96. Qg8 {+22.00/50 1.29} g3 {-M6/8 1.37}
97. Qxg3 {+22.03/50 1.29} Kd5 {-M4/7 1.36}
98. Qd3+ {+1000.00/40 0.014} Kc5 {-M2/8 1.36}
99. Qfd6# {+1000.00/20 0}
{White mates}

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "RWBC-CAPPUCCINO Win7U64 Q8200 2.33Ghz"]
[Date "2022.08.22"]
[Round "1.1.1"]
[White "PurplePanda_10-64"]
[Black "Chessika_221-64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B21"]
[GameDuration "00:05:28"]
[GameEndTime "2022-08-22T15:25:45.690 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[GameStartTime "2022-08-22T15:20:17.263 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[PlyCount "115"]
[Termination "time forfeit"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
[Variation "Grand Prix attack"]

1. e4 {book} c5 {book}
2. f4 {book} Nc6 {book}
3. Nf3 {book} e6 {book}
4. Bb5 {+0.05/60 4.03} Nge7 {-0.02/7 3.01}
5. O-O {+0.08/70 3.95} a6 {+0.04/7 3.32}
6. Bxc6 {+0.10/70 3.88} Nxc6 {-0.07/7 1.25}
7. d3 {+0.01/60 3.80} Be7 {+0.08/7 3.49}
8. Ne5 {+0.05/60 3.73} Nxe5 {+0.56/7 1.92}
9. fxe5 {+0.08/70 3.67} Qc7 {+0.44/7 4.28}
10. Bf4 {+0.03/60 3.60} Qb6 {+0.49/7 4.58}
11. Qc1 {+0.09/70 3.53} c4+ {+0.38/6 7.66}
12. Kh1 {+0.07/70 3.47} cxd3 {+0.60/7 4.33}
13. cxd3 {+0.06/70 3.41} O-O {+0.10/6 7.48}
14. Nc3 {+0.05/60 3.35} h6 {-0.10/6 1.30}
15. Be3 {+0.06/60 3.29} Qa5 {+0.16/7 5.30}
16. Bd4 {-0.01/60 3.23} Qb4 {-0.04/6 7.17}
17. Be3 {+0.06/60 3.18} Qa5 {+0.16/7 6.90}
18. Bd4 {-0.01/60 3.12} Qb4 {-0.04/6 6.73}
19. Ne2 {+0.04/60 3.07} Bg5 {+0.36/7 6.29}
20. Qc2 {+0.08/60 3.02} Qa5 {-0.14/6 6.30}
21. Bc5 {+0.11/60 2.97} Qc7 {+0.19/7 5.07}
22. Qc3 {+0.14/50 2.92} Re8 {-0.31/6 0.86}
23. Bd6 {+0.16/50 2.87} Qxc3 {-0.34/6 1.20}
24. Nxc3 {+0.16/70 2.82} a5 {-0.12/7 2.85}
25. Nb5 {+0.16/60 2.78} Bd8 {-0.28/7 4.25}
26. Bc5 {+0.18/60 2.73} b6 {-0.61/6 0.97}
27. Nd6 {+0.22/70 2.69} Rf8 {-0.61/4 0.021}
28. Be3 {+0.19/70 2.65} Ba6 {-0.44/6 1.03}
29. Rfd1 {+0.18/70 2.61} Ra7 {+0.16/7 1.72}
30. Bf4 {+0.18/60 2.57} Rc7 {-0.07/8 5.82}
31. d4 {+0.18/70 2.53} g5 {+0.30/7 1.97}
32. Be3 {+0.20/70 2.49} Rc2 {+0.15/7 1.81}
33. Rd2 {+0.20/70 2.45} Rxd2 {-0.29/8 8.57}
34. Bxd2 {+0.14/70 2.42} f6 {-0.39/4 0.015}
35. exf6 {+0.19/70 2.38} Bxf6 {-0.26/6 0.53}
36. Be3 {+0.14/70 2.35} Be7 {+0.26/8 5.76}
37. e5 {+0.14/70 2.31} Bxd6 {-0.03/8 18.28}
38. exd6 {+0.13/70 2.28} Bd3 {+0.36/7 3.02}
39. h3 {+0.18/70 2.25} Kf7 {+0.39/7 3.94}
40. Kh2 {+0.18/70 2.22} b5 {+0.39/7 4.48}
41. Kg3 {+0.11/60 2.19} Rc8 {+0.27/7 1.98}
42. Rd1 {+0.22/70 2.16} Bf5 {+0.18/7 2.92}
43. Rc1 {+0.11/60 2.13} Rxc1 {+0.31/7 0.62}
44. Bxc1 {+0.09/80 2.10} Be4 {+0.32/7 0.58}
45. Bd2 {+0.08/80 2.07} b4 {+0.37/7 0.60}
46. a3 {+0.08/80 2.05} bxa3 {+0.04/8 1.40}
47. bxa3 {+0.08/80 2.02} a4 {+0.07/8 1.95}
48. Kf2 {+0.10/80 1.99} Kg6 {+0.29/7 0.82}
49. g4 {+0.11/80 1.97} Kf6 {+0.20/7 0.49}
50. Bc3 {+0.12/80 1.94} Bd5 {+0.20/7 0.54}
51. Ba1 {+0.12/80 1.92} Bb7 {+0.08/8 1.48}
52. Bc3 {+0.12/80 1.90} Kf7 {+0.08/8 2.06}
53. Ba5 {+0.19/70 1.88} Bd5 {+0.10/7 0.76}
54. Bb6 {+0.17/70 1.85} Be4 {+0.20/7 0.71}
55. Bc7 {+0.19/70 1.83} Bd5 {+0.15/7 0.97}
56. Ba5 {+0.18/70 1.81} Bc4 {+0.15/7 0.67}
57. Bc3 {+0.12/80 1.79} Kf6 {+0.08/8 1.80}
58. Ba1 {+0.12/80 1.77}
{Black loses on time}

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by yeni_sekme »

Devre 4.0 ... s/tag/v4.0
+170 elo over Devre 3.0 at STC
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Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Gabor Szots »

Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

BlackCore 1.0 (New)

author: (most likely - may be Gabor can help here?) Szilvassy Balazs (HUN)
rated around 2200 according to the author

(calls itself V0 instead of 1.0 internally if uci.cpp isn't changed)

on my old quadcore (native = sse4.1/no popcnt compilation)

Code: Select all

id name BlackCoreV0
id author SzilBalazs
option name Hash type spin default 16 min 1 max 1024
option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 1
option name Ponder type check default false
option name Move Overhead type spin default 10 min 0 max 10000
position startpos
go depth 16
info depth 1 seldepth 1 nodes 21 score cp 70 time 1 nps 21000 pv d2d4
info depth 2 seldepth 4 nodes 100 score cp 10 time 7 nps 14285 pv d2d4 d7d5
info depth 3 seldepth 4 nodes 630 score cp 43 time 15 nps 42000 pv d2d4 d7d5 g1f3
info depth 4 seldepth 6 nodes 1170 score cp 10 time 24 nps 48750 pv d2d4 d7d5 g1f3 g8f6
info depth 5 seldepth 9 nodes 4033 score cp 35 time 37 nps 109000 pv d2d4 d7d5 g1f3 g8f6 c1f4
info depth 6 seldepth 14 nodes 6695 score cp 10 time 45 nps 148777 pv d2d4 d7d5 g1f3 g8f6 c1f4 c8f5
info depth 7 seldepth 14 nodes 21310 score cp 40 time 81 nps 263086 pv d2d4 d7d5 g1f3 g8f6 c1f4 c8f5 e2e3
info depth 8 seldepth 18 nodes 48828 score cp 27 time 126 nps 387523 pv e2e4 e7e5 d2d4 e5d4 g1f3 b8c6 f3d4 f8d6
info depth 9 seldepth 19 nodes 106760 score cp 30 time 182 nps 586593 pv e2e4 e7e5 f1c4 g8f6 d2d4 f8b4 c1d2 b4d2 b1d2 d7d5 d4e5
info depth 10 seldepth 22 nodes 234712 score cp 32 time 305 nps 769547 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 b8c6 d2d4 e5d4 f3d4 f8c5
info depth 11 seldepth 24 nodes 309119 score cp 38 time 383 nps 807099 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 d7d5 e4d5 f8b4 f1b5 c7c6 d5c6
info depth 12 seldepth 24 nodes 425486 score cp 40 time 503 nps 845896 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 d7d5 e4d5 c7c6 f3e5 f8d6 e5c4 e8g8
info depth 13 seldepth 30 nodes 649421 score cp 43 time 733 nps 885976 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8c5 f3e5 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 d4c5 e8g8 d1d8
info depth 14 seldepth 30 nodes 926791 score cp 43 time 1012 nps 915801 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 f8c5 f3e5 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 d4c5 e8g8 d1d8 f8d8
info depth 15 seldepth 34 nodes 1999897 score cp 30 time 2107 nps 949168 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 d2d4 d7d5 d4e5 f6e4 c1e3 b8c6 f1d3 f8c5 d3e4
info depth 16 seldepth 36 nodes 4988174 score cp 25 time 5159 nps 966887 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 b1c3 d7d5 e4d5 e5e4 d1e2 f8e7 c3e4 f6d5 c2c4
bestmove e2e4

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Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Gabor Szots »

Guenther wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:54 pm BlackCore 1.0 (New)
The name of the author is Szilágyi Balázs, a 15 year old high school student from Hungary.

Szilágyi is the surname.
Gabor Szots
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by bastiball »

Basti Dangca
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Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Ras »

The CT800 V1.44 is ready, should be good for 60 Elo:
  • Improved mate search mode.
  • Improved general performance.
  • Improved pawn hash collision handling.
  • Fine-tuned pruning and eval.
  • Removed null move threat move.
  • More late move reductions.
Rasmus Althoff
Posts: 4718
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 am
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Full name: Guenther Simon

Re: New engine releases & news H2 2022

Post by Guenther »

Alexandria 2.4

RustyPigeon 1.0.0 (New)
(three time repetition and 50 moves draws not yet handled)

author: Daniele Scarinci (ITA)

Code: Select all

id name Rusty Pigeon
id author TrinTragula (
position startpos
go depth 10
info score cp 10 pv b1a3 depth 1
info score cp 48 pv b1c3 depth 1
info score cp 0 pv b1c3 b8c6 depth 2
info score cp 48 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 depth 3
info score cp 0 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6 depth 4
info score cp 36 pv b1c3 g8f6 d2d4 b8c6 d1d2 depth 5
info score cp 39 pv g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 g8f6 b1d2 depth 5
info score cp 0 pv g1f3 g8f6 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 b8d7 depth 6
info score cp 2 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6 d2d4 g8f6 depth 6
info score cp 22 pv b1c3 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6 e2e4 d7d5 d2d3 depth 7
info score cp 25 pv e2e4 b8c6 g1f3 e7e5 e4e5 f6d5 b1c3 depth 7
Edit: not yet tested under e.g. CuteChess but the order of output might give problems for pgn recording... (depth last!)

[Trolls n'existent pas...]