I have released version 3.2 of my chess engine.
The main feature in this release is a sophisticated limit-strength mode, including adjustments to chess knowledge, search speed, chance of erring or blundering, and severity of blunders. MadChess, in limit-strength mode, excludes moves it considers unreasonable (dumb moves even a chess novice wouldn’t play). I have extensively documented the settings and technical implementation of MadChess’ limit-strength mode in The MadChess UCI_LimitStrength Algorithm. I also provide a Limit-Strength FAQ.
MadChess 3.2 is slightly stronger than the prior release. I estimate it has gained 60 rating points, climbing to roughly 2770 Elo at bullet chess.
This likely is the last release of MadChess- at least for a long while. I plan to focus more on playing chess instead of coding chess. And I plan to move on to other (non-chess) programming projects. You may follow along on my general programming blog, ErikTheCoder. Nothing new there yet. But I intend to resume blogging there soon. I’ll keep blogging on MadChess.net also, focused as I said on playing the game, not coding it.
You may download x64 and x86 versions of MadChess 3.2 from the Downloads page. Install the appropriate version for your computer’s CPU. The x64 binary is the strongest version of the engine.
MadChess 3.2 Released
Moderator: Ras
- Posts: 440
- Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:51 am
- Location: Oak Park, IL, USA
- Full name: Erik Madsen
MadChess 3.2 Released
Erik Madsen | My C# chess engine: https://www.madchess.net
- Posts: 43369
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- Location: Auckland, NZ
- Posts: 379
- Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:08 am
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- Full name: Dariusz Domagała
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- Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
- Full name: Esmeralda Pinto
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
Thank you very much.

- Posts: 896
- Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:40 am
- Location: Bremen, Germany
- Full name: Thomas Jahn
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released

I get the sentiment though. I think you've made a well rounded package there that you'll be able to look back at with pride and without the feeling of having abandoned a project too early! You've been an inspiration to me. For the longest time MadChess was the strongest C# engine I knew and that I want to catch up to!
- Posts: 1944
- Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:08 am
- Location: U.S.A
- Full name: Andrew Grant
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
Congrats, Erik.
I'll be sure to read through the UCI strength components, as every attempt at that I've ever seen has been wildly unique.
I'll be sure to read through the UCI strength components, as every attempt at that I've ever seen has been wildly unique.
- Posts: 901
- Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
- Full name: Esmeralda Pinto
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
[d]5k2/pp3N2/5K2/5B2/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
Code: Select all
1/2 00:00,583 24 41 +5,45 Sf7-e5
2/3 00:00,666 229 343 +5,25 Sf7-d6 b7-b6
3/4 00:00,673 774 1k +5,50 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5
4/6 00:00,684 2k 3k +5,65 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 Kf8-e8
5/8 00:00,714 7k 9k +5,65 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 Kf8-e8 Sc8xa7
6/9 00:00,775 17k 22k +5,85 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 Kg8-f8
7/10 00:00,992 42k 43k +5,85 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 Kg8-f8 Sc8xa7
8/11 00:01,403 106k 75k +5,95 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 Kg8-f8 Ld3-b5 a7-a6
9/12 00:02,593 293k 113k +6,00 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 Kg8-f8 Sc8xa7 Kf8-e8 Sa7-c6
10/13 00:04,191 576k 137k +6,25 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Ld3xb5 a7-a5 Sc8-d6 Kg8-f8
11/14 00:07,582 1.181k 156k +6,50 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Ld3xb5 a7-a5 Sc8-d6 Kg8-f8 Kf6-e5
12/15 00:15,766 2.618k 166k +6,90 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-g6 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Sc8xb6 Kg8-h8 Lg6-c2 Kh8-g8 Lc2-d3 Kg8-f8
13/16 00:34,770 5.697k 164k +7,35 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Sb7-c5 Ke8-d8 Kf6-e5
14/18 01:14,981 11.462k 153k +7,20 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Kf6-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-d6 Kf8-g7
15/18 04:26,633 24.503k 92k +7,35 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Kf6-e6 Ke8-f8 Sb7-d6 Kf8-g7 Ke6-d5
16/20 16:55,924 67.922k 67k +7,60 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h7 Sb7-c5 Kh7-h6 La4-e8 Kh6-h7 Sc5-e6 Kh7-h6 Kf6-e5 Kh6-h7
17/21 51:25,992 189.701k 61k +7,60 Lf5-d7 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 b7-b6 La4-d7 Kf8-g8 Ld7-e6+ Kg8-h8 Le6-f7 b6-b5 Kf6-g6 b5-b4 Sg5-e4 b4-b3 Lf7xb3
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
1/2 00:00,150 52 346 +4,38 Sf7-e5
2/3- 00:00,164 90 550 0,00
2/3 00:00,166 177 1k +4,06 Sf7-d6 b7-b6
3/4 00:00,167 399 2k +4,27 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5
4/4- 00:00,167 764 5k 0,00
4/6 00:00,169 2k 10k +3,79 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5 a7-a5
5/8 00:00,198 4k 19k +3,95 Sf7-e5 b7-b5 Se5-g6+ Kf8-g8 Sg6-e5
6/8- 00:00,203 7k 34k 0,00
6/8 00:00,207 9k 41k +3,88 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 b6-b5
7/10 00:00,214 14k 65k +3,99 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 b6-b5 Le6-d5
8/10 00:00,269 26k 98k +3,91 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-d3 a7-a5 Sd6-c4 b6-b5 Sc4xa5 b5-b4
9/11+ 00:00,274 30k 111k 0,00
9/12 00:00,301 48k 158k +4,42 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Sc8xa7 b5-b4 Lf5-e6 Kf8-e8 Sa7-c6
10/12 00:00,356 86k 242k +4,57 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-c2 b7-b6 Lc2-b3 b6-b5 Sd6xb5 Kf8-e8 Sb5-d6+ Ke8-d8
11/13 00:00,467 171k 367k +4,80 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-c2 b7-b6 Lc2-b3 b6-b5 Sd6xb5 Kf8-e8 Sb5-d6+ Ke8-d7 Kf6-e5
12/14 00:00,568 250k 440k +4,80
12/14 00:00,807 436k 540k +4,96 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 Kf8-e8 Sc8xa7 Ke8-d8 Sa7-b5 Kd8-e8 Sb5-d6+ Ke8-d8 Kf6-e5 Kd8-e7
13/15 00:00,885 500k 565k +4,96
13/15 00:01,041 614k 590k +5,17 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 Kf8-e8 Sc8xa7 Ke8-d8 Sa7-b5 Kd8-e8 Sb5-d6+ Ke8-d8 Kf6-e5 Kd8-c7 Lf5-e4
14/16 00:01,818 1.250k 688k +5,17
14/16 00:01,885 1.316k 698k +5,91 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h8 Sb7-a5 Kh8-g8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-d3 Kg8-f8 Ld3xa6 Kf8-e8 La6-c4 Ke8-d7
15/17 00:02,362 1.750k 741k +5,91
15/17 00:02,528 1.921k 760k +6,01 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h8 Sb7-a5 Kh8-g8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-d3 Kg8-f8 Ld3xa6 Kf8-e8 La6-c4 Ke8-d7 Sc6-d4
16/18 00:03,907 3.250k 832k +6,01
16/18 00:04,010 3.354k 836k +5,91 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h8 Sb7-a5 Kh8-g8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-d3 Kg8-f8 Ld3xa6 Kf8-e8 La6-c4 Ke8-d7 Sc6-d4 Kd7-d8
17/19 00:06,217 5.500k 885k +5,91
17/19 00:06,461 5.730k 887k +6,13 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-g8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-d3 Kg8-f8 Ld3xa6 Kf8-e8 La6-c4 Ke8-d7 Sc6-e5+ Kd7-d6 Lc4-e6
18/20 00:10,725 10.000k 932k +6,13
18/20 00:10,787 10.064k 933k +6,29 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Sb7-d6+ Ke8-f8 Kf6-e5 Kf8-g7 Sd6-f5+ Kg7-g6 La2-d5 Kg6-h5
19/22 00:15,892 15.250k 960k +6,29
19/22 00:16,123 15.499k 961k +6,36 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Le6-c4 Kf8-e8 Sb7-d6+ Ke8-f8 Kf6-e5 Kf8-g7 Lc4-d5
20/22 00:26,800 26.500k 989k +6,36
20/22 00:26,900 26.608k 989k +6,34 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb7 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 La2-e6 Ke8-f8 Le6-c4 Kf8-e8 Sb7-d6+ Ke8-f8 Kf6-e5 Kf8-g7 Lc4-f7 Kg7-h6
21/24 00:46,293 46.750k 1.010k +6,34
21/24 00:46,554 46.992k 1.009k +6,48 Lf5-d7 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 b7-b5 La4xb5 Kf8-g8 Lb5-d7 Kg8-h8 Ld7-a4 Kh8-g8 La4-b3+ Kg8-h8 Lb3-c2 Kh8-g8 Sg5-e6 Kg8-h8 Kf6-e5 Kh8-g8 Lc2-e4
22/24 01:11,288 72.250k 1.014k +6,48
22/24 01:11,521 72.475k 1.013k +6,44 Lf5-d7
23/27 08:24,204 418.250k 830k +6,44
23/27 08:24,243 418.282k 830k +M11 Lf5-d7 b7-b6
24/28 41:43,497 1.958.500k 782k +M11
24/28 41:43,803 1.958.719k 782k +M11 Lf5-d7 a7-a6 Sf7-g5 b7-b5
25/29 55:00,489 2.578.750k 781k +M11
Code: Select all
1/2 00:00,123 55 446 +9,78 Sf7-e5
2/3 00:00,134 155 1k +9,52 Sf7-d6 b7-b6
3/4 00:00,136 294 2k +9,66 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5
4/6 00:00,137 866 6k +9,04 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Kf6-e5 a5-a4
5/7 00:00,140 3k 19k +9,02 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-e6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5
6/8 00:00,174 13k 73k +8,63 Sf7-d8 a7-a5 Sd8xb7 Kf8-e8
7/12 00:00,185 20k 108k +9,38 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Sc8xa7 b5-b4 Sa7-c6
8/12 00:00,233 37k 157k +8,62 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Sc8xa7 b5-b4 Lf5-e6 Kf8-e8
9/12 00:00,311 57k 183k +9,45 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Sc8xa7 b5-b4 Lf5-e6 Kf8-e8 Sa7-c6
10/12 00:00,399 116k 290k +9,71 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b6-b5 Ld7xb5 Kf8-g8 Sc8-e7+ Kg8-h7
11/14 00:00,547 244k 447k +9,88 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b6-b5 Ld7xb5 Kf8-g8 Lb5-c4+ Kg8-h7 Sc8-e7
12/14 00:00,747 564k 755k +10,35 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 Kf8-e8 Sc8xa7 Ke8-d8 Sa7-b5 Kd8-e8 Sb5-c7+ Ke8-f8 Sc7-d5 b6-b5
13/16 00:01,183 1.270k 1.074k +25,01 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-e6 a7-a5 Le6-d7 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c4 Kg8-h7 Sc4xb6 Kh7-g8 Sb6-c4 Sc4xa5
14/17 00:01,592 1.984k 1.246k +25,01 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-e6 a7-a5 Le6-d7 Kf8-g8 Sd6-c4 Kg8-h7 Sc4xb6 Kh7-g8 Sb6-c4 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kg8-h8
15/18 00:07,787 13.837k 1.777k +25,05 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-e8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 Ke8-d8 Le6-f7 Kd8-c7 Sa5-b3
16/18 00:09,467 17.188k 1.816k +25,05 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-e8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 Ke8-d8 Le6-f7 Kd8-c7 Sa5-c4 Kc7-d8
17/20 00:12,381 23.141k 1.869k +25,05 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-e8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 Ke8-d8 Le6-f7 Kd8-c7 Sa5-c4 Kc7-d8 Sc4-a3
18/21 00:18,264 35.336k 1.935k +25,05 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-e8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 Ke8-d8 Le6-g4 Kd8-e8 Lg4-f3 Ke8-d8 Kf6-f7 Kd8-c7
19/22 00:28,010 55.867k 1.994k +25,06 Sf7-d6 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-f8 Sb7-a5 Kf8-e8 Sa5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-e6 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 Ke8-d8 Sa5-b3 Kd8-c7 Kf6-e5 Kc7-b6 Le6-c4 Kb6-a7 Ke5-d6
20/23 05:21,382 580.529k 1.806k +25,07 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a5-a4 Lb5xa4 Kf8-g8 La4-b3+ Kg8-h7 Lb3-e6 Kh7-h6 Le6-g8 Kh6-h5 Kf6-f5 Kh5-h4 Kf5-f4 Kh4-h3 Sd6-f5 Kh3-h2
21/24 05:58,695 645.277k 1.799k +25,07 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a5-a4 Lb5xa4 Kf8-g8 La4-b3+ Kg8-h7 Lb3-e6 Kh7-h6 Le6-g8 Kh6-h5 Kf6-f5 Kh5-h4 Kf5-f4 Kh4-h3 Sd6-f5 Kh3-h2 Sf5-h4
22/25 06:51,905 737.690k 1.791k +25,07 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a5-a4 Lb5xa4 Kf8-g8 La4-b3+ Kg8-h7 Kf6-f5 Kh7-h6 Lb3-d5 Kh6-h5 Sd6-f7 Kh5-h4 Kf5-f4 Kh4-h3 Ld5-e6+ Kh3-h2 Kf4-f3 Kh2-g1
Code: Select all
1/2 00:00,062 46 741 +10,97 Sf7-e5
2/3 00:00,186 112 601 +10,56 Sf7-d6 b7-b6
3/6 00:00,196 358 2k +10,81 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Kf6-e5
4/6 00:00,206 949 5k +10,03 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Sd6xb7 a5-a4
5/6 00:00,232 1k 6k +10,73 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Sd6xb7 a5-a4 Sb7-d6
6/8 00:00,250 4k 17k +9,52 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Sd6xb7 a5-a4 Sb7-d6 a4-a3
7/8 00:00,268 7k 26k +9,66 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Sd6xb7 a5-a4 Sb7-d6 a4-a3 Kf6-e5
8/12 00:00,365 18k 50k +9,70 Lf5-d7
9/12 00:00,455 34k 75k +9,75 Sf7-e5 b7-b5 Se5-c6 Kf8-e8 Sc6xa7 b5-b4 Sa7-c6 b4-b3 Sc6-e5
10/12 00:00,538 46k 86k +10,13 Sf7-e5 b7-b5 Se5-c6 a7-a6 Lf5-c8 a6-a5 Sc6xa5 b5-b4 Lc8-e6 Kf8-e8
11/16 00:01,009 148k 147k +10,68 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-c8 Kf8-g8 Lc8-e6+ Kg8-h7 Sd6-c8 b6-b5 Sc8xa7 b5-b4 Sa7-c6
12/15 00:01,104 168k 152k +10,90 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-c8 Kf8-g8 Lc8-e6+ Kg8-h7 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Le6-f5+ Kh7-h6 Sc8xb6 Kh6-h5
13/14 00:01,170 193k 165k +11,20 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-c8 Kf8-g8 Lc8-e6+ Kg8-h7 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Le6-f5+ Kh7-g8 Sc8xb6 Kg8-f8 Lf5-e4
14/15 00:01,410 316k 224k +11,10 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Lf5-c8 Kf8-g8 Lc8-e6+ Kg8-f8 Sd6-c8 a7-a5 Le6-d7 b6-b5 Ld7xb5 Kf8-g8 Sc8-d6 Kg8-f8
15/18 00:01,528 418k 274k +196,91 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-d7 Kf8-g8 Sc5-b7 Kg8-h8 Sb7xa5
16/16 00:01,557 440k 282k +196,91 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-d7 Kf8-g8 Sc5-b7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kg8-h8
17/18 00:01,601 473k 295k +196,91 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-d7 Kf8-g8 Sc5-b7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kg8-h8 La4-d7
18/18 00:01,718 571k 333k +196,92 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-d7 Kf8-g8 Sc5-b7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kg8-h8 La4-d7 Kh8-g8
19/20 00:01,803 654k 363k +196,92 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-d7 Kf8-g8 Sc5-b7 Kg8-h8 Sb7xa5 Kh8-g8 Sa5-c4 Kg8-h7 Sc4-a5
20/21 00:02,013 842k 418k +196,93 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Sb6-a4 a6-a5 Sa4-c5 Ke8-f8 Lf5-e6 Kf8-e8 Le6-f7+ Ke8-d8 Sc5-b7+ Kd8-c7 Sb7xa5 Kc7-b6 Sa5-c4+ Kb6-a6
21/22 00:02,265 1.133k 500k +196,94 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Lf5-d3 a6-a5 Sb6-c4 Ke8-f8 Sc4xa5 Kf8-g8 Sa5-c4 Kg8-h8 Sc4-d6 Kh8-g8 Sd6-f7 Kg8-f8 Ld3-h7 Kf8-e8 Lh7-c2
22/23 00:02,642 1.558k 590k +196,94 Sf7-d6 b7-b6 Sd6-c8 a7-a6 Sc8xb6 Kf8-e8 Lf5-d3 a6-a5 Sb6-c4 Ke8-f8 Sc4xa5 Kf8-g8 Sa5-c4 Kg8-h8 Sc4-d6 Kh8-g8 Sd6-f7 Kg8-f8 Ld3-h7 Kf8-e8 Kf6-g7 Ke8-d7
23/26 00:37,960 36.875k 971k +196,97 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h7 La4-b3 Kh7-h8 Lb3-c4
24/26 00:43,803 43.171k 986k +196,97 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h7 La4-b3 Kh7-h8 Lb3-c4 Kh8-h7 Lc4-d3+ Kh7-h6 Ld3-e2 Kh6-h7 Kf6-g5 Kh7-h8 Sb7-a5 Kh8-g7 Le2-c4 Kg7-h7 Kg5-f6
25/26 00:48,074 48.104k 1.001k +196,97 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 a5-a4 Ld7xa4 Kf8-g8 Sd6xb7 Kg8-h7 La4-b3 Kh7-h8 Lb3-c4 Kh8-h7 Lc4-d3+ Kh7-h6 Ld3-e2 Kh6-h7 Sb7-a5 Kh7-g8 Le2-c4+ Kg8-h8 Lc4-f7
26/28 02:40,034 140.889k 880k +196,98 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb5 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Sb5-a3 Ke8-f8 La2-e6
27/30 02:51,857 153.144k 891k +196,98 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb5 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Sb5-a3 Ke8-f8 La2-e6
28/30 03:04,939 166.567k 901k +196,98 Sf7-d6 a7-a5 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7-e6 a5-a4 Le6-f7 a4-a3 Sd6xb5 a3-a2 Lf7xa2 Kf8-e8 Sb5-a3 Ke8-f8 La2-e6
29/31 13:45,248 743.977k 902k +M9 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-h7+ Kf8-g8 Kf6-g6 a4-a3 Lb5-c4+ Kg8-h8 Sh7-f8 a3-a2 Kg6-h6 a2-a1D Sf8-g6+
30/30 55:00,722 3.096.194k 938k +M9 Lf5-d7 b7-b5 Ld7xb5 a7-a5 Sf7-g5 a5-a4 Sg5-h7+ Kf8-g8 Kf6-g6 Kg8-h8 Lb5-c4 a4-a3 Sh7-f8 a3-a2 Kg6-h6 a2-a1D Sf8-g6+
- Posts: 1933
- Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
Congrats and thank you for the new release.
I am interested in the limit strenght mode. Is there a way I can install MadChess on my Android smartphone?
I am interested in the limit strenght mode. Is there a way I can install MadChess on my Android smartphone?
- Posts: 1784
- Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2019 4:42 pm
- Location: Netherlands
- Full name: Marcel Vanthoor
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
Great. I'm sure going to save those as PDF's for future reference. I'm going to need that.emadsen wrote: ↑Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:50 am The main feature in this release is a sophisticated limit-strength mode, including adjustments to chess knowledge, search speed, chance of erring or blundering, and severity of blunders. MadChess, in limit-strength mode, excludes moves it considers unreasonable (dumb moves even a chess novice wouldn’t play). I have extensively documented the settings and technical implementation of MadChess’ limit-strength mode in The MadChess UCI_LimitStrength Algorithm. I also provide a Limit-Strength FAQ.
Thanks, and good luck with your other projects. Your blog (especially the strength gains per feature) is what inspired me to have the SPRT testing page on my site with the results of every (part of a) feature. It also gave a good indication of expected gains.This likely is the last release of MadChess- at least for a long while. I plan to focus more on playing chess instead of coding chess. And I plan to move on to other (non-chess) programming projects. You may follow along on my general programming blog, ErikTheCoder. Nothing new there yet. But I intend to resume blogging there soon. I’ll keep blogging on MadChess.net also, focused as I said on playing the game, not coding it.
You may download x64 and x86 versions of MadChess 3.2 from the Downloads page. Install the appropriate version for your computer’s CPU. The x64 binary is the strongest version of the engine.
- Posts: 5685
- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:16 am
- Location: Moving
- Full name: Jorge Picado
Re: MadChess 3.2 Released
I decided to set the strength limit to 1200 and I just simply outplayed it with the Clemenz Opening 1.h3....
[pgn][Event "Computer chess game"] [Site "DESKTOP-4QNC0GS"] [Date "2024.02.01"] [Round "?"] [White "ChessQueen"] [Black "MadChess.Engine"] [Result "1-0"] [BlackElo "1200"] [ECO "A00"] [Opening "Clemenz (Mead-Basman-de Klerk-Welling) Opening"] [Time "23:53:18"] [WhiteElo "????"] [TimeControl "600+3"] [Termination "normal"] [PlyCount "56"] [WhiteType "human"] [BlackType "program"] 1. h3 c5 2. c3 d6 3. Nf3 b5 4. d4 Be6 5. dxc5 a6 6. cxd6 exd6 7. Ng5 h5 8. Bf4 Qb6 9. Qd3 h4 10. Nxe6 fxe6 11. Qg6+ Kd7 12. Nd2 Nc6 13. Nf3 Qc7 14. Bg5 Ne5 15. Nxe5+ dxe5 16. O-O-O+ Bd6 17. Qxg7+ Kc6 18. Qxh8 Re8 19. Qxh4 Ne7 20. Qg4 Nf5 21. e4 Ng7 22. Bf6 Bf8 23. Qg5 Qb7 24. Bd3 Kb6 25. Bxe5 Ka7 26. Qg6 Re7 27. Bd4+ Ka8 28. Qf6 Re8 29. Rhe1 Nh5 {Black resigns} *[/pgn]