Tord Romstad wrote:
You are absolutely correct - thanks for pointing out this bug! I have fixed it in the current development version, and this bug fix will of course be included in Glaurung 2 - ε/3.
Thanks also for the tests you are running with Glaurung! I follow the results with great interest.
Thanks . Pause to cca 2.7. (Endings test Homer-Hamsters-Romichess).
If not tournament, but match, then book also variable (not restart) - my mistake.
The display of hash usage gives me an idee how much hash the program uses. If i do a 5 min analysys and after 5 min hash usage is under 100% I may not see any advantage in enlarging the hash size. However, if after one min hash usage is by 100% I may consider to use more hash.