70.947<--1:Toga II 0.92 UCI
71.119<--1:id name Toga II 0.92
71.170<--1:id author Toga
71.204<--1:option name Hash type spin default 100 min 1 max 1024
71.207<--1:option name Ponder type check default false
71.208<--1:option name SingleReply Extension type check default true
71.210-->1:setoption name Hash value 128
71.215-->1:setoption name Ponder value false
71.221-->1:setoption name SingleReply Extension value true
183.865<--1:Toga II 0.93 UCI based on Fruit 2.0
184.043<--1:id name Toga II 0.93
184.097<--1:id author Thomas
184.152<--1:option name Hash type spin default 100 min 1 max 1024
184.205<--1:option name Ponder type check default false
184.260<--1:option name SingleReply Extension type check default true
184.319-->1:setoption name Hash value 128
184.332-->1:setoption name Ponder value false
184.341-->1:setoption name SingleReply Extension value true
This has been a very sad couple of days. Was it not Alessandro that you were saying was such a great guy and that he never made a negative post about anyone. How ironic that the first negative post would be about you. I guess that proves that you did not know what you were talking about after all!
No one is allowed to disagree with certain people and live. It is just that simple. But, they are immortal, because, they never sin and never, never, never are they wrong.
The Terry's of this world rule here. There is no room for mere mortals on their planet. The dead horse that they beat is their own soul and they don't even know it.
Your friend,
If you are on a sidewalk and the covid goes beep beep
Just step aside or you might have a bit of heat
Covid covid runs through the town all day
Can the people ever change their ways
Sherwin the covid's after you
Sherwin if it catches you you're through
K I Hyams wrote:
I assume that you would have no objection to 2 programmers working on an engine jointly if they state in the notes that this is what they have done. If this is the case, why would you object to one programmer working on an engine after another programmer has left it, if he states clearly that this is what he has done?
That is not true.
Thomas did not tell anyone that Toga was Fruit until after it had been independently discovered as a plagiarism.
This point is seemingly completely lost on most in here.
Ask yourself one simple question. If Toga had not been discovered at all as being Fruit, do you think you would be any the wiser now?
Do you think he would have told anyone?
Toga is a clone.
Full stop.
Hi Chris,
The point that Thomas did not declare that Toga was based on Fruit until he was challenged about it had not escaped me. If that was the issue on which Stan was basing his post, then he did not make it clear. If it was the issue, then it has been dealt with below.
I would assume that the difference between a clone and an engine that has been improved by a second programmer has been discussed here ad nauseam. While none of us know why Thomas originally failed to declare that Toga was based on Fruit, the original version of Fruit was open source and there can be no objection, once that declaration has been made, to Thomas continuing to develop it and to him publishing the modified code.
Given the amount of time and energy that Thomas has put into the project, it seems clear that, from the date that he admitted that Toga was based on Fruit, he must be viewed as a developer rather than a cloner and that Toga is a legitimate engine that has been developed by more than one programmer. Whether or not those programmers were working on the code at the same time is irrelevant.