Best tactical engine?

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Re: Best tactical engine?

Post by CThinker »

Dann Corbit wrote:
gerold wrote:
govert wrote:Carl.
I notice that Fruit - and its derivatives - is absent from your list.
Is that because it is bad tactically, or because you did not test it?
Fruit has not been worked on much lately so has fallen
behind the other top engines.
According to this list:
Toga has the same strength as Hiarcs 12 and Bright 4a.

And this list: ... liste.html
shows Fruit 2.4 Beta A to be about the same strength as Deep Sjeng 3.

Both the derivatives and native versions are among the strongest engines in the world.
Speaking for myself
i do not care about testing derivatives or clones.

Best to you,

Whether anyone cares to test them or not is another matter.

The strongest open source engine appears to be Glaurung (specifically the Stockfish derivative).

The strongest free engine is Thinker 5.4 D.
Why is it that Lance can pack so much power into such a tiny can?
Reminds me of something Inigo Montoya once said:
"I wonder if he is using the same wind that we are using?"
I can't be blamed for that. Most of the 5.x code is Kerwin's.

One of my favorite quotes from EWD:
"How do we convince people that in programming, simplicity and clarity - in short: what mathematicians call "elegance" - are not a dispensable luxury, but a crucial matter that decides between success and failure?"