MM wrote:
Larry, you must excuse me if i tell you again, but supporting chess960 you would have an exact estimation of the strenght of Komodo without opening book.
Maurizio, excuse me too, if I tell you and anybody else who want's to hear it one more time from me and to anybody who does not:
Without book from the one and only normal starting position you have an estimation of the strenght of the engine you test as exact as the rest of your testing provisos are, for example the number of games as for pure engine- engine- matches.
The strength of the engine to deal with the one and only starting position.
Every kind of tournament you let play is some kind of thematic tournament, and the strength of the engines tested depend on the starting positions.
You can do whatever you want to avoid this, you won't succeed.
You can take short books or deep books, selected starting positions of whatever number you can deal with.
If you choose positions similiar to each other you choose certain engines' strengthes, if you choose rather different ones it's a quantitative difference of more or less counting, not a qualitative one.
Playing strength of an engine as well as that of human players depend on the positions on the board.
You can not give any measure of a man's or an engine's strength in playing chess than position-depending ones.
That's the reason, why Elo, as the one and only accepted measure for the strength of men and engines in playing chess, lack more and more, as for engines of too little differences in strength, as for certain kind of positions, especially the ones that are commonly used for testing them.
If you have to have more criterion differences not to need even bigger and bigger samples of data for statistics of some power, as you need now to differentiate similiar engines of similiar strength, you have to have more differences in the positions to test with.
Your idea about Chess960 isn't a bad one, it just hasn't any more meaning than any other kind of certain positional testing, we were doing in ancient times. That's what you can do to test engines' strength as for certain postions of selective interest with well selected positions.
Make thematic matches or thematic positional tests and make yourself conscious that any other kind of testing is the same in kernel, testing of certain positional strengthes only.
Forget the Elo, that's a thing of yesterday as for engines, you need not compare them to humans any more so you should better stop trying to do so and to do as if, just to play act hoping more Elo would sell any better, these days were gone at the latest from the arising of freeware as well as the commercial one as for Elo, that was the rising of Elosion and Celolitis and the end of comparing engines just in this one and only way.