What is New in Toga II 1.3x4?

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Re: Some more data to the fire :-)

Post by Enrico »


Is 'X' Ryan's and 'Y' Fabien's or do I have it reversed? :wink: :wink:


mclane wrote:tournament continued:

Code: Select all

    Motor                      Punkte RyHiToPxPyLoSpFrGlTothCoNoPr    S-B
01: Rybka v2.3.lk.x64          11,5/13 · = 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1   67,25
02: Hiarcs11.1UCI              10,5/13 = · 1 = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   58,75
03: TogaII1.3x4 [default]      9,0/13  0 0 · = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1   49,50
04: program x                  9,0/13  0 = = · 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1   45,25
05: program y                  8,0/13  = 0 0 1 · = = 0 1 1 1 1 = 1   42,25
06: LoopMP 12.32               8,0/13  0 = 0 = = · 1 = = = 1 1 1 1   40,00
07: Spike1.2                   7,5/13  0 1 0 0 = 0 · 1 = 1 = 1 1 1   37,00
08: Fruit-061115a              7,0/13  0 0 = = 1 = 0 · = = 1 = 1 1   34,50
09: Glaurung121-EM64T          6,0/13  = 0 0 0 0 = = = · = 1 1 = 1   28,50
10: TogaII1.2.1a               4,5/13  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = · = = 1 1   16,75
11: theBaron1.8.1Uci           4,0/13  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = · 1 1 1   12,00
12: Colossus2006f              3,5/13  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 · 1 1   12,75
13: Now0704                    1,5/13  0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 · 0   11,50
14: ProDeo1.2                  1,0/13  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ·    1,50

91 Partien von 182 gespielt
intel6300, blitz 25'+10"
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Re: Some more data to the fire :-)

Post by mclane »

its 1 program in 2 styles.
not the 2 you mentioned.
Marc Lacrosse
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Re: Some more data to the fire :-)

Post by Marc Lacrosse »

mclane wrote:its 1 program in 2 styles.
not the 2 you mentioned.
Let me guess ...

Scorpio ?
Naum ?

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Re: Some more data to the fire :-)

Post by mclane »

no. wrong guess.

the tournament has made progress:

Code: Select all

    Motor                      Punkte  Ry Hi To Px Fr Sp Py Lo Gl To Pr Co th No    S-B
01: Rybka v2.3.lk.x64          16,0/20 ·· =  1  1= 10 1= =  11 =  11 1= 1  1  11  140,50
02: Hiarcs11.1UCI              15,0/20 =  ·· 1  == 1  00 1= =  1= 11 1  1  11 11  123,75
03: TogaII1.3x4 [default]      13,0/19 0  0  ·· =1 =1 1  1  10 11 1  10 =  1  =1  114,25
04: program x                  12,0/20 0= == =0 ·· =  1  0  =  1= 1  11 1= 1  10  101,00
05: Fruit-061115a              12,0/20 01 0  =0 =  ·· 0  1= =  == =  1  =1 11 11   93,00
06: Spike1.2                   11,5/19 0= 11 0  0  1  ·· == 0  =  1= 1  11 == 1   101,25
07: program y                  11,5/20 =  0= 0  1  0= == ·· == 1  10 1  1= 11 =    98,25
08: LoopMP 12.32               11,5/19 00 =  01 =  =  1  == ·· =  == 1  1= 11 1    93,75
09: Glaurung121-EM64T          9,5/19  =  0= 00 0= == =  0  =  ·· =  11 1  1  =1   73,75
10: TogaII1.2.1a               8,0/20  00 00 0  0  =  0= 01 == =  ·· 1  =1 == 1    60,00
11: ProDeo1.2                  5,5/20  0= 0  01 00 0  0  0  0  00 0  ·· 01 01 11   36,00
12: Colossus2006f              5,0/20  0  0  =  0= =0 00 0= 0= 0  =0 10 ·· 0  1    42,00
13: theBaron1.8.1Uci           5,0/20  0  00 0  0  00 == 00 00 0  == 10 1  ·· 1    32,50
14: Now0704                    2,5/20  00 00 =0 01 00 0  =  0  =0 0  00 0  0  ··   29,00

138 Partien von 182 gespielt
as far as it looks the results of this program are better, the more time it has to think.
therefore i am also having on another core a tournament in 40/40.
the above is 25'+10".
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Re: Some more data to the fire :-)

Post by ernest »

mclane wrote:where?
I mean in your tournament! :)

Re: What is New in Toga II 1.3x4? It is Windows-only engine

Post by nas »

glorfindel wrote:Being Windows-only seems to be a new feature of Toga's latest version?

Or has someone compiled it for other architectures? I can't compile it in Linux. If anyone has succeeded in compiling a Linux binary, perhaps they could help me?
The release violates the GPL too, I think. See my recent post. I did a little work to make Toga portable again: http://arctrix.com/nas/fruit/Toga_1.3_X4.zip . It seems to work okay on my AMD64 Linux machine.
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Eelco de Groot
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Re: What is New in Toga II 1.3x4? It is Windows-only engine

Post by Eelco de Groot »

nas wrote:
glorfindel wrote:Being Windows-only seems to be a new feature of Toga's latest version?

Or has someone compiled it for other architectures? I can't compile it in Linux. If anyone has succeeded in compiling a Linux binary, perhaps they could help me?
The release violates the GPL too, I think. See my recent post. I did a little work to make Toga portable again: http://arctrix.com/nas/fruit/Toga_1.3_X4.zip . It seems to work okay on my AMD64 Linux machine.
Hello Neil, thanks for the example of a makefile. I'm trying to study C a bit and Toga's source at the same time, but for compiling Toga in Microsoft Visual C I don't suppose one could use your example makefile? I assume many compiler switches would not be the same?

Also, as you say you compiled Toga for Linux, it is probably a 64 bits version that you made? Would the patch be necessary for compilation of this version?

Just trying to see if compiling the sources would be doable at some point..

Regards, Eelco
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Graham Banks
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Re: What is New in Toga II 1.3x4? It is Windows-only engine

Post by Graham Banks »

nas wrote:
glorfindel wrote:Being Windows-only seems to be a new feature of Toga's latest version?

Or has someone compiled it for other architectures? I can't compile it in Linux. If anyone has succeeded in compiling a Linux binary, perhaps they could help me?
The release violates the GPL too, I think. See my recent post. I did a little work to make Toga portable again: http://arctrix.com/nas/fruit/Toga_1.3_X4.zip . It seems to work okay on my AMD64 Linux machine.
Hi Neil,

were you also able to fix the egbb problem?

Regards, Graham.

Re: What is New in Toga II 1.3x4? It is Windows-only engine

Post by nas »

Eelco de Groot wrote:[
Hello Neil, thanks for the example of a makefile. I'm trying to study C a bit and Toga's source at the same time, but for compiling Toga in Microsoft Visual C I don't suppose one could use your example makefile? I assume many compiler switches would not be the same?
The project is pretty simple. I think you could use the Visual Studio IDE and just add all the source files to a project, then hit "build". It would be nice if the Toga team would include the Visual Studio project file (assuming that's what they use). You could also try building with Mingw although that might be more challenging if you are not an experienced programmer.
Eelco de Groot wrote: Also, as you say you compiled Toga for Linux, it is probably a 64 bits version that you made? Would the patch be necessary for compilation of this version?
No patch necessary. It seems to work fine for me.

Re: What is New in Toga II 1.3x4? It is Windows-only engine

Post by nas »

Graham Banks wrote: were you also able to fix the egbb problem?
Depends on how you define fix. :-) I just disabled them.