nice correspondence move

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Eelco de Groot
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Re: nice correspondence move

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Maybe the difference with Louis tries is the EGTBs. Or the use of the gamescore but that seems a bit unlikely. Also asmFish is not totally up to date so it still has the older King Safety I think, from before the cocktail with Mobility. It is a bit non orthogonal now, Stockfish' King Safety. Then again I have not tried the difference so it is pure speculation. In the new Kaissa (below, Kaissa III) I use most of the cocktail King Safety from Stock but not in the old Kaissa. Here I see not very much difference but that is just one position, and Rxg7 is not the only winning move, it just has a bit higher score than Re1 or Qf4.

This is Kaissa changes added to the very latest 2018-02-09 Stock sources. I threw out the Enhanced Verification Search (sorry Guenther) but that is just for this version. And I changed LMR to a very aggressive form:

Code: Select all

              // Decrease reduction for exact PV nodes
              if (pvExact)
                  r -= ONE_PLY;

              // Increase reduction if ttMove is a capture
              if (ttCapture)
                  r += ONE_PLY;
changed to

Code: Select all

              // Increase reduction if ttMove is a capture or not an exact PV node
              if (ttCapture || !pvExact)
                  r += ONE_PLY;

4r1rk/p3qpp1/1pnp1n1p/5P2/P1PPP3/4Q2P/2BB2R1/6RK w - -

Engine: Kaissa III HT (i7 6700, 3 hyperthreads, 512 MB)
by T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott

23/48 0:02 +2.99 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bf4 Na5 48.d5 Nb7
49.Kh2 Nc5 50.Qe1 Nxa4 51.Qe6+ Qf7
52.Bxd6 Nc5 53.Qc8+ (26.330.104) 11962

24/52 0:02 +2.98 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Nf7
49.h4 Qg7 50.Qe8+ Qf8 51.Qxf8+ Kxf8
52.Kg3 Ke7 53.Kf4 (32.381.414) 12173

25/48 0:03 +2.98 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Qg7
49.Qd5+ Nf7 50.Qe6 Kh7 51.Qe8 Qg8
52.Qe7 Qg7 53.Qxa7 (44.153.696) 12518

26/51 0:03 +2.90-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (46.531.946) 12572

26/51 0:03 +2.83-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (47.586.384) 12522

26/51 0:03 +2.71-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (47.909.744) 12499

26/55 0:04 +2.69 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Rxe4 45.Bxe4 Nxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Qf7
49.h4 Qd7 50.Bf4 Nf7 51.a5 bxa5
52.c5 dxc5 53.dxc5 (57.270.741) 12515

27/58 0:06 +2.76++ 40.Rxg7 (79.144.529) 12796

27/59 0:06 +2.84++ 40.Rxg7 (83.103.744) 12842

27/59 0:06 +2.95++ 40.Rxg7 (84.806.064) 12863

27/59 0:06 +2.98 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Rxe4 45.Bxe4 Nxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Qg7
49.Qd5+ Nf7 50.Qe6 Kh7 51.Qe8 Ng5
52.Qh5+ Kg8 53.h4 (88.090.241) 12897

28/59 0:07 +2.91-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (96.798.581) 12991

28/59 0:07 +2.83-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (99.510.252) 13006

28/59 0:07 +2.91++ 40.Rxg7 (102.911.884) 13043

28/59 0:08 +3.07++ 40.Rxg7 (111.550.845) 13085

28/59 0:09 +2.82 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Rxe4 45.Bxe4 Nxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bf4 Na5 48.d5 Nb7
49.Qe6+ Kg7 50.Qd7+ Qf7 51.Bh6+ Kg8
52.Qc8+ Kh7 53.Bf4 (124.663.484) 13152

29/51 0:10 +2.90++ 40.Rxg7 (134.059.586) 13203

29/51 0:10 +2.75-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (138.385.727) 13247

29/55 0:11 +2.86++ 40.Rxg7 (149.470.166) 13289

29/55 0:12 +3.02++ 40.Rxg7 (163.941.831) 13362

29/57 0:15 +3.13 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Qg7
49.Qd5+ Nf7 50.Qe6 Kh7 51.Qe8 Ng5
52.Qh5+ Kg8 53.h4 (207.418.636) 13339

30/43 0:16 +3.05-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (224.195.475) 13320

30/52 0:17 +3.13++ 40.Rxg7 (229.986.227) 13331

30/63 0:18 +3.17 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Qg7
49.Qd5+ Nf7 50.Qe6 Kh7 51.Qe8 Ng5
52.Qh5+ Kg8 53.h4 (250.793.637) 13384

31/59 0:21 +3.10-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (283.824.635) 13372

31/59 0:21 +3.17++ 40.Rxg7 (284.316.039) 13372

31/59 0:22 +3.09 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Rxe4 45.Bxe4 Nxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Kg7
49.Bf4 Nf7 50.Qg2+ Kh8 51.Qe2 Kg7
52.Qg4+ Kh8 53.Qh5+ (296.581.931) 13379

32/58 0:25 +3.02-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (350.844.937) 13576

32/58 0:26 +2.94-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (366.066.004) 13592

32/58 0:27 +3.02++ 40.Rxg7 (375.835.135) 13575

32/61 0:30 +3.17++ 40.Rxg7 (414.040.566) 13550

32/65 0:39 +3.39++ 40.Rxg7 (541.528.771) 13555

32/66 0:44 +3.14 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Kf7
49.Kg3 Qg7+ 50.Kf2 Kf8 51.Bf4 Qd7
52.Bh6+ Kf7 53.Qd5+ (607.360.130) 13534

33/56 0:46 +3.22++ 40.Rxg7 (623.515.934) 13549

33/64 0:46 +3.29++ 40.Rxg7 (634.602.022) 13561

33/64 0:49 +3.18 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Kf7
49.Kg3 Qg7+ 50.Kf2 Kf8 51.Bf4 Qd7
52.Bh6+ Kf7 53.Qd5+ (672.125.519) 13592

34/73 0:51 +3.26++ 40.Rxg7 (705.885.880) 13617

34/73 0:55 +3.32 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bd2 Nd8 48.Kh2 Kf7
49.Kg3 Qg7+ 50.Kf2 Kf8 51.Bf4 Qd7
52.Bh6+ Kf7 53.Qd5+ (758.838.294) 13631

35/69 1:01 +3.40++ 40.Rxg7 (841.204.947) 13669

35/69 1:08 +3.25-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (935.662.847) 13606

35/69 1:09 +3.36++ 40.Rxg7 (940.500.352) 13605

35/69 1:29 +3.52++ 40.Rxg7 (1.227.309.204) 13760

35/69 1:35 +3.13-- 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 (1.327.573.190) 13881

35/69 1:37 +3.43++ 40.Rxg7 (1.360.450.197) 13896

35/74 1:44 +3.38 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Rxe4 45.Bxe4 Nxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bf4 Na5 48.h4 Kg7
49.Qe2 Qf7 50.d5 Qd7 51.Qe6 Qf7
52.Qe4 Nb7 53.Kh2 (1.448.998.142) 13901

36/61 1:54 +3.45++ 40.Rxg7 (1.595.152.436) 13885

36/66 2:05 +3.50 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bf4 Na5 48.h4 Qf7
49.d5 Nb7 50.Qe2 Qf8 51.Qe6+ Kg7
52.Qd7+ Qf7 53.Bh6+ (1.736.000.292) 13875

37/66 2:07 +3.50 40.Rxg7 Rxg7 41.Rxg7 Kxg7 42.Qxh6+ Kg8
43.Bg5 Qf8 44.Qh4 Nxe4 45.Bxe4 Rxe4
46.Qxe4 f6 47.Bf4 Na5 48.h4 Qf7
49.d5 Nb7 50.Qe2 Qf8 51.Qe6+ Kg7
52.Qd7+ Qf7 53.Bh6+ (1.773.475.932) 13879

best move: Rg2xg7 time: 2:07.829 min n/s: 13.879.461 nodes: 1.773.475.932
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Re: nice correspondence move

Post by peter »

Very well, Robert!

BTW, does anybody know, what has become of Rondo? If not under further development, maybe some free download eventually sometime?
Or at least to be bought somewhere
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Re: nice correspondence move

Post by pferd »

peter wrote:Very well, Robert!

BTW, does anybody know, what has become of Rondo? If not under further development, maybe some free download eventually sometime?
Or at least to be bought somewhere
I would be interested in this engine, too! Did it ever appear in public beside the two events mentioned by the chessprogramming wiki back in 2010?
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Re: nice correspondence move

Post by Ovyron »

pferd wrote:I would be interested in this engine, too!
Add me to the club!
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