started my fixed nodes leagues

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

I do not know what happened last time but this time lc0 1 node and 1 thread seems to pass my determinizm test

Here are the result of it against the engines that are not the weakest engines(gave it to play 4 games against everyone of them to test if it is deterministic and when I did not look at the games I look at the number of moves to see they are equal.

Code: Select all

  #  name                          games    wins   draws  losses   score    elo    +    -
  1. Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes             4       4       0       0       4    395  554  269
  2. Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes            4       4       0       0       4    395  554  269
  3. Velvet v7.1.0 4096 nodes          4       2       2       0       3    187  268  226
  4. Berserk 13 2048 nodes             4       2       2       0       3    175  270  229
  5. Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes       4       2       2       0       3    175  270  229
  6. PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes      4       2       2       0       3    175  270  229
  7. Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes      4       2       2       0       3    175  270  229
  8. Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node              148      76      30      42      91     69   43   43
  9. Velvet v7.1.0 2048 nodes          4       0       4       0       2     69  212  212
 10. Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes         4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 11. Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes          4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 12. Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes         4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 13. Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes         4       2       0       2       2     69  286  286
 14. Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes       4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 15. Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes            4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 16. Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes       4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 17. Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes            4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 18. Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes          4       2       0       2       2     69  286  286
 19. SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes         4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 20. PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes      4       2       0       2       2     69  279  279
 21. Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes           4       2       0       2       2     69  286  286
 22. Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes           4       0       2       2       1    -36  229  270
 23. Blunder 8.5.5 16384  nodes        4       0       2       2       1    -36  229  270
 24. Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes           4       0       2       2       1    -36  229  270
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes       4       0       2       2       1    -48  226  268
 26. Velvet v7.1.0 1024 nodes          4       0       2       2       1    -48  226  268
 27. Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes           4       0       2       2       1    -48  226  268
 28. Velvet v7.1.0 512 nodes           4       0       2       2       1    -48  226  268
 29. Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes             4       0       2       2       1    -48  226  268
 30. Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes             4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 31. Clover 6.1 2048 nodes             4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 32. Clover 6.1 4096 nodes             4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 33. Rubi20240112 4096nodes            4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 34. Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes             4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 35. Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes           4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 36. SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes         4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 37. Blunder 8.5.5 32768  nodes        4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559
 38. Rubi20240112 2048nodes            4       0       0       4       0   -256  269  559

Cross table:
  #  name                             score   games         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10        11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20        21        22        23        24        25        26        27        28        29        30        31        32        33        34        35        36        37        38
  1. Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes                4       4         x                                                                  1111                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  2. Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes               4       4                   x                                                        1111                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  3. Velvet v7.1.0 4096 nodes             3       4                             x                                              1=1=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  4. Berserk 13 2048 nodes                3       4                                       x                                    =1=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  5. Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes          3       4                                                 x                          1=1=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  6. PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes         3       4                                                           x                =1=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  7. Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes         3       4                                                                     x      1=1=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  8. Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node                  91     148      0000      0000      0=0=      =0=0      0=0=      =0=0      0=0=         x      ====      0101      1010      1010      1010      0101      1010      1010      1010      0101      1010      0101      0101      1=1=      1=1=      1=1=      =1=1      =1=1      =1=1      =1=1      =1=1      1111      1111      1111      1111      1111      1111      1111      1111      1111
  9. Velvet v7.1.0 2048 nodes             2       4                                                                            ====         x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 10. Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes            2       4                                                                            1010                   x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 11. Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes             2       4                                                                            0101                             x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 12. Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes            2       4                                                                            0101                                       x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 13. Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes            2       4                                                                            0101                                                 x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 14. Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes          2       4                                                                            1010                                                           x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 15. Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes               2       4                                                                            0101                                                                     x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 16. Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes          2       4                                                                            0101                                                                               x                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 17. Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes               2       4                                                                            0101                                                                                         x                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 18. Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes             2       4                                                                            1010                                                                                                   x                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 19. SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes            2       4                                                                            0101                                                                                                             x                                                                                                                                                                                              
 20. PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes         2       4                                                                            1010                                                                                                                       x                                                                                                                                                                                    
 21. Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes              2       4                                                                            1010                                                                                                                                 x                                                                                                                                                                          
 22. Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes              1       4                                                                            0=0=                                                                                                                                           x                                                                                                                                                                
 23. Blunder 8.5.5 16384  nodes           1       4                                                                            0=0=                                                                                                                                                     x                                                                                                                                                      
 24. Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes              1       4                                                                            0=0=                                                                                                                                                               x                                                                                                                                            
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes          1       4                                                                            =0=0                                                                                                                                                                         x                                                                                                                                  
 26. Velvet v7.1.0 1024 nodes             1       4                                                                            =0=0                                                                                                                                                                                   x                                                                                                                        
 27. Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes              1       4                                                                            =0=0                                                                                                                                                                                             x                                                                                                              
 28. Velvet v7.1.0 512 nodes              1       4                                                                            =0=0                                                                                                                                                                                                       x                                                                                                    
 29. Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes                1       4                                                                            =0=0                                                                                                                                                                                                                 x                                                                                          
 30. Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes                0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                           x                                                                                
 31. Clover 6.1 2048 nodes                0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     x                                                                      
 32. Clover 6.1 4096 nodes                0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               x                                                            
 33. Rubi20240112 4096nodes               0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         x                                                  
 34. Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes                0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   x                                        
 35. Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes              0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             x                              
 36. SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes            0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       x                    
 37. Blunder 8.5.5 32768  nodes           0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 x          
 38. Rubi20240112 2048nodes               0       4                                                                            0000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           x


Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes:
  #  name                            nodes/m         NPS  depth/m   time/m    moves     time
  1. Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes                3K      269461     10.1      0.0     58.5      0.6
  2. Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes               1K       75647      5.9      0.0     79.5      0.8
  3. Velvet v7.1.0 4096 nodes             5K      457272      6.0      0.0     62.5      0.6
  4. Berserk 13 2048 nodes                1K      132337      8.7      0.0     26.0      0.3
  5. Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes          2K      159253      7.6      0.0     43.0      0.4
  6. PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes         1K       72585      5.4      0.0     80.5      0.8
  7. Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes         1K      102405      5.7      0.0     59.5      0.6
  8. Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node                   0K          68      1.0      0.0     54.6      0.8
  9. Velvet v7.1.0 2048 nodes             3K      256678      4.3      0.0    144.0      1.4
 10. Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes           24K      959610      6.2      0.0     49.5      1.3
 11. Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes             6K      619498      4.5      0.0     41.5      0.4
 12. Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes           49K      880827      6.3      0.1     31.0      1.7
 13. Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes           12K      828888      5.2      0.0     53.5      0.7
 14. Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes          1K      126868      5.9      0.0     59.5      0.6
 15. Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes               1K       74754      4.9      0.0     49.0      0.5
 16. Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes          3K      254619      8.0      0.0     43.0      0.4
 17. Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes               2K      157085      9.9      0.0     44.0      0.4
 18. Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes             1K      102516     10.7      0.0     51.0      0.5
 19. SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes            2K      209505      6.9      0.0     59.5      0.6
 20. PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes         2K      153042      9.0      0.0     69.5      0.7
 21. Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes              1K      124796      8.9      0.0     73.0      0.7
 22. Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes              1K      105352      7.4      0.0     33.5      0.3
 23. Blunder 8.5.5 16384  nodes           9K      785969      8.2      0.0     38.5      0.5
 24. Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes              1K      133084      6.9      0.0     74.0      0.7
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes          1K       73549      6.1      0.0     83.5      0.8
 26. Velvet v7.1.0 1024 nodes             2K      158854      5.0      0.0     40.5      0.4
 27. Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes              2K      209026      8.4      0.0     49.5      0.5
 28. Velvet v7.1.0 512 nodes              1K      117208     10.4      0.0     43.0      0.4
 29. Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes                2K      150801      7.1      0.0     43.0      0.4
 30. Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes                1K       79393      6.2      0.0     40.5      0.4
 31. Clover 6.1 2048 nodes                1K      123211      5.8      0.0     26.0      0.3
 32. Clover 6.1 4096 nodes                3K      255490      7.1      0.0     64.0      0.6
 33. Rubi20240112 4096nodes               4K      385157     12.0      0.0     41.0      0.4
 34. Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes                1K      141334      7.6      0.0     30.5      0.3
 35. Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes              1K      129030      6.3      0.0     70.5      0.7
 36. SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes            3K      344932      6.8      0.0     47.5      0.5
 37. Blunder 8.5.5 32768  nodes          19K      952692      7.7      0.0     61.5      1.2
 38. Rubi20240112 2048nodes               2K      195756     10.0      0.0     41.0      0.4
     all ---                              1K      154477      4.0      0.0     54.4      0.7
Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

rating list based on all the games when everybody played everybody at the low levels all the gauntlet and the leagues generated one tournament with 69 engines together when everybody played everybody with both colors

Code: Select all

   # PLAYER                          :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes     :  2067.5   115.0     136    85
   2 PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes    :  2030.2   111.5     136    82
   3 Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes           :  2025.1   111.0     136    82
   4 Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes        :  2015.2   110.0     136    81
   5 Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes       :  2010.3   109.5     136    81
   6 Blunder 8.5.5 32768  nodes      :  2000.7   108.5     136    80
   7 Velvet v7.1.0 4096 nodes        :  1991.2   107.5     136    79
   8 Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes       :  1986.6   107.0     136    79
   9 Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes          :  1982.0   106.5     136    78
  10 Rubi20240112 4096nodes          :  1972.9   105.5     136    78
  11 Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes     :  1959.5   104.0     136    76
  12 Velvet v7.1.0 2048 nodes        :  1959.5   104.0     136    76
  13 Clover 6.1 4096 nodes           :  1929.5   100.5     136    74
  14 Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes           :  1925.3   100.0     136    74
  15 Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node              :  1917.0    99.0     136    73
  16 Berserk 13 2048 nodes           :  1900.7    97.0     136    71
  17 Velvet v7.1.0 1024 nodes        :  1896.7    96.5     136    71
  18 Velvet v7.1.0 512 nodes         :  1888.7    95.5     136    70
  19 PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes    :  1880.8    94.5     136    69
  20 Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes         :  1876.8    94.0     136    69
  21 Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes         :  1861.3    92.0     136    68
  22 Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes         :  1834.5    88.5     136    65
  23 Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes    :  1830.8    88.0     136    65
  24 Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes         :  1819.5    86.5     136    64
  25 Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes       :  1815.8    86.0     136    63
  26 Blunder 8.5.5 16384  nodes      :  1797.2    83.5     136    61
  27 SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes       :  1778.8    81.0     136    60
  28 Rubi20240112 2048nodes          :  1760.6    78.5     136    58
  29 Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes     :  1756.9    78.0     136    57
  30 Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes          :  1753.3    77.5     136    57
  31 SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes       :  1746.0    76.5     136    56
  32 Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes     :  1742.4    76.0     136    56
  33 Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes          :  1738.8    75.5     136    56
  34 Clover 6.1 2048 nodes           :  1731.5    74.5     136    55
  35 Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes           :  1709.7    71.5     136    53
  36 Stockfish 16.1 512 nodes        :  1706.1    71.0     136    52
  37 Berserk 13 1024 nodes           :  1680.6    67.5     136    50
  38 Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes        :  1658.7    64.5     136    47
  39 Viridithas 12.0.0 512 nodes     :  1640.3    62.0     136    46
  40 Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes           :  1636.6    61.5     136    45
  41 Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes         :  1617.9    59.0     136    43
  42 Obsidian 11.0 1024nodes         :  1610.4    58.0     136    43
  43 Alexandria-6.1.0 512 nodes      :  1599.1    56.5     136    42
  44 Blunder 8.5.5 8192  nodes       :  1591.5    55.5     136    41
  45 SmarThink 1.98 512 nodes        :  1587.7    55.0     136    40
  46 Stash v35.0 4096 nodes          :  1556.7    51.0     136    38
  47 Rubi20240112 1024nodes          :  1548.8    50.0     136    37
  48 Blunder 8.5.5 4096  nodes       :  1544.9    49.5     136    36
  49 Caissa 1.18 512 nodes           :  1516.7    46.0     136    34
  50 Berserk 13 512 nodes            :  1500.1    44.0     136    32
  51 Rubi20240112 512nodes           :  1495.9    43.5     136    32
  52 Igel 3.5.0 1024 nodes           :  1495.9    43.5     136    32
  53 Clover 6.1 1024 nodes           :  1470.3    40.5     136    30
  54 Seer 2.8.0 512 nodes            :  1461.6    39.5     136    29
  55 Koivisto 9.0 512 nodes          :  1461.6    39.5     136    29
  56 Movei00_8_438 4096 nodes        :  1452.7    38.5     136    28
  57 Blunder 8.5.5 2048  nodes       :  1452.7    38.5     136    28
  58 Stash v35.0 2048 nodes          :  1443.7    37.5     136    28
  59 Black Marlin 9.0 1024 nodes     :  1425.3    35.5     136    26
  60 Igel 3.5.0 512 nodes            :  1396.6    32.5     136    24
  61 Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes         :  1366.4    29.5     136    22
  62 Black Marlin 9.0 512 nodes      :  1350.5    28.0     136    21
  63 Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes        :  1345.1    27.5     136    20
  64 Stash v35.0 1024 nodes          :  1197.4    16.0     136    12
  65 Blunder 8.5.5 512 nodes         :  1181.5    15.0     136    11
  66 Movei00_8_438 1024 nodes        :  1173.2    14.5     136    11
  67 Blunder 8.5.5 1024  nodes       :  1156.1    13.5     136    10
  68 Movei00_8_438 512 nodes         :  1109.0    11.0     136     8
  69 Stash v35.0 512 nodes           :  1000.0     6.5     136     5

White advantage = 23.63
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 50.00 %

Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

It is intersting to see what is the maximal rating difference that we can see surprised mot because of obvious bugs.

big surprises in the games are

1)the draw of
Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes with rating 1986.6 against Stash v35.0 512 nodes(rating 1000)
surprisingly a relatively good game of stash.

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.09"]
[Time "23:06:43"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "6"]
[White "Stash v35.0 512 nodes"]
[Black "Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Termination "repetition"]
[ECO "C10"]
[Opening "French"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 512;nodes: 32768"]
[PlyCount "44"]

1.Nc3 {+0.1/5 10 525} d5 {+0.4/6 33 24805} 2.d4 {+0.1/5 10 520} e6 {+0.3/6 32 28919}
3.e4 {+0.4/6 10 513} dxe4 {+0.1/6 30 28535} 4.Nxe4 {+0.5/6 10 533; C10: French, Rubinstein variation} Nc6 {+0.1/5 27 25075}
5.Nf3 {+0.3/5 10 515} f5 {+0.4/5 31 31977} 6.Bg5 {+4.7/6 10 516} Be7 {+0.3/6 25 31224}
7.Bxe7 {-1.0/4 10 527} Qxe7 {+0.6/7 28 30225} 8.Nc5 {+1.2/4 10 513} Nf6 {+0.7/6 26 29269}
9.Bb5 {+1.0/4 10 522} O-O {+0.8/6 26 31231} 10.Bxc6 {+1.0/5 10 529} bxc6 {+0.7/6 28 16612}
11.Ne5 {+1.2/6 10 526} Nd7 {+0.4/6 20 25337} 12.Nxc6 {+11.0/6 10 532} Qd6 {+0.4/7 22 29645}
13.Qf3 {+0.0/4 10 528} Nxc5 {+0.4/7 25 29080} 14.dxc5 {-0.8/5 10 528} Qxc5 {+0.3/7 25 26632}
15.Ne7+ {+0.1/5 10 519} Kh8 {+0.1/6 24 27184} 16.Qxa8 {+1.6/5 10 522} Qe5+ {+0.0/6 23 32603}
17.Kd2 {+4.2/7 10 528} Qf4+ {+0.0/7 22 27918} 18.Kc3 {+6.6/7 10 519} Qe5+ {+0.0/8 21 23424}
19.Kb3 {+7.1/7 10 527} Qb5+ {+0.0/8 20 25594} 20.Kc3 {+6.8/6 10 513} Qe5+ {+0.0/8 25 15958}
21.Kb3 {+7.5/7 10 514} Qb5+ {+0.0/9 24 11414} 22.Kc3 {+7.0/7 10 512} Qe5+ {+0.0/8 17 15958}

2)The win of
Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes(rating 1345.1) against Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes(rating 2067.5)
Movei lost a piece in the opening but 4096 nodes were not enough for black Marlin to see mate in 1.

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.09"]
[Time "23:07:56"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "8"]
[White "Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes"]
[Black "Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Termination "mate"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Van't Kruijs opening"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 2048;nodes: 4096"]
[PlyCount "63"]

1.e3 {+0.1/4 10 1651} Nf6 {+0.2/6 10 2493; A00: Van't Kruijs opening} 2.Nc3 {-0.3/4 10 1796} d5 {-0.4/6 10 836}
3.Bd3 {+0.3/3 10 1864} e5 {-2.3/6 10 1067} 4.Nf3 {-0.1/3 10 725} e4 {-4.4/8 10 3759}
5.Ne5 {-2.4/3 10 2018} exd3 {-4.7/6 10 2047} 6.cxd3 {-2.4/3 10 1682} Bd6 {-5.3/7 10 3792}
7.Qa4+ {-3.2/3 10 1953} c6 {-5.8/6 10 983} 8.d4 {-3.1/3 10 1187} O-O {-5.6/7 10 3783}
9.O-O {-3.2/3 10 1473} Ne8 {-5.8/7 10 3521} 10.Qc2 {-2.6/3 10 1193} f6 {-5.9/7 10 2401}
11.Nf3 {-3.2/3 10 877} Nc7 {-5.7/7 10 3781} 12.h3 {-3.1/3 10 1311} Rf7 {-5.8/7 10 3195}
13.b3 {-2.8/4 10 1958} Nba6 {-5.7/6 10 2099} 14.Bb2 {-3.4/4 10 1545} Qe8 {-5.9/7 10 3459}
15.Rac1 {-3.1/4 10 1700} Ne6 {-6.3/5 10 1138} 16.h4 {-2.7/3 10 1941} Nf8 {-6.5/6 10 2996}
17.e4 {-3.0/3 10 819} dxe4 {-6.7/6 10 2119} 18.Nxe4 {-3.0/4 10 1883} Qe6 {-5.9/6 10 2574}
19.Nxd6 {-2.1/3 10 1993} Qxd6 {-6.6/7 10 3034} 20.Rfe1 {-2.6/3 10 753} Nc7 {-6.6/6 10 2104}
21.Qc5 {-2.1/3 10 1613} Qd5 {-6.8/6 10 1929} 22.Ba3 {-2.5/3 10 1904} Bg4 {-6.7/6 10 3016}
23.Nh2 {-2.8/3 10 2041} Bd7 {-6.3/5 10 1509} 24.Nf1 {-2.8/3 10 1821} Be6 {-6.1/6 10 3991}
25.Ng3 {-2.7/3 10 1916} Qxc5 {-6.7/6 10 2896} 26.Bxc5 {-2.6/4 10 1829} Rd7 {-6.3/6 10 3042}
27.h5 {-2.8/4 10 1885} Bf7 {-6.3/6 10 3733} 28.h6 {-2.6/3 10 1718} Nfe6 {-6.0/5 10 1028}
29.hxg7 {-2.1/3 10 1528} Nd5 {-6.8/6 10 3473} 30.Nf5 {-1.8/3 10 1963} Nef4 {-7.1/6 10 1836}
31.Bf8 {-0.6/3 10 1979} Nd3 {-8.0/6 10 1348} 32.Nh6# {+327.6/1 10 393} 1-0


Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes(rating 1345.1) caused another big surprise by drawing against Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes(rating 2025.1).
In the opening movei blundered by developing the queen and blundered and had to lose the queen for a bishop but the horizon effect caused movei to blunder and be a full queen down.
Igel sacrificed the queen to get a simple win with rook and bishop advantage but then started to blunder and finally failed to win KRK endgame.

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.09"]
[Time "23:21:26"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "2"]
[White "Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes"]
[Black "Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Termination "fifty moves"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Van't Kruijs opening"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 2048;nodes: 4096"]
[PlyCount "284"]

1.e3 {+0.1/4 10 1651} c6 {+0.6/8 11 3787; A00: Van't Kruijs opening} 2.Bd3 {+0.5/4 10 1817} d5 {-0.7/9 10 2948}
3.Nf3 {+0.5/4 10 1859} Nd7 {-1.5/9 10 2829} 4.Nc3 {+0.3/4 10 1743} e5 {-1.0/8 10 2647}
5.Bf5 {+0.6/3 10 1826} e4 {-1.4/8 12 3325} 6.Nd4 {+0.0/3 10 1251} Nh6 {-1.8/7 10 1904}
7.Qh5 {-0.4/3 10 1823} Nxf5 {-3.6/8 10 3131} 8.Qxf5 {+0.0/3 10 1983} Bd6 {-3.5/9 10 3357}
9.O-O {-1.1/3 10 1870} Ne5 {-11.0/9 10 3373} 10.Nxc6 {-3.4/3 10 1929} bxc6 {-15.0/9 10 3086}
11.Qf4 {-9.3/3 10 1588} Ng4 {-14.9/9 10 1502} 12.Qg3 {-10.1/4 10 2037} Bxg3 {-15.8/9 10 3361}
13.fxg3 {-10.3/4 10 1474} O-O {-15.7/7 10 1523} 14.d4 {-10.4/4 10 1691} Kh8 {-16.0/8 10 4027}
15.h3 {-9.8/4 10 1804} Nh6 {-14.9/9 10 4049} 16.b3 {-9.9/4 10 1906} Kg8 {-14.8/7 10 1062}
17.Ba3 {-9.2/4 10 1320} Re8 {-14.4/8 10 3468} 18.g4 {-9.3/4 10 1788} Qg5 {-14.9/8 10 2440}
19.Rf4 {-9.0/4 10 1975} Kh8 {-13.7/7 10 3534} 20.Bc5 {-9.3/4 10 1637} a5 {-14.1/7 10 1325}
21.Kh1 {-9.2/4 10 1763} Qd8 {-14.7/8 10 2052} 22.Re1 {-9.7/4 10 1962} Kg8 {-14.8/7 10 2535}
23.Ref1 {-8.8/4 10 1882} f6 {-14.6/7 10 1991} 24.g5 {-8.3/4 10 1340} fxg5 {-13.2/9 10 1939}
25.Rf8+ {-8.7/5 10 1808} Rxf8 26.Rxf8+ {-8.8/5 10 1534} Qxf8
27.Bxf8 {-8.7/5 10 2020} Kxf8 {-12.3/7 10 2885} 28.Na4 {-9.0/4 10 1914} Bxh3 {-12.3/7 10 2375}
29.gxh3 {-7.1/5 10 1286} Kf7 {-12.5/9 10 3698} 30.Nb6 {-6.8/5 10 1947} Rh8 {-12.9/8 10 2986}
31.c4 {-6.6/4 10 2026} dxc4 {-12.6/8 10 3279} 32.Nxc4 {-5.9/4 10 1098} Ra8 {-12.1/8 10 2530}
33.Nd6+ {-6.2/4 10 1855} Ke7 {-13.0/9 10 3034} 34.Nxe4 {-6.1/5 10 1963} Nf5 {-13.1/9 10 3010}
35.Kg2 {-6.4/4 10 2033} Nxe3+ {-13.5/9 10 3727} 36.Kf3 {-6.7/5 10 1871} Nd5 {-13.3/10 10 3632}
37.Nxg5 {-5.8/4 10 2047} Rf8+ {-13.6/8 10 2819} 38.Kg3 {-6.3/4 10 1678} Rf4 {-12.9/8 10 2913}
39.Nxh7 {-6.4/5 10 1695} Re4 {-13.4/9 10 3108} 40.Ng5 {-6.2/4 10 1892} Rxd4 {-13.2/9 10 3986}
41.Nf3 {-6.0/4 10 1918} Re4 {-13.2/9 10 2011} 42.h4 {-6.0/4 10 1698} Nf6 {-13.3/8 10 2921}
43.Kf2 {-6.2/3 10 1370} c5 {-13.5/10 10 2968} 44.a3 {-6.3/4 10 1819} Kd8 {-13.9/9 10 2238}
45.Ng5 {-6.0/3 10 1449} Rf4+ {-13.2/9 10 2902} 46.Kg3 {-6.0/4 10 1921} Nh5+ {-12.9/9 10 1950}
47.Kg2 {-5.9/4 10 849} Ke7 {-13.6/8 10 3235} 48.Nf3 {-6.4/5 10 1389} Rf5 {-13.4/9 10 3100}
49.Kf2 {-5.8/4 10 2021} Rf8 {-13.0/9 10 3397} 50.Ke3 {-5.9/4 10 1275} Kd8 {-13.4/8 10 1593}
51.Ng5 {-5.7/4 10 1539} Kc8 {-13.0/9 19 2456} 52.Ne4 {-5.1/4 10 1421} g6 {-13.0/9 10 1937}
53.Nxc5 {-4.7/4 10 1572} Rf5 {-12.8/9 10 3034} 54.Nd3 {-4.3/3 10 1681} Nf6 {-12.8/8 10 3247}
55.Kd2 {-4.9/4 10 1672} Ne4+ {-12.9/8 14 2800} 56.Ke3 {-4.6/5 10 1842} Nd6 {-11.7/10 12 3432}
57.Nf4 {-4.5/3 10 1308} Rb5 {-12.4/10 10 3287} 58.b4 {-5.0/4 10 2023} g5 {-12.6/8 10 2956}
59.hxg5 {-4.6/3 10 1415} Rxg5 {-11.7/10 10 3460} 60.Kd2 {-4.9/3 10 1547} Ne4+ {-11.3/8 10 3704}
61.Kd3 {-4.5/4 10 1890} Nf6 {-10.8/8 10 3122} 62.Kc3 {-4.8/3 10 1921} Nd5+ {-14.0/8 10 2142}
63.Nxd5 {-4.0/5 10 1400} Rxd5 {-13.4/8 10 1525} 64.bxa5 {-4.3/5 10 1847} Rxa5 {-13.6/7 10 624}
65.Kb4 {-4.7/5 10 1476} Ra7 {-13.5/7 10 1199} 66.a4 {-4.7/5 10 1967} Rb7+ {-13.7/7 10 1529}
67.Kc5 {-4.6/4 10 1694} Rb8 {-13.5/8 10 2772} 68.Kc6 {-4.5/5 10 1893} Rb4 {-13.6/8 10 3565}
69.a5 {-4.2/4 10 1115} Rb1 {-13.5/8 10 2542} 70.Kc5 {-44.9/5 10 1138} Kb8 {-12.9/8 10 3315}
71.Kd5 {-44.8/5 10 2032} Kb7 {-13.3/7 10 2279} 72.Ke6 {-45.3/6 10 1786} Re1+ {-13.7/7 10 2777}
73.Kf7 {-45.3/6 10 2028} Rf1+ {-13.8/7 10 2018} 74.Ke7 {-44.7/5 10 2036} Kc8 {-13.2/7 10 2977}
75.Kd6 {-45.1/6 10 1936} Rc1 {-12.9/7 10 1706} 76.Ke7 {-44.8/6 10 2020} Kb8 {-13.3/7 10 2487}
77.Kf8 {-44.7/5 10 2045} Rf1+ {-13.1/7 10 2914} 78.Kg7 {-45.2/6 10 2039} Ka8 {-13.1/8 10 2169}
79.Kg6 {-44.7/5 10 2013} Rf3 {-13.0/8 10 3163} 80.Kg5 {-43.5/6 10 1903} Rf7 {-12.7/8 10 2570}
81.Kh4 {-44.5/6 10 1992} Ra7 {-13.0/8 10 3930} 82.a6 {-45.6/6 10 1468} Rg7 {-13.6/8 10 3903}
83.Kh5 {-44.1/8 10 2022} Rg8 {-13.6/8 10 2287} 84.Kh6 {-45.4/8 10 1897} Rg2 {-13.7/8 10 2302}
85.Kh5 {-45.5/8 10 1961} Kb8 {-13.6/9 10 2658} 86.Kh4 {-45.5/7 10 1617} Rg6 {-13.5/8 10 1695}
87.Kh3 {-45.8/6 10 1820} Rg1 {-13.2/8 10 3933} 88.Kh2 {-45.4/7 10 1912} Rg5 {-13.7/8 10 2425}
89.Kh1 {-45.5/7 10 1978} Rg7 {-13.7/8 10 3365} 90.Kh2 {-45.7/8 10 1450} Ka7 {-13.2/8 10 687}
91.Kh3 {-45.7/6 10 788} Rg6 {-13.7/9 10 3303} 92.Kh4 {-45.7/6 10 1420} Kxa6 {-13.7/9 10 1263}
93.Kh5 {-45.7/6 10 1076} Rg7 {-13.4/9 10 2413} 94.Kh6 {-45.7/6 10 943} Rg2 {-13.5/10 10 3854}
95.Kh5 {-45.7/5 10 1259} Ka7 {-13.5/10 10 3702} 96.Kh4 {-45.5/6 10 1695} Rg7 {-13.5/9 10 3214}
97.Kh5 {-45.7/6 10 1104} Kb8 {-12.4/9 10 2868} 98.Kh6 {-45.9/6 10 937} Rg8 {-12.7/9 10 3664}
99.Kh7 {-46.0/6 10 1992} Rg1 {-12.3/9 10 3617} 100.Kh6 {-46.2/6 10 1278} Rg2 {-12.7/9 10 3079}
101.Kh5 {-45.9/5 10 1202} Ka8 {-12.0/8 10 1853} 102.Kh4 {-45.4/6 10 1585} Ra2 {-11.7/8 10 2880}
103.Kh5 {-46.0/6 10 1430} Ra1 {-11.7/8 10 3708} 104.Kg5 {-46.0/6 10 1691} Re1 {-11.3/7 10 2458}
105.Kh5 {-46.0/6 10 1574} Re5+ {-11.3/8 10 2174} 106.Kg4 {-45.3/5 10 1726} Ra5 {-11.2/9 10 3928}
107.Kh4 {-45.9/6 10 1057} Rf5 {-11.4/9 10 1723} 108.Kg4 {-45.8/6 10 1794} Rb5 {-11.1/9 10 1590}
109.Kh4 {-45.9/6 10 1100} Rb3 {-11.1/9 10 340} 110.Kh5 {-45.9/6 10 1444} Rh3+ {-10.9/8 10 3415}
111.Kg4 {-45.6/6 10 1456} Ra3 {-10.8/8 10 1405} 112.Kh5 {-45.9/6 10 1414} Ra4 {-11.1/9 10 1476}
113.Kg5 {-46.0/6 10 2030} Rc4 {-10.4/9 10 3759} 114.Kh5 {-45.9/6 10 1171} Rd4 {-10.6/8 10 1400}
115.Kg5 {-45.9/6 10 1083} Rd7 {-10.2/8 10 3142} 116.Kh5 {-45.9/6 10 1713} Rd1 {-10.2/9 10 2572}
117.Kg5 {-46.0/6 10 1752} Rd6 {-9.7/8 10 2827} 118.Kh5 {-45.6/5 10 1227} Rd7 {-9.7/9 10 1390}
119.Kg5 {-45.9/6 10 1713} Rg7+ {-9.6/8 10 1403} 120.Kh6 {-45.6/6 10 1438} Rg1 {-9.7/9 10 743}
121.Kh5 {-46.0/6 10 982} Rg3 {-9.2/10 10 2787} 122.Kh4 {-45.7/6 10 1422} Rg7 {-9.3/10 10 1909}
123.Kh5 {-45.6/6 10 941} Rh7+ {-9.0/9 10 2482} 124.Kg6 {-45.8/6 10 2040} Rh1 {-9.3/9 10 1182}
125.Kg5 {-46.0/6 10 1162} Kb8 {-8.9/9 10 2082} 126.Kf4 {-45.7/5 10 1701} Rc1 {-9.1/8 10 3167}
127.Ke3 {-45.4/5 10 1893} Rc4 {-9.4/8 10 2993} 128.Kd3 {-45.7/6 10 1872} Rc7 {-9.4/9 10 3434}
129.Kd2 {-45.6/5 10 1689} Ka8 {-9.2/8 10 2071} 130.Kd1 {-45.9/6 10 1582} Rc3 {-8.5/8 10 2818}
131.Kd2 {-45.6/6 10 1801} Rc5 {-8.1/8 10 3549} 132.Ke3 {-45.7/5 10 2046} Rc7 {-8.3/8 10 1192}
133.Kd2 {-45.6/5 10 1623} Rc6 {-7.7/8 10 3657} 134.Ke3 {-45.4/4 10 973} Ra6 {-7.6/8 10 2212}
135.Kf4 {-45.5/4 10 1131} Kb7 {-7.6/8 10 4027} 136.Kg5 {-45.9/5 10 1617} Ka7 {-7.7/7 10 1648}
137.Kf5 {-45.9/6 10 1702} Ra1 {-7.4/7 10 1486} 138.Kg5 {-45.7/5 10 1614} Rg1+ {-7.3/7 10 3285}
139.Kh5 {-46.0/6 10 1441} Rc1 {+0.0/7 10 948} 140.Kg5 {-45.7/5 10 1387} Kb6 {+0.0/7 10 2677}
141.Kh5 {-1.0/6 10 1748} Re1 {+0.0/14 10 4085} 142.Kg5 {+0.0/63 29 1981} Ka7 {+0.0/128 24 2921}

Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

another big surprise from the games
Obsidian with less nodes could beat stockfish that is clearly stronger

[pgn][Event "Computer event"]
[Site "Somewhere on Earth"]
[Date "2024.04.09"]
[Time "23:48:17"]
[Round "1"]
[Board "1"]
[White "Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes"]
[Black "Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Termination "mate"]
[ECO "D00"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn"]
[TimeControl "nodes: 512;nodes: 1024"]
[PlyCount "203"]

1.d4 {+1.3/3 10 99} d5 {+0.0/6 10 1024} 2.Nc3 {+0.4/4 10 340} Bf5 {-0.0/7 10 1024; D00: Queen's pawn, Chigorin variation}
3.Bg5 {+1.4/4 10 244} h6 {-0.1/7 10 1024} 4.Bd2 {+0.2/3 10 237} e6 {-0.3/7 10 1025}
5.a3 {-0.2/4 10 365} Nd7 {-0.6/9 10 1024} 6.e3 {-0.0/4 10 194} c5 {-0.5/7 10 1026}
7.Nf3 {-0.4/4 10 496} Ngf6 {-0.7/8 10 1029} 8.Nh4 {-0.1/4 10 460} Bh7 {-1.3/9 10 1024}
9.Bb5 {-0.4/4 10 411} Bd6 {-1.5/9 10 1024} 10.Nf3 {-0.8/3 10 470} O-O {-1.6/8 10 1025}
11.Bd3 {-1.2/3 10 436} Ne4 {-0.8/5 10 1025} 12.Nb5 {-0.7/2 10 397} Bb8 {-1.6/8 10 1024}
13.Nc3 {-1.3/2 10 464} a6 {-1.7/8 10 1026} 14.Qe2 {-1.2/2 10 399} b5 {-2.0/9 10 1024}
15.O-O {-1.4/1 10 235} Qc7 {-2.1/9 10 1024} 16.a4 {-1.5/1 10 333} b4 {-2.9/8 10 1025}
17.Na2 {-2.0/2 10 470} c4 {-3.3/9 10 1024} 18.Bxb4 {-2.1/4 10 501} cxd3 {-3.9/8 10 1024}
19.cxd3 {+1.2/3 10 169} Ng5 {-4.3/8 10 1024} 20.Ne5 {-3.1/3 10 348} Nxe5 {-2.4/7 10 1024}
21.dxe5 {-4.6/4 10 509} Rc8 {-1.4/6 10 1024} 22.Rfc1 {+4.2/4 10 212} Qd7 {-2.2/8 10 1024}
23.h4 {-1.6/4 10 421} a5 {-1.4/9 10 1024} 24.Bc3 {-0.5/3 10 454} Nh3+ {-0.6/9 10 1024}
25.gxh3 {-0.1/5 10 354} Bc7 {-0.2/7 10 1024} 26.Qd1 {-0.4/3 10 278} Bf5 {-0.3/8 10 1024}
27.Kg2 {-0.1/3 10 164} f6 {-1.6/9 10 1028} 28.exf6 {+0.4/4 10 308} e5 {-1.7/8 10 1025}
29.Kh2 {+0.5/5 10 441} e4+ {-3.1/9 10 1026} 30.Kg1 {-0.5/5 10 353} Qd6 {-2.5/9 10 1024}
31.dxe4 {+2.0/5 10 426} Qh2+ {-2.3/7 10 1027} 32.Kf1 {-1.7/6 10 495} Bxe4 {-1.9/7 10 1024}
33.Qg4 {+13.2/4 10 191} g6 {+1.0/7 10 1024} 34.Ke2 {+2.8/5 10 279} Rf8 {-0.3/8 10 1024}
35.Rh1 {+3.4/5 10 379} Qd6 {-0.9/9 10 1024} 36.Rhg1 {+0.6/3 10 169} Kh7 {-0.2/8 10 1024}
37.h5 {+1.8/6 10 453} g5 {+0.8/8 10 1025} 38.f3 {+2.7/3 10 236} Bc2 {+0.8/7 10 1024}
39.h4 {+1.8/4 10 502} Bd8 {+1.5/8 10 1024} 40.hxg5 {+2.0/4 10 313} hxg5 {+2.5/7 10 1024}
41.Rac1 {+2.7/4 10 388} d4 {+2.8/5 10 1024} 42.Rxc2 {+3.5/4 10 473} d3+ {+2.3/6 10 1025}
43.Kd1 {+0.8/6 10 433} dxc2+ {+1.7/7 10 1024} 44.Kxc2 {+1.5/6 10 357} Qd5 {+2.2/8 10 1025}
45.Qxg5 {+4.1/4 10 293} Qxg5 {+2.2/9 10 1024} 46.Rxg5 {+4.3/6 10 374} Bxf6 {+2.7/7 10 1025}
47.Rxa5 {+4.3/4 10 164} Rxa5 {+2.7/7 10 1024} 48.Bxa5 {+2.5/5 10 492} Bg7 {+3.0/8 10 1024}
49.Bc3 {+2.5/4 10 438} Rxf3 {+2.9/10 10 1024} 50.e4 {+2.7/4 10 388} Rf4 {+2.7/6 10 1024}
51.Kd3 {+3.2/5 10 403} Rf7 {+3.0/8 10 1024} 52.Nb4 {+3.6/4 10 403} Ra7 {+2.5/7 10 1024}
53.b3 {+3.9/4 10 349} Bxc3 {+3.0/9 10 1024} 54.Kxc3 {+4.3/5 10 431} Rc7+ {+2.7/9 10 1025}
55.Kd3 {+4.0/4 10 143} Rb7 {+2.8/9 10 1024} 56.Kc4 {+4.5/5 10 314} Re7 {+3.5/9 10 1024}
57.Kd5 {+5.1/4 10 176} Kh6 {+3.3/9 10 1026} 58.a5 {+4.9/4 10 316} Kg5 {+3.7/10 10 1024}
59.Nc6 {+6.1/4 10 133} Rc7 {+4.5/8 10 1026} 60.a6 {+7.6/5 10 286} Rd7+ {+4.5/9 10 1024}
61.Kc5 {+9.1/7 10 382} Kh4 {+4.8/8 10 1024} 62.a7 {+15.7/4 10 118} Rxa7 {+5.1/9 10 1025}
63.Nxa7 {+11.1/5 10 398} Kxh5 {+5.1/9 10 1026} 64.Nc6 {+11.1/5 10 263} Kg5 {+5.1/9 10 1025}
65.e5 {+11.4/5 10 249} Kg6 {+6.1/9 10 1024} 66.Kd6 {+13.2/5 10 491} Kg7 {+5.4/10 10 1024}
67.e6 {+14.6/5 10 320} Kg8 {+6.9/10 10 1024} 68.Kd7 {+16.5/5 10 417} Kf8 {+7.6/9 10 1026}
69.e7+ {+22.8/6 10 441} Kg7 {+7.9/9 10 1026} 70.e8=Q {+25.8/6 10 350} Kh7 {+7.8/11 10 1025}
71.Qe4+ {+25.8/5 10 349} Kh8 {+7.9/8 10 1025} 72.b4 {+25.8/4 10 204} Kg7 {+8.3/11 10 1025}
73.Ne7 {+26.4/4 10 433} Kf6 {+8.2/9 10 1025} 74.Qd5 {+27.5/3 10 206} Kg7 {M-3/19 10 964}
75.Qd4+ {+26.4/4 10 391} Kh7 {M-4/13 10 1016} 76.b5 {+27.2/4 10 198} Kh6 {M-4/15 10 804}
77.Kd6 {+27.7/3 10 183} Kh5 {+7.9/10 10 1024} 78.Qc4 {+27.5/3 10 177} Kg5 {+7.8/8 10 1025}
79.Ke6 {+26.9/4 10 370} Kh5 {+9.7/12 10 1024} 80.Qe4 {+26.1/4 10 370} Kg5 {+9.7/11 10 1032}
81.Nd5 {+27.4/3 10 151} Kh5 {+8.3/9 10 1024} 82.Kd6 {+27.7/3 10 166} Kg5 {+9.3/10 10 1025}
83.b6 {+27.4/4 10 398} Kh6 {+9.6/10 10 1024} 84.Qd4 {+26.5/3 10 233} Kg6 {+8.9/8 10 1024}
85.Qc5 {+26.6/3 10 225} Kg7 {+8.4/9 10 1025} 86.Qc7+ {+25.6/3 10 227} Kg6 {+8.9/10 10 1029}
87.Qc2+ {+25.7/4 10 470} Kh5 {+7.9/10 10 1025} 88.Qe4 {+25.6/4 10 417} Kg5 {+7.6/11 10 1026}
89.Qf4+ {+26.5/3 10 161} Kg6 {+7.8/10 10 1026} 90.Qc4 {+25.5/3 10 152} Kf7 {+7.7/10 10 1025}
91.Qc6 {+25.2/4 10 392} Kg6 {+7.6/10 10 1029} 92.Qc4 {+24.9/3 10 227} Kh5 {+7.8/10 10 1026}
93.Qe4 {+25.8/3 10 219} Kh6 {+11.4/12 10 1030} 94.b7 {+25.3/3 10 240} Kh5 {M-3/15 10 1023}
95.Ne7 {+25.5/3 10 481} Kg5 {M-3/17 10 991} 96.Qd4 {+25.7/4 10 446} Kh6 {M-3/15 10 1017}
97.Qb4 {+25.1/3 10 303} Kh7 {M-3/17 10 1018} 98.Qc5 {+24.9/3 10 207} Kh8 {M-3/16 10 1008}
99.Qd4+ {+25.0/4 10 272} Kh7 {M-3/19 10 886} 100.Qe4+ {+24.3/4 10 416} Kh8 {M-2/28 10 954}
101.b8=Q+ {M+2/8 10 472} Kg7 {M-1/245 22 492} 102.Qg6# {M+1/242 20 243} 1-0

Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

I replaced velver by a new version and added 2 versions of stash and one version of smarthink to the engines

Here is the new rating list

Code: Select all

   # PLAYER                          :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Stash v35.0 16384 nodes         :  2099.6   122.0     142    86
   2 Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes     :  2041.4   116.5     142    82
   3 Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes        :  2041.4   116.5     142    82
   4 Velvet v7.3.0 4096 nodes        :  2036.5   116.0     142    82
   5 Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes           :  2031.7   115.5     142    81
   6 PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes    :  2026.9   115.0     142    81
   7 Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes       :  2026.9   115.0     142    81
   8 Velvet v7.3.0 2048 nodes        :  1999.2   112.0     142    79
   9 Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes          :  1994.8   111.5     142    79
  10 Rubi20240112 4096nodes          :  1960.4   107.5     142    76
  11 Blunder 8.5.5 32768  nodes      :  1956.2   107.0     142    75
  12 Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes       :  1956.2   107.0     142    75
  13 Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes           :  1952.1   106.5     142    75
  14 SmarThink 1.98 4096 nodes       :  1943.9   105.5     142    74
  15 Clover 6.1 4096 nodes           :  1927.8   103.5     142    73
  16 Velvet v7.3.0 1024 nodes        :  1927.8   103.5     142    73
  17 Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes     :  1923.8   103.0     142    73
  18 Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node              :  1916.0   102.0     142    72
  19 Velvet v7.3.0 512 nodes         :  1904.3   100.5     142    71
  20 PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes    :  1881.5    97.5     142    69
  21 Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes         :  1877.8    97.0     142    68
  22 Berserk 13 2048 nodes           :  1874.1    96.5     142    68
  23 Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes         :  1833.8    91.0     142    64
  24 Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes    :  1830.2    90.5     142    64
  25 Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes         :  1815.9    88.5     142    62
  26 Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes         :  1812.3    88.0     142    62
  27 Stash v35.0 8192 nodes          :  1798.1    86.0     142    61
  28 Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes       :  1791.1    85.0     142    60
  29 Blunder 8.5.5 16384  nodes      :  1791.1    85.0     142    60
  30 Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes     :  1770.0    82.0     142    58
  31 SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes       :  1763.1    81.0     142    57
  32 Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes     :  1752.6    79.5     142    56
  33 Rubi20240112 2048nodes          :  1745.6    78.5     142    55
  34 Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes          :  1735.2    77.0     142    54
  35 Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes          :  1731.7    76.5     142    54
  36 Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes           :  1724.7    75.5     142    53
  37 SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes       :  1714.3    74.0     142    52
  38 Stockfish 16.1 512 nodes        :  1707.3    73.0     142    51
  39 Clover 6.1 2048 nodes           :  1696.9    71.5     142    50
  40 Berserk 13 1024 nodes           :  1675.9    68.5     142    48
  41 Viridithas 12.0.0 512 nodes     :  1647.7    64.5     142    45
  42 Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes        :  1640.6    63.5     142    45
  43 Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes           :  1629.9    62.0     142    44
  44 Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes         :  1608.3    59.0     142    42
  45 Obsidian 11.0 1024nodes         :  1597.4    57.5     142    40
  46 Alexandria-6.1.0 512 nodes      :  1593.7    57.0     142    40
  47 Blunder 8.5.5 8192  nodes       :  1586.3    56.0     142    39
  48 SmarThink 1.98 512 nodes        :  1582.6    55.5     142    39
  49 Rubi20240112 1024nodes          :  1560.2    52.5     142    37
  50 Stash v35.0 4096 nodes          :  1545.0    50.5     142    36
  51 Blunder 8.5.5 4096  nodes       :  1537.3    49.5     142    35
  52 Caissa 1.18 512 nodes           :  1517.7    47.0     142    33
  53 Rubi20240112 512nodes           :  1517.7    47.0     142    33
  54 Berserk 13 512 nodes            :  1517.7    47.0     142    33
  55 Igel 3.5.0 1024 nodes           :  1497.7    44.5     142    31
  56 Clover 6.1 1024 nodes           :  1472.9    41.5     142    29
  57 Seer 2.8.0 512 nodes            :  1464.5    40.5     142    29
  58 Movei00_8_438 4096 nodes        :  1464.5    40.5     142    29
  59 Koivisto 9.0 512 nodes          :  1455.9    39.5     142    28
  60 Blunder 8.5.5 2048  nodes       :  1447.2    38.5     142    27
  61 Stash v35.0 2048 nodes          :  1438.4    37.5     142    26
  62 Black Marlin 9.0 1024 nodes     :  1411.2    34.5     142    24
  63 Igel 3.5.0 512 nodes            :  1397.1    33.0     142    23
  64 Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes         :  1372.6    30.5     142    21
  65 Black Marlin 9.0 512 nodes      :  1357.4    29.0     142    20
  66 Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes        :  1341.6    27.5     142    19
  67 Movei00_8_438 1024 nodes        :  1203.6    16.5     142    12
  68 Stash v35.0 1024 nodes          :  1195.9    16.0     142    11
  69 Blunder 8.5.5 512 nodes         :  1180.1    15.0     142    11
  70 Blunder 8.5.5 1024  nodes       :  1155.0    13.5     142    10
  71 Movei00_8_438 512 nodes         :  1108.3    11.0     142     8
  72 Stash v35.0 512 nodes           :  1000.0     6.5     142     5

White advantage = 23.38
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 50.00 %

Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

next tournament may include the following engines when I also think to include one version of stash
Stash v35.0 32768 nodes
41 Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes : 1138.1 32.0 40 80
42 Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes : 1125.6 22.0 40 55
43 Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes : 1115.3 21.5 40 54
44 Velvet v7.1.0 16384 nodes : 1108.3 8.0 34 24
45 Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes : 1108.3 8.0 34 24
46 Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes : 1105.1 21.0 40 53
47 Rubi20240112 8192nodes : 1064.0 19.0 40 48
48 Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes : 1053.6 18.5 40 46
49 Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes : 1043.3 18.0 40 45
50 Blunder 8.5.5 524288 nodes : 1022.3 17.0 40 43
51 Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes : 1017.6 27.0 40 68
52 Obsidian 11.0 8192nodes : 1006.9 26.5 40 66
53 Velvet v7.1.0 8192 nodes : 982.2 4.5 34 13
54 SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes : 979.1 15.0 40 38
55 Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes : 975.6 25.0 40 63
56 Clover 6.1 8192 nodes : 965.5 24.5 40 61
57 Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes : 945.4 31.0 38 82
58 Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes : 945.3 13.5 40 34
59 Blunder 8.5.5 262144 nodes : 921.8 12.5 40 31
60 PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes : 916.5 30.0 38 79
61 Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes : 915.8 22.0 40 55
62 Berserk 13 4096 nodes : 915.8 22.0 40 55
63 Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes : 896.3 21.0 40 53
64 Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes : 886.5 20.5 40 51
65 Blunder 8.5.5 131072 nodes : 886.5 20.5 40 51
66 SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes : 844.8 9.5 40 24
67 SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes : 837.7 18.0 40 45
68 Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes : 828.8 26.5 38 70
69 Blunder 8.5.5 65536 nodes : 827.9 17.5 40 44
70 Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes : 827.9 17.5 40 44
71 SmarThink 1.98 4096 nodes : 808.0 16.5 40 41(I practically put it in lower league)
72 Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes : 801.0 8.0 40 20
73 Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes : 777.5 15.0 40 38
74 Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes : 756.7 14.0 40 35
75 Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes : 753.0 23.0 38 61

ordering by the name of the engine I have(I will fix it later to have all of them)
1)Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes
2-3)Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes,Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes
4)Berserk 13 4096 nodes
5)Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes
6-8)Blunder 8.5.5 65536 nodes,Blunder 8.5.5 131072 nodes,Blunder 8.5.5 262144 nodes
9-10)Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes,Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes
11)Clover 6.1 8192 nodes
12)Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes
13-14)Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes,Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes
15-17)Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes,Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes,Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes
18-19)Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes,Obsidian 11.0 8192 nodes
20)PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes
21)Rubi20240112 8192nodes
22-23) Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes, Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes
24-26)SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes,SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes,SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes
27)Stash v35.0 32768 nodes
28)Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes
29-30)Velvet v7.3.0 8192 nodes,Velvet v7.3.0 16384 nodes
31-33)Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes,Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes,Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes

Edit:I see that the problem was in the original rating list that had
45 Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes : 1108.3 8.0 34 24
49 Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes : 1043.3 18.0 40 45

Maybe I forgot to upgrade Koivisto and this is the reason that it happened when it participated in higher league..
Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

Summary of participants by lexisographic order of name of the engine:
1)Alexandria-6.1.0 2048 nodes : 1923.8
2)Alexandria-6.1.0 1024 nodes : 1752.6
3)Alexandria-6.1.0 512 nodes : 1593.7
4)Altair 7.0.0 2048 nodes : 1877.8
5)Altair 7.0.0 1024 nodes : 1812.3
6)Altair 7.0.0 512 nodes : 1731.7
7)Berserk 13 2048 nodes : 1874.1
8)Berserk 13 1024 nodes : 1675.9
9)Berserk 13 512 nodes : 1517.7
10)Black Marlin 9.0 4096 nodes : 2041.4
11)Black Marlin 9.0 2048 nodes : 1770.0
12)Black Marlin 9.0 1024 nodes : 1411.2
13)Black Marlin 9.0 512 nodes : 1357.4
14)Blunder 8.5.5 32768 nodes : 1956.2
15)Blunder 8.5.5 16384 nodes : 1791.1
16)Blunder 8.5.5 8192 nodes : 1586.3
17)Blunder 8.5.5 4096 nodes : 1537.3
18)Blunder 8.5.5 2048 nodes : 1447.2
19)Blunder 8.5.5 512 nodes : 1180.1
20)Blunder 8.5.5 1024 nodes : 1155.0
21)Caissa 1.18 2048 nodes : 1994.8
22)Caissa 1.18 1024 nodes : 1735.2
23) Caissa 1.18 512 nodes : 1517.7
24)Clover 6.1 4096 nodes : 1927.8
25)Clover 6.1 2048 nodes : 1696.9
26)Clover 6.1 1024 nodes : 1472.9
27)Igel 3.5.0 4096 nodes : 2031.7
28)Igel 3.5.0 2048 nodes : 1724.7
29)Igel 3.5.0 1024 nodes : 1497.7
30)Igel 3.5.0 512 nodes : 1397.1
31)Koivisto 9.0 2048 nodes : 1833.8
32)Koivisto 9.0 1024 nodes : 1608.3
33)Koivisto 9.0 512 nodes : 1455.9
34)Lc0 v0.30.0 1 node : 1916.0
35)Movei00_8_438 65536 nodes : 2026.9
36)Movei00_8_438 32768 nodes : 1956.2
37)Movei00_8_438 16384 nodes : 1791.1
38)Movei00_8_438 8192 nodes : 1640.6
39)Movei00_8_438 4096 nodes : 1464.5
40)Movei00_8_438 2048 nodes : 1341.6
41)Movei00_8_438 1024 nodes : 1203.6
42)Movei00_8_438 512 nodes : 1108.3
43)Obsidian 11.0 2048nodes : 1815.9
44)Obsidian 11.0 1024nodes : 1597.4
45)Obsidian 11.0 512 nodes : 1372.6
46)PlentyChess 1.0.0 2048 nodes : 2026.9
47)PlentyChess 1.0.0 1024 nodes : 1881.5
48)Rubi20240112 4096nodes : 1960.4
49)Rubi20240112 2048nodes : 1745.6
50)Rubi20240112 1024nodes : 1560.2
51)Rubi20240112 512nodes : 1517.7
52)Seer 2.8.0 2048 nodes : 1952.1
53)Seer 2.8.0 1024 nodes : 1629.9
54)Seer 2.8.0 512 nodes : 1464.5
55)SmarThink 1.98 4096 nodes : 1943.9
56)SmarThink 1.98 2048 nodes : 1763.1
57)SmarThink 1.98 1024 nodes : 1714.3
58)SmarThink 1.98 512 nodes : 1582.6
59)Stash v35.0 16384 nodes : 2099.6
60)Stash v35.0 8192 nodes : 1798.1
61)Stash v35.0 4096 nodes : 1545.0
62)Stash v35.0 2048 nodes : 1438.4
63)Stash v35.0 1024 nodes : 1195.9
64)Stash v35.0 512 nodes : 1000.0
65)Stockfish 16.1 1024nodes : 2041.4
66)Stockfish 16.1 512 nodes : 1707.3
67)Velvet v7.3.0 4096 nodes : 2036.5
68)Velvet v7.3.0 2048 nodes : 1999.2
69)Velvet v7.3.0 1024 nodes : 1927.8
70)Velvet v7.3.0 512 nodes : 1904.3
71)Viridithas 12.0.0 1024 nodes : 1830.2
72)Viridithas 12.0.0 512 nodes : 1647.7

next tournament include the following:
1)Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes
2)Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes
3)Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes
4)Berserk 13 4096 nodes
5)Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes
6)Blunder 8.5.5 65536 nodes
7)Blunder 8.5.5 131072 nodes
8)Blunder 8.5.5 262144 nodes
9)Blunder 8.5.5 524288 nodes
10)Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes
11)Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes
12)Clover 6.1 8192 nodes
13)Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes
14)Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes
15)Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes
16)Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes
17)Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes
18)Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes
19)Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes
20)Obsidian 11.0 8192 nodes
21)PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes
22)Rubi20240112 8192nodes
23)Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes
24)Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes
25)SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes
26)SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes
27)SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes
28)Stash v35.0 32768 nodes
29)Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes
30)Velvet v7.3.0 8192 nodes
31)Velvet v7.3.0 16384 nodes
32)Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes
33)Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes
34)Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes
Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

Code: Select all

  #  name                          games    wins   draws  losses   score    elo    +    -
  1. Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes     70      48      12      10    54.0    209   81   74
  2. Blunder 8.5.5 1048576  nodes     70      43      15      12    50.5    158   75   70
  3. Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes            70      43      11      16    48.5    147   77   72
  4. Velvet v7.3.0 16384 nodes        70      42      14      14    49.0    142   75   70
  5. Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes           70      40      12      18    46.0    120   75   71
  6. Rubi20240112 8192nodes           70      39      10      21    44.0    100   74   71
  7. Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes         70      37      14      19    44.0     89   72   69
  8. Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes      70      35      15      20    42.5     84   71   69
  9. Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes          70      34      16      20    42.0     68   71   69
 10. Clover 6.1 8192 nodes            70      32      17      21    40.5     58   70   69
 11. Obsidian 11.0 8192nodes          70      33      16      21    41.0     56   70   69
 12. Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes            70      34      11      25    39.5     47   72   70
 13. Movei00_8_438 1048576 nodes      70      35       9      26    39.5     46   73   71
 14. Blunder 8.5.5 262144  nodes      70      33      12      25    39.0     42   71   70
 15. Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes          70      31      15      24    38.5     32   70   69
 16. Blunder 8.5.5 524288  nodes      70      29      17      24    37.5     24   69   68
 17. Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes           70      28      17      25    36.5     18   69   69
 18. Velvet v7.3.0 8192 nodes         70      31      11      28    36.5     14   71   71
 19. Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes     70      29      14      27    36.0     12   70   70
 20. Stash v35.0 32768 nodes          70      26      15      29    33.5    -19   68   69
 21. Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes            70      25      15      30    32.5    -21   69   69
 22. Berserk 13 4096 nodes            70      24      16      30    32.0    -30   68   69
 23. SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes       70      25      14      31    32.0    -34   69   70
 24. Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes       70      26      11      33    31.5    -41   71   72
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes      70      19      23      28    30.5    -42   66   67
 26. PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes     70      21      12      37    27.0    -81   70   73
 27. Blunder 8.5.5 131072  nodes      70      21      11      38    26.5    -89   71   73
 28. SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes       70      22       9      39    26.5    -91   71   74
 29. Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes          70      19      12      39    25.0    -99   70   73
 30. SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes        70      20      10      40    25.0    -99   72   75
 31. Blunder 8.5.5 65536  nodes       70      17      16      37    25.0   -100   69   72
 32. Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes       70      21       8      41    25.0   -112   73   76
 33. Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes          70      17      11      42    22.5   -136   72   76
 34. Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes     70      13      16      41    21.0   -145   70   74
 35. Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes          70      16      10      44    21.0   -151   73   78
 36. Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes       70      13      11      46    18.5   -176   73   79

Cross table:
  #  name                             score   games         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10        11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20        21        22        23        24        25        26        27        28        29        30        31        32        33        34        35        36
  1. Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes      54.0      70         x        11        ==        10        01        =1        =1        =0        11        11        10        =1        11        10        00        1=        ==        11        11        11        11        11        11        10        11        11        11        11        =1        1=        =1        11        11        10        11        10
  2. Blunder 8.5.5 1048576  nodes      50.5      70        00         x        11        =1        01        11        00        1=        10        1=        10        00        =1        ==        11        =1        01        10        11        11        ==        11        ==        11        =1        11        1=        11        11        =1        11        11        01        11        11        =1
  3. Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes             48.5      70        ==        00         x        11        00        1=        11        11        1=        0=        01        10        10        11        0=        10        01        =1        00        10        11        11        1=        1=        =1        11        01        11        11        11        11        10        1=        11        11        11
  4. Velvet v7.3.0 16384 nodes         49.0      70        01        =0        00         x        00        01        01        1=        01        ==        01        11        11        01        1=        01        11        11        ==        11        1=        =0        11        01        1=        1=        =1        =1        =1        11        11        11        11        11        11        11
  5. Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes            46.0      70        10        10        11        11         x        11        =1        0=        01        0=        1=        00        1=        =1        1=        10        =1        11        10        01        11        =1        11        10        =0        10        =0        11        01        11        10        01        10        =1        11        11
  6. Rubi20240112 8192nodes            44.0      70        =0        00        0=        10        00         x        10        1=        =1        00        1=        11        01        10        11        01        1=        00        0=        11        11        11        10        11        =1        =1        11        10        1=        10        11        11        11        10        10        11
  7. Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes          44.0      70        =0        11        00        10        =0        01         x        =1        01        11        0=        0=        10        =0        01        =0        11        01        10        10        =1        11        10        01        1=        =1        11        =1        11        11        =1        10        11        =1        1=        11
  8. Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes       42.5      70        =1        0=        00        0=        1=        0=        =0         x        11        =0        00        =1        11        01        1=        0=        10        =1        =1        11        11        =1        01        01        11        11        01        11        =1        00        01        11        =0        10        11        11
  9. Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes           42.0      70        00        01        0=        10        10        =0        10        00         x        01        1=        =1        11        =1        11        =1        0=        0=        0=        1=        01        11        11        10        =1        01        10        =1        11        =1        1=        11        01        11        =0        1=
 10. Clover 6.1 8192 nodes             40.5      70        00        0=        1=        ==        1=        11        00        =1        10         x        11        1=        =0        01        11        1=        0=        00        1=        11        ==        00        11        10        =0        01        11        =1        11        =1        10        00        01        11        1=        10
 11. Obsidian 11.0 8192nodes           41.0      70        01        01        10        10        0=        0=        1=        11        0=        00         x        00        00        11        01        10        =1        11        ==        =1        1=        11        10        10        ==        =1        00        01        11        11        =1        0=        11        1=        11        1=
 12. Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes             39.5      70        =0        11        01        00        11        00        1=        =0        =0        0=        11         x        00        01        0=        10        1=        10        00        =0        00        10        11        10        1=        =0        11        11        11        =1        01        11        11        10        11        11
 13. Movei00_8_438 1048576 nodes       39.5      70        00        =0        01        00        0=        10        01        00        00        =1        11        11         x        11        01        11        01        =0        10        01        01        =0        01        10        11        00        1=        11        11        =1        =1        01        11        01        11        1=
 14. Blunder 8.5.5 262144  nodes       39.0      70        01        ==        00        10        =0        01        =1        10        =0        10        00        10        00         x        10        0=        10        11        01        10        =0        11        11        1=        11        10        11        =0        0=        11        11        1=        10        0=        11        11
 15. Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes           38.5      70        11        00        1=        0=        0=        00        10        0=        00        00        10        1=        10        01         x        11        1=        01        11        00        11        01        =1        01        =1        ==        11        11        =1        01        =1        11        0=        1=        00        1=
 16. Blunder 8.5.5 524288  nodes       37.5      70        0=        =0        01        10        01        10        =1        1=        =0        0=        01        01        00        1=        00         x        00        0=        11        1=        =1        =0        00        1=        01        11        1=        10        =1        1=        1=        11        01        11        0=        11
 17. Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes            36.5      70        ==        10        10        00        =0        0=        00        01        1=        1=        =0        0=        10        01        0=        11         x        01        11        =1        00        =0        =1        11        11        10        11        11        =0        00        =1        10        11        1=        0=        =0
 18. Velvet v7.3.0 8192 nodes          36.5      70        00        01        =0        00        00        11        10        =0        1=        11        00        01        =1        00        10        1=        10         x        00        11        10        0=        11        01        11        11        1=        01        =1        01        =0        1=        11        =0        10        01
 19. Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes      36.0      70        00        00        11        ==        01        1=        01        =0        1=        0=        ==        11        01        10        00        00        00        11         x        00        1=        1=        01        =1        10        10        10        01        01        11        00        1=        0=        11        11        =1
 20. Stash v35.0 32768 nodes           33.5      70        00        00        01        00        10        00        01        00        0=        00        =0        =1        10        01        11        0=        =0        00        11         x        =1        ==        ==        10        0=        1=        1=        10        11        01        11        01        0=        1=        11        11
 21. Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes             32.5      70        00        ==        00        0=        00        00        =0        00        10        ==        0=        11        10        =1        00        =0        11        01        0=        =0         x        0=        01        01        10        11        11        =0        01        =1        01        10        11        =1        01        11
 22. Berserk 13 4096 nodes             32.0      70        00        00        00        =1        =0        00        00        =0        00        11        00        01        =1        00        10        =1        =1        1=        0=        ==        1=         x        11        0=        0=        11        10        11        11        10        0=        00        =1        10        =0        11
 23. SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes        32.0      70        00        ==        0=        00        00        01        01        10        00        00        01        00        10        00        =0        11        =0        00        10        ==        10        00         x        =0        01        =1        1=        11        11        =0        =1        11        1=        11        11        1=
 24. Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes        31.5      70        01        00        0=        10        01        00        10        10        01        01        01        01        01        0=        10        0=        00        10        =0        01        10        1=        =1         x        00        =0        01        01        01        =1        1=        =0        10        11        0=        11
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes       30.5      70        00        =0        =0        0=        =1        =0        0=        00        =0        =1        ==        0=        00        00        =0        10        00        00        01        1=        01        1=        10        11         x        11        =0        00        =1        10        1=        =1        ==        ==        =1        11
 26. PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes      27.0      70        00        00        00        0=        01        =0        =0        00        10        10        =0        =1        11        01        ==        00        01        00        01        0=        00        00        =0        =1        00         x        11        10        11        01        =0        10        1=        10        01        10
 27. Blunder 8.5.5 131072  nodes       26.5      70        00        0=        10        =0        =1        00        00        10        01        00        11        00        0=        00        00        0=        00        0=        01        0=        00        01        0=        10        =1        00         x        11        10        01        11        0=        10        1=        10        11
 28. SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes        26.5      70        00        00        00        =0        00        01        =0        00        =0        =0        10        00        00        =1        00        01        00        10        10        01        =1        00        00        10        11        01        00         x        01        01        11        11        11        ==        11        =0
 29. Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes           25.0      70        =0        00        00        =0        10        0=        00        =0        00        00        00        00        00        1=        =0        =0        =1        =0        10        00        10        00        00        10        =0        00        01        10         x        11        11        =1        1=        11        11        10
 30. SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes         25.0      70        0=        =0        00        00        00        01        00        11        =0        =0        00        =0        =0        00        10        0=        11        10        00        10        =0        01        =1        =0        01        10        10        10        00         x        01        00        10        10        10        11
 31. Blunder 8.5.5 65536  nodes        25.0      70        =0        00        00        00        01        00        =0        10        0=        01        =0        10        =0        00        =0        0=        =0        =1        11        00        10        1=        =0        0=        0=        =1        00        00        00        10         x        11        01        =1        11        0=
 32. Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes        25.0      70        00        00        01        00        10        00        01        00        00        11        1=        00        10        0=        00        00        01        0=        0=        10        01        11        00        =1        =0        01        1=        00        =0        11        00         x        10        00        11        10
 33. Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes           22.5      70        00        10        0=        00        01        00        00        =1        10        10        00        00        00        01        1=        10        00        00        1=        1=        00        =0        0=        01        ==        0=        01        00        0=        01        10        01         x        11        00        00
 34. Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes      21.0      70        01        00        00        00        =0        01        =0        01        00        00        0=        01        10        1=        0=        00        0=        =1        00        0=        =0        01        00        00        ==        01        0=        ==        00        01        =0        11        00         x        =0        01
 35. Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes           21.0      70        00        00        00        00        00        01        0=        00        =1        0=        00        00        00        00        11        1=        1=        01        00        00        10        =1        00        1=        =0        10        01        00        00        01        00        00        11        =1         x        0=
 36. Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes        18.5      70        01        =0        00        00        00        00        00        00        0=        01        0=        00        0=        00        0=        00        =1        10        =0        00        00        00        0=        00        00        01        00        =1        01        00        1=        01        11        10        1=         x


Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes:
  #  name                            nodes/m         NPS  depth/m   time/m    moves     time
  1. Viridithas 12.0.0 8192 nodes         8K      760866     12.3      0.0     66.1      0.7
  2. Blunder 8.5.5 1048576  nodes       653K      837576     15.5      0.8     65.4     51.0
  3. Seer 2.8.0 8192 nodes                6K      511333      9.6      0.0     72.6      0.8
  4. Velvet v7.3.0 16384 nodes           17K     1489725     11.3      0.0     71.0      0.8
  5. Caissa 1.18 8192 nodes               6K      622941     13.3      0.0     63.0      0.6
  6. Rubi20240112 8192nodes               8K      719564     13.3      0.0     62.4      0.7
  7. Stockfish 16.1 2048nodes             2K      203581     11.0      0.0     79.8      0.8
  8. Black Marlin 9.0 8192 nodes          5K      539464      8.7      0.0     70.2      0.7
  9. Koivisto 9.0 8192 nodes              8K      793042     11.9      0.0     72.7      0.8
 10. Clover 6.1 8192 nodes                5K      542071     10.0      0.0     68.5      0.7
 11. Obsidian 11.0 8192nodes              5K      519223     12.1      0.0     71.9      0.7
 12. Igel 3.5.0 8192 nodes                5K      413205     11.3      0.0     78.4      1.0
 13. Movei00_8_438 1048576 nodes        775K      835828     10.3      0.9     68.4     63.4
 14. Blunder 8.5.5 262144  nodes        161K      815741     12.2      0.2     65.9     13.0
 15. Altair 7.0.0 8192 nodes              5K      446613     10.4      0.0     70.7      0.8
 16. Blunder 8.5.5 524288  nodes        329K      856744     13.8      0.4     68.8     26.4
 17. Caissa 1.18 4096 nodes               3K      311261     10.5      0.0     65.5      0.7
 18. Velvet v7.3.0 8192 nodes             9K      853010      8.9      0.0     71.6      0.7
 19. Viridithas 12.0.0 4096 nodes         4K      397454      9.8      0.0     72.6      0.7
 20. Stash v35.0 32768 nodes             31K     2200290     17.5      0.0     70.2      1.0
 21. Seer 2.8.0 4096 nodes                3K      276862      8.5      0.0     74.3      0.8
 22. Berserk 13 4096 nodes                3K      244777     10.9      0.0     75.0      0.8
 23. SmarThink 1.98 32768 nodes          50K     1452275     11.5      0.0     72.9      2.5
 24. Movei00_8_438 524288 nodes         399K      832098      9.3      0.5     69.1     33.1
 25. Alexandria-6.1.0 4096 nodes          3K      281533      9.9      0.0     78.3      0.8
 26. PlentyChess 1.0.0 4096 nodes         3K      285703     10.7      0.0     68.8      0.7
 27. Blunder 8.5.5 131072  nodes         83K      868982     11.0      0.1     71.5      6.8
 28. SmarThink 1.98 16384 nodes          28K     1423467     10.6      0.0     69.7      1.4
 29. Koivisto 9.0 4096 nodes              4K      404110     10.5      0.0     63.7      0.7
 30. SmarThink 1.98 8192 nodes           15K     1210260      9.3      0.0     67.7      0.8
 31. Blunder 8.5.5 65536  nodes          41K      862889     10.4      0.0     68.1      3.3
 32. Movei00_8_438 262144 nodes         199K      885655      8.8      0.2     69.8     15.7
 33. Altair 7.0.0 4096 nodes              3K      249861      8.6      0.0     61.7      0.6
 34. Viridithas 12.0.0 2048 nodes         2K      200662      7.6      0.0     68.3      0.7
 35. Obsidian 11.0 4096nodes              3K      249828      9.1      0.0     61.7      0.6
 36. Movei00_8_438 131072 nodes         100K      889694      7.9      0.1     71.0      8.0
     all ---                             79K      835753     10.8      0.1     69.6      6.8
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Posts: 639
Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:20 am
Full name: Andreas Matthies

Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by RubiChess »

1. Engines most probably have a different definition of what a node is like counting qsearch nodes or counting nodes resolved by TT.
2. Engines may not stop at _exact_ number of nodes.
3. Most engines play disproportionately worth at low depth = low nodes count.
4. Best move selection may be buggy at fixed nodes count interrupting the search as it is shown by illegal/missing moves at very low nodes.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10661
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
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Re: started my fixed nodes leagues

Post by Uri Blass »

RubiChess wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:56 am 1. Engines most probably have a different definition of what a node is like counting qsearch nodes or counting nodes resolved by TT.
2. Engines may not stop at _exact_ number of nodes.
3. Most engines play disproportionately worth at low depth = low nodes count.
4. Best move selection may be buggy at fixed nodes count interrupting the search as it is shown by illegal/missing moves at very low nodes.
I understand engines have a different definition and that they sometimes do not stop at exact number of nodes.
For me results are still interesting because I hopefully get a list of deterministic engines(not 100% sure about it but I basically test and found that when I played 2 opponents with the same color twice I get the same number of moves and probably the same games because if it is not the same game the proability to get the same number of moves is small).

I agree that best move may be buggy at fixed number of nodes and I think that if it is the case it is something that is better to fix because the need to intertupt the search in the middle of the iteration can happen also in normal games(there is always a problem if to trust fail high that you did not solve or not to trust it and it is hard to test in normal conditions what is better when you practically need to play a move before you solve the fail high only in small part of the games).

Usually the main advantage of the strong engines is simply that they get more from doubling the number of nodes at the same playing strength.

I would like to see some function of equivalence in number of nodes between different engines and it may be possible to learn from results about this function.