Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.
Moderator: Ras
Posts: 2583 Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:43 am
Full name: Brendan J Norman
by BrendanJNorman » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:10 pm
Rebel wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:58 pm
When it's about ideas you might want to add the old 1999 Q3 personality to the list.
100 positions, mainly from the excellent CSS-WM test.
Code: Select all
r5k1/2p1b1p1/6bp/p4P2/q3pP2/2PnB2P/PP1N4/KR3Q1R b - - bm Nb4;
r1bk3r/1pp2pp1/p2p1n1p/5q2/8/4BN2/PPPQ1PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Bb6;
r1bqkb1r/4pppp/p1p5/2ppP3/8/2P2N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w kq - bm e6;
r3qrk1/4bppp/4p3/p2pP2Q/1p1B4/1PpPP3/P1P2RPP/5RK1 w - - bm Rf6;
r3k2r/4b2p/p1n3pN/1p1q1p2/5B2/3p1P2/PP4PP/2RQR2K w kq - bm Rxc6;
r1bk1n1r/pp1n1q1p/2p2p1R/3p4/3PpN2/2NB2Q1/PPP2PP1/2K1R3 w - - bm Bxe4; c1 "Aljechin - Fahrni";
7r/1k2P2P/4p3/1pp5/8/2pp4/1n3PP1/R4K1R w - - bm g4;
8/4kpbn/p1p3p1/Pp2p2p/1P2Pn2/N1P1BP2/5P1P/5BK1 w - - bm Nxb5; c1 "Karpow - Hansen";
r1b1qrk1/ppBnppb1/2n4p/1NN1P1p1/3p4/8/PPP1BPPP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Ne6;
2rr2k1/1bq2ppp/4pn2/p7/Pp1PP2Q/1B2RN2/5PPP/4R1K1 w - - bm d5;
r4k1r/pp2pp2/3p1b2/q2PnQpp/3N4/1BP3P1/PP3PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Rxe5;
r1b2rk1/p2nbqpp/p3p3/2ppPpB1/N2P1N1P/8/PPP2PP1/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm c4; "c1 Khalifman - Ulibin";
r1b1kb1r/1p1n1ppp/p2ppn2/6BB/2qNP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Nxe6;
2r1rbk1/p1Bq1ppp/Ppn1b3/1Npp4/B7/3P2Q1/1PP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm Nxa7;
1br1r1k1/1b1q1pp1/p1p2n1p/1p2n3/1P6/PNN1P3/2QBBPPP/4RRK1 b - - bm c5;
r2q1rk1/pp2p1bp/2n1Ppp1/2pn4/3pNP2/6P1/PPPPQ2P/RNB2RK1 b - - bm d3;
r3rbk1/1bq2pp1/p1np1n1p/1p3P2/4P3/P1N1BBN1/1PPQ4/2KR3R w - - bm Rxh6;
2rr2k1/pp1qnppp/2n1p3/3p4/1bPP3P/1P2RNP1/PB3P2/1BRQ2K1 w - - bm Bxh7+;
rn1r2k1/1bqpbppp/pp2pn2/6N1/2P5/1PN1P3/PBQ1BPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Nd5;
r1b1rk2/2qp1pp1/2p2n1p/p3pP2/1bB1P3/2N3R1/PPPBQ1PP/R6K w - - bm Qe3; c1 "Kasparov - Movsesian";
6k1/rnqb3p/5ppQ/2pPp3/p1N1P3/2PB3P/5PP1/1R4K1 w - - bm f4;
2kr3r/ppp1qpp1/2p5/2b2b1p/2P1pPn1/1P2P1PP/PBQPB3/RN2K2R b KQ - bm h4;
2r2rk1/5qp1/1pN2p1p/pPnRp3/P1P5/5PP1/2Q1R1KP/8 w - - bm Rxc5;
1k5r/pb3p1p/1q2rp1b/2p5/1pQ1P3/1P3N2/P3BPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Rd5; c1 "Karpov-Gelfand";
r4rk1/ppnqp2p/3p2p1/2pP4/P1P2B1P/6P1/1P3PK1/R2Q1R2 b - - bm Rxf4; c1 "Tyomkin-McDonald";
r2br1k1/1q3ppp/p2B4/Pp1pN3/3Pb1P1/1QP2P2/7P/R3R1K1 b - - bm Rxe5; c1 "PengXiaomin-Motylev";
8/3r4/p5kp/Pb1R4/1P1B2P1/6P1/3K4/8 w - - bm Rxb5; c1 "Romanishin-Smagin";
2nqr1k1/5p2/1p4pp/pP1rNn2/P4P2/BQ1p4/6PP/2RR2K1 b - - bm Rdxe5; c1 "Mortensen-Van der Weide";
r1b2rk1/pp3pb1/3q2pp/2nP4/6P1/2P2N2/P1Q1BPP1/2BR1RK1 w - - bm Rd4; c1 "Zakharevich-Guliev";
8/p1p2pp1/1pP3p1/3Pb2k/4P3/5P1P/8/3K2B1 w - - bm f4; c1 "Queckenstadt 1914";
8/2p1bpp1/2Pp4/p2P1P1p/2K2B1P/k5P1/8/8 w - - bm f6;
r1b1k3/2q1ppb1/2p2n2/3p1PBB/2nP3P/Pp5N/1P2Q1P1/2KR3R b - - bm Rxa3;
rnb1k2r/pp1pp1bp/6p1/2pn2B1/8/2NB1N2/PqPQ2PP/1R2K2R w Kkq - bm Nxd5;
r2nnk2/2pb4/3p1p2/1q1Pp1p1/2N1P1Pp/1NQ4P/4BP2/1R4K1 w - - bm Nxe5;
1r3rk1/6p1/p1pb1qPp/3p4/4nPR1/2N4Q/PPP4P/2K1BR2 b - - bm Rxb2;
5r2/1p4r1/3kp1b1/1Pp1p2p/2PpP3/q2B1PP1/3Q2K1/1R5R b - - bm Rxf3;
r2q3r/2pkb1p1/p2p1n2/4p1p1/Pp2P1P1/1QP5/1P1P2PP/RNB2RK1 b - - bm Rxh2;
2kr3r/p1p1q3/1p4p1/3P1p2/1PP1p2P/P2nB1P1/2Q3K1/1R3R2 b - - bm Rxh4;
4rb2/1p1q1ppk/p1n1p2p/2p1Pn2/3PNR2/2P2K2/P2QBP2/6R1 w - - bm Rxf5;
r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - bm Rxc5; c1 "Nolot";
1r1bk2r/2R2ppp/p3p3/1b2P2q/4QP2/4N3/1B4PP/3R2K1 w k - bm Rxd8+; c1 "Nolot";
r1b3k1/p2p1nP1/2pqr1Rp/1p2p2P/2B1PnQ1/1P6/P1PP4/1K4R1 w - - bm Rxh6; c1 "Nolot";
3r4/2r5/p3nkp1/1p3p2/1P1pbP2/P2B3R/2PRN1P1/6K1 b - - bm Rc3;
rnb1k1nr/1p3pbp/p1p3p1/q3p3/2B1PB2/2N2N2/P1PQ1PPP/1R2R1K1 w kq - bm Qd6;
r1b1r1k1/ppp2ppp/2nb1q2/8/2B5/1P1Q1N2/P1PP1PPP/R1B2RK1 w - - bm Bb2; c1 "Aljechin - Rabinowitsch";
2kr1bnr/pbpq4/2n1pp2/3p3p/3P1P1B/2N2N1Q/PPP3PP/2KR1B1R w - - bm f5;
5r2/1p3p1k/3p4/p3pPPp/5r2/8/PP3PP1/1K1R3R w - bm g4;
8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - bm Rg4+;
8/3R4/5K1p/6PP/5P2/2k1r3/3p4/8 w - - bm Rxd2;
8/pR4pk/1b6/2p5/N1p5/8/PP1r2PP/6K1 b - - bm Rxb2;
8/6r1/Pp5p/7k/p7/7K/6P1/R7 w - - bm Rb1;
R7/1r1p4/1k6/1p2P3/pp6/6P1/1PP2P1P/6K1 b - - bm Ra7;
8/6Q1/p3r2p/3k3K/6P1/8/8/8 w - - bm Qxh6+;
8/4K3/p2p4/3k4/1p6/2p5/P5R1/8 b - - bm a5;
2k5/p1p5/1pbppR2/7p/2PP3P/2P1K1r1/P3B1P1/8 w - - bm Kf4; c1 "Spassky - Polugaevsky";
8/pp4pp/4k3/3rPp2/1Pr4P/2B1KPP1/1P6/4R3 b - - bm Rxc3+;
4R3/P7/2bB2p1/r3pk2/2p2p1P/2P2P1K/6P1/8 w - - bm Rxe5+; c1 "Svidler - van Wely";
8/8/pp6/3b2K1/1P6/PN2k3/8/8 w - - bm Na5; c1 "draw";
2b5/1r6/2kBp1p1/p2pP1P1/2pP4/1pP3K1/1R3P2/8 b - - bm Rb4;
2q4r/2p4p/kpnp2p1/p2b4/P6Q/1PR2NP1/2P3BP/2K5 w - - bm Rxc6;
q7/4pk2/2p2nRQ/8/2PP1P1p/p5b1/2PK4/8 w - - bm Rxf6+; c1 "1.Rxf6+ exf6 2.Qh7+ Ke6 3.f5+ Kd6 4.c5+ Kd5 5.Qg8+ Qxg8 6.Kd3 h3 7.c4#";
r3b1nr/ppqn1k1p/4p1p1/1P1pPpP1/1B1N1P1P/R7/3Q4/R3KB2 w Q - bm Rc3;
1q6/r4pbk/1r1p2pp/B2Pn3/Q2NP3/1p3P2/6PP/1R3RK1 b - - bm Rxa5;
rr4k1/5p2/3p2p1/3PP2p/pnP4P/qn2NR2/5PP1/1B1Q2K1 w - - bm Rxf7; c1 "Ferret - Gandalf";
2k3rr/ppq1b3/2b1p3/2p2p1p/3p1P1P/3P1NP1/PPPN3K/R1Q2R2 b - - bm Rxg3;
rnbr2k1/ppq1ppbp/6p1/2PN4/8/4P3/PP1Q1PPP/2R1KBNR b K - bm Rxd5;
3r1rk1/pbqn1pp1/1pp2n1p/2b1p1B1/P1B1P2N/2N4P/1PP1QPP1/3R1RK1 w - - bm Rxd7;
2bq3k/2p4p/p2p4/7P/1nBPPQP1/r1p5/8/1K1R2R1 b - - bm Be6; c1 "Fischer";
2r2rk1/pp3pp1/4bb1p/q2p1P1Q/3P4/2N5/PP4PP/1K1R1B1R b - - bm Rxc3; c1 "Lasker";
r1b2r2/pp1nqn1k/2pp2pb/4Pp1p/2PP1p1N/2N3BP/PPQ1B1P1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Nxg6;
rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - bm Rc8; c1 "Reti";
rnbqnrk1/5ppp/pp1b4/3NpP2/P2N4/8/1PP1B1PP/R1BQ1R1K w - - bm f6; c1 "Tal - Ftacnik";
3r1r2/pp1q2bk/2n1nppp/2p5/3pP1P1/P2P1NNQ/1PPB3P/1R3R1K w - - bm Nf5; c1 "Smyslov - Kotov";
r1q2rk1/p2bb2p/1p1p2p1/2pPp2n/2P1PpP1/3B1P2/PP2QR1P/R1B2NK1 b - - bm Bxg4; c1 "Alega - Aljechin";
r3k1nr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/1B4B1/3N4/2q5/P1P2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Nf5; c1 "Tal - Uhlman";
r2qrbk1/5ppp/pn1p4/np2P1P1/3p4/5N2/PPB2PP1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c1 "Spassky - Geller";
rnbr2k1/pp3p2/1qp3pp/4Q1N1/4P3/2P3P1/PP3PBP/R3R1K1 w - - bm Nxh7; c1 "Spassky - Bronstein";
r1bqr1k1/5p2/p2p1npb/1p1Pp2p/4P1P1/1PP1NPP1/2BBQ1K1/5R1R w - - bm Nf5; c1 "Spassky - Unzicker";
r1b2rk1/p3bp1p/4pp2/n3p3/1p1qNP2/1B4N1/PPP3PP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Qh5; c1 "Fischer - Benko";
q4bk1/pp1b1r1p/3p2n1/P2Pp3/1PB1Pp2/5Pn1/5RPP/2RQN1K1 b - - bm a6; c1 "Piket - Kasparov";
b2r3r/k4p1p/p2q1np1/NppP4/3p1Q2/P4PPB/1PP4P/1K1RR3 w - - bm Rxd4; c1 "Kasprov - Topalov";
3q1rk1/1r3ppp/pp2Pb2/2p2Q2/3P4/6P1/PP3P1P/R1BR2K1 b - - bm Re7; c1 "Huebner - Smyslov";
2b2r1k/5qb1/2Np3p/2pNpn2/2P5/3PBQPp/P4P1P/5RK1 b - - bm Qe8; c1 "Huebner - Spassky";
r2q1rk1/pp3p1p/3p2p1/4P3/2PQP1b1/2N5/PP4PP/R3K2R b KQ - bm Qh4+; c1 "Uhlmann - Fischer";
3r2k1/p3r2p/1pbpnbp1/2p1pp2/1PP4q/PBB1PP2/2QP2PP/3RNRK1 b - - bm Nd4; c1 "Ljubojevic - Karpov";
1r4k1/5p2/1p3npp/pR6/P1Pr3P/2R2B2/1P4P1/7K w - - bm c5; c1 "Fischer - Taimanov";
2rq1rk1/pb3p1p/1p2pbp1/3p3R/2PP4/PP5R/1B3PPP/3Q1BK1 b - - bm dxc4; c1 "Keres - Smyslov";
2r1nrk1/pbqn1p1p/1p6/2p1pP2/2Pp3P/1P1Pb1P1/PB2Q1BK/RN2NR2 b - - bm e4; c1 "Polugaevsky - Petrosjan";
r3rnk1/3qbppp/1p2p1n1/pPppP2N/3P3P/2P2NP1/1P3PK1/R1BQR3 w - - bm Bh6; c1 "Kasparov - Short";
1r1qk2r/pp1n2pp/3bp2n/3p1p1b/3P4/1Q3NPP/PP1NPPB1/R1B1R1K1 w k - bm e4; c1 "Kramnik - Beljavsky";
2r3k1/2r1ppb1/3p2p1/pq4Pn/1p1BP3/1B3P2/PPPQ4/1K1R3R w - - bm Rxh5; c1 "Fischer - Larsen";
r1b2b1r/p1q2k1p/4ppB1/3p3Q/3p1P2/2P5/PP4PP/R1B1K2R b KQ - bm hxg6; c1 "Bronstein - Petrosjan";
3r2k1/4b1pp/p3p1r1/1ppqB3/4R3/6P1/PPP1QP1P/4R1K1 w - - bm Bf4; c1 "Fischer - Trifunovic";
r1r5/1Rp2k1p/2p1b1pB/p1b1Pp2/P1P5/2P5/4B1PP/1R5K b - a3 bm Ra6; c1 "Conquest - Khalifman";
r3k2r/p1qnbpp1/1pb1p2p/2p5/3PP3/P1PB1N2/2Q2PPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - bm d5; c1 "Kasparov - Georghiu";
1nbqkbr1/r4p1p/p2p4/5B2/Np6/8/PPP3PP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - bm Re7; c1 "Fischer - Tal";
r1b1r1k1/1p4bp/6p1/8/1p1qp3/P5P1/1P2PPBP/RQ1NK2R b KQ - bm Bg4; c1 "Tatai - Karpov";
r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - bm Nxh6; c1 "Kasparov - Karpov";
1r3rk1/p1pn1ppp/2p1pq2/8/3P3P/8/PPPQ1PP1/2KR1B1R w - - bm Rh3; c1 "Spassky - Petrosian";
2B1k3/1b2r2p/1P3pp1/2R1p3/8/4P1P1/7P/6K1 w - - bm g4; c1 "Ponomariov - Huebner";
MEA at 1000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjamin.epd
Time : 1000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 610 00:01:21.1 61 100 2440 1000 61.00% 1000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 550 00:01:17.5 55 100 2200 1000 55.00% 1000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 490 00:01:17.6 49 100 1960 1000 49.00% 1000 128 1 0
4 ProDeo 2.2 80 00:01:19.6 8 100 320 1000 8.00% 1000 128 1 0
MEA at 1000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjamin.epd
Time : 4000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 710 00:05:05.7 71 100 2840 1000 71.00% 4000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 650 00:05:02.6 65 100 2600 1000 65.00% 4000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 620 00:05:02.6 62 100 2480 1000 62.00% 4000 128 1 0
4 ProDeo 2.2 170 00:05:05.6 17 100 680 1000 17.00% 4000 128 1 0
Hi Ed, I'd forgotten all about Q3! Which version of ProDeo did you use for this Q3 test?
Also, have you tested MACHEID or any other personalities?
Posts: 7280 Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:04 pm
Full name: Ed Schröder
by Rebel » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:17 pm
BrendanJNorman wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:10 pm
Rebel wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:58 pm
When it's about ideas you might want to add the old 1999 Q3 personality to the list.
100 positions, mainly from the excellent CSS-WM test.
Code: Select all
r5k1/2p1b1p1/6bp/p4P2/q3pP2/2PnB2P/PP1N4/KR3Q1R b - - bm Nb4;
r1bk3r/1pp2pp1/p2p1n1p/5q2/8/4BN2/PPPQ1PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Bb6;
r1bqkb1r/4pppp/p1p5/2ppP3/8/2P2N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQR1K1 w kq - bm e6;
r3qrk1/4bppp/4p3/p2pP2Q/1p1B4/1PpPP3/P1P2RPP/5RK1 w - - bm Rf6;
r3k2r/4b2p/p1n3pN/1p1q1p2/5B2/3p1P2/PP4PP/2RQR2K w kq - bm Rxc6;
r1bk1n1r/pp1n1q1p/2p2p1R/3p4/3PpN2/2NB2Q1/PPP2PP1/2K1R3 w - - bm Bxe4; c1 "Aljechin - Fahrni";
7r/1k2P2P/4p3/1pp5/8/2pp4/1n3PP1/R4K1R w - - bm g4;
8/4kpbn/p1p3p1/Pp2p2p/1P2Pn2/N1P1BP2/5P1P/5BK1 w - - bm Nxb5; c1 "Karpow - Hansen";
r1b1qrk1/ppBnppb1/2n4p/1NN1P1p1/3p4/8/PPP1BPPP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Ne6;
2rr2k1/1bq2ppp/4pn2/p7/Pp1PP2Q/1B2RN2/5PPP/4R1K1 w - - bm d5;
r4k1r/pp2pp2/3p1b2/q2PnQpp/3N4/1BP3P1/PP3PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Rxe5;
r1b2rk1/p2nbqpp/p3p3/2ppPpB1/N2P1N1P/8/PPP2PP1/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm c4; "c1 Khalifman - Ulibin";
r1b1kb1r/1p1n1ppp/p2ppn2/6BB/2qNP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Nxe6;
2r1rbk1/p1Bq1ppp/Ppn1b3/1Npp4/B7/3P2Q1/1PP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm Nxa7;
1br1r1k1/1b1q1pp1/p1p2n1p/1p2n3/1P6/PNN1P3/2QBBPPP/4RRK1 b - - bm c5;
r2q1rk1/pp2p1bp/2n1Ppp1/2pn4/3pNP2/6P1/PPPPQ2P/RNB2RK1 b - - bm d3;
r3rbk1/1bq2pp1/p1np1n1p/1p3P2/4P3/P1N1BBN1/1PPQ4/2KR3R w - - bm Rxh6;
2rr2k1/pp1qnppp/2n1p3/3p4/1bPP3P/1P2RNP1/PB3P2/1BRQ2K1 w - - bm Bxh7+;
rn1r2k1/1bqpbppp/pp2pn2/6N1/2P5/1PN1P3/PBQ1BPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Nd5;
r1b1rk2/2qp1pp1/2p2n1p/p3pP2/1bB1P3/2N3R1/PPPBQ1PP/R6K w - - bm Qe3; c1 "Kasparov - Movsesian";
6k1/rnqb3p/5ppQ/2pPp3/p1N1P3/2PB3P/5PP1/1R4K1 w - - bm f4;
2kr3r/ppp1qpp1/2p5/2b2b1p/2P1pPn1/1P2P1PP/PBQPB3/RN2K2R b KQ - bm h4;
2r2rk1/5qp1/1pN2p1p/pPnRp3/P1P5/5PP1/2Q1R1KP/8 w - - bm Rxc5;
1k5r/pb3p1p/1q2rp1b/2p5/1pQ1P3/1P3N2/P3BPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Rd5; c1 "Karpov-Gelfand";
r4rk1/ppnqp2p/3p2p1/2pP4/P1P2B1P/6P1/1P3PK1/R2Q1R2 b - - bm Rxf4; c1 "Tyomkin-McDonald";
r2br1k1/1q3ppp/p2B4/Pp1pN3/3Pb1P1/1QP2P2/7P/R3R1K1 b - - bm Rxe5; c1 "PengXiaomin-Motylev";
8/3r4/p5kp/Pb1R4/1P1B2P1/6P1/3K4/8 w - - bm Rxb5; c1 "Romanishin-Smagin";
2nqr1k1/5p2/1p4pp/pP1rNn2/P4P2/BQ1p4/6PP/2RR2K1 b - - bm Rdxe5; c1 "Mortensen-Van der Weide";
r1b2rk1/pp3pb1/3q2pp/2nP4/6P1/2P2N2/P1Q1BPP1/2BR1RK1 w - - bm Rd4; c1 "Zakharevich-Guliev";
8/p1p2pp1/1pP3p1/3Pb2k/4P3/5P1P/8/3K2B1 w - - bm f4; c1 "Queckenstadt 1914";
8/2p1bpp1/2Pp4/p2P1P1p/2K2B1P/k5P1/8/8 w - - bm f6;
r1b1k3/2q1ppb1/2p2n2/3p1PBB/2nP3P/Pp5N/1P2Q1P1/2KR3R b - - bm Rxa3;
rnb1k2r/pp1pp1bp/6p1/2pn2B1/8/2NB1N2/PqPQ2PP/1R2K2R w Kkq - bm Nxd5;
r2nnk2/2pb4/3p1p2/1q1Pp1p1/2N1P1Pp/1NQ4P/4BP2/1R4K1 w - - bm Nxe5;
1r3rk1/6p1/p1pb1qPp/3p4/4nPR1/2N4Q/PPP4P/2K1BR2 b - - bm Rxb2;
5r2/1p4r1/3kp1b1/1Pp1p2p/2PpP3/q2B1PP1/3Q2K1/1R5R b - - bm Rxf3;
r2q3r/2pkb1p1/p2p1n2/4p1p1/Pp2P1P1/1QP5/1P1P2PP/RNB2RK1 b - - bm Rxh2;
2kr3r/p1p1q3/1p4p1/3P1p2/1PP1p2P/P2nB1P1/2Q3K1/1R3R2 b - - bm Rxh4;
4rb2/1p1q1ppk/p1n1p2p/2p1Pn2/3PNR2/2P2K2/P2QBP2/6R1 w - - bm Rxf5;
r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - bm Rxc5; c1 "Nolot";
1r1bk2r/2R2ppp/p3p3/1b2P2q/4QP2/4N3/1B4PP/3R2K1 w k - bm Rxd8+; c1 "Nolot";
r1b3k1/p2p1nP1/2pqr1Rp/1p2p2P/2B1PnQ1/1P6/P1PP4/1K4R1 w - - bm Rxh6; c1 "Nolot";
3r4/2r5/p3nkp1/1p3p2/1P1pbP2/P2B3R/2PRN1P1/6K1 b - - bm Rc3;
rnb1k1nr/1p3pbp/p1p3p1/q3p3/2B1PB2/2N2N2/P1PQ1PPP/1R2R1K1 w kq - bm Qd6;
r1b1r1k1/ppp2ppp/2nb1q2/8/2B5/1P1Q1N2/P1PP1PPP/R1B2RK1 w - - bm Bb2; c1 "Aljechin - Rabinowitsch";
2kr1bnr/pbpq4/2n1pp2/3p3p/3P1P1B/2N2N1Q/PPP3PP/2KR1B1R w - - bm f5;
5r2/1p3p1k/3p4/p3pPPp/5r2/8/PP3PP1/1K1R3R w - bm g4;
8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - bm Rg4+;
8/3R4/5K1p/6PP/5P2/2k1r3/3p4/8 w - - bm Rxd2;
8/pR4pk/1b6/2p5/N1p5/8/PP1r2PP/6K1 b - - bm Rxb2;
8/6r1/Pp5p/7k/p7/7K/6P1/R7 w - - bm Rb1;
R7/1r1p4/1k6/1p2P3/pp6/6P1/1PP2P1P/6K1 b - - bm Ra7;
8/6Q1/p3r2p/3k3K/6P1/8/8/8 w - - bm Qxh6+;
8/4K3/p2p4/3k4/1p6/2p5/P5R1/8 b - - bm a5;
2k5/p1p5/1pbppR2/7p/2PP3P/2P1K1r1/P3B1P1/8 w - - bm Kf4; c1 "Spassky - Polugaevsky";
8/pp4pp/4k3/3rPp2/1Pr4P/2B1KPP1/1P6/4R3 b - - bm Rxc3+;
4R3/P7/2bB2p1/r3pk2/2p2p1P/2P2P1K/6P1/8 w - - bm Rxe5+; c1 "Svidler - van Wely";
8/8/pp6/3b2K1/1P6/PN2k3/8/8 w - - bm Na5; c1 "draw";
2b5/1r6/2kBp1p1/p2pP1P1/2pP4/1pP3K1/1R3P2/8 b - - bm Rb4;
2q4r/2p4p/kpnp2p1/p2b4/P6Q/1PR2NP1/2P3BP/2K5 w - - bm Rxc6;
q7/4pk2/2p2nRQ/8/2PP1P1p/p5b1/2PK4/8 w - - bm Rxf6+; c1 "1.Rxf6+ exf6 2.Qh7+ Ke6 3.f5+ Kd6 4.c5+ Kd5 5.Qg8+ Qxg8 6.Kd3 h3 7.c4#";
r3b1nr/ppqn1k1p/4p1p1/1P1pPpP1/1B1N1P1P/R7/3Q4/R3KB2 w Q - bm Rc3;
1q6/r4pbk/1r1p2pp/B2Pn3/Q2NP3/1p3P2/6PP/1R3RK1 b - - bm Rxa5;
rr4k1/5p2/3p2p1/3PP2p/pnP4P/qn2NR2/5PP1/1B1Q2K1 w - - bm Rxf7; c1 "Ferret - Gandalf";
2k3rr/ppq1b3/2b1p3/2p2p1p/3p1P1P/3P1NP1/PPPN3K/R1Q2R2 b - - bm Rxg3;
rnbr2k1/ppq1ppbp/6p1/2PN4/8/4P3/PP1Q1PPP/2R1KBNR b K - bm Rxd5;
3r1rk1/pbqn1pp1/1pp2n1p/2b1p1B1/P1B1P2N/2N4P/1PP1QPP1/3R1RK1 w - - bm Rxd7;
2bq3k/2p4p/p2p4/7P/1nBPPQP1/r1p5/8/1K1R2R1 b - - bm Be6; c1 "Fischer";
2r2rk1/pp3pp1/4bb1p/q2p1P1Q/3P4/2N5/PP4PP/1K1R1B1R b - - bm Rxc3; c1 "Lasker";
r1b2r2/pp1nqn1k/2pp2pb/4Pp1p/2PP1p1N/2N3BP/PPQ1B1P1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Nxg6;
rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - bm Rc8; c1 "Reti";
rnbqnrk1/5ppp/pp1b4/3NpP2/P2N4/8/1PP1B1PP/R1BQ1R1K w - - bm f6; c1 "Tal - Ftacnik";
3r1r2/pp1q2bk/2n1nppp/2p5/3pP1P1/P2P1NNQ/1PPB3P/1R3R1K w - - bm Nf5; c1 "Smyslov - Kotov";
r1q2rk1/p2bb2p/1p1p2p1/2pPp2n/2P1PpP1/3B1P2/PP2QR1P/R1B2NK1 b - - bm Bxg4; c1 "Alega - Aljechin";
r3k1nr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/1B4B1/3N4/2q5/P1P2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Nf5; c1 "Tal - Uhlman";
r2qrbk1/5ppp/pn1p4/np2P1P1/3p4/5N2/PPB2PP1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c1 "Spassky - Geller";
rnbr2k1/pp3p2/1qp3pp/4Q1N1/4P3/2P3P1/PP3PBP/R3R1K1 w - - bm Nxh7; c1 "Spassky - Bronstein";
r1bqr1k1/5p2/p2p1npb/1p1Pp2p/4P1P1/1PP1NPP1/2BBQ1K1/5R1R w - - bm Nf5; c1 "Spassky - Unzicker";
r1b2rk1/p3bp1p/4pp2/n3p3/1p1qNP2/1B4N1/PPP3PP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm Qh5; c1 "Fischer - Benko";
q4bk1/pp1b1r1p/3p2n1/P2Pp3/1PB1Pp2/5Pn1/5RPP/2RQN1K1 b - - bm a6; c1 "Piket - Kasparov";
b2r3r/k4p1p/p2q1np1/NppP4/3p1Q2/P4PPB/1PP4P/1K1RR3 w - - bm Rxd4; c1 "Kasprov - Topalov";
3q1rk1/1r3ppp/pp2Pb2/2p2Q2/3P4/6P1/PP3P1P/R1BR2K1 b - - bm Re7; c1 "Huebner - Smyslov";
2b2r1k/5qb1/2Np3p/2pNpn2/2P5/3PBQPp/P4P1P/5RK1 b - - bm Qe8; c1 "Huebner - Spassky";
r2q1rk1/pp3p1p/3p2p1/4P3/2PQP1b1/2N5/PP4PP/R3K2R b KQ - bm Qh4+; c1 "Uhlmann - Fischer";
3r2k1/p3r2p/1pbpnbp1/2p1pp2/1PP4q/PBB1PP2/2QP2PP/3RNRK1 b - - bm Nd4; c1 "Ljubojevic - Karpov";
1r4k1/5p2/1p3npp/pR6/P1Pr3P/2R2B2/1P4P1/7K w - - bm c5; c1 "Fischer - Taimanov";
2rq1rk1/pb3p1p/1p2pbp1/3p3R/2PP4/PP5R/1B3PPP/3Q1BK1 b - - bm dxc4; c1 "Keres - Smyslov";
2r1nrk1/pbqn1p1p/1p6/2p1pP2/2Pp3P/1P1Pb1P1/PB2Q1BK/RN2NR2 b - - bm e4; c1 "Polugaevsky - Petrosjan";
r3rnk1/3qbppp/1p2p1n1/pPppP2N/3P3P/2P2NP1/1P3PK1/R1BQR3 w - - bm Bh6; c1 "Kasparov - Short";
1r1qk2r/pp1n2pp/3bp2n/3p1p1b/3P4/1Q3NPP/PP1NPPB1/R1B1R1K1 w k - bm e4; c1 "Kramnik - Beljavsky";
2r3k1/2r1ppb1/3p2p1/pq4Pn/1p1BP3/1B3P2/PPPQ4/1K1R3R w - - bm Rxh5; c1 "Fischer - Larsen";
r1b2b1r/p1q2k1p/4ppB1/3p3Q/3p1P2/2P5/PP4PP/R1B1K2R b KQ - bm hxg6; c1 "Bronstein - Petrosjan";
3r2k1/4b1pp/p3p1r1/1ppqB3/4R3/6P1/PPP1QP1P/4R1K1 w - - bm Bf4; c1 "Fischer - Trifunovic";
r1r5/1Rp2k1p/2p1b1pB/p1b1Pp2/P1P5/2P5/4B1PP/1R5K b - a3 bm Ra6; c1 "Conquest - Khalifman";
r3k2r/p1qnbpp1/1pb1p2p/2p5/3PP3/P1PB1N2/2Q2PPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - bm d5; c1 "Kasparov - Georghiu";
1nbqkbr1/r4p1p/p2p4/5B2/Np6/8/PPP3PP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - bm Re7; c1 "Fischer - Tal";
r1b1r1k1/1p4bp/6p1/8/1p1qp3/P5P1/1P2PPBP/RQ1NK2R b KQ - bm Bg4; c1 "Tatai - Karpov";
r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - bm Nxh6; c1 "Kasparov - Karpov";
1r3rk1/p1pn1ppp/2p1pq2/8/3P3P/8/PPPQ1PP1/2KR1B1R w - - bm Rh3; c1 "Spassky - Petrosian";
2B1k3/1b2r2p/1P3pp1/2R1p3/8/4P1P1/7P/6K1 w - - bm g4; c1 "Ponomariov - Huebner";
MEA at 1000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjamin.epd
Time : 1000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 610 00:01:21.1 61 100 2440 1000 61.00% 1000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 550 00:01:17.5 55 100 2200 1000 55.00% 1000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 490 00:01:17.6 49 100 1960 1000 49.00% 1000 128 1 0
4 ProDeo 2.2 80 00:01:19.6 8 100 320 1000 8.00% 1000 128 1 0
MEA at 1000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjamin.epd
Time : 4000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 710 00:05:05.7 71 100 2840 1000 71.00% 4000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 650 00:05:02.6 65 100 2600 1000 65.00% 4000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 620 00:05:02.6 62 100 2480 1000 62.00% 4000 128 1 0
4 ProDeo 2.2 170 00:05:05.6 17 100 680 1000 17.00% 4000 128 1 0
Hi Ed, I'd forgotten all about Q3! Which version of ProDeo did you use for this Q3 test?
The regular ProDeo 2.2
Also, have you tested MACHEID or any other personalities?
Because of this thread I am looking in those old ones too
90% of coding is debugging, the other 10% is writing bugs.
Posts: 57 Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:38 pm
Location: UK
by IanKennedy » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:57 pm
Sylwy wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:15 pm
A lovely one. MChess Pro 5.0 won the 13th World Microcomputer Chess Championship 1995 in Paderborn.
One or two oldies can still remember competing against MChess in Don Beal's tournaments before that...
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic ... SZ-JlNvqRI
Author of the actively developed PSYCHO chess engine
Posts: 32 Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:50 pm
Full name: Juan Garcia
by thewhip » Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:01 pm
Neither mentioned Slow Chess Blitz. He is very strong and stylish human-like.
Other interesting engines are:
Zappa Mexico II
Spark 1.0
The King 3.50
Devel 2.0
Critter 0.52b
Bright 0.3a
Wchess 1.6
Ruffian 2.10
Leopard 0.7c
OpenTal 1.0
Posts: 7280 Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:04 pm
Full name: Ed Schröder
by Rebel » Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:13 pm
BrendanJNorman wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:10 pm
Also, have you tested MACHEID or any other personalities?
Tested some oldies from 1999
MEA 1000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjamin.epd
Time : 1000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 610 00:01:21.1 61 100 2440 1000 61.00% 1000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 550 00:01:17.5 55 100 2200 1000 55.00% 1000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 490 00:01:17.6 49 100 1960 1000 49.00% 1000 128 1 0
4 MACHEID 280 00:01:20.8 28 100 1120 1000 28.00% 1000 128 1 0
5 WA8 280 00:01:20.9 28 100 1120 1000 28.00% 1000 128 1 0
6 Benjamin 140 00:01:20.8 14 100 560 1000 14.00% 1000 128 1 0
7 Mach 100 00:01:20.7 10 100 400 1000 10.00% 1000 128 1 0
8 ProDeo 2.2 80 00:01:19.6 8 100 320 1000 8.00% 1000 128 1 0
MEA 4000ms
Code: Select all
EPD : epd\benjsamin.epd
Time : 4000ms
Max Time Hash
Engine Points Used Time Found Pos Elo Score Score ms Mb Cpu Errors
1 ProDeo Q3 710 00:05:05.7 71 100 2840 1000 71.00% 4000 128 1 0
2 Stockfish 12 650 00:05:02.6 65 100 2600 1000 65.00% 4000 128 1 0
3 Stockfish 11 620 00:05:02.6 62 100 2480 1000 62.00% 4000 128 1 0
4 MACHEID 470 00:05:05.5 47 100 1880 1000 47.00% 4000 128 1 0
5 WA8 450 00:05:05.3 45 100 1800 1000 45.00% 4000 128 1 0
6 Benjamin 310 00:05:05.4 31 100 1240 1000 31.00% 4000 128 1 0
7 ProDeo 2.2 170 00:05:05.6 17 100 680 1000 17.00% 4000 128 1 0
8 Mach 160 00:05:05.5 16 100 640 1000 16.00% 4000 128 1 0
MACHEID - is from Christian BONNIN
WA8 - is from Walter Anema
Mach - is from Thorsten
Benjamin is from someone else
90% of coding is debugging, the other 10% is writing bugs.
Posts: 725 Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany
Full name: Dr. Oliver Brausch
by OliverBr » Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:55 pm
BrendanJNorman wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:49 am
Olithink is a great engine and definitely being added to my preferred sparring partners.
Weak king safety combined with solid positional play and excellent defense (and falling into traps occasionally!) makes it the perfect human-like sparring partner.
Thank you very very much for this great analysis and the presentation of two very interesting games.
You are really a great chess player, much better than me.
- Weak "king safety", but a great defender. Gives humans a feeling that we can get *close* to forcing checkmate, unlike "perfect" engines.
It must be quite a special "feeling" for a strong chess player like you to play against engines like Stockfish. How would you describe it?
Is it any different as when you play Leela?
Against which (SF/LC0) would you rather win?
PS I hope we see more of your human like chess engine
Looking forward to it.
Posts: 725 Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany
Full name: Dr. Oliver Brausch
by OliverBr » Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:05 pm
duncan wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:58 pm
I am weak at chess, I am interested in an engine with which will sacrifice a bit just to just charge down and get mate as quick as possible.
Is there any engine which comes close to doing that ?
You can use a medium strong engine like OliThink and start with an advantage, let's say the engine is one knight down. Of course, every engine that understands either UCI or CECP can do this.
Posts: 725 Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany
Full name: Dr. Oliver Brausch
by OliverBr » Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:36 pm
BrendanJNorman wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:49 am
This game is self-explanatory, but there was a funny trap our "mystery engine" set, which poor Oli fell right into.
Playing 48.g4!? here looks ridiculous, but of course, with the outside passed pawn on the a-file we can afford to set such traps.
Since 48...Qxg4+ is losing, I guess white's move is also objectively decent as well.
[d]2q5/8/2pQ1pkp/P2p4/2p5/6P1/1P3PK1/8 w - - 0 48
This is a tactical flaw, OliThink needs depth == 26 and a lot of time to see the trap:
Code: Select all
27 0.00 366.8M 1:30.40 Kg5 2. a6 c3 3. bxc3 Qxa6 4. Qd7 Qd3 5. Qg7 Kf4 6. Qxf6 Kxg4 7. Qg7 Kh5 8. Qe5 Kg4 9. Qg7
26 0.00 296.0M 1:13.11 Kg5 2. a6 c3 3. bxc3 Qxa6 4. Qd7 Qd3 5. Qg7 Kf4 6. Qxf6 Kxg4 7. Qg7 Kh5 8. Qe5 Kg6 9. Qe6 Kg7 10. Qe7 Kg8 11. Qe8 Kh7 12. Qe7 Kg6 13. Qe8 Kg7 14. Qe7
25 +0.69 65.8M 0:17.12 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qh7 Ke6 10. Qg8 Ke5 11. Qe8 Kd4 12. Qd8 Kc4 13. Qxf6 Qg1 14. Kf3 Qh1 15. Kf4 Qd5 16. Qxh6
24 +0.57 39.5M 0:10.52 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qh7 Ke5 10. Qe7 Kd5 11. Qd8 Kc4 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qh1 14. Kg3 c5 15. Qa6 Kd4 16. Qf6 Kd5 17. Qf7 Ke5 18. f3
23 +0.64 22.8M 0:06.18 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qh7 Ke6 10. Qg8 Ke5 11. Qe8 Kd4 12. Qd8 Kc4 13. Qxf6 Qg1 14. Kf3 Qh1 15. Kg3 c5 16. Qe6 Kc3 17. Kf4
22 +0.69 17.5M 0:04.79 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qe8 Kd4 11. Qd8 Kc4 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qh1 14. Kg3 c5 15. Qe6 Kc3 16. Qe3 Kb4 17. Kf4
21 +0.69 6.84M 0:01.94 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qe8 Kd4 11. Qd8 Kc4 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qh1 14. Kg3 c5 15. Qe6 Kc3 16. Qe3 Kb4 17. Kf4
20 +0.78 4.16M 0:01.20 Qxg4 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qe8 Kd4 11. Qd8 Kc5 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qd1 14. Kg3 Qd6 15. Qxd6 Kxd6 16. f4 h5
Other engines, including Fruit, see this immediately.
Funny enough, that after 48...Qxg4+ it sees the win for white much quicker:
Code: Select all
25 +9.46 28.9M 0:06.95 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. Kf3 h5 5. a6 c3 6. bxc3 dxc3 7. Ke2 f5 8. a7 c2 9. Kd2 c1=Q 10. Kxc1 h4 11. a8=Q c5 12. f4 h3 13. Qg8 Kf6 14. Qh8 Ke7 15. Qxh3
24 +7.70 9.64M 0:02.65 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. Kf3 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. Ke2 c5 7. Kd3 h5 8. a6 Kg7 9. Kxc3 h4 10. Kc2 h3 11. a7 h2 12. a8=Q Kh7 13. f4
23 -0.49 3.26M 0:00.97 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qe8 Kd4 11. Qd7 Kc5 12. Qe7 Kb5 13. Qb7 Ka4 14. Qa7 Kb3 15. Qb7 Ka2 16. Qf7 Ka1 17. Qxf6 Kb1 18. Kg4 Qd1 19. f3 Qg1 20. Kh3 Qh1 21.
22 -0.53 1.92M 0:00.58 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qe8 Kd4 11. Qd7 Kc5 12. Qe7 Kb5 13. Qb7 Ka4 14. Qa7 Kb3 15. Qb7 Ka2 16. Qf7 Ka1 17. Qxf6 Kb1 18. Kg4 Qg1 19. Kh5 Qh1 20. Kg6 c5
21 -0.65 1.19M 0:00.38 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qb8 Kd5 11. Qd8 Kc5 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qd1 14. Kg3 h5 15. Qc3 Kb5 16. f3 Qd6 17. f4 c5
20 -0.72 697220 0:00.23 2. Qg3 Qxg3 3. Kxg3 d4 4. a6 c3 5. bxc3 dxc3 6. a7 c2 7. a8=Q c1=Q 8. Qg8 Kf5 9. Qc8 Ke5 10. Qb8 Kd5 11. Qd8 Kc5 12. Qxf6 Qg1 13. Kf3 Qh1 14. Ke3 Qc1 15. Kf3 Qg5 16. Qc3 Kd6 17. Qd4 Qd5 18. Ke3
Obviously 51. Kf3 in the winning line is a victim of too much pruning.
Posts: 12038 Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:50 pm
by duncan » Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:02 am
OliverBr wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:05 pm
duncan wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:58 pm
I am weak at chess, I am interested in an engine with which will sacrifice a bit just to just charge down and get mate as quick as possible.
Is there any engine which comes close to doing that ?
You can use a medium strong engine like OliThink and start with an advantage, let's say the engine is one knight down. Of course, every engine that understands either UCI or CECP can do this.
Would you in addition need to set contempt level so that it should do that ?
Posts: 725 Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany
Full name: Dr. Oliver Brausch
by OliverBr » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:30 pm
duncan wrote: ↑ Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:02 am
OliverBr wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:05 pm
duncan wrote: ↑ Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:58 pm
I am weak at chess, I am interested in an engine with which will sacrifice a bit just to just charge down and get mate as quick as possible.
Is there any engine which comes close to doing that ?
You can use a medium strong engine like OliThink and start with an advantage, let's say the engine is one knight down. Of course, every engine that understands either UCI or CECP can do this.
Would you in addition need to set contempt level so that it should do that ?
No, you just you your chess gui to load or set up a position. Remove an opponent's knight and start the game.