If you are interested....

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Full name: Silvian Rucsandescu

Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »


A match with this NNUE chess engine of Rui Coelho Pedro (Portugal) is underway:


In the attention of the author : Pawn is a copyrighted chess program ( a series of wonderful native GUIs & engines) of Thomas Starke (a legend in computer programming: Masterchess v1.2 for Commodore 64, Nova Chess-a well known DOS program ....):

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Posts: 4725
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:19 pm
Location: IAȘI - the historical capital of MOLDOVA
Full name: Silvian Rucsandescu

Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »


Match conditions:

-Hash=256 MB
-GUI: Arena 3.5.1
-Book: SuperGM_4mvs.abk (8 plies book) for both engines
-1 thread-CPU=Intel i5-7400-3GHz (Kaby Lake)
-TBS: none
-NN: default (only for Pawn_1.0_win_haswell, Stash-34.0-windows-x86_64-bmi2 has HCE)
-Ponder: off
-OS: Windows 10 Home.

The final result:



+36 -13 =51

+85 Elo points in 100 games for Stash-34.0-windows-x86_64-bmi2

From Stefan Pohl rating list:


Well, Stefan Pohl used a weaker Stash build (popcnt) in his matches.

A (short) sample from my match; Pawn_1.0_win_haswell crushed in Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack:

[Event "NN Test352"]
[Site "ISR 3"]
[Date "2023.05.09"]
[Round "73"]
[White "Pawn_1.0_win_haswell"]
[Black "Stash-34.0-windows-x86_64-bmi2"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[ECO "A01"]
[Opening "Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack"]
[Time "12:26:28"]
[Variation "Modern Variation, 1...e5 2.Bb2 d6"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "240+2"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "67"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]

1. b3 e5 2. Bb2 d6 3. e4 Nc6 4. Bb5 Nf6 5. Nf3 {(Ng1-f3 Bc8-d7 Nb1-c3 g7-g6
d2-d4 e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 O-O Qd1-d2 Nf6-h5 O-O Ra8-b8
Nc3-a4 Bg7xb2 Na4xb2 Rf8-e8 f2-f3 c6-c5) +0.13/23 10} Bd7 {(Bc8-d7 Nb1-c3
g7-g6 d2-d4 e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 Bd7xc6 Bb5xc6+ b7xc6 e4-e5 Qd8-e7
O-O d6xe5 Qd1-f3 Qe7-e6 Nc3-a4 Nf6-d7 Ra1-d1 O-O Rf1-e1 Ra8-b8 h2-h3)
-0.24/24 22} 6. Nc3 {(Nb1-c3 g7-g6 d2-d4 e5xd4 Nf3xd4 Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6
Bb5-d3 d6-d5 Qd1-c1 O-O O-O Rf8-e8 Rf1-e1 Nf6-h5 Nc3-a4 Bg7xb2 Qc1xb2
Nh5-f4 Kg1-f1 Ra8-b8 f2-f3) +0.12/23 7} g6 {(g7-g6 d2-d4 e5xd4 Nf3xd4
Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 O-O Qd1-d2 Nf6-g4 h2-h3 Bg7-h6 Qd2-e2 Ng4-e5
Bd3-a6 Ra8-b8 Ke1-f1 c6-c5 Ra1-d1 Ne5-c6 Nc3-d5 Nc6-d4 Bb2xd4 c5xd4 Rd1xd4
Bh6-g7 Rd4-b4 Rb8xb4 Nd5xb4 Bg7-d4 Nb4-d5) -0.09/26 9} 7. d4 {(d2-d4 e5xd4
Nf3xd4 Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 d6-d5 O-O O-O Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Ra1-b1 Ra8-b8
h2-h3 Qd8-e7 e4xd5 Qe7xe1+ Qd1xe1 Re8xe1+ Rb1xe1 c6xd5 Nc3-d1 c7-c5 Bb2-e5
Rb8-e8 Nd1-c3 Bd7-c6 Nc3-a4 Nf6-e4 Be5-b2) +0.09/24 6} exd4 {(e5xd4 Nf3xd4
Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 O-O Qd1-d2 Nf6-g4 O-O-O Qd8-h4 g2-g3 Qh4-h6
Kc1-b1 Qh6xd2 Rd1xd2 Ra8-b8 f2-f4 Rf8-e8 Rh1-e1 h7-h5 h2-h3 Ng4-f6 Bd3-f1
Bd7-e6 Bf1-g2 h5-h4 g3xh4 Nf6-h5 Nc3-e2 Be6-d7 Re1-d1) -0.21/26 8} 8. Nxd4
{(Nf3xd4 Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 Qd8-e7 O-O O-O Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Nc3-a4
c6-c5 Qd1-d2 Bd7-c6 Qd2-a5 Nf6-g4 Bb2xg7 Kg8xg7 f2-f3 Ng4-e5 f3-f4 Ne5xd3
c2xd3) +0.11/24 9} Bg7 {(Bf8-g7 Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3 d6-d5 O-O O-O Ra1-b1
Rf8-e8 Rf1-e1 Ra8-b8 h2-h3 Nf6xe4 Nc3xe4 Bg7xb2 Rb1xb2 d5xe4 Bd3xe4 Bd7xh3
Rb2-b1 Qd8-g5 Qd1-f3 Bh3-d7 Be4xc6 Qg5-a5 Re1xe8+ Bd7xe8 Bc6-e4 Qa5xa2
Rb1-d1 Qa2-a5 Be4-d5 Kg8-g7) -0.04/26 12} 9. Nxc6 {(Nd4xc6 b7xc6 Bb5-d3
Qd8-e7 O-O O-O Rf1-e1 Rf8-e8 Bd3-f1 Ra8-b8 Qd1-d2 d6-d5 Ra1-d1 Qe7-b4 f2-f3
Qb4-c5+ Qd2-f2 Qc5xf2+ Kg1xf2 d5xe4 Nc3xe4 Nf6xe4+ Re1xe4 Re8xe4 f3xe4
Bg7xb2 Rd1xd7) +0.12/24 4} bxc6 {(b7xc6 Bb5-d3 d6-d5 O-O O-O Ra1-b1 Qd8-e7
Qd1-f3 d5-d4 Nc3-a4 Qe7-d6 h2-h3 Nf6-h5 Bb2-c1 f7-f5 e4xf5 Bd7xf5 Bd3xf5
Rf8xf5 Qf3-d3 Ra8-e8 g2-g4 Nh5-f4 Bc1xf4 Rf5xf4 Qd3-c4+ Qd6-d5 Qc4xd5+
c6xd5 Rf1-e1 Bg7-e5 Na4-c5) -0.17/23 4} 10. Bd3 {(Bb5-d3 Qd8-e7 O-O O-O
Qd1-d2 d6-d5 Ra1-e1 Rf8-e8 e4xd5 Qe7-d6 d5xc6 Nf6-g4 Re1xe8+ Ra8xe8 g2-g3
Bd7xc6 Qd2-f4 Qd6-c5 Qf4xg4 Bg7xc3 Bb2xc3 Qc5xc3 Qg4-c4 Qc3-f6 Qc4-f4
Qf6xf4) +0.16/23 4} Ng4 {(Nf6-g4 Qd1-d2 O-O O-O-O Qd8-h4 g2-g3 Qh4-h6
Kc1-b1 Qh6xd2 Rd1xd2 Ra8-b8 f2-f4 Rf8-e8 Rh1-e1 Bg7-d4 Nc3-d1 c6-c5 Bb2xd4
c5xd4 c2-c3 d4xc3 Nd1xc3 Bd7-c6 Bd3-c4 Kg8-g7 a2-a3 Ng4-f6 e4-e5 d6xe5
Re1xe5 Nf6-g4) -0.26/26 16} 11. Qd2 {(Qd1-d2 Qd8-h4 g2-g3 Qh4-h6 f2-f4 O-O
Bd3-f1 Rf8-e8 O-O-O Ra8-b8 Bf1-g2 Ng4-f6 Bg2-f3 Bd7-g4 Bf3xg4 Nf6xg4 Kc1-b1
c6-c5 Rd1-e1 Bg7-d4 Nc3-a4 Bd4xb2 Na4xb2) +0.21/23 15} O-O {(O-O O-O-O
Qd8-h4 g2-g3 Qh4-h6 Kc1-b1 Qh6xd2 Rd1xd2 Ra8-b8 f2-f4 Rf8-e8 h2-h3 Ng4-f6
g3-g4 Bd7-c8 Rh1-d1 h7-h6 Rd2-f2 Nf6-d7 Nc3-a4 Bg7xb2 Kb1xb2 Kg8-g7 Na4-c3
Nd7-c5 f4-f5 Re8-e5 Rf2-f4 g6-g5 Rf4-f2 Nc5xd3+ c2xd3 Bc8-a6 a2-a3 Rb8-e8)
-0.38/25 16} 12. f3 {(f2-f3 Ng4-e5 h2-h4 h7-h5 Bd3-a6 Ra8-b8 O-O-O c6-c5
Nc3-d5 Bd7-c6 Ba6-e2 Bc6xd5 Qd2xd5 Ne5-d7 Bb2xg7 Kg8xg7 Qd5-c6 Nd7-b6
Kc1-b1 Rf8-e8 Be2-b5 Qd8-e7 f3-f4 Kg7-g8 g2-g3) +0.30/24 8} Ne5 {(Ng4-e5
h2-h4 h7-h5 O-O-O Ra8-b8 Kc1-b1 Rf8-e8 Bd3-a6 Bd7-c8 Ba6-e2 Bg7-f6 Qd2-e3
Rb8-a8 g2-g3 Qd8-e7 Rh1-e1 Ne5-d7 f3-f4 Nd7-c5 Be2-f3 Bc8-d7 e4-e5 d6xe5
Nc3-e4 Nc5xe4) -0.20/25 16} 13. h4 {(h2-h4 Ne5xd3+ c2xd3 f7-f5 h4-h5 Bd7-e8
h5-h6 Bg7-e5 Nc3-e2 f5xe4 d3xe4 Be5xb2 Qd2xb2 Rf8-f7 Qb2-d2 a7-a5 O-O
Qd8-f6 Rf1-e1 Qf6-h4 Ra1-d1 a5-a4 Ne2-c3 a4xb3 a2xb3 c6-c5) +0.22/23 5} h5
{(h7-h5 O-O-O Ra8-b8 Kc1-b1 Rf8-e8 Bd3-a6 Bd7-c8 Ba6-e2 Bc8-e6 Nc3-a4 c6-c5
Qd2-c3 Qd8-f6 Qc3-e3 Qf6-e7 Na4-c3 c7-c6 Qe3-d2 Re8-d8 Qd2-g5 Bg7-f6 Qg5-f4
c5-c4 Nc3-a4 Rd8-e8 Qf4-h6 Bf6-g7) -0.26/25 5} 14. Be2 {(Bd3-e2 a7-a5 O-O-O
Rf8-e8 Kc1-b1 Qd8-e7 Qd2-e3 Bd7-c8 Nc3-a4 Bc8-d7 Qe3-g5 Bg7-f6 Qg5-d2
Bf6-g7 Na4-c3 Kg8-f8 Qd2-g5 Kf8-g8 Qg5xe7 Re8xe7 f3-f4) +0.41/23 13} Kh7
{(Kg8-h7 O-O-O Bg7-h6 f3-f4 Ne5-g4 Be2-a6 Bd7-c8 Ba6-c4 Ra8-b8 g2-g3 Bc8-e6
Bc4-d3 Rf8-e8 Kc1-b1 Qd8-e7 Rh1-e1 Ng4-e5 Bd3-e2 Ne5-g4 Be2-f1 Ng4-e5
Qd2-f2 Ne5-g4 Qf2xa7 Bh6-g7 Nc3-a4) -0.15/25 5} 15. O-O-O {(O-O-O Bg7-h6
f3-f4 Bd7-g4 Kc1-b1 Bg4xe2 Nc3xe2 Ne5-g4 Ne2-d4 Qd8-d7 Nd4-f3 f7-f6 g2-g3
Rf8-e8 Qd2-e2 Ra8-b8 Nf3-h2 Ng4xh2 Qe2xh2 Bh6-g7 Rh1-e1) +0.43/21 4} Bh6
{(Bg7-h6 f3-f4 Ne5-g4 Be2-a6 Ra8-b8 Kc1-b1 c6-c5 Nc3-d5 Bd7-e6 g2-g3 Bh6-g7
Bb2xg7 Kh7xg7 Nd5-c3 Rb8-b6 Ba6-d3 c5-c4 Bd3xc4 Be6xc4 Qd2-d4+ Kg7-h7
Qd4xc4 Ng4-e3 Qc4-a4 Ne3xd1 Rh1xd1 Qd8-f6 Nc3-d5) -0.18/24 5} 16. f4
{(f3-f4 Bd7-g4 Kc1-b1 Rf8-e8 g2-g3 Qd8-c8 Qd2-e1 Bg4xe2 Qe1xe2 Ne5-g4
Rh1-e1 f7-f6 Nc3-a4 Re8-e7 Bb2-d4 Qc8-e6 Qe2-a6 c6-c5 Bd4-b2 Bh6-g7 Qa6-b7
Ra8-e8) +0.48/23 4} Ng4 {(Ne5-g4 Be2-c4 Ra8-b8 g2-g3 Bd7-e6 Bc4-a6 Rf8-e8
Kc1-b1 Qd8-e7 Rh1-e1 Ng4-e5 Qd2-g2 Ne5-g4 Nc3-a4 Bh6-g7 Bb2xg7 Kh7xg7
Qg2-d2 Kg7-h7 Qd2-a5 c6-c5 Ba6-b5 Be6-d7 Bb5xd7 Qe7xd7 Qa5xa7) -0.15/23 7}
17. Bf3 {(Be2-f3 Bh6-g7 Kc1-b1 a7-a5 e4-e5 d6-d5 Nc3-a4 Bd7-f5 Bb2-d4
Qd8-b8 Bf3-e2 Qb8-b4 Na4-c5 Qb4xd2 Rd1xd2 Rf8-e8 Rh1-d1 Bg7-f8 g2-g3 Bf8xc5
Bd4xc5 Kh7-h6 Be2xg4 Bf5xg4) +0.59/23 5} Ne5 {(Ng4-e5 Bf3-e2 Ne5-g4 Be2-a6
Ra8-b8 g2-g3 Qd8-e7 Kc1-b1 Rf8-d8 Rh1-e1 Bh6-g7 Nc3-a4 Bg7xb2 Na4xb2 c6-c5
Ba6-c4 Bd7-c6 Bc4-d5 Bc6xd5 e4xd5 Qe7-f6 Qd2-a5 Rd8-c8 Re1-e2 c7-c6 d5xc6)
-0.24/26 7} 18. Qe3 {(Qd2-e3 Ne5xf3 g2xf3 f7-f5 e4-e5 Rf8-e8 Nc3-e2 Qd8-e7
Qe3-f2 c6-c5 Kc1-b1 Ra8-d8 Qf2-g3 Bd7-e6 Rh1-g1 Be6-f7 Rd1-e1 Qe7-e6 Ne2-c3
d6xe5 Re1xe5 Qe6-f6 Re5xc5) +0.49/22 7} a5 {(a7-a5 Bf3-e2 Ne5-g4 Be2xg4
Bd7xg4 Rd1-e1 d6-d5 Nc3-a4 Rf8-e8 e4-e5 Bh6-f8 Kc1-b1 Bf8-b4 Re1-f1 Qd8-e7
c2-c3 Bg4-f5+ Kb1-a1 Bb4-d6 Qe3-f2 Bd6-a3 Bb2xa3 Qe7xa3 Rf1-c1 Ra8-b8
Na4-c5 a5-a4 b3-b4) +0.17/23 7} 19. Kb1 {(Kc1-b1 Rf8-e8 a2-a3 Ne5xf3 g2xf3
Bh6-g7 Qe3-d2 c6-c5 f4-f5 a5-a4 Rh1-g1 Re8-g8 Nc3-d5 Bg7xb2 Kb1xb2 Bd7-c6
f5xg6+ f7xg6 Qd2-g5 Qd8xg5 Rg1xg5 Bc6xd5 e4xd5 a4xb3 Kb2xb3) +0.35/21 6} a4
{(a5-a4 Bf3-e2 Ne5-g4 Qe3-g3 a4xb3 a2xb3 Qd8-e7 Rd1-e1 Bh6-g7 e4-e5 d6-d5
Be2-d3 Kh7-g8 Rh1-f1 Qe7-b4 f4-f5 d5-d4 f5xg6 d4xc3 g6xf7+ Kg8-h8 Rf1-f4
Qb4-e7 Bb2xc3 Rf8xf7 Rf4xf7 Qe7xf7 Qg3-f3 Qf7-d5) +0.60/24 7} 20. Be2
{(Bf3-e2 a4xb3 a2xb3 Ne5-g4 Qe3-g3 Rf8-e8 e4-e5 Bd7-f5 Rh1-e1 d6-d5 Nc3-a4
Qd8-e7 Be2-d3 Bf5-d7 Bd3-e2 Re8-b8 Be2xg4 Bd7xg4 Rd1-d3 Bg4-f5 Rd3-d4
Bf5-e4 Rd4xe4 d5xe4 Re1xe4) -0.21/23 11} Ng4 {(Ne5-g4 Qe3-g3 a4xb3 c2xb3
Qd8-e7 Rh1-f1 Rf8-e8 Be2-d3 Bh6-g7 e4-e5 d6xe5 Nc3-e4 Kh7-g8 f4xe5 Ng4xe5
Ne4-g5 Bd7-g4 Ng5xf7 Ne5xf7 Bd3xg6 Re8-f8 Bb2xg7 Kg8xg7) +0.71/23 6} 21.
Qg3 {(Qe3-g3 a4xb3 a2xb3 Qd8-e7 Rd1-d4 Bd7-e6 Be2xg4 Be6xg4 Rd4-c4 Bg4-e6
Rc4-a4 Bh6-g7 Rh1-e1 Bg7-f6 Re1-h1 Ra8xa4 Nc3xa4 Bf6xb2 Kb1xb2 Qe7-f6+
e4-e5 Qf6-f5 Rh1-d1 d6xe5 f4xe5 Rf8-e8 Qg3-c3 Qf5-g4) -0.34/23 10} axb3
{(a4xb3 a2xb3 Qd8-b8 Rh1-f1 Qb8-b4 Be2-d3 Kh7-g8 f4-f5 Bh6-g7 Qg3-e1 Kg8-h7
f5xg6+ f7xg6 Nc3-a2 Qb4-c5 Rf1xf8 Ra8xf8 Qe1-b4 Qc5-f2 Bb2xg7 Kh7xg7 Qb4-a5
Ng4-e3 Qa5xc7) +0.65/22 4} 22. axb3 {(a2xb3 Bh6-g7 Rh1-f1 Qd8-e7 f4-f5
Bg7-e5 Qg3-h3 Ng4-f6 Qh3-e3 Rf8-g8 Be2-f3 Rg8-g7 Qe3-e2 c6-c5 Qe2-d3 Bd7-c6
Bf3-e2 Kh7-g8 f5xg6 f7xg6 Qd3-f3) -0.33/23 9} Qb8 {(Qd8-b8 Rd1-d4 Qb8-a7
Rd4-b4 Rf8-e8 Be2xg4 Bd7xg4 Rh1-f1 Qa7-a6 Rf1-e1 Re8-b8 Rb4-a4 Qa6-b7
Ra4xa8 Rb8xa8 f4-f5 Bh6-g7 Qg3-d3 Qb7-b4 Re1-f1 g6xf5 e4xf5 Qb4-d4 Qd3xd4
Bg7xd4) +0.66/22 4} 23. f5 {(f4-f5 Ng4-e5 Rh1-f1 Rf8-e8 Rd1-d4 Bh6-g7
Rd4-a4 Ra8xa4 Nc3xa4 c6-c5 Na4-c3 Qb8-b4 f5xg6+ f7xg6 Be2-d1 Bd7-c6 Qg3-g5
Bc6xe4 Nc3xe4 Qb4xe4) -0.19/20 9} Ne5 {(Ng4-e5 Rh1-f1 Qb8-b4 Qg3-h3 Bh6-g7
Qh3-e3 Rf8-g8 Qe3-g5 Bg7-h6 f5xg6+ f7xg6 Qg5-e7+ Bh6-g7 Nc3-a2 Qb4-a5
Na2-c3 Rg8-e8 Qe7-g5 Bg7-h6 Qg5-g3 c6-c5 Rf1-f6 Bh6-g7 Rf6-f4 Re8-b8
Rd1-f1) +0.79/24 16} 24. Rhg1 {(Rh1-g1 c6-c5 Rd1-d5 Bh6-g7 Qg3-g5 Qb8-d8
Rg1-f1 Bd7-c6 Rd5-d1 c5-c4 Nc3-d5 Qd8xg5 h4xg5 c4xb3 c2xb3 Rf8-b8 f5-f6
Bg7-h8 Nd5xc7 Bc6xe4+ Kb1-c1) -0.20/19 4} gxf5 {(g6xf5 Qg3-f2 Bd7-e6 Rd1-e1
f5-f4 Be2xh5 Qb8-b4 Bh5-e2 Rf8-b8 Re1-c1 Bh6-g7 Rg1-e1 Ne5-c4 Be2xc4 Be6xc4
Qf2-f3 Kh7-g8 h4-h5) +1.80/20 4} 25. Qf2 {(Qg3-f2 Bd7-e6) -0.81/22 12} Be6
{(Bd7-e6 Rd1-d4 c6-c5 Rd4-a4 f5xe4 Ra4xe4 f7-f5 Re4xe5 d6xe5 Be2xh5 c5-c4
Qf2-g3 Be6-f7 Bh5xf7 Rf8xf7 Qg3xe5 c4xb3 Qe5-d5 Qb8-e8 c2xb3 Ra8-d8 Qd5-f3
Qe8-e3 Qf3xe3 Bh6xe3 Rg1-e1 Be3-f2) +2.23/21 2} 26. Rgf1 {(Rg1-f1 f5-f4
g2-g3 f4xg3 Qf2xg3 c6-c5 Rf1-f6 Bh6-g7 Rf6-f4 c5-c4 Nc3-d5 c4xb3 c2xb3
c7-c6 Nd5-f6+ Bg7xf6 Rf4xf6 Qb8-b4 Rf6xe6 f7xe6 Bb2xe5 d6xe5) -1.11/21 9}
f4 {(f5-f4 Rd1-d2 Ra8-a5 Be2-f3 Ne5-g4 Qf2-e2 Ng4-e3 Rf1-e1 Qb8-b4 Nc3-a2
Qb4-b6 Qe2-d3 Rf8-a8 Na2-c1 Bh6-g7 e4-e5+ Kh7-g8 Bb2-d4 Qb6-b4 Bd4-c3
Qb4-c5 Bc3xa5 Ra8xa5) +2.53/21 5} 27. Rd2 {(Rd1-d2 c6-c5 Rd2-d5 Be6xd5
e4xd5 c5-c4 Be2-d1 f7-f5 Qf2-e2 f4-f3 g2xf3 Bh6-f4 Rf1-f2 c4xb3 c2xb3
Qb8-b4 Nc3-a4 Ra8-b8 Qe2-c2) -2.18/20 10} Ra5 {(Ra8-a5 Qf2-e1 Rf8-g8 Be2-f3
Bh6-g7 Bf3-e2 Ne5-g6 Rd2-d3 Qb8-b4 Qe1-d1 Rg8-a8 g2-g3 Bg7-e5 g3xf4 Ng6xf4
Rd3-f3 Ra5-c5 Rf3xf4 Be5xf4 Rf1xf4 Rc5xc3 Be2xh5) +2.58/21 4} 28. Re1
{(Rf1-e1 f4-f3) -1.81/20 10} f3 {(f4-f3 Be2xf3 Ne5-c4 Rd2-d4 Nc4xb2 Kb1xb2
c6-c5 Rd4-a4 Ra5xa4 Nc3xa4 c5-c4 e4-e5 c4xb3 Kb2-a3 Kh7-g8 e5xd6 c7xd6
c2-c3 Bh6-g7 Bf3xh5 Qb8-b5 Re1xe6 f7xe6 Qf2-e2 Qb5xe2) +3.68/23 5} 29. Bxf3
{(Be2xf3 Bh6xd2 Qf2xd2 Qb8-b4 Bf3-e2 Rf8-g8 Be2-f1 Rg8-g4 Qd2-f2 Qb4-b6
Qf2-f6 Qb6-a7 Nc3-a4 Ra5xa4 b3xa4 Rg4-g6 Qf6-f4 Rg6-g4 Qf4-d2 Qa7xa4 Kb1-c1
c6-c5 Bb2xe5 d6xe5 Qd2-c3 Qa4-b4 Qc3xb4 c5xb4) -2.00/22 5} Nc4 {(Ne5-c4
b3xc4 Qb8-b4 e4-e5 Rf8-b8 Nc3-d1 Qb4xd2 Qf2xd2 Bh6xd2 Re1-e2 Bd2-h6 e5xd6
c7xd6 Re2-e4 Bh6-g7 Re4-e3 Be6xc4 Bf3-e4+ f7-f5 Be4xc6 Ra5-a2 c2-c3)
+5.31/24 2} 30. bxc4 {(b3xc4 Qb8-b4 Nc3-d5 c6xd5 e4xd5 Qb4xd2 Qf2xd2 Bh6xd2
Re1-e2 Be6-g4 Bf3xg4 h5xg4 Re2xd2 Rf8-e8 Bb2-d4 Kh7-g6 Rd2-f2 f7-f5 h4-h5+
Kg6-g5 h5-h6 Kg5xh6 Rf2xf5 Re8-e4 Bd4-c3 Ra5-a4 Kb1-b2 Ra4xc4 Kb2-b3 Kh6-g6
Rf5-f6+ Kg6-g5 Rf6-f7 Kg5-h4 Rf7-g7) -2.37/24 7} Qb4 {(Qb8-b4 Rd2-d5 Rf8-b8
Nc3-d1 c6xd5 e4xd5 Qb4xc4 Bf3-e4+ Kh7-g8 Re1-e3 Bh6xe3 Qf2xe3 Be6xd5
Qe3-g5+ Kg8-f8 Be4xd5 Qc4xd5 Qg5-g7+ Kf8-e7 Kb1-c1 Qd5-f5 Qg7-g3 Qf5-f1)
+8.24/23 2} 31. Nd1 {(Nc3-d1 Qb4xd2 Qf2xd2 Bh6xd2 Re1-e2 Bd2-f4 Re2-f2
Bf4-g3 Rf2-d2 Be6xc4 Bb2-c3 Rf8-b8+ Nd1-b2 Ra5-a3 Bc3-d4 Bg3xh4 Bf3xh5
Bc4-e6) -4.18/22 9} Rfa8 {(Rf8-a8 Qf2-a7 Ra5xa7 c2-c3 Qb4-b3 Kb1-c1 Ra7-a1+
Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+) +M5/52 3} 32. Qa7 {(Qf2-a7 Ra5xa7 c2-c3 Qb4-b3 Kb1-c1
Ra7-a1+ Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+) -M4/67 5} R5xa7 {(Ra5xa7 c2-c3 Qb4-b3 Kb1-c1
Ra7-a1+ Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+) +M4/78 1} 33. c3 {(c2-c3 Qb4-b3 Kb1-c1 Ra7-a1+
Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+) -M3/199 3} Qb3 {(Qb4-b3 Kb1-c1 Ra7-a1+ Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+)
+M3/240 3} 34. Kc1 {(Kb1-c1 Ra7-a1+ Bb2xa1 Ra8xa1+) -M2/199 2 Arena
Adjudication} 0-1
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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

? :shock: ?

Well, only 17 games......but.......

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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »


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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »


Match conditions:

-Hash=256 MB
-GUI: Arena 3.5.1
-Book: SuperGM_4mvs.abk (8 plies book) for both engines
-1 thread-CPU=Intel i5-7400-3GHz (Kaby Lake)
-TBS: 5-men Syzygy bases for both engines
-NNs: defaults
-Ponder: off
-OS: Windows 10 Home.

+21 -19 =60

+7 Elo points in 100 games for Expositor-4WR02-skylake-skylake

The final result in my match:



Tucano 11.00 x64 has 3403 Elo points (CCRL Blitz rating list).

Expositor 2BR17 x64 has 3313 Elo points (CCRL Blitz rating list) - the previous version.

A significant progress. And many news. Congratulations!
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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

The current situation in the main Java league (I have three more tournaments with engines written in Java: Elite-Special & Fourth):

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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

I added three more engines (Phoenix-Timea and the original Belzebub) to the main Java league (in addition to Java Elite League-4 engines; Java Special League-3 engines and Java Fourth League -16 engines). I still have a few engines that are unplayable in tournaments and matches. Exactly 70 chess engines (in fact projects, engines I have more) written in Java.

The situation after 1916 games:

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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

The situation in my Java main tournament after round 128 (2112 games). A conclusion can also be drawn about the rating of an ex-private engine (Timea 4a18_jet-ja) - engine with an interesting game - never tested by both CCRL & CEGT (I don't know the reason).

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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

After forty consecutive draws, I added HypnoS in a small tournament. Maybe it's more fun. Honestly, I have no idea how this version of Stockfish is the first in Stefan Pohl's UHO-Top15 Engines Ratinglist. Maybe using UHO book? Stockfish 16.1-16-15.1-15 had no problems with Dragon 3.3.



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Re: If you are interested....

Post by Sylwy »

My hunch above is confirmed. All engines in this tournament play linked to a minimalist book: SuperGM_4mvs.abk (8 plies book). I added Berserk 13 to my mini tournament.

