The testing of the current version is finished. Romi actually gained some points from the last match, scoring a solid 70% against Djinn. My verdict, I think the current version is stronger, also Romi might gain a bit from better king attack, look at the results against Francesca and Horizon.Dr.Wael Deeb wrote:Great Tony,keep up the good work brother
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RomiChessDK5 : 2471 360 (+190,= 57,-113), 60.7 %
Danasah 2.85 : 30 (+ 16,= 6,- 8), 63.3 %
Phalanx Reborn : 30 (+ 15,= 3,- 12), 55.0 %
Delphil 1.6c : 30 (+ 12,= 10,- 8), 56.7 %
Francesca MAD 0.13 : 30 (+ 10,= 4,- 16), 40.0 %
Lime 6.3 : 30 (+ 27,= 2,- 1), 93.3 %
Djinn 0.925x : 30 (+ 20,= 2,- 8), 70.0 %
Zeus 1.28 : 30 (+ 14,= 9,- 7), 61.7 %
Zappa 1.1 : 30 (+ 10,= 4,- 16), 40.0 %
GreKo 5.2 : 30 (+ 19,= 4,- 7), 70.0 %
NanoSzachy 2.7 : 30 (+ 18,= 4,- 8), 66.7 %
Arasan 9.5 : 30 (+ 16,= 4,- 10), 60.0 %
Horizon_4_3_173 : 30 (+ 13,= 5,- 12), 51.7 %