VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZEN

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Steve B

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Steve B »

well that was a ball of fun Jon

i just waited for 40 minutes in the Cafe and you did not show up..

we must do this again sometime


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Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Murat »

Steve B wrote: i dont see the why all of the big commotion about this Murat
DGT boards are DIRT CHEAP Nowadays: ... dZViewItem

:wink: Regards
Yes Master Steve they are,

However, they don't have 81 LED on them and are too big for my small desk space :wink:

best regards, always

Murat :.

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by JonP01 »

Hi Steve,

I did actually hang around (albeit the Engine Room) for about 20 minutes. Since I noted that my response to your initial offer was made about 50 minutes after your offer and you said you only had about an hour or so free, I figured that 20 minutes was long enough for me to wait.

Of course I did not see your post about the Cafe. I was refreshing the thread but your response (regarding Cafe) did not show up by the time I had to make other plans.
Karmazen & Oliver
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Re: WINS human vrs rybka (a little ... castrated obviously)

Post by Karmazen & Oliver »

SonOfPearl wrote: It was interesting to see how you have the two machines connected - I've never tried to do something like that. Who won? Perhaps you could post the game score for us. 8)
ok. thans you... the connected is ON SERIAL port COM1, novag citrine comes with a "cable serial port"... maybe it´s posible use adapter "SERIAL" to "USB" for news users... PC..

I´m only play 3 games, the computer is a DUAL CPU intel 820 D, running in Overclocking 3,5 Ghz... and have 2048 MB ram DDR2, engine is rybka 2.2np Multiprocesador. ( the only advantage for human is that NOT book for engine... is very surprising that rybka play that moves and not have any book loaded.. and in fast game)

Oliver vrs rybka ( on wood real board ) 0-1 spanish open Ruiz lopez. (change variant)
Oliver vrs rybka ( on wood board citrine too) 0-1 variant close of R lopez
Oliver vrs rybka 1-0 on king gambit ( falkbber )

in the las game the human made some traps, ;-) and it returned behind several times until giving with one it lines good in the gambit falkber, in king's gambit...

I need use 30 minutes, and rybka only 5 minutes and permit ME move back if i like do ;-) in this situation I win one game to rybka.

the video is so long to unloading, but I try do more small.. it´s 38' minutes ¡¡¡

I go to write my win... ;-) next

here the GAME in format *.pgn Oliver vrs rybka (a little ... castrated obviously ) rybka on TOP times, have more of 2900 ELO ...
[Event "ARENA chess + CITRINE"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.04.06"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Karmazen, OLIVER."]
[Black "Rybka 2n2mp (5' min/game)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[Annotator ",PC-820D-OLI"]
[PlyCount "44"]
[EventDate "2007.04.06"]
[SourceDate "2007.04.06"]

{GAME TO TEST software ARENA chess + novag CITRINE board wood: engine PC
not can think on time white. only on his time.. (black)} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3.
Nf3 g5 $1 4. Bc4 Nc6 5. O-O g4 {
and rybka not have any book in memory !? ... surprising} 6. d4 gxf3 (6... Bh6)
7. Qxf3 Qe7 8. Qxf4 {
the last move on some books, white do a move that it's not on book} (8. Nc3
Nxd4 9. Qxf4 Ne6 $13) (8. c3 Ne5 9. dxe5 Qc5+ 10. Kh1 (10. Rf2 $6) 10... Qxc4
11. Bxf4 b6 12. Nd2 Qe6 {
and continue in some moves, but this game not like me...}) 8... Nxd4 (8... Bh6
9. Qxf7+ (9. Bxf7+ Kd8 10. Qg3 $19) 9... Qxf7 10. Bxf7+ Ke7 {
tiger 15 do king e7, rybka like more king d8} 11. Nc3 $32 Bxc1 12. Raxc1 Nxd4
13. Rcd1 Nc6 14. Nd5+ Kd8 {
if it's necesary do this... is better do in previus move... after + 10. ...}
15. Bxg8 Rxg8 16. Rf7 Ne5 17. Rxh7 Nf3+ 18. Kh1 Ng5 19. Rh4 a5 $1 $15 {
a good move of rybka, similar Fischer's moves ...} 20. Rf1 $44) 9. Bxf7+ Kd8
10. Nc3 Nxc2 11. Nd5 (11. Qg3 Qc5+ 12. Kh1 Ne7 $17) 11... Qd6 12. Qf2 c6 13.
Bg5+ Ne7 14. Bg8 cxd5 15. Qxf8+ Kc7 16. Bf4 Qxf4 17. Qxf4+ d6 18. Qf6 Nxg8 19.
Qxh8 Ne7 20. Rac1 Nc6 21. exd5 N2b4 22. dxc6 Nxc6 $18 {I win !! rybka... but
see that rybka only have some second for moves (all game in 5', include
variants game ) and human have 30' !!! and can go back if not like tha style
game ;-) ... rybka not have Any book loaled and it's very surprising do that
move in gambit king... ___ the human made some traps and it returned
behind several times until giving with one it lines good in the contragambito
falkker, in king's gambit} 1-0


bye since spain

Karmazen & Oliver
Posts: 374
Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:34 am

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Karmazen & Oliver »

other video: computer wins human lost. ;-)
Karmazen & Oliver
Posts: 374
Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:34 am

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Karmazen & Oliver »

I don´t say previous ( didn´t said ? ) but to see game, only need copy test bettewen LINES on portapapers memory, or save in *.pgn... after this you can see on a software chess...
Oliver wrote: __________________________________________________
[Event "ARENA chess + CITRINE"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.04.06"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Karmazen, OLIVER."]
[Black "Rybka 2n2mp (5' min/game)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C37"]
[WhiteElo "2000"]
[Annotator ",PC-820D-OLI"]
[PlyCount "44"]
[EventDate "2007.04.06"]
[SourceDate "2007.04.06"]

{GAME TO TEST software ARENA chess + novag CITRINE board wood: engine PC
not can think on time white. only on his time.. (black)} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3.
Nf3 g5 $1 4. Bc4 Nc6 5. O-O g4 {
and rybka not have any book in memory !? ... surprising} 6. d4 gxf3 (6... Bh6)
7. Qxf3 Qe7 8. Qxf4 {
the last move on some books, white do a move that it's not on book} (8. Nc3
Nxd4 9. Qxf4 Ne6 $13) (8. c3 Ne5 9. dxe5 Qc5+ 10. Kh1 (10. Rf2 $6) 10... Qxc4
11. Bxf4 b6 12. Nd2 Qe6 {
and continue in some moves, but this game not like me...}) 8... Nxd4 (8... Bh6
9. Qxf7+ (9. Bxf7+ Kd8 10. Qg3 $19) 9... Qxf7 10. Bxf7+ Ke7 {
tiger 15 do king e7, rybka like more king d8} 11. Nc3 $32 Bxc1 12. Raxc1 Nxd4
13. Rcd1 Nc6 14. Nd5+ Kd8 {
if it's necesary do this... is better do in previus move... after + 10. ...}
15. Bxg8 Rxg8 16. Rf7 Ne5 17. Rxh7 Nf3+ 18. Kh1 Ng5 19. Rh4 a5 $1 $15 {
a good move of rybka, similar Fischer's moves ...} 20. Rf1 $44) 9. Bxf7+ Kd8
10. Nc3 Nxc2 11. Nd5 (11. Qg3 Qc5+ 12. Kh1 Ne7 $17) 11... Qd6 12. Qf2 c6 13.
Bg5+ Ne7 14. Bg8 cxd5 15. Qxf8+ Kc7 16. Bf4 Qxf4 17. Qxf4+ d6 18. Qf6 Nxg8 19.
Qxh8 Ne7 20. Rac1 Nc6 21. exd5 N2b4 22. dxc6 Nxc6 $18 {I win !! rybka... but
see that rybka only have some second for moves (all game in 5', include
variants game ) and human have 30' !!! and can go back if not like tha style
game ;-) ... rybka not have Any book loaled and it's very surprising do that
move in gambit king... ___ the human made some traps and it returned
behind several times until giving with one it lines good in the contragambito
falkker, in king's gambit} 1-0

HERE , I send you analysis options especial OF ARENA chess, that verify the moves, and one analisys of time of one or more engines... it´s interesting look, tha high correct moves similars...

I long, but not need read ALL, only some moments interestings ( this show that the game is a REAL game human versus rybka, ( rybka only 5' min... for the game and not thinking in my time ;-) )
Karmazen, OLIVER. - Rybka 2n2mp (5' min/game), ?, 2007.04.06
06/04/2007 21:22:19 Level: 12 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Rybkav2.2n2.w32

1. e2-e4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nb1-c3
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,110 159 9.577 +0,05 Nb1-c3
3 00:00,141 249 14.998 +0,15 Nb1-c3
4 00:00,141 395 8.426 +0,13 Nb1-c3
5 00:00,188 863 11.186 +0,05 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6
6 00:00,188 1.463 15.769 +0,05 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3
7 00:00,266 3.736 24.367 +0,08 Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6
8 00:00,438 9.398 29.250 +0,04 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 d2-d4
9 00:00,626 16.356 32.395 +0,08 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 e7-e6
10 00:01,157 34.749 33.953 +0,04 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 e7-e6 e2-e3
11 00:02,642 83.850 33.910 +0,07 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 d2-d4 d7-d5 Bc1-f4 Nf6-h5 Bf4-d2 Nb8-c6
12 00:04,672 152.659 34.258 +0,07 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 d2-d4 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-f4 Nf6-h5 Qd1-d2
13 00:09,891 327.779 34.256 +0,06 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 d2-d4 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Bc1-f4 Nf6-h5 Qd1-d2 Nh5xf4
06/04/2007 21:22:34, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:12

1. ..e7-e5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nb8-c6
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,030 124 126.976 +0,01 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
3 00:00,046 377 22.708 +0,09 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
4 00:00,046 729 43.911 +0,03 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
5 00:00,063 1.324 28.245 +0,03 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
6 00:00,093 2.680 34.738 +0,04 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
7 00:00,156 5.241 34.183 0,00 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
8 00:00,281 8.077 30.976 -0,06 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
9 00:00,641 15.981 27.503 -0,09 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 e4-e5 Nf6-e4 d2-d3 Ne4-c5 d3-d4 Nc5-e4
9 00:01,077 29.479 28.803 -0,07 d7-d5 e4xd5 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nf6xd5 Bf1-c4
10 00:01,641 47.331 29.807 -0,11 d7-d5 e4xd5 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nf6xd5 Bf1-c4 Nb8-c6
11 00:03,108 88.972 29.436 -0,10 d7-d5 e4xd5 Ng8-f6 Ng1-f3 Nf6xd5 Bf1-c4 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Nd5xc3
11 00:03,952 116.534 30.302 -0,05 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0
12 00:06,172 186.150 30.959 -0,04 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0
13 00:10,327 304.892 30.226 -0,05 Nb8-c6 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
06/04/2007 21:22:47, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:24

2. f2-f4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ng1-f3
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,015 135 138.240 +0,05 Ng1-f3
3 00:00,031 236 241.664 +0,05 Ng1-f3
4 00:00,031 496 31.744 +0,09 Ng1-f3
5 00:00,048 740 23.680 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
6 00:00,095 1.536 24.966 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
7 00:00,095 3.315 36.112 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
8 00:00,173 6.529 38.645 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
9 00:00,344 13.534 40.287 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
10 00:00,609 24.421 42.099 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
11 00:01,187 46.319 39.924 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
12 00:02,970 103.075 35.730 +0,05 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3
13 00:10,625 341.938 33.545 +0,04 Ng1-f3 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 Bf1-c4 Bf8-c5 0-0 0-0 d2-d3 d7-d6
06/04/2007 21:23:00, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:36

2. ..e5xf4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): e5xf4
identical moves! Found in: 00:05
2 00:00,030 515 32.960 +0,29 e5xf4
2 00:00,047 768 24.576 +0,43 Nb8-c6
3 00:00,047 1.041 22.208 +0,38 Nb8-c6
4 00:00,093 1.938 25.120 +0,33 Nb8-c6
5 00:00,218 4.904 24.616 +0,28 Nb8-c6 d2-d3 e5xf4
6 00:00,546 12.698 25.199 +0,25 Nb8-c6 d2-d3 e5xf4
7 00:00,969 23.134 24.831 +0,22 Nb8-c6 Ng1-e2 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3
8 00:01,765 41.924 24.309 +0,19 Nb8-c6 Nb1-c3 e5xf4 Ng1-f3 Bf8-e7
9 00:04,139 96.916 24.146 +0,14 Nb8-c6 d2-d3 e5xf4 Bc1xf4 Bf8-b4+ c2-c3 Bb4-e7 Nb1-a3
9 00:05,015 120.329 24.638 +0,21 e5xf4 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 a2-a3
10 00:06,655 158.200 24.507 +0,23 e5xf4 Ng1-f3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Bf8-b4 a2-a3 Bb4xc3
06/04/2007 21:23:13, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:41

3. Ng1-f3
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ng1-f3
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,078 372 22.407 -0,28 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
3 00:00,109 668 40.237 -0,26 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
4 00:00,109 1.065 34.080 -0,28 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
5 00:00,109 1.813 23.500 -0,22 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
6 00:00,125 2.148 27.842 -0,28 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
7 00:00,203 5.338 26.794 -0,29 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
8 00:00,296 8.295 28.503 -0,26 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
9 00:00,609 14.960 26.457 -0,22 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
10 00:00,687 17.535 26.060 -0,27 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4
11 00:03,000 78.192 26.680 -0,27 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5
12 00:09,077 235.919 26.652 -0,26 Ng1-f3 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
06/04/2007 21:23:26, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:41

3. ..g7-g5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): g7-g5
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 212 217.088 +0,31 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 g7-g5 d4-d5
3 00:00,016 469 28.250 +0,32 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 g7-g5 d4-d5
4 00:00,031 966 30.912 +0,31 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 g7-g5 d4-d5
5 00:00,048 1.553 33.130 +0,29 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 g7-g5 d4-d5
6 00:00,126 2.615 28.186 +0,22 Nb8-c6 d2-d4 g7-g5 d4-d5
6 00:00,126 2.692 25.060 +0,26 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
7 00:00,173 4.502 29.363 +0,23 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
8 00:00,531 11.667 23.846 +0,27 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
9 00:00,609 17.330 29.825 +0,28 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
10 00:00,656 17.676 28.193 +0,25 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
11 00:01,017 21.325 21.814 +0,26 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 h7-h5 Ng4-f2
12 00:11,063 306.966 28.413 +0,24 g7-g5 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
06/04/2007 21:23:39, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:41

4. Bf1-c4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): h2-h4
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,016 208 13.312 -0,24 Nb1-c3 g5-g4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-h4+ Ke1-e2 Ng8-f6
3 00:00,032 339 21.696 -0,20 Nb1-c3 g5-g4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-h4+ Ke1-e2 Ng8-f6
4 00:00,047 417 26.688 -0,60 Nb1-c3 g5-g4 Nf3-d4 Qd8-h4+
4 00:00,047 581 18.592 -0,55 d2-d4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Qd8-h4+ Ke1-d2 Nb8-c6
4 00:00,062 1.010 21.546 -0,25 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
5 00:00,095 1.972 25.561 -0,30 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
6 00:00,125 3.980 37.050 -0,25 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
7 00:00,157 5.833 38.044 -0,32 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
7 00:00,265 10.789 41.533 -0,27 Bf1-c4 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
8 00:00,297 12.431 42.715 -0,39 Bf1-c4 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
8 00:00,345 13.687 40.742 -0,28 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
9 00:00,625 23.003 37.627 -0,20 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
10 00:00,703 24.397 37.121 -0,26 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
11 00:01,094 44.715 42.435 -0,24 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 Ng8-f6 Ng4xf6+ Qd8xf6 Nb1-c3 Qf6-g6
12 00:04,015 115.388 29.531 -0,30 h2-h4 g5-g4 Nf3-e5 Nb8-c6 Ne5xg4 d7-d5 e4xd5 Qd8-e7+ Bf1-e2 Nc6-d4
06/04/2007 21:23:52, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:53

4. ..Nb8-c6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nb8-c6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,030 261 267.264 +0,26 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
3 00:00,030 487 29.334 +0,37 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
4 00:00,030 562 33.852 +0,28 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
5 00:00,063 1.100 35.200 +0,32 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
6 00:00,063 1.335 28.480 +0,27 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
7 00:00,093 2.441 31.640 +0,39 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Bc4-e2 Ng8-f6
8 00:00,421 11.848 29.809 +0,32 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 Na5xc4
9 00:01,249 33.664 28.255 +0,31 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 Na5xc4 Qe2xc4 c7-c6
10 00:02,749 71.364 26.866 +0,32 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 h7-h6 0-0 Bf8-g7
11 00:06,077 155.990 26.411 +0,40 Nb8-c6 h2-h3 Nc6-a5 Qd1-e2 Ng8-h6 0-0 Bf8-g7 Nb1-a3
06/04/2007 21:24:05, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:53

5. 0-0
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): 0-0
identical moves! Found in: 00:05
2 00:00,015 269 16.203 -0,33 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
3 00:00,030 417 25.118 -0,39 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
4 00:00,047 790 16.853 -0,32 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
5 00:00,063 994 15.904 -0,34 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
6 00:00,077 1.730 22.424 -0,44 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
7 00:00,125 3.932 31.955 -0,41 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
8 00:00,172 5.780 37.698 -0,40 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
9 00:00,250 7.089 28.920 -0,39 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
10 00:00,280 7.132 27.352 -0,40 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
11 00:00,313 7.175 27.517 -0,40 h2-h3 Ng8-f6 Nb1-c3 Nf6-h5 0-0 Nh5-g3 Rf1-f2 Bf8-b4
11 00:05,796 128.919 22.891 -0,37 0-0 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Nc6-e5 Bc4-b3
06/04/2007 21:24:18, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:58

5. ..g5-g4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): g5-g4
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 163 166.912 +0,39 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
3 00:00,032 250 15.058 +0,34 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
4 00:00,032 397 12.704 +0,36 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
5 00:00,093 1.089 17.424 +0,21 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
5 00:00,110 1.906 20.544 +0,22 Ng8-h6 d2-d4
5 00:00,172 3.577 23.330 +0,24 h7-h5 Nb1-c3
5 00:00,218 5.139 23.919 +0,35 Bf8-g7 Nb1-c3
6 00:00,281 5.741 23.421 +0,29 Bf8-g7 Nb1-c3 g5-g4 Nf3-e1
6 00:00,297 6.762 23.235 +0,41 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
7 00:00,328 7.887 24.547 +0,41 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
8 00:00,375 10.267 27.961 +0,40 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
9 00:00,531 15.428 30.557 +0,39 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
10 00:00,749 19.887 27.116 +0,32 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
11 00:01,515 32.974 22.495 +0,33 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5
12 00:07,249 157.354 22.267 +0,31 g5-g4 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
06/04/2007 21:24:31, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 00:58

6. d2-d4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nf3-e1
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,030 165 168.960 -0,34 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
3 00:00,030 264 15.902 -0,36 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
4 00:00,046 547 11.669 -0,34 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
5 00:00,078 873 13.968 -0,36 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
6 00:00,218 2.895 15.685 -0,25 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
7 00:00,391 5.625 14.693 -0,25 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
8 00:00,453 7.740 18.054 -0,35 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
9 00:00,531 11.550 22.876 -0,32 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
10 00:00,641 16.488 26.970 -0,33 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
11 00:00,672 18.513 28.168 -0,31 Nf3-e1 f4-f3 g2xf3 Ng8-f6 f3xg4 Rh8-g8 Nb1-c3 Nc6-e5 Qd1-e2
06/04/2007 21:24:44, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:10

6. ..g4xf3
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): g4xf3
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,030 839 26.848 +0,99 g4xf3
3 00:00,093 2.027 26.274 +0,78 g4xf3
4 00:00,125 2.732 22.202 +0,90 g4xf3
5 00:00,171 3.704 24.158 +0,90 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Nc6xd4
6 00:00,296 6.750 24.510 +0,81 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Nc6xd4 Qf3xf4 f7-f6
7 00:00,531 13.800 26.562 +0,80 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Nc6xd4 Qf3xf4 f7-f6
8 00:01,234 33.246 27.927 +0,82 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Nc6xd4 Qf3xf4 f7-f6 Qf4-g4 d7-d6
9 00:02,765 77.674 28.912 +0,78 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Bf8-h6 c2-c3 Qd8-f6 e4-e5 Qf6-f5
10 00:07,780 224.858 29.706 +0,66 g4xf3 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
06/04/2007 21:24:57, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:10

7. Qd1xf3
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qd1xf3
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 214 219.136 -0,76 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
3 00:00,017 513 30.900 -0,79 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
4 00:00,032 967 30.944 -0,86 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
5 00:00,047 1.306 27.861 -0,93 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
6 00:00,125 3.476 32.358 -0,68 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
7 00:00,203 4.274 23.156 -0,68 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
8 00:00,267 5.606 21.500 -0,68 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
9 00:00,328 6.106 19.912 -0,72 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
10 00:00,578 11.283 20.485 -0,69 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
11 00:00,781 18.698 24.484 -0,73 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
12 00:06,438 181.314 28.906 -0,71 Qd1xf3 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 Bf8-g7 Bc4xf7+
06/04/2007 21:25:10, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:10

7. ..Qd8-e7
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qd8-e7
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,032 214 219.136 +0,64 Qd8-h4 Bc1xf4 Nc6xd4 Qf3-c3 c7-c5 Bf4-g3 Qh4-e7 Rf1xf7 Qe7xe4
2 00:00,032 249 15.936 +0,77 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+
3 00:00,032 310 19.840 +0,77 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+
4 00:00,047 381 24.384 +0,98 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+
5 00:00,062 599 38.336 +0,97 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+
6 00:00,062 906 28.992 +0,74 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+
6 00:00,079 2.161 28.010 +0,76 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 c2-c3
7 00:00,140 4.361 35.441 +0,76 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 c2-c3
8 00:00,265 9.427 38.459 +0,75 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4
9 00:00,563 21.349 38.830 +0,75 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Bh6xc1 Ra1xc1 Nc6xd4 Nc3-d5+
10 00:01,156 45.350 40.699 +0,75 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Bh6xc1 Ra1xc1 Nc6xd4 Nc3-d5+
11 00:02,719 106.855 40.465 +0,76 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1
12 00:06,890 262.421 39.080 +0,79 Qd8-e7 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1 Rf1-f7+ Ke7-e6
06/04/2007 21:25:23, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:10

8. Qf3xf4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf3xf4
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 378 24.192 -0,54 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
3 00:00,015 563 36.032 -0,70 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
4 00:00,032 765 24.480 -0,75 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
5 00:00,048 1.253 40.096 -0,75 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
6 00:00,125 4.294 39.973 -0,86 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
7 00:00,281 11.826 45.525 -0,96 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
8 00:00,516 21.019 41.712 -0,72 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
9 00:00,641 24.656 40.331 -0,72 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
10 00:00,766 29.673 40.459 -0,76 Qf3xf4 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+
11 00:03,313 135.005 41.930 -0,96 Qf3xf4 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-b4 Qf4-g3
12 00:09,610 364.793 38.870 -0,78 Qf3xf4 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
06/04/2007 21:25:36, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:10

8. ..Nc6xd4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Bf8-h6
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,017 418 25.178 +0,51 f7-f6 c2-c3
2 00:00,017 511 30.780 +0,74 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1 Rf1-f7+ Ke7-d6 Ra1xc1
3 00:00,032 781 47.043 +0,79 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1 Rf1-f7+
4 00:00,047 1.086 33.698 +0,79 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1 Rf1-f7+
4 00:00,047 1.755 37.440 +0,85 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
5 00:00,063 1.878 30.048 +0,81 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
6 00:00,080 2.070 26.831 +0,81 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
7 00:00,125 2.596 23.948 +0,75 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
8 00:00,188 3.776 22.350 +0,79 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
9 00:00,267 4.715 20.458 +0,81 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
10 00:00,345 5.920 18.425 +0,81 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6
11 00:00,736 14.425 20.515 +0,65 Nc6xd4 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5
11 00:00,736 14.471 20.580 +0,72 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-e7 Nb1-c3 Nc6xd4 Bf7xg8 Bh6xc1 Rf1-f7+ Ke7-d6 Ra1xc1
12 00:04,720 156.224 34.007 +0,71 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Bc1xh6 Ng8xh6 c2-c3 Rh8-f8 Bf7-c4 Rf8xf1+ Kg1xf1 Nh6-g4 Kf1-g1
13 00:09,970 340.854 35.008 +0,73 Bf8-h6 Qf4xf7+ Qe7xf7 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Bc1xh6 Ng8xh6 c2-c3 Rh8-f8 Bf7-c4 Rf8xf1+ Kg1xf1 Nh6-g4 Kf1-g1
06/04/2007 21:25:49, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:22

9. Bc4xf7
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Bc4xf7
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 163 166.912 -0,55 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
3 00:00,015 197 201.728 -0,78 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
4 00:00,030 241 14.516 -0,85 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
5 00:00,030 495 29.816 -0,67 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
6 00:00,045 1.000 21.333 -0,63 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
7 00:00,062 1.162 18.592 -0,76 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
8 00:00,062 1.311 20.976 -0,78 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
9 00:00,170 3.063 24.892 -0,68 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
10 00:00,218 4.365 21.803 -0,68 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 c7-c5 Bc1-f4
11 00:01,750 59.407 34.741 -0,66 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Nc2-d4 Qf4-f2 Nd4-c6 Bc1-f4
12 00:11,639 396.185 34.895 -0,34 Bc4xf7+ Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
06/04/2007 21:26:02, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:22

9. ..Ke8-d8
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ke8-d8
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,017 196 200.704 +0,57 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
3 00:00,017 347 20.901 +0,43 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
4 00:00,032 618 37.225 +0,44 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
5 00:00,047 1.143 36.576 +0,54 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
6 00:00,064 2.325 37.790 +0,46 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
7 00:00,125 4.698 38.180 +0,44 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
8 00:00,282 9.737 35.357 +0,35 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
9 00:00,438 17.180 40.165 +0,42 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
10 00:00,798 25.366 32.549 +0,33 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
11 00:00,813 25.423 32.622 +0,36 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
12 00:00,813 25.479 32.091 +0,36 Ke8-d8 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Ra1-b1 Qe7-c5+ Rf1-f2 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Nc3-d5 h7-h6
06/04/2007 21:26:15, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:22

10. Nb1-c3
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nb1-c3
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,032 355 363.520 -0,41 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
3 00:00,032 646 38.912 -0,61 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
4 00:00,062 1.694 36.138 -0,37 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
5 00:00,094 3.097 33.382 -0,24 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
6 00:00,125 3.522 32.491 -0,44 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
7 00:00,672 21.722 33.051 -0,35 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
8 00:00,906 29.156 32.880 -0,30 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
9 00:01,421 44.489 32.355 -0,19 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
10 00:03,437 106.437 31.840 -0,06 Nb1-c3 Nd4xc2 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
11 00:07,078 212.779 30.774 0,00 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6
12 00:11,735 345.437 30.181 0,00 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6 Ba7-b6+ Kd8-d7
06/04/2007 21:26:28, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:22

10. ..Nd4xc2
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): c7-c6
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,031 381 22.949 +0,61 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
3 00:00,046 427 25.720 +0,04 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
4 00:00,046 540 32.527 +0,04 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
5 00:00,046 720 43.369 +0,44 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
6 00:00,078 1.904 30.464 -0,11 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3
6 00:00,249 7.382 30.116 +0,04 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 Ng8-e7 Bc1-e3 c7-c5 Be3-g5
7 00:00,391 11.884 32.364 -0,12 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2
7 00:00,437 13.697 31.949 0,00 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
8 00:00,499 16.628 33.986 0,00 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Bf8-g7 Qf4-g5 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
9 00:01,047 33.994 34.227 -0,22 Ng8-h6 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Bf7xe6
9 00:01,297 41.312 32.591 0,00 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6 Ba7-b6+ Kd8-d7
10 00:01,328 41.368 32.635 0,00 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6 Ba7-b6+ Kd8-d7
11 00:01,360 41.424 32.281 0,00 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6 Ba7-b6+ Kd8-d7
12 00:04,547 162.859 36.797 0,00 c7-c6 Qf4-f2 Bf8-g7 Bc1-e3 Nd4-e6 Be3xa7 d7-d6 Ba7-b6+ Kd8-d7 Bf7xe6+ Qe7xe6 Qf2-f7+ Qe6-e7
06/04/2007 21:26:41, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:34

11. Nc3-d5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nc3-d5
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 332 19.998 -0,08 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
3 00:00,046 439 26.443 -0,08 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
4 00:00,046 761 45.839 -0,34 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
5 00:00,046 1.086 33.698 +0,28 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
6 00:00,046 1.639 34.965 -1,02 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
6 00:00,063 1.961 41.834 -0,38 Ra1-b1 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 Qd6-c5 Bf7-b3 Qc5xf2+
7 00:00,125 4.032 37.196 -0,37 Ra1-b1 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 Qd6-c5 Bf7-b3 Qc5xf2+
7 00:00,125 4.372 40.332 +0,28 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
8 00:00,156 5.267 42.804 -0,13 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
9 00:00,343 10.674 33.222 +0,76 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
10 00:00,374 11.614 31.629 +0,07 Nc3-d5 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 Qg5-g7 Qc5-d4 Nd5-f6
11 00:04,921 159.842 33.458 +1,90 Nc3-d5 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Bf8-e7 Nd5xe7 Ng8xe7 Qf2xc2 b7-b6
12 00:09,954 321.841 33.212 +2,32 Nc3-d5 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7
06/04/2007 21:26:54, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:34

11. ..Qe7-d6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qe7-d6
identical moves! Found in: 00:02
2 00:00,015 469 28.250 0,00 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
3 00:00,031 777 24.110 -0,15 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
4 00:00,047 904 28.051 -2,04 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
5 00:00,078 1.400 29.866 -1,76 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
6 00:00,093 1.907 30.512 -1,91 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
7 00:00,093 1.949 31.184 -2,32 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
8 00:00,251 5.956 25.842 -2,46 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
8 00:00,376 9.601 26.147 -2,28 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 e4-e5 Qc5-c4 Qg5-f6 Qc4xf1+ Qf6xf1 Bd6-c5 Qf1-f6
9 00:00,421 10.581 25.614 -2,15 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 e4-e5 Qc5-c4 Qg5-f6 Qc4xf1+ Qf6xf1 Bd6-c5 Qf1-f6
10 00:00,501 12.808 26.178 -2,26 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 e4-e5 Qc5-c4 Qg5-f6 Qc4xf1+ Qf6xf1 Bd6xe5 Nd5xe7
11 00:02,516 66.024 27.032 -2,64 Qe7-c5+ Kg1-h1 Bf8-d6 Qf4-g5+ Ng8-e7 e4-e5 Qc5xd5 Bf7xd5 Bd6-c5 Qg5-g7 Rh8-e8
11 00:02,532 66.122 26.900 -2,32 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
12 00:02,562 66.850 27.025 -2,32 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-f4 c6xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6 Qf2xc2 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c3
13 00:11,859 382.052 33.028 -3,34 Qe7-d6 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
06/04/2007 21:27:07, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

12. Qf4-f2
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf4-f2
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 525 31.623 +0,15 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
3 00:00,078 800 25.600 +3,06 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
4 00:00,093 986 31.552 +2,70 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
5 00:00,093 1.179 25.152 +2,58 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
6 00:00,093 1.568 25.486 +2,58 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
7 00:00,108 2.317 30.033 +2,76 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
8 00:00,171 5.183 33.805 +3,06 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
9 00:00,438 11.324 27.413 +3,37 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
10 00:00,734 16.829 23.934 +3,37 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
11 00:02,016 49.384 25.271 +3,45 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
12 00:02,046 49.468 25.114 +3,34 Qf4-f2 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
06/04/2007 21:27:19, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

12. ..c7-c6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): c7-c6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,047 517 31.141 -4,96 a7-a6 Bf7xg8
2 00:00,047 705 42.465 -3,06 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
3 00:00,063 924 29.568 -3,06 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
4 00:00,063 985 31.520 -3,60 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Rf1-f2 Nc2xa1 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Bd8xb6
5 00:00,063 1.791 28.656 -3,60 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
6 00:00,093 2.288 29.657 -3,60 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
7 00:00,110 3.386 31.520 -3,60 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
8 00:00,155 4.965 32.383 -3,61 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
9 00:00,250 8.285 36.101 -3,54 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
10 00:00,328 9.860 30.688 -3,66 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Rf1-f2 Nc2xa1 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Bd8xb6
11 00:00,593 20.397 36.073 -3,60 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
12 00:00,937 29.108 31.742 -3,66 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Rf1-f2 Nc2xa1 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Bd8xb6
13 00:03,984 155.758 40.175 -3,66 c7-c6 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
06/04/2007 21:27:32, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

13. Bc1-g5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Bc1-g5
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 236 241.664 +3,27 e4-e5 Qd6xd5 Bf7xd5 Bf8-e7 Bd5xg8 Nc2xa1
3 00:00,015 383 23.070 +3,33 e4-e5 Qd6xd5 Bf7xd5 Bf8-e7 Bd5xg8 Nc2xa1
4 00:00,032 609 36.683 +2,77 e4-e5 Qd6xd5 Bf7xd5 Bf8-e7 Bd5xg8 Nc2xa1
4 00:00,032 828 26.496 +3,73 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
5 00:00,047 1.074 22.912 +3,73 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
6 00:00,062 1.363 21.808 +3,60 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
7 00:00,093 2.343 30.370 +3,61 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
8 00:00,110 3.913 42.178 +3,54 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
9 00:00,343 12.007 37.371 +4,11 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
10 00:00,390 14.290 38.917 +3,66 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
11 00:00,578 24.263 44.051 +3,52 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
12 00:01,359 58.268 44.361 +4,11 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
13 00:02,000 78.159 40.959 +4,11 Bc1-g5+ Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
06/04/2007 21:27:45, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

13. ..Ng8-e7
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ng8-e7
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,014 241 246.784 -1,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
3 00:00,030 318 20.352 -3,60 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
4 00:00,030 494 31.616 -3,73 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
5 00:00,030 581 37.184 -4,52 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
6 00:00,047 840 26.880 -4,52 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
7 00:00,047 1.559 49.888 -3,61 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
8 00:00,047 2.029 43.285 -4,70 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
9 00:00,093 3.537 45.846 -4,70 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
10 00:00,109 4.323 47.093 -4,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
11 00:00,218 10.077 50.582 -4,70 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
12 00:00,265 11.776 45.333 -4,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
13 00:00,375 15.115 42.993 -4,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
14 00:00,578 23.651 43.017 -4,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
15 00:06,280 309.537 50.456 -4,84 Ng8-e7 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+
06/04/2007 21:27:58, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

14. Bf7-g8
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Bf7-g8
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,031 730 43.971 +2,04 Bg5-f4 Ne7xd5 Bf4xd6 Bf8xd6
2 00:00,063 800 48.188 +2,59 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
3 00:00,063 940 30.080 +3,60 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
4 00:00,078 1.027 32.864 +4,52 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
5 00:00,078 1.139 36.448 +4,52 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
6 00:00,093 1.554 33.152 +3,61 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
7 00:00,110 3.424 36.907 +5,29 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
8 00:00,125 4.018 32.654 +5,29 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
9 00:00,171 5.537 32.773 +5,29 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
10 00:00,218 6.084 32.963 +4,84 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
11 00:00,328 12.238 39.909 +4,70 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
12 00:00,484 22.534 49.095 +4,84 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
13 00:00,578 26.518 48.146 +4,84 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
14 00:01,110 47.232 44.169 +5,29 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
15 00:03,719 175.666 48.564 +5,29 Bf7-g8 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6
06/04/2007 21:28:11, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

14. ..c6xd5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): c6xd5
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 158 161.792 -3,60 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
3 00:00,047 207 211.968 -4,88 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
4 00:00,047 337 20.299 -4,52 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
5 00:00,063 850 51.200 -3,61 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
6 00:00,063 1.346 28.714 -4,84 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
7 00:00,110 2.816 36.501 -4,84 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1
8 00:00,110 2.861 37.084 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
9 00:00,110 2.911 37.732 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
10 00:00,140 2.978 32.099 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
11 00:00,156 3.035 32.714 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
12 00:00,203 3.158 29.133 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
13 00:00,218 3.221 26.177 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
14 00:00,235 5.074 30.033 -5,29 c6xd5 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+
06/04/2007 21:28:24, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

15. Qf2xf8
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf2xf8
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,017 197 201.728 +5,10 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-a6
3 00:00,048 388 397.312 +5,10 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-a6
4 00:00,048 790 50.560 +3,77 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-a6
5 00:00,048 1.287 41.184 +5,05 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-a6
6 00:00,078 1.880 40.106 +5,05 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Be7-d8+ Kc7-b8 Qf8-f4+ d7-d6 Bd8xb6 a7xb6 Ra1-c1 Ra8-a6
7 00:00,078 2.076 33.743 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
8 00:00,078 2.126 34.555 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
9 00:00,078 2.193 35.644 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
10 00:00,125 2.250 36.571 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
11 00:00,173 2.333 30.240 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
12 00:00,188 2.396 26.101 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
13 00:00,220 2.830 20.552 +5,52 Qf2xf8+ Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
06/04/2007 21:28:37, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

15. ..Kd8-c7
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Kd8-c7
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 112 114.688 -3,92 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
3 00:00,015 159 162.816 -5,31 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+
4 00:00,032 233 14.912 -4,91 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+
5 00:00,032 466 14.912 -5,75 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
6 00:00,093 2.912 37.745 -5,62 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+
7 00:00,235 9.252 40.315 -5,39 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+
8 00:00,390 15.510 40.619 -5,18 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+
9 00:00,501 20.405 43.081 -5,18 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
10 00:00,626 26.325 43.061 -5,75 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
11 00:01,875 81.544 44.510 -6,55 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
12 00:02,501 109.743 44.932 -6,39 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
13 00:03,610 159.237 45.168 -6,85 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
14 00:09,593 418.682 44.687 -8,17 Kd8-c7 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+ Kg1-h1 Rh8xg8 Qf8xg8 Qb6-g6 Qg8-d8+ Kc7-c6 Qd8-a5 b7-b6 Rf1-f6+ Qg6xf6 Qa5xd5+
06/04/2007 21:28:50, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:36

16. Bg5-f4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Bg5xe7
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,015 169 173.056 +5,31 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
3 00:00,015 229 234.496 +5,31 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
4 00:00,030 284 17.106 +5,77 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
5 00:00,030 347 20.901 +5,86 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
6 00:00,030 455 14.560 +6,53 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
7 00:00,030 704 22.528 +6,38 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
8 00:00,047 1.068 34.176 +6,49 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
9 00:00,062 1.869 39.872 +6,53 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
10 00:00,110 2.680 34.738 +7,39 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
11 00:00,140 4.179 38.902 +7,28 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
12 00:00,188 7.643 41.409 +7,13 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
13 00:00,265 7.945 39.880 +8,17 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
14 00:00,297 8.011 37.287 +8,17 Bg5xe7 Qd6-b6+
06/04/2007 21:29:03, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 01:48

16. ..Qd6xf4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Rh8xg8
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,014 500 32.000 -2,09 Rh8xg8
3 00:00,047 1.259 27.430 -3,07 Rh8xg8
4 00:00,062 2.045 33.239 -2,91 Rh8xg8
5 00:00,092 3.404 37.081 -2,91 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
6 00:00,405 17.488 45.799 -3,51 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
6 00:00,468 19.942 44.979 -3,07 Qd6xf4 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Ra1-c1
7 00:00,640 28.232 45.100 -4,05 Qd6xf4 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8
7 00:00,733 32.246 44.925 -3,51 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
8 00:01,577 72.536 47.040 -5,27 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
9 00:02,656 124.358 47.927 -5,90 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
9 00:02,967 136.270 47.495 -5,70 Qd6xf4 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Rh8xg8
10 00:03,467 157.500 46.693 -5,85 Qd6xf4 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Rh8xg8 Qf6-f7+ Bc8-d7
11 00:05,515 249.410 46.562 -6,30 Qd6xf4 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
11 00:06,577 301.153 47.102 -6,16 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
12 00:09,014 415.861 47.310 -6,16 Rh8xg8 Bf4xd6+
06/04/2007 21:29:16, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:00

17. Qf8xf4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf8xf4
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 252 258.048 +4,15 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
3 00:00,030 338 20.359 +4,15 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
4 00:00,030 389 23.431 +6,39 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
5 00:00,046 481 28.973 +6,39 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
6 00:00,046 653 20.896 +6,39 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
7 00:00,046 916 19.541 +6,39 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
8 00:00,063 1.295 27.626 +6,39 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
9 00:00,078 2.509 32.521 +6,41 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
10 00:00,110 3.125 33.684 +6,55 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Bc8-f5 e4xf5 Nc2xa1
11 00:01,110 45.252 42.317 +6,57 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Qg8xh7+ Kc7-b6
12 00:02,296 93.684 42.038 +6,57 Qf8xf4+ d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Qg8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xe4
06/04/2007 21:29:29, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:00

17. ..d7-d6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): d7-d6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,015 93 95.232 -4,31 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
3 00:00,015 152 155.648 -4,31 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
4 00:00,030 213 218.112 -5,90 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
5 00:00,030 286 18.304 -5,90 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
6 00:00,030 474 30.336 -5,90 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+
7 00:00,030 773 49.472 -6,65 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
8 00:00,030 1.315 42.080 -6,65 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
9 00:00,078 3.456 56.173 -6,82 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
10 00:00,125 6.390 51.931 -6,82 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
11 00:00,203 9.780 58.225 -7,17 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
12 00:00,421 22.264 56.015 -7,17 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
13 00:00,514 26.944 53.470 -7,34 d7-d6 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xg8 Na1-c2 Rf1-c1 Nc2-d4
06/04/2007 21:29:42, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:00

18. Qf4-f6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf4-f6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 162 165.888 +4,31 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
2 00:00,015 412 26.368 +4,32 Ra1-c1 Rh8xg8
3 00:00,030 716 45.824 +4,97 Ra1-c1 Rh8xg8
3 00:00,047 753 48.192 +5,16 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
4 00:00,062 847 27.104 +5,90 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
5 00:00,062 2.348 38.164 +7,40 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
6 00:00,078 2.459 39.968 +6,82 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
7 00:00,155 6.407 41.788 +7,16 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
8 00:00,250 10.719 43.730 +7,57 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
9 00:00,375 15.604 44.384 +7,57 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
10 00:00,499 20.418 43.109 +7,57 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
11 00:01,219 52.080 44.293 +7,77 Qf4-f6 Ne7xg8 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
12 00:02,000 88.727 45.771 +7,63 Qf4-f6 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4
13 00:02,905 121.054 43.101 +7,77 Qf4-f6 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4
14 00:10,844 460.673 43.626 +7,77 Qf4-f6 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+ Kb6-a6
06/04/2007 21:29:55, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:00

18. ..Ne7xg8
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ne7-g6
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,000 125 128.000 -7,18 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+
3 00:00,017 250 256.000 -7,18 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+
4 00:00,017 417 25.118 -6,75 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+ Kb6-a6
5 00:00,032 980 31.360 -6,75 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+
6 00:00,032 1.019 32.608 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+ Kb6-a6
7 00:00,047 1.062 33.984 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+
8 00:00,063 1.119 35.808 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+
9 00:00,078 1.181 37.792 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+
10 00:00,095 1.252 26.709 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+
11 00:00,235 12.828 59.708 -7,63 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+
12 00:00,250 12.909 60.085 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+
13 00:00,298 13.264 57.797 -7,77 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Bc6-a4 Qg7-c7+ Kb6-a6
14 00:04,767 226.438 48.969 -9,21 Ne7-g6 Ra1-c1 Bc8-d7 Rc1xc2+ Bd7-c6 Bg8xh7 Ng6-e5 Qf6-g7+ Kc7-b6 e4xd5 Rh8-d8 d5xc6 b7xc6 Rf1-c1
06/04/2007 21:30:08, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:12

19. Qf6xh8
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Qf6xh8
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 132 135.168 +5,62 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
3 00:00,032 286 292.864 +7,79 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
4 00:00,032 342 21.888 +7,07 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
5 00:00,047 469 30.016 +7,85 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
6 00:00,047 832 53.248 +7,85 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
7 00:00,047 1.424 45.568 +7,85 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
8 00:00,110 5.083 55.372 +8,00 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
9 00:00,187 9.975 54.331 +8,00 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
10 00:01,500 74.647 51.473 +8,75 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
11 00:02,797 137.170 50.489 +8,75 Qf6xh8 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-d7 Qg8xh7+
12 00:04,141 201.489 50.005 +8,75 Qf6xh8 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7
13 00:07,437 374.936 51.617 +8,93 Qf6xh8 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6
14 00:09,547 469.744 50.463 +8,93 Qf6xh8 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Qh7xe4
06/04/2007 21:30:21, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:12

19. ..Ng8-e7
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nc2xa1
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,015 71 72.704 -8,63 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
3 00:00,030 116 118.784 -8,63 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
4 00:00,047 199 203.776 -8,29 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+
5 00:00,047 392 23.612 -8,47 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
6 00:00,063 2.202 46.976 -8,29 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
7 00:00,078 3.196 51.947 -8,47 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
8 00:00,093 4.162 44.861 -9,07 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+
9 00:00,188 9.670 57.237 -8,47 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
10 00:00,280 15.078 57.827 -9,07 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
11 00:00,296 15.127 54.929 -10,73 Ng8-e7 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+
11 00:00,391 19.662 53.547 -10,15 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 d5xe4 Rf1xa1 Kc7-b6 Ra1-c1 d6-d5 Rc1xc8
11 00:04,281 203.696 48.883 -9,84 Bc8-e6 Qh8-c3+ Kc7-d7 Qc3xc2 b7-b5 Ra1-c1 Ng8-e7 Qc2-c7+ Kd7-e8 Qc7xd6
12 00:10,469 528.070 51.726 -11,13 Bc8-e6 Qh8-c3+ Kc7-d7 Qc3xc2 Ra8-c8 Qc2-a4+ Rc8-c6 Qa4xa7 d5xe4 Qa7xb7+ Rc6-c7 Qb7xe4
12 00:11,719 601.507 52.698 -10,50 Nc2xa1 Qh8xg8 a7-a5 Rf1xa1 Ra8-a6 e4xd5 Kc7-b6 Qg8xc8 Kb6-a7
06/04/2007 21:30:34, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:24

20. Ra1-c1
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ra1-c1
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,000 99 101.376 +8,63 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
3 00:00,017 174 11.136 +8,53 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
4 00:00,032 309 19.776 +8,47 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
5 00:00,032 539 34.496 +8,47 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
6 00:00,047 1.126 36.032 +8,47 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
7 00:00,062 1.969 42.005 +9,07 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
8 00:00,095 3.803 49.294 +8,47 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
9 00:00,142 7.086 51.461 +9,07 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
10 00:00,204 9.698 52.823 +10,73 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
11 00:00,220 9.753 53.122 +10,73 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
12 00:00,703 31.832 47.377 +10,92 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
13 00:00,720 31.909 46.413 +10,73 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5
14 00:01,517 69.278 46.794 +10,73 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4
15 00:05,766 295.585 52.630 +11,50 Ra1-c1 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4
06/04/2007 21:30:47, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:24

20. ..Ne7-c6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Ne7-c6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,016 86 88.064 -8,58 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
3 00:00,031 157 160.768 -8,67 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
4 00:00,031 309 18.612 -8,47 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
5 00:00,031 711 42.827 -8,47 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
6 00:00,031 1.020 32.640 -9,07 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
7 00:00,046 2.518 53.717 -8,47 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
8 00:00,078 3.708 48.063 -9,07 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
9 00:00,124 5.548 51.646 -10,73 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
10 00:00,171 8.811 57.467 -10,73 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
11 00:00,249 13.849 56.499 -11,50 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
12 00:00,391 23.630 61.727 -11,50 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
13 00:00,577 36.763 66.865 -11,68 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
14 00:01,641 93.715 59.018 -11,50 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8 Kb6-c7 Qh8xh7+ Kc7-b6 Rc2-c3 a7-a5 Rc3-b3+ Nc6-b4 a2-a3
15 00:01,656 93.878 58.545 -12,26 Ne7-c6 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
06/04/2007 21:31:00, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:24

21. e4xd5
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Rc1xc2
Not found in: 00:12
2 00:00,016 381 22.949 +8,32 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7
2 00:00,031 424 25.539 +8,67 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
3 00:00,046 518 16.576 +8,67 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
4 00:00,046 855 27.360 +9,90 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
5 00:00,063 1.101 35.232 +9,90 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
6 00:00,125 5.582 45.364 +12,26 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
7 00:00,344 17.940 55.837 +11,96 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
8 00:00,391 20.328 55.361 +11,13 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
9 00:00,609 33.557 56.331 +12,26 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
10 00:00,827 44.772 56.322 +12,44 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
11 00:00,985 53.638 56.624 +12,26 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
12 00:02,610 144.653 56.752 +12,66 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
13 00:06,703 380.538 58.255 +12,85 Rc1xc2 d5xe4 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rf7-f8
06/04/2007 21:31:13, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:36

21. ..Nc2-b4
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nc2-b4
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2 00:00,016 386 24.704 -9,95 Nc6-b4
2 00:00,031 795 50.880 -9,48 Nc2-b4
3 00:00,031 1.047 33.504 -9,42 Nc2-b4
4 00:00,048 1.612 51.584 -8,76 Nc2-b4
5 00:00,078 4.197 54.401 -8,76 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6
6 00:00,110 5.261 56.708 -9,38 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7
7 00:00,156 7.213 52.383 -9,38 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7 Rf1-f6
8 00:00,251 12.741 55.518 -9,57 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7 Rf1-f6 Ra8-e8
9 00:00,438 22.806 57.379 -9,57 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7 Rf1-f6 Ra8-e8 Rc1-d1
10 00:00,719 39.347 57.232 -9,57 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Qh8xh7+ Bc8-d7 Rf1-f6 Ra8-e8 Rc1-d1 d6-d5
11 00:01,500 83.765 57.761 -11,25 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 b2-b4 a7-a6 Rf1-f7+ Kc7-b6 Rc1xc6+
12 00:03,969 222.670 57.666 -12,36 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 b2-b4 Ra8-b8 Rc1xc6+ b7xc6 Rf1-f7+ Bc8-d7 Rf7xd7+
13 00:08,423 464.647 56.703 -13,72 Nc2-b4 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Rf1-f6 Ra8-b8 Qh8-f8 Bc8-e6 Qf8-e7+
06/04/2007 21:31:26, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:36

22. d5xc6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): d5xc6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
14 00:11,578 680.986 60.306 +17,25 d5xc6 Nb4xc6 Rf1-f6 a7-a6 Qh8-f8 Bc8-e6 Qf8xa8 Be6xa2 Rf6-h6 Kc7-b6 Rh6xh7 Nc6-a5
06/04/2007 21:31:38, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:36

22. ..Nb4xc6
Best move (Rybkav2.2n2.w32): Nb4xc6
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
14 00:00,468 27.209 63.467 -17,82 Nb4xc6 Rf1-f6 a7-a6 Qh8-f8 Bc8-e6 Qf8xa8 Be6xa2 Rf6-h6
06/04/2007 21:31:51, Time for this analysis: 00:00:12, Rated time: 02:36

32 of 44 matching moves
06/04/2007 21:31:52, Total time: 0:09:32
Rated time: 02:36 = 156 Seconds
near 75 % of found moves... black and white ¡ good.
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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:34 am
Location: Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by MikeB »

Very nice -- for those who are not techy wizards ( like me - although I can buld a computer from parts ordered on Newegg and do a little programminng - I pale in comparision to some of our members here who know these things inside out )

Visually watching the youtoob video was very instructive for me in setting up Citrine to work with Arena ...if you need help, just ask a question here andI will try to help...this is really is very easy to set-up and only takes a few minutes and make the Citrine a very very ( in fact a BEST BUY) _ nice product in this price range - now you can play all the top programs that are either winboard or uci compatible or real 3D board for about $300 ( your price may vary) - great job by the Arena team and their supporters ....this might be the first real dedicated chess computer that that has joined DNA with every day computers (dgt board has no self contained program) and therfeore is the first chess computer that can be used with interchangabley with , literally hundreds and hundreds of chessprograms BESIDES ITS OWN on a read 3D Board )

I think this fact alone makes the Citirne a verifiable future COLLECTORS ITEM - Steve B please take this to our council for verification.

If you want one, please tell our sponsor ICD Youir Moves Chess and Games that you want one and that that their long time customer and friend Mchael Byrne sent you there and that you deserve a discount.. cc Me on your email and I will make a pitch that you deserve some sort of a discount since you were kind enough to read my post ;>) ( I will try my best, there are no guarantees - but I can only help you before your purchase - not after).

Long Live Citrine Regards

Steve B

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Steve B »

MikeB wrote:Very nice -- for those who are not techy wizards ( like me - although I can buld a computer from parts ordered on Newegg and do a little programminng - I pale in comparision to some of our members here who know these things inside out )

Visually watching the youtoob video was very instructive for me in setting up Citrine to work with Arena ...if you need help, just ask a question here andI will try to help...this is really is very easy to set-up and only takes a few minutes and make the Citrine a very very ( in fact a BEST BUY) _ nice product in this price range - now you can play all the top programs that are either winboard or uci compatible or real 3D board for about $300 ( your price may vary) - great job by the Arena team and their supporters ....this might be the first real dedicated chess computer that that has joined DNA with every day computers (dgt board has no self contained program) and therfeore is the first chess computer that can be used with interchangabley with , literally hundreds and hundreds of chessprograms BESIDES ITS OWN on a read 3D Board )

I think this fact alone makes the Citirne a verifiable future COLLECTORS ITEM - Steve B please take this to our council for verification.

If you want one, please tell our sponsor ICD Youir Moves Chess and Games that you want one and that that their long time customer and friend Mchael Byrne sent you there and that you deserve a discount.. cc Me on your email and I will make a pitch that you deserve some sort of a discount since you were kind enough to read my post ;>) ( I will try my best, there are no guarantees - but I can only help you before your purchase - not after).

Long Live Citrine Regards


Hi Mike
i also love Le Citrine and i have been singing its Praises way back in Dec06 when it was first released and everyone else was complaining

However..that having been said...i regret to inform you that ..
i could NEVER bring before the Supreme council of Elders a question relating to hooking up a dedicated chess computer to a PC ..

the punishment for even mentioning a Pc or Pc Engine in the hallowed halls of the Supreme council is immediate excommunication ,the confiscating of all of the offenders chess computers and he also given all recent versions of Rybka(17 at last count)and forced against his play to play chess against it

Solemn Regards

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Chest-Nut »

MikeB wrote: now you can play all the top programs that are either winboard or uci compatible or real 3D board for about $300 ( your price may vary) - great job by the Arena team and their supporters ....this might be the first real dedicated chess computer that that has joined DNA with every day computers (dgt board has no self contained program) and therfeore is the first chess computer that can be used with interchangabley with , literally hundreds and hundreds of chessprograms BESIDES ITS OWN on a read 3D Board )

If the Citrine can talk to the PC via wireless, that will be the utimiate unit in my opinion. But, the problem is, you don't know if you are playing with the Citrine or someone trick you by changing to a stronger program/level and got smoke badly.

Citrine could caught cheating by using Rybka in a touranment regards,


Karmazen & Oliver
Posts: 374
Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:34 am

Re: VIDEO citrine + software ARENA + rybka vrs. human KARMAZ

Post by Karmazen & Oliver »

Steve B wrote:

...the punishment for even mentioning a Pc or Pc Engine in the hallowed halls of the Supreme council is immediate excommunication ,the confiscating of all of the offenders chess computers and he also given all recent versions of Rybka(17 at last count)and forced against his play to play chess against it...

Solemn Regards
XD, I hope that a "god joke" ;-) but if you would have some problem about it...

I recommend you that you don't say anything about this topic CITRINE+Pc engines, (citrines immortal levels)...

you have many computers chess and if you say somethins, maybe they confiscating all them if you protests...

had a good time greetings.