Okay Thorsten, I take it you refer mainly to tournament c here?mclane wrote:when the results showed that the gap between the 2 programs was to big, i throw out the redundant older versions to get more data from the more important ones.
the behaviour in those tournaments is so sure that you can reproduce it at any time.
But in tournament c does that mean that Toga 1.2.1a did play no more than 20 games, scoring 12½/20 and Toga 1.3x4 scoring 15/20? http://f50.parsimony.net/forum200336/messages/8014.htm
I do think that was a bit early then to conclude that Toga 1.2.1a played a redundant result in that tournament... And if you can really exactly reproduce this any time, then I just don't understand the statistics of Eloratings anymore at all. I'm not saying it's not an accurate result, but there is still supposed to be a lot of statistical noise in that, and the result easily could have been the other way round, even if Toga 1.3x4 is really stronger.
I still don't understand the result of Tournament k3...
Regards, Eelco