You are living in the ancient past.sje wrote:See:
Man you need a few courses to make up.
C/C++ is a lot faster than LISP. It is easier to program in than LISP.
It is not only easier & faster, it also is easier to debug than LISP.
Too easy to forget a ( or a ) in lisp.
It is better cross platform than LISP as well if you know how to program,
and you get rid of that f***** interpreter.
Even C# and JAVA are far better than lisp, yes even javascript is better than lisp.
Also interpreted it totally outguns LISP in speed.
Everyone who wrote some code in a functional environment (and i did) knows soon how total impossible it is to keep maintaining functional codebases such as LISP ones.
It's just total disaster.
A chessprogram is simply way too big to write in LISP.
Further it's just not true that functional programming is closer to human thinking. It isn't!
Imperative programming or for my part imperative programming enhanced with some object orientation, is a far more easier thing for programmers to understand what the heck they are doing.
As it'll take time to cure you, i advice you at new year 2007/2008 to make a big new year fire out of all your functional programming books.