mate test positions

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Uri Blass
Posts: 10409
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: mate test positions

Post by Uri Blass »

I corrected few mistakes(in one case there was a missing -) and added names of players in few cases they were not there.
positive mates in 13 verified by chest
negative mates in 9,10,11 verified by chest(there is an option to find defender moves)

Code: Select all

6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Rd2; c0 "-mate in 9"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm Ke7; c0 "mate in 10"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - bm Rf2+; c0 "-mate in 10"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - bm Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm e7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm e7 Rf7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm Rf7 Rga7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Re2+; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Kxb8; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rb8; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm d7 e7; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ra8+; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm e6; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Kb7; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Rf1; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Kd8; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke5 Kg5 mate in 13; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke4; c0 "mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rc7+; c0 "mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r1k4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb8 Kd8 h5; c0 "-mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; c0 "mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 b - - bm Kh4; c0 "mate in 14"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; c0 "-mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/5K2/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rf8+ Kc8; c0 "-mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPpp1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm e6; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/1r4KP/8 w - - bm Kf3; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/6Rp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - bm fxg5; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb2+; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/6k1/3p1pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P3P2/1b2K3/8 w - - bm Kf2; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
r2k3r/4R1bp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm Rxg7; c0 "mate in 16"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/R5R1/p7/3PP1pp/8/8/6KP/8 w - h6 bm Rad7+; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2K3/8 b - - bm Bxb2; c0 "mate in 16"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 w - - bm Kxe2 Ke1; c0 "-mate in 16"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/2PP4/1P1Q4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - bm Nb8; c0 "-mate in 16"; id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 w - - bm c5; c0 "mate in 17"; id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 b - - bm Bxd4+; c0 "mate in 17"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/1b1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 w - - bm Rb1; c0 "-mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; c0 "mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3n2K/B4R2 w - - bm Kh3; c0 "-mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B2K/B4Rn1 b - - bm Nxe2; c0 "mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B1Kp/B4Rn1 w - - bm Kxh2; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 w - - bm Bb2; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bf6; c0 "mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3B1Kp/B4R2 b - - bm Ng1; c0 "mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 w - - bm Bd6 Bb2; c0 "-mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3BK1p/B4R2 w - - bm Kg2; c0 "-mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 b - - bm Bd8; c0 "mate in 22"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 22"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bb6; c0 "mate in 23"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B2n3/8 w - - bm Kg2; c0 "-mate in 23"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B1bn3/8 b - - bm Bxa5; c0 "mate in 24"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1r1bn3/B7 w - - bm Bxb2; c0 "-mate in 24"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/rR1bn3/B7 b - - bm Rxb2; c0 "mate in 25"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/r2bn3/BR6 w - - bm Rb2; c0 "-mate in 25"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
1r1k3r/R5Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 6 31 bm Rb2+; c0 "-mate in 26"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Qe3; c0 "mate in 28"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3k2r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - bm Kd8; c0 "-mate in 28"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3k2r/1R3pbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w kq - bm Re7+; c0 "mate in 29"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/K3P3/8/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; c0 "-mate in 29"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 w - - bm Ka4; c0 "mate in 30"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; c0 "-mate in 30"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm Rf6; c0 "mate in 31"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - c0 "-mate in 31"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1p1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm hxg5; c0 "mate in 32"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp1P1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - bm hxg5; c0 "-mate in 32"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - 1 26 bm Bxe5; c0 "-mate in 32"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm g5; c0 "mate in 33"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPp2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Bg5; c0 "mate in 33"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPQ2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 b - - bm gxf5; c0 "-mate in 33"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3kb1r/5p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/1RB2R2 w kq - - bm Rb7; c0 "mate in 27"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - id "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3BP3/5PK1/r7 b - - id "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/3q1P2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 b - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/5q2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 w - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P5/7K w - - id "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P4K/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B6R w - - id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
5qk1/5r1p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 w - - id "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"
5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - id "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
6k1/1r3b2/Q3n3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"
6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - id "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"
Uri Blass
Posts: 10409
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Re: mate test positions

Post by Uri Blass »

negative mate in 12 also is verified by chest.
negative mate in 13 is first position when there is no verification by chest that the solution is correct.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10409
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: mate test positions

Post by Uri Blass »

r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; c0 "mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"

correction:this seems to have many solutions if M14 is correct and there is no shorter mate.

I get the following main lines of mates in 14 at depth 88:
1.Rff7 Rb8 2.Rc7+ Kd8 3.e5 h5 4.e7+ Kxc7 5.e8Q+
1.Rf2 Rb8 2.Rc2+ Kd8 3.e6 h5 4.d6 h4 5.Rcc7
1.d6 Rb8 2.Rc7+ Kd8 3.Rff7 Rb2+ 4.Kf3 g4+ 5.Ke3
1.Rf3 Kd8 2.e6 Rb8 3.Rc3 h5 4.d6 h4 5.Rcc7

when I add 2 lines I get also

1.Rf1 a5 2.d6 h5 3.Rc1+ Kd8 4.e6 Rb8 5.Kf3 as mate in 14
1.Rf6 mate in 15.
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Re: mate test positions

Post by MikeB »

Uri Blass wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:57 pm r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; c0 "mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"

correction:this seems to have many solutions if M14 is correct and there is no shorter mate.

I get the following main lines of mates in 14 at depth 88:
1.Rff7 Rb8 2.Rc7+ Kd8 3.e5 h5 4.e7+ Kxc7 5.e8Q+
1.Rf2 Rb8 2.Rc2+ Kd8 3.e6 h5 4.d6 h4 5.Rcc7
1.d6 Rb8 2.Rc7+ Kd8 3.Rff7 Rb2+ 4.Kf3 g4+ 5.Ke3
1.Rf3 Kd8 2.e6 Rb8 3.Rc3 h5 4.d6 h4 5.Rcc7

when I add 2 lines I get also

1.Rf1 a5 2.d6 h5 3.Rc1+ Kd8 4.e6 Rb8 5.Kf3 as mate in 14
1.Rf6 mate in 15.
s mv 6
Confirmation: MultiPV set to 6
info depth 38 seldepth 27 multipv 1 score mate 14 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv f5f1 c8d8 e5e6 a8b8 f1c1 d8e8 d5d6 e8d8 c1c7 d8e8 e6e7 b8b2 g2g3 b2b3 g3g4 h7h5 g4g5 b3b5 g5g6 h8h6 g6h6 b5d5 g7g8 e8f7 e7e8q f7f6 c7f7
info depth 38 seldepth 27 multipv 2 score mate 14 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv f5f3 a6a5 f3c3 c8b8 c3b3 b8c8 d5d6 c8d8 e5e6 a8c8 g7a7 c8c2 g2g3 c2c8 e6e7 d8e8 d6d7 e8f7 e7e8q h8e8 d7c8q e8e7 c8f5 f7g8 a7e7 g5g4 b3b8
info depth 38 seldepth 27 multipv 3 score mate 14 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv f5f2 a8b8 f2c2 c8d8 e5e6 d8e8 d5d6 h7h6 g7b7 b8d8 c2c8 d8c8 d6d7 e8d8 e6e7 d8e7 d7c8q e7f6 b7b6 f6e5 c8c5 e5e4 b6b4 e4d3 b4d4 d3e3 c5e5
info depth 38 seldepth 27 multipv 4 score mate 14 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv d5d6 a8b8 g7c7 c8d8 f5f7 b8b2 g2f3 g5g4 f3e4 b2e2 e4d5 h8g8 e5e6 g8g5 d5c6 e2c2 c6b7 g5b5 b7a8 b5b8 a8b8 c2b2 b8a7 b2f2 f7f2 d8e8 c7c8
info depth 37 seldepth 29 multipv 5 score mate 14 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv f5f7 c8d8 f7d7 d8e8 d7b7 a8c8 d5d6 c8c2 g2g3 c2c3 g3g4 c3c4 g4h5 e8d8 d6d7 c4h4 h5g5 h4g4 g5g4 h7h5 g4h3 h8f8 b7b8 d8c7 d7d8q c7c6 g7c7
info depth 37 seldepth 33 multipv 6 score mate 17 nodes 5308976880 nps 131063195 hashfull 242 tbhits 0 time 40507 pv f5f6 h8d8 f6c6 c8b8 d5d6 a8a7 g7a7 b8a7 e5e6 d8b8 c6c2 b8b4 e6e7 b4g4 g2h1 g4e4 d6d7 e4e1 h1g2 e1e7 d7d8q e7f7 c2c6 f7b7 d8d4 a7b8 d4d6 b8a8 c6a6 b7a7 d6d8 a8b7 a6b6
bestmove f5f1 ponder c8d8
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Re: mate test positions

Post by bob »

First problem I encountered was some odd FEN. IE "bm" is normally followed by an actual chess move, not something like "mate in n"
Uri Blass
Posts: 10409
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Re: mate test positions

Post by Uri Blass »

I corrected part of the problems but
I see that there is still one long mate when there is no move when the side to move is losing.

I will try to correct it to see if I can get a single move that lose as slowly as possible in the following position.

5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - 0 1

The last positions also have no mate score and no move in them but I suspect engines can find a forced mate after enough analysis.
Maybe they should not be part of the test suite.
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:13 pm
Full name: Drew D. Rue

Re: mate test positions

Post by drewdrew »

Uri Blass wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:13 am I corrected few mistakes(in one case there was a missing -) and added names of players in few cases they were not there.
positive mates in 13 verified by chest
negative mates in 9,10,11 verified by chest(there is an option to find defender moves)

Code: Select all

6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Rd2; c0 "-mate in 9"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm Ke7; c0 "mate in 10"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - bm Rf2+; c0 "-mate in 10"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - bm Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm e7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm e7 Rf7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm Rf7 Rga7; c0 "mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Re2+; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Kxb8; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rb8; c0 "-mate in 11"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm d7 e7; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ra8+; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm e6; c0 "mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Kb7; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Rf1; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Kd8; c0 "-mate in 12"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke5 Kg5 mate in 13; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke4; c0 "mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rc7+; c0 "mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r1k4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb8 Kd8 h5; c0 "-mate in 13"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; c0 "mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 b - - bm Kh4; c0 "mate in 14"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; c0 "-mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/5K2/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rf8+ Kc8; c0 "-mate in 14"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPpp1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm e6; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/1r4KP/8 w - - bm Kf3; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/6Rp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - bm fxg5; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb2+; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/6k1/3p1pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P3P2/1b2K3/8 w - - bm Kf2; c0 "-mate in 15"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
r2k3r/4R1bp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm Rxg7; c0 "mate in 16"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
1r1k3r/R5R1/p7/3PP1pp/8/8/6KP/8 w - h6 bm Rad7+; c0 "mate in 15"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2K3/8 b - - bm Bxb2; c0 "mate in 16"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 w - - bm Kxe2 Ke1; c0 "-mate in 16"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/2PP4/1P1Q4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - bm Nb8; c0 "-mate in 16"; id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 w - - bm c5; c0 "mate in 17"; id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 b - - bm Bxd4+; c0 "mate in 17"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/1b1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 w - - bm Rb1; c0 "-mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; c0 "mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3n2K/B4R2 w - - bm Kh3; c0 "-mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B2K/B4Rn1 b - - bm Nxe2; c0 "mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B1Kp/B4Rn1 w - - bm Kxh2; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 w - - bm Bb2; c0 "-mate in 20"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bf6; c0 "mate in 19"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3B1Kp/B4R2 b - - bm Ng1; c0 "mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 w - - bm Bd6 Bb2; c0 "-mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3BK1p/B4R2 w - - bm Kg2; c0 "-mate in 21"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; c0 "mate in 18"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 b - - bm Bd8; c0 "mate in 22"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; c0 "-mate in 22"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bb6; c0 "mate in 23"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B2n3/8 w - - bm Kg2; c0 "-mate in 23"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B1bn3/8 b - - bm Bxa5; c0 "mate in 24"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1r1bn3/B7 w - - bm Bxb2; c0 "-mate in 24"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/rR1bn3/B7 b - - bm Rxb2; c0 "mate in 25"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/r2bn3/BR6 w - - bm Rb2; c0 "-mate in 25"; id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
1r1k3r/R5Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 6 31 bm Rb2+; c0 "-mate in 26"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Qe3; c0 "mate in 28"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3k2r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - bm Kd8; c0 "-mate in 28"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3k2r/1R3pbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w kq - bm Re7+; c0 "mate in 29"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/K3P3/8/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; c0 "-mate in 29"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 w - - bm Ka4; c0 "mate in 30"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; c0 "-mate in 30"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm Rf6; c0 "mate in 31"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - c0 "-mate in 31"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1p1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm hxg5; c0 "mate in 32"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp1P1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - bm hxg5; c0 "-mate in 32"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - 1 26 bm Bxe5; c0 "-mate in 32"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm g5; c0 "mate in 33"; id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPp2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Bg5; c0 "mate in 33"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPQ2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 b - - bm gxf5; c0 "-mate in 33"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
r3kb1r/5p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/1RB2R2 w kq - - bm Rb7; c0 "mate in 27"; id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - id "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3BP3/5PK1/r7 b - - id "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/3q1P2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 b - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/5q2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 w - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P5/7K w - - id "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P4K/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B6R w - - id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - id "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"
r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - id "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"
5qk1/5r1p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 w - - id "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"
5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - id "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - id "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande""
6k1/1r3b2/Q3n3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 b - - id "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"
6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - id "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"
Here are Stockfish-dev mate scores and lines for some of the FENs where you did not have them - of course no guarantee of optimality - :

R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - 0 44 Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger
mate 40: 1. Bxd3 exd3 2. e4 d2 3. Rd8 Rxa7 4. Rxd2 Ra3 5. Rd5 Kf6 6. Rf5+ Ke6 7. f3 Ra7 8. Rxf4 Rg7+ 9. Kf2 Rg8 10. Rf5 Ra8 11. Kg3 Rg8+ 12. Kf4 Ra8 13. Kg4 Ra2 14. Kh5 Rh2 15. f4 Rh1 16. Rf8 Ke7 17. Rh8 Rf1 18. Kg4 Rg1+ 19. Kf5 Rg7 20. Rxh6 Rf7+ 21. Kg5 Rf8 22. e5 Rg8+ 23. Rg6 Rc8 24. f5 Kf7 25. e6+ Ke7 26. Rg7+ Kd6 27. h5 Rc1 28. Rd7+ Kc6 29. Kf6 Rf1 30. Rd8 Kb5 31. e7 Re1 32. h6 Re3 33. h7 Kb4 34. h8=Q Kc5 35. e8=Q Rxe8 36. Qxe8 Kb6 37. Qe3+ Kb7 38. Qb3+ Kc6 39. Rc8+ Kd7 40. Qe6#

r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 0 28 ystein Sande-Aurel Anton
mate -21 Rb8 2. d6 Rb2+ 3. Kg3 Rb5 4. Ra7 Rb3+ 5. Rf3 Rxf3+ 6. Kxf3 Rf8+ 7. Ke4 Rf1 8. e6 Re1+ 9. Kf5 Rf1+ 10. Kxg5 Kc8 11. e7 Kb8 12. Rxa6 Rg1+ 13. Kh5 Re1 14. d7 Kb7 15. Ra5 Re2 16. d8=Q Rxh2+ 17. Kg4 Rg2+ 18. Kf3 Rb2 19. Qd7+ Kb6 20. Qa7+ Kc6 21. e8=Q+ Kd6 22. Qc5#

8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - 1 44 Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger
mate 31 Ra2 2. Rxh2 Bd2 3. Bc3 Bxc3 4. Rh5 Kg6 5. b4 Bxd4+ 6. Ke1 Bc3+ 7. Kf1 Ra1+ 8. Kg2 Bd4 9. Rh1 Ra2 10. Kf1 Nxf3 11. Bxf3 Rf2+ 12. Ke1 Rxf3 13. Kd2 Ra3 14. Rh5 f3 15. Rxd5 f2 16. Rf5 Rxa4 17. b5 a5 18. Kd3 Ra1 19. Kxd4 f1=Q 20. Rxf1 Rxf1 21. Kc3 Rb1 22. Kc2 Rxb5 23. Kd2 a4 24. Kc3 a3 25. g5 Rb1 26. Kc4 a2 27. Kd5 Rd1+ 28. Kc5 a1=Q 29. Kb4 Rc1 30. Kb3 b5 31. Kb4 Qa4#

5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - 3 37 Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger
mate 39 1. Rg5+ Rf6 2. Ka2 c5 3. bxc5 Nxc5 4. Re5 Kg7 5. d6 Qxe6 6. Rxe6 Nxe6 7. Qg1+ Kh8 8. Qh2 b6 9. d7 Kg7 10. Qe5 h5 11. Qxe6 Rxe6 12. d8=Q Kg6 13. Qd7 Rf6 14. Qxa7 h4 15. Qc7 Kg5 16. Qe5+ Rf5 17. Qe3+ Kh5 18. Qxb6 h3 19. Qe3 Kg4 20. Qg1+ Kf3 21. c5 h2 22. Qxh2 Rxc5 23. Qd6 Rf5 24. a4 Rg5 25. Qf6+ Kg4 26. Qxg5+ Kxg5 27. a5 Kf4 28. a6 Ke4 29. a7 Kf5 30. a8=Q Kf4 31. Kb3 Ke5 32. Qa5+ Ke4 33. Qg5 Kf3 34. Qh4 Kg2 35. Kc2 Kg1 36. Kd3 Kg2 37. Ke2 Kg1 38. Kf3 Kf1 39. Qh1#

r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - 2 23 ystein Sande-Aurel Anton
mate -34 Rc8 2. Qe2 Rc2 3. Bd2 Rxd2 4. Rb8+ Kd7 5. Qxd2 Qe4+ 6. Kh3 Be7 7. e6+ fxe6 8. dxe6+ Kc7 9. Rxh8 Qxe6+ 10. Kg3 Bd6+ 11. Rf4 Kc6 12. Ra8 Bxf4+ 13. Qxf4 Qe1+ 14. Kg4 Qe2+ 15. Kg5 Qg2+ 16. Kh6 Qh3+ 17. Kg7 Qc3+ 18. Kxh7 Qh3+ 19. Kxg6 Qd3+ 20. Kh6 Qh3+ 21. Kg5 Qg2+ 22. Kh4 Qd5 23. Rxa6+ Kb7 24. Rh6 Qd7 25. Qb4+ Kc8 26. Qc4+ Kb8 27. Rb6+ Qb7 28. Rxb7+ Kxb7 29. Qb5+ Kc8 30. Kg4 Kc7 31. Kf5 Kd6 32. Kf6 Kc7 33. Ke6 Kc8 34. Kd6 Kd8 35. Qb8#

5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - 2 39 Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande
mate 24 Rf7 2. Nxc5 Rxf1 3. Nxe6 Qf3 4. Qxf1 Bxg3+ 5. Kxh3 Qxf1+ 6. Kxg3 Qxd3+ 7. Kh2 Qc3 8. Rb8+ Kf7 9. Ng5+ Kf6 10. Nxh7+ Kg7 11. Rb7+ Kh6 12. Nf8 Qd2+ 13. Kg1 Nf4 14. Rh7+ Kg5 15. Ne6+ Nxe6 16. Rh8 Kg4 17. Nb3 Qe1+ 18. Kh2 Nf4 19. Rg8+ Kf3 20. Rg2 Nxg2 21. Nxd4+ exd4 22. e5 Qg3+ 23. Kh1 Kf2 24. e6 Qh3#

5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - 11 46 Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande
mate 33 1. Kb3 Bb8 2. Ka4 f5 3. gxf5 gxf5 4. exf5 e4 5. Rc3 Rxf5 6. Rc8 Rf8 7. Kb5 Ba7 8. Ka6 Bb8 9. h5 Rd8 10. Bxe4 d5 11. Bxd5 Rf8 12. Bc6 Bh2 13. Rxf8 Kxf8 14. Ka7 Ke7 15. b8=Q Bxb8+ 16. Kxb8 Kd6 17. Bg2 Ke5 18. Kc7 Kf5 19. Kd6 Kf4 20. Bc6 Kf5 21. f3 Kg5 22. Ke5 Kxh5 23. f4 Kg4 24. f5 Kg5 25. f6 Kg6 26. Be8+ Kh7 27. Bh5 Kg8 28. Ke6 Kf8 29. f7 Kg7 30. Ke7 Kh8 31. Kf6 Kh7 32. Bg6+ Kh8 33. f8=Q#

6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - 1 45 Erich Thiele-ystein Sande
mate 32 1. Qxa6 Re7 2. Qa8+ Nf8 3. a6 Re8 4. Qb7 Bg6 5. a7 Bxe4 6. a8=Q Rxa8 7. Qxe4 Ra6 8. Qd5+ Re6 9. h4 Kf7 10. g4 Ke7 11. h5 Nd7 12. g5 Re5 13. Qg8 Re2+ 14. Kg3 Re3+ 15. Kf4 Ra3 16. h6 Ra4+ 17. Kg3 Ra3+ 18. Kg2 Re3 19. h7 Re2+ 20. Kg3 Re3+ 21. Kf4 Rh3 22. h8=Q Rxh8 23. Qxh8 Kd6 24. g6 Ke6 25. Qe8+ Kd6 26. g7 Nf6 27. Qe5+ Kc6 28. Qxf6+ Kb5 29. g8=Q Kb4 30. Qd4+ Kb5 31. Qgc4+ Ka5 32. Qd8#
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12564
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: mate test positions

Post by Dann Corbit »

May I suggest the following format:

Code: Select all

1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Kxb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.001;
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Rf1; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.002;
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm e7 Rf7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.003;
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Kb7; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.004;
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm e7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.005;
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm e6; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.006;
1r1k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb2+; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.007;
1r1k3r/R5R1/p7/3PP1pp/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rad7+; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.008;
1r1k3r/R5Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 6 31 bm Rb2+; dm -26; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.009;
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P4K/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; id Uri.010;
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P5/7K w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; id Uri.011;
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Kd8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.012;
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rc7+; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.013;
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ra8+; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.014;
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bf6; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.015;
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 w - - bm Bd6 Bb2; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.016;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke5 Kg5 mate in 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.017;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.018;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/5K2/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rf8+ Kc8; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.019;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/1r4KP/8 w - - bm Kf3; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.020;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.021;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke4; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.022;
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 w - - bm Ka4; dm 30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.023;
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/K3P3/8/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; dm -29; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.024;
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/3q1P2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 b - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.025;
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/5q2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 w - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.026;
5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; id Uri.027;
5qk1/5r1p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 w - - c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; id Uri.028;
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.029;
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.030;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; dm -30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.031;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm Rf6; dm 31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.032;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.033;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.034;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - dm -31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.035;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1p1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm hxg5; dm 32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.036;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp1P1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - bm hxg5; dm -32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.037;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm g5; dm 33; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.038;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - bm Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.039;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Re2+; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.040;
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - bm Rf2+; dm -10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.041;
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm Ke7; dm 10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.042;
6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Rd2; dm -9; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.043;
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm d7 e7; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.044;
6k1/1r3b2/Q3n3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; id Uri.045;
6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; id Uri.046;
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/2PP4/1P1Q4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - bm Nb8; dm -16; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.047;
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 w - - bm c5; dm 17; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.048;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.049;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.050;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B6R w - - c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.051;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.052;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3B1Kp/B4R2 b - - bm Ng1; dm 21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.053;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3BK1p/B4R2 w - - bm Kg2; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.054;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B1Kp/B4Rn1 w - - bm Kxh2; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.055;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B2K/B4Rn1 b - - bm Nxe2; dm 20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.056;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3n2K/B4R2 w - - bm Kh3; dm -19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.057;
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.058;
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 b - - bm Bxd4+; dm 17; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.059;
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 w - - bm Rb1; dm -18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.060;
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.061;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2K3/8 b - - bm Bxb2; dm 16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.062;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 w - - bm Kxe2 Ke1; dm -16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.063;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 b - - bm Kh4; dm 14; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.064;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P3P2/1b2K3/8 w - - bm Kf2; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.065;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 w - - bm Bb2; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.066;
8/1p6/p7/6k1/3p1pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 w - - bm b4; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.067;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/1b1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.068;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B1bn3/8 b - - bm Bxa5; dm 24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.069;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1r1bn3/B7 w - - bm Bxb2; dm -24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.070;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/r2bn3/BR6 w - - bm Rb2; dm -25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.071;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/rR1bn3/B7 b - - bm Rxb2; dm 25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.072;
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B2n3/8 w - - bm Kg2; dm -23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.073;
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bb6; dm 23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.074;
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; dm -22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.075;
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 b - - bm Bd8; dm 22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.076;
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.077;
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3BP3/5PK1/r7 b - - c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.078;
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.079;
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm Rf7 Rga7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.080;
r1k4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb8 Kd8 h5; dm -13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.081;
r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; dm 14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.082;
r2k3r/4R1bp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm Rxg7; dm 16; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.083;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPQ2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 b - - bm gxf5; dm -33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.084;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Qe3; dm 28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.085;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPp2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Bg5; dm 33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.086;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - 1 26 bm Bxe5; dm -32; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.087;
r2k3r/6Rp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - bm fxg5; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.088;
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.089;
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPpp1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm e6; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.090;
r3k2r/1R3pbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w kq - bm Re7+; dm 29; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.091;
r3k2r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - bm Kd8; dm -28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.092;
r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.093;
r3kb1r/5p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/1RB2R2 w kq - - bm Rb7; dm 27; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.094;
In this way, we can specify a specific problem without having to quote the entire Epd.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Uri Blass
Posts: 10409
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: mate test positions

Post by Uri Blass »

Dann Corbit wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:38 am May I suggest the following format:

Code: Select all

1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Kxb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.001;
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - bm Rf1; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.002;
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm e7 Rf7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.003;
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Kb7; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.004;
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm e7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.005;
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm e6; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.006;
1r1k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb2+; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.007;
1r1k3r/R5R1/p7/3PP1pp/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rad7+; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.008;
1r1k3r/R5Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 6 31 bm Rb2+; dm -26; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.009;
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P4K/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; id Uri.010;
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P5/7K w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; id Uri.011;
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Kd8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.012;
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rc7+; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.013;
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ra8+; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.014;
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bf6; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.015;
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 w - - bm Bd6 Bb2; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.016;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke5 Kg5 mate in 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.017;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.018;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/5K2/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rf8+ Kc8; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.019;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/1r4KP/8 w - - bm Kf3; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.020;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Kc8; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.021;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - bm Ke4; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.022;
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 w - - bm Ka4; dm 30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.023;
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/K3P3/8/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; dm -29; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.024;
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/3q1P2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 b - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.025;
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/5q2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 w - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.026;
5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; id Uri.027;
5qk1/5r1p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 w - - c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; id Uri.028;
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.029;
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.030;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 b - - bm Kd7; dm -30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.031;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm Rf6; dm 31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.032;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.033;
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.034;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - dm -31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.035;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1p1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm hxg5; dm 32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.036;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp1P1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - bm hxg5; dm -32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.037;
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - bm g5; dm 33; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; id Uri.038;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - bm Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.039;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Re2+; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.040;
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - bm Rf2+; dm -10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.041;
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm Ke7; dm 10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.042;
6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - bm Rd2; dm -9; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.043;
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - bm d7 e7; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.044;
6k1/1r3b2/Q3n3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 b - - c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; id Uri.045;
6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; id Uri.046;
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/2PP4/1P1Q4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - bm Nb8; dm -16; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.047;
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 w - - bm c5; dm 17; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.048;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.049;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.050;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B6R w - - c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.051;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 b - - bm Kg6; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.052;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3B1Kp/B4R2 b - - bm Ng1; dm 21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.053;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3BK1p/B4R2 w - - bm Kg2; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.054;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B1Kp/B4Rn1 w - - bm Kxh2; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.055;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B2K/B4Rn1 b - - bm Nxe2; dm 20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.056;
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3n2K/B4R2 w - - bm Kh3; dm -19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.057;
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.058;
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 b - - bm Bxd4+; dm 17; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.059;
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 w - - bm Rb1; dm -18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.060;
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.061;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2K3/8 b - - bm Bxb2; dm 16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.062;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 w - - bm Kxe2 Ke1; dm -16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.063;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 b - - bm Kh4; dm 14; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.064;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P3P2/1b2K3/8 w - - bm Kf2; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.065;
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 w - - bm Bb2; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.066;
8/1p6/p7/6k1/3p1pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 w - - bm b4; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.067;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/1b1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - bm Ba3; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.068;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B1bn3/8 b - - bm Bxa5; dm 24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.069;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1r1bn3/B7 w - - bm Bxb2; dm -24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.070;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/r2bn3/BR6 w - - bm Rb2; dm -25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.071;
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/rR1bn3/B7 b - - bm Rxb2; dm 25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.072;
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B2n3/8 w - - bm Kg2; dm -23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.073;
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - bm Bb6; dm 23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.074;
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - bm b4; dm -22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.075;
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 b - - bm Bd8; dm 22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.076;
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - bm Rb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.077;
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3BP3/5PK1/r7 b - - c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.078;
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; id Uri.079;
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - bm Rf7 Rga7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.080;
r1k4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - bm Rb8 Kd8 h5; dm -13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.081;
r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - bm Rff7; dm 14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.082;
r2k3r/4R1bp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm Rxg7; dm 16; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.083;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPQ2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 b - - bm gxf5; dm -33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.084;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Qe3; dm 28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.085;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPp2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 w - - bm Bg5; dm 33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.086;
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - 1 26 bm Bxe5; dm -32; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.087;
r2k3r/6Rp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - bm fxg5; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.088;
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.089;
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPpp1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - bm e6; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.090;
r3k2r/1R3pbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w kq - bm Re7+; dm 29; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.091;
r3k2r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - bm Kd8; dm -28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.092;
r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.093;
r3kb1r/5p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/1RB2R2 w kq - - bm Rb7; dm 27; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.094;
In this way, we can specify a specific problem without having to quote the entire Epd.
I accept the format but I do not like the order of problems that is lexicographic order and I prefer order based on distance to mate and I also do not like not having the move number and the fifty move counter that was in the original file because positions are from games but later is not there after Richard Delorme edited it and I copied from him with some corrections.

I guess that this part should be the part that is already proved to be correct by chest.

Code: Select all

6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - 4 42 bm Rd2; dm -9; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.001;
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - 3 42 bm Ke7; dm 10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; id Uri.002
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - 2 41 bm Rf2+; dm -10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.003;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - 1 41 bm Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.004;
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - 1 39 bm e7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.005;
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - 0 38 bm e7 Rf7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.006;
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - -6 37 bm Rf7 Rga7; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.007;
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - 0 40 bm Re2+; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.008;
1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - 0 37 bm Kxb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.009;
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - 5 36 bm Rb8; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.010;
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - 3 40 bm d7 e7; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.011;
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - 4 36 bm Ra8+; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.012;
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - 5 31 bm e6; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.013;
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - 2 29 bm Kb7; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.014;
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - 0 38 bm Rf1; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.015;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - 3 35 bm Kc8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.016;
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - 4 30 bm Kd8; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.017;
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - 2 35 bm Ke5 Kg5; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.018;
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - 0 34 bm Ke4; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.019;
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - 3 30 bm Rc7+; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton" id Uri.020;
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12564
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: mate test positions

Post by Dann Corbit »

Here is what I have:

No mate demonstrated yet:

Code: Select all

1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P4K/8 b - - acd 37; bm Nxf5; ce -547; c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; id "Uri.010"; pv Nxf5 Rxc5 Kg8 f4 Rb4 fxe5 Rb8 Rd7 h5 Ra7 Nd4 Rac7 Rb6 Rd7 Ne6 Rc8+ Kh7 Rxf7 Rb5 Rf2 Nd4 Rc4 Ne6 Re4 Kg6 b4 Ng5 Re3 Ne6 c3 h4 Kg2 Rb8 Kf1 Kh5 Ke2 g5 Kd3 Nf4+ Kc4 Kg6 Rd2 Rc8+ Kb3 Kf5 b5 Re8; 
1r3k2/R4pp1/2R4p/2n1pP2/8/1P3PnP/2P5/7K w - - acd 39; bm Kh2; ce 673; c0 "Erich Thiele-Georg Danner"; c3 "Kh2"; id "Uri.011"; pv Kh2; 
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/3q1P2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 b - - acd 39; bm Qxf3; ce 607; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Qxf3"; id "Uri.025"; pv Qxf3; 
4r3/pk3pp1/1pp1p2p/7P/1PP5/5q2/P1QB1n1R/1K6 w - - acd 37; bm Bc1; ce -616; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-Aurel Anton"; id "Uri.026"; pv Bc1 Nd3; 
5qk1/2r4p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 b - - acd 36; bm Rf7; ce 2683; c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; c3 "Rf7"; id "Uri.027"; pv Rf7; 
5qk1/5r1p/2p1b1n1/N1p1p3/N1PpP2b/P2P2Pp/1R5K/4QB2 w - - acd 48; bm Nxc5; ce -14888; c0 "Horst Weisenburger-ystein Sande"; id "Uri.028"; pv Nxc5 Rxf1 Nxe6 Qf3 Qxf1 Bxg3+ Kxh3 Qxf1+ Kxg3 Qxd3+ Kg4 Qxe4+ Kg5 Qh4+ Kf5 Qh3+ Kg5 Qxe6 Rb8+ Nf8 Nb3 Qh3 Kf6 Qh4+ Kxe5 Qh2+ Kxd4 Qxb8 Kc3 Qe5+ Kc2 Ne6 a4 Nd4+ Nxd4 Qxd4 Kb3 Qd2 c5 Qd4 a5 Qxc5 Ka2; 
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - acd 37; bm Qg7; ce -493; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Rf6"; id "Uri.029"; pv Qg7 Qd3 Nb8 c5 Qf6 d6 Re8 d7 Nxd7 Qxd7 Qe7 Ka4 c6 Qd6 a5 Qd4+ Qg7 Qd7 Ra8 e7 axb4+ Kxb4 Qb2+ Rb3 Qe5 Qd8+ Kg7 e8Q Qf4+ Kc3 Qc1+ Kd4 Qd2+ Ke5 Qe2+ Kf5 Qf1+ Kg5 h6+ Kh5 Qf5+ Kh4 Qf4+ Kh3 Qf1+ Kg3 Qg1+ Kh4 Qh2+ Kg4 h5+ Kf3 Qh1+ Kf4 Qc1+ Re3 Rxd8 Qxd8; 
5r1k/ppp1q2p/n3P3/3PR3/1PPQ4/PK6/8/8 w - - acd 38; bm Rg5+; ce 1622; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Re3+"; id "Uri.030"; pv Rg5+; 
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - acd 38; bm Bb8; ce -1218; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Kd7"; id "Uri.033"; pv Bb8 Kb4; 
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/5R2/2K2P2/8 w - - acd 41; bm Kb3; ce 1083; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Kb3"; id "Uri.034"; pv Kb3; 
6k1/1r3b2/p2Qn3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 w - - acd 38; bm Qxa6; ce 2960; c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; c3 "Qxa6"; id "Uri.046"; pv Qxa6; 
6k1/1r3b2/Q3n3/P7/4P3/7P/6PK/8 b - - acd 38; bm Re7; ce -937; c0 "Erich Thiele-ystein Sande"; id "Uri.045"; pv Re7 Qd6 Kf8 Qb8+ Re8 Qb4+ Re7 a6 Be8 a7 Bc6 Qb8+ Kf7 a8=Q Bxa8 Qxa8 Nf4 h4 Re6 Qb7+ Re7 Qb3+ Ne6 Qd5 Ke8 h5 Nf8 Qb5+ Nd7 Qg5 Rh7 h6 Rf7 Qd5 Nf8 g4 Rd7 Qb5 Kd8 g5 Kc7 Qc5+ Kb7 Qxf8 Kb6 Qf6+ Kc7 Qe5+ Kb6 Qe6+ Kc7 Qc4+ Kb7 Qb3+ Kc8; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/2r1BK1p/B6R b - - acd 44; bm Ra2; ce 1073; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Ra2"; id "Uri.049"; pv Ra2; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B6R w - - acd 44; bm Rxh2; ce -1146; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Rf1"; id "Uri.051"; pv Rxh2 Rxa1 Rh5 Be7 Bd3 Ra2+ Be2 Rb2 Ke1 Rxb3 Kd2 Rb2+ Kd3 Kf6 Bd1 Bb4 Bc2 Nxf3 Rxd5 Ne1+ Ke4 Nxc2 Kxf4 Bc3 Rf5+ Ke7 Re5+ Kd6 Ke4 Nxd4 Rd5+ Ke6 Rc5 Rb3 Rh5 Kf6 Rh6+ Kg5 Rh5+ Kg6 Rh1 Nc6 Rf1 Rb2 Kd3 Bg7 Rh1 Rb4 Ke2 Be5 a5 Nxa5 Ke3 Kf7 Ke2 Nc6 Rh6 Rb2+ Kf1 Rb1+ Kg2 Rb3 Kf1 Bf6 Ke2; 
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - acd 48; bm Rc8; ce -32641; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kc8"; id "Uri.089"; pv Rc8 Ra7; 
r3kb1r/1R3p1p/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - acd 38; bm Rc8; ce -1193; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Bg7"; id "Uri.093"; pv Rc8 Qe2 Rc2 Rb8+ Kd7 Bd2 Rxd2 Qxd2 Qe4+ Kh3 Be7 Rxh8 Qh4+ Kg2 Qe4+ Rf3 Qg4+ Rg3 Qe4+ Kf1 Qh1+ Rg1 Qf3+ Qf2 Qxd5 Rxh7 Ke8 Rg3 g5 Rh8+ Bf8 Qc2 Qb5+ Kf2 Ke7 Qc7+ Ke6 Qc8+ Kd5 Qxf8 Qb6+ Kf3 Qc7 Rxg5 Kc4 Qc8 Qxc8 Rxc8+ Kb4 Rc7 a5 Rg4+ Kb5 Rb7+ Ka6 Rxf7 Kb6; 
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3BP3/5PK1/r7 b - - acd 41; bm exd3; ce -14831; c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; id "Uri.078"; pv exd3 e4 d2 Rd8 Rxa7 Rxd2 Ra1 Rd6 Re1 Kf3 Rh1 Kg4 f3 Kg3 Kh7 Rf6 Kg7 Rf5 Re1 Kxf3 Ra1 h5 Rb1 Kg3 Rc1 e5 Rf1 Rf6 Re1 Rg6+ Kh7 e6 Re2 Kf3 Re5 Kf4 Rd5 e7 Rc5 Rd6 Rc4+ Kf5 Rc8 Kf6 Rb8; 
R7/P5k1/7p/8/4pp1P/3nP3/5PK1/r4B2 w - - acd 47; bm exf4; ce 695; c0 "Georg Danner-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bxd3"; id "Uri.079"; pv exf4; 
Mate found:

Code: Select all

6R1/1k1PK3/p3P3/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - acd 155; bm Rd2; ce -32749; dm -9; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rd2"; id "Uri.043"; pv Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 b - - acd 119; bm Rf2+; ce -32747; dm -10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rf2+"; id "Uri.041"; pv Rf2+ Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
6R1/1k1P4/p3PK2/7p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - acd 125; bm Ke7; ce 32748; dm 10; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Ke7"; id "Uri.042"; pv Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
1k3r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - acd 117; bm e7; ce 32746; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "e7 Rf7"; id "Uri.003"; pv e7 Re8 d6 Kc8 Ke6 Kb7 d7 Rxe7+ Kxe7 Kc6 Rg5 g3 d8=Q gxh2 Qd5+ Kc7 Rg6 h1=Q Qd7+ Kb8 Rg8+; 
1k6/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - acd 104; bm e7; ce 32746; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "e7"; id "Uri.005"; pv e7 Re2+ Kd5 Kc8 Rg8+ Kb7 e8=Q Rd2+ Kc4 Rc2+ Kd3 Rb2 Qb8+ Kc6 Qc7+ Kb5 Rg5+ Ka4 Ra5+ Kb3 Qc3+; 
1Rk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - acd 109; bm Kxb8; ce -32745; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kxb8"; id "Uri.001"; pv Kxb8 e7 Re8 d6 Kc8 Ke6 Kb7 d7 Rxe7+ Kxe7 Kc6 Rg5 g3 d8=Q gxh2 Qd5+ Kc7 Rg6 h1=Q Qd7+ Kb8 Rg8+; 
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/4r2P/8 w - - acd 97; bm Kf6; ce 32746; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kd4 Kf6 Kf5 Kf4 Kd5"; id "Uri.039"; pv Kf6 Rf2+ Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
6R1/1k1P4/p3P3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - acd 111; bm Re2+; ce -32745; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Re2+"; id "Uri.040"; pv Re2+ Kf6 Rf2+ Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
R1k2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - acd 101; bm Rb8; ce -32745; dm -11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rb8"; id "Uri.077"; pv Rb8 Rga7 Rf2 d6 Re2+ Kf6 Rxa8 d7+ Kd8 Rxa8+ Kc7 d8=Q+ Kc6 Qa5 Rf2+ Ke7 Rf7+ exf7 g3 f8=Q gxh2 Qf3+; 
Rrk2r2/6R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/7P/8 w - - acd 109; bm Rga7; ce 32746; dm 11; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rf7 Rga7"; id "Uri.080"; pv Rga7 Rf2 d6 Re2+ Kf6 Rxa8 d7+ Kd8 Rxa8+ Kc7 d8=Q+ Kc6 Qa5 Rf2+ Ke7 Rf7+ exf7 g3 f8=Q gxh2 Qf3+; 
1k3r2/6R1/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/7P/8 b - - acd 93; bm Rf1; ce -32743; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rf1"; id "Uri.002"; pv Rf1 e7 Re1+ Kd5 Kc8 Rg8+ Kb7 e8=Q Rd1+ Kc4 Rc1+ Kb3 g3 Qe4+ Kb6 d7 Rd1 Rb8+ Kc7 Rb7+ Kd6 d8=Q+ Kc5 Qc2+; 
1k4R1/8/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 b - - acd 90; bm Kb7; ce -32743; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kb7"; id "Uri.004"; pv Kb7 d7 Re2+ Kf6 Rf2+ Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 Kb6 Rg5 g3 hxg3 Kc6 e7 Kb6 e8=Q h4 Qe6+ Ka7 Rg7+ Kb8 Qc8+; 
1r1k3r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - acd 92; bm e6; ce 32744; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "e6"; id "Uri.006"; pv e6 Ke8 e7 Rf8 d6 Rb2+ Kg3 Rb3+ Kg4 Rb4+ Kh5 Rh4+ Kxg5 h6+ Kxh4 Rf4+ Kg3 Rg4+ Kxg4 h5+ Kxh5 a5 d7+; 
1rk4r/2R3Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - acd 99; bm Kd8; ce -32743; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kd8"; id "Uri.012"; pv Kd8 e6 Ke8 e7 Rf8 d6 Rb2+ Kg3 Rb3+ Kg4 Rb4+ Kh5 Rh4+ Kxg5 h6+ Kxh4 Rf4+ Kg3 Rg4+ Kxg4 h5+ Kxh5 a5 d7+; 
2k2r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 w - - acd 97; bm Ra8+; ce 32744; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Ra8+"; id "Uri.014"; pv Ra8+ Rb8 Rga7 Rf2 d6 Re2+ Kf6 Rxa8 d7+ Kd8 Rxa8+ Kc7 d8=Q+ Kc6 Rc8+ Kb5 Qd3+ Ka4 Qxa6+ Kb3 Qb7+ Ka2 Ra8+; 
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3PK2p/6p1/8/1r5P/8 b - - acd 103; bm Kc8; ce -32743; dm -12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kc8"; id "Uri.018"; pv Kc8 Ra8+ Rb8 Rga7 Rf2 d6 Re2+ Kf6 Rxa8 d7+ Kd8 Rxa8+ Kc7 d8=Q+ Kc6 Rc8+ Kb5 Qd3+ Kb4 Qc3+ Ka4 Rc4+ Kb5 Qb4+; 
6R1/1k6/p2PP3/4K2p/6p1/8/5r1P/8 w - - acd 92; bm d7; ce 32744; dm 12; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "d7 e7"; id "Uri.044"; pv d7 Re2+ Kf6 Rf2+ Ke7 Rd2 d8=Q Rxd8 Kxd8 g3 hxg3 Kc6 Rg5 h4 e7 hxg3 e8=Q+ Kb7 Qe6 Kb8 Qxa6 g2 Rb5+; 
1rk4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - acd 95; bm Rc7+; ce 32742; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rc7+"; id "Uri.013"; pv Rc7+ Kd8 e6 Ke8 e7 Rf8 d6 Rb2+ Kg3 Rb3+ Kg4 Rb4+ Kh5 Rh4+ Kxg5 h6+ Kxh4 Rf4+ Kg3 Rg4+ Kxg4 h5+ Kxh5 a5 d7+; 
3k1r2/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 w - - acd 90; bm Ke5; ce 32742; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Ke5 Kg5 mate in 13"; id "Uri.017"; pv Ke5 Kc8 Ra8+ Rb8 Rga7 Rf2 d6 Re2+ Kf6 Rxa8 d7+ Kd8 Rxa8+ Kc7 d8=Q+ Kc6 Rc8+ Kb5 Qd3+ Ka4 Qxa6+ Kb4 Qb7+ Ka3 Ra8+; 
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/6p1/5K2/1r5P/8 w - - acd 95; bm Ke4; ce 32742; dm 13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Ke4"; id "Uri.022"; pv Ke4 Rb4+ Ke5 Kc8 Ra8+ Rb8 Rga7 g3 hxg3 Re8 d6 Rxa8 Rxa8+ Kb7 Rxe8 Kb6 d7 Kc5 d8=Q Kb4 Qd3 Ka4 Rb8 a5 Qb3+; 
r1k4r/5RRp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - acd 85; bm Kd8; ce -32741; dm -13; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rb8 Kd8 h5"; id "Uri.081"; pv Kd8 Rc7 Ke8 Rb7 Kd8 d6 Rc8 d7 Rc2+ Kf3 Rf8+ Ke4 Rf4+ Kd5 Rd4+ Kxd4 Rd2+ Ke3 Rxd7 Rgxd7+ Kc8 e6 a5 e7 a4 e8=Q+; 
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/5K2/1r5P/8 b - - acd 88; bm Rf8+; ce -32739; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rf8+ Kc8"; id "Uri.019"; pv Rf8+ Ke3 Rb3+ Kd4 Kc8 e7 Re8 d6 Rb4+ Kd5 Rb7 Ra8+ Kd7 Rd8+ Rxd8 exd8=Q+ Kxd8 Rxb7 g4 Kc6 Ke8 Rh7 Kf8 d7 Kg8 Re7 a5 d8=Q+; 
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P3p/5Kp1/8/1r5P/8 b - - acd 91; bm Kc8; ce -32741; dm -14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kc8"; id "Uri.021"; pv Kc8 Ra8+ Rb8 Rga7 g3 d6 Rf8+ Ke5 Rxa8 Rxa8+ Kb7 Rxf8 g2 Rg8 g1=Q Rxg1 Kb6 d7 Kc5 d8=Q Kb4 Rb1+ Kc3 Ke4 Kc2 Qd3+; 
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 b - - acd 89; bm Kh4; ce 32740; dm 14; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kh4"; id "Uri.064"; pv Kh4 Kc2 Bg7 Kd3 Kg3 Ke2 a5 g5 b5 g6 b4 Kd3 Kxf3 Kd2 Kg2 Kc2 f3 Kb1 f2 Ka2 a4 Kb1 axb3 Kc1 f1=Q+ Kd2 Bh6+; 
r1k4r/6Rp/p7/3PPRp1/8/8/6KP/8 w - - acd 85; bm Rff7; ce 32740; dm 14; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rff7"; id "Uri.082"; pv Rff7 Kd8 Rc7 Ke8 Rb7 Kd8 d6 Rc8 d7 Rc2+ Kf3 Rf8+ Ke4 Rf4+ Kd5 Rd4+ Kxd4 Rd2+ Ke3 Rxd7 Rgxd7+ Kc8 e6 a5 e7 a4 e8=Q+; 
1r1k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/6KP/8 b - - acd 87; bm Rb2+; ce -32737; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rb2+"; id "Uri.007"; pv Rb2+ Kf3 Rf8+ Ke3 Rb3+ Kd4 Kc8 e7 Re8 d6 Rb7 Ra8+ Kd7 Rxe8 Rb4+ Kc3 Re4 Rd8+ Kc6 e8=Q+ Rxe8 Rxe8 Kxd6 Kc4 h4 Re4 a5 Rge7 a4 R4e6+; 
1r1k3r/R5R1/p7/3PP1pp/8/8/6KP/8 w - - acd 84; bm e6; ce 32736; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rad7+"; id "Uri.008"; pv e6 Rb2+ Kf3 Rf8+ Ke3 Rb3+ Kd4 Kc8 e7 Re8 d6 Rb7 Ra8+ Kd7 Rxe8 Rb4+ Kc3 Re4 Rd8+ Kc6 e8=Q+ Rxe8 Rxe8 Kxd6 Kc4 h4 Re4 a5 Rge7 a4 R4e6+; 
3k3r/R5R1/p3P3/3P2pp/8/8/1r4KP/8 w - - acd 90; bm Kf3; ce 32738; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kf3"; id "Uri.020"; pv Kf3 Rf8+ Ke3 Rb3+ Kd4 Kc8 e7 Re8 d6 Rb4+ Kd5 Rb7 Ra8+ Kd7 Rd8+ Rxd8 exd8=Q+ Kxd8 Rxb7 g4 Kc6 Ke8 Rh7 Kf8 d7 Kg8 Re7 a5 d8=Q+; 
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/5pP1/1P3P2/1b2K3/8 w - - acd 84; bm b4; ce -32737; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kf2"; id "Uri.065"; pv b4 Kh4 Kf2 b5 Kf1 Kg3 Ke2 Bf6 g5 Bxg5 Kd3 Bf6 Ke2 Kg2 Ke1 Kxf3 Kd2 Kg2 Kd3 f3 Kc2 f2 Kd3 f1=Q+ Kc2 Qe1 Kb3 Qb1+ Ka3 Qb2+; 
8/1p6/p7/6k1/3p1pP1/1P1K1P2/1b6/8 w - - acd 79; bm b4; ce -32737; dm -15; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "b4"; id "Uri.067"; pv b4 Bc3 Kc4 b6 Kd3 a5 b5 a4 Kc4 a3 Kb3 Bb2 Kc2 d3+ Kxd3 a2 Ke4 a1=Q Kd5 Qa8+ Kd6 Qc8 Kd5 Qd7+ Kc4 Qd1 Kb4 Qd5 Ka4 Qc4+; 
r2k3r/6Rp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - acd 55; bm fxg5; ce -14894; dm -15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "fxg5"; id "Uri.088"; pv fxg5 Rxf5 Rc8 Ra7 Rc7 Rxa6 Rc2+ Kg3 Kc7 Rf7+ Kb8 e6 Re8 e7 Kb7 d6 Kxa6 Rf8 Rcc8 Rxe8 Rxe8 d7 Rxe7 d8=Q Re3+ Kf2 Rb3 Qxg5 Rb2+ Kg3 Rb3+ Kh4 Rb4+ Kh5 Rb5 h4 Rb6 Kg4 Rb5 h5 Rb4+ Qf4 Rb5 h6 Rb7 Kg5 Rb5+ Kf6 Rb6+ Kf5 Rb5+ Qe5 Rb7 Qa1+ Kb6 Qb2+ Kc7 Qxb7+ Kxb7; 
r2k3r/6Rp/p7/3PPpp1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - acd 31; bm e6; ce 32736; dm 15; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "e6"; id "Uri.090"; pv e6 Rc8 Rd7+ Ke8 d6 Rc2+ Rf2 Rxf2+ Kxf2 g4 Ra7 Kf8 Ra8+ Kg7 Rxh8 h5 e7 g3+ hxg3 Kxh8 e8=Q+ Kg7 d7 h4 d8=Q hxg3+ Kf3 Kh6 Qf6+ Kh7 Qef7+; 
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/2PP4/1P1Q4/PK2R3/8/8 b - - acd 77; bm Nb8; ce -32735; dm -16; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Nb8"; id "Uri.047"; pv Nb8 d6 cxd6 cxd6 Nc6 dxe7 Nxd4+ Kc4 Nf5 e8=Q+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kh6 Rh3+ Kg5 e7 Rf7 Qd2+ Kg4 Qg2+ Kf4 Rf3+ Ke5 e8=Q+ Re7 Rxf5+ Kxf5 Qf3+ Ke6 Qff7+ Kd6 Qfxe7+; 
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2K3/8 b - - acd 86; bm Bxb2; ce 32736; dm 16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bxb2"; id "Uri.062"; pv Bxb2 b4 Kh4 Kf2 Bh8 g5 Kh3 Ke2 Kg2 b5 a5 Kd1 Kxf3 Kd2 Bg7 Kd1 Kg2 Kc2 f3 Kd3 f2 Kd2 f1=Q Kc2 Qe1 g6 b6 Kd3 Qd1+ Ke3 Bh6+; 
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3b1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 w - - acd 74; bm Bxd4; ce -32735; dm -16; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kxe2 Ke1"; id "Uri.063"; pv Bxd4 Nxd4 b4 b5 Kg2 Nc2 Kf2 Nxb4 Ke1 a5 Kd2 a4 Kc3 a3 Kd4 a2 Kc5 a1=Q Kxb4 d4 Kc5 d3 Kd6 d2 Kc6 d1=Q Kc5 Qa3+ Kxb5 Qd5+ Kb6 Qaa5+; 
r2k3r/4R1bp/p4p2/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 w - - acd 34; bm Rxg7; ce 2374; dm 16; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c1 "#16;"; c3 "Rxg7"; id "Uri.083"; pv Rxg7; 
7k/ppp1q2p/n3Pr2/3P4/1PPQ4/PK2R3/8/8 w - - acd 81; bm c5; ce 32734; dm 17; c0 "Erich Thiele-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "c5"; id "Uri.048"; pv c5 Nb8 d6 cxd6 cxd6 Nc6 dxe7 Nxd4+ Kc4 Nf5 e8=Q+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kh6 Rh3+ Kg5 e7 Rf7 Qd2+ Kg4 Qg2+ Kf4 Rf3+ Ke5 e8=Q+ Re7 Rxf5+ Kxf5 Qf3+ Ke6 Qff7+ Kd6 Qfxe7+; 
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2nK2/8 b - - acd 35; bm Bxd4+; ce 32734; dm 17; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bxd4+"; id "Uri.059"; pv Bxd4+ Kxe2 Bxb2 b4 Kh4 Kf2 Kh3 Ke1 Kg3 Ke2 b5 g5 Be5 Ke1 Kxf3 Kf1 Bc3 g6 Bg7 Ke1 Kg2 Kd1 f3 Kc1 f2 Kc2 f1Q Kd2 Qf2+ Kd3 d4 Ke4 Qf3+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p2n1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3BK1p/B4R2 b - - acd 75; bm Kg6; ce 32726; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kg6"; id "Uri.050"; pv Kg6 Rh1 Nh3+ Kg2 Ng1 Kxh2 Nxf3+ Kg2 Ng5 Kf1 Rxa1+ Kg2 Ra2 Kf1 Ne4 Rh5 Ng3+ Kg2 Rxe2+ Kf3 Be1 Kxf4 Re4+ Kf3 Nxh5 gxh5+ Kxh5 a5 Kh4 b4 Bxb4 Kg2 Kg4 Kf2 Bd6 Kg1 Kf3 Kf1 Bg3 Kg1 Re1+; 
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 w - - acd 81; bm Rb1; ce -32729; dm -18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Rb1"; id "Uri.060"; pv Rb1 Ng3 Bb2 Kg5 a5 Ne2 Ba1 Ba3 Rf1 Bc1 Rf2 Be3 Kg2 Bxf2 Kxf2 Rxa1 Kxe2 Rb1 Kd3 Rxb3+ Kc2 Rxf3 Kd1 Rf2 Ke1 Ra2 Kd1 Kxg4 Ke1 f3 Kf1 Re2 Kg1 Kg3 Kf1 Re4 Kg1 Re1+; 
8/1p6/p5k1/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - acd 84; bm Ng3; ce 32730; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Ba3"; id "Uri.061"; pv Ng3 Bb2 Kg5 a5 Ne2 Ba1 Ba3 Rf1 Bc1 Rf2 Be3 Kg2 Bxf2 Kxf2 Rxa1 Kxe2 Rb1 Kd3 Rxb3+ Kc2 Rxf3 Kd1 Rf2 Ke1 Ra2 Kd1 Kxg4 Ke1 f3 Kf1 Re2 Kg1 Kg3 Kf1 Re4 Kg1 Re1+; 
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/1b1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 b - - acd 84; bm Ba3; ce 32736; dm 18; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Ba3"; id "Uri.068"; pv Ba3 Re1 Bc1 Kg2 Be3 Rxe2 Rxe2+ Kf1 Rf2+ Ke1 Rxf3 Ke2 Rf2+ Kd3 Rd2+ Kc3 f3 Kb4 Rc2 Bc3 f2 Kc5 f1=Q Kxd5 Qf7+ Kd6 Rxc3 Ke5 Bf4+ Ke4 Re3+; 
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - acd 71; bm Bf6; ce 32726; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bf6"; id "Uri.015"; pv Bf6 b4 Nxd4 Bc1 Ne2 Bd2 Bc3 Bxc3 Nxc3 Kf2 Na2 Ke2 Nxb4 Kd1 d4 Kc1 a5 Kb2 a4 Ka3 d3 Kxa4 d2 Kxb4 d1=Q Kc5 Qxf3 Kc4 Qa3 Kd5 f3 Ke6 f2 Kd7 f1=Q Kc7 Kxg4 Kb8 Qf7 Kc8 Qa8+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/B4R2 b - - acd 76; bm Ng3; ce 32728; dm 19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kg6"; id "Uri.052"; pv Ng3 Rc1 Kg6 g5 Kxg5 Rc7 Nf1 Rg7+ Kf6 Rg2 Rxa1 Rg1 Re1 Kg2 Ng3 Rxe1 Bxe1 a5 Bc3 Kf2 Kg5 b4 Kh5 Kg2 Bxd4 Kh3 Be3 b5 d4 bxa6 bxa6 Kg2 d3 Kh2 d2 Kg2 d1=Q Kh2 Qh1+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3n2K/B4R2 w - - acd 86; bm Kh3; ce -32727; dm -19; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kh3"; id "Uri.057"; pv Kh3 Ng3 Rc1 Kg6 g5 Kxg5 Rc8 Nf1 Rg8+ Kf6 Rg2 Rxa1 Rg1 Re1 Kg2 Ng3 Rxe1 Bxe1 a5 Bc3 Kf2 Kg5 b4 Kh5 Kg2 Bxd4 Kh3 Be3 b5 d4 bxa6 bxa6 Kg2 d3 Kh2 d2 Kg2 d1=Q Kh2 Qh1+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B1Kp/B4Rn1 w - - acd 84; bm Kxh2; ce -32725; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kxh2"; id "Uri.055"; pv Kxh2 Nxe2 Kh3 Ng3 Rc1 Kg6 g5 Kxg5 Rc8 Nf1 Rg8+ Kf6 Rg2 Rxa1 Rg1 Re1 Kg2 Ng3 Rxe1 Bxe1 a5 Bc3 Kf2 Kg5 b4 Kh5 Kg2 Bxd4 Kh3 Be3 b5 d4 bxa6 bxa6 Kg2 d3 Kh2 d2 Kg2 d1=Q Kh2 Qh1+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P2/r3B2K/B4Rn1 b - - acd 85; bm Nxe2; ce 32726; dm 20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Nxe2"; id "Uri.056"; pv Nxe2 Kh3 Ng3 Rc1 Kg6 g5 Kxg5 Rc8 Nf1 Rg8+ Kf6 Rg2 Rxa1 Rg1 Re1 Kg2 Ng3 Rxe1 Bxe1 a5 Bc3 Kf2 Kg5 b4 Kh5 Kg2 Bxd4 Kh3 Be3 b5 d4 bxa6 bxa6 Kg2 d3 Kh2 d2 Kg2 d1=Q Kh2 Qh1+; 
8/1p6/p4b2/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - acd 76; bm Ba3; ce -32729; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "b4"; id "Uri.058"; pv Ba3 Nxd4 b4 Nc2 Bc1 Nxb4 Kf1 b5 Ke2 a5 Kd2 a4 Ba3 Nc6 Kc1 b4 Bb2 Bxb2+ Kxb2 a3+ Kb3 d4 Kc4 a2 Kb5 d3 Kxc6 a1=Q Kd6 d2 Kc5 d1=Q Kc4 Qdd4+ Kb5 Qd5+ Kxb4 Qaa5+; 
8/1p6/p7/3p2k1/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1K/r3n3/BR6 w - - acd 84; bm Bb2; ce -32731; dm -20; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bb2"; id "Uri.066"; pv Bb2 Ng3 a5 Ne2 Ba1 Ba3 Rf1 Bc1 Rf2 Be3 Kg2 Bxf2 Kxf2 Rxa1 Kxe2 Rb1 Kd3 Rxb3+ Kc2 Rxf3 Kd1 Rf2 Ke1 Ra2 Kd1 Kxg4 Ke1 f3 Kf1 Re2 Kg1 Kg3 Kf1 Re4 Kg1 Re1+; 
3b4/1p6/p7/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 w - - acd 45; bm Bb2; ce -32723; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bd6 Bb2"; id "Uri.016"; pv Bb2 Bf6 b4 Nxd4 Bc1 b5 Bd2 Nc6 Kf2 Be7 Bc1 Nxb4 Ke2 a5 Kd1 a4 Ba3 Nc6 Bb2 a3 Bg7 Bf6 Bxf6+ Kxf6 Kc2 d4 Kb3 d3 Kc3 a2 g5+ Kxg5 Kb3 d2 Kxa2 d1Q Kb2 Nb4 Kc3 Nd3 Kd4 Qb3 Ke4 Qc4+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3B1Kp/B4R2 b - - acd 81; bm Ng5; ce 32724; dm 21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Ng1"; id "Uri.053"; pv Ng5 Kf2 Kg6 Rh1 Nh3+ Kg2 Ng1 Kxh2 Nxf3+ Kg2 Ng5 Kf1 Rxa1+ Kg2 Ra2 Kf1 Ne4 Rh5 Ng3+ Kg2 Rxe2+ Kf3 Be1 Kxf4 Re4+ Kf3 Nxh5 gxh5+ Kxh5 a5 Kh4 b4 Bxb4 Kg2 Kg4 Kf2 Bd6 Kg1 Kf3 Kf1 Bg3 Kg1 Re1+; 
8/1p4k1/p7/3p4/Pb1P1pP1/1P3P1n/r3BK1p/B4R2 w - - acd 85; bm Kg2; ce -32725; dm -21; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kg2"; id "Uri.054"; pv Kg2 Ng5 Kf2 Kg6 Rh1 Nh3+ Kg2 Ng1 Kxh2 Nxe2 Kh3 Ng3 Rg1 Kg5 a5 Rf2 Rxg3 fxg3 Kxg3 Rf1 f4+ Rxf4 Bb2 Be1+ Kh3 Rf3+ Kg2 Kxg4 Bc1 Rf2+ Kg1 Re2 b4 Kf3 Bf4 Bf2+ Kh1 Bg3 Bxg3 Kxg3 b5 Re1+; 
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 w - - acd 77; bm Ba3; ce -32723; dm -22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "b4"; id "Uri.075"; pv Ba3 Bd8 Bd6 Nxd4 b4 Nc6 Kf1 Be7 Bxe7+ Nxe7 Ke2 Nc6 Kd3 Nxb4+ Kd4 a5 Kc5 b6+ Kb5 d4 Kc4 d3 Kc3 a4 Kxb4 d2 Kxa4 d1=Q+ Kb5 Qxf3 Kc4 Qxg4 Kd3 Qf5+ Kc4 f3 Kb3 f2 Kb2 f1=Q Ka3 Q5d3+ Ka2 Qfb1+; 
8/1p6/pb6/3p2k1/3P1pP1/BP3P2/4n1K1/8 b - - acd 76; bm Bd8; ce 32726; dm 22; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bd8"; id "Uri.076"; pv Bd8 b4 Nxd4 Kf2 Nc2 Bc1 Nxb4 Ke2 b5 Bd2 a5 Kd1 Bf6 Kc1 Nc6 Kb1 b4 Ka2 a4 Bxb4 Nxb4+ Ka3 Nc2+ Kxa4 d4 Ka5 d3 Kb6 d2 Kb7 d1=Q Kc7 Nd4 Kb8 Qxf3 Kc8 Qc6+ Kb8 Be5+ Ka7 Nb5+; 
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B2n3/8 w - - acd 49; bm Ba3; ce -32719; dm -23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Kg2"; id "Uri.073"; pv Ba3 Nxd4 Kg2 Bc3 Be7+ Kg6 Bd6 Bd2 Kf2 a5 Be5 Nxb3 Ke2 b5 Kd3 b4 Kc2 a4 Kb2 Bc3+ Bxc3 bxc3+ Kxc3 d4+ Kc4 Kg5 Kb4 d3 Kxa4 d2 Kxb3 d1Q+ Kc4 Qxf3 Kd4 Qe3+ Kd5 f3 Kd6 f2 Kd5 f1Q Kc6 Qf6+ Kb7 Qeb6+ Ka8 Qa1+; 
8/1p6/p7/b2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P2/1B2n1K1/8 b - - acd 76; bm Bb6; ce 32722; dm 23; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bb6"; id "Uri.074"; pv Bb6 Ba3 Bd8 Bc5 a5 Kf1 Nc1 b4 a4 b5 Nb3 Bd6 Nxd4 b6 Nb5 Bb4 a3 Bxa3 Nxa3 Ke2 Nb5 Kd2 Bxb6 Kc1 Nd4 Kb1 Nxf3 Kc2 Kxg4 Kc3 Nd4 Kd2 f3 Ke3 Kg3 Kd2 f2 Kc3 f1=Q Kb2 Qd1 Ka2 Qc2+ Ka3 Bc5+; 
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1B1bn3/8 b - - acd 71; bm Bc1; ce 32722; dm 24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bxa5"; id "Uri.069"; pv Bc1 Ba1 Be3 Bb2 Nxd4 Kg2 Nxb3 Kf1 Nxa5 Ke1 Nc6 Ba3 a5 Ke2 b5 Bd6 a4 Kd3 b4 Kc2 d4 Bf8 a3 Bg7 a2 Kb2 d3 Kb3 Bd4 Bh6+ Kxh6 Kxa2 d2 Kb3 d1=Q+ Kc4 Qxf3 Kb5 Qc3 Ka4 Na7 g5+ Kxg5 Ka5 Qa3+; 
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/1r1bn3/B7 w - - acd 78; bm Bxb2; ce -32725; dm -24; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Bxb2"; id "Uri.070"; pv Bxb2 Bc1 Ba1 Be3 Kg2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nxd4 Kf2 Nxb3 Ke2 Nxa5 Kd3 Nc6 Kc2 a5 Kb2 b5 Kb3 a4+ Kc3 b4+ Kd3 a3 Kc2 Nd4+ Kd3 a2 Kxd4 a1=Q+ Kxd5 b3 Kc6 b2 Kd7 b1=Q Kc6 Qf6+ Kc7 Qbb6+ Kc8 Qfe6+; 
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/r2bn3/BR6 w - - acd 81; bm Rb2; ce -32723; dm -25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Rb2"; id "Uri.071"; pv Rb2 Rxb2 Bxb2 Bc1 Ba1 Be3 Kg2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nxd4 Kf2 Nxb3 Ke2 Nxa5 Kd3 Nc6 Kc2 a5 Kb2 b5 Kb3 a4+ Kc3 b4+ Kd3 a3 Kc2 Nd4+ Kd3 a2 Kxd4 a1=Q+ Kxd5 b3 Kc6 b2 Kd7 b1=Q Kc6 Qf6+ Kc7 Qbb6+ Kc8 Qfe6+; 
8/1p6/p7/P2p2k1/3P1pP1/1P3P1K/rR1bn3/B7 b - - acd 81; bm Rxb2; ce 32724; dm 25; c0 "Aurel Anton-Horst Weisenburger"; c3 "Rxb2"; id "Uri.072"; pv Rxb2 Bxb2 Bc1 Ba1 Be3 Kg2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nxd4 Kf2 Nxb3 Ke2 Nxa5 Kd3 Nc6 Kc2 a5 Kb2 b5 Kb3 b4 Kc2 a4 Kd3 a3 Kc2 Nd4+ Kd3 a2 Kxd4 a1=Q+ Kxd5 b3 Kc6 b2 Kd7 b1=Q Kc6 Qf6+ Kd7 Qb7+ Ke8 Qbe7+; 
1r1k3r/R5Rp/p7/3PP1p1/8/8/6KP/8 b - - acd 65; bm Rb2+; ce -32713; dm -26; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Rb2+"; id "Uri.009"; pv Rb2+ Kg3 Kc8 Ra8+ Rb8 Rxb8+ Kxb8 d6 Rd8 e6 Rxd6 e7 Re6 Rg8+ Kb7 e8=Q Rxe8 Rxe8 Kc6 Kg4 a5 Kxg5 a4 Rh8 a3 Rxh7 Kb6 Rh3 a2 Ra3 Kb5 Rxa2 Kc4 h4 Kb3 Ra8 Kc4 h5 Kd4 h6 Kc5 h7 Kd5 h8=Q Kc4 Ra7 Kd3 Qd8+ Kc2 Rc7+ Kb3 Qb8+ Ka3 Ra7+; 
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w - - acd 47; bm Qe2; ce 32722; dm 28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Qe3"; id "Uri.085"; pv Qe2; 
r3k2r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 b kq - acd 58; bm Kd8; ce -14897; dm -28; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Kd8"; id "Uri.092"; pv Kd8 Qxf5 gxf5 Bg5 Bxe5 Ra7+ Kc8 Rxa8+ Kd7 Rxh8 Bxh8 Rxf5 Bb2 Rxf7+ Kd6 Rxh7 a5 Be7+ Kxd5 Rh5+ Ke6 Rxa5 Kxe7; 
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/K3P3/8/5P2/8 b - - acd 58; bm Bb8; ce -32695; dm -29; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Kd7"; id "Uri.024"; pv Bb8 Kb5 Ba7 Rxd6 Rh8 Ra6 Bb8 Kc6 Ke7 Ra8 f6 gxf6+ Kxf6 Rxb8 Rxb8 Kc7 Rh8 b8=Q Rxb8 Kxb8 Kg5 Bf7 Kf6 Bxg6 Kxg6 Kc7 Kf6 f3 Ke7 Kc6 Ke6 Kc5 Ke7 Kd5 Kf6 Kd6 Kg6 Kxe5 Kg7 Ke6 Kg8 e5 Kf8 Kd6 Kg8 e6 Kf8 f4 Kg7 e7 Kf7 Kd7 Kf6 e8=Q Kf5 Qe2 Kg6 Ke6 Kh7 Kf5 Kh6 Qe3 Kg7; 
r3k2r/1R3pbp/p5p1/3PPq2/8/5Q2/6KP/2B2R2 w kq - acd 40; bm Qa3; ce 13266; dm 29; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Re7+"; id "Uri.091"; pv Qa3 Qg4+ Kh1 Qe4+ Rf3 Qxf3+ Qxf3 O-O d6 h6 Rxf7 Rxf7 Qxa8+ Kh7 Qd5 Rf5 d7 Rxe5 d8Q Rxd5 Qxd5 g5 Qf7 Kh8 Bxg5 hxg5 Qh5+ Kg8 Qxg5 Kf7 h3 Bf6 Qh6 Ke6 h4 Ke7 h5 Kf7 Qh7+ Ke6 h6 Bd8 Qg6+ Kd5 Qxa6 Ke5; 
4kr2/1Pb2p2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 w - - acd 65; bm Ka4; ce 14894; dm 30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Ka4"; id "Uri.023"; pv Ka4 Kd8 Kb5 Ke7 Kc6 Bb8 Bb3 d5 Bxd5 Ke8 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Kd7 Ba7 Kc7 Ke7 b8=Q Bxb8+ Kxb8 Kd6 Kb7 Kc5 Kc7 Kd4 Kd6 Kxe4; 
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p1Rp1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K6/5P2/8 b - - acd 59; bm Ke8; ce -32637; dm -30; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Kd7"; id "Uri.031"; pv Ke8 Ka4; 
5r2/1Pb1kp2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - acd 72; bm Rf6; ce 32706; dm 31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Rf6"; id "Uri.032"; pv Rf6 Ke8 Kb4 Kd7 Kb5 Ke7 Kc6 Bb8 Bb3 d5 Bxd5 Ba7 Rd6 Bb8 Rd7+ Ke8 Rc7 Kd8 Rc8+ Ke7 Rxb8 Rxb8 Kc7 Re8 b8=Q Rxb8 Kxb8 Kf8 Kc7 Ke7 Bxf7 Kxf7 Kd6 Ke8 Kxe5 Kd7 Kd5 Kc7 e5 Kd7 e6+ Kc7 Kc5 Kc8 Kd6 Kd8 e7+ Ke8 f3 Kf7 Kd7 Kg7 Ke6 Kh8 e8=Q+ Kg7 Qd7+ Kg8 Kf6 Kh8 Qg7+; 
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1P1/4P3/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - acd 65; bm Bb8; ce -32707; dm -31; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "Ke7"; id "Uri.035"; pv Bb8 Kb4 Ba7 Kb5 Ke7 Rf6 Ke8 Ka6 Bb8 Kb6 Ke7 Kc6 Ke8 Rxd6 Rg8 Rd7 Rf8 Rc7 Kd8 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxf7 Ke7 Bxg6 Bd6 Bh5 Bb8 g6 Kf6 Kd7 Ba7 Kc7 Kg7 b8=Q Bxb8+ Kxb8 Kg8 Kc7 Kf8 Bg4 Ke8 Kd6 Kf8 Kd7 Kg7 Bf5 Kf6 Kd6 Kg7 Ke7 Kg8 Kf6 Kf8 g7+ Kg8 Be6+ Kh7 g8=Q+ Kh6 Qg6+; 
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2p1/3Bp1p1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - acd 74; bm hxg5; ce 32706; dm 32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "hxg5"; id "Uri.036"; pv hxg5 Ke7 Rf6 Bb8 Ka4 Ke8 Kb5 Ba7 Ka6 Bb8 Kb6 Ke7 Kc6 Ke8 Rxd6 Rh8 Rd7 Rf8 Rc7 Kd8 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxf7 Ke7 Bxg6 Kd8 Bh5 Ke7 g6 Kf6 Kd7 Ba7 Kc7 Kg7 b8=Q Bxb8+ Kxb8 Kg8 Kc7 Kf8 Bg4 Ke8 Kd6 Kf8 Kd7 Kg7 Bf5 Kf6 Kd6 Kg7 Ke7 Kg8 Kf6 Kf8 g7+ Kg8 Be6+ Kh7 g8=Q+ Kh6 Qg6+; 
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp1P1/4P2P/1K3R2/5P2/8 b - - acd 71; bm hxg5; ce -32705; dm -32; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "hxg5"; id "Uri.037"; pv hxg5 hxg5 Ke7 Rf6 Ke8 Kc4 Kd7 Kb5 Ke7 Bb3 d5 Kc6 Bb8 Bxd5 Ba7 Rd6 Bb8 Rd7+ Ke8 Rc7 Kd8 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxf7 Ke7 Bxg6 Ke6 Bh5 Ke7 g6 Kf6 Kd7 Ba7 Kc7 Kg7 b8=Q Bxb8+ Kxb8 Kg8 Kc7 Kf8 Bg4 Ke8 Kd6 Kf8 Kd7 Kg7 Bf5 Kf6 Kd6 Kg7 Ke7 Kg8 Kf6 Kf8 g7+ Kg8 Be6+ Kh7 g8=Q+ Kh6 Qg6+; 
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPpB1/8/8/6KP/5R2 b - - acd 55; bm f6; ce -14889; dm -32; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Bxe5"; id "Uri.087"; pv f6 Rxg7 fxg5 Rxf5 Rc8 Ra7 Rc2+ Kf3 Rc7 Rxa6 Rc3+ Kg4 Rc4+ Kh5 Kc7 Rf7+ Kb8 Rfa7 Rhc8 e6 R8c5 Ra8+ Kb7 e7 Rh4+ Kxg5 Re4 Kf6 Rxd5 Re6 Rf4+ Kg7 Rd7 Rd8 Rc7 Kh8 Rxe7 Rxe7+ Kb6 Rxh7 Kc6 h3 Kb6 h4 Rf5 h5 Kb5 h6 Rf6 Rf7 Kc5 Rxf6 Kb4 h7 Kc4 Rc6+ Kb5 Rb8+ Kxc6; 
5r2/1Pbk1p2/3p2pp/3Bp3/4P1PP/1K3R2/5P2/8 w - - acd 76; bm g5; ce 32704; dm 33; c0 "Vladimir Valentinovich Zaitsev-ystein Sande"; c3 "g5"; id "Uri.038"; pv g5 hxg5 hxg5 Ke7 Rf6 Ke8 Ka4 Kd7 Kb5 Ke7 Kc6 Bb8 Bb3 d5 Bxd5 Ba7 Rd6 Bb8 Rd7+ Ke8 Rc7 Kd8 Rxf7 Rxf7 Bxf7 Ke7 Bxg6 Ke6 Bh5 Ke7 g6 Kf8 Kd7 Kg8 Kc8 Bd6 b8=Q Bxb8 Kxb8 Kg7 Kc7 Kf8 Bg4 Ke8 Kd6 Kf8 Kd7 Kg7 Bf5 Kf6 Kd6 Kg7 Ke7 Kg8 Kf6 Kf8 g7+ Kg8 Be6+ Kh7 g8=Q+ Kh6 Qg6+; 
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p5p1/3PPQ2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 b - - acd 38; bm gxf5; ce -9934; dm -33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "gxf5"; id "Uri.084"; pv gxf5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 Bxe5 Ra7+ Kc8 Rc1+ Kb8 Rb1+ Kc8 Rxa8+ Kd7 Rb7+ Kd6 Rxa6+ Kc5 Be7+ Kd4 d6 Ke3 d7 f4 d8=Q f3+ Kf1 Rxd8 Bxd8 Kd4 Rxf7 Kc4 Rxf3 Bd4 Kg2 Kb4 Rxh6 Bg7 Rh4+ Kc5 Rh5+ Kc6 Rf4 Kd6 Rf6+ Bxf6 Bxf6 Kc7 Rh7+ Kd6 Bd4 Ke6 Be3 Kd6 Bb6 Ke5 Rh5+ Kf4 Bf2; 
r2k3r/4Rpbp/p7/3PPp2/8/8/6KP/2B2R2 w - - acd 54; bm Bg5; ce 14888; dm 33; c0 "ystein Sande-Aurel Anton"; c3 "Bg5"; id "Uri.086"; pv Bg5 f6 Rxg7 fxg5 Rxf5 Rc8 Ra7 Rc7 Rxa6 Rc2+ Kg3 Rc3+ Kg4 Rc4+ Kh5 Kc7 Rf7+ Kb8 Rfa7 Rhc8 e6 R8c5 Ra8+ Kb7 e7 Rh4+ Kxg5 Re4 Kf6 Rxd5 Re6 Rf4+ Kg7 Rd7 Rd8 Rc7 Kh8 Rxe7 Rxe7+ Kb6 Rxh7 Kc6 h3 Kb6 h4 Rf5 h5 Kb5 h6 Rf6 Rf7 Rb6 h7 Rg6; 
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.