Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

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Moderator: Ras

Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:01 pm
Full name: Sina Vaziri

Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by USGroup1 »

SF dev 3 threads found it after 3:24 on my laptop:

Code: Select all

FEN: b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1
Engine: stockfish_19052509_x64_bmi2.exe
Threads: 3
Hash: 512
Start Time: 5/30/2019 9:21:05 PM

 Depth  Time   Eval     Line
 1      00:00  -16.07   1. Qxa5 g1=Q 2. Rxf8 f1=Q 3. Rxf1 Rxe2
 3      00:00  -17.31   1. ,,,, f1=Q 2. Qxa8 Qxe2
 5      00:00  -18.55   1. Nxe7 Bxe7 2. Qxa5 f1=Q 3. Rxf1 gxf1=Q
 6      00:00  -18.29   1. Qxa5 f1=Q 2. Re1 Qxf4 3. Qxa8 Ne5+ 4. Kh7
 7      00:00  -18.60   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,,, 4. ,,, e6
 8      00:00  -20.00   1. Nf6 gxf6 2. Nxf2 gxf2 3. Qxa5 f1=Q 4. Qxa8 Qxf4
 9      00:00  -18.44   1. Nxf2 gxf2 2. Qxa5 f1=Q
 10     00:00  -16.43   1. Qxa5 f1=Q 2. Qd2 Nb3 3. Rxf1 Nxd2 4. Rg1 Ne5+ 5. Kf5
 12     00:00  -17.57   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,, 3. ,,,, ,,,, 4. ,,, ,,,, 5. ,,, Ndf3 6. Rgxg2 Rh1 7. Nb2 d3 8. Rxe5 Nxe5 9. Kf4 Rf1+ 10. Ke3
 13     00:00  -12.84   1. ,,,, g1=Q 2. Nxe7 f1=Q 3. Rxf1 Qxf1
 14     00:00  -10.80   1. ,,,, f1=Q 2. Qd2 Ne6 3. Rxe6 g1=Q 4. Rxf1 Rxd2
 15     00:00  -17.62   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, g1=Q 3. Rxf1 Qe3 4. Rxe3 Rxd2 5. Nxe7 Bxe7 6. Rxe7 g2 7. Rg1 Rh1 8. Ree1 Ne5+ 9. Kxg7 Rxg1 10. Rxg1 Nf3 11. Kg6 Nxg1
 16     00:00  -18.84   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. Rf5 Nxe3 6. Nxe3 g2 7. Rf4+ Kg3 8. Nxg2 Nd7 9. Rxf8 Nxf8+ 10. Kxg7 Ne6+ 11. Kf7 Ng5+ 12. Kg6 Rxg2 13. Nxe7 Kf3 14. Kf6
 17     00:00  -17.78   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. ,,, ,,,, 6. ,,,, ,, 7. Nxg2+ Rxg2+ 8. Kf7 Kg4
 18     00:00  -17.12   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. ,,, ,,,, 6. ,,,, ,, 7. ,,,,, ,,,,, 8. ,,, g6 9. Rf1 Nd7 10. Nxe7 Bxe7
 19     00:00  -17.59   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. ,,, ,,,, 6. ,,,, ,, 7. ,,,,, ,,,,, 8. ,,, Nd7 9. Ke8 Kg4 10. Rf1 Rh8 11. Nxe7 Re2 12. Rg1+ Kf4 13. Kxd7 Rxe7+ 14. Kxd6 Re3+ 15. Kd7
 20     00:01  -19.56   1. Qb8 Ne6 2. Rxe6 f1=Q 3. Qxf8 Qd3+ 4. Rf5 g1=Q 5. Qxe7+ Nf6 6. Nxf6 Qxf5+ 7. Kxf5 Rf2+ 8. Kg6 Qxd1 9. Kxg7 Rf5 10. Ne4+ Kg4 11. Rg6+ Kf3 12. Ng5+ Rxg5 13. Rxg5 Kg2 14. Kf8 Rh8+ 15. Kg7 Qd8 16. Qxd8 Rxd8 17. Rg6 Qd3
 21     00:01  -21.53   1. Qxa5 f1=Q 2. Qd2 g1=Q 3. Rxf1 Qe3 4. Rxe3 Rxd2 5. Nxe7 Bxe7 6. Rxe7 g2 7. Ree1 gxf1=Q 8. Rxf1 Rhd3 9. Rh1+ Kg3 10. Rh8 Bc6 11. Rh7 Rxd1 12. Rxg7 Be8+ 13. Kh7
 22     00:02  -21.94   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. Rf5 Ne5+ 6. Rexe5 dxe5 7. Rh5+ Kg4 8. Rg5+ Kf3 9. Rf5+ Ke2 10. Nf2 gxf2 11. Rxf8 Rg3+ 12. Kh7 e6 13. Ne7 f1=Q 14. Rxf1 Kxf1
 23     00:03  -22.84   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. ,,,, ,,,, 5. Nxe7 Bxe7 6. Rxe7 g2 7. Ree1 gxf1=Q 8. Rxf1 Rhd3 9. Rh1+ Kg3 10. Rg1+ Kf3 11. Rf1+ Ke2 12. Rf8 Bb7 13. Nf2 Nxf2 14. Rd8 Rg3+ 15. Kf7 Nfe4 16. Ke7 Kf3 17. Rb8 Rg5 18. Kf8 d3 19. Kf7 Kg3
 24     00:07  -24.57   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. Qxe3 dxe3 5. Nh6 gxh6 6. Nxe3 Ne5+ 7. Kh7 Rxe2 8. Rf4+ Ng4 9. Rxg4+ Kh5 10. Rf4 Ne6 11. Ng2 Rxg2 12. Ra4 Bc6 13. Ra6 Nd4 14. Kg8 Rf2 15. Kh7
 25     00:07  -18.69   1. ,,,, ,,,, 2. ,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,, 4. Rxe3 Rxd2 5. Nxe7 Bxe7 6. Rxe7 g2 7. Ree1 Ne5+ 8. Kh7 Kg5+ 9. Kg8 gxf1=Q 10. Rxf1
 26     00:16  -27.37   1. Qb8 Ne6 2. Rxe6 f1=Q 3. Qxf8 Qd3+ 4. Rf5 g1=Q 5. Qxe7+ Nf6 6. Nxf6 Qxf5+ 7. Kxf5 Rf2+ 8. Kg6 Qxd1 9. Ng8+ Kg4 10. Kxg7 Rh4 11. Qd7 Kh3 12. Nf6 g2 13. Re2+ Kg3 14. Rxf2 g1=Q 15. Rf5 Qc1 16. Kf7 Qac7 17. Kg6 Rh6+ 18. Kf7 Qge3 19. Qxc7
 27     00:27  -28.89   1. Qxa5 f1=Q 2. Qd2 g1=Q 3. Rxf1 Qe3 4. Rxe3 Rxd2 5. Ree1 Ne5+ 6. Kh7 Kg5+ 7. Nh6 Rxh6+ 8. Kg8 Ng6 9. Kf7 Rh8 10. Ke8 Bc6+ 11. Kd8 Nd3 12. Kc7 Nxe1 13. Rg1 g2 14. Ne3 Ne5 15. Nxg2 Nxg2 16. Kb6 e6 17. Rb1 Be7 18. Rb4 Nf4 19. Ka6
 28     00:49  -30.03   1. Qb8 Ne6 2. Rxe6 f1=Q 3. Qxf8 Qd3+ 4. Rf5 g1=Q 5. Qxe7+ Nf6 6. Nxf6 Qxf5+ 7. Kxf5 Rf2+ 8. Kg6 Qxd1 9. Kxg7 Rf5 10. Nh7+ Kg4 11. Kh8 g2 12. Qd7 Kf4 13. Qxd6+ Kf3 14. Rf6 g1=Q 15. Rxf5+ Ke2 16. Qd7 Qg4 17. Qe7+ Kd3 18. Rg5 Qc8+ 19. Kg7 Qac7 20. Qxc7 Qxc7+ 21. Kg6 Qxh7+ 22. Kf6 Qf3+ 23. Ke5
 29     02:14  -31.96   1. ,,, ,,, 2. ,,,, ,,,, 3. ,,,, ,,,, 4. ,,, ,,,, 5. ,,,,, ,,, 6. ,,,, ,,,,, 7. ,,,, ,,,, 8. ,,, ,,,, 9. ,,,, ,,, 10. Nd7+ Rg5+ 11. Kf8 Qf3+ 12. Rf6 g2 13. Qh7+ Kg4 14. Ne5+ dxe5 15. Qd7+ Kh4 16. Qh7+ Rh5 17. Qe7 Rh8+ 18. Kg7 Rg8+ 19. Kxg8 g1=Q+ 20. Kh8 Qe2 21. Rh6+ Kg3 22. Rxh3+ Kxh3 23. Qh7+ Kg2 24. Qg6+ Kf2
 30     03:07  -34.80   1. ,,, ,,, 2. ,,,, ,,,, 3. Rxf8 Qd3+ 4. Rf5 g1=Q 5. Nxe7 Ne5+ 6. Rxe5 dxe5 7. Qxe5 Qad2 8. Kf7 g5 9. Nb2 Qe4 10. Nd3 Qexd3 11. Qe6 Kh5 12. Kg7 Qge3 13. Re5 Qf4 14. Rxd5 Bxd5 15. Nxd5 Qff3 16. Qe5 Kg4 17. Nf6+ Kh4
 31     03:17  -25.36   1. Qxa5 f1=Q 2. Qd2 g1=Q 3. Rxf1 Qe3 4. Rxe3 Rxd2 5. Ree1 Ne5+ 6. Kh7 Kg5+ 7. Nh6 Rxh6+ 8. Kg8 Ng6 9. Kf7 Rh8 10. Rg1 g2 11. Ke8 Ne5 12. Kd8 Nf3 13. Rxg2+ Rxg2 14. Rf1
 32     03:24  +M6      1. Nh6 gxh6 2. Re5 dxe5 3. Qf6+ exf6 4. Ne3 dxe3 5. Rf5 Qc7 6. Rh5#

1. Nh6 gxh6 2. Re5 dxe5 3. Qf6+ exf6 4. Ne3 dxe3 5. Rf5 Qc7 6. Rh5#
Uri Blass
Posts: 10704
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:37 am
Location: Tel-Aviv Israel

Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by Uri Blass »

camava wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 5:09 am Hi mr Dann Corbit.You are right,Komodo 12,..stockfis 10,..Houdini 5 pro,..booot 6.3..,Fizbo2.0,...Rybka4,..Andscacs,..all they are powerfull engines and they could not find mate in 5 minutes that i was test them.But Critter1.6a,..Cheese 20...Counter_v3.2...DeepSaros4.16...IvanHoe9.46f...MateFinder10...Octochessr5190 and Spark 1.0 found Mate#6 in less than 5 seconds!.
Now i think this is because they have this position in some datebase.I had having same situation with other positions,that is strange for me.
Nothing strange if engines can find mate in 6 in less than 5 seconds.
[d]b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1

time -1 start 593159515 alloc 0 max 2147483647 depth 200 timeset 0 searchmoves 0
1/1 00:00 522 522k -12.02 Ng8xe7
2/2 00:00 1k 1,457k -12.02 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7
3/3 00:00 3k 2,789k -12.02 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6xa5
4/4 00:00 4k 3,941k -11.90 Rf4xd4 Qa5xb6 Rd4xg4+
5/5 00:00 5k 4,988k -12.02 Rf4xd4 Nc5-e4 Qb6xa5 f2-f1Q Qa5xa8
6/6 00:00 6k 6,328k -12.02 Rf4xd4 Nc5-e4 Qb6xa5 f2-f1Q Qa5xa8 Qf1xe2
7/8 00:00 9k 9,205k -12.02 Rf4xd4 Nc5-e4 Qb6xa5 Ng4-e5+ Kg6-h7 f2-f1Q Rd4xe4+ d5xe4
8/10 00:00 14k 14,368k -12.02 Rf4xd4 Nc5-e4 Qb6xa5 Ng4-e5+ Kg6-h7 f2-f1Q Rd4xe4+ d5xe4 Qa5xa8 Qf1xe2
9/10 00:00 24k 24,015k -12.02 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6xa5 f2-f1Q Qa5xa8 Qf1xf4 Qa8-h8+
10/13 00:00 67k 66,796k -11.90 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6-b8 Qa5-d8 Qb8xd8 Be7xd8 Re2-e8 Bd8-g5 Nd1-e3
11/13 00:00 107k 6,660k -11.93 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6-b8 Qa5-d8 Qb8xd8 Be7xd8 Re2-e8 Bd8-g5 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Re8-h8+ Bg5-h6
12/16 00:00 196k 6,309k -11.96 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6-b1 Nc5-e4 Qb1-b8 Qa5-d8 Re2xe4 d5xe4 Qb8-b5 Be7-g5 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4xg4+ Kh4xg4
13/18 00:00 237k 7,644k -11.90 Ng8xe7 Bf8xe7 Qb6-b1 Nc5-e4 Qb1-b8 Qa5-d8 Re2xe4 d5xe4 Qb8-b5 Be7-g5 Rf4xg4+ Kh4xg4 Qb5-e2+ Kg4-f4 Kg6xg7 f2-f1Q
14/21 00:00 850k 6,799k -11.96 Rf4-f5 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 d6xe5 Rf5-h5+ Kh4-g4 Rh5-g5+ Kg4-f3 Qb6xa5 g2-g1Q Qa5-a3+ Kf3-e2 Qa3xc5 Ke2xd1 Qc5-a3
15/20 00:00 1,128k 7,231k -11.90 Rf4-f5 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 d6xe5 Qb6-e6 Nc5xe6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Ng8-f6 e7xf6 Rf5-h5+ Kh4-g4
16/21 00:00 2,539k 7,741k -11.90 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Rf4xf8 Nc5-d7 Qa5-d8 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 Nd7xe5+ Kg6xg7 Kh4-g4 Nd1xf2+ g3xf2 Qd8-c8+ Kg4-g3 Qc8-f5 f2-f1Q
17/21 00:00 3,987k 7,082k -11.90 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Rf4xf8 Nc5-d7 Kg6xg7 f2-f1Q Qa5-d8 Qf1xf8+ Qd8xf8 Nd7xf8 Ng8xe7 g2-g1Q Re2xh2 g3xh2 Kg7xf8 Qg1xd1 Ne7-f5+
18/23 00:00 5,038k 7,006k -11.90 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Rf4xf8 Nc5-d7 Rf8-f5 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 Nd7xe5+ Kg6xg7 f2-f1Q Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Ng8xe7 Kh4-g4 Rf5xe5 d6xe5 Qa5-b4+ Qf1-c4
19/31 00:00 6,007k 6,985k -11.89 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Rf4xf8 Nc5-d7 Rf8-f5 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 Nd7xe5+ Rf5xe5 Bc6-e8+ Kg6xg7 d6xe5 Qa5-d8 f2-f1Q Qd8xe8 Qf1-f4 Ng8xe7 Kh4-g4 Ne7-g6 g2-g1Q Ng6xe5+ Kg4-f5
20/29 00:01 7,529k 7,083k -11.89 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Qa5-d8 Nc5-d3 Rf4-f5 Ng4-e5+ Re2xe5 Nd3xe5+ Rf5xe5 f2-f1Q Re5xe7 Bf8xe7 Qd8xe7+ Kh4-g4 Nd1-e3+ Kg4-f3 Ne3xf1 g2xf1Q Qe7-f8+ Kf3-e2 Qf8xf1+
21/31 00:01 10,153k 7,061k -11.90 Qb6xa5 Ba8-c6 Qa5-d8 Nc5-d3 Rf4xf8 Ng4-e5+ Kg6xg7 Kh4-g4 Ng8-f6+ Kg4-f3 Re2-e3+ d4xe3 Nf6-h5+ Kf3-e2 Qd8-a5 d5-d4 Nd1-c3+ Ke2-f1 Qa5-a2 Rh3xh5 Qa2-e2+
22/29+ 00:03 27,356k 8,796k -11.84 Ng8-h6
22/29+ 00:03 27,359k 8,797k -11.79 Ng8-h6
22/29+ 00:03 27,464k 8,788k +10.70 Ng8-h6
22/29 00:03 27,626k 8,795k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
23/12 00:03 27,651k 8,803k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
24/12 00:03 28,490k 8,895k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
25/12 00:03 28,521k 8,904k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
26/12 00:03 28,668k 8,906k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
27/12 00:03 28,821k 8,954k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
28/12 00:03 28,853k 8,963k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
29/12 00:03 28,962k 8,953k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
30/12 00:03 28,997k 8,964k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
31/12 00:03 29,149k 8,969k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
32/12 00:03 29,177k 8,977k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
33/12 00:03 29,300k 8,971k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
34/12 00:03 29,338k 8,983k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
35/12 00:03 29,515k 9,037k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
36/12 00:03 29,711k 9,055k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
37/12 00:03 29,755k 9,025k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
38/12 00:03 29,884k 9,064k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
39/12 00:03 29,923k 9,076k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
40/12 00:03 30,118k 9,091k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
41/12 00:03 30,167k 9,106k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
42/12 00:03 30,344k 9,118k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
43/12 00:03 30,391k 9,132k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
44/12 00:03 30,571k 9,142k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
45/12 00:03 30,687k 9,177k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
46/12 00:03 30,731k 9,190k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
47/12 00:03 30,881k 9,191k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
48/12 00:03 30,915k 9,201k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
49/12 00:03 31,075k 9,207k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
50/12 00:03 31,119k 9,221k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
51/12 00:03 31,594k 9,276k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
52/12 00:03 32,574k 9,434k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
53/12 00:03 34,413k 9,746k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
54/12 00:03 36,251k 10,000k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
55/12 00:03 38,100k 10,289k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
56/12 00:03 40,534k 10,589k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
57/12 00:03 42,400k 10,811k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
58/12 00:04 44,519k 11,085k +M6 Ng8-h6 g7xh6 Re2-e5 d6xe5 Qb6-f6+ e7xf6 Nd1-e3 d4xe3 Rf4-f5 f2-f1Q Rf5-h5+
Posts: 395
Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:57 pm
Location: USA

Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by MOBMAT »

MateFinder 10, The Huntsman 1, and Crystal 080420 finds it immediately.

SF Tactical took a minute
Houdini 6 took 3 min but with PV3 to check for dups. Nh6 is the only winning move.

These were all running single threads.
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by towforce »

Dann Corbit wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 2:34 am [d]b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - acn 883293; acs 2; bm Nh6; ce 32756; dm 6; pv Nh6 gxh6 Re5 dxe5 Qf6+ exf6 Ne3 dxe3 Rf5 g1=Q Rh5#; in analysis mode, small Stockfish engine, set to no time limit seemed to be taking forever, the depth was 43, and it still evaluated at -17. I gave it the first move (Nh6), and it was still stuck - even though there's only one move that doesn't lose instantly. After I gave it gxh6, it found the mate immediately.
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by Jouni »

SF17 with 6 cores one try:

1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 f1Q 6.Rh5#
+- (#6) Depth: 35/71 00:03:44 2282mN, tb=11771
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by Dicaste »

It takes 10 secs for Beast M.

Code: Select all

New game Line 0.0
b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1

Analysis by Beast M-010125-bmi2:

1.Qxa5 Nd3 2.Qd2 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-10.54)  Depth: 10/20   00:00:00
1.Qxa5 g1Q 2.Qxa8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.24)  Depth: 11/8   00:00:00
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.43)  Depth: 12/12   00:00:00
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 Ne6 3.Rxe6 g1Q 4.Rxf1 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 g2 6.Kf7 Rf3+ 7.Nf6 gxf6 8.Kxf8 Rf1 9.Rxg2 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.41)  Depth: 13/22   00:00:00  1598kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 Ne6 3.Rxe6 g1Q 4.Rxf1 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 g2 6.Rge1 Ne5+ 7.R6xe5 dxe5 8.Nf6 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.49)  Depth: 14/24   00:00:00  1637kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 Ne6 3.Rxe6 g1Q 4.Rxf1 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 g2 6.Kf7 Rf3+ 7.Nf6 exf6 8.Kxf8 Bc6 9.Re7 g6 10.Re6 Rf1 11.Rxf1 gxf1Q 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.48)  Depth: 15/25   00:00:00  2863kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 Ne6 3.Rxe6 g1Q 4.Rxf1 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 g2 6.Kf7 Rf3+ 7.Nf6 exf6 8.Kxf8 Bc6 9.Ke7 Rf1 10.Re1 Re2+ 11.Rxe2 Rxg1 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.13)  Depth: 16/25   00:00:00  2962kN
1.Qxa5 f1R 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Nxe7 Rh6+ 8.Kf7 Rf6+ 9.Ke8 Kh3 10.Nf5 Rxf5 11.Kd8 Bc6 12.Kc7 Rf7+ 13.Kb6 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.26)  Depth: 17/29   00:00:00  5117kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxg1 Ne5+ 5.Kf5 Nxd2 6.Rgg2 e6+ 7.Kxe6 Ng4 8.Kf5 Ne4 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-9.48)  Depth: 18/36   00:00:00  7309kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Kf7 Rf3+ 8.Ke8 Bc6+ 9.Kd8 Rf7 10.Kc7 Ba4 11.Rxg2+ Rxg2 12.Kd8 Bxd1 13.Kd7 Rgf2 14.Ke6 d3 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-10.08)  Depth: 19/41   00:00:01  14469kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Kf7 Rf3+ 8.Ke8 Bc6+ 9.Kd8 Rf7 10.Re1 Rf1 11.Re6 g5 12.Nxe7 Bxe7+ 13.Kc7 g1Q 14.Kxc6 Rfxd1 15.Rxe7 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-10.49)  Depth: 20/43   00:00:01  19020kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 dxe4 6.Kf7 Rf2+ 7.Ke8 Bc6+ 8.Kd8 Rf7 9.Kc7 Ba4 10.Kb6 e5 11.Ka6 Bxd1 12.Rxd1 Rf3 13.Re1 d5 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-10.89)  Depth: 21/43   00:00:01  34106kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rf5 Ne5+ 5.Rxe5 Nxd2 6.Re1 dxe5 7.Rxg1 Nf3 8.Rxg3 Kxg3 9.Kf7 e4 10.Kxf8 e5 11.Kxg7 e3 12.Nxe3 dxe3 13.Kf7 Rh7+ 14.Ke6 Bc6 15.Kd6 e2 16.Kxc6 d4 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.18)  Depth: 22/49   00:00:02  53726kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg1 dxe4 6.Kf7 Rf2+ 7.Ke8 Bc6+ 8.Kd8 Rf7 9.Kc7 Ba4 10.Kb6 e5 11.Ka5 Bxd1 12.Rxd1 Rf2 13.Nh6 gxh6 14.Rxd4 exd4 15.Kb5 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.36)  Depth: 23/49   00:00:03  69690kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Kf7 Rf3+ 8.Kg6 Bc6 9.Nf6+ Rxf6+ 10.Kh7 Kh3 11.Re1 Rd3 12.Rg1 g5 13.Kg8 e5 14.Nb2 Rg3 15.Kh8 e4 16.Rxg2 Rxg2 17.Nd1 e3 18.Nxe3 Rh6+ 19.Kg8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.68)  Depth: 24/45   00:00:03  89622kN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Kf7 Rf3+ 8.Kg6 Bc6 9.Nf6+ Rxf6+ 10.Kh7 Kh3 11.Re1 Rd3 12.Rg1 g5 13.Kg8 e5 14.Nb2 Rg3 15.Kh8 e4 16.Rxg2 Rxg2 17.Nd1 e3 18.Nxe3 Rh6+ 19.Kg8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.68)  Depth: 24/45   00:00:04  101MN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Nxe7 Bxe7 8.Kxg7 Kg3 9.Kf7 Bg5 10.Ke6 Bf4 11.Nb2 Re2+ 12.Kf7 Rxb2 13.Ra1 Rh6 14.Ke8 Rb8+ 15.Kd7 Rh7+ 16.Ke6 Re8+ 17.Kf5 Rh5+ 18.Kf6 Be5+ 19.Kf7 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.79)  Depth: 25/49   00:00:04  121MN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Nxe7 Bxe7 8.Kxg7 Kg3 9.Kf7 Bg5 10.Ke6 Bf4 11.Nb2 Re2+ 12.Kf7 Rxb2 13.Ra1 Rh6 14.Ke8 Rb8+ 15.Kd7 Rh7+ 16.Ke6 Re8+ 17.Kf5 Rh5+ 18.Kf6 Be5+ 19.Kf7 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-11.79)  Depth: 25/49   00:00:05  147MN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Rxg2+ Rxg2 8.Nxe7 Bxe7 9.Kf7 Bg5 10.Ke6 Bf4 11.Kd7 Kg3 12.Ke8 g5 13.Ke7 Bc6 14.Kd8 Rh8+ 15.Kc7 Ba8 16.Kd7 Ra2 17.Kc7 Rh7+ 18.Kd8 Rg2 19.Ke8 Bc6+ 20.Kd8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-12.01)  Depth: 26/45   00:00:06  157MN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rxe4 Rxd2 5.Rxg4+ Kxg4 6.Rxg1 g2 7.Rxg2+ Rxg2 8.Nxe7 Bxe7 9.Kf7 Bg5 10.Ke6 Bf4 11.Kd7 Kg3 12.Ke8 g5 13.Ke7 Bc6 14.Kd8 Rh8+ 15.Kc7 Ba8 16.Kd7 Ra2 17.Kc7 Rh7+ 18.Kd8 Rg2 19.Ke8 Bc6+ 20.Kd8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-12.01)  Depth: 26/45   00:00:06  173MN
1.Qxa5 f1Q 2.Qd2 g1Q 3.Rxf1 Ne4 4.Rf5 Ne5+ 5.Rxe5 Nxd2 6.Re1 dxe5 7.Rxg1 Nf3 8.Nc3 dxc3 9.Ra1 g2 10.Kf7 d4 11.Kxf8 Kg3 12.Kxe7 Rh1 13.Rxa8 
  Black is clearly winning: -+ (-12.01)  Depth: 27/48   00:00:06  177MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 27/48   00:00:10  270MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 28/12   00:00:10  272MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 28/12   00:00:10  285MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 29/12   00:00:10  285MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 29/12   00:00:14  367MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 30/12   00:00:14  367MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 30/12   00:00:14  377MN
1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1R 6.Rh5# 
  White mates: +- (#6)  Depth: 31/12   00:00:14  378MN

(,  13.01.2025)
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble.

Post by Ajedrecista »


JetChess perft counter also finds the only mate-in-6 move, this is, Nh6:

Code: Select all

  1  Qb6-a7   0
  2  Qb6-c7   0
  3  Qb6-d8   0
  4  Qb6*c5   0
  5  Qb6*a5   0
  6  Qb6-b7   0
  7  Qb6-b8   0
  8  Qb6-c6   0
  9  Qb6*d6   0
 10  Qb6-a6   0
 11  Qb6-b5   0
 12  Qb6-b4   0
 13  Qb6-b3   0
 14  Qb6-b2   0
 15  Qb6-b1   0
 16  Re2-e3   0
 17  Re2-e4   0
 18  Re2-e5   0
 19  Re2-e6   0
 20  Re2*e7   0
 21  Re2*f2   0
 22  Re2-d2   0
 23  Re2-c2   0
 24  Re2-b2   0
 25  Re2-a2   0
 26  Re2-e1   0
 27  Rf4-f5   0
 28  Rf4-f6   0
 29  Rf4-f7   0
 30  Rf4*f8   0
 31  Rf4*g4   0
 32  Rf4-e4   0
 33  Rf4*d4   0
 34  Rf4-f3   0
 35  Rf4*f2   0
 36  Nd1-b2   0
 37  Nd1-c3   0
 38  Nd1-e3   0
 39  Nd1*f2   0
 40  Ng8*e7   0
 41  Ng8-f6   0
 42  Ng8-h6   Mate
 43  Kg6-f7   0
 44  Kg6-h7   0
 45  Kg6-f5   0

Solution:  Ng8-h6  (mate in 6)

Time: 1.696 s
Less than two seconds in my PC.

Other statistics of this position are perft(plies) —computed by gperft 1.1— and number of unique positions(plies) —counted by JetChess—, that might be useful for debugging new move generators:

Code: Select all

b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1

perft(1) =                45
perft(2) =             1,532
perft(3) =            65,498
perft(4) =         2,255,286
perft(5) =        91,862,508
perft(6) =     3,228,793,889
perft(7) =   127,268,911,449
perft(8) = 4,594,108,216,615

Code: Select all

b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1

positions(1) =          45
positions(2) =       1,532
positions(3) =      36,962
positions(4) =     678,722
positions(5) =  10,692,900
positions(6) = 144,984,303
Regards from Spain.

Dann Corbit
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by Dann Corbit »

I have a clarification I would like to ask Uri about this project.

Consider a position like this one:
[d]r1q2rk1/1b3p2/pp2p1pp/7B/2P1n2B/P1Q3R1/1P3PPP/5RK1 w - -
r1q2rk1/1b3p2/pp2p1pp/7B/2P1n2B/P1Q3R1/1P3PPP/5RK1 w - - acd 52/94; acs 3316 ; acn 3192531k; ce 538 ; bm Bxg6; pv Bxg6 Nxg3 Qxg3 fxg6 Qxg6+ Kh8 Qxh6+ Kg8 Qg6+ Kh8 Rd1 Qc6 Bf6+ Rxf6 Qxf6+ Kg8 Qg6+ Kf8 Rd4 Qxg2+ Qxg2 Bxg2 Kxg2 Ke7 Kg3 e5 Rg4 Rd8 h4 Rd1 Kg2 Kf7 h5 Rd2 b3 Rd8 Rg3 Rh8 Rh3 Rc8 h6 Kg8 Kf3 b5 h7+ Kh8 cxb5 Rb8 Ke4 Rxb5 a4 Rb8 Kxe5 Rd8 Ke4 Rd6 Ke3 Rf6 Kd4 Rxf2 Kc5 Rf6 b4 Rf4 Rd3;
r1q2rk1/1b3p2/pp2p1pp/7B/2P1n2B/P1Q3R1/1P3PPP/5RK1 w - - acd 52/86; acs 3316 ; acn 3192531k; ce -211 ; bm Qe5; pv Qe5 Nxg3 Qxg3 Kh7 Bf6 Qxc4 Bg4 Rac8 h3 Qc2 Kh2 b5 Re1 Qc7 Be5 Qd8 Re3 f5 Bf3 Bxf3 Qxf3 Rf7 Qg3 Qe7 Bd6 Qd7 Be5 g5 Rd3 Qe8 Bc3 Rd8 Rd6 Rxd6 Qxd6 Rd7 Qb6 Rd1 Be5 Kg6 Qxa6 Rd5 f4 gxf4 Bxf4 Kf7 Qa7+ Rd7 Qa6;
r1q2rk1/1b3p2/pp2p1pp/7B/2P1n2B/P1Q3R1/1P3PPP/5RK1 w - - acd 52/79; acs 3316 ; acn 3192531k; ce -229 ; bm Qd3; pv Qd3 Nxg3 Qxg3 Kh7 Bf6 Qxc4 Bg4 Rac8 h3 Qc2 Re1 b5 Kh2 Qc7 Be5 Qd8 Re3 f5 Bf3 Bxf3 Qxf3 Qb6 Qe2 Rf7 Qd2 Rd8 Qc2 Qb7 f4 Rc8 Bc3 Qc7 Qf2 Qd6 Be5 Qd5 Re2 g5 Rd2 Qc5 Qg3 gxf4 Bxf4 Rg8;

Here we see a multi-pv analysis of the top three moves. We can see that the move Bxg6 has a score of + one rook. We can see that the next two moves are no better than losing two pawns. So my question is, Is the move Bxg6 a winning move and are Qd3 and Qe5 losing moves? The reason that I ask is that we have not proven the best move wins or that the worst moves lose. We are using the estimate of an engine to tell us what it thinks is best and to give us the pv so that we have the plan to explain it.

In other words should we drive the best move clear to winning checkmate and all the other moves clear to losing by checkmate or are approximations good enough?
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by cc2150dx »

Jouni wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:15 am SF17 with 6 cores one try:

1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 f1Q 6.Rh5#
+- (#6) Depth: 35/71 00:03:44 2282mN, tb=11771
FEN: b4bN1/4p1p1/1Q1p2K1/q1np4/3p1Rnk/6pr/4Rppr/3N4 w - - 0 1


8/20 00:23 33k 1k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
7/20 00:23 35k 1k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
6/20 00:23 42k 2k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
5/20 00:23 52k 2k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
4/20 00:23 69k 3k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
3/20 00:23 104k 4k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
2/20 00:23 207k 9k +M6 1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 Ne6 6.Rh5+
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Re: Simple mate in 6 that gives some engines trouble

Post by JVMerlino »

Of course, The King from CM9000 finds it instantly:

Code: Select all

Time	Depth	Score	Positions	Moves
0:00	1/3	-16.56	7598		1.Rf5 Ne5+ 2.Rexe5 dxe5 3.Qxa5 g1=Q 4.Qd2
0:00	1/3	-14.95	8249		1.Qxa5 f1=Q 2.Qxa8 Qxe2 3.Qxd5
0:00	1/4	-14.24	15681		1.Qxa5 f1=Q 2.Qd2 Ne6
0:00	1/5	-12.54	73478		1.Qxa5 f1=R 2.Qxa8 g1=Q 3.Qxf8 Rxe2 4.Rxf1
0:00	1/5	Mate06	114584		1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1=Q 6.Rh5#
0:00	1/6	Mate06	123094		1.Nh6 gxh6 2.Re5 dxe5 3.Qf6+ exf6 4.Ne3 dxe3 5.Rf5 g1=Q 6.Rh5#