Thanks for your work, but it would be nice to have also the fen string on the spreadsheet.Vinvin wrote: ↑Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:19 am Results for Stockfish 14 : 79 solved (same as Stockfish_21061411)
Current top engines + SF :I cleaned the sheet by removing some duplicates engines : ... 4.ods?dl=0Code: Select all
On 114 positions -> Crystal 3.2 : 89 solved SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.90 : 89 solved ShashChess17.1-7756374aaed3 : 89 solved Crystal3.1 : 86 solved Bluefish-v13.1 : 85 solved Black-Diamond-v13 : 80 solved SugaR.AI.ICCF.1.00 : 79 solved Stockfish 14 : 79 solved Stockfish 13 : 67 solved
Note : you can download the sheet if it doesn't appear well in your browser.
Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
Moderators: hgm, Rebel, chrisw
- Posts: 50
- Joined: Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:10 am
- Full name: Giovanni Lavorgna
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
- Posts: 3210
- Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
- Full name: Peter Martan
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
Then I now have good ones for you: ICCF has got update too, already two ones, 2.30 and 2.40.Vinvin wrote: ↑Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:58 amYou tell me bad newspeter wrote: ↑Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:15 am Thanks for the new results!Pity Marco Zerbinati closed the project end of march. ... ost#p28694
Yet at my hardware this time SugaR AI 2.40 (non-ICCF-version) was a new best one with my (rather personal) setting of hardware- TC and the engine.
32 threads of 16x3.5GHz Ryzen (avx2 compile), 8G hash, 6men Syzgys, default NNUE, (nn-735bba95dec0.nnue)
MultiPV=4 (in .uci- file of Shredder- GUI defined), Materialistic Evaluation = -12, Positional Evaluation = 12, Classical Evaluation unchecked (pure NNUE), 60"/position, only 10 postions not solved:
Code: Select all
Bisher gelöst: 104 von 114 ; 18:13m
Falscher Figurtyp!
Illegale Stellung!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 | 1 0 16 - - 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 6 0 0 1 11 2
20 | 7 - 11 8 0 0 0 7 9 16 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 60 0
40 | 60 0 - 0 10 9 4 0 0 34 - 9 - 0 1 2 0 0 - 0
60 | 16 1 10 0 - 3 0 5 2 0 26 1 2 0 16 0 0 5 0 9
80 | 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
100 | 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 0 - 0 3 9 5 0
ICCF- version:
- Posts: 1536
- Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:06 am
- Full name: Alex Morales
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
Wow! Exactly what I was looking for!!!
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 Mac mini M1 8GB-256GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
- Posts: 195
- Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:24 pm
- Full name: Arnold Magnum
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
How long do we need to wait for Hard-Talkchess-2021 set?
December 24?
Which positions will be new compared to the Hard-Talkchess-2020 set?
December 24?
Which positions will be new compared to the Hard-Talkchess-2020 set?
- Posts: 5234
- Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
- Full name: Vincent Lejeune
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
There will be no "2021" version, but probably a "2022" version.
I tested 400 new positions during the last 2 months.
They still 66 positions considered as acceptable.
But 30 positions are already well known : 7 x TTT1 + 15 x TTT2 + 7 x Crackers +1 x ACT3.
Here's the full list :
Code: Select all
1B2b2k/7q/4n2p/3Np1PQ/8/1p6/5N1P/1K1B4 w - - bm g6;
1K6/RP3pk1/4p3/2rbP1P1/8/8/P7/8 b - - bm Rc2; id "TTT2.031";
1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - bm Rb1;
1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - bm Nb3;
1k5r/pbq2p2/4pP2/p1P3P1/5P1r/2p1Q3/P3B1P1/3R1RK1 w - - bm Rb1; id "TTT1.026";
1k6/1P2bp2/PpP1p2P/N2p4/2p5/1p4KP/2b1BpPn/5R2 w - - bm h7;
1r3rk1/6p1/p1pb1qPp/3p4/4nPR1/2N4Q/PPP4P/2K1BR2 b - - bm Rb7;
1r4kb/4pr2/Qppp2q1/6p1/2PP1p2/P1N5/1P1RbPB1/R3B1K1 b - - bm Bh5;
1rb1r3/5qk1/3b2p1/1PnPp1Pp/4B3/pP3Q2/P2N1B1P/1KR3R1 b - - bm Qxf3; id "The-Engine-Crackers.006" ;
2K3b1/8/pPP1p1P1/2p1k2N/2P1pN1P/6PP/n1pQ2p1/1q3r2 w - - bm Kc7;
2b1qrk1/4p3/3pPp1p/1pnP2p1/2p1P3/2P4P/2P1Q1PK/1B2BR2 b - - bm Bxe6;
2k4N/Q1np4/2p2Bpp/1p1P4/pPP1p2P/P7/7q/1K6 w - - bm Nf7;
2k5/1p3pp1/p1p1p1p1/2P1P1P1/PP1P1P1P/K7/8/8 w - - bm f5;
2r3rk/p1n1q3/1pbRp3/n1p1P1N1/P1P2pPP/2P2P2/2B1Q2K/3R4 w - - bm Kh3;
2rq1rk1/3bbpp1/3np3/2ppB1PQ/p1p2P2/1PP1P1N1/P6P/R4RK1 w - - bm Rf3; id "TTT1.080";
2rqr1k1/pp1bbp1p/2n1p1pB/2N1P3/1PQp4/P4N2/5PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Ne4; id "The-Engine-Crackers.017" ;
4B3/1pk1p3/q3p3/1nP1Pp2/PPQ2P2/PK2P3/4b3/8 w - - bm Qxb5;
4K3/1B1p4/pn1Npb2/k3p3/P1pn4/P7/7B/3N4 w - - bm Bc6;
4k2q/p4p1B/1pp3pP/2N2pP1/2P2P1N/8/PP2P3/2K5 w - - bm Nxg6;
4nr1k/pp1r2p1/5p1p/2p1PR2/P1B3RQ/3P4/2P3KP/q7 w - - bm Rg6; id "The-Engine-Crackers.009" ;
5BK1/5p1N/5Pp1/6Pk/8/1b6/8/7q b - - bm Qa8;
5N1r/5n1n/ppp3R1/5K2/7k/6p1/6PN/8 w - - bm Rg4+;
5k2/p7/3p4/1p1B1p1p/1P3P2/P1rP3P/6P1/n1BK4 w - - bm Bb2; id "TTT2.040";
5kb1/1p6/1p6/1P1p1p1p/Pb1P1P1P/8/4P1P1/1KB5 w - - bm Ba3;
6bk/5pp1/3N1p1b/8/6pN/5pPp/4pP1P/4K3 w - - bm Ng6+;
6k1/2p3p1/B4R1P/R3P2K/4p1pP/P3q3/1Qp5/2r4r w - - bm Bc4+; id "The-Engine-Crackers.016" ;
6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - bm Bxc3;
6k1/8/ppp2pP1/4P1p1/7p/PPP1K3/8/8 w - - bm e6;
6k1/ppp2pp1/8/1n1P4/3N2P1/2P5/P4P1P/6K1 b - - bm Nxd4; id "TTT2.098";
6r1/2kn1p2/2b1pp1p/2p4P/p1P1PKP1/3N1P2/3R4/6R1 w - - bm e5;
6rk/2p1np2/1r1pb3/1p2p3/p1PPP1p1/1P2N1Pq/P1BQRP2/3R2K1 w - - bm Nf1; id "TTT2.085";
7k/1p5p/2qpn1PP/Pp1p4/8/3B2p1/3B1pP1/R4K2 w - - bm a6;
7k/Bp1R1b1p/1p2pK1n/8/4P1P1/6pB/4p3/8 w - - bm Bb8;
7k/pp1pBp1N/1p3Pp1/b3K1PR/P3P2p/R1n4P/2P1N1P1/3q4 w - - bm Rxc3; id "The-Engine-Crackers.004" ;
7r/p2b4/rp2p2p/kB6/8/2K5/1P6/4R3 w - - bm Re5;
8/1b5p/1bk1p1p1/p1p1P3/2P3P1/q2rB3/P1RNK2P/2Q5 w - - bm Qxa3; id "TTT2.074";
8/1p6/1Pp2N1q/p1Ppk2p/P3p3/3PPpPp/3K1P1P/2R5 w - - bm Ng4+;
8/1p6/4k1pp/p1p1p3/4P3/1PP4K/P2P3P/8 b - - bm a4;
8/2p1rpk1/pp2Brp1/3p3p/1P6/3p3P/1P1P1BP1/5R1K w - - bm Bd4; id "TTT2.037";
8/2q1k3/5N2/1p1P3N/p7/2P5/PBK5/8 w - - bm d6+;
8/4k3/6P1/pr1pPp2/2p4P/1p4K1/1P6/3R4 w - - bm Rg1; id "TTT2.056";
8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - bm Rd3;
8/6p1/2p4q/pppp4/8/2kN2Qp/2P4p/7K w - - bm Nb4+ Ne5+; id "ACT3.053";
8/6pp/2Qp1p2/pPpPp3/k7/2K3P1/P1PP4/5q2 w - - bm Kb2;
8/8/2P5/p4P2/4Pb2/PP1r1k1P/8/1R3K2 b - - bm Be5; id "TTT2.065";
8/R5r1/1PbkP3/5p1p/1P1K4/5P2/1P4P1/8 b - - bm Rxa7; id "TTT2.046";
8/b7/3p2b1/5p1n/5Pk1/4P1p1/B5P1/R4K2 w - - bm Ke2;
8/p4k2/3pp3/2p1p1Q1/6PK/1pP1P1n1/1P2P2n/3r4 b - - bm Nf3+; id "TTT2.091";
8/p4r2/1pPB2k1/8/6P1/7p/b6P/5RK1 w - - bm Rxf7; id "TTT2.055";
8/qpp5/8/k1p1N3/2p5/P7/1PP1B3/K7 w - - bm Nc6+;
K1k5/p2p2p1/2pP4/5PpP/4Pb2/QP4q1/8/8 w - - bm f6; id "The-Engine-Crackers.015" ;
b1r1r3/b1q2ppk/1p2pP1p/2Pp3Q/p2Nn3/3R4/1B4PP/5RK1 w - - bm Bc1; id "TTT1.016";
k7/P4pp1/1P6/2p1P3/2P1n3/p5pB/P4n2/K5b1 w - - bm e6; id "The-Engine-Crackers.002" ;
n6r/b7/1R4R1/2k5/2pppppp/8/1PPPPPP1/r4NK1 w - - bm b4+;
r1b1kbnr/pp3ppp/2p1p3/3pP2q/8/2NP1N1P/PP3PP1/R1BQ1RK1 w kq - bm Ne2;
r1b1r1k1/p3nppp/2p1p3/q3P1B1/2P5/P1pB4/5PPP/1R1Q1RK1 w - - bm Bxh7+; id "TTT1.004";
r1b3r1/5p1k/p1n2P1p/P1qpp1P1/1p1p4/3P2Q1/BPPB2P1/R4RK1 w - - bm Kf2;
r1b3r1/b4p1k/P1p5/Pp2p1q1/4Pp1p/2PN3P/4QPPK/RR3B2 b - - bm Bxh3; id "TTT1.022";
r1q3r1/4n1bk/7p/1P1pp3/P3Ppbn/3P1NP1/B1PBQP1K/R3R1N1 b - - bm Bf6; id "TTT2.038";
r1r5/1p3p1k/1b3Ppp/2ppP3/p2Pq2n/P4R2/3Q2PN/3RB1K1 w - - bm Bxh4; id "TTT2.045";
r2q1rk1/2n1bpp1/b2p4/3Pp1PQ/1p6/p3B2P/PPPN1P2/2KR2R1 w - - bm Rg4; id "TTT1.060";
r2r4/Pq6/BPp1bb1k/2Pp1p2/3PpPp1/4P1Pp/R1K4P/1R3Q2 b - - bm Bc8 Rd7; id "TTT2.035";
r3kb1r/1p4pp/2q1pp2/1p2Q3/8/2P5/PP2B1PP/R4R1K w kq - bm Rxf6;
r3kr2/4ppQN/q1pp2p1/3nP3/2nPN3/Pp3PP1/1P5P/1K1R3R b q - bm Kd7; id "TTT2.044";
r4r1k/6p1/1pp1b1Bp/p5q1/8/2P2Q1P/1P3PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Qxf8+; id "TTT1.062";
rkb5/1p6/pBp5/PPPp4/1K1Pp1P1/4Pp1p/5P1P/8 w - - bm Ba7+;
- Posts: 1536
- Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:06 am
- Full name: Alex Morales
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
Testing engines with your EPD will be my next step
Testing engines with your EPD will be my next step
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 Mac mini M1 8GB-256GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
- Posts: 1169
- Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
- Full name: Herbert L
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
Your Number 7: 1r3rk1/6p1/p1pb1qPp/3p4/4nPR1/2N4Q/PPP4P/2K1BR2 b - - bm Rb7;
should be bm Rxb2
- Posts: 3210
- Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
- Full name: Peter Martan
- Posts: 1169
- Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
- Full name: Herbert L
- Posts: 3210
- Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
- Full name: Peter Martan
Re: Hard-Talkchess-2020 set, final release
By this opportunity I learned for the first time, that two signs only (:)) would be too few for a posting according to forum- software.
[fen]1r3rk1/6p1/p1pb1qPp/3p4/4nPR1/2N4Q/PPP4P/2K1BR2 b - - 0 1[/fen]
Code: Select all
Analysis by SugaR AI 2.40 avx2:
1...a5 2.f5 Le5 3.Sxe4 Lxb2+ 4.Kd1 dxe4
-/+ (-1.01) Tiefe: 7/7 00:00:03 78kN
1...Le5 2.f5 Dd6 3.Sd1 a5 4.Lc3
-/+ (-1.02) Tiefe: 8/8 00:00:03 142kN
1...Le5 2.f5 Dd6 3.Tf3 a5 4.a3
-/+ (-1.55) Tiefe: 9/8 00:00:03 307kN
1...Le5 2.Tf3 Ld4 3.Lh4 Dd6 4.Sd1 a5 5.c3 Lc5 6.f5 a4
-/+ (-1.09) Tiefe: 10/15 00:00:03 1337kN
1...Le5 2.f5 De7 3.Dd3 Tfd8 4.Sd1 Lf6 5.Lc3 Sxc3 6.Sxc3 Db7 7.Sa4
-/+ (-0.91) Tiefe: 11/16 00:00:03 2261kN
1...Txb2 2.Sxe4 dxe4 3.Lc3 La3 4.Lxf6 Tb3+ 5.Kd2 Txh3 6.Le5 Td8+ 7.Ke2
-/+ (-0.83) Tiefe: 12/20 00:00:03 3140kN
1...Txb2 2.Sxe4 dxe4 3.Lc3 La3 4.Lxf6 Tb3+ 5.Lb2 Lxb2+ 6.Kb1 Txh3 7.Kxb2 Txh2 8.f5 Te8 9.Tff4 Te2 10.Kc3 a5 11.a3 c5 12.a4 Te5 13.Tg1 Te3+ 14.Kd2 Th3 15.Tb1 e3+ 16.Ke1 Th1+ 17.Tf1 Txf1+ 18.Kxf1 Kf8 19.Ke2 Txf5 20.Tb5 Tf2+ 21.Kxe3 Txc2 22.Txa5 Ke7 23.Kf4 Ke6 24.Ta6+ Kd5 25.Ta7 Tf2+ 26.Ke3
=/+ (-0.59) Tiefe: 31/49 00:00:31 741MN, tb=414746
1...Txb2 2.Sxe4
=/+ (-0.50 --) Tiefe: 32/55 00:00:40 965MN, tb=549682
=/+ (-0.59 ++) Tiefe: 32/55 00:00:41 1005MN, tb=574896
1...Df5 2.Sxe4 dxe4 3.Lc3 e3 4.Df3 Lb4 5.Lxb4 Txb4 6.Td1 Tfb8 7.b3 Te4 8.Tg2 Tbe8 9.Te2 Dxg6 10.Td3 De6 11.Kb1 a5 12.a4 c5 13.f5 De5 14.f6 gxf6 15.Td7 Kh8 16.Tf7 Td8 17.c3 Dxc3 18.Dxf6+ Dxf6 19.Txf6 Kg7 20.Tc6 Td5
=/+ (-0.56) Tiefe: 33/48 00:00:49 1215MN, tb=698767
1...Df5 2.Sxe4
=/+ (-0.48 --) Tiefe: 34/49 00:00:59 1478MN, tb=835488
=/+ (-0.56 ++) Tiefe: 34/49 00:01:02 1541MN, tb=875599
=/+ (-0.69 ++) Tiefe: 34/49 00:01:04 1602MN, tb=885935
-/+ (-0.87 ++) Tiefe: 34/49 00:01:05 1622MN, tb=891008
-/+ (-1.11 ++) Tiefe: 34/54 00:01:15 1868MN, tb=943556
-/+ (-1.44 ++) Tiefe: 34/54 00:01:26 2106MN, tb=945857
1...Tb7 2.Dd3 Sc5 3.Dh3 Df5 4.Ld2 Tfb8 5.b3 a5 6.Tg3 Df6 7.Kb1 a4 8.Lc1 d4 9.Sd1 Te8 10.Tg2 d3 11.Lb2 dxc2+ 12.Txc2 Dxg6 13.f5 Df7 14.Tg2 axb3 15.a3 Dc4 16.f6 Tf7 17.Txg7+ Txg7 18.fxg7 De4+ 19.Ka1 Le5 20.Tf8+ Txf8 21.gxf8D+ Kxf8 22.Dxh6+ Ke8 23.Lxe5
-/+ (-1.33) Tiefe: 34/54 00:01:37 2344MN, tb=948430
1...Tb7 2.Dd3 Sc5 3.De2 Tfb8 4.b3 Te7 5.Df3 Se4 6.Kb1 La3 7.Tg2 c5 8.Dd3 Td7 9.Dh3 Tdb7 10.Te2 c4 11.Te3 Kh8 12.f5 Te7 13.Df3 Tbe8 14.Dd1 a5 15.Th3 Te5 16.Te3 Td8 17.Dg4 Tee8 18.Sa4 Dc6 19.Df3 Lb4 20.c3 La3 21.Te2 Tf8 22.h4
-+ (-1.94) Tiefe: 35/54 00:02:35 3710MN, tb=971406
1...Tb7 2.Sd1 Tfb8 3.c3 Df5 4.Tf3 Te8 5.Se3 Dc8 6.Sd1 Sf6 7.Tg1 Lxf4+ 8.Ld2 Lxd2+ 9.Kxd2 Db8 10.Kc1 Te5 11.Te3 Se4 12.Tf1 Tbe7 13.Tf7 De8 14.Df1 Txf7 15.gxf7+ Dxf7 16.Dxa6 Df6 17.De2 Tg5 18.c4 Tg1 19.cxd5 cxd5 20.Dd3 Dg5 21.h4 Df5 22.a4 Df4 23.Kb1 Txd1+ 24.Dxd1 Dxe3 25.Dxd5+ Kh8
-+ (-1.69) Tiefe: 36/49 00:03:06 4433MN, tb=983869
1...Tb7 2.Dd3 Sc5 3.Dh3 d4 4.Sd1 De6 5.f5 Dxa2 6.f6 Da1+ 7.Kd2 gxf6 8.Lf2 Te8 9.Lxd4 Sb3+ 10.cxb3 Lb4+ 11.Kc2 Te2+ 12.Kd3 Td2+ 13.Ke3 Dc1 14.Kf3 Txd1 15.Txd1 Dxd1+ 16.Kg2 Te7 17.Tf4 Te2+ 18.Lf2 Dd5+ 19.Kf1 Txb2 20.Df3 Dxf3 21.Txf3 Tb1+ 22.Kg2 Kg7 23.Ld4 Le7 24.Te3 La3 25.b4 Txb4 26.Lxf6+ Kxf6 27.Txa3
-+ (-1.63) Tiefe: 37/62 00:04:17 6068MN, tb=1036863
1...Tb7 2.Sd1 Tfb8 3.c3 Df5 4.Tf3 Te8 5.Se3 Dc8 6.Sd1 a5 7.f5 a4 8.Tg2 Sg5 9.Txg5 Txe1 10.Dh4 De8 11.Tg2 Te4 12.Df2 a3 13.b4 Le7 14.Te3 Txe3 15.Dxe3 Lg5 16.Txg5 Dxe3+ 17.Sxe3 hxg5 18.Sc2 Te7 19.Kd1 Te4 20.Sxa3 Th4 21.Sc2 Txh2 22.Sd4 g4 23.Ke1 Txa2 24.Sxc6 Kf8 25.Kf1 Ta3 26.b5 Tb3 27.Sd4
-+ (-1.92) Tiefe: 38/66 00:04:42 6640MN, tb=1089693
1...Tb7 2.Sd1 Tfb8 3.c3 Df5 4.Tf3 Te8 5.Se3 Dc8 6.Sd1 a5 7.f5 a4 8.Lg3 Le7 9.Lh4 a3 10.b3 Db8 11.Lxe7 Tbxe7 12.Dh4 Tb7 13.Kc2 Txb3 14.axb3 a2 15.f6 Sxf6 16.Ta4 Te2+ 17.Kc1 Te4 18.Dxe4 dxe4 19.Tf2 De8 20.Tg2 Sd5 21.Taxa2 e3 22.Tae2 Db8 23.Tg3 Dxb3 24.Sxe3 Sf4 25.Tc2 h5 26.Td2 Dxc3+ 27.Sc2 Df6
-+ (-2.25) Tiefe: 40/66 00:09:03 12716MN, tb=1555105
1...Tb7 2.Sd1 Tfb8 3.c3 Df5 4.Th4 Df8 5.De6+ Kh8 6.Tf3 Te8 7.Dh3 La3 8.Te3 a5 9.Te2 Le7 10.Th5 Dxf4+ 11.Kc2 Sg5 12.Dd3 Tf8 13.Th4 Df6 14.Lg3 Se4 15.Tf4 Dg5 16.Txf8+ Lxf8 17.Sf2 Sc5 18.Df3 Dxg6+ 19.Kc1 Kg8 20.Dg4 Df6 21.Te8 Te7 22.Txe7 Lxe7 23.Kc2 Kf7 24.Sd3 Sxd3 25.Kxd3 De6 26.Dxe6+ Kxe6 27.a4 Ld6 28.b4 Lxg3 29.hxg3 axb4 30.cxb4 h5 31.a5 Kd7 32.Kc2 g5
-+ (-2.18) Tiefe: 41/70 00:11:06 15512MN, tb=1662125
1...Tb7 2.Sd1 Tfb8 3.c3 Df5 4.Th4 Df8 5.De6+ Kh8 6.Tf3 Te8 7.Dh3 La3 8.Te3 Lc5 9.Te2 Tbe7 10.Tg2 Kg8 11.Kc2 Sd6 12.Ld2 Te2 13.Thg4 Df5+ 14.Dd3 T2e4 15.T4g3 a5 16.Kb1 a4 17.Lc1 Lb6 18.Tf3 Te1 19.Dxf5 Sxf5 20.Td3 Th1 21.b3 Sh4 22.Tg4 Txh2 23.bxa4 Th1 24.Kc2 Sf5 25.Tg2 Tee1 26.Tgd2 h5 27.c4 d4 28.Tb3 Lc7 29.Tb7 Lxf4 30.Tf2 d3+ 31.Kxd3
-+ (-2.36) Tiefe: 44/68 00:23:54 32823MN, tb=2512284
1...Tb7 2.f5 Tfb8 3.Dd3 Txb2 4.Kd1 Sc5 5.De3 T2b7 6.Lh4 De5 7.Dxe5 Lxe5 8.Kd2 Lxc3+ 9.Kxc3 Se4+ 10.Kd3 Tb4 11.Tgf4 Tc4 12.Tc1 Te8 13.Lg3 Ta4 14.Ta1 Ta3+ 15.Kd4 Tc3 16.Tc1 Td8 17.Tff1 c5+ 18.Ke5 Sd2 19.f6 Te3+ 20.Kf5 d4 21.f7+ Kf8 22.c4 dxc3 23.Tfe1 Td5+ 24.Kg4 Txe1 25.Lxe1 Tg5+ 26.Kf4 Txg6 27.Txc3 Tf6+ 28.Kg4 Se4 29.Te3 Sg5 30.Tb3 Te6 31.Lc3 g6 32.Lb2 Sxf7 33.Tb8+ Ke7 34.Tb7+ Ke8 35.Tb8+ Sd8
-+ (-2.24) Tiefe: 45/73 00:25:03 34385MN, tb=2644361
1...Tb7 2.f5 Tfb8 3.Dd3 Txb2 4.Kd1 Sc5 5.De3 T2b7 6.Lh4 De5 7.Dxe5 Lxe5 8.Kd2 Lxc3+ 9.Kxc3 Se4+ 10.Kd3 Tb4 11.Tgf4 Tc4 12.Tc1 Te8 13.Lg3 Ta4 14.Ta1 Ta3+ 15.Kd4 Tc3 16.Tc1 Td8 17.Tff1 c5+ 18.Ke5 Sd2 19.f6 Te3+ 20.Kf5 d4 21.f7+ Kf8 22.c4 dxc3 23.Tfe1 Td5+ 24.Kg4 Txe1 25.Lxe1 Tg5+ 26.Kf4 Txg6 27.Txc3 Tf6+ 28.Kg4 Se4 29.Te3 Sg5 30.Tb3 Se6 31.Tb7 Tf4+ 32.Kg3 Te4 33.Lf2 Ta4 34.h4 Txa2 35.Ta7 c4 36.Le1 c3 37.Kg4 Ta4+ 38.Kf5 Tf4+ 39.Kg6 Tf6+ 40.Kh7
-+ (-2.20) Tiefe: 46/77 00:29:20 40241MN, tb=3152992
-+ (-2.30 ++) Tiefe: 47/80 00:32:58 45136MN, tb=3672922