ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Ghppn »

Kayra 1.3 bmi2 - ProteusSF JBE 007_bmi2 / Blitz 5m+2s
Games pgn: ... 3FZGYs2L_Q
Openings: TCEC 21_Noomen Select
Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i7– 4790 CPU 3.60 GHz (4 Cores, 8 Threads)
Memoriy (RM): 32 GB, System type: 64-bit, Windows 10 PRO.
Graphic board: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

cc2150dx wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:45 pm You were close on the link. But it's actually here: ... lable.html for future reference.
Thank you!
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

Ghppn wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:13 pm Kayra 1.3 bmi2 - ProteusSF JBE 007_bmi2 / Blitz 5m+2s
Games pgn: ... 3FZGYs2L_Q
Openings: TCEC 21_Noomen Select
Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i7– 4790 CPU 3.60 GHz (4 Cores, 8 Threads)
Memoriy (RM): 32 GB, System type: 64-bit, Windows 10 PRO.
Graphic board: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760
Hi George!

Looking for the truth (I'm searching to get real and fair results but it's really difficult :) ) I've started using first sequentials 150 Pohl's UHO_2022_8mvs_big_+100_+129 and increased the number of games to 300 for each match (TC 3 +2) It would be interesting if you too could repeat the match against Kayra 1.3 (that I like a lot!)

First good results:


Whats new in UHO 2022:
The UHO 2022 opening sets, are filtered out of the Megabase 2022 (by ChessBase). And the only filter, I am using, is the eval of KomodoDragon 2.6 in the endposition of each opening-line. (UHO V3 used Megabase 2020 and KomodoDragon 1.0 for evaluating). And the UHO 2022 files are around +10% bigger than the UHO V3 files, because the Megabase 2022 contains more games than the Megabase 2020, of course.

What did I do exactly?

- sorted the games of the Megabase 2022 by Elo: both players 2700+ Elo, both players 2600+ Elo, both players 2500+ Elo, both players 2400+ Elo, both players 2300+ Elo.
- cutted all games after 6/8 moves (12/16 plies).
- removed all Chess960 games
- removed all lines with double endpositons, so each endposition is unique. And because the games are sorted by Elo of players, each opening line in the UHO-sets is played by the strongest players (if weaker players played the same opening line, this game was deleted by pgn-extract, because pgn-extract always keeps the first appearance of a line in a pgn-file)
- removed all lines, were not both queens are still on board in the endposition.
- removed all lines, starting with silly pawn-moves in move 1 and 2 (a4, b4, g4, h4 (same for black (...a5, ...b5, etc.)

After doing these work, there were 111789 6-moves deep opening-lines remaining and 316318 8-moves deep opening lines remaining (all with unique endpositions).
Finally, these opening-lines were evaluated (endpositions) with KomodoDragon 2.6 (8.5 seconds per endposition on a 12 core AMD Ryzen CPU) and kept all endpositions in an eval interval of [-2.99;+2.99] (this is the UHO 2022 RawData (can be found in the download, too)). That took around 40 days of computing...
The UHO 2022 RawData can be very useful for other purposes, because it contains all opening-lines from very good for black to very good for white. Feel free to filter these openings as you like...The eval (and search depth) is stored in the Annotator-Tag of each line:
[Annotator "depth=29 eval=+114"]
You can use ChessBase (for example) for searching. Examples of searching:
"eval=-05" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [-0.50;-0.59]
"eval=+00" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [+0.00;+0.09]
"eval=-1" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [-1.00;-1.99]

So the Unbalanced Human Openings contain:

- 100% moves played by humans, only. Both players had at least 2300 Elo.
- opening lines played by the stronges players are at the beginning of the pgn/epd-files.
- no manually constructed openings (like my Drawkiller openings)
- no manually added moves to make castling impossible (like my NBSC openings)
- no selection of piece-patterns
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

Ghppn wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:13 pm Kayra 1.3 bmi2 - ProteusSF JBE 007_bmi2 / Blitz 5m+2s
Games pgn: ... 3FZGYs2L_Q
Openings: TCEC 21_Noomen Select
Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i7– 4790 CPU 3.60 GHz (4 Cores, 8 Threads)
Memoriy (RM): 32 GB, System type: 64-bit, Windows 10 PRO.
Graphic board: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760
Hi Gheorghe!

Looking for the truth (I'm searching to get real and fair results but it's really difficult :) ) I've started using sequentially first 150 Pohl's UHO_2022_8mvs_big_+100_+129 and increased the number of games to 300 for each match (TC 3 mins + 2 secs Tablebases 6 man 8 CPUs 6.5 Mn/s on Mac M1) It would be interesting if you too could repeat the match against Kayra 1.3 (that I like a lot!) .. until now +0 merging our results. On the bottom you find the benchmarks of our 2 systems: mine is 2 times faster, but your TC is double, so the comparative is almost perfect :D

First good not complete new results:


Whats new in UHO 2022:
The UHO 2022 opening sets, are filtered out of the Megabase 2022 (by ChessBase). And the only filter, I am using, is the eval of KomodoDragon 2.6 in the endposition of each opening-line. (UHO V3 used Megabase 2020 and KomodoDragon 1.0 for evaluating). And the UHO 2022 files are around +10% bigger than the UHO V3 files, because the Megabase 2022 contains more games than the Megabase 2020, of course.

What did I do exactly?

- sorted the games of the Megabase 2022 by Elo: both players 2700+ Elo, both players 2600+ Elo, both players 2500+ Elo, both players 2400+ Elo, both players 2300+ Elo.
- cutted all games after 6/8 moves (12/16 plies).
- removed all Chess960 games
- removed all lines with double endpositons, so each endposition is unique. And because the games are sorted by Elo of players, each opening line in the UHO-sets is played by the strongest players (if weaker players played the same opening line, this game was deleted by pgn-extract, because pgn-extract always keeps the first appearance of a line in a pgn-file)
- removed all lines, were not both queens are still on board in the endposition.
- removed all lines, starting with silly pawn-moves in move 1 and 2 (a4, b4, g4, h4 (same for black (...a5, ...b5, etc.)

After doing these work, there were 111789 6-moves deep opening-lines remaining and 316318 8-moves deep opening lines remaining (all with unique endpositions).
Finally, these opening-lines were evaluated (endpositions) with KomodoDragon 2.6 (8.5 seconds per endposition on a 12 core AMD Ryzen CPU) and kept all endpositions in an eval interval of [-2.99;+2.99] (this is the UHO 2022 RawData (can be found in the download, too)). That took around 40 days of computing...
The UHO 2022 RawData can be very useful for other purposes, because it contains all opening-lines from very good for black to very good for white. Feel free to filter these openings as you like...The eval (and search depth) is stored in the Annotator-Tag of each line:
[Annotator "depth=29 eval=+114"]
You can use ChessBase (for example) for searching. Examples of searching:
"eval=-05" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [-0.50;-0.59]
"eval=+00" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [+0.00;+0.09]
"eval=-1" finds all lines in an eval-interval of [-1.00;-1.99]

So the Unbalanced Human Openings contain:

- 100% moves played by humans, only. Both players had at least 2300 Elo.
- opening lines played by the stronges players are at the beginning of the pgn/epd-files.
- no manually constructed openings (like my Drawkiller openings)
- no manually added moves to make castling impossible (like my NBSC openings)
- no selection of piece-patterns


Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »



Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

AlexChess wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:41 pm

Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

[pgn][Event "Chess Tournament"]
[Date "2022.05.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "ProteusSF EXP 008"]
[Black "Deep Blue"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[Time "13:50:14"]
[Board "71"]
[Termination "adjudication by engines' scores"]
[ECO "B33"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 e5 {B33: Sicilian, Pelikan (Lasker/Sveshnikov) variation} 6. Ndb5 h6
7. Nd6+ {+1.48/29 8165 13610102} Bxd6 {+1.21/32 11901 21115396} 8. Qxd6 {+1.51/31 12420 23506197} Qe7 {+1.06/33 13581 24850190}
9. Qxe7+ {+1.47/30 15416 29427387} Kxe7 {+1.22/36 20569 36649589} 10. b3 {+1.48/32 15019 27138005} d6 {+1.35/31 23631 41572445}
11. Ba3 {+1.47/31 12311 21221332} a6 {+1.14/36 48741 82146295} 12. O-O-O {+1.53/31 13918 25131533} Rd8 {+1.23/34 17375 29763326}
13. Nd5+ {+1.41/32 13894 22908399} Nxd5 {+1.08/34 15306 27143911} 14. exd5 {+1.44/32 14005 24959764} Nb8 {+1.20/32 14455 26438361}
15. f4 {+1.62/34 11925 21935925} Nd7 {+1.19/33 16048 28594846} 16. Re1 {+1.32/30 26041 47262243} f6 {+1.27/32 14342 26159741}
17. Re3 {+1.36/30 13028 22898512} b6 {+1.32/32 21372 37507472} 18. Be2 {+1.38/29 15918 27021754} Rg8 {+1.40/35 91613 152605186}
19. Rf1 {+1.87/27 26401 39338002} Bb7 {+1.28/31 9038 15825861} 20. c4 {+1.78/28 16860 29252528} Raf8 {+1.33/29 14279 26081316}
21. h4 {+1.70/29 22540 38876008} Nc5 {+1.59/34 148350 244912173} 22. h5 {+2.00/26 12740 17858122} g5 {+1.82/30 22207 38113350}
23. hxg6 {+2.30/29 16877 24100015} Rxg6 {+1.74/31 31690 53607209} 24. g4 {+2.24/29 21527 33772529} Rfg8 {+1.92/38 101884 169803940}
25. Bb4 {+2.32/34 27170 41752256} Bc8 {+1.85/31 6541 11694200} 26. f5 {+2.64/28 10986 17964539} Rg5 {+2.26/36 65511 106115354}
27. Bd2 {+2.44/28 21772 29490584} h5 {+2.10/26 1972 3573609} 28. b4 {+2.26/32 27320 38312956} Nd7 {+2.25/26 5561 10015932}
29. gxh5 {+2.13/30 20779 26319905} Nf8 {+1.90/27 3564 5563774} 30. Rc3 {+2.91/29 34580 47308305} Rxf5 {+1.83/21 3792 6146101}
31. Rh1 {+2.77/25 13131 12946039} Rf2 {+2.19/24 10492 17853121} 32. Bd3 {+2.61/28 23778 33872385} Rf3 {+2.27/25 16786 29490276}
33. h6 {+3.28/26 14386 19605892} Rfg3 {+2.45/23 7360 13196968} 34. b5 {+3.39/26 10828 10144559} a5 {+2.95/22 1856 3331638}
35. Bc2 {+3.80/26 12551 11059707} Rg1+ {+2.36/19 1305 1961099} 36. Rxg1 {+3.72/25 10505 7613473} Rxg1+ {+3.68/24 9660 14914498}
37. Kb2 {+3.90/27 10982 7019441} Bg4 {+3.23/20 2014 3278078} 38. Be3 {+3.96/25 12924 9282655} Rh1 {+3.34/19 2024 3278605}
39. Bxb6 {+3.87/26 15512 7998599} Nd7 {+3.61/20 2705 4089679} 40. c5 {+4.10/24 11963 5398230} Rxh6 {+3.45/20 2352 3964376}
41. cxd6+ {+3.95/24 14711 9858166} Kxd6 {+3.62/21 3099 5087462} 42. Rc6+ {+4.00/25 11240 10221323} Kxd5 {+3.69/22 4679 8256433}
43. Bb3+ {+4.00/25 17584 15292375} Ke4 {+3.82/18 644 885190} 44. Bxa5 {+4.00/29 39900 34265829} Rh2+ {+4.06/24 21193 35054405}
45. Ka3 {+4.12/26 12041 7227837} f5 {+4.19/22 7228 12899217} 46. b6 {+4.25/29 9868 9901929} Nxb6 {+3.99/19 923 1461491}
47. Bxb6 {+4.35/27 11692 11708658} f4 {+4.18/24 3752 6641463} 48. Kb4 {+4.46/24 8922 9006006} Be2 {+4.32/24 9286 15291534}
49. Rf6 {+4.53/27 9770 9288021} Rh1 {+4.39/21 3977 7245387} 50. a4 {+4.60/25 10301 12444681} Bd3 {+4.30/23 4453 8312849}
51. a5 {+4.94/24 10810 10570064} Rc1 {+4.84/26 8542 16019675} 52. Rf7 {+5.03/24 14359 11230545} Re1 {+5.35/22 5707 10323214}
53. Kc3 {+5.20/24 10172 9033834} Ba6 {+5.30/19 3259 5503937} 54. Bc7 {+5.47/23 8970 8823745} Rc1+ {+5.19/19 1828 3159558}
55. Kb4 {+5.57/25 8920 10218342} Rb1 {+5.45/27 9080 17182128} 56. Re7 {+6.02/27 20095 18716101} Kd3 {+5.31/21 691 990527}
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
ProteusSF Dev Forum
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Full name: Alex Morales

Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

[pgn][Event "Chess Tournament"]
[Date "2022.05.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "ProteusSF EXP 008"]
[Black "Deep Blue"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "600+5"]
[Time "18:46:01"]
[Board "85"]
[Termination "adjudication by engines' scores"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Opening "Owen defence"]

1. e4 b6 {B00: Owen defence} 2. Nf3 {+0.75/33 62186 98922190} Bb7
3. Nc3 e6 {+0.72/29 10751 18082799} 4. d4 Bb4
5. Bd3 Nf6 6. Qe2 d5
7. e5 Ne4 8. O-O Nxc3 {-0.06/28 12359 21117704}
9. bxc3 Bxc3 {-0.14/34 12964 21830341} 10. Rb1 Nc6 {-0.12/34 15721 24552133}
11. Be3 Nb4 {-0.56/28 13811 23487310} 12. Bb5+ c6 {-0.47/31 14721 25112241}
13. a3 cxb5 {-0.90/31 15536 28042113} 14. axb4 a5 {-0.81/31 15466 26209201}
15. Bd2 {-0.95/32 23165 39672842} Bxd2 {-0.75/33 16088 27887425} 16. Nxd2 {-0.96/34 56413 82058857} O-O {-0.81/36 91534 156616319}
17. Rb3 {-0.69/31 19063 30367002} Qe7 {-1.01/28 11639 21827232} 18. Rg3 {-0.83/38 143006 146549949} Rfc8 {-1.44/27 12537 22605327}
19. Qg4 {-0.80/30 9881 9383092} Qf8 {-1.07/37 29490 52107418} 20. c3 {-0.72/28 10097 8833793} Bc6 {-0.98/32 16634 26474139}
21. h3 {-0.86/29 14866 12328308} Be8 {-0.93/35 24356 41282007} 22. Rb1 {-0.79/27 10175 11599599} h6 {-0.96/32 40096 69402912}
23. Kh2 {-0.85/29 18758 17609742} Kh8 {-0.70/33 50011 77132375} 24. Rf3 {-0.87/30 11041 11245726} Qe7 {-0.96/30 14458 24659256}
25. h4 {-1.03/27 22363 16710541} Bd7 {-1.02/32 20151 33387254} 26. Rg3 {-0.64/31 30606 27517828} Rg8 {-1.10/31 28671 47475087}
27. Ra1 {-0.75/30 9866 9529150} a4 {-0.99/31 14360 25163050} 28. Re3 {-0.77/31 14321 14276194} Raf8 {-0.90/30 13383 21919056}
29. Kg1 {-0.67/27 15539 10134516} f6 {-0.81/35 30753 49647997} 30. exf6 {-0.47/27 11484 8214810} gxf6 {-0.82/33 9562 16729678}
31. Qf4 {-0.73/27 17746 13706979} Rg6 {-0.69/32 26599 45953782} 32. Nf1 {-0.82/28 12218 10077982} Kh7 {-0.62/33 11430 19223192}
33. Rae1 {-0.96/27 26474 9060109} Qg7 {-0.85/31 15754 22418210} 34. Rg3 {-0.87/26 6982 3877405} Rxg3 {-0.65/33 18312 32690319}
35. fxg3 {-0.82/28 19822 16741747} Rc8 {-0.79/32 37830 65647826} 36. Qd2 {-0.91/26 11399 5944547} f5 {-0.81/29 12312 23204305}
37. Re3 {-0.89/27 34909 17852728} Ra8 {-0.72/28 8908 16556089} 38. Qf2 {-0.75/26 19165 12807419} Qg8 {-0.74/36 72249 136243020}
39. Re1 {-0.78/26 13658 12080317} Be8 {-0.97/25 4027 6755931} 40. Ne3 {-1.23/28 33814 22274612} Ra7 {-1.00/27 6433 10976145}
41. Qf4 {-1.13/25 10811 6970739} Rg7 {-1.04/27 6152 11137455} 42. Kh2 {-1.04/29 33868 25799437} Bf7 {-1.11/29 5557 10911683}
43. Qc7 {-0.82/24 8768 4892472} Bg6 {-1.05/31 5661 10649824} 44. Qxb6 {-0.84/27 7296 5069591} Qc8 {-0.97/29 6395 11190461}
45. Rc1 {-1.15/26 15745 8670223} Be8 {-1.25/30 6275 11654646} 46. Nf1 {-1.12/25 5893 3275211} Qc6 {-1.01/28 11211 20282003}
47. Qb8 {-1.36/28 48999 29616179} Bh5 {-1.17/26 4398 8211296} 48. Qf4 {-1.20/21 4292 1558886} Qc7 {-1.14/30 14879 27059835}
49. Qe3 {-1.32/19 1777 909979} Bf7 {-1.28/25 3428 6105167} 50. Qd3 {-1.18/19 3269 1487929} Qb8 {-1.33/24 4305 7780209}
51. Kh3 {-1.09/21 2332 1340687} Rg8 {-1.28/24 3652 6492259} 52. Ra1 {-1.24/23 4573 2600310} Rg4 {-2.24/24 4898 9192563}
53. Nh2 {-1.12/19 2438 1497456} Bg6 {-2.54/24 4111 7517633} 54. Qf3 {-2.94/23 22850 12985945} Qc7 {-2.79/24 4116 7262428}
55. Qf2 {-3.20/21 4060 2222015} Re4 {-2.98/22 4719 8310026} 56. Nf3 {-3.36/20 2686 1203395} f4 {-2.83/22 5933 10885181}
57. Ra3 {-3.26/22 10093 5476140} fxg3 {-3.81/27 17283 32174769} 58. Qxg3 {-3.17/16 635 259173} Bf5+ {-4.06/23 3715 7268020}
59. Kh2 {-3.49/20 4095 2103060} Qxg3+ {-3.95/20 3392 6958096} 60. Kxg3 {-3.14/20 1426 554696} Rg4+ {-4.03/21 3588 7128282}
61. Kf2 {-3.00/20 5258 2483592} Be4 {-3.98/22 3660 7385245} 62. h5 {-3.63/24 9780 4514809} Kg7 {-4.70/24 5367 11422471}
63. g3 {-3.56/20 3594 2223733} Bxf3 {-5.18/22 4451 9660712} 64. Kxf3 {-4.14/17 3565 1401560} Re4 {-5.69/22 6503 12150982}
65. Ra1 {-4.03/20 1987 1170457} Kf6 {-5.61/21 4128 8524983} 66. Rg1 {-4.55/25 8647 3659102} Kf5 {-5.86/26 4161 8555040}
67. Kf2 {-4.77/23 5882 2949738} Kg5 {-6.24/25 6648 14125980} 68. Ra1 {-4.64/23 2351 1243860} Kxh5 {-6.62/23 5301 12282399}
69. Kf3 {-5.24/29 5961 2853863} Kg6 {-7.21/24 9211 20737127} 70. Rf1 {-5.25/24 3498 1434136} h5 {-7.29/21 3643 7527056}
71. Rh1 {-5.26/21 1248 589200} Rg4 {-7.57/22 5291 11376278} 72. Rd1 {-5.79/27 14430 5246552} Kf6 {-7.68/23 4303 8893841}
73. Rh1 {-5.94/22 2352 1367258} 0-1[/pgn]
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
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Full name: Alex Morales

Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by AlexChess »

ProteusSF RBE 008 is out!

Kind regards, Alex
Chess engines and dedicated chess computers fan since 1981 :D macOS Sequoia 16GB-512GB, Windows 11 & Ubuntu ARM64.
ProteusSF Dev Forum
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:15 pm
Full name: Gheorghe Pepene

Re: ProteusChessSF - Developing my Stockfish 14.1 Polyglot MTCS derivative

Post by Ghppn »

Kayra 1.4 bmi2 - SwordF PB 15.2 bmi2 / Blitz 5m+2s
Image ... 8BgF7xfwsE
Openings: TCEC 22_Noomen 50 games
Processor: Intel ® Core ™ i7– 4790 CPU 3.60 GHz (4 Cores, 8 Threads)
Memoriy (RM): 32 GB, System type: 64-bit, Windows 10 PRO.
Graphic board: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760