Wow ! Beating a 3100 Elo engine (+ NNUE):
[Event "LazySMP Test"]
[Site "ISR 3"]
[Date "2024.11.27"]
[Round "1"]
[White "LazySMP_5.0_avx2"]
[Black "Chess Jai 1.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[BlackElo "2200"]
[ECO "A03"]
[Opening "Bird Opening"]
[Time "16:06:35"]
[Variation "1...d5"]
[WhiteElo "2200"]
[TimeControl "240+2"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "68"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
1. f4 d5 2. d3 Nf6 3. Nf3 g6 4. Nbd2 Ng4 5. Nb3 {(Nd2-b3 Ng4-f6 e2-e3
Bc8-g4 Bf1-e2 Nb8-d7 h2-h3 Bg4xf3 Be2xf3 c7-c5 Ke1-f2 Qd8-b6 Nb3-d2 h7-h5
g2-g4 h5xg4 h3xg4) +0.13/17 5} b6 {(b7-b6 a2-a4 c7-c5 h2-h3 Ng4-f6 a4-a5
Bc8-b7 g2-g4 Bf8-g7 e2-e3 O-O Bf1-g2 Nb8-c6 O-O) +0.30/14 6} 6. h3 {(h2-h3
Ng4-f6 Ke1-f2 Nb8-c6 e2-e3 Bc8-b7 Bc1-d2 e7-e6 Bf1-e2 Bf8-d6 Bd2-c3 d5-d4
e3xd4 Bd6xf4 Bc3-d2 Bf4-d6 Bd2-g5) +0.46/17 4} Nf6 {(Ng4-f6 g2-g4 Bf8-g7
a2-a4 c7-c5 e2-e3 Bc8-b7 Bf1-g2 Nb8-c6 a4-a5 Ra8-c8 O-O Nf6-d7 e3-e4 d5xe4
d3xe4 O-O) +0.41/17 6} 7. Bd2 {(Bc1-d2 Nb8-c6 Ke1-f2 Bf8-g7 Bd2-c3 e7-e6
e2-e3 Ke8-e7 Bf1-e2 Bc8-b7 Nf3-e5 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Nf6-d7 Nb3-d4 Nd7xe5 Bc3-b4+
c7-c5 Bb4xc5+) +0.27/18 14} Bb7 {(Bc8-b7 e2-e3 Bf8-g7 g2-g4 O-O Bf1-g2
c7-c5 a2-a4 Nb8-c6 a4-a5 c5-c4 a5-a6 Bb7-c8 d3xc4 d5xc4) +0.41/14 7} 8. a4
{(a2-a4 Bf8-g7 a4-a5 O-O Ke1-f2 c7-c5 e2-e3 Nb8-c6 a5-a6 Bb7-c8 Bf1-e2
c5-c4 Nb3-d4 Nc6xd4 Nf3xd4 c4xd3 c2xd3 Bc8xh3) +0.18/18 11} Bg7 {(Bf8-g7
a4-a5 c7-c5 g2-g4 d5-d4 Bf1-g2 h7-h5 g4-g5 Nf6-d5 O-O e7-e6 c2-c3 d4xc3
b2xc3 Nd5xc3 Qd1-e1 Nc3-d5 a5xb6 a7xb6 Ra1xa8 Bb7xa8) +0.72/16 7} 9. Kf2
{(Ke1-f2 c7-c5 e2-e3 Nf6-d7 Qd1-c1 O-O a4-a5 b6-b5 g2-g4 Nb8-a6 Bf1-e2
Na6-c7 d3-d4 c5xd4 e3xd4 Nc7-e6 Be2xb5 Ne6xf4) +0.18/18 21} c5 {(c7-c5
e2-e3 Nb8-c6 a4-a5 O-O Kf2-g1 Ra8-c8 Kg1-h2 Rf8-e8 a5-a6 Bb7-a8 Bd2-c3
Rc8-c7 Bf1-e2 Nf6-h5 Nf3-e5 Nc6xe5) +1.16/15 7} 10. e3 {(e2-e3 Nf6-d7
Qd1-b1 O-O a4-a5 Nb8-a6 Bf1-e2 Na6-c7 a5xb6 a7xb6 e3-e4 c5-c4 Ra1xa8 Qd8xa8
d3xc4 d5xe4 Bd2-b4) +0.16/17 9} Nc6 {(Nb8-c6 a4-a5 O-O Kf2-g1 Ra8-c8 Kg1-h2
Qd8-c7 a5xb6 a7xb6 d3-d4 c5-c4 Nb3-c1 Rf8-e8 Bd2-c3 Nf6-e4) +1.22/15 7} 11.
a5 {(a4-a5 O-O Bf1-e2 Qd8-d6 a5-a6 Bb7-c8 g2-g4 Bc8-e6 Nf3-g5 Be6-d7 Kf2-g2
Ra8-c8 h3-h4 h7-h6 Ng5-f3 Nf6xg4 Nb3xc5) +0.31/17 4} O-O {(O-O Bf1-e2
Rf8-e8 Bd2-c3 d5-d4 e3xd4 Nc6xd4 Bc3xd4 c5xd4 a5-a6 Bb7-c6 Nb3xd4 Bc6xf3
Nd4xf3 Nf6-d5 d3-d4 Nd5xf4) +1.15/16 7} 12. Be2 {(Bf1-e2 Ra8-c8 Bd2-c3
c5-c4 a5-a6 Bb7xa6 Ra1xa6 c4xb3 c2xb3 h7-h5 Qd1-c1 d5-d4 e3xd4 Nf6-d5 g2-g4
h5xg4 h3xg4) +0.27/17 10} Qc7 {(Qd8-c7 Rh1-e1 Ra8-e8 a5xb6 a7xb6 Nb3-c1
e7-e5 Nf3xe5 Re8-e6 Ne5-f3 Nf6-h5 Kf2-g1 Nh5-g3 d3-d4 c5xd4 Be2-b5 d4xe3
Bd2xe3 Bg7xb2) +1.54/17 7} 13. Qc1 {(Qd1-c1 c5-c4 a5-a6) +0.01/18 25} Rae8
{(Ra8-e8 Rh1-e1 Nf6-h5 a5xb6 a7xb6 Kf2-g1 Nh5-g3 Bd2-c3 e7-e5 Bc3xe5 Bg7xe5
Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Ng3-f5 Be2-f3 Re8xe5 Re1-e2 Nf5-g3 Re2-f2 Ng3-f5 Rf2-e2
d5-d4 Ra1-a7) +1.74/19 7} 14. g4 {(g2-g4 Nf6-d7 g4-g5 b6xa5 Nb3xa5 Re8-b8
Na5xc6 Bb7xc6 d3-d4 c5xd4 e3xd4 Qc7-b7 Be2-d3 Qb7xb2 Qc1xb2 Rb8xb2 Bd3xg6)
+0.40/17 16} e5 {(e7-e5 f4xe5 Nc6xe5 Nf3xe5 Re8xe5 Be2-f3 Nf6-e8 Ra1-a4
f7-f5 Ra4-f4 Ne8-d6 Qc1-a1 Rf8-e8 Qa1-a4 Qc7-f7 a5xb6 a7xb6 Rh1-a1 Qf7-c7
Kf2-g1 f5xg4 Rf4xg4 d5-d4 Bf3xb7 Qc7xb7 e3xd4) +3.24/25 8} 15. axb6 {(a5xb6
a7xb6 Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Qc7xe5 Be2-f3 Qe5-b8 Qc1-b1 Qb8-e5 Qb1-c1)
0.00/18 18} axb6 {(a7xb6 f4xe5 Re8xe5 Qc1-g1 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4 Nf3xe5
Nc6xe5 Ra1-a7 Qc7xc2 Ra7xb7 Qc2xb3 Qg1-g3 Nf6-d5 Qg3-h4 Qb3xb2 Qh4-g5
Nd5-e3 Bd2xe3 Ne5xd3+ Kf2-f3 Nd3-e5+ Kf3-f2 Ne5-d3+ Kf2-f3 Nd3-e5+ Kf3-g3
Qb2xe2 Be3xd4) +2.68/27 8} 16. Nxe5 {(Nf3xe5 Nc6xe5 f4xe5 Re8xe5 Be2-f3
Nf6-d7 Ra1-a7 Qc7-b8 Ra7-a1 f7-f5 g4-g5 d5-d4 e3xd4 Bb7xf3 d4xe5 Bf3xh1
Qc1xh1 Qb8xe5) -0.03/18 4} Rxe5 {(Re8xe5 f4xe5 Nc6xe5 g4-g5 Nf6-h5 Be2xh5
g6xh5 Qc1-g1 Ne5-g6 Qg1-g3 Bg7-e5 Qg3-f3 h5-h4 Kf2-e2 Be5xb2 Qf3-g4 d5-d4
e3-e4 Bb2xa1 Rh1xa1 Qc7-h2+ Ke2-d1 Qh2-g3) +2.41/23 8} 17. fxe5 {(f4xe5
Nc6xe5 Ra1-a7 Ne5-c6 Ra7-a4 Rf8-e8 Kf2-g2 Nf6-d7 h3-h4 Qc7-d6 h4-h5 g6xh5
Rh1xh5 f7-f5 Rh5xf5 Re8xe3) +1.86/16 2} Nxe5 {(Nc6xe5 Kf2-g2 d5-d4+ e3-e4
Nf6xe4 d3xe4 Bb7xe4+ Kg2-f2 d4-d3 c2xd3 Ne5xd3+ Be2xd3 Be4xd3 Bd2-h6 Bg7xh6
Qc1xh6 Bd3-c4 Nb3xc5 Qc7xc5+ Qh6-e3) +1.41/18 8} 18. Rg1 {(Rh1-g1 Nf6-d7
Bd2-c3 Ne5-c6 Bc3xg7 Kg8xg7 Rg1-h1 d5-d4 e3-e4 Nd7-e5 h3-h4 f7-f6 h4-h5
Qc7-f7 Nb3-d2 g6xh5 Rh1xh5) +1.87/17 19} Nc6 {(Ne5-c6 c2-c3 c5-c4 g4-g5
Nf6-d7 Nb3-d4 c4xd3 Be2xd3 Nd7-c5 Bd3-e2 Nc6-a5 Qc1-f1 Na5-b3 Nd4xb3
Nc5xb3) +1.90/15 8} 19. Bf3 {(Be2-f3 Nc6-e5 Qc1-b1 Ne5xf3 Kf2xf3 Rf8-e8
Kf3-g2 Nf6-d7 Ra1-a7 Re8-a8 Ra7xa8+ Bb7xa8 h3-h4 Ba8-b7 Rg1-f1 f7-f5 g4xf5
Bg7xb2) +1.60/17 11} Ne5 {(Nc6-e5 Bf3-e2 Rf8-e8 Rg1-g2 d5-d4 e3xd4 c5xd4
Nb3xd4 Nf6xg4+ Kf2-f1 Bb7xg2+ Kf1xg2 Qc7-b7+ Nd4-f3 Ne5xf3 Be2xf3) +2.13/15
9} 20. Qd1 {(Qc1-d1 Ne5xf3 Qd1xf3 Nf6-d7 d3-d4 c5xd4 e3xd4 Qc7xc2 Kf2-g2
f7-f5 g4xf5 Qc2xf5 Qf3xf5 g6xf5 Kg2-f2 Rf8-e8 Bd2-f4 Re8-e2+) +1.44/18 19}
c4 {(c5-c4 Nb3-d4 c4xd3 c2xd3 Ne5xd3+ Kf2-e2 Nf6-e4 Qd1-c2 Ne4-c5 Rg1-g2
Nd3-e5 Ke2-f2 Ne5xf3 Kf2xf3 Bg7xd4 e3xd4) +2.14/15 9} 21. Nc1 {(Nb3-c1
c4xd3 c2xd3 Rf8-e8 Bf3-g2 Bg7-h6 Rg1-f1 Nf6-d7 Kf2-e2 d5-d4 e3-e4 Bh6xd2
Ke2xd2 Nd7-c5 Nc1-e2 Nc5xd3 Rf1xf7) +1.47/17 4} Ne4+ {(Nf6-e4+ d3xe4 d5xe4
Bf3-e2 Rf8-d8 Ra1-a7 Ne5-f3 Ra7xb7 Qc7xb7 Be2xf3 e4xf3 Nc1-e2 Qb7-d5 Ne2-d4
Bg7xd4 e3xd4 Qd5xd4+ Kf2xf3 Qd4xd2 Qd1xd2 Rd8xd2) +1.66/18 9} 22. dxe4
{(d3xe4 Ne5xf3 Qd1xf3 d5xe4 Qf3-g3 Bg7-e5 Qg3-g2 Be5xb2 Ra1-b1 c4-c3 Bd2-e1
f7-f5 g4-g5 Bb2xc1 Rb1xc1 Rf8-d8 Rc1-b1 Rd8-d2+) +2.62/18 2} Re8 {(Rf8-e8
Bf3-e2 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 Bg7-f8 Ra7xb7 Qc7xb7 Bd2-c3 Bf8-e7 Bc3xe5 Re8-d8
Qd1xd8+ Be7xd8 Be5-c3 Bd8-h4+ Kf2-f1 Bh4-d8 Be2xc4) -1.46/19 9} 23. exd5
{(e4xd5 Ne5xf3 Qd1xf3 Bg7xb2 Ra1-b1 Qc7-h2+ Rg1-g2 Qh2-e5 e3-e4 Bb2xc1
Rb1xc1 Qe5-d4+ Bd2-e3 Qd4xe4 Qf3xe4 Re8xe4 Be3xb6 Bb7xd5 Kf2-g1 c4-c3
Bb6-e3) +4.14/19 3} b5 {(b6-b5 Bd2-c3 b5-b4 Bc3xe5 Bg7xe5 Nc1-e2 Be5-d6
Rg1-g2 Bd6-c5 Ne2-g1 Re8xe3 Kf2-f1 b4-b3 Rg2-f2 Re3xf3 Qd1xf3 Bc5xf2 Kf1xf2
b3xc2 Ng1-e2 Bb7xd5) -3.75/20 8} 24. Bg2 {(Bf3-g2 Qc7-b6 Nc1-e2 Qb6-f6+
Kf2-g3 Ne5-d7 h3-h4 Qf6-d6+ Ne2-f4 Bg7xb2 Ra1-a7 Qd6-b6 Ra7-a2 Bb2-e5
Rg1-f1 b5-b4 h4-h5 Be5xf4+ Rf1xf4) +5.28/17 9} Qd6 {(Qc7-d6 Bd2-c3 b5-b4
Bc3-d4 Qd6-f6+ Kf2-e2 Qf6-d8 Ke2-f2 Qd8-h4+ Kf2-f1 Qh4-f6+ Kf1-e2 Qf6-d8
Ke2-f2 Qd8-f6+ Kf2-e1) -3.04/15 8} 25. e4 {(e3-e4 Ne5-d7 c2-c3 b5-b4 Bd2-e3
Nd7-c5 Ra1-a7 Qd6-b6 Ra7-a2 Qb6-f6+ Kf2-e2 Nc5xe4 Bg2xe4 Re8xe4 c3xb4
Re4-e8 Ra2-a7) +5.24/16 5} h5 {(h7-h5 Bd2-c3 b5-b4 Bc3-d4 h5xg4 Nc1-e2
c4-c3 b2xc3 b4xc3 Kf2-e1 Qd6-f6 Ra1-a7 Bb7xd5 e4xd5 g4xh3 Bd4xe5 Qf6-h4+
Be5-g3 h3xg2) -3.63/17 8} 26. gxh5 {(g4xh5 f7-f5 h5-h6 Bg7-f6 Bd2-f4
Qd6-c5+ Bf4-e3 Qc5-c8 Ra1-a7 Kg8-f7 e4xf5 Bf6-h4+ Kf2-e2 g6xf5 Bg2-e4 f5xe4
Ra7xb7+) +6.33/15 8} f5 {(f7-f5 Ra1-a7 Ne5-g4+ h3xg4 Bg7-d4+ Bd2-e3 Qd6-f4+
Qd1-f3 Bd4xe3+ Kf2-e2 Qf4xf3+ Ke2xf3 Be3xa7) -3.65/12 7} 27. h6 {(h5-h6
Bg7-f6 e4xf5 Bf6-h4+ Kf2-f1 Bb7xd5 Bd2-c3 Bd5xg2+ Kf1xg2 Qd6-c6+ Kg2-f1
Kg8-h8 h6-h7 b5-b4 Bc3xb4 g6xf5 Qd1-h5 Qc6-g2+) +6.26/15 6} Qf6 {(Qd6-f6
Kf2-g3 Qf6-d6 Kg3-f2 Bg7-f8 Bd2-c3 b5-b4 h6-h7+ Kg8-h8 Bc3-d4 f5xe4 Nc1-e2
Qd6xd5) -4.08/14 7} 28. hxg7 {(h6xg7 Qf6-h4+ Kf2-e2 Bb7xd5 Qd1-e1 Qh4-h5+
Ke2-f2 f5xe4 Kf2-g3 g6-g5 Qe1-e3 Qh5-h4+ Kg3-h2 Bd5-b7 Qe3-g3 Qh4xg3+
Kh2xg3 Kg8xg7 Bd2xg5) +8.29/15 4} fxe4+ {(f5xe4+ Kf2-e2 Qf6-h4 Bd2-e3 b5-b4
Ra1-a7 Qh4-h5+ Ke2-e1 Qh5-h4+ Ke1-e2 c4-c3 b2xc3 Qh4-h5+ Ke2-d2 Ne5-c4+
Kd2-e1 Qh5xd1+ Ke1xd1 Nc4xe3+ Kd1-e2 Ne3xd5 Ra7xb7 Nd5xc3+ Ke2-f1) -5.94/19
7} 29. Kg3 {(Kf2-g3 Bb7xd5 Bd2-f4 Bd5-b7 Rg1-f1 Qf6-e7 Qd1-e1 Ne5-c6 Qe1-d2
Kg8xg7 Nc1-e2 b5-b4 Bf4-h6+ Kg7-h7 Bh6-e3 c4-c3) +8.60/15 3} e3 {(e4-e3
Rg1-f1 Qf6-g5+ Kg3-h2 e3xd2 Nc1-e2 Ne5-g4+ h3xg4 Qg5-h6+ Kh2-g3 Kg8xg7
Ne2-f4 Kg7-g8 Rf1-f3 Kg8-g7 Kg3-f2 Bb7xd5 Qd1xd2 Bd5xf3) -6.82/19 7} 30.
Bxe3 {(Bd2xe3 Ne5-d3 Qd1-d2 Qf6-e5+ Be3-f4 Nd3xf4 Qd2xf4 Bb7xd5 Ra1-a7
Bd5xg2 Qf4xe5 Re8xe5 Rg1xg2 Re5-e8 Kg3-f3 b5-b4) +9.03/15 3} Nd3 {(Ne5-d3
Nc1xd3 Re8xe3+ Kg3-h2 c4xd3 Qd1-g4 d3-d2 Kh2-h1 Qf6-e7 Rg1-f1 Qe7-e5 b2-b3
Kg8xg7 Qg4-d7+ Kg7-h6 Qd7xb7 Re3-g3 c2-c4 b5xc4 Qb7-a8 Rg3xg2 Qa8-f8+
Kh6-h5 Kh1xg2 Qe5xd5+ Kg2-h2 d2-d1Q Ra1xd1) -7.31/25 6} 31. Qd2 {(Qd1-d2
Qf6-e5+ Be3-f4 Nd3xf4 Qd2xf4 Bb7xd5 Qf4xe5 Re8xe5 Bg2xd5+ Re5xd5 Ra1-a7
Rd5-d2 Rg1-g2 Rd2-d1 Nc1-e2 Rd1-d2 Ne2-f4) +9.40/15 3} c3 {(c4-c3 Qd2xd3
c3xb2 Nc1-e2 b2xa1Q Rg1xa1 Qf6xa1 Ne2-f4 Qa1-f6 Kg3-h2 Kg8xg7 Kh2-g1 Kg7-g8
Nf4-e6 Bb7xd5 Bg2xd5 Re8xe6 Bd5xe6+ Qf6xe6) -8.42/19 6} 32. Qxd3 {(Qd2xd3
c3xb2 Ra1-b1 b2xc1Q Be3xc1 g6-g5 Rg1-f1 Qf6-e5+ Kg3-g4 Bb7-c8+ Kg4-h5
g5-g4+ Bc1-g5 Qe5xg7 Qd3-g6 Qg7xg6+ Kh5xg6 g4xh3 Rb1xb5) +10.29/16 2} cxb2
{(c3xb2 Nc1-e2 b2xa1Q Rg1xa1 Qf6xa1 Ne2-f4 Qa1-f6 Kg3-f2 Kg8-h7 g7-g8N
Re8xg8 Qd3xb5 Rg8-g7 Kf2-e2 Kh7-g8 Ke2-d2 Kg8-h7 Kd2-e2 Kh7-g8 Qb5-e8+
Kg8-h7 Nf4-d3 Rg7-c7) -9.16/20 6} 33. Rb1 {(Ra1-b1 b2xc1N Be3xc1 g6-g5
Rg1-f1 Qf6-e5+ Kg3-f2 Qe5xg7 Bc1-b2 Qg7-h7 Qd3xh7+ Kg8xh7 Bb2-d4 Re8-f8+
Kf2-g1 Rf8xf1+ Rb1xf1 Kh7-g8 Rf1-f8+) +10.27/15 3} bxc1=B {(b2xc1B Rb1xc1
Re8xe3+ Qd3xe3 Qf6-d6+ Kg3-f3 Bb7xd5+ Kf3-f2 Bd5-f7 Bg2-b7 Bf7-a2 Bb7-a8
Ba2-f7 Ba8-b7 Bf7-c4 Qe3-e8+ Kg8-h7 g7-g8Q+ Bc4xg8) -12.23/14 6} 34. Rgxc1
{(Rg1xc1 Qf6-e7 Be3-d2 g6-g5 c2-c4 Qe7-d6+ Kg3-f2 b5xc4 Qd3-d4 Qd6-d7
Bg2-f3 Bb7-a6 d5-d6 Qd7xg7 Bf3-d5+ Kg8-f8 Qd4xc4) +10.60/15 3} Ba8 {(Bb7-a8
Qd3-d2 Re8-e5 Rb1xb5 Re5-f5 Rb5-b8+ Kg8xg7 Kg3-h2 Qf6-d6+ Kh2-g1 Qd6-g3
Rb8-b5 Rf5-f1+ Rc1xf1) -11.39/14 5 Arena Adjudication} 1-0
If you are interested....
Moderators: hgm, chrisw, Rebel
- Posts: 4652
- Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:19 pm
- Location: IASI - the historical capital of MOLDOVA
- Full name: Silvian Rucsandescu
- Posts: 4652
- Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:19 pm
- Location: IASI - the historical capital of MOLDOVA
- Full name: Silvian Rucsandescu
Re: If you are interested....
Current situation in my "LazySMP Test" tournament (after 653 games):
Two opinions:
1.-LazySMP_5.0_avx2 is (increasingly safe) a chess engine around 2100 Elo at TC=4'+2". Unlike versions 3 and 4 it can play over 125 moves (>250 ply games) without entering in time forfeit.
2.-Chess Jai 1.0 (the only chess engine programmed in Jai that I know of) I think plays somewhere between 2200-2500 Elo (no more). Far from the 3100 Elo claimed by the author. It is an engine having an evaluation based on NNUE (SF). Sometimes he stutters in clearly won positions. I look forward to future versions. I like the engine!
Two opinions:
1.-LazySMP_5.0_avx2 is (increasingly safe) a chess engine around 2100 Elo at TC=4'+2". Unlike versions 3 and 4 it can play over 125 moves (>250 ply games) without entering in time forfeit.
2.-Chess Jai 1.0 (the only chess engine programmed in Jai that I know of) I think plays somewhere between 2200-2500 Elo (no more). Far from the 3100 Elo claimed by the author. It is an engine having an evaluation based on NNUE (SF). Sometimes he stutters in clearly won positions. I look forward to future versions. I like the engine!