BT4.chesskobra wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:36 pm What network should I use on an i7, 13 gen, desktop with 32 GB RAM?
I'm using it also on my MacBook.
Moderator: Ras
BT4.chesskobra wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:36 pm What network should I use on an i7, 13 gen, desktop with 32 GB RAM?
This is the result for Lc0-v0.30.0Marek Soszynski wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 1:01 pmMany thanks.Dann Corbit wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:49 am
Here are the results for the new Lc0 (which was notoriously poor at tactics):
So, what is the comparison to the old Lc0? In your own words.
Code: Select all
Analysis of H:\hardest.epd
Analyzing engine: Lc0-v0.30.0
3/27/2024 4:07:27 AM Level: 60 Seconds
Source : List of EPD/PGN files
Colours : White moves=True, Black moves=True
Direction : forward
Games (PGN) : From 1 to 999999
Moves : All moves
Positions (EPD) : All positions
Use Engine(s) : List
Use seconds per move : 60 Seconds per move
Analysis Lines : Minimum search depth=2
Activate abort analysis : True. Minimal analysis depth 9. Abort, if the correct move is held 220 additional ply
1) g5-g6 Kb1-b2
2) b5-b6 Be2-f1
3) Kb8-a7 Kb8-a7 * 0 Seconds
4) .. Rc5-c2 Kg7-g6
5) .. Nc5-d7 Nc5-d7 * 18 Seconds
6) Qa3-f3 Nc5-d3
7) Re1-e4 Re1-e4 * 0 Seconds
8) a6-a7 a6-a7 * 11 Seconds
9) Bc1-b2 Bc1-b2 * 3 Seconds
10) Ne1-d3, Ne1-f3 Ne1-f3 * 0 Seconds
11) Ra4-a8 h7-h8Q
12) Be3-c1 Kd7-e6
13) Rd1-b1 Rd1-d3
14) h6-h7 c6-c7
15) .. e5-e4 e5-e4 * 8 Seconds
16) Qa5xd5 Qa5xd5 * 1 Second
17) Qc8xh8 Qc8xh8 * 5 Seconds
18) .. Bf8-e7 Bf8-e7 * 7 Seconds
19) .. Bb6xd4 Qf6xh4
20) .. Qc5-d4 Qc5-c4
21) .. Be2-h5 Be2-h5 * 57 Seconds
22) Rd6-d8 Rd6-d8 * 20 Seconds
23) Qg6-f5 Qg6-f7
24) Rc4-c7 Rc4-c7 * 17 Seconds
25) Rg3-g5 Rg3-g5 * 19 Seconds
26) Nd4-f5 Qe2-h5
27) Re3-c3 Re3-c3 * 30 Seconds
28) f2-f4 f2-f4 * 0 Seconds
29) Bc8xa6 Bc8xa6 * 3 Seconds
30) Bc8xa6 d2-d4
31) Kc8-c7 Qd2-d8
32) Ne7-g6 Ne7-g6 * 0 Seconds
33) Kc8-d7, Kc8-d8 Kc8-d7 * 0 Seconds
34) Nc8-e7 Nc8-d6
35) Nc8-e7 Qe3-d4
36) Rc8-a8 Rc8-a8 * 0 Seconds
37) b2-b3 b2-b3 * 33 Seconds
38) Be1-h4 Be1-h4 * 8 Seconds
39) Bb6-a7 Bb6-a7 * 0 Seconds
40) d6-d7 d6-d7 * 0 Seconds
41) Qa7xc7 Qa7-c5
42) Ne4-d6 Ne4-d6 * 3 Seconds
43) Ng6-h4 Rg3xg4
44) Rg8-h8 g3-g4
45) Bd4xg7 Bd4xg7 * 1 Second
46) Kd5-e6 Qd4-f2
47) Kg4-f3 Kg4-f3 * 1 Second
48) Qh5xg6 Bh4-f6
49) Rc4xc5 Rc4xc5 * 5 Seconds
50) .. h7-h5 h7-h5 * 43 Seconds
51) Nd4-f3 Rg6xa6
52) .. Bb7-f3 Bb7-f3 * 6 Seconds
53) Rf1-f5 Rf1-f5 * 0 Seconds
54) e7-e8Q, e7-e8R e7-e8Q * 46 Seconds
55) Be5-b8 Be5-d4
56) g4-g5 g4-g5 * 3 Seconds
57) Ra5-a6 Nd5-c3
58) Ke2-f3, Bc2-b1 Ke2-f3 * 14 Seconds
59) a3-a4 h4-h5
60) Be4-d5 Be4-d5 * 0 Seconds
61) .. Rd8-d6, b7-b6 Rd8-d6 * 2 Seconds
62) Rd2-d3 Rd2-d3 * 56 Seconds
63) Qc4xb5 Qc4xb5 * 3 Seconds
64) Bb7-c6 Nd1-b2
65) Rf2-f1 Rf2-f1 * 7 Seconds
66) Be4-h1 Be4-f3
67) Nh4xg6 Nh4xg6 * 0 Seconds
68) .. Ng2xe3, Nd5xe3 Ng2xe3 * 0 Seconds
69) c4xd5 c4-c5
70) h6-h7 Qh3-c3
71) Nf4-h3 Nf4xg2
72) c3-c4 Kh1-g1
73) Bg2xb7 Qc4-h4
74) Qc7-f4 Qc7xc5
75) .. h6-h5 Ne3xg2
76) Qb1-b6 Qb1-c1
77) Nc4-e5 Nc4xb6
78) Kf8-e7, Kf8-e8 Kf8-e7 * 1 Second
79) Rg8-h8 Rg8-h8 * 16 Seconds
80) Rf6-h6 Rf6-f7
81) Rg6-g4 Nf8-e6
82) Rb3-c3 Be2xb5
83) Rh4-a4 Rh4-a4 * 0 Seconds
84) Nb5-d4 Nb5-d4 * 12 Seconds
85) c2-c3 c2-c3 * 22 Seconds
86) Qg3-g8 Qg3-g8 * 0 Seconds
87) Kh4-g5 Kh4-g5 * 3 Seconds
88) .. Qd1-e1 Qd1-e1 * 4 Seconds
89) Bc1-b2 Bc1-b2 * 0 Seconds
90) .. Rg5xg2, Ne1xg2 Rg5xg2 * 0 Seconds
91) Qc5xf8 Qc5xf8 * 0 Seconds
92) Qf1-g1 Qf1-g1 * 12 Seconds
93) Bb7-d5 Na7-b5
94) Qe4-e5, Qe4-c6, Qe4-b7, Kg2-g1 Kg2-g1 * 4 Seconds
95) Nc7-a8 Nc7-e8
96) Ne2-g1 Ne2-g1 * 48 Seconds
97) Bc1-d2 Bc1-d2 * 39 Seconds
98) b2-b3 Nd5-f6
99) Nh4-g6 Nh4-g6 * 0 Seconds
100) .. Kh8-h7, Kh8-g7 Kh8-h7 * 2 Seconds
101) Bg3-f4 Bg3-f4 * 20 Seconds
102) .. Rc1-d1 Rc1-d1 * 0 Seconds
103) Bf4-h6 Bf4-h6 * 20 Seconds
104) e5-e6 e5xf6
105) Ke5-e6, Ke5-f6 Ke5-e6 * 25 Seconds
106) .. Nb5xd4 Nb5xd4 * 46 Seconds
107) Re3xd3 Re3xd3 * 8 Seconds
108) Be2-c4 Be2-c4 * 3 Seconds
109) Ne3-f1 Ne3-f5
110) .. Rg7-h7 Rg7-h7 * 0 Seconds
111) Na3-c2 Na3-c2 * 23 Seconds
112) Ke6-f7 Be7-f6
113) Qh2-h6 Qh2-h6 * 0 Seconds
114) Rg7-h7 Rg7-d7
115) Bf2-g1 Bf2-g1 * 2 Seconds
116) g2-g3 g2-g3 * 0 Seconds
117) Ba7-b8 Ba7-b8 * 3 Seconds
118) Bc4-g8 Bc4-g8 * 2 Seconds
119) Rc6-c8 e6xf7
120) .. Nf6xh5 Nf6xh5 * 18 Seconds
73 of 120 matching moves
3/27/2024 6:09:28 AM, Total time: 2:02:01 AM Rated time: 59:43 = 3583 Seconds
Code: Select all
Analysis of H:\hardest.epd
Analyzing engine: Stockfish_24032617_x64_avx2
3/27/2024 7:08:42 AM Level: 60 Seconds
Source : List of EPD/PGN files
Colours : White moves=True, Black moves=True
Direction : forward
Games (PGN) : From 1 to 999999
Moves : All moves
Positions (EPD) : All positions
Use Engine(s) : List
Use seconds per move : 60 Seconds per move
Analysis Lines : Minimum search depth=2
Activate abort analysis : True. Minimal analysis depth 9. Abort, if the correct move is held 220 additional ply
1) g5-g6 Kb1-b2
2) b5-b6 b5-b6 * 4 Seconds
3) Kb8-a7 Kb8-a7 * 0 Seconds
4) .. Rc5-c2 Rc5-c2 * 3 Seconds
5) .. Nc5-d7 Nc5-d7 * 0 Seconds
6) Qa3-f3 Qa3-f3 * 41 Seconds
7) Re1-e4 Nf4-e2
8) a6-a7 a6-a7 * 0 Seconds
9) Bc1-b2 Bc1-b2 * 0 Seconds
10) Ne1-d3, Ne1-f3 Ne1-d3 * 0 Seconds
11) Ra4-a8 Ra4-a8 * 0 Seconds
12) Be3-c1 Be3-c1 * 0 Seconds
13) Rd1-b1 Rd1-b1 * 0 Seconds
14) h6-h7 h6-h7 * 0 Seconds
15) .. e5-e4 e5-e4 * 1 Second
16) Qa5xd5 Qa5xd5 * 0 Seconds
17) Qc8xh8 Qc8xh8 * 0 Seconds
18) .. Bf8-e7 Qb8-c7
19) .. Bb6xd4 Bb6xd4 * 0 Seconds
20) .. Qc5-d4 Qc5-d4 * 0 Seconds
21) .. Be2-h5 Be2-h5 * 0 Seconds
22) Rd6-d8 Rd6-d8 * 0 Seconds
23) Qg6-f5 Qg6-f5 * 5 Seconds
24) Rc4-c7 Rc4-c7 * 4 Seconds
25) Rg3-g5 Rg3-g5 * 0 Seconds
26) Nd4-f5 Nd4-f5 * 0 Seconds
27) Re3-c3 Nh4-f5
28) f2-f4 f2-f4 * 0 Seconds
29) Bc8xa6 Bc8-g4
30) Bc8xa6 d2-d4
31) Kc8-c7 Nf4-d3
32) Ne7-g6 Ne7-g6 * 2 Seconds
33) Kc8-d7, Kc8-d8 Kc8xc7
34) Nc8-e7 Nc8-d6
35) Nc8-e7 Nc8-e7 * 3 Seconds
36) Rc8-a8 Rc8-a8 * 0 Seconds
37) b2-b3 b2-b3 * 56 Seconds
38) Be1-h4 Be1-g3
39) Bb6-a7 Bb6-a7 * 0 Seconds
40) d6-d7 d6-d7 * 0 Seconds
41) Qa7xc7 Qa7-d4
42) Ne4-d6 Ne4-d6 * 0 Seconds
43) Ng6-h4 Ng6-h4 * 6 Seconds
44) Rg8-h8 Rg8-h8 * 2 Seconds
45) Bd4xg7 Bd4xg7 * 6 Seconds
46) Kd5-e6 Qd4-f2
47) Kg4-f3 Kg4-f3 * 0 Seconds
48) Qh5xg6 Bh4-f6
49) Rc4xc5 Rc4xc5 * 0 Seconds
50) .. h7-h5 h7-h5 * 0 Seconds
51) Nd4-f3 Nd4-f3 * 5 Seconds
52) .. Bb7-f3 Bb7-f3 * 0 Seconds
53) Rf1-f5 Rf1-f5 * 0 Seconds
54) e7-e8Q, e7-e8R e7-e8Q * 5 Seconds
55) Be5-b8 Be5-b8 * 18 Seconds
56) g4-g5 Rd8-a8
57) Ra5-a6 Ra5-a6 * 0 Seconds
58) Ke2-f3, Bc2-b1 Ke2-f3 * 0 Seconds
59) a3-a4 a3-a4 * 5 Seconds
60) Be4-d5 Be4-d5 * 0 Seconds
61) .. Rd8-d6, b7-b6 Rd8-d6 * 0 Seconds
62) Rd2-d3 Rd2-d3 * 1 Second
63) Qc4xb5 Qc4xb5 * 57 Seconds
64) Bb7-c6 Nd1-b2
65) Rf2-f1 Rf2-f1 * 18 Seconds
66) Be4-h1 Be4-f3
67) Nh4xg6 Nc5-d3
68) .. Ng2xe3, Nd5xe3 Nd5xe3 * 0 Seconds
69) c4xd5 c4xd5 * 3 Seconds
70) h6-h7 h6-h7 * 7 Seconds
71) Nf4-h3 Nf4-h3 * 22 Seconds
72) c3-c4 c3-c4 * 1 Second
73) Bg2xb7 Bg2xb7 * 3 Seconds
74) Qc7-f4 Qc7xc5
75) .. h6-h5 h6-h5 * 0 Seconds
76) Qb1-b6 Qb1-b6 * 3 Seconds
77) Nc4-e5 Nc4-e5 * 0 Seconds
78) Kf8-e7, Kf8-e8 Kf8-e7 * 0 Seconds
79) Rg8-h8 Rg8-h8 * 1 Second
80) Rf6-h6 Rf6-f7
81) Rg6-g4 Nf8-e6
82) Rb3-c3 Rb3-c3 * 20 Seconds
83) Rh4-a4 Rh4-a4 * 8 Seconds
84) Nb5-d4 Nb5-d4 * 0 Seconds
85) c2-c3 c2-c3 * 1 Second
86) Qg3-g8 Qg3-g8 * 0 Seconds
87) Kh4-g5 Kh4-g5 * 1 Second
88) .. Qd1-e1 Qd1-e1 * 0 Seconds
89) Bc1-b2 Kd1-d2
90) .. Rg5xg2, Ne1xg2 Rg5xg2 * 18 Seconds
91) Qc5xf8 Qc5xf8 * 0 Seconds
92) Qf1-g1 Qf1-g1 * 0 Seconds
93) Bb7-d5 Bb7-d5 * 5 Seconds
94) Qe4-e5, Qe4-c6, Qe4-b7, Kg2-g1 Kg2-g1 * 0 Seconds
95) Nc7-a8 Nc7-a8 * 57 Seconds
96) Ne2-g1 Ne2-g1 * 3 Seconds
97) Bc1-d2 Bc1-d2 * 0 Seconds
98) b2-b3 Nd5-f6
99) Nh4-g6 Nh4-f5
100) .. Kh8-h7, Kh8-g7 Kh8-h7 * 0 Seconds
101) Bg3-f4 Bg3-f4 * 0 Seconds
102) .. Rc1-d1 Rc1-d1 * 0 Seconds
103) Bf4-h6 Bf4-h6 * 0 Seconds
104) e5-e6 e5-e6 * 5 Seconds
105) Ke5-e6, Ke5-f6 Ke5-e6 * 0 Seconds
106) .. Nb5xd4 Nb5xd4 * 12 Seconds
107) Re3xd3 Re3xd3 * 1 Second
108) Be2-c4 Be2-c4 * 0 Seconds
109) Ne3-f1 Ne3-f1 * 7 Seconds
110) .. Rg7-h7 Rg7-h7 * 0 Seconds
111) Na3-c2 Bh4-g5
112) Ke6-f7 Be7-f6
113) Qh2-h6 Qh2-h6 * 0 Seconds
114) Rg7-h7 Rg7-h7 * 0 Seconds
115) Bf2-g1 Bf2-g1 * 3 Seconds
116) g2-g3 Nb5-c7
117) Ba7-b8 Ba7-b8 * 25 Seconds
118) Bc4-g8 Bc4-g8 * 0 Seconds
119) Rc6-c8 Rc6-c8 * 5 Seconds
120) .. Nf6xh5 Nf6xh5 * 0 Seconds
94 of 120 matching moves
3/27/2024 9:09:03 AM, Total time: 2:00:20 AM Rated time: 33:33 = 2013 Seconds
Please write what settings you are writing about that you could not use.Dann Corbit wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:33 pm With the mega net, Lc0 outperforms SF on this test (of course we cannot read a ton into that, since I have two fast GPU cards in my machine and an AMD 3790x CPU, so my hardware is not typical.)
I will say this, I never thought that Lc0 would outshine SF on a tactical test. This new version is much better and the new net is much better too.
It is possible parameter changes account for some of it. I used some of the parameters that the Tcec version of Lc0 is using (but obviously not the memory, since my GPUs only have 8GB video ram each.)
I was not able to use some of their settings, since they did not work when I tried them. Probably because they are using a zillion dollar GPU with an ocean of video RAM.
I got the settings I wanted to try from here:Krzysztof Grzelak wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:38 pmPlease write what settings you are writing about that you could not use.Dann Corbit wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:33 pm With the mega net, Lc0 outperforms SF on this test (of course we cannot read a ton into that, since I have two fast GPU cards in my machine and an AMD 3790x CPU, so my hardware is not typical.)
I will say this, I never thought that Lc0 would outshine SF on a tactical test. This new version is much better and the new net is much better too.
It is possible parameter changes account for some of it. I used some of the parameters that the Tcec version of Lc0 is using (but obviously not the memory, since my GPUs only have 8GB video ram each.)
I was not able to use some of their settings, since they did not work when I tried them. Probably because they are using a zillion dollar GPU with an ocean of video RAM.
At the very beginning, thank you for your answer. Some interesting comments on I write where you made mistakes.Dann Corbit wrote: ↑Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:30 am I got the settings I wanted to try from here:
Backend and backendOptions did not work.
I also did not use the value for RamLimitMB because my my GPUs only have 8GB VRAM so I set it at 7.5 GB. If it is system RAM, then I would have set it much higher.
Is there anywhere to obtain an accurate description of each setting and what they mean?
If the answer is "browse the source" then I won't bother.
I tried reading the source to find some simple information about evaluation hashing and gave up.
And how many nps does that get..?Hai wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:49 pmBT4.chesskobra wrote: ↑Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:36 pm What network should I use on an i7, 13 gen, desktop with 32 GB RAM?
I'm using it also on my MacBook.
Maybe this helps?Dann Corbit wrote: ↑Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:30 am
I got the settings I wanted to try from here:
Backend and backendOptions did not work.
I also did not use the value for RamLimitMB because my my GPUs only have 8GB VRAM so I set it at 7.5 GB. If it is system RAM, then I would have set it much higher.
Is there anywhere to obtain an accurate description of each setting and what they mean?
If the answer is "browse the source" then I won't bother.
I tried reading the source to find some simple information about evaluation hashing and gave up.
Code: Select all
Maximum memory usage for the engine, in megabytes. The estimation is very rough,
and can be off by a lot. For example, multiple visits to a terminal node counted
several times, and the estimation assumes that all positions have 30 possible
moves. When set to 0, no RAM limit is enforced.
[UCI: RamLimitMb DEFAULT: 0 MIN: 0 MAX: 100000000]