Crystal 8

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Re: Crystal 8

Post by Chessqueen »

I believe that if you give Huntman-1 3 to 4 hours it will find Mate in 13
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by acase »

Chessqueen wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:37 pm I believe that if you give Huntman-1 3 to 4 hours it will find Mate in 13
I already tried it two times (letting it think overnight while I slept) to no avail.

It sees the key move 1.d4!! but only sees a mate in 15. The move it seems to be missing is 4.Nxf5!

I'll give it another try though just to be sure.
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by acase »

acase wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:47 pm
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:37 pm I believe that if you give Huntman-1 3 to 4 hours it will find Mate in 13
I already tried it two times (letting it think overnight while I slept) to no avail.

It sees the key move 1.d4!! but only sees a mate in 15. The move it seems to be missing is 4.Nxf5!

I'll give it another try though just to be sure.
Ok, it sees 4.Nxf5 now after a few minutes, but it doesn't see 5.Bd4! now.
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Eelco de Groot
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by Eelco de Groot »

Crystal 8 (with contempt 100) does find a Mate in 15 with Multi PV but after 1400 minutes, one thread 512 MB hash, did not get further than depth 33 and still Mate in 15. I think I will close it down now :)

[d]3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - -

Engine: Crystal 8 CT 100 (512 MB)
gemaakt door the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS f

33 1403:52 +M15 1.d4 Pe6+ 2.Ke7 Pxd4 3.Pxe3 Pxc2
4.Pxf5 Pxa1 5.Ph4+ Kh7 6.Ld3+ f5
7.Lxf5+ g6 8.Lxg6+ Kg7 9.f5 Le6
10.f6+ Kg8 11.Kxe6 Th7 12.Lxh7+ Kxh7
13.Kf7 Pc2 14.Pf5 (148.175.765.741) 1759

33 1403:52 +M19 1.Lg4 fxg4 2.d4+ Kxh5 3.Pxe3 Lh7
4.Dh2+ Kg6 5.Pxg4 Pe6+ 6.Ke7 Te8+
7.Kxe8 Pc7+ 8.Ke7 Pd5+ 9.Kd6 Lg8
10.Dc2+ f5 11.Pe5+ Kh7 12.Dxf5+ Kh8
13.Pg6+ Kh7 14.Txa2 (148.175.765.741) 1759

32 1403:52 +11.13 1.Pxe3 f6 2.Ke7 Kh7 3.Dxc5 Pg6+
4.Kd6 Le6 5.Kxe6 Te8+ 6.Kxf5 b3
7.Dc4 Tf8 8.Dxb3 Ph8 9.Txa2 Pf7
10.Ke4 g6 11.Th2 h5 12.Kf3 f5 13.Kf2 Pd6
14.De6 (148.175.765.741) 1759

32 1403:52 +10.76 1.Ke7 f6 2.Pxe3 Kh7 3.Dxc5 Pg6+
4.Kd6 Le6 5.Kxe6 Te8+ 6.Kxf5 b3
7.Dc4 Tf8 8.Dxb3 Ph8 9.Txa2 Pf7
10.Ke4 Te8+ 11.Kf3 Pd8 12.d4 f5
13.Pxf5 Pe6 14.Ld3 (148.175.765.741) 1759

32 1403:52 +9.16 1.Lxe3 Kh7 2.Ke7 f6 3.Dxc5 Le6 4.Kd6 Pd7
5.Dc7 Te8 6.Txa2 Pf8 7.Ta7 b3 8.Txb7 Ld7
9.d4 Te6+ 10.Kc5 Te8 11.Lc4 Tc8
12.Lxb3 Txc7+ 13.Txc7 Le6 14.d5 (148.175.765.741) 1759

32 1403:52 +9.03 1.Txf5 Lxg1 2.d4 Kh7 3.Tg5+ f5
4.Txg1 Pg6 5.Kd7 Lf7 6.Lh5 Le8+
7.Kd6 Tf8 8.Dxa2 Tf6+ 9.Kxc5 b3
10.Da8 Tc6+ 11.Kb5 Tc8+ 12.Kb6 Txa8
13.Txa8 Pxf4 14.Lxe8 (148.175.765.741) 1759

32 1403:52 +5.91 1.Dxa2 f6 2.Pxe3 Lxa2 3.Txa2 Kf7
4.Kc7 Pe6+ 5.Kb6 g6 6.Th1 Td8 7.Pxf5 b3
8.Tb2 Td5 9.Pxh6+ Kg7 10.f5 Pf4
11.Lh2 Pxe2 12.Txe2 Kxh6 13.Lc7+ Kg7
14.fxg6 (148.175.765.741) 1759
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first
place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
-- Brian W. Kernighan
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Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:14 am
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Full name: Andrew R Case

Re: Crystal 8

Post by acase »

Chessqueen wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:37 pm I believe that if you give Huntman-1 3 to 4 hours it will find Mate in 13
Here it is after 4 hours with the Huntsman 1, and no mate in 13 found:

Code: Select all

FEN: 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1

The Huntsman 1 bmi2:
classical evaluation enabled
 1/1	00:00	 3k	1,124k	+4.20	1.d3-d4
 2/2	00:00	 13k	3,172k	+1.35	1.Bg1xe3 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7
 3/3	00:00	 16k	4,116k	+1.59	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3
 4/5	00:00	 45k	8,998k	+0.42	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6 3.Nd1xe3 c5xd4
 5/5	00:00	 110k	15,770k	+1.16	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6
 6/6	00:00	 142k	17,740k	+1.22	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6 3.Be2-d3 Be3xg1
 7/10	00:00	 263k	23,897k	+1.31	1.Nd1xe3 f7-f6 2.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 3.Rh5xh6+ g7xh6 4.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6
 8/10	00:00	 331k	25,491k	+1.55	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 f5xg4 4.Nd1xe3
 9/12	00:00	 562k	29,581k	+1.76	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Rh5xf5 Nd4xc2 4.Be2-d3 Nc2xa1
 10/13	00:00	 796k	31,836k	+1.90	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Rh5xf5 Nd4xf5+ 4.Qc2xf5+ Kg6xf5 5.Nd1xe3+ Kf5-e4
 11/17	00:00	 1,180k	33,718k	+2.11	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 Nd4-c6+ 4.Ke7-d7 Be3xf4 5.Bg4xf5+ Kg6-f6
 12/17	00:00	 3,665k	37,024k	+2.71	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 Nd4-c6+ 4.Ke7-d7 Be3xg1 5.Bg4xf5+ Kg6-f6 6.Qg2-b2+ Bg1-d4 7.Nd1-e3
 13/21	00:00	 5,752k	37,112k	+2.68	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 c5xd4 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Kf5xg4 10.Ra1-h1 d4xe3
 14/23	00:00	 8,042k	38,115k	+3.10	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-g6+ 8.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 9.Kd7xd8
 15/22	00:00	 12,052k	39,516k	+3.14	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-g6+ 7.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 8.Kd7xd8 f7-f6 9.Nf2xg4 Ng6-f4 10.Be3xf4 Kf5xg4 11.Ra1-f1 Kg4-f5
 16/25	00:00	 20,567k	41,300k	+3.90	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-e6+ 7.Kd8-e7 f7-f6 8.Nf2xg4 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8
 17/25	00:01	 44,426k	43,090k	+5.11	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-e6+ 7.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 8.Ke7xe8 f7-f6 9.Nf2xg4 Ne6xd4 10.Ke8-e7
 18/36	00:02	 123,688k	44,317k	+6.92	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 g7-g5 7.Qh2-e5+ Kf5-g6 8.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Kg6-h5 10.Ng4-f6+ Kh5-g6 11.Ra1-f1 Ne6xd4 12.Be3xd4
 19/28+	00:03	 143,453k	44,648k	+7.22	1.Be2-g4
 19/33+	00:03	 160,670k	44,817k	+7.77	1.Be2-g4
 19/33+	00:04	 188,225k	45,051k	+9.37	1.Be2-g4
 19/33	00:04	 193,964k	45,129k	+9.73	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b7-b5 8.Qh2-g2 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 10.Ke7xe8 g7-g5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6 12.Qg2-f3 Ne6-g7+ 13.Ke8-e7 Ng7-h5 14.Ng4xf6
 20/27+	00:05	 228,023k	45,459k	+10.52	1.Be2-g4
 20/31+	00:05	 239,497k	45,523k	+11.57	1.Be2-g4
 20/41+	00:06	 278,255k	45,909k	+14.54	1.Be2-g4
 20/41	00:06	 288,656k	46,023k	+16.52	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 21/46+	00:06	 304,117k	46,169k	+18.33	1.Be2-g4
 21/46	00:06	 310,581k	46,231k	+20.97	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 22/39+	00:06	 320,988k	46,345k	+24.11	1.Be2-g4
 22/39+	00:06	 324,180k	46,398k	+28.43	1.Be2-g4
 22/39+	00:07	 326,455k	46,451k	+40.61	1.Be2-g4
 22/39	00:07	 326,518k	46,453k	+38.51	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Bh7-g8 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6 9.Kd8-e7 b7-b5 10.Qh2-f4
 23/22+	00:07	 326,609k	46,453k	+54.08	1.Be2-g4
 23/22+	00:07	 328,351k	46,436k	+70.51	1.Be2-g4
 23/25-	00:07	 343,085k	46,338k	+21.27	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+
 23/28+	00:07	 343,092k	46,339k	+76.78	1.Be2-g4
 23/28+	00:07	 343,097k	46,339k	+M31	1.Be2-g4
 23/28	00:07	 343,327k	46,339k	+M31	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b7-b5 8.Qh2-g2 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 10.Ke7xe8 g7-g5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6
 24/33	00:07	 346,086k	46,324k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 25/29	00:07	 346,117k	46,322k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1 15.Bc1-d2+ Ka1-b2
 26/41	00:07	 351,053k	46,289k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1 15.Bc1-d2+ Ka1-b2 16.Bd2-c3+ Kb2-c2 17.Qa4-c4 Nf8-g6+ 18.Kd8-c7 Rh8-c8+ 19.Kc7-b6 Rc8-c6+ 20.Kb6xb7 Rc6-c7+ 21.Kb7xc7
 27/34	00:13	 615,650k	45,405k	+M26	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-g6+ 7.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 8.Kd7xd8 Kf5-e6 9.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 10.d4-d5+ Ke6-f5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Be3xc5 a2-a1Q 15.Rf1xa1
 28/33	00:13	 615,749k	45,406k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 29/35	00:13	 615,785k	45,405k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 30/37	00:13	 616,211k	45,403k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 31/39	00:13	 619,602k	45,399k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3
 32/37	00:13	 620,949k	45,398k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3
 33/39	00:13	 621,823k	45,395k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 34/40	00:13	 623,097k	45,392k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 35/40	00:13	 623,693k	45,392k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 36/40	00:14	 638,367k	45,374k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 37/40	00:14	 638,777k	45,371k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 38/40	00:14	 641,813k	45,364k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 39/40	00:14	 660,931k	45,313k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 40/40	00:21	 946,826k	45,072k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 41/40	00:23	 1,050,680k	45,086k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 42/40	00:23	 1,052,627k	45,084k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 43/40	00:48	 2,185,524k	45,336k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 44/40	00:49	 2,244,735k	45,357k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 45/40	03:17	 9,027,912k	45,788k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 46/30	03:17	 9,034,467k	45,787k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 47/30	03:20	 9,191,363k	45,759k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 48/30	03:24	 9,347,724k	45,717k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 49/30	03:25	 9,396,882k	45,700k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 50/30	03:30	 9,589,544k	45,631k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 51/30	03:30	 9,589,580k	45,631k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 52/30	03:30	 9,592,652k	45,630k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 53/30	03:36	 9,848,230k	45,544k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 54/30	03:40	 10,022,501k	45,490k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 55/30	03:45	 10,236,037k	45,427k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 56/30	03:49	 10,410,730k	45,380k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 57/30	03:54	 10,613,998k	45,340k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 58/30	03:54	 10,638,027k	45,337k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 59/30	04:05	 11,131,220k	45,319k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 60/30	04:29	 12,154,872k	45,166k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 61/30	04:29	 12,157,559k	45,166k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 62/30	05:01	 13,607,220k	45,104k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 63/30	05:39	 15,304,049k	45,035k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 64/30	06:45	 18,333,168k	45,256k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 65/30	07:09	 19,440,403k	45,304k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 66/30	12:59	 35,049,973k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 67/30	12:59	 35,050,487k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 68/30	12:59	 35,050,506k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 69/30	12:59	 35,050,547k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 70/30	13:05	 35,320,759k	44,943k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 71/30	13:22	 36,034,657k	44,910k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 72/30	13:23	 36,070,441k	44,908k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 73/30	13:27	 36,269,232k	44,899k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 74/30	14:24	 38,755,984k	44,838k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 75/30	20:53	 56,724,101k	45,247k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 76/30	21:02	 57,134,351k	45,254k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 77/30	21:03	 57,186,665k	45,254k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 78/30	22:02	 59,881,684k	45,287k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 79/30	25:34	 69,235,304k	45,116k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 80/30	30:08	 81,228,996k	44,905k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 81/30	30:23	 81,918,049k	44,915k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 82/30	34:29	 92,917,640k	44,897k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 83/30	50:32	137,177,908k	45,234k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 84/30	1:23:02	228,298,909k	45,820k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 85/30	1:23:02	228,298,937k	45,820k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 86/30	1:23:38	230,006,776k	45,832k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 87/30	1:32:18	253,628,075k	45,793k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 88/30	1:36:13	263,966,214k	45,723k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 89/30	1:54:28	314,241,266k	45,751k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 90/30	2:16:18	372,940,211k	45,603k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 91/30	4:00:12	671,727,786k	46,608k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+

Posts: 892
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
Full name: Esmeralda Pinto

Re: Crystal 8

Post by chessica »

Matefish 3.0 64 by the Stockfish developers and J. Oster
posaition fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
Unknown command: posaition fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
position fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
setoption name PNS Hash value 1024
setoption name ProofNumberSearch value true
go mate 13
info string Starting Proof-Number Search ...
info time 849 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 609282 nps 717646 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1215604 nps 1158821 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1249 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1807687 nps 1447307 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1449 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 2401920 nps 1657639 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1649 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3004987 nps 1822308 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1849 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3604701 nps 1949540 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 2049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 4188870 nps 2044348 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 3049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 7103177 nps 2329674 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 4049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 9988414 nps 2466884 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 5049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 12898496 nps 2554663 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 6049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 15851284 nps 2620480 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 7049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 18843858 nps 2673266 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 8049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 21806852 nps 2709262 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 9049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 24764523 nps 2736713 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 10049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 27659978 nps 2752510 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 12549 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 35038314 nps 2792120 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 15049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 42597791 nps 2830606 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 17549 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 49991116 nps 2848658 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info string Running out of memory ... <<<--- :( :( :( :( :(
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Failure! No mate found!
info time 19357 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 55090593 nps 2846029 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
bestmove h5g5
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Steve Maughan
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by Steve Maughan »

acase wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:49 pm <snip>
[d]3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1

I haven't had any engines solve this one yet, but I don't have every engine so I won't say that there isn't something out there that can solve it, I'll post the pgn later.
[d]6br/1p3p1k/5Kpp/5P1B/1p1p3N/1n6/p7/8 b - -

It's black to move but it's a forced mate in two for white.

Code: Select all

Engine: Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 (2048 MB)
by Vasik Rajlich


44.01  0:18   0.00     11...gxf5 12.Ng6 fxg6 13.Bxg6+ (23.140.512) 1249 

45.01  0:39   0.00     11...gxf5 12.Ng6 fxg6 13.Bxg6+ (49.318.410) 1251 

46.01  1:32   0.00     11...gxf5 12.Ng6 fxg6 13.Bxg6+ (73.415.613) 794 
The original problem seems insanely difficult. I gave it to Rybka, which is normally quite good at mate searches. It failed miserably and highlighted a bug in Rybka's search. This position is towards the end of the mate sequence. It finds the winning sequence but reports it as a draw. I assume it thinks white has insufficient material to win.

— Steve - Maverick Chess Engine
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Eelco de Groot
Posts: 4633
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:40 am
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by Eelco de Groot »

acase wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:29 am
Chessqueen wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:37 pm I believe that if you give Huntman-1 3 to 4 hours it will find Mate in 13
Here it is after 4 hours with the Huntsman 1, and no mate in 13 found:

Code: Select all

FEN: 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1

The Huntsman 1 bmi2:
classical evaluation enabled
 1/1	00:00	 3k	1,124k	+4.20	1.d3-d4
 2/2	00:00	 13k	3,172k	+1.35	1.Bg1xe3 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7
 3/3	00:00	 16k	4,116k	+1.59	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3
 4/5	00:00	 45k	8,998k	+0.42	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6 3.Nd1xe3 c5xd4
 5/5	00:00	 110k	15,770k	+1.16	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6
 6/6	00:00	 142k	17,740k	+1.22	1.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 2.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6 3.Be2-d3 Be3xg1
 7/10	00:00	 263k	23,897k	+1.31	1.Nd1xe3 f7-f6 2.d3-d4 Kg6-h7 3.Rh5xh6+ g7xh6 4.Qc2xf5+ Nf8-g6
 8/10	00:00	 331k	25,491k	+1.55	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 f5xg4 4.Nd1xe3
 9/12	00:00	 562k	29,581k	+1.76	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Rh5xf5 Nd4xc2 4.Be2-d3 Nc2xa1
 10/13	00:00	 796k	31,836k	+1.90	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Rh5xf5 Nd4xf5+ 4.Qc2xf5+ Kg6xf5 5.Nd1xe3+ Kf5-e4
 11/17	00:00	 1,180k	33,718k	+2.11	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 Nd4-c6+ 4.Ke7-d7 Be3xf4 5.Bg4xf5+ Kg6-f6
 12/17	00:00	 3,665k	37,024k	+2.71	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6-d4 3.Qc2-g2 Nd4-c6+ 4.Ke7-d7 Be3xg1 5.Bg4xf5+ Kg6-f6 6.Qg2-b2+ Bg1-d4 7.Nd1-e3
 13/21	00:00	 5,752k	37,112k	+2.68	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 c5xd4 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Kf5xg4 10.Ra1-h1 d4xe3
 14/23	00:00	 8,042k	38,115k	+3.10	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-g6+ 8.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 9.Kd7xd8
 15/22	00:00	 12,052k	39,516k	+3.14	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-g6+ 7.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 8.Kd7xd8 f7-f6 9.Nf2xg4 Ng6-f4 10.Be3xf4 Kf5xg4 11.Ra1-f1 Kg4-f5
 16/25	00:00	 20,567k	41,300k	+3.90	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-e6+ 7.Kd8-e7 f7-f6 8.Nf2xg4 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8
 17/25	00:01	 44,426k	43,090k	+5.11	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-e6+ 7.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 8.Ke7xe8 f7-f6 9.Nf2xg4 Ne6xd4 10.Ke8-e7
 18/36	00:02	 123,688k	44,317k	+6.92	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 g7-g5 7.Qh2-e5+ Kf5-g6 8.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Kg6-h5 10.Ng4-f6+ Kh5-g6 11.Ra1-f1 Ne6xd4 12.Be3xd4
 19/28+	00:03	 143,453k	44,648k	+7.22	1.Be2-g4
 19/33+	00:03	 160,670k	44,817k	+7.77	1.Be2-g4
 19/33+	00:04	 188,225k	45,051k	+9.37	1.Be2-g4
 19/33	00:04	 193,964k	45,129k	+9.73	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b7-b5 8.Qh2-g2 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 10.Ke7xe8 g7-g5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6 12.Qg2-f3 Ne6-g7+ 13.Ke8-e7 Ng7-h5 14.Ng4xf6
 20/27+	00:05	 228,023k	45,459k	+10.52	1.Be2-g4
 20/31+	00:05	 239,497k	45,523k	+11.57	1.Be2-g4
 20/41+	00:06	 278,255k	45,909k	+14.54	1.Be2-g4
 20/41	00:06	 288,656k	46,023k	+16.52	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 21/46+	00:06	 304,117k	46,169k	+18.33	1.Be2-g4
 21/46	00:06	 310,581k	46,231k	+20.97	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 22/39+	00:06	 320,988k	46,345k	+24.11	1.Be2-g4
 22/39+	00:06	 324,180k	46,398k	+28.43	1.Be2-g4
 22/39+	00:07	 326,455k	46,451k	+40.61	1.Be2-g4
 22/39	00:07	 326,518k	46,453k	+38.51	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Bh7-g8 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6 9.Kd8-e7 b7-b5 10.Qh2-f4
 23/22+	00:07	 326,609k	46,453k	+54.08	1.Be2-g4
 23/22+	00:07	 328,351k	46,436k	+70.51	1.Be2-g4
 23/25-	00:07	 343,085k	46,338k	+21.27	1.Be2-g4 Nf8-e6+
 23/28+	00:07	 343,092k	46,339k	+76.78	1.Be2-g4
 23/28+	00:07	 343,097k	46,339k	+M31	1.Be2-g4
 23/28	00:07	 343,327k	46,339k	+M31	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b7-b5 8.Qh2-g2 Nf8-e6+ 9.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 10.Ke7xe8 g7-g5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-g6
 24/33	00:07	 346,086k	46,324k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1
 25/29	00:07	 346,117k	46,322k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1 15.Bc1-d2+ Ka1-b2
 26/41	00:07	 351,053k	46,289k	+M28	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e6 10.Qh5-e8+ Ke6-d5 11.Ng4xf6+ Kd5-c4 12.Qe8-a4+ Kc4-c3 13.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-b2 14.Be3-c1+ Kb2-a1 15.Bc1-d2+ Ka1-b2 16.Bd2-c3+ Kb2-c2 17.Qa4-c4 Nf8-g6+ 18.Kd8-c7 Rh8-c8+ 19.Kc7-b6 Rc8-c6+ 20.Kb6xb7 Rc6-c7+ 21.Kb7xc7
 27/34	00:13	 615,650k	45,405k	+M26	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 Nf8-g6+ 7.Kd8-d7 Rh8-d8+ 8.Kd7xd8 Kf5-e6 9.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 10.d4-d5+ Ke6-f5 11.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Be3xc5 a2-a1Q 15.Rf1xa1
 28/33	00:13	 615,749k	45,406k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 29/35	00:13	 615,785k	45,405k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 30/37	00:13	 616,211k	45,403k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Rh8-e8+ 9.Ke7xe8 Ne6-g5 10.Ra1-f1+ Ng5-f3 11.Ke8-e7 Kf5-e4 12.Qh2-c2+ Ke4-d5 13.Qc2xc5+ Kd5-e4 14.Qc5-c2+ Ke4-d5 15.Qc2xa2+ Kd5-e4 16.Qa2-b1+ Ke4-d5 17.Qb1-b3+ Kd5-c6 18.Qb3-c4+ Kc6-b6 19.Qc4-c5+ Kb6-a6
 31/39	00:13	 619,602k	45,399k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3
 32/37	00:13	 620,949k	45,398k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3
 33/39	00:13	 621,823k	45,395k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 34/40	00:13	 623,097k	45,392k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 35/40	00:13	 623,693k	45,392k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 Nf8-e6+ 8.Kd8-e7 Kf5-e4 9.Qh2-g2+ Ke4-d3 10.Ra1-c1 a2-a1N 11.d4xc5 Rh8-d8 12.Ke7xe6 b7-b5 13.Qg2-d2+ Kd3-e4 14.Qd2xb4+ Ke4-d3 15.Qb4xb5+ Kd3-e4 16.Qb5-c4+ Rd8-d4 17.Qc4xd4+ Ke4-f3 18.Qd4-f4+ Kf3-g2 19.Rc1-g1+ Kg2-h3 20.Ng4-f2+
 36/40	00:14	 638,367k	45,374k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 37/40	00:14	 638,777k	45,371k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 38/40	00:14	 641,813k	45,364k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 39/40	00:14	 660,931k	45,313k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 40/40	00:21	 946,826k	45,072k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 41/40	00:23	 1,050,680k	45,086k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 42/40	00:23	 1,052,627k	45,084k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 43/40	00:48	 2,185,524k	45,336k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 44/40	00:49	 2,244,735k	45,357k	+M20	1.Be2-g4 f5xg4 2.d3-d4+ Kg6xh5 3.Bg1xe3 Bg8-h7 4.Qc2-h2+ Kh5-g6 5.f4-f5+ Kg6xf5 6.Nd1-f2 f7-f6 7.Nf2xg4 b4-b3 8.Qh2-h5+ g7-g5 9.Ra1-f1+ Kf5-e4 10.Ng4xf6+ Ke4-d3 11.Rf1-d1+ Kd3-c3 12.Nf6-d5+ Kc3-c4 13.Qh5-e2+ Kc4xd5 14.d4xc5+ Kd5-e6 15.Be3-d4+ Ke6-d5 16.Bd4-g1+ Bh7-d3 17.Rd1xd3+ Kd5-c4 18.Rd3-d4+ Kc4xc5 19.Qe2-c4+ Kc5-b6 20.Rd4-d5+
 45/40	03:17	 9,027,912k	45,788k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 46/30	03:17	 9,034,467k	45,787k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 47/30	03:20	 9,191,363k	45,759k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 48/30	03:24	 9,347,724k	45,717k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 49/30	03:25	 9,396,882k	45,700k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 50/30	03:30	 9,589,544k	45,631k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 51/30	03:30	 9,589,580k	45,631k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 52/30	03:30	 9,592,652k	45,630k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 53/30	03:36	 9,848,230k	45,544k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 54/30	03:40	 10,022,501k	45,490k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 55/30	03:45	 10,236,037k	45,427k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 56/30	03:49	 10,410,730k	45,380k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 57/30	03:54	 10,613,998k	45,340k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 58/30	03:54	 10,638,027k	45,337k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 59/30	04:05	 11,131,220k	45,319k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 60/30	04:29	 12,154,872k	45,166k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 61/30	04:29	 12,157,559k	45,166k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 62/30	05:01	 13,607,220k	45,104k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 63/30	05:39	 15,304,049k	45,035k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 64/30	06:45	 18,333,168k	45,256k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 65/30	07:09	 19,440,403k	45,304k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 66/30	12:59	 35,049,973k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 67/30	12:59	 35,050,487k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 68/30	12:59	 35,050,506k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 69/30	12:59	 35,050,547k	44,958k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 70/30	13:05	 35,320,759k	44,943k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 71/30	13:22	 36,034,657k	44,910k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 72/30	13:23	 36,070,441k	44,908k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 73/30	13:27	 36,269,232k	44,899k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 74/30	14:24	 38,755,984k	44,838k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 75/30	20:53	 56,724,101k	45,247k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 76/30	21:02	 57,134,351k	45,254k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 77/30	21:03	 57,186,665k	45,254k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 78/30	22:02	 59,881,684k	45,287k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 79/30	25:34	 69,235,304k	45,116k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 80/30	30:08	 81,228,996k	44,905k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 81/30	30:23	 81,918,049k	44,915k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 82/30	34:29	 92,917,640k	44,897k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 83/30	50:32	137,177,908k	45,234k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 84/30	1:23:02	228,298,909k	45,820k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 85/30	1:23:02	228,298,937k	45,820k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 86/30	1:23:38	230,006,776k	45,832k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 87/30	1:32:18	253,628,075k	45,793k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 88/30	1:36:13	263,966,214k	45,723k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 89/30	1:54:28	314,241,266k	45,751k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 90/30	2:16:18	372,940,211k	45,603k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+
 91/30	4:00:12	671,727,786k	46,608k	+M15	1.d3-d4 Nf8-e6+ 2.Kd8-e7 Ne6xd4 3.Nd1xe3 Nd4xc2 4.Ne3xf5 Nc2xa1 5.Nf5-h4+ Kg6-h7 6.Be2-d3+ f7-f5 7.Bd3xf5+ g7-g6 8.Bf5xg6+ Kh7-g7 9.f4-f5 Bg8-e6 10.f5-f6+ Kg7-g8 11.Bg1-e3 Rh8-h7+ 12.Bg6xh7+ Kg8-h8 13.Rh5xh6 Be6-f5 14.Bh7xf5+ Kh8-g8 15.Bf5-e6+

With 512 MB (one thread only, no Syzygy, no Use NNUE) the performance is maybe worse, I'm not sure. I certainly let it calculate long enough :)

[d]3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - -

Engine: The Huntsman 1 (512 MB)
gemaakt door the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS f

72 8597:48 +M15 1.Lg4 fxg4 2.d4+ Kxh5 3.Lxe3 Lh7
4.Dh2+ Kg6 5.f5+ Kxf5 6.Pc3 Pg6+
7.Kd7 Td8+ 8.Kxd8 bxc3 9.Dc2+ Kf6
10.Tf1+ Pf4 11.Txf4+ Ke6 12.Db3+ c4
13.Dxc4+ Kd6 14.Dc5+ (750.231.053.070) 1454

72 8597:48 +M15 1.d4 Pe6+ 2.Ke7 Pxd4 3.Pxe3 Pxc2
4.Pxf5 Pxa1 5.Ph4+ Kh7 6.Ld3+ f5
7.Lxf5+ g6 8.Lxg6+ Kg7 9.f5 Le6
10.f6+ Kg8 11.Kxe6 Th7 12.Txc5 Tf7
13.Lxf7+ Kh7 14.Lg6+ (750.231.053.070) 1454
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first
place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
-- Brian W. Kernighan
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Eelco de Groot
Posts: 4633
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:40 am
Full name:   Eelco de Groot

Re: Crystal 8

Post by Eelco de Groot »

It misses the move from Peter Krug's .pgn 6.Bd3 even at this depth but if I make the move on the board (following the pgn with MultiPV =2), +M7 follows instantly:

40 1:59 +M14 6.Ph4+ Kh7 7.Ld3+ f5 8.Lxf5+ g6 9.Lxg6+ Kg7 10.f5 Lc4 11.f6+ Kg8 12.Pf5 Th7+ 13.Lxh7+ Kxh7 14.f7 Kg6 15.f8D Kxh5 16.Dg7 Le6 17.Kf6 Lxf5 18.Kxf5 Pc2 19.Dg4+ (130.613.292) 1088
39 1:59 0.00 6.Th4 f6 7.Pxd4 Le6 8.Ld3+ f5 9.Tg4+ Kh5 10.Tg1 Pb3 11.Le2+ Kh4 12.Pf3+ Kh5 (130.613.292) 1088
beste zet: Pf5-h4 tijd: 1:59.954 min n/s: 1.088.843 nodes: 130.613.292
classical evaluation enabled

[d]6br/1p2Kpp1/6kp/5N1R/1p1p1P2/3B4/p7/n7 b - -
67 0:01 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (1.967.726) 1256
67 0:01 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (1.967.726) 1256
68 0:01 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (2.132.521) 1265
68 0:01 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (2.132.521) 1265
69 0:01 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (2.320.468) 1274
69 0:01 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (2.320.468) 1274
70 0:01 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (2.512.007) 1284
70 0:01 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (2.512.007) 1284
71 0:02 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (2.707.140) 1296
71 0:02 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (2.707.140) 1296
72 0:02 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (2.949.956) 1309
72 0:02 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (2.949.956) 1309
73 0:02 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (3.231.495) 1325
73 0:02 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (3.231.495) 1325
74 0:02 +M7 6...Kxh5 7.Le2+ Kg6 8.Ph4+ Kh7 9.Lh5 Pb3 10.f5 g6 11.Kf6 gxf5 12.Pg6 fxg6 13.Lxg6+ (3.511.226) 1340
74 0:02 +M3 6...Kh7 7.Pxh6+ g6 8.Kf6 Pb3 9.Pxf7+ (3.511.226) 1340
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first
place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
-- Brian W. Kernighan
Posts: 994
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:14 am
Location: Columbus, Ohio USA
Full name: Andrew R Case

Re: Crystal 8

Post by acase »

Have a White to move and mate in 16 :

[d]3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

I'll post a pgn later, however I'm sure it'll be solved before then.