Crystal 8

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

Moderator: Ras

Posts: 3314
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Crystal 8

Post by peter »

acase wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:00 pm Have a White to move and mate in 16 :

[d]3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

I'll post a pgn later, however I'm sure it'll be solved before then. ... -21st-2023

9th one on the site counted from above, by Jan Timman.
At the end of author's solution there's a shortcut with 10...Ne6, ...f2 instead there makes DTM 16 from starting position.

3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

Analysis by The Huntsman 1:

1.Sb2 c4 2.Lb3 cxb3 3.Lf4 gxf4 4.Kf2 h5 5.Kg1 h4 6.Kf2 Lg4 7.fxg4 fxg4 8.Kg1 f3 9.Kf2 h3 10.Kg3 f2 11.Kxf2 h2 12.Kg2 g3 13.Kh1 g2+ 14.Kxg2 h1D+ 15.Kxh1 Sc4 16.Sdxc4#
Tiefe: 92/32 00:01:26 2975MN
Time counted from last step backward, not from start with empty hash. That way DTM- output didn't arise within 5 minutes with 30 threads and 32G hash.

Code: Select all

****  Gustav 4.2 h   64 Bit  ***** 

Matt in 16 Zügen, Weiß beginnt, ,   

Lösung gefunden bei folgenden Parametern: 
Fluchtfelder: 1
Lösezeit:    03 : 26,76 min      Zaehler: 54.340694

1.Sd3-b2 Bc5-c4 2.La2-b3 Bc4-b3 3.Lc1-f4 Bg5-f4 4.Ke2-f2 Lh3-g4 5.Bf3-g4 Bf5-g4 6.Kf2-f1 Bf4-f3 7.Kf1-f2 Bh6-h5 8.Kf2-g3 Bh5-h4 9.Kg3-f2 Bh4-h3 10.Kf2-g3 Bf3-f2 11.Kg3-f2 Bh3-h2 12.Kf2-g2 Bg4-g3 13.Kg2-h1 Bg3-g2 (3)
Last edited by peter on Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 994
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:14 am
Location: Columbus, Ohio USA
Full name: Andrew R Case

Re: Crystal 8

Post by acase »

peter wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:22 pm
acase wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 2:00 pm Have a White to move and mate in 16 :

[d]3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

I'll post a pgn later, however I'm sure it'll be solved before then. ... -21st-2023

9th one on the site counted from above, by Jan Timman.
At the end of author's solution there's a shortcut with 10...Ne6, ...f2 instead there makes DTM 16 from starting position.

3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

Analysis by The Huntsman 1:

1.Sb2 c4 2.Lb3 cxb3 3.Lf4 gxf4 4.Kf2 h5 5.Kg1 h4 6.Kf2 Lg4 7.fxg4 fxg4 8.Kg1 f3 9.Kf2 h3 10.Kg3 f2 11.Kxf2 h2 12.Kg2 g3 13.Kh1 g2+ 14.Kxg2 h1D+ 15.Kxh1 Sc4 16.Sdxc4#
Tiefe: 92/32 00:01:26 2975MN
Time counted from last step backward, not from start with empty hash. From starting position DTM- output didn't arise within 3 minutes with 30 threads and 8G hash.

Code: Select all

****  Gustav 4.2 h   64 Bit  ***** 

Matt in 16 Zügen, Weiß beginnt, ,   

Lösung gefunden bei folgenden Parametern: 
Fluchtfelder: 1
Lösezeit:    03 : 26,76 min      Zaehler: 54.340694

1.Sd3-b2 Bc5-c4 2.La2-b3 Bc4-b3 3.Lc1-f4 Bg5-f4 4.Ke2-f2 Lh3-g4 5.Bf3-g4 Bf5-g4 6.Kf2-f1 Bf4-f3 7.Kf1-f2 Bh6-h5 8.Kf2-g3 Bh5-h4 9.Kg3-f2 Bh4-h3 10.Kf2-g3 Bf3-f2 11.Kg3-f2 Bh3-h2 12.Kf2-g2 Bg4-g3 13.Kg2-h1 Bg3-g2 (3)
That is the correct solution and the correct source from where I got it.

[pgn][Event "2.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2023"]
[Round ""]
[White "Jan Timman"]
[Black ""]
[Result "1-0"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]
[EventDate "2023"]

1. Nb2 $1 (1. Bb3 $2 Nxa4 $11) 1... c4 (1... f4 2. Bb3) 2. Bb3 $1 (2. Ndxc4+ $2 Nxc4 3. Bxc4 f4 $11) 2... cxb3 3. Bf4 $1 gxf4 (3... Bg2 4. Ndc4+ Nxc4 5. Bc7+ Nb6 6. Bxd8 g4 7. Ke3 gxf3 8. Kd4 f2 9. Kc5 f1=Q 10. Bxb6#) 4. Kf2 h5 5. Kg1 h4 6. Kf2 {zz} Bg4 (6... Bf1 7. Kxf1 h3 8. Kg1 h2+ 9. Kxh2 Nxa4 10. Nbc4#) 7. fxg4 fxg4 8. Kg1 $1 h3 9. Kh2 f3 10. Kg3 Ne6 (10... h2 11. Kxh2 f2 12. Kg2 g3 13. Kf1 Nxa4 14. Nbc4#) 11. Nb7# 1-0

Crystal 6 using classical evaluation was able to solve it:

Code: Select all

FEN: 3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1

Crystal 6 PMT bmi2:
classical evaluation enabled
 1/1	00:00	 55k	13,719k	+0.69	1.Bc1-b2
 2/2	00:00	 87k	21,782k	+0.50	1.Nd3xc5 Nb6xa4
 3/3	00:00	 102k	25,556k	+0.50	1.Nd3xc5 Nb6xa4 2.Nc5-b3+ Ka5-b6
 4/4	00:00	 179k	44,845k	+0.50	1.Nd3xc5 Nb6xa4 2.Nc5-b3+ Ka5-b6
 5/5	00:00	 278k	46,394k	+0.52	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.Nc5-b3+ Ka5-a4
 6/6	00:00	 456k	50,674k	+0.48	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nb2xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4
 7/8	00:00	 521k	57,939k	+0.48	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 Nd8-e6 5.Ba6-b5+ Ka4-a5
 8/10	00:00	 1,047k	65,411k	+0.42	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nb2xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-b2 Ka5xa4
 9/12	00:00	 1,146k	63,671k	+0.36	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 f5-f4 5.Ba6-d3 Nd8-e6 6.Nd6-f5
 10/17	00:00	 1,802k	64,347k	+0.33	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 f5-f4 5.Ba6-b5+ Ka4-a5 6.Bb5-d3 Nd8-e6 7.Nd6-c4+ Ka5-a4 8.Bc1-d2
 11/19	00:00	 4,518k	62,751k	+0.26	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 f5-f4 5.Ba6-c4 Bh3-e6 6.Bc4-b5+ Ka4-a5 7.Bb5-d3 Ka5-b6 8.Nd6-e4 Nd8-c6 9.Bc1-b2 g5-g4
 12/19	00:00	 4,730k	63,063k	+0.22	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 f5-f4 5.Nd6-e4 Nd8-e6 6.Ba6-c4 Ka4-a5 7.Ne4-f2 Bh3-f5 8.Bc1-b2 Ka5-b6 9.Nf2-d3 g5-g4 10.f3xg4 Bf5xg4+ 11.Ke2-f2
 13/21	00:00	 5,067k	63,337k	+0.22	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2xc4 Nb6xa4 3.Nb2xa4 Ka5xa4 4.Bc4xa6 f5-f4 5.Nd6-e4 Nd8-e6 6.Ba6-c4 Ka4-a5 7.Ke2-f2 g5-g4 8.f3xg4 Bh3xg4 9.Bc1-d2 Ne6-d4
 14/23	00:00	 8,626k	61,617k	+0.24	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 5.Be3-d4 Nd8-c6 6.Nc5-b7+ Ka5-a4 7.Bd4-f6 Bh3-c8 8.Nb7-d6 Bc8-d7 9.Bc4xa6
 15/24	00:00	 19,099k	60,060k	+0.20	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc4-b3 Ka5-b6 5.Nb2-d3 a6-a5 6.Bc1-b2 Bh3-e6 7.Nd3-c1 Be6-d7 8.Bb2-g7 h6-h5 9.Bg7-d4+ Kb6-c6
 16/27	00:00	 25,348k	60,209k	+0.17	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.Nc5-b3+ Ka5-b6 5.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-c7 6.f3-f4 Bh3-g4+ 7.Ke2-d2 Kc7-d6 8.Be3-c5+ Kd6-d7 9.f4xg5 h6xg5 10.Bc4xa6 Nd8-c6 11.Ba6-b5 Kd7-c7
 17/29	00:00	 26,978k	60,219k	+0.15	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.Nc5-b3+ Ka5-b6 5.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-c7 6.f3-f4 Bh3-g4+ 7.Ke2-d2 g5xf4 8.Be3xf4+ Kc7-c6 9.Bf4xh6 Nd8-b7 10.Nb3-d4+ Kc6-b6 11.Bh6-f8 a6-a5 12.Bc4-d5 Nb7-c5 13.Kd2-e3
 18/29	00:00	 32,574k	60,100k	+0.14	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Nd8-c6 6.Bc5-f8 Be6-d5 7.Bf8-g7 h6-h5 8.Ba6-c8 Bd5-c4 9.Bc8-d7 Ka4-b5 10.Bg7-f6
 19/32	00:00	 36,700k	60,066k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Nc6-e5 h6-h5 9.Ke2-f2 g5-g4 10.Ne5-g6 Ka6-b5 11.Bc5-e7 Kb5-c6 12.Ng6xf4 Kc6-d7 13.Be7-f6 g4xf3 14.Nf4xh5
 20/34	00:00	 40,672k	60,255k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Bc5-e7 g5-g4 9.Nc6-e5 h6-h5 10.Ke2-f2 Ka6-b5 11.Ne5-g6 Kb5-c6 12.Be7-f6 g4xf3 13.Kf2xf3 Kc6-c5 14.Ng6xf4 Be6-d5+ 15.Kf3-e2
 21/33	00:00	 49,859k	60,362k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Nc6-d4 Be6-c4+ 9.Ke2-f2 h6-h5 10.Bc5-e7 g5-g4 11.Be7-d6 Ka6-b6 12.f3xg4 h5xg4 13.Bd6xf4 Kb6-c5 14.Nd4-f5 Kc5-d5 15.Nf5-d6 Bc4-a6 16.Kf2-g3
 22/32	00:01	 62,498k	60,677k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Nc6-d4 Be6-c4+ 9.Ke2-f2 h6-h5 10.Nd4-c2 Ka6-b7 11.Bc5-e7 g5-g4 12.Be7-g5 g4xf3 13.Kf2xf3 Kb7-c6 14.Kf3xf4 Kc6-d7 15.Nc2-d4 Bc4-d3 16.Bg5-f6
 23/34	00:01	 83,468k	60,616k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Nc6-e5 h6-h5 9.Bc5-e7 g5-g4 10.Ke2-f2 Ka6-b6 11.Ne5-d3 Kb6-c6 12.Nd3xf4 g4xf3 13.Kf2xf3 Kc6-c7 14.Be7-f6 Be6-g4+ 15.Kf3-g3 Kc7-d7 16.Kg3-h4 Kd7-e8 17.Bf6-d4
 24/36	00:01	 97,744k	60,635k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Bc1-e3 f5-f4 4.Be3xc5 Bh3-e6 5.Bc4xa6 Ka4-a5 6.Nd3xb4 Nd8-c6 7.Nb4xc6+ Ka5xa6 8.Nc6-e5 h6-h5 9.Ke2-f2 g5-g4 10.Ne5-g6 Ka6-b5 11.Bc5-e7 Kb5-c6 12.Ng6xf4 Kc6-d7 13.Be7-f6 g4xf3 14.Kf2xf3 Be6-g4+ 15.Kf3-g3 Kd7-e8 16.Kg3-h4 Bg4-d1 17.Bf6-g7 Ke8-f7 18.Bg7-b2 Bd1-f3
 25/33	00:02	 125,041k	60,700k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-b7 7.Bc4xe6 Kb7xa6 8.f4xg5 h6xg5 9.Be3xg5 Ka6-b5 10.Ke2-d3 Bh3-g2 11.Kd3-d4 Bg2-f3 12.Bg5-c1 Bf3-e2 13.Bc1-e3 Be2-g4 14.Be6-d5 Bg4-d1 15.Kd4-e5
 26/34	00:02	 156,144k	60,780k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-b7 7.Bc4xe6 Kb7xa6 8.f4xg5 h6xg5 9.Be3xg5 Ka6-b5 10.Ke2-d3 Bh3-g2 11.Kd3-d4 Bg2-f1 12.Bg5-d2 Kb5-a4 13.Be6-d7+ Bf1-b5 14.Bd7xf5 Bb5-a6 15.Bf5-e4 Ba6-f1 16.Kd4-c5 b4-b3
 27/30	00:02	 179,730k	60,781k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-b7 7.Bc4xe6 Kb7xa6 8.f4xg5 h6xg5 9.Be3xg5 Ka6-b5 10.Ke2-d3 Bh3-g2 11.Kd3-d4 Kb5-a4 12.Be6xf5 Bg2-f1 13.Bf5-e6 Bf1-a6 14.Bg5-d2 Ba6-e2 15.Kd4-c5 b4-b3 16.Bd2-c1
 28/32	00:03	 231,557k	60,443k	+0.14	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-b7 7.Bc4xe6 Kb7xa6 8.f4xg5 h6xg5 9.Be3xg5 Ka6-b5 10.Ke2-d3 Bh3-g2 11.Kd3-d4 Kb5-a4 12.Be6xf5 Bg2-f1 13.Bf5-e6 Bf1-a6 14.Bg5-d2 Ba6-f1 15.Be6-d5 Bf1-e2 16.Kd4-c5 b4-b3
 29/42	00:05	 321,345k	60,199k	+0.14	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.Bc1-e3+ Kb6-b7 7.Bc4xe6 Kb7xa6 8.f4xg5 h6xg5 9.Be3xg5 Ka6-b5 10.Ke2-d3 Bh3-g4 11.Kd3-d4 Bg4-f3 12.Be6xf5 b4-b3 13.Kd4-c3 Bf3-d5 14.Bg5-c1 Kb5-c5 15.Bc1-e3+ Kc5-d6
 30/38	00:06	 395,594k	60,194k	+0.13	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Ka5xa4 3.Nd3xc5+ Ka4-a5 4.f3-f4 Ka5-b6 5.Nc5xa6 Nd8-e6 6.f4xg5 h6xg5 7.Bc4xe6 Kb6xa6 8.Bc1xg5 Bh3-g4+ 9.Ke2-d3 Ka6-b5 10.Kd3-d4 Bg4-d1 11.Be6-d7+ Kb5-b6 12.Bd7xf5 Kb6-c6 13.Kd4-c4 b4-b3 14.Bg5-f6 Bd1-c2 15.Bf5-e6
 31/44	00:09	 556,247k	60,031k	+0.12	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4 2.Ba2xc4 Nd8-b7 3.Bc4-d5 c5-c4 4.Bd5xc4 Ka5xa4 5.Bc4xa6 Nb7-d6 6.Bc1-e3 b4-b3 7.Be3-c5 Ka4-a5 8.Bc5xd6 Ka5xa6 9.Nd3-c5+ Ka6-b5 10.Nc5xb3 f5-f4 11.Ke2-f2 Kb5-c6 12.Bd6-f8 h6-h5 13.Bf8-h6 g5-g4 14.Bh6xf4 g4xf3 15.Kf2xf3 Bh3-e6 16.Nb3-d2 h5-h4 17.Bf4-g5 h4-h3 18.Kf3-g3 Kc6-d7 19.Nd2-e4 Kd7-e8 20.Bg5-f4 Ke8-f7
 32/45-	00:13	 841,501k	60,588k	+0.10	1.Nd6-c4+ Nb6xc4
 32/46+	00:14	 864,159k	60,634k	+0.12	1.Nd3-b2
 32/51+	00:15	 936,681k	60,950k	+0.32	1.Nd3-b2
 32/62	00:17	 1,045,663k	61,153k	+0.32	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 Nd8-c6 5.Bc4-d5 Nc6-e5 6.Bd2-e1 Bh3-g2 7.Be1-f2 g5-g4 8.Bd5-b3 Bg2xf3+ 9.Ke2-f1 Bf3-e4 10.Bf2-a7 Be4-d3+ 11.Kf1-e1 Bd3-g6 12.Ba7-b8 Ne5-f3+ 13.Ke1-f2 Ka5-b6 14.Bb8xf4 h6-h5 15.Bb3-c4 a6-a5 16.Bc4-b3 Kb6-c6 17.Nb2-c4 h5-h4 18.Nc4xa5+ Kc6-b6 19.Na5-c4+ Kb6-c5 20.Bf4-e3+ Kc5-c6 21.Nc4-a5+ Kc6-c7 22.Bb3-e6 Nf3-e5 23.Na5-c4 Ne5xc4 24.Be6xc4
 33/59-	00:18	 1,128,459k	61,110k	+0.29	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4
 33/63-	00:19	 1,176,810k	61,092k	+0.27	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4
 33/63-	00:21	 1,286,388k	61,152k	+0.22	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4
 33/63+	00:21	 1,292,965k	61,159k	+0.24	1.Nd3-b2
 33/66	00:21	 1,304,729k	61,174k	+0.25	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Bc6-b7 21.Be6xg4 Ne4-f6 22.Bg4-e2 Nf6-d5+ 23.Nc7xd5 Bb7xd5 24.Be2xa6 Bd5-c6 25.Ba6-c8 Kc5-d5 26.Bc8-g4 Bc6-b5 27.Bg4-f3+ Kd5-c5 28.Bf4-g3
 34/66	00:21	 1,340,307k	61,232k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c4 26.Ke3-f4 Kc5-d5 27.Be5-c3 Bc4-b5 28.Bg4-f3+ Kd5-d6 29.Kf4-g5 Bb5-c6 30.Bc3-b4+ Kd6-c7 31.Bf3-g4
 35/65	00:22	 1,399,517k	61,248k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c4 26.Ke3-f4 Bc4-b5 27.Kf4-g5 Bb5-c4 28.Kg5-f6 Bc4-d3 29.Be5-f4 Kc5-d4 30.Bf4-c7 Bd3-c4 31.Bc7-b6+ Kd4-e4 32.Bg4-f5+ Ke4-f3
 36/72	00:27	 1,691,953k	60,652k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c4 26.Be5-c7 Kc5-d5 27.Bc7-g3 Bc4-b3 28.Bg4-f3+ Kd5-c5 29.Ke3-f4 Bb3-d5 30.Bf3-g4 Kc5-d6 31.Kf4-f5+ Kd6-e7
 37/40-	00:47	 2,849,565k	59,500k	+0.16	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4
 37/79+	00:49	 2,922,633k	59,587k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2
 37/79	00:49	 2,946,919k	59,612k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c6 26.Be5-b8 Kc5-d5 27.Ke3-f4 Kd5-d4 28.Bg4-f5 Kd4-d5 29.Kf4-g5 Kd5-c5 30.Bb8-a7+ Kc5-c4
 38/63	00:50	 3,033,856k	59,639k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c6 26.Be5-g3 Kc5-d5 27.Ke3-f4 Kd5-d6 28.Kf4-f5+ Kd6-d5 29.Bg4-h5 Kd5-d4 30.Bg3-f2+ Kd4-c3 31.Bh5-f7 Bc6-b5 32.Bf7-d5 Bb5-d3+ 33.Kf5-e5
 39/65	00:58	 3,482,801k	59,388k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-f6 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-e5 Nf6-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c6 26.Be5-g3 Kc5-d5 27.Bg3-c7 Kd5-c5 28.Ke3-f4 Kc5-d5 29.Bc7-e5 Bc6-b5 30.Bg4-f5 Bb5-c4
 40/68	01:04	 3,811,911k	59,456k	+0.18	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Nc6-e7 8.Bf2-c5 Ne7-f5 9.Bc4-b3 Bd7xa4 10.Bb3-e6 Nf5-g3+ 11.Ke2-f2 Ba4-b5 12.Nd3xb4 g5-g4 13.Nb4-d5 Bb5-c6 14.Bc5-d6 Ka5-b5 15.Nd5-c3+ Kb5-b6 16.f3xg4 h5xg4 17.Nc3-d5+ Kb6-b5 18.Bd6xf4 Kb5-c5 19.Nd5-c7 Ng3-e4+ 20.Kf2-e3 Ne4-c3 21.Nc7xa6+ Kc5-b5 22.Na6-c7+ Kb5-c5 23.Bf4-g3 Nc3-d5+ 24.Nc7xd5 Bc6xd5 25.Be6xg4 Bd5-c6 26.Bg4-c8 Kc5-d5 27.Ke3-f4 Bc6-b5 28.Kf4-f5 Bb5-d3+ 29.Kf5-f6 Bd3-b5 30.Bc8-e6+ Kd5-e4 31.Bg3-c7 Ke4-d4 32.Bc7-b6+ Kd4-e4 33.Be6-f5+ Ke4-d5 34.Bf5-b1
 41/58+	01:10	 4,208,780k	59,498k	+0.20	1.Nd3-b2
 41/60+	01:12	 4,292,834k	59,523k	+0.21	1.Nd3-b2
 41/63	01:14	 4,422,654k	59,572k	+0.21	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Nd6xc4+ Nb6xc4 3.Ba2xc4 f5-f4 4.Bc1-d2 h6-h5 5.Bd2-e1 Bh3-d7 6.Nb2-d3 Nd8-c6 7.Be1-f2 Bd7-e8 8.Bc4-b3 Nc6-d8 9.Bf2-c5 Be8xa4 10.Bc5xb4+ Ka5-b5 11.Bb3-d5 Nd8-c6 12.Bb4-c3 g5-g4 13.Ke2-d2 a6-a5 14.Bd5-f7 g4xf3 15.Bc3-f6 Nc6-b4 16.Bf7-e8+ Nb4-c6 17.Be8xh5 Nc6-b4 18.Bh5-e8+ Nb4-c6 19.Nd3xf4 Ba4-b3 20.Bf6-h4 a5-a4 21.Kd2-c3 Bb3-g8 22.Nf4-d3 Kb5-b6 23.Bh4-f2+ Kb6-c7 24.Bf2-c5 Bg8-e6 25.Kc3-d2 Be6-c4 26.Be8-h5
 42/57+	01:18	 4,674,906k	59,657k	+0.26	1.Nd3-b2
 42/65+	01:30	 5,382,002k	59,669k	+0.28	1.Nd3-b2
 42/65+	02:37	 9,904,653k	62,771k	+65.34	1.Nd3-b2
 42/65	03:16	 12,781,842k	65,121k	+M16	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2-b3 c4xb3 3.Bc1-f4 g5xf4 4.Ke2-f2 Bh3-g4 5.f3xg4 f5xg4 6.Kf2-g1 h6-h5 7.Kg1-f2 f4-f3 8.Kf2-g3 h5-h4+ 9.Kg3-f2 h4-h3 10.Kf2-g3 f3-f2 11.Kg3xf2 h3-h2 12.Kf2-g2 g4-g3 13.Kg2-h1 g3-g2+ 14.Kh1xg2 h2-h1R 15.Kg2xh1 Nb6xa4 16.Nb2-c4+
 43/31	03:20	 13,111,476k	65,450k	+M16	1.Nd3-b2 c5-c4 2.Ba2-b3 c4xb3 3.Bc1-f4 g5xf4 4.Ke2-f2 Bh3-g4 5.f3xg4 f5xg4 6.Kf2-g1 h6-h5 7.Kg1-f2 f4-f3 8.Kf2-g3 h5-h4+ 9.Kg3-f2 h4-h3 10.Kf2-g3 f3-f2 11.Kg3xf2 h3-h2 12.Kf2-g2 g4-g3 13.Kg2-h1 g3-g2+ 14.Kh1xg2 h2-h1R 15.Kg2xh1 Nb6xa4 16.Nb2-c4+

Posts: 895
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:30 pm
Full name: Esmeralda Pinto

Re: Crystal 8

Post by chessica »

chessica wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:22 am Matefish 3.0 64 by the Stockfish developers and J. Oster
posaition fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
Unknown command: posaition fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
position fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
setoption name PNS Hash value 1024
setoption name ProofNumberSearch value true
go mate 13
info string Starting Proof-Number Search ...
info time 849 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 609282 nps 717646 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1215604 nps 1158821 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1249 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1807687 nps 1447307 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1449 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 2401920 nps 1657639 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1649 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3004987 nps 1822308 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1849 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3604701 nps 1949540 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 2049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 4188870 nps 2044348 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 3049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 7103177 nps 2329674 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 4049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 9988414 nps 2466884 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 5049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 12898496 nps 2554663 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 6049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 15851284 nps 2620480 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 7049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 18843858 nps 2673266 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 8049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 21806852 nps 2709262 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 9049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 24764523 nps 2736713 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 10049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 27659978 nps 2752510 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 12549 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 35038314 nps 2792120 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 15049 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 42597791 nps 2830606 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 17549 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 49991116 nps 2848658 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info string Running out of memory ... <<<--- :( :( :( :( :(
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Failure! No mate found!
info time 19357 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 55090593 nps 2846029 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
bestmove h5g5
Matefish 3.2 64 by the Stockfish developers and J. Oster
position fen 3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - 0 1
setoption name PNS Hash value 1024
setoption name ProofNumberSearch value true
go mate 13
info string Starting Proof-Number Search ...
info time 767 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 618811 nps 806794 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1221871 nps 1263568 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1167 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 1810102 nps 1551072 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1367 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 2415829 nps 1767248 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1567 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3032743 nps 1935381 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1767 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 3641219 nps 2060678 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 1967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 4228965 nps 2149956 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 2967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 7103910 nps 2394307 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 3967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 10019451 nps 2525699 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 4967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 12983407 nps 2613933 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 5967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 15962996 nps 2675213 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 6967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 19015452 nps 2729360 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 7967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 22031626 nps 2765360 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 8967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 24828193 nps 2768840 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 9967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 27696331 nps 2778803 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 12467 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 35180890 nps 2821921 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 14967 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 42700400 nps 2852969 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info time 17467 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 49973210 nps 2861007 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Running out of memory ...
info string Failure! No mate found!
info time 19261 multipv 1 depth 25 seldepth 25 nodes 55001341 nps 2855580 tbhits 0 score cp 0 pv h5g5
bestmove h5g5
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12721
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Crystal 8

Post by Dann Corbit »

From the Arves page mentioned, these are the problems with annotations stripped:
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Eduard Eilazyan"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2B3k1/1K6/1Pn5/5p2/4P3/5q2/PP3Q1p/7b w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. Be6+ Kg7 2. Qxh2 Qxe4 3. Bxf5 Na5+ 4. Ka6 Qa8+ 5. Kb5 Bc6+ 6. Kb4 Qf8+
7. Kxa5 Qc5+ 8. Ka6 Qc4+ 9. Ka7 Qxa2+ 10. Kb8 Qa8+ 11. Kc7 Qb7+ 12. Kd8

[Event "1. hm. UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Alain Pallier"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/2rPQ3/K3P3/4n3/P1P3P1/2P3pP/3r1Nk1/1n6 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]

1. Ne4 Rb2 2. d8=Q Rc6+ 3. Ka7 Rxc4 4. Qde8 Rxe4 5. Qa8 Nxc3 6. Qa3 Re2 7.
Qxc3 Kh2 8. Qxe4 Rxe4 9. e7 Nxg4 10. Qc2+ Nf2 11. Qxe4 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Vladislav Tarasiuk"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2N4K/4N3/8/8/1p1p4/1k6/4P3/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "15"]

1. Nc6 d3 2. exd3 Kc3 3. d4 b3 4. Nb6 Kd3 5. Na4 Kc4 6. Kg7 Kb5 7. Nc3+
Kxc6 8. Kf6 1-0

[Event "1.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Oleg Pervakov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "Q4N2/8/8/8/b4P1k/3p3P/3Kp2n/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Ng6+ Kg3 2. Nh4 Kxh4 3. Ke1 Bc6 4. Qh8+ Kg3 5. Qg7+ Kxh3 6. Qh6+ Kg3 7.
Qg6+ Kh4 8. Qxc6 Nf3+ 9. Qxf3 d2+ 10. Kf2 e1=Q+ 11. Kg2 Qe2+ 12. Qxe2 d1=Q
13. Qe7+ Kh5 14. Qg5# 1-0

[Event "1.p UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Valery Kalashnikov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1Q1b1B1R/7P/2r3kn/8/1p6/2r2p2/4p3/1K6 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Qg3+ Bg5 2. Rg8+ Kxh7 3. Rg7+ Kh8 4. Rxg5 e1=Q+ 5. Qxe1 Rc1+ 6. Qxc1
Rxc1+ 7. Kb2 f2 8. Bg7+ Kh7 9. Bd4 Rb1+ 10. Ka2 b3+ 11. Ka3 Ng4 12. Bxf2
Nxf2 13. Rg3 b2 14. Ka2 1/2-1/2

[Event "1.p-3.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michael Pasman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1Bq5/5P2/6k1/8/6P1/2r3p1/8/2R1K2R w K - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "28"]

1. f8=N+ Kg5 2. Nh7+ Kg6 3. Nf8+ Kf6 4. O-O+ Kg5 5. Bxg3 Rxg3+ 6. Kh2 Qxg4
7. Ne6+ Kh4 8. Nf4 Rg1 9. Ng6+ Qxg6 10. Rxg1 Qd3 11. Rge1 Qd2+ 12. Kh1 Kh3
13. Rc3+ Qxc3 14. Re3+ Qxe3 1/2-1/2

[Event "1.p-3.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Oleg Pervakov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6K1/1n2Np2/2p2kP1/p3n3/2p1pN2/6P1/3P1P1P/3b4 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. g7 e3 2. fxe3 c3 3. dxc3 Nd6 4. Kh7 Bc2+ 5. e4 Bxe4+ 6. Kh8 Ng6+ 7.
Nfxg6 fxg6 8. Ng8+ Ke5 9. Nh6 Bd5 10. Ng4+ Kf5 11. Ne3+ Kf6 12. Nxd5+ 1-0

[Event "1.p-3.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Serhiy Didukh"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/3P4/3b4/2p1pN2/2PRP1pp/1BP5/r3k2K w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "18"]

1. Rd2 Rb1 2. Bc1 Rxc1 3. Re2+ Kf1 4. d7 Be6 5. d8=Q Bg4 6. Qd2 Bf3+ 7. Rg2
hxg2+ 8. Nxg2 Rd1 9. Qe1+ Rxe1 1/2-1/2

[Event "2. hm. UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Oleg Pervakov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "7K/3pp2p/5kPp/3P2nP/4P1p1/4P3/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "17"]

1. g7 d6 2. e5+ dxe5 3. e4 g3 4. Kg8 g2 5. Kf8 Ne6+ 6. dxe6 g1=Q 7. g8=Q
Qxg8+ 8. Kxg8 Kxe6 9. Kg7 1-0

[Event "2.c UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Mario Micaloni &amp;Daniele Gattti"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/5P2/p1b1pp2/6kp/4P1p1/3B4/4K2R w K - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]

1. O-O f4 2. Rc1 h3 3. Rc4 a4 4. Kh1 a3 5. Rxc5 a2 6. Rc1 h2 7. Bc3 Kh3 8.
Rc2 f3 9. Rxh2+ gxh2 10. f7 f2 11. f8=Q 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Hlinka &amp; Luboš Kekely"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/4B3/2P5/5p2/P7/4P2r/5n2/k1K3n1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "33"]

1. c7 Ne2+ 2. Kc2 Rh1 3. Ba3 Nd4+ 4. exd4 Rh8 5. d5 Rc8 6. d6 Ka2 7. Bc5
Ne4 8. d7 Rxc7 9. d8=Q Rxc5+ 10. Kd3 Ka3 11. a5 Rc6 12. Qf8+ Ka4 13. Qe8
Kb5 14. Kd4 Nf6 15. Qe5+ Ka6 16. Qxf5 Rd6+ 17. Kc4 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Pasman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2K5/R2n3N/8/1P1P4/8/4p3/1N2k1p1/6r1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "39"]

1. Ra2 Rc1+ 2. Nc4+ Kf1 3. Ra1 Rxa1 4. Nxe3+ Kf2 5. Nxg2 Ra7 6. Nf8 Nb6+ 7.
Kb8 Rf7 8. d6 Rxf8+ 9. Kc7 Nd5+ 10. Kc6 Nb4+ 11. Kc5 Nd3+ 12. Kd4 Ke2 13.
Kd5 Rf5+ 14. Ke6 Rxb5 15. d7 Nc5+ 16. Kd6 Nxd7 17. Nf4+ Kf3 18. Ne6 Rb7 19.
Nd8 Ra7 20. Nc6 1/2-1/2

[Event "2.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Jan Timman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]

1. Nb2 c4 2. Bb3 cxb3 3. Bf4 gxf4 4. Kf2 h5 5. Kg1 h4 6. Kf2 Bg4 7. fxg4
fxg4 8. Kg1 h3 9. Kh2 f3 10. Kg3 Ne6 11. Nb7# 1-0

[Event "2.p UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.07"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Pasman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/3P3P/P6q/8/4P3/6K1/7p/k7 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. a7 h1=N+ 2. Kg2 Qg6+ 3. Kf1 Ng3+ 4. Kf2 Nxe4+ 5. Ke3 Qh6+ 6. Kd4 Qg7+ 7.
Ke3 Qh8 8. d8=Q Qxd8 9. Kxe4 Kb2 10. Kf5 Kc3 11. Kg6 Qf8 12. a8=Q 1/2-1/2

[Event "3.c UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Vasily Murashov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/2k2K2/2p5/4Pp2/N2R4/6r1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Ke4 Rg2 2. Rd5+ Kb6 3. Nc3 f2 4. Rd6+ Kc5 5. Rf6 Rg4+ 6. Ke5 Rg5+ 7. Ke6
Rg6 8. Ne4+ Kb4 9. Nxf2 Rg3 10. e4 c3 11. Ke5 c2 12. Rc6 Rc3 13. Nd3+ Rxd3
14. Rxc2 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Hlinka &amp; Mario Garcia"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2022"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "5rk1/1n2K3/8/3R2P1/4N3/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Nf6+ Kg7 2. Nh5+ Kg8 3. g6 Ra8 4. Kf6 Ra6+ 5. Kg5 Nd6 6. Nf6+ Kh8 7. Rc5
Ra4 8. Kh6 Rh4+ 9. Nh5 Kg8 10. Rc7 Ne8 11. Rc8 Kf8 12. g7+ Kf7 13. Rxe8
Kxe8 14. g8=Q+ 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.08.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Vasily Murashov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6R1/3r4/2n1pP2/2P5/2K2k2/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "28"]

1. Kb5 Nd4+ 2. Kb6 Rf7 3. c6 e5 4. c7 Rxf6+ 5. Ka5 Nc6+ 6. Kb6 Ne7+ 7. Kb7
Re6 8. Rg7 Ke4 9. Kb8 Rb6+ 10. Ka8 Nc8 11. Rd7 Kf5 12. Rd8 Ke6 13. Re8+ Kd6
14. Rxe5 Kxe5 1/2-1/2

[Event "3.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Eduard Eilazyan"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "7B/8/8/N2p4/K2Pp1P1/3p2k1/3P4/b7 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Nb3 Bc3 2. g5 Bxd2 3. g6 Bh6 4. g7 Bxg7 5. Bxg7 e3 6. Bh6 d2 7. Nxd2 e2
8. Bg5 Kg4 9. Bh4 Kxh4 10. Nf3+ Kg4 11. Ne1 Kf4 12. Kb4 Ke3 13. Kc3 Ke4 14.
Nc2 1-0

[Event "3.p UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.08.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Helmut Waelzel"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/7p/1P3P2/2K4n/8/N4r2/8/k7 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. Nc2+ Ka2 2. Nb4+ Ka3 3. b7 Nxf6 4. Kd6 Nd7 5. Kxd7 Rf7+ 6. Kc6 Rxb7 7.
Nc2+ Kb2 8. Kxb7 Kxc2 9. Kc6 Kd3 10. Kd5 Ke3 11. Ke5 Kf3 12. Kf5 h6 13. Kg6
Kg4 14. Kxh6 1/2-1/2

[Event "4.c UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Eduard Eilazyan"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/2B1k2N/4P3/6P1/n2P2K1/1n6/8/6b1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "17"]

1. d5 Nac5 2. g6 Nxe6 3. dxe6 Kxe6 4. Be5 Be3 5. Bh8 Bd4 6. Ng5+ Ke7 7.
Bxd4 Nxd4 8. g7 Nf5 9. Kxf5 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Pavel Arestov &amp; Peter Krug"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r3k3/5q2/N4Q2/7N/8/8/8/3K1n2 w q - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]

1. Nc7+ Qxc7 2. Ng7+ Qxg7 3. Qxg7 O-O-O+ 4. Ke2 Nd2 5. Qc3+ Kb7 6. Qc5 Rd7
7. Ke3 Rd6 8. Kf4 Rd8 9. Kg4 Rg8+ 10. Kh5 Rh8+ 11. Kg6 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.07.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Pavel Arestov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/3N4/1N1p4/5R2/p2K4/7B/n2kq3 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "21"]

1. Nc3+ Kc1 2. Rf2 Qxf2 3. Bf4+ Qxf4 4. Ne2+ Kb2 5. Nxf4 Nb3 6. Nxd5 a2 7.
Nc4+ Kc1 8. Nf4 Nc5+ 9. Kd4 Na6 10. Kd3 Nc5+ 11. Kd4 1/2-1/2

[Event "4.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Andrzej Jasik"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023.05.07"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2n4k/5R1q/7P/3p2PK/3Pp3/8/4P3/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. g6 Qg8 2. g7+ Kh7 3. Rf8 Ne7 4. Kg5 e3 5. Kh5 Ng6 6. Rxg8 Kxg8 7. Kg5
Ne7 8. Kf6 Nc6 9. h7+ Kxh7 10. Kf7 Nd8+ 11. Ke7 Kxg7 12. Kxd8 1-0

[Event "4.p UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Eduard Eilazyan"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "5K2/8/4PP2/k2p2n1/1q1P2b1/3P4/8/6Q1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]

1. e7 Nh7+ 2. Kg7 Nxf6 3. Qa1+ Kb6 4. Kxf6 Qd6+ 5. Kg5 Qg3 6. Qb2+ Kc6 7.
Qh2 Qxh2 8. e8=Q+ Bd7 9. Qa8+ Kb6 10. Qxd5 1/2-1/2

[Event "5.c UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Valery Kalashnikov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "300"]
[EventDate "2020"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/B7/8/1K4N1/2p5/p2k4/8/5N2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]

1. Nf3 a2 2. Ne1+ Kc3 3. Bb8 Kb2 4. Be5+ c3 5. Nd3+ Kb1 6. Bxc3 a1=Q 7.
Nd2+ Ka2 8. Nb4+ Ka3 9. Nc2+ Ka2 10. Nxa1 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "ACER-PC"]
[Date "2020.05.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Peter Krug &amp; Mario Garcia"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[TimeControl "300"]
[EventDate "2020"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "4Bn1Q/2N1kp2/5pPK/8/8/1q6/5p2/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. Kg7 Nxg6 2. Qh1 Qg3 3. Nd5+ Kd6 4. Nxf6 Nf4+ 5. Kh8 Qc3 6. Kg8 Qxf6 7.
Qc6+ Ke5 8. Qc3+ Kf5 9. Qc2+ Ke6 10. Qc6+ Kf5 11. Qc2+ Kg4 12. Qxf2 1/2-1/2

[Event "5.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michael Pasman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2B2k2/2P3p1/8/1n1NK3/3r4/8/7P/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]

1. Nc3 Nxc3 2. Be6 Re4+ 3. Kf5 g6+ 4. Kf6 Nd5+ 5. Bxd5 Re8 6. Be6 g5 7. h3
Ra8 8. Kg6 Re8 9. Bd7 Ra8 10. Kh7 1-0

[Event "c. UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022"]
[Round "?"]
[White "P. Arestov+M. Hlinka+L. Kekely"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2022"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "K7/3B4/8/1n3R2/8/1N4k1/1p6/3r4 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "33"]

1. Rg5+ Kf4 2. Rf5+ Ke3 3. Re5+ Kf4 4. Rf5+ Kg3 5. Rg5+ Kh4 6. Rg4+ Kh5 7.
Nd2 Rxd2 8. Rb4 Nc7+ 9. Ka7 Nd5 10. Rb3 Kg5 11. Bb5 Nc3 12. Bd3 Kf6 13. Rb4
Ke5 14. Ka6 Nd5 15. Rb3 Kd4 16. Ka5 Rxd3 17. Rxb2 1/2-1/2

[Event "c. UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Pasman"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6K1/1p3p2/3pk3/8/8/8/3N4/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "33"]

1. Nf3 f6 2. Kf8 b6 3. Kg7 Kf5 4. Nd4+ Ke4 5. Nb5 f5 6. Nxd6+ Ke5 7. Nc4+
Kd4 8. Nxb6 f4 9. Nc8 Ke5 10. Nb6 Kd4 11. Nc8 f3 12. Nd6 Ke3 13. Nc4+ Ke2
14. Nd6 f2 15. Ne4 f1=Q 16. Ng3+ Kf2 17. Nxf1 1/2-1/2

[Event "c. UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.07.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michael Gromov &amp; Oleg Pervakov"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/b1K3p1/8/7P/8/1Pk5/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]

1. b4 Be3 2. b5 Kd4 3. b6 Ke5 4. b7 Kf6 5. Kd7 Bf4 6. Ke8 Bg3 7. Kf8 Be5 8.
Ke8 Bd6 9. Kd7 Bb8 10. Ke8 1/2-1/2

[Event "c. UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.08.31"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Zalmen Kornin"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6k1/4p3/8/3P1P2/K7/7n/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "13"]

1. Kb5 Ng5 2. d6 exd6 3. Kc6 Nf7 4. f6 Kh8 5. Kd7 Kh7 6. Ke7 Kg6 7. Ke6

[Event "com. UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Helmut Waelzel"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/4p3/8/1p6/6PK/k7/7N w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "17"]

1. Nf2 b3 2. Ne4 b2 3. Nd2 b1=Q 4. Nxb1 Kxb1 5. Kg4 Kc2 6. Kf4 Kd3 7. Ke5
Ke3 8. g4 Kf3 9. g5 1-0

[Event "sp. cUAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.08.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Alexander Avedisian"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1B3k2/3P4/4p3/4N3/8/8/3q4/6K1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "17"]

1. Kf1 Kg7 2. Ba7 Kf6 3. Bb6 Qc1+ 4. Ke2 Qb2+ 5. Kd1 Qb3+ 6. Ke2 Qb5+ 7.
Kd1 Qxb6 8. Nc6 Qg1+ 9. Ke2 1/2-1/2

[Event "sp. hm UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Michal Hlinka &amp; Lubos Kekely"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "7R/3q4/3r4/1p6/2k5/3p3b/1P2NR1N/1B5K w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "24"]

1. Ng1 d2 2. Bc2 d1=Q 3. Bxd1 Rxd1 4. Rc2+ Kb4 5. Rh4+ Ka5 6. Rxh3 Qxh3 7.
b4+ Ka6 8. Rc6+ Ka7 9. Ra6+ Kb7 10. Rb6+ Kc7 11. Rc6+ Kd7 12. Rd6+ Kxd6

[Event "sp. p UAPA 21th Ty Sec A (tt)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Amatzia Avni"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "k3q3/4p3/Pp6/2p2p2/8/3p3R/KP6/Q5b1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "13"]

1. b3 Qg6 2. Rh8+ Ka7 3. Ra8+ Kxa8 4. Qh8+ Ka7 5. Qh1 Kxa6 6. Qa8+ Kb5 7.
Qa4# 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Marc Gelly"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6k1/2p1p3/2pp4/2p1P3/K1n1P3/4P3/1P2P3/3B4 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "23"]

1. Bb3 d5 2. Bxc4 dxc4 3. e6 Kg7 4. e5 Kg6 5. e4 Kg5 6. Ka5 Kf4 7. Ka6 Kxe4
8. Kb7 Kxe5 9. Kxc7 Kxe6 10. Kxc6 Ke5 11. Kxc5 Ke4 12. Kxc4 1-0

[Event " UAPA 21th Ty sec.B.2. Draw"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.06.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Daniele Gatti &amp; Mario Micaloni"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/5p2/p3p1p1/3pP1Pp/P1kP3P/K3BNR1 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "19"]

1. Rh1 Kd1 2. Kb2 Kxe1 3. Kc3 Kf2 4. Kd4 Kg2 5. Ke5 Kxh1 6. Kxf5 Kg2 7.
Kxe4 Kxf1 8. Kxd3 Kg2 9. Ke2 Kxh2 10. Kf2 1/2-1/2

[Event "sp.p UAPA 21th Ty Sec. B1 Win"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Darko Hlebec"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "2023"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "6K1/1r6/R1P2PPk/p5p1/P5Pp/PQ5P/3q3P/5b2 w - - 0 1"]
[PlyCount "15"]

1. c7 Bxa6 2. c8=Q Rg7+ 3. fxg7 Bxc8 4. Kh8 Be6 5. g8=N+ Bxg8 6. Qb6 Be6 7.
g7 Qd5 8. g8=N+ 1-0
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12721
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Crystal 8

Post by Dann Corbit »

Problem set as EPD with key move:
2B3k1/1K6/1Pn5/5p2/4P3/5q2/PP3Q1p/7b w - - bm Be6+;
8/2rPQ3/K3P3/4n3/P1P3P1/2P3pP/3r1Nk1/1n6 w - - bm Ne4;
2N4K/4N3/8/8/1p1p4/1k6/4P3/8 w - - bm Nc6;
Q4N2/8/8/8/b4P1k/3p3P/3Kp2n/8 w - - bm Ng6+;
1Q1b1B1R/7P/2r3kn/8/1p6/2r2p2/4p3/1K6 w - - bm Qg3+;
1Bq5/5P2/6k1/8/6P1/2r3p1/8/2R1K2R w K - bm f8=N+;
6K1/1n2Np2/2p2kP1/p3n3/2p1pN2/6P1/3P1P1P/3b4 w - - bm g7;
8/8/3P4/3b4/2p1pN2/2PRP1pp/1BP5/r3k2K w - - bm Rd2;
7K/3pp2p/5kPp/3P2nP/4P1p1/4P3/8/8 w - - bm g7;
8/8/5P2/p1b1pp2/6kp/4P1p1/3B4/4K2R w K - bm O-O;
8/4B3/2P5/5p2/P7/4P2r/5n2/k1K3n1 w - - bm c7;
2K5/R2n3N/8/1P1P4/8/4p3/1N2k1p1/6r1 w - - bm Ra2;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - bm Nb2;
8/3P3P/P6q/8/4P3/6K1/7p/k7 w - - bm a7;
8/8/8/2k2K2/2p5/4Pp2/N2R4/6r1 w - - bm Ke4;
5rk1/1n2K3/8/3R2P1/4N3/8/8/8 w - - bm Nf6+;
6R1/3r4/2n1pP2/2P5/2K2k2/8/8/8 w - - bm Kb5;
7B/8/8/N2p4/K2Pp1P1/3p2k1/3P4/b7 w - - bm Nb3;
8/7p/1P3P2/2K4n/8/N4r2/8/k7 w - - bm Nc2+;
8/2B1k2N/4P3/6P1/n2P2K1/1n6/8/6b1 w - - bm d5;
r3k3/5q2/N4Q2/7N/8/8/8/3K1n2 w q - bm Nc7+;
8/8/3N4/1N1p4/5R2/p2K4/7B/n2kq3 w - - bm Nc3+;
2n4k/5R1q/7P/3p2PK/3Pp3/8/4P3/8 w - - bm g6;
5K2/8/4PP2/k2p2n1/1q1P2b1/3P4/8/6Q1 w - - bm e7;
8/B7/8/1K4N1/2p5/p2k4/8/5N2 w - - bm Nf3;
4Bn1Q/2N1kp2/5pPK/8/8/1q6/5p2/8 w - - bm Kg7;
2B2k2/2P3p1/8/1n1NK3/3r4/8/7P/8 w - - bm Nc3;
K7/3B4/8/1n3R2/8/1N4k1/1p6/3r4 w - - bm Rg5+;
6K1/1p3p2/3pk3/8/8/8/3N4/8 w - - bm Nf3;
8/b1K3p1/8/7P/8/1Pk5/8/8 w - - bm b4;
6k1/4p3/8/3P1P2/K7/7n/8/8 w - - bm Kb5;
8/8/4p3/8/1p6/6PK/k7/7N w - - bm Nf2;
1B3k2/3P4/4p3/4N3/8/8/3q4/6K1 w - - bm Kf1;
7R/3q4/3r4/1p6/2k5/3p3b/1P2NR1N/1B5K w - - bm Ng1;
k3q3/4p3/Pp6/2p2p2/8/3p3R/KP6/Q5b1 w - - bm b3;
6k1/2p1p3/2pp4/2p1P3/K1n1P3/4P3/1P2P3/3B4 w - - bm Bb3;
8/8/8/5p2/p3p1p1/3pP1Pp/P1kP3P/K3BNR1 w - - bm Rh1;
6K1/1r6/R1P2PPk/p5p1/P5Pp/PQ5P/3q3P/5b2 w - - bm c7;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12721
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Crystal 8

Post by Dann Corbit »

Quick analysis of the ten positions mentioned in the article

Code: Select all

3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p1P1P2/4b3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 b - - acd 31/18-; acs 285; acn 16352475k; ce -1322; bm Kh7; pv Kh7 Nxe3;
3K1nbr/1p3pp1/6kp/2p2p1R/1p3P2/3Pb3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - acd 31/48; acs 289; acn 15495228k; ce 996; bm Nxe3; pv Nxe3 Kh7 Kc7 Ne6+ Kb6 Nxf4 Rxf5 f6 Rxf4 b3 Qxc5 Be6 Rb4 Rc8 Qxc8 Bxc8 Rxb3 Kg6 Rc3 Bh3 Rxa2 Kg5 d4 f5 Ra8 g6 Nd5 Bg4 Bb5 f4 Nb4 h5 d5 Bf5 d6 f3 Rc7 Kf4 Nd5+ Ke4;
3K2br/1p3pp1/4n1kp/2p2p1R/1p1P1P2/4b3/p1Q1B3/R2N2B1 w - - acd 44/47; acs 284; acn 14421963k; ce 32722; bm Kd7; pv Kd7 Nxd4 Qxc5 b6 Qxb6+ f6 Bxe3 Nxe2 Rh2 Bc4 Qc5 Bd3 Rxa2 Kh7 Rhxe2 b3 Ra7 g5 Qe7+ Kg6 Kd6 Kh5 Rg2 Kh4 Bf2+ Kh3 Qe3+ Kxg2 Qg3+ Kf1 Qxd3+ Kg2 Qg3+ Kf1 Qg1+ Ke2 Re7+ Kd3 Qg3+ Kc4 Qc3+ Kb5 Qxb3+ Ka5;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - acd 51/38; acs 242; acn 2998252k; ce 0; bm Nc4+; pv Nc4+ Nxc4 Bxc4 f4 Nxc5 Kb6 Ne4 Ka5;
4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/2B1K1N1 w - - acd 78/60; acs 294; acn 26313961k; ce 32708; bm Ke2; pv Ke2 Kd7 Kd3 Ke6 Kd4 Kd6 Nf3 Kd7 Kd5 Kc7 Ne5 Kb7 Bf4 Kb6 Kd6 Kb7 Nd7 Ka7 Kc6 Ka8 Nb6+ Ka7 Bd6 Ka6 Bb8 Ka5 Nd5 Ka4 Be5 Kb3 Ne3 Kb4 Kb6 Ka4 Bc3 Kb3 Bd2 Ka4 Kc5 Kb3 Kb5 Ka3 Kc4 Ka4 Nd1 Ka3 Bb4+ Ka2 Kc3 Kb1 Ba3 Ka2 Kb4 Ka1 Kb3 Kb1 Nc3+ Ka1 Bb2+;
5bb1/1p2prrn/3pNp2/5Np1/1p5p/6Pk/4B2P/4K3 w - - acd 87/39; acs 298; acn 8999115k; ce 0; bm Kf2; pv Kf2 b3 Bf1+ Kg4 Ne3+ Kh5 g4+ Kg6 Nf5 h3 Bd3 b2 Bc2 d5 Kf1 b1Q+ Bxb1 b6 Kg1 d4 Bd3 b5 Kf1 b4 Kg1 b3 Bb1 d3 Kf2 b2 Kg3 d2 Nxe7+ Kh6 Nf5+ Kg6 Nh4+ Kh6;
6br/1p2Kpp1/6kp/5N1R/1p1p1P2/3B4/p7/n7 b - - acd 235/15; acs 70; acn 2132222k; ce -32753; bm Kxh5; pv Kxh5 Be2+ Kg6 Nh4+ Kh7 Bh5 g6 Kf6 gxh5 f5 Nc2 Ng6 fxg6 fxg6+;
6br/1p3p1k/5Kpp/5P1B/1p1p3N/1n6/p7/8 b - - acd 245/5; acs 0; acn 646k; ce -32763; bm gxh5; pv gxh5 Ng6 a1Q Nf8+;
qb6/3N2p1/r2p4/pP1k2p1/1pp3R1/6BB/2P1P3/2N1K3 w - - acd 245/10; acs 17; acn 859385k; ce 32758; bm Bh4; pv Bh4 gxh4 Nb3 cxb3 c4+ bxc3 Ra4 Ra7 e4+;
r3k2r/pp3ppp/2b1p3/6P1/3p4/2P2NP1/PP3q1P/R1BQ3K w kq - acd 50/27; acs 293; acn 7827329k; ce -32741; bm c4; pv c4 Bxf3+ Qxf3 Qxf3+ Kg1 Qd1+ Kg2 d3 h4 Rd8 Be3 Qe2+ Bf2 d2 g6 hxg6 Rd1 Qxd1 a3 Qe2 h5 d1Q Kh2 Qxf2+ Kh3 Rxh5+;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12721
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Crystal 8

Post by Dann Corbit »

The Arves problem listed earlier with all positions analyzed:

Code: Select all

8/8/pn1Nn3/k7/Pp4p1/1p3pKp/1N6/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32766; acs 0; acn 107828; pv Nb7+ ; bm Nb7+;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp4p1/1p3pKp/1N6/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32755; acs 0; acn 10440; pv h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm h2;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp4p1/1p3p1p/1N5K/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32754; acs 0; acn 8966; pv Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kg3;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp3pp1/1p5p/1N5K/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32753; acs 0; acn 16645; pv f3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm f3;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp3pp1/1p5p/1N6/6K1 w - - acd 70; ce 32752; acs 0; acn 6601; pv Kh2 f3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kh2;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp3ppp/1p6/1N6/6K1 b - - acd 70; ce -32751; acs 0; acn 4525; pv f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm f3;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k7/Pp3ppp/1p6/1N3K2/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32750; acs 0; acn 10006; pv Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kg1;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p2/Pp3pPp/1p6/1N3K2/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32749; acs 0; acn 4984; pv fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm fxg4;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p2/Pp3pbp/1p3P2/1N3K2/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32748; acs 0; acn 11186; pv fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm fxg4;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p2/Pp3p1p/1p3P1b/1N3K2/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32747; acs 0; acn 4733; pv Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Bg4;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p2/Pp3p1p/1p3P1b/1N6/6K1 w - - acd 70; ce 32746; acs 0; acn 15647; pv Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kf2;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p1p/Pp3p2/1p3P1b/1N6/6K1 b - - acd 70; ce -32745; acs 0; acn 24301; pv Bg4 Kg2 h4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Bg4;
3n4/8/pn1N4/k4p1p/Pp3p2/1p3P1b/1N3K2/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32744; acs 0; acn 27247; pv Kg1 Bg4 Kg2 h4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 f3 Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxf2 g1=Q+ Kxg1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kg1;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4p2/Pp3p2/1p3P1b/1N3K2/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32743; acs 1; acn 31188; pv Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Bg4;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4p2/Pp3p2/1p3P1b/1N2K3/8 w - - acd 70; ce 32742; acs 0; acn 21409; pv Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Kf2;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4pp1/Pp3B2/1p3P1b/1N2K3/8 b - - acd 70; ce -32741; acs 0; acn 3963; pv gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm gxf4;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4pp1/Pp6/1p3P1b/1N2K3/2B5 w - - acd 70; ce 32740; acs 11; acn 243488; pv Bf4 gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Bf4;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4pp1/Ppp5/1B3P1b/1N2K3/2B5 b - - acd 70; ce -32739; acs 1; acn 39914; pv cxb3 Bf4 gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm cxb3;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k4pp1/Ppp5/5P1b/BN2K3/2B5 w - - acd 70; ce 32738; acs 140; acn 3092000; pv Bb3 cxb3 Bf4 gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Bb3;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/5P1b/BN2K3/2B5 b - - acd 70; ce -32737; acs 0; acn 4314; pv c4 Bb3 cxb3 Bf4 gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm c4;
3n4/8/pn1N3p/k1p2pp1/Pp6/3N1P1b/B3K3/2B5 w - - acd 70; ce 32736; acs 112; acn 2358000; pv Nb2 c4 Bb3 cxb3 Bf4 gxf4 Kf2 Bg4 fxg4 fxg4 Kg1 h5 Kg2 f3+ Kg3 h4+ Kf2 h3 Kg3 h2 Kxh2 f2 Kg2 g3 Kf1 g2+ Kxg2 f1=Q+ Kxf1 Nc4 Ndxc4+ ; bm Nb2;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by cma6 »

Werewolf: "I used a combination of Aquarium and Lc0 through Nibbler."
Trying to use Nibbler/lco 31.1 but very difficult as impossible to load .pgn files. I have to copy from .pgn file the position as epd and then can paste onto Nibbler board. Have you found a way to use Nibbler menu File/open pgn?
Also, have you found any instructions on how to use Nibbler to get lc0 statistics and what they mean?
Nibble looks good on the screen but using it is a total mystery with no manual.
Posts: 1965
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by Werewolf »

cma6 wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:01 pm Werewolf: "I used a combination of Aquarium and Lc0 through Nibbler."
Trying to use Nibbler/lco 31.1 but very difficult as impossible to load .pgn files. I have to copy from .pgn file the position as epd and then can paste onto Nibbler board. Have you found a way to use Nibbler menu File/open pgn?
Also, have you found any instructions on how to use Nibbler to get lc0 statistics and what they mean?
Nibble looks good on the screen but using it is a total mystery with no manual.
My apologies for the delay.

No I'm not getting that problem. In Nibbler under FILE - Open pgn it works...

As I understand it the stats (if you mean board arrows) show winning percentage probabilities.
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Re: Crystal 8

Post by jshriver »

Anyone know if this is still actively developed? I see it's 204 updates behind stockfish core. Would love to see an update now that SF17 is out.